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Alternating current impedance measurements have been made over a wide frequency range on the giant axon from the stellar nerve of the squid, Loligo pealii, during the passage of a nerve impulse. The transverse impedance was measured between narrow electrodes on either side of the axon with a Wheatstone bridge having an amplifier and cathode ray oscillograph for detector. When the bridge was balanced, the resting axon gave a narrow line on the oscillograph screen as a sweep circuit moved the spot across. As an impulse passed between impedance electrodes after the axon had been stimulated at one end, the oscillograph line first broadened into a band, indicating a bridge unbalance, and then narrowed down to balance during recovery. From measurements made during the passage of the impulse and appropriate analysis, it was found that the membrane phase angle was unchanged, the membrane capacity decreased about 2 per cent, while the membrane conductance fell from a resting value of 1000 ohm cm.2 to an average of 25 ohm cm.2 The onset of the resistance change occurs somewhat after the start of the monophasic action potential, but coincides quite closely with the point of inflection on the rising phase, where the membrane current reverses in direction, corresponding to a decrease in the membrane electromotive force. This E.M.F. and the conductance are closely associated properties of the membrane, and their sudden changes constitute, or are due to, the activity which is responsible for the all-or-none law and the initiation and propagation of the nerve impulse. These results correspond to those previously found for Nitella and lead us to expect similar phenomena in other nerve fibers.  相似文献   

The change in the transverse impedance of the squid giant axon caused by direct current flow has been measured at frequencies from 1 kc. per second to 500 kc. per second. The impedance change is equivalent to an increase of membrane conductance at the cathode to a maximum value approximately the same as that obtained during activity and a decrease at the anode to a minimum not far from zero. There is no evidence of appreciable membrane capacity change in either case. It then follows that the membrane has the electrical characteristics of a rectifier. Interpreting the membrane conductance as a measure of ion permeability, this permeability is increased at the cathode and decreased at the anode.  相似文献   

Longitudinal alternating current impedance measurements have been made on the squid giant axon over the frequency range from 30 cycles per second to 200 kc. per second. Large sea water electrodes were used and the inter-electrode length was immersed in oil. The impedance at high frequency was approximately as predicted theoretically on the basis of the poorly conducting dielectric characteristics of the membrane previously determined. For the large majority of the axons, the impedance reached a maximum at a low frequency and the reactance then vanished at a frequency between 150 and 300 cycles per second. Below this frequency, the reactance was inductive, reaching a maximum and then approaching zero as the frequency was decreased. The inductive reactance is a property of the axon and requires that it contain an inductive structure. The variation of the impedance with interpolar distance indicates that the inductance is in the membrane. The impedance characteristics of the membrane as calculated from the measured longitudinal impedance of the axon may be expressed by an equivalent membrane circuit containing inductance, capacity, and resistance. For a square centimeter of membrane the capacity of 1 µf with dielectric loss is shunted by the series combination of a resistance of 400 ohms and an inductance of one-fifth henry.  相似文献   

Previous measurements have shown that the electrical properties of the squid axon membrane are approximately equivalent to those of a circuit containing a capacity shunted by an inductance and a rectifier in series. Selective ion permeability of a membrane separating two electrolytes may be expected to give rise to the rectification. A quasi-crystalline piezoelectric structure of the membrane is a plausible explanation of the inductance. Some approximate calculations of behavior of an axon with these membrane characteristics have been made. Fair agreement is obtained with the observed constant current subthreshold potential and impedance during the foot of the action potential. In a simple case a formal analogy is found between the calculated membrane potential and the excitability defined by the two factor formulations of excitation. Several excitation phenomena may then be explained semi-quantitatively by further assuming the excitability proportional to the membrane potential. Some previous measurements and subthreshold potential and excitability observations are not consistent with the circuit considered and indicate that this circuit is only approximately equivalent to the membrane.  相似文献   

The squid giant axon was placed in a shallow narrow trough and current was sent in at two electrodes in opposite sides of the trough and out at a third electrode several centimeters away. The potential difference across the membrane was measured between an inside fine capillary electrode with its tip in the axoplasm between the pair of polarizing electrodes, and an outside capillary electrode with its tip flush with the surface of one polarizing electrode. The initial transient was roughly exponential at the anode make and damped oscillatory at the sub-threshold cathode make with the action potential arising from the first maximum when threshold was reached. The constant change of membrane potential, after the initial transient, was measured as a function of the total polarizing current and from these data the membrane potential is obtained as a function of the membrane current density. The absolute value of the resting membrane resistance approached at low polarizing currents is about 23 ohm cm.2. This low value is considered to be a result of the puncture of the axon. The membrane was found to be an excellent rectifier with a ratio of about one hundred between the high resistance at the anode and the low resistance at the cathode for the current range investigated. On the assumption that the membrane conductance is a measure of its ion permeability, these experiments show an increase of ion permeability under a cathode and a decrease under an anode.  相似文献   

Alternating current measurements have been taken on single Nitella cells over a frequency range from 30 to 2,500,000 cycles per second with the current flow perpendicular to the axis of the cell. The measuring cells were so constructed that electrolytes of any desired concentration could be circulated during the course of the measurements. The cellulose wall which surrounds the cell is found to play an important part in the interpretation of the results obtained. In a mature cell, this cellulose has a specific resistance of about 1000 ohm cm. which is independent of the medium in which the cell is suspended. The thickness of the wall is computed to be about 10 µ. The cell membrane is found to be virtually non-conducting, and to have a capacity of 0.94 µf./cm.2 ± 10 per cent and a phase angle of 80° ± 4°. The specific resistances of the sap were difficult to compute from data on living cells and were unsatisfactory because they were very much dependent upon the medium, while measurements on extracted sap gave 58 ohm cm. ± 8 per cent which was independent of the medium. There are indications that the chloroplasts have impedance properties similar to those of living cells.  相似文献   

The direct current longitudinal resistance of the squid giant axon was measured as a function of the electrode separation. Large sea water electrodes were used and the inter-electrode length was immersed in oil. The slope of the resistance vs. separation curve is large for a small electrode separation, but becomes smaller and finally constant as the separation is increased. An analysis of the resistance vs. length curves gives the following results. The nerve membrane has a resistance of about 1000 ohm cm.2 The protoplasm has a specific resistance of about 1.4 times that of sea water. The resistance of the connective tissue sheath outside the fiber corresponds to a layer of sea water about 20µ in thickness. The characteristic length for the axon is about 2.3 mm. in oil and 6.0 mm. in sea water.  相似文献   

Abstract— Acetylcholine and choline were identified and their concentrations measured, by means of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, in extracts obtained from nerve fibers of the hindmost stellar nerve of the squid Sepioteuthis sepioidea. These compounds were quantitated in samples of stellar nerve devoid of giant fiber, intact giant nerve fiber, extruded axoplasm, and axoplasm-free giant nerve fiber sheaths. In 11 samples of stellar nerve devoid of giant fiber, weighing an average of 20.8 ± 2.3 mg ( s.e.m. ), 756 ± 91 pmol ACh and 8.65 ± 0.62 nmol of choline were found. The total ACh content of the largest fibre in this group (10 μ m in diameter), for a 5 cm length of nerve, is in the order of 0.16 pmol. The average wet weights of a single giant nerve fiber (270-420 μ m in diameter) and its separate components ( s.e.m .; in mg; number of fibers in parentheses) were: intact fiber, 4.58 ± 0.19 (25); extruded axoplasm, 3.38 ± 0.13 (20); sheaths, 1.21 ± 0.11 (16). The average ACh content per unit weight of sample was about 2-3 times higher in the sheaths (5-13 pmol-mg−1) than in the axoplasm (2-4 pmol mg−1), whereas the ACh concentrations estimated per unit volume of cellular water were about 40 times higher in the Schwann cell (107-222 μ m ) than in the axon (2-5 μ m ). These experimental findings establish the presence of ACh in the giant nerve fiber of S. sepioidea. They also indicate the Schwann cells themselves as the main source for the release of ACh, responsible for their long-lasting hyperpolarizations following the conduction of nerve impulse trains by the axon.  相似文献   

Giant axons from the squid, Loligo pealei, were fixed in glutaraldehyde and postfixed in osmium tetroxide. Calcium chloride (5 mM/liter) was added to all aqueous solutions used for tissue processing. Electron-opaque deposits were found along the axonal plasma membranes, within mitochondria, and along the basal plasma membranes of Schwann cells. X-ray microprobe analysis (EMMA-4) yielded signals for calcium and phosphorus when deposits were probed, whereas these elements were not detected in the axoplasm.  相似文献   

Electrical impedance measurements were made upon unfertilized and fertilized eggs of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens, over a frequency range of 0.05 to 10 kc. Average values of 170 ohm cm.2 were obtained for the plasma membrane resistance of the egg, 2.0 µf/cm.2 for the plasma membrane capacity, 86° for the phase angle of the membrane, and 570 ohm cm. for the specific resistance of the interior. These values did not change upon fertilization. No spontaneous rhythmical impedance changes such as have been found by Hubbard and Rothschild in the trout egg were found in frog eggs.  相似文献   

The mechanisms and pathways of synthesis of phosphatidylcholine in the giant fibre system of the squid (Loligo vulgaris) have been examined by incubating the stellate ganglion-nerve preparation or its separated compartments in an artificial bathing solution with labelled choline. Other experiments were done by dissecting the whole stellate ganglion into axoplasm, axon sheath, giant fibre lobe, small fibres and ganglion residue, after incubation. The initial rate of choline incorporation into choline phosphoglycerides was severalfold higher in the lobe than in the axon. Higher lipid radioactivity was recovered in the axon sheath as compared to the axoplasm, and in the small fibres as compared to the ganglion residue which contains its cell bodies. The production of phosphorylcholine and CDP-choline in the intact ganglion-nerve preparation during incubation with choline points to the occurrence of the net synthesis pathway for phosphatidylcholine in this material. Base-exchange activity was also observed in the axon and giant fibre lobe preparations in vitro, but no indication can yet be given whether it also takes place in intact preparations. Electrical stimulation and‘depolarizing’conditions enhance choline phosphorylation in the squid axon and lobe, but decrease phosphatidylcholine labelling.  相似文献   

Following the Oschman and Wall technique, electron-dense structures (EDS) were found on unstained, unosmicated membranes of squid giant synapse axons. These densities contain high concentrations of calcium and phosphorus as identified by energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Based on the signal strength, the quantity is significantly greater than that of other regions of the membrane or tissue spaces. The calcium EDS occur as plaques or globules along the axonic membrane, and small globules are found between sheath cell processes. EDS also occur at the synaptic site. These densities were correlated with the opacity change seen in giant axons. It is proposed that these structures represent sites where the calcium-binding protein found by other investigators has become nearly saturated with calcium.  相似文献   

The synthesis of brain-specific proteins has been examined in perikaryal and axonal regions of the giant fibre system of the squid. After in vitro incubation of stellate ganglia, stellate nerves and isolated giant axons with radioactive amino acids, the labelled soluble proteins have been extracted from the giant fibre lobe, the axoplasm and the axonal sheath of the giant axon and have been separated by gel electrophoresis on a continuous system. In addition, they have been challenged with antisera prepared against the cephalopod brain-specific proteins L1 and L2 and the resulting precipitate has been resolved by sodium dodecyl sulphate-gel electrophoresis. Synthesis of these two proteins appears to be restricted to the giant fibre lobe, while an additional discrete protein band (L5) also becomes clearly labelled in the isolated giant axon. Radioactive components migrating in the region of the L1 and L2 proteins are synthesized in the isolated giant axon. They can be distinguished from tbese proteins on the basis of electrophoretic and immunochemical criteria.  相似文献   

The alternating current resistance and capacity of suspensions of unfertilized and fertilized eggs of Arbacia punctulata have been measured at frequencies from 103 to 1.64 x 107 cycles per second. The unfertilized egg has a static plasma membrane capacity of 0.73 µf./cm.2 which is practically independent of frequency. The fertilized egg has a static membrane capacity of 3.1 µf./cm.2 at low frequencies which decreases to a value of 0.55 µf./cm.2 at high frequencies. The decrease follows closely the relaxation dispersion of the dielectric constant if the dissipation of such a system is ignored. It is considered more probable that the effect is due to a fertilization membrane of 3.1 µf./cm.2 capacity lifted 1.5 µ. from the plasma membrane, the interspace having the conductivity of sea water. The suspensions show a frequency-dependent capacity at low frequencies which may be attributable to surface conductance. The equivalent low frequency internal specific resistance of both the unfertilized and fertilized egg is about 186 ohm cm. or about 6 times that of sea water, while the high frequency data extrapolate to a value of about 4 times sea water. There is evidence at the highest frequencies that the current is penetrating the nucleus and other materials in the cytoplasm. If this effect were entirely due to the nucleus it would lead to a very approximate value of 0.1 µf./cm.2 for the capacity of the nuclear membrane. The measurements do not indicate any change in this effect on fertilization.  相似文献   

A general expression has been derived for the electric impedance of a suspension of spheres each having a homogeneous non-reactive interior and a thin surface layer with both resistance and reactance. The applications and limitations of impedance measurements on such suspensions are discussed.  相似文献   

The alternating current resistance and capacity of suspensions of unfertilized eggs of Asterias forbesi have been measured at frequencies from one thousand to sixteen million cycles per second. The plasma membrane of the egg has a static capacity of 1.10µf/cm.2 which is practically independent of frequency. The suspensions show a capacity dependent on frequency at low frequencies which may be attributable to surface conductance. The specific resistance of the cytoplasm is between 136 and 225 ohm cm. (4 to 7 times sea water), indicating a relatively high concentration of non-electrolytes. At frequencies above one million cycles there is definite evidence of another element of which the nucleus is presumably a part.  相似文献   

Apparatus has been designed and constructed for the measurement of the electric impedance of suspensions of Arbacia eggs in sea water to alternating currents of frequencies from one thousand to fifteen million cycles per second. This apparatus is simple, rugged, compact, accurate, and rapid. The data lead to the conclusions that the specific resistance of the interior of the egg is about 90 ohm cm. or 3.6 times that of sea water, and that the impedance of the surface of the egg is probably similar to that of a "polarization capacity". The characteristics of this surface impedance can best be determined by measurements of the capacity and resistance of suspensions of eggs. No specific change has been found in the interior resistance or the surface impedance which can be related either to membrane formation or to cell division.  相似文献   

Alternating current impedance measurements have been made on several single marine eggs over the frequency range from 1 to 2500 kilocycles per second. The eggs were placed in the center of a short capillary made by heating the end of a 2 mm. thin walled glass tube until it nearly closed, and electrodes were placed in the sea water on each side of the egg. When it is assumed that the membrane conductance is negligible, the membrane capacity and internal resistances of unfertilized and fertilized Arbacia eggs agree with the values obtained from suspensions. Preliminary data on centrifugally separated half Arbacia eggs, and whole Cumingia and Chaetopterus eggs are given.  相似文献   

The changes in the alternating current impedance which occur during activity of cells of the fresh water plant Nitella have been measured with the current flow normal to the cell axis, at eight frequencies from 0.05 to 20 kilocycles per second, and with simultaneous records of the action potential under the impedance electrodes. At each frequency the resting cell was balanced in a Wheatstone bridge with a cathode ray oscillograph, and after electrical stimulation at one end of the cell, the changes in the complex impedance were determined from the bridge unbalance recorded by motion pictures of the oscillograph figure. An extension of the previous technique of interpretation of the transverse impedance shows that the normal membrane capacity of 0.9 µf./cm.2 decreases about 15 per cent without change of phase angle, while the membrane resistance decreases from 105 ohm cm.2 to about 500 ohm cm.2 during the passage of the excitation wave. This membrane change occurs during the latter part of the rising phase of the action potential, and it is shown that the membrane electromotive force remains unchanged until nearly the same time. The part of the action potential preceding these membrane changes is probably a passive fall of potential ahead of a partial short circuit.  相似文献   

From the low frequency alternating current impedance and the volume concentrations of suspensions of Arbacia eggs, it is shown that the high resistance membrane is either at or very near the plasma membrane for both unfertilized and fertilized eggs, and that the specific resistances of the perivitelline space and fertilization membrane are not greatly different from that of sea water. The effect of the capacity element which appears after fertilization at intermediate frequencies is considerably less than in the earlier experiments on Arbacia and Hipponoë eggs. These findings indicate that the fertilization membrane does not have the high capacity previously attributed to it and that the increase in membrane capacity takes place at or near the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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