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Energetics and specificity of interactions between the Escherichia coli PriA helicase and the gapped DNAs have been studied, using the quantitative fluorescence titration and analytical ultracentrifugation methods. The gap complex has a surprisingly low minimum total site size, corresponding to ∼7 nucleotides of the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), as compared with the site size of ∼20 nucleotides of the enzyme-ssDNA complex. The dramatic difference in stoichiometries indicates that the enzyme predominantly engages the strong DNA-binding subsite in interactions with the gap and assumes a very different orientation in the gap complex, as compared with the complex with the ssDNA. The helicase binds the ssDNA gaps with 4–5 nucleotides with the highest affinity, which is ∼3 and ∼2 orders of magnitude larger than the affinities for the ssDNA and double-stranded DNA, respectively. In the gap complex, the protein does not engage in cooperative interactions with the enzyme predominantly associated with the surrounding dsDNA. Binding of nucleoside triphosphate to the strong and weak nucleotide-binding sites of the helicase eliminates the selectivity of the enzyme for the size of the gap, whereas saturation of both sites with ADP leads to amplified affinity for the ssDNA gap containing 5 nucleotides and engagement of an additional protein area in interactions with the nucleic acid.  相似文献   

Structural changes in channel proteins give critical insights required for understanding the gating transitions that underpin function. Tryptophan (Trp) is uniquely sensitive to its environment and can be used as a reporter of conformational changes. Here, we have used site-directed Trp insertion within the pore helices of the small mechanosensitive channel protein, MscS, to monitor conformational transitions. We show that Trp can be inserted in place of Leu at the two pore seal positions, Leu105 and Leu109, resulting in functional channels. Using Trp105 as a probe, we demonstrate that the A106V mutation causes a modified conformation in the purified channel protein consistent with a more open state in solution. Moreover, we show that solubilized MscS changes to a more open conformation in the presence of phospholipids or their lysoforms.  相似文献   

The DNA helicase encoded by gene 4 of bacteriophage T7 forms a hexameric ring in the presence of dTTP, allowing it to bind DNA in its central core. The oligomerization also creates nucleotide-binding sites located at the interfaces of the subunits. DNA binding stimulates the hydrolysis of dTTP but the mechanism for this two-step control is not clear. We have identified a glutamate switch, analogous to the glutamate switch found in AAA+ enzymes that couples dTTP hydrolysis to DNA binding. A crystal structure of T7 helicase shows that a glutamate residue (Glu-343), located at the subunit interface, is positioned to catalyze a nucleophilic attack on the γ-phosphate of a bound nucleoside 5'-triphosphate. However, in the absence of a nucleotide, Glu-343 changes orientation, interacting with Arg-493 on the adjacent subunit. This interaction interrupts the interaction of Arg-493 with Asn-468 of the central β-hairpin, which in turn disrupts DNA binding. When Glu-343 is replaced with glutamine the altered helicase, unlike the wild-type helicase, binds DNA in the presence of dTDP. When both Arg-493 and Asn-468 are replaced with alanine, dTTP hydrolysis is no longer stimulated in the presence of DNA. Taken together, these results suggest that the orientation of Glu-343 plays a key role in coupling nucleotide hydrolysis to the binding of DNA.  相似文献   

The significance of G-quadruplexes and the helicases that resolve G4 structures in prokaryotes is poorly understood. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome is GC-rich and contains >10,000 sequences that have the potential to form G4 structures. In Escherichia coli, RecQ helicase unwinds G4 structures. However, RecQ is absent in M. tuberculosis, and the helicase that participates in G4 resolution in M. tuberculosis is obscure. Here, we show that M. tuberculosis DinG (MtDinG) exhibits high affinity for ssDNA and ssDNA translocation with a 5′ → 3′ polarity. Interestingly, MtDinG unwinds overhangs, flap structures, and forked duplexes but fails to unwind linear duplex DNA. Our data with DNase I footprinting provide mechanistic insights and suggest that MtDinG is a 5′ → 3′ polarity helicase. Notably, in contrast to E. coli DinG, MtDinG catalyzes unwinding of replication fork and Holliday junction structures. Strikingly, we find that MtDinG resolves intermolecular G4 structures. These data suggest that MtDinG is a multifunctional structure-specific helicase that unwinds model structures of DNA replication, repair, and recombination as well as G4 structures. We finally demonstrate that promoter sequences of M. tuberculosis PE_PGRS2, mce1R, and moeB1 genes contain G4 structures, implying that G4 structures may regulate gene expression in M. tuberculosis. We discuss these data and implicate targeting G4 structures and DinG helicase in M. tuberculosis could be a novel therapeutic strategy for culminating the infection with this pathogen.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1) is an abundant nuclear protein that binds chromatin and catalyzes the transfer of ADP-ribose groups to itself and to numerous target proteins upon interacting with damaged DNA. The molecular basis for the dual role of PARP-1 as a chromatin architectural protein and a first responder in DNA repair pathways remains unclear. Here, we quantified the interactions of full-length PARP-1 and its N-terminal half with different types of DNA damage and with defined nucleosome substrates. We found that full-length PARP-1 prefers nucleosomes with two linker DNA extensions over any other substrate (including several free DNA models) and that the C-terminal half of PARP-1 is necessary for this selectivity. We also measured the ability of various substrates to activate PARP-1 activity and found that the most important feature for activation is one free DNA end rather than tight interaction with the activating nucleic acid. Our data provide insight into the different modes of interaction of this multidomain protein with nucleosomes and free DNA.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli dgt gene encodes a dGTP triphosphohydrolase whose detailed role still remains to be determined. Deletion of dgt creates a mutator phenotype, indicating that the dGTPase has a fidelity role, possibly by affecting the cellular dNTP pool. In the present study, we have investigated the structure of the Dgt protein at 3.1-Å resolution. One of the obtained structures revealed a protein hexamer that contained two molecules of single-stranded DNA. The presence of DNA caused significant conformational changes in the enzyme, including in the catalytic site of the enzyme. Dgt preparations lacking DNA were able to bind single-stranded DNA with high affinity (Kd ∼ 50 nm). DNA binding positively affected the activity of the enzyme: dGTPase activity displayed sigmoidal (cooperative) behavior without DNA but hyperbolic (Michaelis-Menten) kinetics in its presence, consistent with a specific lowering of the apparent Km for dGTP. A mutant Dgt enzyme was also created containing residue changes in the DNA binding cleft. This mutant enzyme, whereas still active, was incapable of DNA binding and could no longer be stimulated by addition of DNA. We also created an E. coli strain containing the mutant dgt gene on the chromosome replacing the wild-type gene. The mutant also displayed a mutator phenotype. Our results provide insight into the allosteric regulation of the enzyme and support a physiologically important role of DNA binding.  相似文献   

Disassembly of RecA protein subunits from a RecA filament has long been known to occur during DNA strand exchange, although its importance to this process has been controversial. An Escherichia coli RecA E38K/ΔC17 double mutant protein displays a unique and pH-dependent mutational separation of DNA pairing and extended DNA strand exchange. Single strand DNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis is catalyzed by this mutant protein nearly normally from pH 6 to 8.5. It will also form filaments on DNA and promote DNA pairing. However, below pH 7.3, ATP hydrolysis is completely uncoupled from extended DNA strand exchange. The products of extended DNA strand exchange do not form. At the lower pH values, disassembly of RecA E38K/ΔC17 filaments is strongly suppressed, even when homologous DNAs are paired and available for extended DNA strand exchange. Disassembly of RecA E38K/ΔC17 filaments improves at pH 8.5, whereas complete DNA strand exchange is also restored. Under these sets of conditions, a tight correlation between filament disassembly and completion of DNA strand exchange is observed. This correlation provides evidence that RecA filament disassembly plays a major role in, and may be required for, DNA strand exchange. A requirement for RecA filament disassembly in DNA strand exchange has a variety of ramifications for the current models linking ATP hydrolysis to DNA strand exchange.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerases manage chromosome supercoiling and organization in all cells. Gyrase, a prokaryotic type IIA topoisomerase, consumes ATP to introduce negative supercoils through a strand passage mechanism. All type IIA topoisomerases employ a similar set of catalytic domains for function; however, the activity and specificity of gyrase are augmented by a specialized DNA binding and wrapping element, termed the C-terminal domain (CTD), which is appended to its GyrA subunit. We have discovered that a nonconserved, acidic tail at the extreme C terminus of the Escherichia coli GyrA CTD has a dramatic and unexpected impact on gyrase function. Removal of the CTD tail enables GyrA to introduce writhe into DNA in the absence of GyrB, an activity exhibited by other GyrA orthologs, but not by wild-type E. coli GyrA. Strikingly, a "tail-less" gyrase holoenzyme is markedly impaired for DNA supercoiling capacity, but displays normal ATPase function. Our findings reveal that the E. coli GyrA tail regulates DNA wrapping by the CTD to increase the coupling efficiency between ATP turnover and supercoiling, demonstrating that CTD functions can be fine-tuned to control gyrase activity in a highly sophisticated manner.  相似文献   

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