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Normal and iron-deficient rats were exposed to cold at 4 degrees C for 1 hr or 5 hrs and the serum TSH, T3 and T4 levels were compared with those in rats kept at room temperature (20 degrees C). There was a rise in serum TSH, T3 and T4 levels in response to 1 hr and 5 hrs of cold exposure in normal, but not in iron-deficient rats. Although pituitary TSH contents were lower in iron-deficient rats, the increases in serum levels of TSH following administration of TRH were similar in both normal and iron-deficient rats. The results suggest that the inability to respond to cold in iron-deficient rats may be due to a reduction in the release of TRH from the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Submicroscopic examination of rat oviducts in the early postnatal period showed that the character of the epithelium remained relatively indifferent up to the 6th day. Typical findings in this phase include an apical migration of the centrioles, with subsequent formation of solitary cilia; ciliated cells were an isolated occurrence. Ciliogenesis in the rat oviductal epithelium starts between the 8th and the 10th day. A continuous kinociliary apparatus is formed on the basis of centriole replication. The first secretory and peg cells appear towards the end of the second week.  相似文献   

The intensity of the Breuer-Hering inflation reflex was studied in newborn (1 day old), in young (8 days old) and in adult rats (90 days old) under urethane general anaesthesia (1.3 g/kg i.p.). The inflation pressure was adjusted with the aid of a water-valve. The reflex was present in all 3 age groups. An inflation pressure of 0.2 kPa applied in the course of expiration produced a long lasting apnoea in newborn rats which lasted 48 normal respiratory cycles. An inflation pressure of 0.5 kPa in young rats induced an apnoea lasting for only 3 normal respiratory cycles, whereas a pressure of 1 kPa in adult rats led to an apnoea which lasted for 20 normal respiratory cycles. The compliance of the respiratory system in relation to lung weight is approximately 5 times higher in adult rats compared with that of newborn rats. It is approximately double in comparison with young rats. The pressures of inflation mentioned in the 3 age categories can be considered as equieffective from the point of stimulation pulmonary stretch receptors. It can be concluded from these findings that the reflex of Breuer-Hering in newborn rats is more potent in comparison with adult rats, but it is lower in young rats at the age of 8 days. It is suggested that the differences observed are due to functional and anatomical maturation.  相似文献   

The postnatal development of the occipito-tectal pathway was studied by making single injections of 3H-leucine into the striate cortex of rats ranging in age from newborn to postnatal day 50 (P50). After these injections, the earliest age at which autoradiographic labeling was found in the ipsilateral superior colliculus (SC) was P4. Two main stages were recognized in the development of the occipito-tectal pathway. In the first stage, from P4 to P9, the silver grain pattern over the SC was suggestive of axonal labeling. The label was tangentially and radially exuberant involving the prospective stratum opticum, the adjacent part of the stratum griseum superficiale and also the strata intermediale. A rough topographic order in the projection existed at least from P6. The second stage, from P9 to P17, was characterized by the ingrowth of axonal arbors into the collicular strata superficiale and by the disappearance of the tangentially exuberant projections. Quantitative estimations of the degree of tangential exuberancy of the projection showed that it underwent a reduction of almost 50% from P7 to P17. By P17, the radial and tangential patterns of termination of the occipito-tectal pathway appeared virtually mature. No projections to the contralateral SC were observed at any age. The results of the present study indicate that the mature topographic pattern of the occipito-tectal projection is attained through two separate steps which may involve a number of different mechanisms. In the first step, occipital axons grow orderly -although in an exuberant manner- towards their roughly appropriate tectal locations, remaining to a large extent confined to the collicular white matter. In the second step, further refinement of the topographic map is achieved both by selective growing of terminal arbors into tangentially restricted regions of the tectal surface, and, by retraction of tangentially exuberant projections.  相似文献   

In laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 1 to 21 days emergence of postural and locomotor skills was studied in the open field and in experimental situations with homing used as motivation. Righting is mediated initially by curving and rocking of the trunk, later head and shoulder are rotated, and lastly the hindlimbs turn and provide co-ordinated support. Pivoting prodominates during the second half of the first week, crawling during most of the second week, and walking or running by the end of the second week. Balancing on narrow paths and compensating for lateral displacement on rotating rods mature later, as do various skills (climbing up or down on inclined surfaces, rods and ropes, and jumping across gaps) that require substantial hindlimb co-ordiantion.  相似文献   

The activities of cytochrome c oxidase and F0F1-ATPase as well as the content of cytochromes cc1, aa3, and b were investigated in free brain mitochondria in the course of postnatal development and aging. The results show an increase of Vmax of both enzymes during postnatal development (between day 5 and 30). During the following phase ending at the age of 6 months, a decrease of F0F1-ATPase and cytochrome c oxidase activity occurs. From 6 to 12 months of age the activity of these enzymes did not change. The KM for both enzymes remained unchanged during the whole period observed. The content of cytochromes increased from the low values found in young rats, reached the highest values at around one month, and decreased till the age of 3 months. Later, their content in brain mitochondria did not markedly change. Our results suggest that the metabolic maturation of brain mitochondria differs in several aspects from the same process in other tissues, mainly in the time course. This is probably due to the unique role of neural tissue in the organism.  相似文献   

Adult Wistar rats food deprived for 3 days had lower basal levels of TSH compared to normal fed animals. An increase of these lower levels to normal values was obtained following a prolonged (injections during 3 consecutive days) or acute treatment (single injection) with pimozide (1 mg/injection). Blood samples obtained after the last or an only injection of pimozide contained profound increased prolactin levels. Prolactin increase was more than 100-fold in fed and more than 30-fold in starved rats following prolonged pimozide treatment and more than 25-fold and 10-fold following a single injection of pimozide. An injection of 250 ng of TRH increased plasma concentrations of TSH in all groups, but this increase was more pronounced in fasted rats injected with pimozide during 3 consecutive days. It is concluded that fasting results in a dopaminergic inhibition of the sensitivity of the thyrotrophs to a TRH challenge.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIM: The availability of sensitive thyrotropin (TSH) assays decreased the diagnostic value of thyrotropin-releasing hormone stimulation tests (TRH-ST) in subclinical hypothyroidism. In this study we aimed to evaluate the relation between basal and stimulated serum TSH levels on TRH-ST and to determine the prevalence of patients with normal basal serum TSH and exaggerated TSH responses. METHODS: 179 patients (117 girls, 123 pubertal) with a median age of 12 (2.7-21.4) years who presented with goiter were enrolled and evaluated for their pubertal stage, height, thyroid autoimmunity, ultrasonography, thyroid function, and TRH-ST. Serum TSH concentrations were determined by sensitive assays. At TRH-ST, a peak serum TSH level >25 mIU/l was considered as an exaggerated response. RESULTS: 30 (17%) patients had an exaggerated TSH response. In patients with serum TSH levels between 2 and 4.68 mIU/l (upper half the normal range), an exaggerated TSH response was observed in 19.5%. A positive correlation between basal and TRH-stimulated TSH levels was determined (r = 0.536, p < 0.01). In patients with an exaggerated TSH response, 23 had normal (discordant) and 7 had high basal TSH levels (concordant). The mean basal serum TSH level was lower in the discordant group compared to the concordant group (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Basal serum TSH levels might not be sufficient for diagnosing subclinical hypothyroidism. Stimulated TSH levels on TRH-ST are valuable, especially when serum TSH concentrations are in the upper half of the normal range.  相似文献   

Seven rhodamine-conjugated lectins were utilized to study the distribution of glycoproteins in the developing rat testis and epididymis. In the testis a clear developmental pattern was found in Leydig cells and the cell boundaries between Sertoli and spermatogenic cells, as well as during acrosome formation. Some of the first degenerating meiotic cells and the apical extensions of the Sertoli cells at the time of spermiation also displayed a characteristic lectin binding. The epididymal differentiation was characterized by an increasing lectin binding of the subapical Golgi zone and apical surface, and intratubular secretion prior to the arrival of sperm. After the accumulation of tubular secretion and sperm some epithelial cells were transformed into narrow (initial segment) and light cells (distal caput, cauda) with a strong affinity for some lectins. These cells appeared to be responsible for the absorption and digestion of tubular material derived from the testis and of surplus secretion and/or sperm structures.  相似文献   

The development of the glycine cleavage system was studied in liver mitochondrial extracts from neonatal and adult rats. The enzyme activity in 2-day-old pups was 29.3% of that measured in the adult and was found to increase in an age-dependent manner. Measurement of hepatic free amino acid concentrations at the neonatal ages showed that glycine levels were highest at 2 days and at 14 days were about 48% of those in the 2-day-old pups. Serine levels did not change between the age of 2 and 14 days. A developmental delay in the glycine cleavage system is responsible for the high levels of glycine in the neonatal rat liver.  相似文献   

Summary Light and electron microscopy of newborn, four day, one, two, three and five week old rats revealed principally a progressive increase in the diversity and number of synaptic contacts in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The major increase in synaptic diversity occurred between four days and one week of age. Correlation between this finding and the adult synaptic morphology of SCN (Güldner, 1976) on the one hand, and the ontogeny of circadian rhythms on the other were made. This suggested that the retinal afferents arriving on day four form asymmetrical contacts with dendrites. While increase in synaptic number was progressive, it was most marked between three and five weeks of age. By five weeks, most features of the adult SCN were present. No significant morphological effects were evident as a result of neonatal retinal lesions.Supported in part by grants NS-12265, NS-12267, HD04583 and HD-08658 from the National Institutes of Health, USPHS. The electron microscopic facilities of the California Regional Primate Center, supported by NIH grant RR-00169, were utilized. The technical assistance of Mrs. Viviana Wong is gratefully acknowledged. A preliminary report of a portion of this data was given at the Society for Neuroscience, November, 1974 in St. Louis, Missouri.  相似文献   

Summary In intact male rats after TRH administration for 7 and 14 days, TSH cells showed similar morphological changes to those observed after thyroidectomy. These changes were paralleled by small numerical increases in TSH cell counts. After 34 days of TRH treatment, however, most of the TSH cells had a normal appearance and the number of TSH cells also had returned to normal. TRH treatment for 7, 14 and 34 days caused morphological changes in Prolactin cells similar to those obtained after a suckling stimulus. In the three groups these changes were also paralleled by small numerical increases in Prolactin cell counts. The cell replication after TRH for 7 and 14 days, as measured by incorporation of tritiated thymidine to obtain a labeling index, was slightly but significantly increased.This work was supported by grants MA-552 and MT-2701 from the Medical Research Council of Canada. The authors wish to thank Dr. D.A.J. Ives, Connaught Medical Research Laboratories, Toronto, for providing the TRH, and Mr. G. Penz for technical assistance.Fellow of the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Five Fluorescein-isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled lectins were used to study the postnatal development of carbohydrate constituents in the rat ventral prostate: Concanavalin A (Con A), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), peanut agglutinin (PNA),Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) andRicinus communis agglutinin I (RCA-I) With all the lectins, tested, except RCA-I, specific binding sites could be shown for every stage of differentiation in the glandular epithelium. Binding sites for Con A, WGA, PNA and DBA were found from day 10 to 13 post partum onwards. Each lectin showed a characteristic localization. Binding sites for the lectins used changed to different extents during the following two weeks. After the 24th day post partum no further changes in the lectin binding pattern could be found. The development of the lectin binding properties showed that the changes in carbohydrate-containing constituents of the prostate correlate with the beginning of prostatic secretion and to prostatic epithelial differentiation. In the periacinar stroma the development of the lectin binding pattern was similar to that in the glandular epithelium. The changes of stromal binding sites for Con A and WGA during epithelial differentiation may reflect the changes of epithelial-stromal interactions in the prostate.  相似文献   

In certain circumstances the activity of cholesterol ester hydrolase (CEH) activity is believed to be rate-limiting for corticosterone production by the adrenal. The principal aim of the current study was to determine whether the activity of CEH displays a developmental increase in the infant rat which could, in part, account for the marked increase in serum corticosterone which begins at the end of the second postnatal week. The data show that the specific activity of CEH (units/mg cytosolic protein) during development is actually a mirror image of the pattern seen for serum corticosterone, i.e. CEH activities are high when serum corticosterone concentrations are low and then fall when serum corticosterone is rising. Even when total activities of CEH in the adrenal were calculated, there was no increase in parallel with the initial rise of serum corticosterone. At each age studied, stressed pups displayed significant increases of serum corticosterone; however, their CEH activities were no different from those in the non-stressed littermates. It is concluded that the activity of CEH is not the rate-determining factor for the developmental surge of basal concentrations of serum corticosterone nor for stress-induced elevation of corticosterone during the developmental period. A second aim of the current study was to address the more general question of whether steroidogenesis in the developing adrenal is limited by substrate supply. Measurement of the cholesterol content of adrenal mitochondria showed no ontogenic increase, suggesting that substrate supply, from any source, is not rate-limiting for steroidogenesis at these ages.  相似文献   

The inferior colliculus in the rat midbrain is an auditory relay center whose functional maturation occurs postnatally. We examined by morphometry the vascularity and the nuclear profile density of the inferior colliculus in normal young rats at different ages (before and after the onset of auditory input). We also compared this region with a frontal region of the cerebral cortex in 24-day-old rats. The inferior colliculus from aldehyde-perfused Sprague-Dawley rats aged 5, 9, 14, and 24 days was analyzed by light microscopy of semithin plastic sections. The central region (mostly the central nucleus) was sampled at 5 levels representing its entire rostrocaudal extent. Patent-blood-vessel profiles were counted and classified according to their size and profile orientation. Counts of nuclear profiles in the same sections were also made. In the inferior colliculus of rats between 5 and 24 days of age, the small (less than 10-microns diameter) cross-sectioned vessel profiles increased over 6-fold in number per unit area. Correspondingly the vascular volume density, estimated by differential point counting, increased between these ages. However, there was a decrease in the number of neuronal and glial nuclear profiles per unit area, probably because of growth in the volume of the neuronal perikarya and processes, along with cell emigration reported to occur at early postnatal ages. This study has shown that an increase in vascularity in the central region of the rat inferior colliculus continues for up to 2 weeks after the onset of hearing.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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