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The in vivo differentiation of embryonic chicken lens epithelial cells into lens fibers is accompanied by a marked decrease in the rate of degradation of phosphatidylinositol. The present experiments were undertaken to determine whether a similar change in phosphatidylinositol metabolism occurs during in vitro lens fiber formation in cultured explants of embryonic chicken lens epithelia. Lens epithelial cells in the explants differentiate into lens fibers following the addition of fetal calf serum, insulin or chicken vitreous humor to the culture medium. The results show that phosphatidylinositol is degraded with a half-life of 3-6 h in cultured lens epithelia that are not stimulated to differentiate. In contrast, no degradation occurs for at least 6 h in lens epithelia stimulated to form lens fibers. The stabilization of phosphatidylinositol is apparent within 4 h after the onset of fiber cell formation, and thus represents an early event in differentiation. The rapid degradation of phosphatidylinositol in lens epithelia is accompanied by comparably rapid synthesis. During this metabolic turnover only the phosphorylinositol portion of the molecule is renewed, as expected if hydrolysis occurs by the action of a phospholipase C, such as phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase. Thus, these data suggest that agents which produce in vitro differentiation of embryonic chicken lens epithelial cells into lens fibers lead to a reduction in either the amount or the activity of phospholipase C.  相似文献   

Chromatin in pluripotent embryonic stem cells and differentiation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Embryonic stem (ES) cells are unique in that they are pluripotent and have the ability to self-renew. The molecular mechanisms that underlie these two fundamental properties are largely unknown. We discuss how unique properties of chromatin in ES cells contribute to the maintenance of pluripotency and the determination of differentiation properties.  相似文献   

Chromatin, the basic regulatory unit of the eukaryotic genetic material, is controlled by epigenetic mechanisms including histone modifications, histone variants, DNA methylation and chromatin remodeling. Cellular differentiation involves large changes in gene expression concomitant with alterations in genome organization and chromatin structure. Such changes are particularly evident in self-renewing pluripotent embryonic stem cells, which begin, in terms of cell fate, as a tabula rasa, and through the process of differentiation, acquire distinct identities. Here I describe the changes in chromatin that accompany neuronal differentiation, particularly of embryonic stem cells, and discuss how chromatin serves as the master regulator of cellular destiny.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells derived from mammalian embryos represent indispensable tools for mammalian genetics. Their key features--self-renewal and pluripotency--enable them, on the one hand, to be propagated in culture almost indefinitely and, on the other, to be used to study the molecular details of cell commitment and differentiation. In the past few years, it has become clear that chromatin and epigenetic modifications have a central role in maintaining the gene expression programs that are important for both self-renewal and cell commitment. Therefore, studies focused on the chromatin profiles of embryonic stem cells are likely to be very informative for understanding pluripotency and the process of differentiation, and ultimately for using embryonic stem cells as a tool for cell replacement therapy or as models for the study of genetic diseases, cancer progression or drug testing.  相似文献   

Dissociated cells of the lens epithelium of newly hatched chickens were cultured in vitro to investigate whether cells actively grown in culture retain their own differentive entiative traits to form lens fibers. After an exponential growth phase of the flattened epithelial cells, a number of “islets” of smaller epithelial cells with polygonal shape appeared. Along the periphery of these islets, the characteristic morphological change which leads to the formation of spherical bodies was observed. Electron microscopic observation showed the differentiation of lens fibers in these spherical bodies comparable to those in the lens in situ. Accumulation of δ-chrystallin was confirmed in such “lentoid” bodies. Outgrowth of the lens epithelial cells was maintained in in vitro culture up to about 50 days with several subculturings. The formation of lentoid bodies occurred in each subculture generation, which started from a homogeneous population of flattened epithelial cells. The present culture conditions permit the maintenance of such a population of cells that have a high growth potential and stably retains their differentiative trait to form lens fiber, even after repeated replication under in vitro conditions.  相似文献   

If that portion of a chick embryo destined to form the eye, the lens, part of the brain and the surrounding head region be removed from the chick before the lens has begun to develop, and placed in a liquid culture medium for four days, a structure resembling the lens will form in appropriate proximity to the presumptive retina, and the cells of the lens will synthesize proteins unique to and characteristic of the lens. The time course of morphological development of such explants is here described. In vitro the lens placode dose not invaginate to form a lens vesicle, as it does in ovo. Instead placode cells elongate directly to form fibre cells. The shape of the lens formed in this aberrant manner is remarkably similar to that of normal lens. At least one, and probably all three, of the characteristic crystallins of the lens form in these aberrant lenses, the cytological and biochemical differentiation of which proceeds normally, despite failure of the normal morphogenetic activities of the organ.  相似文献   

Lens capsule collagen synthesis by epithelial and fiber cells was examined by immunoprecipitation and collagenase digestion in embryonic and posthatch chicken eye lens. Epithelial cells and lens fibers in the process of terminal differentiation produce alpha 1 and alpha 2 type IV collagen chains. At 6 days of embryonic development in addition to the alpha 1 (IV) and alpha 2 (IV) collagen chains, lens cells produce high molecular weight collagenase-sensitive proteins not immunologically related to type IV collagen. Lens capsule collagen components have been identified in central and outer fibers isolated from 18-day embryos and from 10-day posthatch chicken eyes. At these stages, fibers which have an increasing number of picnotic nuclei still show collagen synthesis due to long-lived mRNA. Analysis of collagen synthesis by lens cells incubated with actinomycin D suggests that stabilization of collagen mRNA occurs in lens fiber cells and to a lesser extent in epithelial cells as early as 6 days of embryonic development.  相似文献   

NCAM in the differentiation of embryonic lens tissue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM)2 in ocular lens differentiation was investigated in chicken embryos. Changes in expression of NCAM were documented by immunohistology of frozen sections. This analysis revealed that NCAM diminished during lens fiber differentiation, in contrast to the gap junction-associated protein MP26 which became more abundant. The form of NCAM expressed was determined by Western blot analysis of proteins extracted from the different regions of the Embryonic Day 6 lenses. All regions expressed NCAM with an apparent molecular weight of 140 kDa and relatively low levels of polysialylation. The function of NCAM in lens differentiation was investigated using antibodies that inhibit NCAM-mediated adhesion. Two parameters that change during maturation of the lens epithelial cells were monitored: the thickness of the tissue, indicating the length of lens cells, and the particle arrangement of gap junctions, reflecting the state of junctional differentiation. When epithelial cell explants of Embryonic Day 6 lenses were cultured for 5 days, the cells elongated and displayed an increase in the loose, random intramembranous particle arrangements characteristic of maturing lens fiber gap junctions. When the explants were cultured in the presence of anti-NCAM Fabs, the epithelia were thinner than in matched controls and had particle arrangements characteristic of a less mature state. The expression of NCAM during lens differentiation and the effects of attenuating NCAM function suggest that adhesion mediated by NCAM is an essential event in lens cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The development of sensory structures in the pineal organ of the chick was examined by means of scanning electron microscopy from embryonic day 10 through day 12 post-hatching. At embryonic day 10, the wall of the tubules within the pineal primordium is composed of cells with unspecialized luminal surface. Differentiation of sensory structures starts at embryonic day 12 when pinealocytes and supporting cells can be distinguished. Pinealocytes are recognized by virtue of an inner segment only rarely endowed with a cilium, whereas supporting cells exhibit numerous short microvilli. Further differentiation of the sensory apparatus is achieved by development of an oval-shaped, biconcave swelling at the tip of the cilium, 1×2 m in size, and a collar of long microvilli at the base of the inner segment. Membrane specializations of sensory cilia, however, were not detected. Since during embryonic life new tubules and follicles are continuously formed, all stages of differentiation of sensory structures are found in the chick pineal organ during the second half of the incubation period and the first two weeks after hatching. In 200-m-thick Vibratome sections of chick-embryo pineal organs cultured in medium BM 86 Wissler for periods up to 13 days the cytodifferentiation parallels the development in vivo. Using an organ-culture system the 24-h release of melatonin into the culture medium was measured by means of radioimmunoassay after solid-phase extraction. At embryonic day 10, the 24-h secretion of melatonin was at the lower range of detection of the RIA (5 pg). The rapid increase in 24-h secretion in melatonin until hatching (50 g) is approximated by an exponential curve.Preliminary results of this study were reported at the Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft in Lübeck, 1986 (Möller 1987). Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (MO234/9-2)  相似文献   

Protein synthesis and ultrastructure were studied in the cultured epithelium and in the intact lens of the 6-day chick embryo. Proteins were examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Differentiation of embryonic chicken lens epithelial cells to form lens fibers is associated with a marked decrease in both the rate of phosphatidylinositol degradation and the rate of cell division. In cells of the central region of the lens epithelium, the rate of cell division also declines with developmental age. The present study measures phosphatidylinositol degradation in cultured explants of the central lens epithelium of chicken embryos of different ages to determine the extent of the correlation between phosphatidylinositol degradation and cell division in this tissue. The results show that the rate of phosphatidylinositol degradation also decreases during development and is proportional to the rate of cell division throughout the period from 6 to 19 days of development. Furthermore, stimulating cell division in central explants of lens epithelia of 19-day-old chicken embryos by culturing them in the presence of fetal calf serum produces a proportional increase in the rate of phosphatidylinositol degradation. These findings indicate that cell division and phosphatidylinositol degradation are tightly coupled in this tissue, and raise the possibility that phosphatidylinositol metabolism may regulate some aspect of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The addition of lecithin molecules to brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has been reported to markedly enhance its pharmacological effect in vivo. In the current study, we show that lecithinized BDNF (PC-BDNF) has a higher affinity than BDNF for neural precursor cells. Although BDNF only slightly increased the expression of the genes for Mash-1, p35, 68 kDa neurofilament, and TrkB receptor, PC-BDNF caused a significant increase in their expression. PC-BDNF also increased the level of neurofilament protein and dramatically increased TrkB mRNA gene expression, which was followed by a sustained activation of the p42/p44 extracellular-regulated kinases. Finally, transplantation of PC-BDNF-treated cells was more effective than BDNF-treated cells at improving impaired motor function caused by spinal cord injury. These findings showed that PC-BDNF has a better potential than BDNF for promoting neural differentiation, partly due to a higher cellular affinity. Furthermore, PC-BDNF-treated cells could be useful for transplantation therapy for central nervous system injuries.  相似文献   

Chicken erythroblast cell strains and a cell line transformed by ts mutants of avian erythroblastosis virus (AEV) terminally differentiate when shifted to the nonpermissive temperature (42°C). The differentiated cells resemble mature erythrocytes with respect to morphology and ultrastructure, expression of differentiation-specific cell-surface antigens, pattern of protein synthesis and hemoglobin content. Terminal differentiation is dependent on conditions favoring the differentiation of normal erythroid progenitor cells, including an erythropoietin-like factor. Colonies of ts AEV cells grown at 42°C in semisolid medium resemble erythrocyte colonies derived from normal erythroid progenitor cells. The colonies obtained were comparable in size or slightly larger than the late erythroid precursor (CFU-E) colonies. These results suggest that AEV-transformed cells are blocked at a stage of differentiation that is more advanced than that of the uninfected target cells. ts AEV cells are irreversibly committed to terminal differentiation within 20 to 30 hr after shift to 42°C.  相似文献   

Somatic cell cycle is a dynamic process with sequential events that culminate in cell division. Several physiological activities occur in the cytoplasm and nucleus during each of the cell cycle phases which help in doubling of genetic content, organized arrangement of the duplicated genetic material and perfect mechanism for its equal distribution to the two daughter cells formed. Also, the cell cycle checkpoints ensure that the genetic material is devoid of damages thus ensuring unaltered transmission of genetic information. Two important phenomena occurring during the cell cycle are the DNA condensation and decondensation cycles in the nucleus along with the cyclic expression and functioning of certain specific proteins that help in the same. Several protein families including Cyclins, cyclin dependent kinases, condensins, cohesins and surivins ensure error free, stage specific DNA condensation and decondensation by their highly specific, controlled orchestrated presence and action. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of chromatin compaction towards formation of the structural units, the chromosomes, give us valuable insights into the cellular physiology and also direct us to techniques such as premature chromosome condensation. The techniques of inducing ‘prophasing’ of interphase cells are undergoing rapid advances which have multidimensional applications for basic research and direct applications.  相似文献   

The biological role of genomic imprinting in adult tissue is central to the consideration of transplanting uniparental embryonic stem (ES) cell-derived tissues. We have recently shown that both maternal (parthenogenetic/gynogenetic) and paternal (androgenetic) uniparental ES cells can differentiate, both in vivo in chimeras and in vitro, into adult-repopulating hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. This suggests that, at least in some tissues, the presence of two maternal or two paternal genomes does not interfere with stem cell function and tissue homeostasis in the adult. Here, we consider implications of the contribution of uniparental cells to hematopoiesis and to development of other organ systems, notably neural tissue for which consequences of genomic imprinting are associated with a known bias in development and behavioral disorders. Our findings so far indicate that there is little or no limit to the differentiation potential of uniparental ES cells outside the normal developmental paradigm. As a potentially donor MHC-matching source of tissue, uniparental transplants may provide not only a clinical resource but also a unique tool to investigate aspects of genomic imprinting in adults.Key words: uniparental, androgenetic, chimera, transplantation, parthenogenetic, gynogenetic, hematopoietic, neural  相似文献   

It has been reported that mammotropes in a rodent pituitary gland are derived from somatotropes via somatomammotropes (SMTs), cells that produce both growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (Prl). However, no studies have been done on the transdifferentiation of somatotropes in the chicken pituitary gland. In this study, in order to determine the origin of mammotropes, we studied detail property of appearance of chicken somatotropes, mammotropes and pit-1 cells and then evaluated the existence of SMTs in the chicken embryonic pituitary gland. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that GH-immunopositive (GH-ip) cells appeared on embryonic day (E) 14 and were mainly distributed in the caudal lobe, while Prl-immunopositive (Prl-ip) cells appeared in the cephalic lobe of the pituitary gland on E16. In situ hybridization (ISH) and RT-PCR analysis showed that expression of GH and Prl mRNA starts at E12 in the caudal lobe and at E14 in the cephalic lobe respectively. Pit-1 mRNA was first detected on E5 by RT-PCR, and pit-1 mRNA-expressing cells were found in the cephalic lobe on E8. Then with the ontogeny of the chicken, these cells spread into both lobes. Using a double staining method with ISH and immunohistochemistry, we could not detect the existence of SMTs in the chicken embryonic pituitary gland even in the marginal region of either lobe. These results suggest that chicken somatotropes and mammotropes independently appear in different lobes of pituitary gland and that transdifferentiation from somatotropes to mammotropes is not the central route for differentiation of mammotropes in the embryonic chicken pituitary gland.  相似文献   

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