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Many cytokines have been documented to have a multiplicity of biological effects by acting on a variety of cells. In order to determine whether human BCGF-II acts on any cells in addition to normal B cells, the effect of human BCGF-II on murine thymocytes, human peripheral blood T cells, a human natural killer-like cell line, YT, and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed B-cell lines was further examined. BCGF-II augmented incorporation of [3H]thymidine by murine thymocytes in combination with suboptimal doses (0.5 microgram/ml) of concanavalin A (Con A) but not at lower doses (0.1 microgram/ml) of Con A, a concentration usually used for interleukin 1 (IL-1) assays. BCGF-II could not induce proliferation or Tac antigen (Ag) expression on normal peripheral blood T cells stimulated with OKT3 antibody. Both proliferation and Tac Ag expression on YT cells were also augmented by BCGF-II. BCGF-II induced both high- and low-affinity IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) on YT cells as determined by 125I-IL-2-binding assay. Two of seven EBV-transformed B-cell lines tested (ORSON and AUM cells) in response to BCGF-II exhibited augmentation of proliferation and cell surface Tac Ag expression. BCGF-II in the presence of low doses (0.1 microgram/ml) of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) also induced Tac Ag mRNA (3.5 and 1.5 kb) in these B-cell lines. The IL-2R induced on these B-cell lines, however, consisted mostly of low-affinity receptors. Both Tac Ag and its mRNA in these B-cell lines were not induced by Forskolin but by PMA, suggesting that this induction may involve protein kinase C. The present study shows that human BCGF-II can stimulate YT cells, murine thymocytes, and some EBV-transformed B-cell lines but not peripheral blood T cells. Consequently, BCGF-II can induce the growth and differentiation of a number of cell types in addition to normal B cells.  相似文献   

Regulation of the proliferation of human B lymphocytes is under the control of several different signals. Various B cell growth factors (BCGF) have been described including a 60-kDa BCGF called high m.w. BCGF (HMW-BCGF). In this paper we describe a mAb BA5 that blocks the proliferation of normal activated human B lymphocytes in response to HMW-BCGF and does not affect the proliferation of T cells in response to PHA or IL-2. BA5 shows minimum binding to resting B cells, significantly enhanced binding to resting B cells, significantly enhanced binding to activated B cells and essentially no binding to resting or activated T cells. BA5 recognizes a 90-kDa protein from solubilized membranes of activated B cells. 125I-HMW-BCGF cross-linked to its binding site on activated B cells produces a 150-kDa R-protein complex. Unlabeled HMW-BCGF cross-linked to its binding site on activated B cells produces a 150-kDa band recognized by both BA5 and BCGF/1/C2 (a mAb to HMW-BCGF) using Western blotting. Thus, BA5 recognizes a molecule intimately associated with the receptor for HMW-BCGF which includes a binding site for HMW-BCGF. BA5 can be used to explore the role of HMW-BCGF and B cell proliferation in various aspects of human B cell physiology.  相似文献   

A high m.w. B cell growth factor (50,000 BCGF) prepared from lectin-activated human peripheral blood lymphocyte culture supernatants acts only on B cells preactivated by a first signal. This first signal can be delivered in vitro (with anti-mu antibody (Ab)) or in vivo. Upon costimulation with anti-mu Ab the 50,000 BCGF induces an early and transient proliferative response, whereas the response to interleukin 2 (IL-2) develops more progressively. To determine the respective targets of the 50,000 BCGF and of IL-2, B cells were activated with anti-mu Ab and separated according to the expression of the IL-2 receptor (cluster designation (CD)25 antigen). CD25+ B cells do not respond to the 50,000 BCGF and do not acquire this responsiveness after an additional culture with IL-2. CD25- B cells respond to the 50,000 BCGF and not to IL-2. However, when CD25- B cells are cultured for 3 days with the 50,000 BCGF they become responsive to IL-2. These results demonstrate a pathway of B cell activation based on the ordered and sequential action of anti-mu Ab, the 50,000 BCGF, and IL-2.  相似文献   

This work was focused on the responsiveness of B cells from blood and tonsils to typical B cell growth factors (BCGF) in the absence of anti-mu antibody. This direct responsiveness was not observed with small dense B cells from either organ. Large tonsillar B cells but not large blood B cells did respond directly to a high m.w. BCGF (m.w. 50,000 BCGF), whereas large B cells from both organs responded directly to the low m.w. BCGF (m.w. 20,000 BCGF). The tonsillar B cells directly responsive to the m.w. 50,000 BCGF express the 4F2 marker and thus belong to a population of in vivo-preactivated B cells. Moreover, this direct responsiveness to the m.w. 50,000 BCGF is localized in Leu-1+ tonsillar B cells. The Leu-1+ and Leu-1- tonsillar B cell subsets do not differ in their responsiveness to the m.w. 50,000 BCGF upon costimulation with anti-mu antibody and to the m.w. 20,000 BCGF regardless of the presence of anti-mu antibody. Thus, the Leu-1+ subset present in tonsils shows a particular reactivity to a high m.w. BCGF.  相似文献   

We have purified a novel form of epithelial transforming growth factor (TGFe) from bovine kidney. Acid ethanol extracts of kidney were fractionated by size exclusion, reverse phase and cation exchange chromatography and activity was monitored by measuring growth of SW13 adrenocortical carcinoma cells in soft agar. The purified material was highly cationic, bound weakly to heparin and gave a band at 13-15000 Mr by SDS-PAGE following Bolton-Hunter iodination. This band correspond to the migration of biological activity extractable from gel slices. The results suggest that we have isolated a truncated form of TGFe which nonetheless retains biological activity.  相似文献   

The activation of resting B cells with anti-surface Ig is associated with transient increases in intracellular calcium. In the present study, we demonstrate that stimulation of B cells which have already been activated by Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I (Sac), with high molecular weight B cell growth factor (HMW-BCGF) or low molecular weight B cell growth factor (LMW-BCGF), but not IL-2, IL-4, or interferon-gamma, is associated with an increase in intracellular calcium, which is modest compared to that seen with anti-Ig (approximately 100 nM vs approximately 400 nM). The increases in intracellular calcium induced by HMW-BCGF or LMW-BCGF occur in distinct but overlapping subpopulations of B cells. Thus, increases in intracellular calcium in human B cells occur not only upon activation but also upon the induction of proliferation by certain (but not all) B cell growth factors. Presumably, the effect of increasing intracellular calcium during the induction of proliferation is to modify a different group of intracellular molecules than those induced during activation.  相似文献   

Several human T cell derived factors capable of stimulating human B cells to synthesize DNA have been previously described. One such factor exhibits an apparent m.w. of 50,000 Da and has been termed 50-kDa-B cell growth factor (BCGF). In this report, we show that a human B cell proliferation pathway based on the sequential action of anti-mu antibody, 50-kDa-BCGF and IL-2 is inhibited in the presence of human rIL-4. Although IL-4 itself is capable of triggering B cell DNA synthesis as measured at 72 h, this lymphokine inhibits, in a dose-related manner, the 50-kDa-BCGF driven response of B cells to IL-2 when such proliferation is determined after 144 h. This inhibition takes place at an early step of the B cell activation and does not require the presence of IL-4 during the whole culture period. Such inhibitory activity of IL-4 is specific to the IL-2-induced B cell proliferation because DNA synthesis measured in the presence of semi-purified human 12-kDa-BCGF is not affected by the presence of IL-4. Our results suggest that a particular pathway of human B cell activation leading to the proliferation of these cells in the presence of IL-2 could be either up- or down-modulated by 50-kDa-BCGF and IL-4, respectively.  相似文献   

Quiescent normal human B cells have been shown to require an activation step before proliferating in response to B cell growth factor (BCGF) of 12,000 m.w. (12 kd). One effect of cell activation has been the putative acquisition of specific cell surface growth factor receptors. In this report, the existence of such receptors has been confirmed by using purified radioiodinated BCGF-12 kd. BCGF-12 kd receptors on activated B cells have been shown to be distinct form those interacting with IL 2. Scatchard analysis revealed both high affinity receptor sites with an apparent Kd of 28.6 pM and low affinity receptor sites with Kd of 1.2 nM on freshly prepared, anti-IgM activated peripheral blood B cells. Human B cells grown in culture for extended periods of time in the presence of BCGF-12 kd also displayed high affinity receptor sites (Kd, 41.4 pM) and low affinity receptor sites (Kd, 0.9 nM). The action of BCGF-12 kd therefore appears to be mediated by binding to its lineage-specific receptors on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Three insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBP) with apparent molecular masses of 24, 28-30, and 30 kDa, nonreduced, have been isolated from human serum. The 15 NH2-terminal amino acids of the 24-kDa binding protein are identical with those of the 30-kDa BP. The apparent molecular mass of the latter is reduced to 24 kDa by N-glycanase, suggesting that the 30-kDa BP is the glycosylated form of the isolated 24-kDa BP. The complete amino acid sequences derived from the cloned cDNAs represent two new IGFBPs. They are tentatively termed IGFBP-4 and -5. The prepeptide sequences of BP-4 and -5 contain 27 and 21, the mature proteins 213 and 237 amino acids, respectively (Mr = 22,610 and 25,980). The NH2- and COOH-terminal thirds of BP-4 and -5 display pronounced homology to the other three human BPs. 16 of the 16-20 cysteines and 37 of the 213-289 amino acids (12.8-17.1%) are conserved in all five mature BPs. 10 amino acid positions located in the NH2-terminal region and shared by BP-1, -2, -3, and -5 are different in BP-4. These differences may account for the preferential affinity of BP-4 for IGF II. A most intriguing homology exists between the COOH-terminal quarter of the five IGFBPs, 10 repetitive domains of human thyroglobulin, a gastrointestinal tumor-associated antigen, and the invariant chain of the class II histocompatibility antigen. The cDNAs of five human IGFBPs are now available. They will allow their expression and production in sufficient quantities for in vivo studies to unravel their role in growth and metabolism.  相似文献   

A wide variety of cytokines have been demonstrated to affect B-cell function. However, it is unclear which of these mediators actually exert direct effects on the B cells themselves. In the present study, the direct role of interleukin (IL) 1, IL-2, Interferon-gamma, or Interferon-alpha in human B-cell activation, proliferation, or differentiation was examined and compared with the effects of a B-cell growth factor (BCGF) or a B-cell differentiation factor (BCDF). Highly purified human B lymphocytes were separated according to size into two nonoverlapping populations. The fraction of small B cells was incubated with IL-1, IL-2, Interferon-gamma, Interferon-alpha, BCGF, or BCDF, and cell size changes, RNA synthesis, DNA synthesis, or supernatant immunoglobulin (Ig) production were measured. Neither IL-1, IL-2, Interferon-alpha, Interferon-gamma, nor the BCGF induced substantial cell size changes, RNA synthesis, DNA synthesis, or Ig production by the small fraction of B lymphocytes; however, the BCDF could directly activate a proportion of resting B lymphocytes to secrete Ig. The fraction of large B cells was also incubated with these cytokines. While neither IL-1, Interferon-alpha, nor Interferon-gamma enhanced DNA synthesis or Ig production by the fraction of large B lymphocytes, DNA synthesis was augmented 23-fold by BCGF and IgG production was increased 7-fold by BCDF. Additionally, IL-2 slightly enhanced both proliferation and differentiation of large B cells but substantially less so than BCGF and BCDF; DNA synthesis was increased 4-fold, while Ig production in the presence of IL-2 was increased by approximately 50%. Thus, the most important lymphokines modulating the function of these two fractions of tonsillar lymphocytes were a BCGF and a BCDF.  相似文献   

The detergent-soluble 125I-labeled receptor complex resulting after affinity cross-linking of 125I-heparin-binding growth factor type one (HBGF-1, m = 15.2-kDa) to HepG2 cells had an apparent molecular mass of 145-kDa, eluted from immobilized wheat germ lectin in the presence of N-acetylglucosamine, shifted to apparent mass of 128-kDa when treated with N-glycanase and shifted to apparent mass of 205-kDa after reduction, carboxymethylation and succinylation. Electrophoretic analysis of HepG2 cell membrane proteins revealed a major silver-stained protein of apparent molecular mass of 130-kDa that has correlative properties. These properties were used to purify the 130-kDa HepG2 glycoprotein to apparent homogeneity and suggest the glycoprotein as a candidate for the human HBGF receptor.  相似文献   

Malignant rodent cells transformed by human adenovirus 12 produce a potent cell growth inhibitory factor. The cell growth inhibitory factor inhibits the growth of and DNA synthesis in normal fibroblasts in vitro. Extent of the production of the cell growth inhibitory factor appears to be proportional to that of the malignancy of the transformed cells. C57AT1-AB cells, an adenovirus 12-transformant of C57BL/6 mouse origin, are highly tumorigenic in the syngeneic and allogeneic mice. The cell growth inhibitory factor produced by these cells was characterized for the physicochemical properties; the cell growth-inhibitory activity was quantitatively recovered in the filtrates of YM-2 membrane (M(r) less than 1,000), resistant to the heat treatments at 56 degrees C for 30 min and 100 degrees C for 5 min, and extractable by ethyl acetate under acid-condition. These results suggest that the cell growth inhibitory factor may be lipid or oligopeptides.  相似文献   

By use of immunoblot analysis, we demonstrate the presence of a pro-Epidermal growth factor (EGF) with an approximate molecular weight of 165 kDa in adult mouse urine. In addition, urine contains four high molecular weight EGFs with approximate molecular weights of 116, 97, 66 and 56 kDa. The 165 kDa pro-EGF as well as the 66 and 56 kDa EGFs also are detectable in mouse kidney extract. Neither urine nor kidney contain the mature EGF of 6 kDa. The 165 kDa pro-EGF is the major product synthesized in renal tissue and secreted in urine. The finding of high molecular weight EGFs in urine suggests that part of pro-EGF secreted into urine undergoes partial proteolysis distal to its site of synthesis.  相似文献   

Production of B cell growth factor by normal human B cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although it has been demonstrated that malignant human B cell lines are capable of producing B cell growth factor (BCGF), production of BCGF by normal B cells has not been shown. In this study, we demonstrate BCGF production by normal B cells, achieved by using human peripheral blood B cells prepared by a positive selection technique and stimulated with Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I (SAC) for 12 hr. SAC was removed from the supernatants by anti-SAC-coupled Sepharose. Supernatants absorbed with this antibody were functionally free of SAC, as demonstrated by their inability to activate resting B cells. B cells stimulated with SAC for 12 hr produced BCGF activity that was generally unmeasurable in supernatants by 36 hr. Characterization of BCGF produced by SAC-stimulated B cells revealed a m.w. of 32,000 by high-performance liquid chromatography sieving and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; this BCGF was found to have an isoelectric point of 6.7. Furthermore, this BCGF lacked interleukin 1, interleukin 2, interferon, and B cell differentiation factor activity. This observation that BCGF can be produced by normal human B cells is significant because it demonstrates for the first time that normal B cells have the ability to provide their own growth factors or the growth factors for other B cells.  相似文献   

Hybridomas that secrete monoclonal antibodies specific for the high molecular weight (HMW) form of human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) were established by fusing spleen cells obtained from mice immunized with purified urinary HMW-hEGF with myeloma P3 x 63Ag8.653. The resulting monoclonal antibodies were characterized basically into two groups. One group recognized both EGF and HMW-hEGF, while the other recognized HMW-hEGF specifically on radio immunoprecipitation. Surprisingly, the majority of the isolates was positive by western blotting. Utilizing these monoclonal antibodies for affinity chromatography, we purified HMW-hEGF successfully from urine. These antibodies may be an extraordinarily powerful tool for histological study related to both forms of EGF.  相似文献   

The regulation of Ig class expression has been a controversial area of research. It is well established that T cells, and/or their products, influence which Ig isotype is produced during an immune response. In this study the regulation of Ig secretion of activated human IgM+/A- B cells was examined. Human T cell supernatants induced PWM-activated IgM+/A- B cells to switch to IgA secretion. Purification of the lymphokine mediating this effect involved hydroxylapatite, ion exchange, and gel filtration chromatography. The purified lymphokine could induce switch of IgM+/A- B cells, and it was also capable of inducing proliferation of Staphylococcus aureus Cowan 1 strain (SAC)-activated IgM+/A- B cells. SDS-PAGE and isoelectric focusing indicated the protein mediating this activity had a molecular mass of approximately 14 kDa and a pI of 6.8. These results suggested that the observed activity might be due to low m.w. B cell growth factor (LMW-BCGF), a lymphokine which is capable of inducing proliferation of SAC-activated B cells and has a molecular weight and pI value in the range of the purified protein. Indeed, rLMW-BCGF was able to switch IgM+/A- B-cells to IgA expression and secretion as well as induce the proliferation of SAC-activated IgM+/A- B cells. These results demonstrate that LMW-BCGF is capable of inducing PWM-activated IgM+/A- B-cells to switch to IgA possibly by providing a proliferation signal which induces clonal expansion of IgM+/A- B cells, the progeny of which express a range of isotypes including IgA. This study also demonstrates that lymphokine induced isotype switching involves an intermediate stage of B cell development where human B cells coexpress IgM and a downstream isotype on their surface.  相似文献   

The effects of recombinant interleukin 2 (IL-2) and high m.w. (HMW) B cell growth factor (BCGF) were examined on normal human peripheral blood B cells activated with Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I (SAC). When SAC-activated B cells were separated into Tac-antigen (Tac-Ag)+ and Tac-Ag- fractions by a cell sorter, recombinant IL-2 induced only the Tac-Ag+ cells to proliferate, whereas both Tac-Ag+ and Tac-Ag- cells responded to HMW-BCGF (m.w. 60,000). Alternatively, SAC-activated B cells were separated according to density into three fractions: low density (large) cells (82 +/- 15% Tac-Ag+), intermediate density (medium) cells (45 +/- 13% Tac-Ag+), and high density (small) cells (less than 5% Tac-Ag+). Recombinant IL-2 enhanced proliferation of low density cells the most, intermediate density cells less, and high density cells not at all. HMW-BCGF induced all three fractions to proliferate to approximately the same degree. Finally, the effects of IL-2 and BCGF on the DNA and RNA content of the various fractions of B cells was examined. RNA content was greater in IL-2-stimulated B cells than BCGF-stimulated B cells, whereas DNA content was the same in both cell populations. IL-2 and BCGF may preferentially interact with different subpopulations of B cells. The interaction of IL-2 or BCGF with normal activated B cells may induce both similar and different intracellular events.  相似文献   

PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells respond to nerve growth factor (NGF) protein by shifting from a chromaffin-cell-like phenotype to a neurite-bearing sympathetic-neuron-like phenotype. Comparison of the phosphoprotein patterns of the cells by SDS PAGE after various times of NGF treatment revealed a high molecular weight (Mr greater than or approximately 300,000) band whose relative intensity progressively increased beyond 2 d of NGF exposure. This effect was blocked by inhibitors of RNA synthesis and did not require neurite outgrowth or substrate attachment. The enhancement by NGF occurred in serum-free medium and was not produced by exposure to epidermal growth factor, insulin, dibutyryl cAMP, or dexamethasone. Several different types of experiments indicated that this phosphoprotein corresponds to a high molecular weight (HMW) microtubule-associated protein (MAP). These included cross-reactivity with antiserum against brain HMW MAPs, co-cycling with microtubules and co-assembly with tubulin in the presence of taxol. The affected species also co-migrated in SDS PAGE gels with brain MAP1 and, unlike MAP2, precipitated upon boiling. Studies with [35S]-methionine-labeled PC12 cells indicated that at least a significant proportion of this effect of NGF was due to increased levels of protein rather than to mere enhancement of phosphorylation. On the basis of the apparent effects of MAPs on the formation and stabilization of microtubules and of the importance of microtubules in production and maintenance of neurites, it is proposed that induction of a HMW MAP may be one of the steps in the mechanism whereby NGF promotes neurite outgrowth. Furthermore, these findings may lead to an understanding of the role of MAP1 in the nervous system.  相似文献   

A human Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive lymphoblastoid B cell line, named BA-D10-4, produces a factor of a molecular mass less than 10 kDa that promotes cell proliferation of both BA-D10-4 cells and other human T or B lymphoid cell lines, either EBV-positive or -negative. The factor synergizes with higher molecular mass autocrine growth factors and makes both BA-D10-4 cells and B cell lines from Burkitt's lymphoma, but not cells from T cell leukemia, more responsive to interleukin-1 and interleukin-6. Therefore, this low molecular mass factor seems to be an autocrine growth factor per se and to have the characteristics of a competence factor.  相似文献   

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