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The Scarabaeini is an old world tribe of ball-rolling dung beetles that have origins dating back to at least the mid-upper Miocene (19-8 million years ago). The tribe has received little to no attention in morphological or molecular phylogenetics. We obtained sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (1,197 bp) and 16S ribosomal RNA (461 bp) genes for 25 species of the Scarabaeini in an attempt to further resolve broad phylogenetic relationships within this tribe. Sequence data from both markers along with 216 morphological and 3 biological characters were analysed separately and combined. Independent analyses showed poorly resolved trees with many of the intermediate and basal nodes collapsed by low bootstrap values. Many sites in both genes exhibited strong A+T nucleotide bias and high interlineage divergences. The combined analysis revealed a number of well supported relationships such as the monophyly of the nocturnal species Scarabaeus satyrus, S. [Neateuchus] proboscideus, and S. zambesianus. Furthermore, the total evidence tree suggested to elevate S. (Pachysoma) to the status of an independent genus, Pachysoma, as a sister taxon to a clade containing Pachylomerus femoralis and Scarabaeus sensu lato. Within the latter, the following subgenera were maintained by the combination of data sets: S. (Scarabaeolus), S. (Sceliages), and S. (Kheper). Both, feeding specialisation and food relocation behaviour, were inferred to be polyphyletic in the Scarabaeini. Total evidence analysis found no support for common ancestry of Scarabaeini and Eucraniini.  相似文献   

Recent molecular data provide strong support for the view that all metazoan phyla, including Porifera, are of monophyletic origin. The relationship of Metazoa, including the Porifera, to Plantae, Fungi and unicellular eukaryotes has only rarely been studied by using cDNAs coding for proteins. Sequence data from rDNA suggested a relationship of Porifera to unicellular eukaryotes (choanoflagellates). However, ultrastructural studies of choanocytes did not support these findings. In the present study, we compared amino acid sequences that are found in a variety of metazoans (including sponges) with those of Plantae, Fungi and unicellular eukaryotes, to obtain an answer to this question. We used the four sequences from 70 kDa heat-shock proteins, the serine-threonine kinase domain found in protein kinases, beta-tubulin and calmodulin. The latter two sequences were deduced from cDNAs, isolated from the sponge Geodia cydonium for the phylogenetic analyses presented. These revealed that the sponge molecules were grouped into the same branch as the Metazoa, which is statistically (significantly) separated from those branches that comprise the sequences from Fungi, Plantae and unicellular eukaryotes. From our molecular data it seems evident that the unicellular eukaryotes existed at an earlier stage of evolution, and the Plantae and especially the Fungi and the Metazoa only appeared later.  相似文献   

Calculating biodistances among South American populations using cranial measurements is often hindered, as many available skeletal collections exhibit deformation. Acknowledging vault modifications, researchers have sought measurements in other regions which are unaffected by deformation. In the 1970s, a set of 10 "relatively" unaffected facial measurements was identified in Argentinean crania that later became the basis of numerous South American biodistance studies. These measurements include: minimum frontal breadth, bizygomatic breadth, orbit height, orbit breadth, palate breath, palate length, upper facial height, basion-prosthion length, nasal height, and nasal breadth. Palate length was excluded from the present analysis due to considerable measurement error. The suitability of these measurements in populations other than Argentineans has not been rigorously tested. Using a sample of 350 prehistoric crania from the Museo Arqueológico San Miguel de Azapa (MASMA, Arica, Chile), this project tested the hypothesis that these measurements are unaffected by either annular or tabular deformation. Results obtained from MANOVA analysis indicate this hypothesis cannot be fully supported. Among males, only 3 of the 9 measurements are unaffected by either form of deformation (palate breadth, basion-prosthion length, and nasal breadth), while analysis of females indicates that 4 of the 9 measurements remain unaltered (minimum frontal breadth, orbit breadth, basion-prosthion length, and nasal breadth). Additionally, analogous to the vault, facial measurements display patterns consistent with the deformation applied. Two implications can be drawn from this research: 1) previous studies using these measurements must be interpreted cautiously, and 2) researchers using these measurements must explicitly test their suitability in each population.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships of human populations on a global scale   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
Using gene frequency data for 29 polymorphic loci (121 alleles), we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of 26 representative populations from around the world by using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method. We also conducted a separate analysis of 15 populations by using data for 33 polymorphic loci. These analyses have shown that the first major split of the phylogenetic tree separates Africans from non-Africans and that this split occurs with a 100% bootstrap probability. The second split separates Caucasian populations from all other non-African populations, and this split is also supported by bootstrap tests. The third major split occurs between Native American populations and the Greater Asians that include East Asians (mongoloids), Pacific Islanders, and Australopapuans (native Australians and Papua New Guineans), but Australopapuans are genetically quite different from the rest of the Greater Asians. The second and third levels of population splitting are quite different from those of the phylogenetic tree obtained by Cavalli- Sforza et al. (1988), where Caucasians, Northeast Asians, and Ameridians from the Northeurasian supercluster and the rest of non- Africans form the Southeast Asian supercluster. One of the major factors that caused the difference between the two trees is that Cavalli-Sforza et al. used unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) in phylogenetic inference, whereas we used the NJ method in which evolutionary rate is allowed to vary among different populations. Bootstrap tests have shown that the UPGMA tree receives poor statistical support whereas the NJ tree is well supported. Implications that the phylogenetic tree obtained has on the current controversy over the out-of-Africa and the multiregional theories of human origins are discussed.   相似文献   

We determined enamel composition (Ca, P, Mg, Cu, Mn, Se, Zn, Al, Sr, Pb) for the mandibular canines of 94 individuals from 4 prehistoric Arikara cemetery populations, collecting the compositional data using scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive x-ray analysis. We examined each of the four samples independently and then pooled them for a group comparison using correspondence analysis. The results indicate significant intrapopulational dispersal, particularly when viewed by age and sex subgroups. When all sites are included for correspondence analysis, a distinctive pattern of adult male dispersal compared to the more tightly clustered adult female and subadult subsample is apparent. We hypothesize that the observed pattern of dispersal indicates local geographic and possible dietary differences among the groups. Furthermore, we hypothesize that the observed differences between males, and females and subadults for each site are the result of a residence pattern of out-migration for males.  相似文献   

Origins and biogeography of the chub, genus Squalius (formerly within the genus Leuciscus), in the Iberian Peninsula were inferred from comparison between patterns of geographic distribution and phylogenetic relationships among populations belonging to 14 European Squalius species. The phylogeny recovered was based on the complete sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Squalius species were grouped into three major clades. The basal clade included species distributed across the ancient Paratethys Sea. The second clade included species from Central and East Europe and the northern areas of the Mediterranean basin towards Minor Asia. The third clade included species from the Mediterranean Peninsulas (Iberian, Italy, and Balkans). The Iberian Squalius species do not constitutes a monophyletic group. Our data indicate that the Iberian Peninsula was colonized at least twice by two different monophyletic lineages, a meridional group and a Central Europe group. The amount of species diversity found in the Iberian Peninsula and the phylogenetic relationships among these species, together with their geographic distribution, suggest that the Central Europe lineage colonized the Iberian Peninsula at a latter time. Our data indicate that the northeastern Iberian lineage is phylogenetically close to Greek populations of Squalius cephalus, while the second lineage formed a monophyletic group including Squalius pyrenaicus, Squalius carolitertii, Squalius aradensis, and Squalius torgalensis. The speciation process that generated these species and the geographic structure of their populations, principally in S. pyrenaicus, can be attributed to paleogeographical events like the ancient endorrheism and the development of hydrographic basins.  相似文献   



Yakutian cattle, the last remaining native cattle breed in Siberia, are well adapted to the extreme sub-arctic conditions. Nowadays only ca. 1200 purebred animals are left in Yakutia. The semen of six Yakutian bulls was stored in a cryo-bank without any pedigree documentation because of the traditional free herding style of the population.


To clarify the genetic relatedness between these bulls and to provide recommendations to use their semen in future conservation and breed management programs, we have analysed 30 autosomal microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA sequences in 60 individuals including the six for which semen has been stored. Four relatedness estimators were calculated. In addition, we assessed the value of the cryo-bank bulls for the preservation of genetic variation of the contemporary Yakutian cattle by calculating allelic and gene diversity estimates and mean molecular coancestries.


On the basis of microsatellite variability, including the Yakutian cryo-bank bulls increases the allelic variation in the contemporary population by 3% and in the male subpopulation by 13%. In terms of the mean molecular coancestries, they are less related to the contemporary cow population than the breeding bulls and therefore could be used to reduce inbreeding in the living population. Although 30 loci are insufficient to resolve definitely their relatedness categories, the data suggest four pairs of cryo-bank bulls as possible half-sibs.


Our results show that even relatively limited cryo-bank storage of semen can carry allelic variation through a bottleneck. We propose a breeding scheme based on the rotation of breeding females and the division of cryo-bank bulls into three groups. Thus, if molecular data (e.g. autosomal microsatellite genotypes) for the contemporary population are available and based on relatively small-scale laboratory analyses, it is possible to avoid serious mistakes in their use for breeding applications. The approach suggested here based on the use of Yakutian cryo-bank semen can be easily extended to cryo-bank materials of other animals in future breeding programs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: This study explores the previously largely ignored morphological variation that occurs among flowers within a single inflorescence. METHODS: Variation in four metric parameters (labellum length and width, spur length and width) that together strongly influence pollination frequency is documented within the simple racemose inflorescences of eight individuals that represent a primary hybrid and six species of European orchids. KEY RESULTS: Regression of each parameter against the location of each flower on the inflorescence, and calculation of correlation coefficients for each pair of parameters within each inflorescence, demonstrate significant decoupling of labellum and spur development, despite the fact that they are different portions of the same floral organ. Spur length and diameter are constant across inflorescences of Dactylorhiza other than the vestigial-spurred D. viridis, whereas in other genera spur length declines in parallel with labellum dimensions. These differences are likely to reflect selection pressures or developmental constraints. Strong negative deviations from the regression line for one or more parameters are evident in occasional flowers, occurring most frequently in the lowermost and uppermost one or two flowers, and so reflecting transitions in meristematic behaviour. Thus, population-level morphometric studies are best conducted on flowers taken from approximately the mid-point of the inflorescence. Moreover, in the two relatively large inflorescences where lower flowers were removed for measurement before the upper flowers had opened, labellum size increased significantly in the flowers immediately above the excisions, suggesting that excision liberated resources that were diverted into the opening buds. Repeat measurement of all flowers from one selected inflorescence demonstrated typical measurement errors of only +/- 30-80 micro m, irrespective of the size of the structure studied. If flowers are not mounted and measured immediately following excision, modest negative deviations of 30-50 micro m result from post-mounting shrinkage; this occurs less rapidly in the spur than in the thinner labellum, which should therefore be measured first. Variation in all four parameters among all the flowers of a single inflorescence is between 42 % and 107 % of that observed between a similar number of flowers sampled from a consistent location on different (but conspecific and coexisting) inflorescences. CONCLUSIONS: This result demonstrates the strong influence of epigenesis on flower morphology and further emphasizes the importance of (a) sampling from a consistent location within the inflorescences under comparison, (b) interpreting morphometric ordinations hierarchically, building from individuals to infraspecific taxa and species via populations, and (c) considering in any microevolutionary study the potentially profound effects of the cline in flower size within each inflorescence.  相似文献   

Rodents of the tribe Phyllotini represents one of the main radiations of South American Sigmodontini. Phylogenetic relationships among species of this highly diversified group are poorly known. In this paper we analyse evolutionary relationships among eight phyllotine species belonging to the genera Calomys , Graomys , Phyllotis and Eligmodontia , on the basis of allozymic polymorphisms. Most of the differences among species were in allele frequencies and not of allele class. Neighbour-joining and maximum likelihood methods place P. xanthopygus in the same group as E. typus and G. griseoflavus , in agreement with results obtained by several authors on the basis of morphological characters. Parsimony analysis of 0–9 coded data suggest that the genus Calomys is paraphyletic, but with a low bootstrap support. In the tree based on genetic distance data, the genus also appears as paraphyletic. The maximum likelihood method yields a tree where Calomys is monophyletic, but this phylogeny is supported by only two out of 78 alleles analysed. Calomys hummelincki and C. venustus occupy a basal position among Calomys species. Calomys musculinus and C. lepidus are the most closely related species of the genus, with C. laucha as sister to them. These relationships are strongly supported by bootstrap percentages.  相似文献   

We investigated phylogenetic relationships and the biogeographic history of the Calonectris species complex, using both molecular and biometric data from one population of the Cape Verde shearwater Calonectris edwardsii (Cape Verde Islands), one from the streaked shearwater C. leucomelas (western Pacific Ocean) and 26 from Cory's shearwater populations distributed across the Atlantic (C. d. borealis) and the Mediterranean (C. d. diomedea). The streaked shearwater appeared as the most basal and distant clades, whereas the genetic divergences among the three main clades within the Palearctic were similar. Clock calibrations match the first speciation event within Calonectris to the Panama Isthmus formation, suggesting a vicariant scenario for the divergence of the Pacific and the Palearctic clades. The separation between the Atlantic and Mediterranean clades would have occurred in allopatry by range contraction followed by local adaptation during the major biogeographic events of the Pleistocene. The endemic form from Cape Verde probably evolved as a result of ecological divergence from the Mediterranean subspecies. Finally, one Mediterranean population (Almeria) was unexpectedly grouped into the Atlantic subspecies clade, both by genetic and by morphometric analyses, pointing out the Almeria-Oran oceanographic front (AOOF) as the actual divide between the two Cory's shearwater subspecies. Our results highlight the importance of oceanographic boundaries as potentially effective barriers shaping population and species phylogeographical structure in pelagic seabirds.  相似文献   

General response patterns of fish populations tostress, originally proposed by Colby for fisheriesrehabilitation and later adapted by Munkittrick forcontaminants, were evaluated using an individual-basedsimulation model. General response patterns relatechanges in population-level variables to the type ofstress. The model follows the daily growth,mortality, and spawning of individual yellow perch andwalleye through their lifetime, and was corroboratedusing Oneida Lake data. Two versions of the model wereused: population (yellow perch only) and community(dynamic predation on yellow perch by walleye). Eightstresses were imposed on the population and communityversions of the model and 100-year simulations wereperformed. Response patterns were defined by changesin predicted yellow perch mean population abundance,mean age of adults, and mean adult growth (representedby mean length at age-7). Proposed response patternswere similar to those predicted using the populationversion of the model. Simulations using the communityversion of the model distorted the response patterns,either causing amplification, dampening, or reversalof many of the patterns. Predicted response patternsbecame unique when additional variables were included.Our model results suggest that caution is appropriatein interpreting general response patterns based onmean age, or when the population of interest plays amajor role in a relatively simple food web. The responsepattern approach may be better at identifying the lifestage impacted rather than the mechanism of the stress.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic and statistical analyses of DNA sequences of two genes, cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox 1) of the mitochondrial DNA and 18S subunit of the nuclear ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA), was used to characterize Neoechinorhynchus species from fishes collected in different localities of North-East Asia. It has been found that four species can be clearly recognized using molecular markers—Neoechinorhynchus tumidus, Neoechinorhynchus beringianus, Neoechinorhynchus simansularis and Neoechinorhynchus salmonis. 18S sequences ascribed to Neoechinorhynchus crassus specimens from North-East Asia were identical to those of N. tumidus, but differed substantially from North American N. crassus. We renamed North-East Asian N. crassus specimens to N. sp., although the possibility that they represent a subspecies of N. tumidus cannot be excluded, taking into account a relatively small distance between cox 1 sequences of North-East Asian specimens of N. crassus and N. tumidus. Maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference analyses were performed for phylogeny reconstruction. All the phylogenetic trees showed that North-East Asian species of Neoechinorhynchus analyzed in this study represent independent clades, with the only exception of N. tumidus and N. sp. for 18S data. Phylogenetic analysis has shown that the majority of species sampled (N. tumidus + N. sp., N. simansularis and N. beringianus) are probably very closely related, while N. salmonis occupies separate position in the trees, possibly indicating a North American origin of this species.  相似文献   

Abstract. We sequenced the 18S rRNA gene from 11 nematomorph species from 9 genera and derived hypotheses concerning the sister group of Nematomorpha and relationships within this taxon. The molecular and morphological data are consistent with the monophyly of Nematomorpha, a sister-group relationship between Nematomorpha and Nematoda, and a sister-group relationship between the marine genus Nectonema and all of the freshwater taxa, Gordiida. Hypotheses of relationships within Gordiida support the traditional taxa Gordiidae, Chordodidae, and Chordodinae but reject Parachordodinae and Spinochordodidae. The molecular results differ from those of previous morphological studies by suggesting a reduction of the two tail lobes at the posterior end of males in Chordodinae, monophyly of the genus Paragordionus , and paraphyly of the genus Chordodes .  相似文献   

The libyan jird is one of the most widely distributed species among wild rodents, with its range extending from Morocco to China. Fifteen subspecies were described but their validity and the phylogenetic relationships among them are uncertain. Based on a comprehensive sampling, this study aims to define subspecies limits within Meriones libycus and to discuss the factors driving subspecific diversification. We used an integrative approach combining molecular (Cytochrome b and Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit 1 genes) and geometric morphometric data. Genetic data allowed us to identify three allopatric lineages within M. libycus: Western lineage in North Africa, Central lineage in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Syria, and Eastern lineage in Iran, Afghanistan, and China. These three lineages can also be differentiated based on skull morphology. Our results support the existence of at least three subspecies within the libyan jird: Meriones libycus libycus, M. l. syrius, and Meriones libycus erythrourus. Based on our divergence time estimates, all divergence events within M. libycus probably occurred during the Pleistocene, after 1.597 Ma. Quaternary climate fluctuations in the Sinai Peninsula explain the differentiation between the African M. l. libycus and the Levant-Arabian M. l. syrius. The differentiation of M. l. syrius with respect to the eastern M. l. erythrourus is putatively linked to the climatic fluctuations and tectonic activity of the Zagros Mountains and/or the Mesopotamia Plain of Iraq during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the five key angiosperm lineages,Ceratophyllum,Chloranthaceae,eudicots,magnoliids,and monocots,have resisted resolution despite several large-scale analyses sampling taxa and characters extensively and using various analytical methods.Meanwhile,compatibility methods,which were explored together with parsimony and likelihood methods during the early development stage of phylogenetics.have been greatly under-appreciated and not been used to analyze the massive amount of sequence data to reconstruct thye basal angiosperm phylogeny.In this study,we used a compatibility method on a data set of eight genes (mitochondrial atp1,matR,and nad5,plastid atpB,marK,rbcL,and rpoC2,and nuclear 18S rDNA)gathered in an earlier study.We selected two sets of characters that are compatible with more of the other characters than a random character would be with at probabilities of pM<0.1 and p<0.5 respectively.The resulting data matrices were subjected to parsimony and likelihood bootstrap analyses.Our unrooted parsimony analyses showed that Ceratophyllum was immediately related to eudicots,this larger lineage was immediately related to magnoliids,and monocots were closely related to Chloranthaceae.All these relationships received 76%-96% bootstrap support.A likelihood analysis of the 8 gene pM<0.5 compatible site matrix recovered the same topology but with low support.Likelihood analyses of other compatible site matrices produced different topologies that were all weakly supported.The topology reconstructed in the parsimony analyses agrees with the one recovered in the previous study using both parsimony and likelihood methods when no character was eliminated.Parts of this topology have also been recovered in several earlier studies.Hence,this topology plausibly reflects the true relationships among the five key angiosperm lineages.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships of the two basal fungal phyla Chytridiomycota and Zygomycota are reviewed in light of recent molecular phylogenetic investigation based on rDNA (nSSU, nLSU rDNA), entire mitochondrial genomes, and nuclear protein coding gene sequences (e.g., EF-1alpha, RPB1). Accumulated molecular evidence strongly suggests that the two basal fungal phyla are not monophyletic. For example, the chytridiomycete order Blastocladiales appears to be closely related to the zygomycete order Entomophthorales. Within the Zygomycota, a monophyletic clade, consisting of the Dimargaritales, Harpellales, and Kickxellales, which is characterized by a shared unique septal ultrastructure, was identified. Moreover, evidence for the exclusion of zygomycete orders Amoebidiales and Eccrinales from the Fungi, and their placement at the Animal-Fungi boundary has been clearly documented. Microsporidia, a group of amitochondriate organisms currently under intensive study, is not supported as derived within the Fungi, but a fungal affinity cannot be ruled out. Taking these molecular phylogenetic studies into account, we proposed a hypothetical evolutionary framework of basal fungi.  相似文献   

Alloteuthis is a group of small, slender loliginid squids of minor fisheries importance. There are three nominal Alloteuthis species—A. media (Linnaeus), A. subulata (Lamarck) and A. africana Adam. Two of these species (A. media and A. subulata) have largely overlapping ranges in the Mediterranean and northeastern Atlantic, while A. africana is found along the west coast of Africa. Despite the low level of species diversity, Alloteuthis taxonomy and systematics are confused, and assignment of specimens to species can be difficult. To clarify Alloteuthis systematics, we gathered morphometric data and DNA sequence data from two mitochondrial loci and a nuclear locus from Alloteuthis specimens collected from several localities. Analyses of the morphometric data suggest that head width is the main variable allowing separation of A. africana from the other two species, and central club sucker size separates A. media from A. subulata. One easily diagnosable character often used to distinguish Alloteuthis species—relative fin length—appears to be of little taxonomic value. Only three specimens assignable to A. subulata both morphologically and genetically were found, all from the Adriatic; possible reasons for this apparent rarity are discussed. Gene tree parsimony and coalescent-based methods were used to estimate species relationships from the molecular data, and both supported a sister-species relationship between A. media and A. subulata. Analyses of molecular variation (AMOVA's) revealed significant genetic differentiation between Atlantic and Mediterranean A. media. This study highlights the importance of 1) sampling multiple individuals, locations and loci for species-level phylogenetic studies, 2) using morphometric analyses to reveal taxonomically meaningful morphological characters and 3) accounting for the stochastic nature of the coalescent process when estimating species phylogenies for closely related taxa.  相似文献   

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