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The initial step of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication is the binding of the large tumor antigen (T-Ag) to the SV40 core origin. In the presence of Mg(2+) and ATP, T-Ag forms a double-hexamer complex covering the complete core origin. By using electron microscopy and negative staining, we visualized for the first time T-Ag double hexamers bound to the SV40 origin. Image processing of side views of these nucleoprotein complexes revealed bilobed particles 24 nm long and 8 to 12 nm wide, which indicates that the two T-Ag hexamers are oriented head to head. Taking into account all of the biochemical data known on the T-Ag-DNA interactions at the replication origin, we present a model in which the DNA passes through the inner channel of both hexamers. In addition, we describe a previously undetected structural domain of the T-Ag hexamer and thereby amend the previously published dimensions of the T-Ag hexamer. This domain we have determined to be the DNA-binding domain of T-Ag.  相似文献   

The cofactor ATP stimulates the formation of T-antigen double hexamers on the simian virus 40 core origin of replication (I. A. Mastrangelo, P. V. C. Hough, J. S. Wall, M. Dodson, F. B. Dean, and J. Horwitz, Nature [London] 338:658-662, 1989). We report here the pathway for the assembly of hexamers and double hexamers on the core origin. ATP triggers the cooperative assembly of hexamers on the early and late halves of the origin even when they are completely isolated. Hexamer assembly nucleates at T-antigen recognition pentanucleotides in the early half of the origin. In intact origins, assembly of the first hexamer on the early half of the origin cooperatively stimulates the assembly of a second hexamer on the adjacent late half of the origin. Thus, monomer-monomer and hexamer-hexamer interactions of T antigen, allosterically activated by ATP, constitute two distinct types of cooperative interaction with the origin. Finally, we show that the assembly of T-antigen hexamers on isolated half origins leads to the same array of structural changes that T antigen induces in intact origins. We conclude that the origin is divided into complementary halves that each promote the assembly of functional T-antigen hexamers.  相似文献   

Heteroduplex DNA molecules were formed by annealing an intact simian virus replication origin-containing fragment to a mutant derivative lacking the indigenous wild-type 27-base-pair (bp) inverted repeat within this structure and containing a nonhomologous 26-bp inverted repeat sequence in its place. Results of restriction enzyme and S1 endonuclease cleavage analyses strongly suggested that a 13-bp stem-loop structure formed at the site of nonhomology between these two DNAs. This structure lies within the boundary of simian virus 40 T-antigen-binding site 2, and its presence inhibited T-antigen binding to that sequence but not to an adjacent higher-affinity binding site (site 1). Therefore, the conformation of sequences within an otherwise intact T-antigen-binding site can have major effects upon T-antigen binding there.  相似文献   

Large T-antigen (T-ag) is a viral helicase required for the initiation and elongation of simian virus 40 DNA replication. The unwinding activity of the helicase is powered by ATP hydrolysis and is critically dependent on the oligomeric state of the protein. We confirmed that the double hexamer is the active form of the helicase on synthetic replication forks. In contrast, the single hexamer cannot unwind synthetic forks and remains bound to the DNA as ATP is hydrolyzed. This inability of the T-ag single hexamer to release the DNA fork is the likely explanation for its poor helicase activity. We characterized the interactions of T-ag single and double hexamers with synthetic forks and single-stranded (ss) DNA. We demonstrated that DNA forks promote the formation of T-ag double hexamer. The lengths of the duplex region and the 3' tail of the synthetic forks are the critical factors in assembly of the double hexamer, which is bound to a single fork. We found that the cooperativity of T-ag binding to ss oligonucleotides increased with DNA length, suggesting that multiple consecutive subunits in the hexamer engage the ssDNA.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor antigen (T antigen) possesses several biochemical activities localized in different domains of the protein. These activities include sequence-specific binding to two major sites, I and II, in the SV40 control region, ATPase, and nucleotide-binding activity. In the present communication, we present evidence that specific binding of immunopurified T antigen to SV40 DNA is markedly inhibited by low concentrations of ATP, dATP, GTP, and dGTP. The inhibition is reversible after removal of the nucleotide, suggesting that simple nucleotide binding rather than a covalent modification of T antigen in the presence of ATP is responsible for the inhibition. The results suggest that T antigen may assume two conformations, one active and one inactive in binding to the SV40 origin of replication. In the presence of purine nucleoside triphosphates, the inactive conformation is favored.  相似文献   

S P Deb  S Deb 《Journal of virology》1989,63(7):2901-2907
The sequence components that direct high-affinity binding of simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen to SV40 origin region I are composed of two recognition pentanucleotides separated by a spacer. This region has binding sites for two T-antigen monomeric units. We extended the tripartite region I sequence by one and two sets of spacers and pentanucleotides and also shortened the region by one pentanucleotide. Our T-antigen-binding studies with these constructs show that the protein has a strong preference for binding to an even rather than an odd number of pentanucleotides separated by spacer sequences. Gel retardation assays reveal that the size of the complex formed between the 17-base-pair region I sequence and T antigen did not increase when the sequence was extended with one spacer-pentanucleotide sequence but did increase with two such units. DNase I footprinting and fragment assay experiments indicate that the protein did not protect a pentanucleotide that was not paired with another pentanucleotide. The unpaired pentanucleotide resumed its binding activity when it was paired with a spacer and another pentanucleotide sequence. We propose that T antigen binds to region I as a preformed dimer.  相似文献   

Protein-DNA interactions at the simian virus 40 origin of replication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Simian Virus 40 (SV40)-encoded large T antigen has an intrinsic ATP-dependent DNA-unwinding activity which is necessary for an early step in the activation of the viral origin of replication. Isolated T antigen unwinds any double-stranded DNA, regardless of whether it is linear or circularly closed. However, initiation of DNA replication depends on an intact origin of replication, and even minor deviations from the wild-type origin sequence abolish the template activity of an origin-bearing plasmid. This discrepancy suggests that T antigen may not be sufficient for origin activation and that other, probably cellular, functions are involved. We have isolated a cellular protein, the LOB protein, which specifically interacts with the AT-rich region of the SV40 origin and which induces a pronounced bending of the bound DNA.  相似文献   

Protein-induced bending of the simian virus 40 origin of replication   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A 3.5 S protein, isolated from mammalian nuclei, specifically binds to DNA fragments containing the simian virus 40 (SV40) origin of replication. Two distinct nucleoprotein complexes are formed, a complex with high electrophoretic mobility carrying probably only one protein molecule, and a complex with reduced electrophoretic mobility carrying probably two protein molecules per DNA fragment. Band shift competition as well as methylation interference assays locate the binding site of the protein in the A + T-rich "late" region of the origin between SV40 nucleotides 13 and 35. The late origin binding (LOB) protein and T antigen bind simultaneously to adjacent sites in the origin. Using circularly permuted DNA fragments of identical lengths we show that the LOB protein induces pronounced bending of the origin fragment. The bending center maps at the 5' end of the adenine tract with one bound protein molecule and at the 3' end when two LOB proteins are bound to one origin fragment.  相似文献   

Topological characterization of the simian virus 40 transcription complex   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
B Petryniak  L C Lutter 《Cell》1987,48(2):289-295

Ott RD  Wang Y  Fanning E 《Journal of virology》2002,76(10):5121-5130
The recruitment of DNA polymerase alpha-primase (pol-prim) is a crucial step in the establishment of a functional replication complex in eukaryotic cells, but the mechanism of pol-prim loading and the composition of the eukaryotic primosome are poorly understood. In the model system for simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication in vitro, synthesis of RNA primers at the origin of replication requires only the viral tumor (T) antigen, replication protein A (RPA), pol-prim, and topoisomerase I. On RPA-coated single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), T antigen alone mediates priming by pol-prim, constituting a relatively simple primosome. T-antigen activities proposed to participate in its primosome function include DNA helicase and protein-protein interactions with RPA and pol-prim. To test the role of these activities of T antigen in mediating priming by pol-prim, three replication-defective T antigens with mutations in the ATPase or helicase domain have been characterized. All three mutant proteins interacted physically and functionally with RPA and pol-prim and bound ssDNA, and two of them displayed some helicase activity. However, only one of these, 5030, mediated primer synthesis and elongation by pol-prim on RPA-coated ssDNA. The results suggest that a novel activity, present in 5030 T antigen and absent in the other two mutants, is required for T-antigen primosome function.  相似文献   

The simian virus 40 (SV40) hexameric helicase consists of a central channel and six hydrophilic channels located between adjacent large tier domains within each hexamer. To study the function of the hydrophilic channels in SV40 DNA replication, a series of single-point substitutions were introduced at sites not directly involved in protein-protein contacts. The mutants were characterized biochemically in various ways. All mutants oligomerized normally in the absence of DNA. Interestingly, 8 of the 10 mutants failed to unwind an origin-containing DNA fragment and nine of them were totally unable to support SV40 DNA replication in vitro. The mutants fell into four classes based on their biochemical properties. Class A mutants bound DNA normally and had normal ATPase and helicase activities but failed to unwind origin DNA and support SV40 DNA replication. Class B mutants were compromised in single-stranded DNA and origin DNA binding at low protein concentrations. They were defective in helicase activity and unwinding of the origin and in supporting DNA replication. Class C and D mutants possessed higher-than-normal single-stranded DNA binding activity at low protein concentrations. The class C mutants failed to separate origin DNA and support DNA replication. The class D mutants unwound origin DNA normally but were compromised in their ability to support DNA replication. Taken together, these results suggest that the hydrophilic channels have an active role in the unwinding of SV40 DNA from the origin and the placement of the resulting single strands within the helicase.  相似文献   

DNA binding regions I, II, and III at the origin of replication have different arrangements of A protein (T antigen) recognition pentanucleotides. The A protein also protects each region from DNase in distinctly different patterns. Footprint and fragment assays led to the following conclusions: (i) in some cases a single recognition pentanucleotide is sufficient to direct the binding and accurate alignment of A protein on DNA; (ii) the A protein binds within isolated region I or II in a sequential process leading to multiple overlapping areas of DNase protection within each region; and (iii) the 23-base pair span of recognition sequences in region II allows binding and protection of a longer length of DNA than the 23-base pair span in region I. We propose a model of protein binding that addresses the problem of variations in the arrangement of pentanucleotides in regions I and II and explains the observed DNase protection patterns. The central feature of the model requires each protomer of A protein to bind to a pentanucleotide in a unique direction. The resulting orientation of protein would protect more DNA at the 5' end of the 5'-GAGGC-3' recognition sequence than at the 3' end. The arrangement of multiple protomers at the origin of simian virus 40 replication is discussed.  相似文献   

A salt-stable complex of protein and viral DNA obtained from Simian virus 40 (SV40)-infected monkey cells or mature SV40 virions has a novel structure. When viewed by high resolution electron microscopy, the circular SV40 DNA molecule has bound to it one to three globular protein "knobs". Using ecoRI and hpaII restriction endonucleases, each of which can cleave SV40 DNA once at a known location (10, 11, 12, 14), the bound protein can be localized at 0.7 plus or minis 0.05 on the SV40 DNA physical map (SV40 fractional length, clockwise from the ecoRI endonuclease-cleavage site).  相似文献   

Three simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed monkey cell lines, C2, C6, and C11, producing T-antigen variants that are unable to initiate viral DNA replication, were analyzed with respect to their affinity for regulatory sequences at the viral origin of replication. C2 and C11 T antigens both bound specifically to sequences at sites 1 and 2 at the viral origin region, whereas C6 T antigen showed no specific affinity for any viral DNA sequences under all conditions tested. Viral DNA sequences encoding the C6 T antigen have recently been cloned out of C6 cells and used to transform an established rat cell line. T antigen from several cloned C6-SV40-transformed rat lines failed to bind specifically to the origin. C6 DNA contains three mutations: two located close to the amino terminus of T antigen at amino acid positions 30 and 51 and a third located internally at amino acid position 153. Two recombinant SV40 DNA mutants were prepared containing either the amino-terminal mutations at positions 30 and 51 (C6-1) or the internally located mutation at position 153 (C6-2) and used to transform Rat 2 cells. Whereas T antigen from C6-2-transformed cells lacked any specific affinity for these sequences. Therefore, the single mutation at amino acid position 153 (Asn leads to Thr) is sufficient to abolish the origin-binding property of T antigen. A T antigen-specific monoclonal antibody, PAb 100, which had been previously shown to immunoprecipitate an immunologically distinct origin-binding subclass of T antigen, recognized wild-type or C6-1 antigens, but failed to react with C6 or C6-2 T antigens. These results indicate that viral replication function comprises properties of T antigen that exist in addition to its ability to bind specifically to the SV40 regulatory sequences. Furthermore, it is concluded from these data that specific viral origin binding is not a necessary feature of the transforming function of T antigen.  相似文献   

Specific binding of simian virus 40 large T antigen to origin region DNA requires the interaction of T antigen with multiples of a consensus recognition pentanucleotide sequence (5'-G[T]-A[G]-G-G-C-3'). To assess the interaction of T antigen with cytosine residues in the recognition sequences, bacterial methylases were used to methylate simian virus 40 form I DNA in vitro at specific cytosine residues. Methylation of a subset of the cytosine residues in the pentanucleotide sequences resulted in enhanced binding of T antigen to origin region DNA. Enhanced binding to the methylated pentanucleotides indicates that the methyl groups introduced on this subset of pentanucleotide cytosine residues could not have sterically interfered with the interaction of T antigen with the recognition sequences. This lack of steric interference suggests that T antigen does not make close contact in the major groove with these particular cytosine residues during normal binding.  相似文献   

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