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Blood samples from 621 individuals of a Caste Hindu Population from West Bengal (India) were investigated in an attempt to find out an association between the AB0 blood groups and Haptoglobin (HP) subtypes. AB0 blood grouping was done on the basis of the agglutination test with standard anti-sera. Haptoglobin subtyping only for the HP*1 allele was done by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE). A significant association was found with a significantly lower HP*1S allele frequency in blood group 0 versus other AB0 blood groups. A comparatively higher allele frequency of HP*1S was found in this population sample. An inverse relationship between HP*1S and HP*2 has been revealed in each blood group. It appears that the major portion of HP*1 alleles in the A, B, and AB blood groups belongs to the HP*1S allele compared to that of the 0 blood group.  相似文献   

In Yakut populations examined, polymorphisms of immunological and serum protein markers, including AB0 and Rhesus blood groups, HP, TF, GC, PI and C3, were revealed. Gene frequencies for the systems studied fell into the following ranges: AB0 system: r, 0.514 to 0.663; p, 0.136 to 0.306; q, 0.110 to 0.337; haptoglobin HP*1: 0.214 to 0.431; transferrin TF*C: 0.700 to 1.0; group specific component GC*1: 0.821 to 0.978; PI*M1 proteinase inhibitor (or alpha 1-antitrypsin) PIM1: 0.860 to 0.946; and third component of the complement C3*F: 0.031 to 0.143.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 2,232 individuals of a Bengalee Caste Hindu population were investigated in an attempt to confirm the association between the ABO and haptoglobin (HP) systems previously found in populations of European origin. Indians differ from Europeans in having lower HP*1 and higher ABO*B frequencies. In spite of this, as in previous studies, a weak HP/ABO association was found with a significantly lower HP*1 allele frequency in blood group O versus other ABO groups.  相似文献   

The present investigation was conducted with a view to testing the hypothesis that there is some association between blood groups (ABO and Rh) and diabetes mellitus. 520 proven cases of adult diabetes mellitus from the Diabetic Clinic of Rajendra Hospital, Patiala, were studied in 1979-1980. A large sample of 6204 normal individuals studied by Jolly et al. (1969) for ABO and Rh blood groups was taken as control for comparison with the patients. There is a strong indication of an association of diabetes mellitus with blood groups, especially with A, AB and Rh-positive blood groups. The maximum differences are in the AB groups in the two series and minimum in the A group. Individuals with gene p seem to be more susceptible to this disease. Thus the association between blood groups and diabetes mellitus is not a chance finding, but implies an aetiological relationship.  相似文献   

HLA (A and B) antigens, blood group systems (AB0, Rh, MNSs P, Kell, Lewis and Duffy) and serum group systems (Hp, Tf, Pi, C3 and C4) were studied in patients with intermittent claudication (IC) and controls. HLA antigen A 28 was significantly more common, and blood group 0 was significantly less common among the patients than among the controls. A comparison between patients with IC and those with abdominal aortic aneurysms showed a significant difference between these two groups concerning the MN blood groups.  相似文献   

Population genetic data on Gagauzes from Moldavia are reported here for the first time. AB0 and Rhesus blood groups, serum protein group (HP, TF, GC) and the red cell enzyme polymorphism PGM1 were determined in 190 Gagauzes. In addition to this the ability to taste PTC was tested. The following allele frequencies were found: AB0*0 = 0.5241, AB0*A = 0.3279, AB0*B = 0.1480; RH*D = 0.6083, RH*d = 0.3917; HP*1 = 0.3544, HP*2 = 0.6456; TF*C1 = 0.7472, TF*C2 = 0.1770, TF*C3 = 0.0730, TF*B = 0.0028; GC*1F = 0.1025, GC*1S = 0.5932, GC*2 = 0.3043; PGM*1+ = 0.5932; PGM*1- = 0.1000, PGM*2+ = 0.2607, PGM*2- = 0.1107. The frequency of the PTC*T allele was found to be 0.5298. These frequencies and genetic distance analyses show that the gene pool of the Gagauzes is similar to that of neighbouring southeastern European populations.  相似文献   

Data are presented on AB0 and RhD blood groups in 186 patients suffering from carcinoma of cervix uteri and 274 controls from Delhi, India. A strong association is observed between carcinoma patients and blood group A, and a slightly weaker association with blood group B. There is no significant association with RhD blood group. The available data in other populations confirm the association with AB0 blood group.  相似文献   

An association of AB0 blood groups and month of birth was examined in two groups, students and newborns in Tokyo. Among 4919 students born mainly in the 1960s, an apparent seasonal variation was shown in births of blood group B students. Among 3592 newborns at an obstetric clinic in the 1980s seasonal variation was also observed in all four blood groups. The ratio of 0 group to A group newborns (0/A ratio) from 0 mothers was lower than that from A mothers among the 0 and A pairs contrary to the expected effects of 0-A incompatibility. The 0/A ratio was apparently different by season and the 0/A ratio from 0 mothers was significantly lower than that from A mothers among those born during August-January. It is assumed that an association of birth season with AB0 blood group may be caused by some seasonally and secularly changing environmental "infertility factors" such as infectious microorganism which may have some common components with a particular blood group substance respectively and induce a loss of embryos selectively at a particular season.  相似文献   

Summary The associations between ABO blood groups and prevalence as well as type and severity of the leprosy infection were examined in 1034 Indians from West Bengal (leprosy patients and normal controls). There are no associations in the present series; combined analysis of 41 series from the literature (ours included) gives a slightly, but significantly higher frequency of groups A and AB as compared to B and 0 in leprosy patients. Groups A, B, and AB are also somewhat more frequent in lepromatous as compared with nonlepromatous leprosy.A lower level of 2-globulins in the serum of leprosy patients of groups A and AB as compared with patients of groups B and 0, which had been described earlier in 683 leprosy patients from Thailand, was confirmed in the present series.In the Thai series of patients, a significant association between the AB0 blood groups and the Inv serum groups was observed: Persons having blood group A and AB as well as the Inv (1) type were significantly more frequent than expected. This association, however, was not confirmed in the Indian material.
Zusammenfassung Die Beziehungen zwischen AB0-Blutgruppen sowie Häufigkeit, Typ und Verlauf der Lepraerkrankung wurden an 1034 Indern aus West-Bengalen (Lepra-Patienten und normalen Kontrollen) untersucht. In dieser Serie fanden sich keine Beziehungen. Eine kombinierte Analyse von 41 Serien aus der Literatur (unsere eingeschlossen) gibt eine gering, aber signifikant erhöhte Häufigkeit der Gruppen A und AB im Vergleich zu B und 0 bei Lepra-Patienten. Die Gruppen A, B und AB sind im Gesamtmaterial ebenfalls etwas häufiger bei lepromatöser im Vergleich zu nichtlepromatöser Lepra.Bei 683 Lepra-Patienten aus Thailand hatten wir zuvor eine Verminderung der 2-globuline bei Gruppen A und AB im Vergleich zu B und 0 beschrieben. Dieser Befund wurde an dem indischen Material bestätigt.Bei den thailändischen Patienten fanden sich auch Hinweise für eine Beziehung zwischen AB0- und Serum Inv-Gruppen: Personen, die sowohl A oder AB als auch den Typ Inv (1) aufwiesen, waren signifikant häufiger als erwartet. Dieser Befund konnte jedoch in dem indischen Material nicht bestätigt werden.

This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Four hundred and sixteen patients suffering from diabetes were studied for AB0 Rhesus blood groups, to find out whether there is any association between blood group and diabetes. Though the relative incidence was found to be higher in blood group 0 and B, the difference was not statistically significant. This study confirms the earlier findings of high cholesterol levels in diabetes, particularly in patients with blood groups A and AB, and the overall mean cholesterol level as 253 mg/100 ml. This study also shows that diabetes with a cholesterol level of more than 300 mg/100 ml is a coronary risk factor.
Zusammenfassung 416 Patienten mit Diabetes wurden nach AB0 und Rh untersucht, um Assoziationen zwischen Blutgruppe und Diabetes zu finden. Es fand sich ein leichtes, nicht signifikantes Überwiegen von 0 und B. Ein besonders hoher Serum-Cholesteral-Spiegel fand sich beim Diabetes insbesondere bei Patienten der Gruppen A und AB. Die Studie zeigt auch, daß ein Cholesteral-Spiegel von mehr als 300 mg% ein Risikofaktor für Coronarerkrankungen ist.

The distribution of blood groups of the AB0, Rh, MN, and Kell systems were studied in migrants of a northern town of reproductive age and their newborn babies. Migrants of different ethnic groups exhibited significantly different frequencies of AB0 and Rh phenotypes. Maternal sera were tested for the presence of isoimmune antibodies to determine AB0 compatibility (or incompatibility) in mother–neonate pairs. Parents with blood group combinations resulting in mother–neonate pairs incompatible for erythrocyte antigens were less likely to have offspring with the paternal AB0 phenotype.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure the cardiac output using the CO2 rebreathing method during submaximal and maximal arm cranking exercise in six male paraplegic subjects with a high level of spinal cord injury (HP). They were compared with eight able bodied subjects (AB) who were not trained in arm exercise. Maximal O2 consumption (VO2max) was lower in HP (1.11.min, SD 0.1; 17.5 ml.min-1.kg-1, SD 4) than in AB (2.5 l.min-1, SD 0.6; 36.7 ml.min-1.kg, SD 10.7). Maximal cardiac output was similar in the groups (HP, 14 l.min-1, SD 2.6; AB, 16.8 l.min-1, SD 4). The same result was obtained for maximal heart rate (fc,max) (HP, 175 beats.min-1, SD 18; AB, 187 beats.min-1, SD 16) and the maximal stroke volume (HP, 82 ml, SD 13; AB, 91 ml, SD 27). The slopes of the relationship fc/VO2 were higher in HP than AB (P less than 0.025) but when expressed as a %VO2max there were no differences. The results suggest a major alteration of oxygen transport capacity to active muscle mass in paraplegics due to changes in vasomotor regulation below the level of the lesion.  相似文献   

Preeclampsia (PE) is a multifactorial pregnancy-specific syndrome which represents one of the leading causes of maternal mortality worldwide. Inherited thrombophilia have been investigated as risk factor for the development of PE and it is currently known that ABO blood group may impact haemostatic balance, having the non-O blood groups (A, B or AB) subjects increased risk for thrombus formation, as compared to those of group O. We performed a systematic review of the literature for published studies investigating whether ABO blood groups could influence PE developing. A sensitive search of four databases identified 45 unique titles. The retrieved papers were assessed independently by authors and a rigorous process of selection and data extract was conduct. Methodological quality of the included studies was also evaluated. Two studies met eligibility criteria. As a main finding of our systematic review, an association between the AB blood group and the occurrence of PE was detected based on two original studies. Considering the role of ABO blood groups on the hemostatic process and thrombus formation, special attention should be given to pregnant patients carrying the AB blood group in order to prevent the syndrome and improve prognosis.  相似文献   

Population genetic data on Gagauzes from Moldova are reported for the first time. Blood groups AB0 and Rh and biochemical markers of genes HP, TF, GC, and PGM1 were determined in 190 Gagauzes. The following allelic frequencies were determined: AB0*0, 0.5241; AB0*A, 0.3279; RH*d, 0.4571; HP*1, 0.3544; TF*C1, 0.7472; TF*C2, 0.1770; TFC3, 0.0730; TF*B, 0.0028; GC*1F, 0.1025; GC*1S, 0.5932; GC*2, 0.3043; PGM1*1+, 0.5286; PGM*1-, 0.1000; PGM1*2+, 0.2607; and PGM1*2-, 0.1107. The data obtained indicate that the gene pool of Gagauzes is similar to those of neighboring southeastern European populations.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 577 couples and their 657 offspring of Bengali caste group derivation were used to study interactions between ABO blood groups and haptoglobin (HP) systems. There was no significant sex difference in HP distribution among the parents. Significantly higher incidences of HP*1 allele were noted in the offspring of ABO-incompatible parental combinations in comparison with those in the offspring of ABO-compatible parents.  相似文献   

No association between the glyoxalase 1 (GLO1) and haptoglobin (HP) systems was found in a sample of 1,270 white blood donors in the State of Victoria, Australia. This finding is in contrast to previous data for blood donors in Newfoundland, Canada, a population also of Anglo-Irish descent. However, the differences between the joint phenotypic distributions of GLO and HP in the 2 data sets were statistically insignificant.  相似文献   

The distribution of AB0 and LH blood groups among five Punjabi populations from North India (Jat Sikh, Bania, Brahmin, Sikh Khatri and Hindu Khatri) is reported. Significant differences have been found in many cases regarding the distribution of AB0 and LH systems, especially between Sikh Khatris and Hindu Khatris, who are usually pooled for population genetic studies.  相似文献   

This study is a part of long-term investigations devoted to the analysis of the gene pool of Dagestan ethnic groups. The phenotype (in %), gene, and haplotype frequencies in Kumyk ethnic group are reported. A total of 39 alleles and six haplotypes of 14 loci (AB0, Rhesus, P, Levis, Kell, HP, GC, C’3, TF, 6PGD, GLO1, ESD, ACP, and PGM1) of immunobiochemical genetic marker systems were examined. Rare haplotypes of the Rhesus system were identified, including CDE in the Karabudakhkent population with the frequency of 0.030, and Cde and cdE in the Dorgeli population with the frequencies of 0.034 and 0.38, respectively. Similarly to the other ethnic populations of Dagestan examined, Kukyk populations carried rare, albeit typically “Caucasoid” gene ACP1 c of the AcP1 locus. The frequency of this allele in the two populations was similar, constituting 0.031 for Karabudakhkent and 0.032 for Dorgeli. In Kumyks, allele frequencies of the AB0, Rhesus, P, Lewis, Kell, HP, GC, C′3, TF, 6PGD, GLO1, ESD, ACP, but not PGM1, systems were similar to the mean allele frequencies at these loci observed in the other ethnic groups from the Dagestan, Caucasus, and the whole European historical ethnographic province. At the same time, the allele frequency values obtained were different from those for the populations of Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Siberia, and the Ruswsian Far East. Thus, the results obtained for classical genetic markers indicate that Kumyks are genetically closer to the indigenous populations of Dagestan than to Turkic-speaking populations. Analysis of the fit of the observed phenotype frequencies to the Hardy-Weinberg expectations showed that compared to other indigenous populations of Dagestan examined, in Kumyks the genetic state of the population upon random allele association was close to equilibrium. Probably, this state was determined by practical absence of the consanguineous marriages upon preservation of intra-aul endogamy.  相似文献   

The authors desribe a highly significant association between the AB0 blood group system and rheumatic carditis in Budapest samples (770 patients, 3830 controls). Persons belonging to blood group AB or A are more susceptible to this disease than others, while groups B and 0 are relatively protected. The influence of AB0-locus on the disease can be estimated as being of the order of 1/2% by the relative risk x=1.376 and a 2% incidence. The evaluation of studies published so far proved only the relative protection of group 0 against rheumatic fever; it seems probable that of persons suffering from rheumatic fever especially those of group A are more susceptible to develop carditis. The hypothesis is discussed that the relative protection of the blood group 0 and of the secretor phenotype against rheumatic fever could be based on the partial identity of the determinant groups of the human H-antigen —which is found in abundance in the body fluids of all secretors-and of the C-substance of the group A Streptococcus, which inhibits the allergic reaction.

Direktor: Dr. Gy. Bodrogi

Direktor: Prof. Dr. M. Malán  相似文献   

285 Patients suffering from the respiratory tract organs primary tuberculosis were subjected to the tests on definition of blood groups according to AB0 system, as well as its total proteolytic activity, alpha 1-antitrypsin, ceruloplasmin, general haptoglobin, lysozyme, malonic dialdehyde and diene conjugates levels were estimated. The sick persons as compared with the healthy ones were defined to reveal a tendency to increase of the persons with 0(I)- and B(III)-blood groups and decrease of those ones with A(II)-groups. Independently on the pulmonary tuberculosis patients phenotypic index their tested blood biochemical indices levels increase. As an exception is the proteolytic activity of the persons with B(III)- blood group, and also alpha 1-antitrypsin and lysozyme--with 0(I) and AB(IV) groups, in this case their rates failed to exceed the norm confidential interval. The blood metabolic parameters were defined as independent on its group.  相似文献   

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