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Adiponectin is an adipokine with insulin-sensitizing and anti-inflammatory functions. We previously reported that adiponectin multimerization and stability are promoted by the disulfide bond A oxidoreductase-like protein (DsbA-L) in cells and in vivo. However, the precise mechanism by which DsbA-L regulates adiponectin biosynthesis remains elusive. Here we show that DsbA-L is co-localized with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) marker protein disulfide isomerase and the mitochondrial marker MitoTracker. In addition, DsbA-L interacts with the ER chaperone protein Ero1-Lα in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In silico analysis and truncation mapping studies revealed that DsbA-L contains an ER targeting signal at its N terminus. Deletion of the first 6 residues at the N terminus greatly impaired DsbA-L localization in the ER. Overexpression of the wild type but not the ER localization-defective mutant of DsbA-L protects against thapsigargin-induced ER stress and adiponectin down-regulation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In addition, overexpression of the wild type but not the ER localization-defective mutant of DsbA-L promotes adiponectin multimerization. Together, our results reveal that DsbA-L is localized in both the mitochondria and the ER in adipocytes and that its ER localization plays a critical role in suppressing ER stress and promoting adiponectin biosynthesis and secretion.  相似文献   

Clearance of misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is traditionally handled by ER-associated degradation (ERAD), a process that requires retro-translocation and ubiquitination mediated by a luminal chaperone network. Here we investigated whether the secreted, glaucoma-associated protein myocilin was processed by this pathway. Myocilin is typically transported through the ER/Golgi network, but inherited mutations in myocilin lead to its misfolding and aggregation within trabecular meshwork cells, and ultimately, ER stress-induced cell death. Using targeted knockdown strategies, we determined that glucose-regulated protein 94 (Grp94), the ER equivalent of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90), specifically recognizes mutant myocilin, triaging it through ERAD. The addition of mutant myocilin to the short list of Grp94 clients strengthens the hypothesis that β-strand secondary structure drives client association with Grp94. Interestingly, the ERAD pathway is incapable of efficiently handling the removal of mutant myocilin, but when Grp94 is depleted, degradation of mutant myocilin is shunted away from ERAD toward a more robust clearance pathway for aggregation-prone proteins, the autophagy system. Thus ERAD inefficiency for distinct aggregation-prone proteins can be subverted by manipulating ER chaperones, leading to more effective clearance by the autophagic/lysosomal pathway. General Hsp90 inhibitors and a selective Grp94 inhibitor also facilitate clearance of mutant myocilin, suggesting that therapeutic approaches aimed at inhibiting Grp94 could be beneficial for patients suffering from some cases of myocilin glaucoma.  相似文献   

The distribution and morphology of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in mammalian cells depend on both dynamic and static interactions of ER membrane proteins with microtubules (MTs). Cytoskeleton-linking membrane protein (CLIMP)-63 is exclusively localized in sheet-like ER membranes, typical structures of the rough ER, and plays a pivotal role in the static interaction with MTs. Our previous study showed that the 42-kDa ER-residing form of syntaxin 5 (Syn5L) regulates ER structure through the interactions with both CLIMP-63 and MTs. Here, we extend our previous study and show that the valosin-containing protein/p97-interacting membrane protein (VIMP)/SelS is also a member of the family of proteins that shape the ER by interacting with MTs. Depletion of VIMP causes the spreading of the ER to the cell periphery and affects an MT-dependent process on the ER. Although VIMP can interact with CLIMP-63 and Syn5L, it does not interact with MT-binding ER proteins (such as Reep1) that shape the tubular smooth ER, suggesting that different sets of MT-binding ER proteins are used to organize different ER subdomains.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sugar transporters of the Golgi apparatus play an essential role in the glycosylation of proteins, lipids, and proteoglycans. Down-regulation of expression of the transporters for CMP-sialic acid, GDP-fucose, or both unexpectedly resulted in accumulation of glycoconjugates in the Golgi apparatus rather than in the plasma membrane. Pulse-chase experiments with radiolabeled sugars and amino acids showed decreased synthesis and secretion of both nonglycoproteins and glycoproteins. Further studies revealed that the above silencing induced endoplasmic reticulum stress and inhibited protein translation initiation. Together these results suggest that global inhibition of Golgi apparatus glycosylation may lead to important secondary metabolic changes, unrelated to glycosylation.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin (CT) is an AB5 toxin that moves from the cell surface to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by retrograde vesicular transport. In the ER, the catalytic A1 subunit dissociates from the rest of the toxin and enters the cytosol by exploiting the quality control system of ER-associated degradation (ERAD). The driving force for CTA1 dislocation into the cytosol is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that the cytosolic chaperone Hsp90 is required for CTA1 passage into the cytosol. Hsp90 bound to CTA1 in an ATP-dependent manner that was blocked by geldanamycin (GA), an established Hsp90 inhibitor. CT activity against cultured cells and ileal loops was also blocked by GA, as was the ER-to-cytosol export of CTA1. Experiments using RNA interference or N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine, a drug that inhibits ER-localized GRP94 but not cytosolic Hsp90, confirmed that the inhibitory effects of GA resulted specifically from the loss of Hsp90 activity. This work establishes a functional role for Hsp90 in the ERAD-mediated dislocation of CTA1.  相似文献   

Luminal calcium released from secretory organelles has been suggested to play a regulatory role in vesicle transport at several steps in the secretory pathway; however, its functional roles and effector pathways have not been elucidated. Here we demonstrate for the first time that specific luminal calcium depletion leads to a significant decrease in endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport rates in intact cells. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that luminal calcium depletion is accompanied by increased accumulation of intermediate compartment proteins in COPII buds and clusters of unfused COPII vesicles at ER exit sites. Furthermore, we present several lines of evidence suggesting that luminal calcium affected transport at least in part through calcium-dependent interactions between apoptosis-linked gene-2 (ALG-2) and the Sec31A proline-rich region: 1) targeted disruption of ALG-2/Sec31A interactions caused severe defects in ER-to-Golgi transport in intact cells; 2) effects of luminal calcium and ALG-2/Sec31A interactions on transport mutually required each other; and 3) Sec31A function in transport required luminal calcium. Morphological phenotypes of disrupted ALG-2/Sec31A interactions were characterized. We found that ALG-2/Sec31A interactions were not required for the localization of Sec31A to ER exit sites per se but appeared to acutely regulate the stability and trafficking of the cargo receptor p24 and the distribution of the vesicle tether protein p115. These results represent the first outline of a mechanism that connects luminal calcium to specific protein interactions regulating vesicle trafficking machinery.  相似文献   

Accelerated endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD) of the cholesterol biosynthetic enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase results from its sterol-induced binding to ER membrane proteins called Insig-1 and Insig-2. This binding allows for subsequent ubiquitination of reductase by Insig-associated ubiquitin ligases. Once ubiquitinated, reductase becomes dislocated from ER membranes into the cytosol for degradation by 26 S proteasomes through poorly defined reactions mediated by the AAA-ATPase valosin-containing protein (VCP)/p97 and augmented by the nonsterol isoprenoid geranylgeraniol. Here, we report that the oxysterol 25-hydroxycholesterol and geranylgeraniol combine to trigger extraction of reductase across ER membranes prior to its cytosolic release. This conclusion was drawn from studies utilizing a novel assay that measures membrane extraction of reductase by determining susceptibility of a lumenal epitope in the enzyme to in vitro protease digestion. Susceptibility of the lumenal epitope to protease digestion and thus membrane extraction of reductase were tightly regulated by 25-hydroxycholesterol and geranylgeraniol. The reaction was inhibited by RNA interference-mediated knockdown of either Insigs or VCP/p97. In contrast, reductase continued to become membrane-extracted, but not cytosolically dislocated, in cells deficient for AAA-ATPases of the proteasome 19 S regulatory particle. These findings establish sequential roles for VCP/p97 and the 19 S regulatory particle in the sterol-accelerated ERAD of reductase that may be applicable to the ERAD of other substrates.  相似文献   

A coiled-coil microtubule-bundling protein, p180, was originally reported as a ribosome-binding protein on the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and is highly expressed in secretory tissues. Recently, we reported a novel role for p180 in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) expansion following stimulated collagen secretion. Here, we show that p180 plays a key role in procollagen biosynthesis and secretion in diploid fibroblasts. Depletion of p180 caused marked reductions of secreted collagens without significant loss of the ER membrane or mRNA. Metabolic labeling experiments revealed that the procollagen biosynthetic activity was markedly affected following p180 depletion. Moreover, loss of p180 perturbs ascorbate-stimulated de novo biosynthesis mainly in the membrane fraction with a preferential secretion defect of large proteins. At the EM level, one of the most prominent morphological features of p180-depleted cells was insufficient ribosome association on the ER membranes. In contrast, the ER of control cells was studded with numerous ribosomes, which were further enhanced by ascorbate. Similarly biochemical analysis confirmed that levels of membrane-bound ribosomes were altered in a p180-dependent manner. Taken together, our data suggest that p180 plays crucial roles in enhancing collagen biosynthesis at the entry site of the secretory compartments by a novel mechanism that mainly involves facilitating ribosome association on the ER.  相似文献   

Insulin-induced gene proteins (INSIGs) function in control of cellular cholesterol. Mammalian INSIGs exert control by directly interacting with proteins containing sterol-sensing domains (SSDs) when sterol levels are elevated. Mammalian 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl (HMG)-CoA reductase (HMGR) undergoes sterol-dependent, endoplasmic-reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD) that is mediated by INSIG interaction with the HMGR SSD. The yeast HMGR isozyme Hmg2 also undergoes feedback-regulated ERAD in response to the early pathway-derived isoprene gernanylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP). Hmg2 has an SSD, and its degradation is controlled by the INSIG homologue Nsg1. However, yeast Nsg1 promotes Hmg2 stabilization by inhibiting GGPP-stimulated ERAD. We have proposed that the seemingly disparate INSIG functions can be unified by viewing INSIGs as sterol-dependent chaperones of SSD clients. Accordingly, we tested the role of sterols in the Nsg1 regulation of Hmg2. We found that both Nsg1-mediated stabilization of Hmg2 and the Nsg1-Hmg2 interaction required the early sterol lanosterol. Lowering lanosterol in the cell allowed GGPP-stimulated Hmg2 ERAD. Thus, Hmg2-regulated degradation is controlled by a two-signal logic; GGPP promotes degradation, and lanosterol inhibits degradation. These data reveal that the sterol dependence of INSIG-client interaction has been preserved for over 1 billion years. We propose that the INSIGs are a class of sterol-dependent chaperones that bind to SSD clients, thus harnessing ER quality control in the homeostasis of sterols.  相似文献   

Silkworm posterior silkgland is a model for studying intracellular trafficking. Here, using this model, we identify several potential cargo proteins of BmKinesin-1 and focus on one candidate, BmCREC. BmCREC (also known as Bombyx mori DNA supercoiling factor, BmSCF) was previously proposed to supercoil DNA in the nucleus. However, we show here that BmCREC is localized in the ER lumen. Its C-terminal tetrapeptide HDEF is recognized by the KDEL receptor, and subsequently it is retrogradely transported by coat protein I (COPI) vesicles to the ER. Lacking the HDEF tetrapeptide of BmCREC or knocking down COPI subunits results in decreased ER retention and simultaneously increased secretion of BmCREC. Furthermore, we find that BmCREC knockdown markedly disrupts the morphology of the ER and Golgi apparatus and leads to a defect of posterior silkgland tube expansion. Together, our results clarify the ER retention mechanism of BmCREC and reveal that BmCREC is indispensable for maintaining ER/Golgi morphology.  相似文献   

LMAN1 (ERGIC-53) is a key mammalian cargo receptor responsible for the export of a subset of glycoproteins from the endoplasmic reticulum. Together with its soluble coreceptor MCFD2, LMAN1 transports coagulation factors V (FV) and VIII (FVIII). Mutations in LMAN1 or MCFD2 cause the genetic bleeding disorder combined deficiency of FV and FVIII (F5F8D). The LMAN1 carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) binds to both glycoprotein cargo and MCFD2 in a Ca2+-dependent manner. To understand the biochemical basis and regulation of LMAN1 binding to glycoprotein cargo, we solved crystal structures of the LMAN1-CRD bound to Man-α-1,2-Man, the terminal carbohydrate moiety of high mannose glycans. Our structural data, combined with mutagenesis and in vitro binding assays, define the central mannose-binding site on LMAN1 and pinpoint histidine 178 and glycines 251/252 as critical residues for FV/FVIII binding. We also show that mannobiose binding is relatively independent of pH in the range relevant for endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi traffic, but is sensitive to lowered Ca2+ concentrations. The distinct LMAN1/MCFD2 interaction is maintained at these lowered Ca2+ concentrations. Our results suggest that compartmental changes in Ca2+ concentration regulate glycoprotein cargo binding and release from the LMAN1·MCFD2 complex in the early secretory pathway.  相似文献   

Exit of cargo molecules from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for transport to the Golgi is the initial step in intracellular vesicular trafficking. The coat protein complex II (COPII) machinery is recruited to specialized regions of the ER, called ER exit sites (ERES), where it plays a central role in the early secretory pathway. It has been known for more than two decades that calcium is an essential factor in vesicle trafficking from the ER to Golgi apparatus. However, the role of calcium in the early secretory pathway is complicated and poorly understood. We and others previously identified Sec31A, an outer cage component of COPII, as an interacting protein for the penta-EF-hand calcium-binding protein ALG-2. In this study, we show that another calcium-binding protein, annexin A11 (AnxA11), physically associates with Sec31A by the adaptor function of ALG-2. Depletion of AnxA11 or ALG-2 decreases the population of Sec31A that is stably associated with the ERES and causes scattering of juxtanuclear ERES to the cell periphery. The synchronous ER-to-Golgi transport of transmembrane cargoes is accelerated in AnxA11- or ALG-2-knockdown cells. These findings suggest that AnxA11 maintains architectural and functional features of the ERES by coordinating with ALG-2 to stabilize Sec31A at the ERES.  相似文献   

Protein localization within cells regulates accessibility for interactions with co-factors and substrates. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) BiP co-factor ERdj4 is up-regulated by ER stress and has been implicated in ER-associated degradation (ERAD) of multiple unfolded secretory proteins. Several other ERdj family members tend to interact selectively with nascent proteins, presumably because those ERdj proteins associate with the Sec61 translocon that facilitates entry of nascent proteins into the ER. How ERdj4 selects and targets terminally misfolded proteins for destruction remains poorly understood. In this study, we determined properties of ERdj4 that might aid in this function. ERdj4 was reported to retain its signal sequence and to be resistant to mild detergent extraction, suggesting that it was an integral membrane protein. However, live cell photobleaching analyses of GFP-tagged ERdj4 revealed that the protein exhibits diffusion coefficients uncommonly high for an ER integral membrane protein and more similar to the mobility of a soluble luminal protein. Biochemical characterization established that the ERdj4 signal sequence is cleaved to yield a soluble protein. Importantly, we found that both endogenous and overexpressed ERdj4 associate with the integral membrane protein, Derlin-1. Our findings now directly link ERdj4 to the ERAD machinery and suggest a model in which ERjd4 could help recruit clients from throughout the ER to ERAD sites.  相似文献   

The ankyrin and SOCS (suppressor of cytokine signaling) box (ASB) family of proteins function as the substrate recognition subunit in a subset of Elongin-Cullin-SOCS (ECS) E3 ubiquitin ligases. Despite counting 18 members in humans, the identity of the physiological targets of the Asb proteins remains largely unexplored. To increase our understanding of the function of ASB proteins, we conducted a family-wide SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture)-based protein/protein interaction analysis. This investigation led to the identification of novel as well as known ASB-associated proteins like Cullin 5 and Elongins B/C. We observed that several proteins can be bound by more than one Asb protein. The additional exploration of this phenomenon demonstrated that ASB-Cullin 5 complexes can oligomerize and provides evidence that Cullin 5 forms heterodimeric complexes with the Cullin 4a-DDB1 complex. We also demonstrated that ASB11 is a novel endoplasmic reticulum-associated ubiquitin ligase with the ability to interact and promote the ubiquitination of Ribophorin 1, an integral protein of the oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) glycosylation complex. Moreover, expression of ASB11 can increase Ribophorin 1 protein turnover in vivo. In summary, we provide a comprehensive protein/protein interaction data resource that can aid the biological and functional characterization of ASB ubiquitin ligases.  相似文献   

Stresses increasing the load of unfolded proteins that enter the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) trigger a protective response termed the unfolded protein response (UPR). Stromal cell-derived factor2 (SDF2)-type proteins are highly conserved throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. In this study we have characterized AtSDF2 as crucial component of the UPR in Arabidopsis thaliana. Using a combination of biochemical and cell biological methods, we demonstrate that SDF2 is induced in response to ER stress conditions causing the accumulation of unfolded proteins. Transgenic reporter plants confirmed induction of SDF2 during ER stress. Under normal growth conditions SDF2 is highly expressed in fast growing, differentiating cells and meristematic tissues. The increased production of SDF2 due to ER stress and in tissues that require enhanced protein biosynthesis and secretion, and its association with the ER membrane qualifies SDF2 as a downstream target of the UPR. Determination of the SDF2 three-dimensional crystal structure at 1.95 Å resolution revealed the typical β-trefoil fold with potential carbohydrate binding sites. Hence, SDF2 might be involved in the quality control of glycoproteins. Arabidopsis sdf2 mutants display strong defects and morphological phenotypes during seedling development specifically under ER stress conditions, thus establishing that SDF2-type proteins play a key role in the UPR.  相似文献   

Endothelial nitric-oxide synthase (eNOS) plays a central role in cardiovascular regulation. eNOS function is critically modulated by Ca(2+) and protein phosphorylation, but the interrelationship between intracellular Ca(2+) mobilization and eNOS phosphorylation is poorly understood. Here we show that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca(2+) release activates eNOS by selectively promoting its Ser-635/633 (bovine/human) phosphorylation. With bovine endothelial cells, thapsigargin-induced ER Ca(2+) release caused a dose-dependent increase in eNOS Ser-635 phosphorylation, leading to elevated NO production. ER Ca(2+) release also promoted eNOS Ser-633 phosphorylation in mouse vessels in vivo. This effect was independent of extracellular Ca(2+) and selective to Ser-635 because the phosphorylation status of other eNOS sites, including Ser-1179 or Thr-497, was unaffected in thapsigargin-treated cells. Blocking ERK1/2 abolished ER Ca(2+) release-induced eNOS Ser-635 phosphorylation, whereas inhibiting protein kinase A or Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II had no effect. Protein phosphorylation assay confirmed that ERK1/2 directly phosphorylated the eNOS Ser-635 residue in vitro. Further studies demonstrated that ER Ca(2+) release-induced ERK1/2 activation mediated the enhancing action of purine or bradykinin receptor stimulation on eNOS Ser-635/633 phosphorylation in bovine/human endothelial cells. Mutating the Ser-635 to nonphosphorylatable alanine prevented ATP from activating eNOS in cells. Taken together, these studies reveal that ER Ca(2+) release enhances eNOS Ser-635 phosphorylation and function via ERK1/2 activation. Because ER Ca(2+) is commonly mobilized by agonists or physicochemical stimuli, the identified ER Ca(2+)-ERK1/2-eNOS Ser-635 phosphorylation pathway may have a broad role in the regulation of endothelial function.  相似文献   

Nascent chains are known to be targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane either by a signal recognition particle (SRP)-dependent co-translational or by an SRP-independent post-translational translocation route depending on signal sequences. Using a set of model and cellular proteins carrying an N-terminal signal anchor sequence of controlled hydrophobicity and yeast mutant strains defective in SRP or Sec62 function, the hydrophobicity-dependent targeting efficiency and targeting pathway preference were systematically evaluated. Our results suggest that an SRP-dependent co-translational and an SRP-independent post-translational translocation are not mutually exclusive for signal anchor proteins and that moderately hydrophobic ones require both SRP and Sec62 for proper targeting and translocation to the endoplasmic reticulum. Further, defect in Sec62 selectively reduced signal sequences inserted in an Nin-Cout (type II) membrane topology, implying an undiscovered role of Sec62 in regulating the orientation of the signal sequence in an early stage of translocation.  相似文献   

Salt-inducible kinase 2 (SIK2) is an important regulator of cAMP response element-binding protein-mediated gene expression in various cell types and is the only AMP-activated protein kinase family member known to interact with the p97/valosin-containing protein (VCP) ATPase. Previously, we have demonstrated that SIK2 can regulate autophagy when proteasomal function is compromised. Here we report that physical and functional interactions between SIK2 and p97/VCP underlie the regulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated protein degradation (ERAD). SIK2 co-localizes with p97/VCP in the ER membrane and stimulates its ATPase activity through direct phosphorylation. Although the expression of wild-type recombinant SIK2 accelerated the degradation and removal of ERAD substrates, the kinase-deficient variant conversely had no effect. Furthermore, down-regulation of endogenous SIK2 or mutation of the SIK2 target site on p97/VCP led to impaired degradation of ERAD substrates and disruption of ER homeostasis. Collectively, these findings highlight a mechanism by which the interplay between SIK2 and p97/VCP contributes to the regulation of ERAD in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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