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The disabled population constitutes a class of people needing special care and necessitating important economic and social effort.  相似文献   

In diagnostic testing for IgE-mediated allergy in children the skin-prick test is preferred because it is safer, less painful and more specific than the intracutaneous test, and cheaper and more sensitive than the radioallergosorbent test (RAST). The intracutaneous test and RAST are useful in certain circumstances, however. While a positive result from any of these tests indicates hypersensitivity, it does not necessarily mean that the allergen giving the positive result is responsible for the patient''s symptoms. That can only be decided by interpreting the result in light of the allergy history. This paper outlines the indications for the prick test, the allergens that may be employed, the method of doing the test, and its place among the other tests that are used in a modern pediatric allergy practice.  相似文献   

Skin colour has been analysed in 352 males and 393 females of the Basques. Measurements of upper-arm reflectance were taken using 9 filters of an EEL reflectance spectrophotometer. Regional differences are not found. Sexual dimorphism is not equally revealed in all filters in the same manner, but females are, on average, lighter skinned than males. By means of Penrose's size ans shape distance comparisons were made with several European populations.  相似文献   

The Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus population in Morocco has undergone a marked decline since the 1980s to the point of nearing local extinction in the twenty-first century. A field study of some possible sites for Egyptian Vultures was carried out over six days during June 2014 in the Middle Atlas Mountains, Morocco. We counted a total of 48 Egyptian Vultures at three different localities: two occupied breeding sites and one communal roost that hosted 40 vultures of different ages. A (probable) singe adult bird at the breeding site was located and a previously occupied site was also visited. A preliminary survey amongst local people indicated that threats faced by this species are predator poisoning in some areas, and the use of vulture parts for traditional medicine. Given that the species is considered globally Endangered and populations continue to decline in many areas, the discovered population reported here, although relatively small, is of national and regional (North-west Africa) importance. We expect this new situation will revive the hopes for studying and conserving this and other vulture species in Morocco and North-west Africa in general.  相似文献   

We studied the genetic diversity of great bustards (Otis tarda) in Iberia and Morocco, the main stronghold of this globally endangered species. Samples were collected from 327 individuals covering most of the distribution range within the study area. Sequence variation in a 657 bp fragment of the mtDNA control region revealed 20 variable sites defining 22 haplotypes, two of them exclusive to Morocco. Genetic diversity showed marked regional differences (π = 0–0.53, h = 0–0.89). Multidimensional scaling analysis based on F ST values showed a clear division between Morocco and the Iberian Peninsula, with no evidence of current gene flow between them. Our results suggest that Morocco, where few matrilines have persisted to present, was colonized from Iberia thousands of years ago. Last century reports suggest dispersal through Gibraltar, when the species was more abundant at both sides of the Strait but later population declines and the Strait’s barrier effect have favoured current genetic isolation. Within Iberia, only the most peripheral populations (Navarra, Aragón and Andalusia) differed significantly from the main ones in central Spain. The first two showed extremely low genetic diversity and are probably threatened by inbreeding depression. Diversity was higher in Andalusia, where three exclusive haplotypes were found, suggesting some degree of isolation from other populations. Andalusia and Morocco could be regarded as separate management units which hold a significant proportion of the current genetic diversity and thus deserve urgent conservation measures.  相似文献   


Paul Moorehead 《CMAJ》2014,186(1):E67

Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV, genus Potexvirus) is an emergent and highly infectious pathogen responsible for economically important diseases in tomato crops. An extensive survey of tomato plants showing PepMV‐like symptoms was carried out in 2017 to study the PepMV genetic diversity and populations structure in different tomato‐producing areas of Spain and Morocco. Molecular dot‐blot hybridization analysis showed that virus populations from Spain and Morocco were mainly composed of isolates belonging to the Chilean 2 (CH2) strain, although isolates of the European (EU) strain were detected in significant proportions in Spanish populations, mainly in mixed infections. A few isolates of the American (US1) strain were also detected in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) crops. Eighty‐five isolates were randomly selected and sequenced in the genomic region that encodes the triple gene block and capsid protein genes. Our phylogenetic and population genetics analyses confirmed the presence of the CH2, EU and US1 PepMV strains. Despite the high genetic similarity observed within populations, variants were maintained at low frequency under purifying selection, and differentiation among more geographically distant locations was identified, with potential gene flow contributing to the shaping of the PepMV populations structure.  相似文献   

 The level of genetic diversity and the population genetic structure of sorghum landraces from North-western Morocco have been investigated based on direct field-sampling using both allozyme and microsatellite markers. As expected, microsatellite markers showed a much higher degree of polymorphism than allozymes, but relative measures of genetic structure such as Wright’s inbreeding coefficient F IS and Nei’s coefficient of genetic differentiation G ST were similar for the two sets of markers. Substantial inbreeding was found to occur within fields, which confirms that sorghum is predominantly selfing under cultivation. Most of the genetic diversity in Moroccan landraces occurs within fields (more than 85%), as opposed to among fields or among regions, a result which contrasts to those of studies based on accessions from germplasm collections. It is suggested that individual fields of sorghum constitute valuable units of conservation in the context of in situ conservation practices. Received: 8 December 1998 / Accepted: 28 December 1998  相似文献   

In this two-year study of a Barbary macaque population (n = 162) in the Ghomaran region of Morocco, 13 cases of males separated from their assumed natal groups were observed (nine visits of nonresident males to groups, two males isolated from groups as much as one day and one night, and two sets of snow tracks indicating males travel +7 km as isolates). Males left their assumed natal groups primarily in the mating season (12 cases), focused their interactions on estrous females of other groups, and were observed to copulate with these females in two cases. All males leaving their assumed natal groups were estimated to be between 5 and 8 years of age, with one exception (+ 15 years). It could not be determined whether males younger than 5 years moved between groups, or whether any males made permanent intergroup transfers. Regardless, the data from this study indicate that male intergroup mobility (and intergroup gene flow) was higher than has been previously assumed for this species. A prior theory that Barbary macaque groups are highly inbred, and that this is causally related to the evolution of male-infant care in this species, is not supported by the data of this study.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean, most areas belonging to the initial distribution range of the Osprey Pandion haliaetus have been lost and local populations have disappeared in recent decades because of persecution. Even though direct management actions have allowed local partial recovery, the Mediterranean population currently only holds a few tens of breeding pairs and is still exposed to local extinction risks. One of the last Mediterranean Osprey breeding areas lies along the North African coast between Morocco and Algeria. In this paper, we report new information on the Osprey population within the Al Hoceima National Park, Morocco. The status of the population for 2012 and 2013 is reported and compared with data collected during the period 1983–1990. A reduction in number of nests and breeding pairs was observed and a 35.7% decrease in the population size recorded. In addition, we discuss the main identified threats to Osprey habitats (e.g. dynamite and poison fishing) that affect the Osprey breeding population in this area. In this context, we stress the necessity for urgent measures to be adopted at the local scale for the protection of this vulnerable population in the light of a sound conservation strategy also at the scale of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Dysmenorrhea is the most common gynaecological problem among young females. In Arabic countries, few studies on gynaecological problems of adolescent’s girls were published. Objective: the aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of dysmenorrhea and associated factors among adolescents in public schools at Marrakesh. Methods: we conducted a cross-sectional study; our data was collected via a questionnaire and the statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 21. Our random sample counted 364 post-menarcheal girls aged between 12 and 20 years who participated voluntarily in our study. Results: the mean age at menarche was 12.89 ± 1.34 years; the prevalence of dysmenorrhea was 78% and 58.1% of them suffering from severe dysmenorrhea that increased clearly with the chronological age. Dysmenorrhea was cause for missing school among 13% of girls and the most common symptoms associated with it were backache, fatigue, irritability and anxiety. The gynecological age was found to be the only predictive factor of dysmenorrhea among schoolgirls. Conclusion: reproductive health education should be improved enough by including them in the school curriculum to prepare girls for menstruation and inform them about problems related to this phenomenon, especially dysmenorrhea.  相似文献   

Morphological and molecular surveys of within-island geographic variation in lizards have revealed patterns of geographic variation that reflect both population vicariance and in situ selection-mediated responses to the ecological heterogeneity of the islands. This study tested different models of differentiation in a continental species, the agamid Agama impalearis , in which spatial separation is much greater than that in island species. Patterns of among-site differentiation in morphology were described and a character-resampling technique used to investigate their robustness. Putative causes were evaluated by testing multivariate patterns of differentiation against models based on historical and present-day effects using matrix association randomization tests. This strongly suggested the action of both vicariance/secondary contact and current climatic conditions in shaping the patterns of morphological variation. The former appears to be the result of range contraction into refugia separated by the Atlas mountain range during glacial conditions, with subsequent secondary contact during warmer interglacial periods, Scalation showed a very clear association with geographic difference in thermal regime, even after the vicariance/gene-flow induced non-independence had been taken into account. This latter finding indicates that patterns observed in other lizards are quite general.  相似文献   



The presence in Morocco of Argasid ticks of the Ornithodoros erraticus complex, the vector of tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) in North Africa, has been known since 1919, but the disease is rarely diagnosed and few epidemiological data are available.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Between 2006 and 2011, we investigated the presence of Ornithodoros ticks in rodent burrows in 34 sites distributed across Morocco. We also collected small mammals in 10 sites and we investigated TBRF in febrile patients in Kenitra district. The prevalence of Borrelia infections was assessed by nested PCR amplification in ticks and the brain tissue of small mammals, and by evaluation of thick blood films in patients. A high proportion of burrows were infested with ticks of the O. erraticus complex in all regions of Morocco, with a mean of 39.5% for the whole country. Borrelia infections were found in 39/382 (10.2%) of the ticks and 12/140 (8.6%) of the rodents and insectivores studied by PCR amplification, and 102 patients tested positive by thick blood film. Five small mammalian species were found infected: Dipodillus campestris, Meriones shawi, Gerbillus hoogstrali, Gerbillus occiduus and Atelerix algirus. Three Borrelia species were identified in ticks and/or rodents: B. hispanica, B. crocidurae and B. merionesi.


Tick populations belonging to O. erraticus complex are widely distributed in Morocco and a high proportion of ticks and small mammals are infected by Borrelia species. Although rarely diagnosed, TBRF may be a common cause of morbidity in all regions of Morocco.  相似文献   

New pterosaur remains consisting of jaw fragments of toothless taxa and isolated teeth are described from the red beds of the Kern Kern region of southern Morocco. The stratigraphic position of those red beds is discussed and it is concluded that they are in all likelihood early Cenomanian in age. At least four taxa of pterodactyloid pterosaurs are present. The toothless jaw fragments are referred to the families ?Pteranodontidae, ?Azhdarchidae and Tapejaridae. Four different morphotypes can be distinguished among the isolated teeth. They are tentatively referred to the Ornithocheiridae. This assemblage reveals a high diversity of pterosaurs in Africa during the early Upper Cretaceous. The possible occurrence of tapejarids and anhanguerids indicates relationships with the somewhat older pterosaur assemblage from the Santana Formation (Aptian/Albian) of Brazil. If confirmed, the presence of azhdarchids and pteranodontids in the early Cenomanian suggests an early differentiation of these essentially late Late Cretaceous groups of large pterosaurs.  相似文献   

On the continental Copepod fauna of Morocco   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
A series of samples, collected in different parts of Morocco, contained 26 species and one subspecies of Copepoda. Ten among these are new to the fauna of Morocco and one is new to Science. Two species (Eucyclops hadjebensis Kiefer and Mixodiaptomus laciniatus atlantis Kiefer) are endemic to Morocco; Afrocyclops gibsoni Brady and Thermocyclops schuurmanae Kiefer are Ethiopan species. The former reaches its limit of Northern extent East of the Atlas mountains; the latter is a pluvial relict. The remaining species have either a cosmopolitan, circummediterranean or North-African distribution, with the exception of Cyclops abyssorum mauretaniae which is a southern element of the Eurasiatic genus Cyclops. Its taxonomical status is reviewed in some detail. Thermocyclops infrequens Kiefer is synonymized with T. schuurmanae Kiefer. It is concluded that the largest gaps in our knowledge of the Copepoda of Morocco are now in the group of the Harpacticoida.Contribution no. 14 of the biological expedition of the University of Gent (Belgium) to Morocco, July–August 1971  相似文献   

The main wild population of the Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita breeds on the Atlantic coast of Morocco in the Agadir region. This paper describes the numbers of breeding pairs over the last two decades, the recent breeding performance, the causes of egg and chick losses and their conservation implications. Since 1980 there has been no overall decline in numbers with, over the last 5 years, 59–74 pairs breeding and a peak prebreeding population of around 220 birds. In contrast with the now extinct Northern Bald Ibis populations in Turkey and elsewhere in Morocco, the birds are present in the Agadir region throughout the year and do not appear to migrate from the area outside the breeding season. Breeding performance is highly variable from one year to the next but does not appear to be related to rainfall in the vicinity of the colonies as has been reported elsewhere. It is suggested that coastal fogs in this region may buffer the adverse impacts of low rainfall and may in part account for the year-round residency of the birds. The main causes of breeding failures have been loss of eggs to predators and, most importantly, poor chick survival as a result of starvation and predation. Conservation action to date has focused on reducing the negative influences on breeding success but it is recognized that for such a long-lived bird adult survival is also likely to be an important limiting factor on the population size.  相似文献   

The work carried out in the Thomas quarry near Casablanca, since the last discovery of human remains, has recently brought to light some skull fragments and a series of upper teeth belonging to an Atlanthropian, along with an important fauna, providing stratigraphic confirmation for the amirian origins of the bed and for the presence of the Atlanthropian previously discovered in this quarry.  相似文献   

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