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Ribonucleoprotein (RNP)1 particles isolated by DOC treatment from pancreatic microsomes have a RNA content of 35 to 45 per cent of their dry weight. In the analytical ultracentrifuge about 85 per cent of the material has a sedimentation coefficient of ∼85 S. These particles contain amylase, RNase, and trypsin-activatable proteolytic activities which cannot be washed off or detached by incubation in 0.44 M sucrose. The enzymes are released, however, by incubation in the presence of low concentrations of ATP, PP, or EDTA, and high concentrations of IP and AMP. At the same time, and at the same concentrations, ∼80 per cent of the RNA and ∼25 per cent of the protein of the particles becomes also non-sedimentable. The simultaneous addition of Mg++ to the incubation medium prevents these losses. This finding, together with the observation that all the Mg++ of the particles is released by the same agents, makes it likely that Mg++ holds the particles together, and that its removal by the chelators used causes the particles to disintegrate. These findings are discussed in relation to the molecular structure of the RNP particles.  相似文献   

Pancreatic tissue, (guinea pig) homogenized in 0.88 M sucrose, was fractionated by differential centrifugation into a nuclear, zymogen, mitochondrial, microsomal, and final supernatant fraction. The components of the particulate fractions were identified with well known intracellular structures by electron microscopy. The fractions were analyzed for protein-N and RNA, and were assayed for RNase and trypsin-activatable proteolytic (TAPase) activity. The zymogen fraction accounted for 30 to 40 per cent of the total TAPase and RNase activities, and its specific enzymatic activities were 4 to 10 times higher than those of any other cell fraction. The zymogen fraction was cytologically heterogeneous; zymogen granules and mitochondria represented its main components. More homogeneous zymogen fractions, obtained by successive washing or by separation in a discontinuous density-gradient, had specific activities 2 to 4 times greater than the crude zymogen fractions. Chymotrypsinogen was isolated by column chromatography from pancreas homogenates and derived cell fractions. The largest amount was recovered in the zymogen fraction. The final supernatant had properties similar to those of the trypsin inhibitor described by Kunitz and Northrop.  相似文献   

Microsomes were isolated from the pancreas of starved and fed guinea pigs. In the first case, the gland was removed from animals starved for 48 hours; in the second, the pancreas was excised 1 hour after the beginning of a meal that ended a fast of 48 hours. These are referred to below as fed animals. In both cases the tissue was homogenized in 0.88 M sucrose and the microsomes obtained by centrifuging the mitochondrial supernatant at 105,000 g for 60 minutes. In starved animals the content of the endoplasmic reticulum of the exocrine cells and the content of the microsomes were found to be of low or moderate density. In fed guinea pigs the cavities of the reticulum frequently contained dense intracisternal granules and the microsomes were distinguished by a content of high density sometimes in the form of recognizable intracisternal granules. In starved animals, the microsomes were found to account for 5 to 20 per cent of the trypsin-activatable proteolytic activity and ribonuclease activity of the whole cell, whereas in fed animals they contained uniformly almost 30 per cent of these activities. In fed animals the dense, cohesive content of the microsomes (intracisternal granules) could be isolated by breaking up the microsomes with dilute (0.1 per cent) deoxycholate solutions and separating microsomal subfractions by differential centrifugation. The specific enzymatic activities of a heavy microsomal subfraction rich in intracisternal granules were almost equal to those of isolated purified zymogen granules. The ribonucleoprotein particles attached to the microsomal membranes could be isolated by the same technique and found also to exhibit some of the same enzymatic activities. Corresponding subfractions isolated from the microsomes of starved animals were considerably less active. The relevance of these findings for the synthesis and intracellular transport of protein in the exocrine cell of the pancreas is discussed.  相似文献   

Chymotrypsinogen synthesis in the exocrine cell of the guinea pig pancreas was studied under the following conditions: Animals fed after a fast of ∼48 hours received ∼1 hour after feeding an intravenous injection of DL-leucine-1-C14. At various time intervals (1 to 45 minutes) after the injection, the glands were removed and fractionated into a series of cell fractions of known cytological significance. Ten to twelve animals were used for each time point. From each cell fraction, the chymotrypsinogen was isolated by acid extraction and purified by (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, isoelectric precipitation, and chromatography. Because of the minuteness of the quantities involved, chymotrypsinogen amounts were calculated from enzymatic activity figures, and a carrier method was used to precipitate and count the enzyme. The chymotrypsinogen isolated from the attached ribonucleoprotein particles of the microsomal fraction had the highest specific radioactivity at the early time points (1 to 3 minutes). After long intervals (at 15 to 45 minutes), the specific radioactivity of the enzyme increased in the microsomal contents and finally in the zymogen granules. The results are compatible with the view that the chymotrypsinogen is synthesized in or on the attached RNP particles and subsequently transported to other cell compartments.  相似文献   

A cytochemical analysis reveals the development of fatty yolk (FY) in the early antral oocyte and proteid yolk (PY) in the late antral oocyte of the guinea pig. While the FY develops from the lipid elements of the oocyte (endogenous), the PY apparently develops from the protein-positive precursor granules infiltrating into the oocyte (exogenous). Cytochemically the FY is composed of saturated triglycerides and the PY of tyrosine-, tryptophan-, histidine-, arginine-, and -SH and -NH2 groups-containing protein. It has been found possible to conclude that the FY is used up by the growing oocyte, while the PY continues to be present in the mature pre-ovulatory oocyte.  相似文献   

两个品系豚鼠对化学介质诱导产生气道反应的差异性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 研究新育成的Zmu 1∶DHP豚鼠气道对外界化学介质诱导产生的反应性。为研究哮喘选择和提供具有较高敏感性的速发型过敏性动物模型。方法 采用雾化气体吸入法 ,按递增浓度 ,让动物吸入组胺及乙酰胆碱气体 ,记录豚鼠到达哮喘发作时的介质浓度和呼吸频率及幅度 ,评定对化学介质的敏感程度 ,同时用DHP品系豚鼠进行对照。结果 当 0 2 %组胺浓度雾化吸入时 ,Zmu 1∶DHP豚鼠哮喘发作的呼吸频率及每分钟通气量 ,显著大于DHP豚鼠 (P <0 0 5 ) ;当 0 4 %浓度时 ,前者的潮气量及每分钟通气量 ,比后者有增高的趋势 (P <0 0 5 ) ;当0 6 %浓度时 ,前者的潮气量及每分钟通气量 ,显著小于后者 (P <0 0 5 )。二个品系豚鼠吸入乙酰胆碱雾化气体后 ,无明显差异 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 在低浓度组胺雾化吸入时 ,Zmu 1∶DHP品系豚鼠产生哮喘的敏感性显著高于DHP豚鼠 ;高浓度时 ,气道可能因失敏而降低反应性  相似文献   

本实验观察了豚鼠巨细胞病毒感染对怀孕豚鼠的影响。从皮下和心腔接种病毒感染动物,接种病毒的时间在动物妊娠早期。接种病毒后,二组动物都出现病毒血症,从动物的脾、肺和唾液腺均分离到病毒。病毒在唾液腺持续存在。皮下接种组和心腔接种组各有38%和44%的孕鼠的胚胎感染了病毒,各有27%和25%的孕鼠发生流产,皮下接种组还有63%的孕鼠怀有死胎。本实验为研究巨细胞病毒感染提供了动物模型,证实了血源途径也可以引起豚鼠的先天性巨细胞病毒感染。  相似文献   

目的探讨豚鼠腺性膀胱炎动物模型的建立方法及尿流动力学检查方法。方法将28只雌性豚鼠分三组:正常对照组、生理盐水对照组和造模组。用膀胱内灌注大肠杆菌的方法制作腺性膀胱炎动物模型,7周后行尿流动力学检查及病理检测。结果尿流动力学检查发现造模组豚鼠储尿期逼尿肌不稳定发生率较正常对照组及生理盐水对照组显著增多(P〈0.001);正常对照组无腺性膀胱炎病变,生理盐水对照组出现腺性膀胱炎1例,造模组出现7例,造模组与另外两组相比差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),正常对照组与生理盐水对照组相比差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论膀胱内灌注大肠杆菌可导致腺性膀胱炎,这证实了细菌感染是腺性膀胱炎的病因之一,同时为临床上的抗感染治疗提供了理论依据。此方法可用于建立腺性膀胱炎的动物模型。同时确立了腺性膀胱炎动物模型尿流动力学检查方法。  相似文献   

Electron micrographs of thin sections of nuclear, microsomal, and mitochondrial fractions obtained from a carrageenin-induced granuloma showed considerable contamination of the heavier by the lighter fractions. Striated collagen fibrils could be identified in the nuclei + debris fraction. Only a few striated fibrils occurred in the mitochondrial fraction; very fine filaments (diameter 50 A) could be seen in this fraction, but could not be distinguished with certainty from fibrillar material derived from broken nuclei. 35 per cent of the mitochondrial and 80 per cent of the microsomal collagen was extractable by 0.2 M NaCl and could be purified by the standard methods of solution and reprecipitation. The amino acid composition of these collagen fractions determined by ion exchange chromatography was within the range normally found for collagen and gelatin from other mammalian species, allowing for 10 to 20 per cent of some non-collagenous contaminant of the microsomal collagen. Hydroxyproline and proline were isolated by chromatography on paper from hydrolysates of the nuclear, mitochondrial, and microsomal collagen fractions, after incubation of tissue slices with L-14C-proline. The specific activities of the hydroxyproline from these collagens were in the approximate ratio 1:2:6, while that of bound hydroxyproline derived from the supernatant was only 1, indicating primary synthesis of collagen in the microsomes. Attempts to demonstrate incorporation of L-14C-proline into collagen or into free hydroxyproline in cell free systems were unsuccessful, nor was it possible to demonstrate non-specific incorporation of L-14C-valine into TCA-insoluble material by various combinations of subcellular fractions.  相似文献   

The Melanins. I. Studies of the Hair Pigments of the Guinea Pig   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Baker MR  Andrews AC 《Genetics》1944,29(1):104-112

The ductuli efferentes and rete testis of the guinea pig were isolated by micro dissection, fixed in cold buffered osmium tetroxide, and sectioned for examination with the light and electron microscopes. Proximal and distal segments of the ductuli efferentes were identified and their respective cytological organizations characterized. The cytological components of the rete testis are briefly described and figured. Non-ciliated and ciliated cells are found in both segments of the ductuli efferentes. The non-ciliated cells have a microvillous border, mitochondria, a Golgi complex, an ubiquitous endoplasmic reticulum, and numerous cytoplasmic vacuoles. The ciliated cells contain more mitochondria, an endoplasmic reticulum with a relatively sparse distribution, and few, if any, cytoplasmic vacuoles. A regional difference exists in proximal and distal segments based on the distribution, size, number, and electron opacity of the cytoplasmic vacuoles. Attention was paid to the disposition of the endoplasmic reticulum and its relation to the system of cytoplasmic vacuoles. These findings are interpreted as suggesting that the continuity of the vacuolar system with elements of the endoplasmic reticulum represents a pathway for transfer of large quantities of fluid, an activity which has long been ascribed to the epithelium of the ductuli efferentes. Periductular capillaries possess pore-like apertures in their endothelia similar to those in other tissues known to engage in fluid transfer.  相似文献   

It has been shown that Krebs ascites tumor cells incubated in vitro with immune gamma globulin and complement lose the bulk of their cytoplasmic RNA to the suspending medium, although the cell membrane remains visibly intact. The present experiments show that about four-fifths of the lost RNA is sedimented by centrifugation of the cell-free medium at 105,000 g. Electron microscopic and chemical analyses of the pellets show them to consist of 150 A ribonucleoprotein particles. It is concluded that most of the RNA passes from the cells in this form. Antibody-complement action causes osmotic swelling of the tumor cells and they become quite fragile. Fragmentation of such preparations yields large numbers of membrane-bounded spheres which may be separated from the heavier nuclei by differential centrifugation. Electron microscopic study of the spheres provides evidence that they can arise from segments of the cell surface as well as from mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Livers of uninfected guinea pigs and of guinea pigs infected with Coxiella burneti were fractionated into smooth endoplasmic reticulum, rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), pellet, and cell sap fractions. The ribonucleic acid (RNA) and protein of each fraction were determined, and the phosphorylase, glucose-6-phosphatase, and glucosyl transferase (glycogen synthetase) activities of each fraction were measured. Decreased RNA, protein, and enzyme activities were found in the RER and pellet fractions of infected livers, with the greatest differences in the RER. The evidence indicates a solubilization of the phosphorylase and synthetase, with the enzymes moving from the RER and glycogen-containing pellet fraction to the cell sap. The data suggest the RER as a target during Q fever.  相似文献   

This paper describes the hitherto unreported aspects of orchid mycorrhizae. The host cells harbour upto 4 generations of fungal pelotons which are formed after each peloton is digested. There are two types of hyphae in a host cell, one forming the pelotons, and the other which lies close to the host cell wall and separated from the former by a callosic wall. The later, called non-pelotonic hyphae form the fresh peloton when the former is digested. Consequently, there are also cytochemical differences between these two types of hyphae. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

虎纹捕鸟蛛毒素—I(HWTX—I)对豚鼠回肠的作用机制研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
虎纹捕鸟蛛毒素HWTX-I(5mg/L)对电刺激豚鼠回肠引起的一过性收缩有非常明显的抑制作用.HWTX-I的抑制作用发生后,乙酰胆碱(ACh)诱发的回肠收缩幅度与使用HWTX-I前无明显差异.在使用酚妥拉明后,HWTX-I仍能抑制豚鼠回肠的一过性收缩.HWTX-I对豚鼠回肠的抑制作用主要是抑制ACh释放或影响ACh释放之前的过程  相似文献   

Phospholipase A activity was demonstrated in guinea pig spermatozoa using [U-14C] phosphatidyl choline as a substrate. The activity had a neutral pH optimum, was stimulated by Ca2+ and low concentrations of detergent, and. was inhibited by EDTA, mepacrine and p-bromophenacyl bromide. Appropriate concentrations of mepacrine and p-bromophenacyl bromide inhibited the acrosome reactions of capacitated spermatozoa without interfering with their motility. These results support the notion that phospholipase A is involved in the acrosome reaction of mammalian spermatozoa.  相似文献   

 豚鼠不同组织亚细胞组分中缩醛磷脂酶活性的比较研究吕灿群蔡镇潮(皖南医学院生物化学教研室,芜湖241001)(加拿大玛尼托巴大学医学院生物化学与分子生物学系)缩醛磷脂(Plasmanogen)是存在于哺乳动物组织内含有烯醚键(Vinyletherbon...  相似文献   

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