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Remarkable efforts have recently been made in the tissue engineering of heart valves to improve the results of valve transplantations and replacements, including the design of artificial valves. However, knowledge of the cell and molecular biology of valves and, specifically, of valvular interstitial cells (VICs) remains limited. Therefore, our aim has been to determine and localize the molecules forming the adhering junctions (AJs) that connect VICs in situ and in cell culture. Using biochemical and immunolocalization methods at the light- and electron-microscopic levels, we have identified, in man, cow, sheep and rat, the components of VIC-connecting AJs in situ and in cell culture. These AJs contain, in addition to the transmembrane glycoproteins N-cadherin and cadherin-11, the typical plaque proteins α- and β-catenin as well as plakoglobin and p120, together with minor amounts of protein p0071, i.e. a total of five plaque proteins of the armadillo family. While we can exclude the occurrence of desmogleins, desmocollins and desmoplakin, we have noted with surprise that AJs of VICs in cell cultures, but not those growing in the valve tissue, contain substantial amounts of the desmosomal plaque protein, plakophilin-2. Clusters of AJs occur not only on the main VIC cell bodies but are also found widely dispersed on their long filopodia thus forming, in the tissue, a meshwork that, together with filopodial attachments to paracrystalline collagen fiber bundles, establishes a three-dimensional suprastructure, the role of which is discussed with respect to valve formation, regeneration and function. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. The work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Krebshilfe (grant 10-2049-Fr1 to W.W.F.) and the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) in a cooperative research program entitled “Standardization of mesenchymal stem cells for regenerative medicine (START-MSC)”.  相似文献   

Merkel cells (MCs) are special neuroendocrine epithelial cells that occur as individual cells or as cell groups within the confinements of a major epithelium formed and dominated by other epithelial cells. In the epidermis and some of its appendages MCs are mostly located in the basal cell layer, occasionally also in suprabasal layers and generally occur in linear arrays in outer root sheath cell layers of hair follicles. As MCs are connected to the adjacent keratinocytes by a series of adhering junctions (AJs), of which the desmosomes are the most prominent, these junctions represent heterotypic cell–cell connections, i.e. a kind of structure not yet elucidated in molecular terms. Therefore, we have studied these AJs in order to examine the molecular composition of the desmosomal halves. Using light- and electron-microscopic immunolocalization and keratin 20 as the MC-specific cell type marker we show that the plaques of the MC half of the desmosomes specifically and constitutively contain plakophilin Pkp2. This protein, however, is absent in the keratinocyte half of such heterotypic desmosomes which instead contains Pkp1 and/or Pkp3. We discuss the developmental, tissue-architectonic and functional importance of such asymmetric junctions in normal physiology as well as in diseases, in particular in the formation of distant tumor cell metastasis.  相似文献   

Cells utilize actin filaments to produce protrusive and contractile arrays that cooperate to drive cell motility. The generation of the two arrays and the coupling between them result from the unique properties of the lamellipodium, a protrusive leaflet of cytoplasm at the cell edge. From the lamellipodium into the lamella behind, there is a transition from a fast retrograde flow of actin polymer driven by polymerization to a slow flow driven by the interaction of anti-parallel arrays of actin with myosin. In addition to driving protrusion, the lamellipodium appears to play a role in supplying filaments to the lamella for the assembly of the contractile network required for traction.  相似文献   

In the adult mammalian heart, the cardiomyocytes are connected by large polar arrays of closely spaced or even fused composite, plaque-bearing adhering junctions (areae compositae, ACs), in a region usually termed "intercalated disk" (ID). We have recently reported that during late embryogenesis and postnatally these polar assemblies of AC-junction structures are gradually formed as replacements of distinct embryonal junctions representing desmosomes and fasciae adhaerentes which then may amalgamate to the fused AC structures, in some regions occupying more than 90% of the total ID area. Previous gene knockout results as well as mutation analyses of specific human cardiomyopathies have suggested that among the various AC constituents, the desmosomal plaque protein, plakophilin-2, plays a particularly important role in the formation, architectural organization and stability of these junctions interconnecting mature cardiomyocytes. To examine this hypothesis, we have decided to study losses of--or molecular alterations in--such AC proteins with respect to their effects on myocardiac organization and functions. Here we report that plakophilin-2 is indeed of obvious importance for myocardial architecture and cell-cell coupling of rat cardiomyocytes growing in culture. We show that siRNA-mediated reduction of the cardiomyocyte content of plakophilin-2 but not of some other major plaque components such as desmoplakin results in progressive disintegration--and losses--of AC junction structures and that numerous variously sized vesicles appear, which are plaque protein-associated as demonstrable by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. The importance of plakophilin-2 as a kind of "organizer" protein in the formation, stabilization and functions of the AC structure and the ID architecture is discussed in relation to other junction proteins and to causes of certain cardiomyopathies.  相似文献   

C C Ting  K K Sanford  F M Price 《In vitro》1978,14(2):207-211
Expression of fetal antigens in early and late passages of tissue culture cells derived from C3H/HeN and C57BL/KaLw mouse fetal cells and from lung tissue of young C57BL/6N mice was investigated by the isotopic antiglobulin technique. The late passage lines of fetal cells had undergone "spontaneous" neoplastic transformation in culture. The antisera were produced by syngeneic immunization with 5000 R x-irradiated tissues from C3H/HeN and C57BL/6N fetuses of 1 to 2 weeks gestation. Fetal antigens were found to be retained even after 5 years in cell lines derived from fetal tissues. In these lines no consistent change in fetal antigen expression could be correlated with neoplastic transformation. In contrast, the early passages of adult cells did not have detectable amounts of fetal antigens. However, fetal antigen(s) was demonstrated in cells of the late passages, and cells of both lines grew as sarcomas when next assayed 55 days later. In addition, fetal antigens were also present in established tumor lines in culture.  相似文献   

Summary Expression of fetal antigens in early and late passages of tissue culture cells derived from C3H/HeN and C57BL/KaLw mouse fetal cells and from lung tissue of young C57BL/6N mice was investigated by the isotopic antiglobulin technique. The late passage lines of fetal cells had undergone “spontaneous” neoplastic transformation in culture. The antisera were produced by syngeneic immunization with 5000 R x-irradiated tissues from C3H/HeN and C57BL/6N fetuses of 1 to 2 weeks gestation. Fetal antigens were found to be retained even after 5 years in cell lines derived from fetal tissues In these lines no consistent change in fetal antigen expression could be correlated with neoplastic transformation. In contrast, the early passages of adult cells did not have detectable amounts of fetal antigens. However, fetal antigen(s) was demonstrated in cells of the late passages, and cells of both lines grew as sarcomas when next assayed 55 days later. In addition, fetal antigens were also present in established tumor lines in culture.  相似文献   

Disruption of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is frequently found in calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD), yet the role of ECM components in valvular interstitial cell (VIC) function and dysfunction remains poorly understood. This study examines the contributions of exogenous and endogenous hyaluronic acid (HA), in both two-dimensional (2-D) and 3-D environments, in regulating the phenotype and calcification of VICs. VIC calcification was first assessed in a 2-D setting in which the cells were exposed to different molecular weights of exogenous HA presented in either an immobilized or soluble form. Delivery of HA suppressed nodule formation in a molecular weight-dependent manner, while blocking VIC recognition of HA via an antibody to CD44 abolished these nodule-suppressive effects and stimulated other hallmarks of valvular dysfunction. These 2-D results were then validated in a more physiologically-relevant setting, using an approach that allowed the characterization of VIC phenotype in response to HA alterations in the native 3-D environment. In this approach, leaflet organ cultures were analyzed following treatment with anti-CD44 or with hyaluronidase to specifically remove HA. Disruption of VIC-HA interactions upregulated markers of VIC disease and induced leaflet mineralization. Similarly, HA-deficient leaflets exhibited numerous hallmarks of CAVD, including increased VIC proliferation, apoptosis, increased expression of disease-related markers, and mineralization. These findings suggest that VIC-HA interactions are crucial in maintaining a healthy VIC phenotype. Identification ECM components that can regulate VIC phenotype and function has significant implications for understanding native valve disease, investigating possible treatments, and designing new biomaterials for valve tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Summary Epithelial cells from human fetal and adult gingiva were cultured in keratinocyte growth medium (KGM), a serum-free medium. The expression of keratin proteins in these cells was evaluated using immunohistochemistry and SDS-PAGE-immunoblot analysis and compared with expression in the tissue. Keratins 5, 6, 14, 16, and 19 were identified in cells cultured from both fetal and adult tissues. K19 was localized in basal cells of fetal oral tissue but was not seen in adult gingiva (except for scattered Merkel cells). K1 and K10 were expressed in tissue, but not in cultured cells. The keratin profiles of cultured epithelial cells from several adult donors were similar and were identical in cultures from primary through Passage 5. K13, a differentiation-specific keratin, was expressed in all suprabasal cells of fetal oral epithelium, but shows only spotty expression in adult gingival tissue. K13 was expressed in cultures of fetal cells, but very weakly or not at all in cultures of adult cells. K13 expression was greater in cultures grown with physiologic calcium concentrations (1.2 mM) than in those grown at 0.15 mM or less. Our findings are consistent with basal-like characters of these cells in 0.15 mM calcium growth conditions. Differentiation of fetal oral cells in culture to the suprabasal basal cell stage in 1.2 mM Ca2+ is shown by the expressionof K13. This work was supported by Biomedical Research grant RR05346, National Institutes of Health grant DE04660, University of Washington Graduate Fund and Hack Foundation Fund, Department of Periodontology, University of Washington.  相似文献   

目的:探索成年大鼠阴茎海绵体内cajal间质细胞(ICCs)的分离、培养和鉴定方法,为进一步研究其在阴茎海绵体中的作用提供条件.方法:取大鼠阴茎海绵体组织,采用酶消化法分离细胞,差速贴壁法相对纯化ICCs,将纯化后的细胞悬液接种于DMEM培养基中进行培养.通过倒置显微镜下观察细胞贴壁和形态,并用c-Kit特异性抗体标记细胞,免疫荧光法鉴定ICCs.结果:培养24小时后ICCs贴壁良好,细胞形态学观察显示ICCs呈纺锤状,有两个或多的突起,免疫荧光检验可见ICCs呈c-Kit抗体染色阳性.结果:用酶消化法可成功分离和培养大鼠阴茎海绵体ICCs,大鼠海绵体组织内ICCs的生理学功能有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

Intercellular communication between smooth muscle cells is crucial for contractile behaviour in normal and pathologically altered urinary bladder. Since the study of coupling is difficult in situ, we established cell cultures of bladder smooth muscle cells to analyse coupling mechanisms. Microinjection of Lucifer yellow demonstrated syncytia composed of only a few to several dozen cells. Electron-microscopic examination of freeze-fracture specimens and ultrathin sections revealed that the dye-coupling was based on typical gap junction formation between the cultured smooth muscle cells. Furthermore, we were able to demonstrate gap junctions within the tissue fragments from which the primary cultures were grown. By Western blotting, we found connexin-43-positive protein bands both in native tissue probes from the guinea-pig urinary bladder and in smooth muscle cell cultures. Extracellular electrical stimulation of single cells evoked calcium transients, as visualized by fura-2 ratiofluorimetry. Calcium waves propagated throughout the syncytia with a declining amplitude, showing that the calcium signal was not regenerative. Therefore, the calcium signal was probably transmitted by a diffusible factor. These findings correlated well with the dye-coupling that we found between detrusor smooth muscle cells in situ. The use of smooth muscle cell cultures therefore seems to be a feasible approach for studying coupling behaviour in vitro.  相似文献   

For cell and molecular biological studies of heart formation and function cell cultures of embryonal, neonatal or adult hearts of various vertebrates, notably rat and chicken, have been widely used. As the myocardium-specific cell-cell junctions, the intercalated disks (ID), have recently been found to be particularly sensitive to losses of - or mutations in - certain cytoskeletal proteins, resulting in cardiac damages, we have examined the ID organization in primary cultures of cardiomyocytes obtained from neonatal rats. Using immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy, we have studied the major ID components for up to 2 weeks in culture, paying special attention to spontaneously beating, individual cardiomyocytes and myocardial cell colonies. While our results demonstrate the formation of some ID-like cardiomyocyte-connecting junction arrays, they also reveal a variety of structural disorders such as rather extended, junction-free ID regions, sac-like invaginations and endocytotic blebs as well as accumulations of intracytoplasmic structures suggestive of endocytosed forms of junction-derived vesicles or of junction fragments resembling fascia adhaerens elements. Moreover, we have noticed a novel type of small, obviously plaque-free cytoplasmic vesicles containing one or both of the desmosomal cadherins, desmocollin Dsc2 and desmoglein Dsg2. We conclude that cardiomyocyte cultures are useful model systems for studies of certain aspects of myocardiac differentiation and functions but, on the other hand, show progressive disintegration and deterioration. The potential value of molecular markers and reagents in studies of myocardial pathology as well as in the monitoring of myocardial differentiation of so-called stem cells is discussed.  相似文献   

During the last stages of fetal life, the immature epithelial cells of the rat lung alveolus develop the properties of mature type 2 cells. Adult type 2 cells rapidly lose these same properties when isolated and maintained in cell culture. We have examined the synthesis of cytokeratin proteins by adult type 2 cells as they lose their differentiated characteristics during 1 week in culture, and of immature fetal alveolar epithelial cells as they differentiate either in utero or when cultured on an extracellular matrix. Freshly isolated adult type 2 cells synthesize four cytokeratins which by electrophoretic mobilities and Western blot analysis correspond to human cytokeratins Nos. 7, 8, 18, and 19. During 7 days in culture synthesis of cytokeratin No. 19 is dramatically decreased and cytokeratin No. 18 becomes the predominant acidic cytokeratin produced. Fetal lung epithelial cells at 18 days gestation lack most characteristics of mature type 2 cells. When freshly isolated, these cells synthesize cytokeratins Nos. 7, 8, and 18 but make only minimal amounts of cytokeratin No. 19. When these cells are allowed to mature either in utero or in culture on a whole basement membrane extract, they develop both the morphological characteristics and the pattern of cytokeratin synthesis of fully developed type 2 cells, with cytokeratins No. 19 being the major acidic cytokeratin produced.  相似文献   

In order to reveal the time-course of decondensation of the Y chromosome in Sertoli cells, testes preparations of fetal, subadult and adult laboratory mice in different developmental stages were hybridized in situ with biotinylated probe pY353/B, which binds along the entire long arm of the mouse Y chromosome. All fetal and subadult testicular cells exhibited tightly compacted hybridization signals, indicating highly condensed Y chromosomes. Diffuse signals, indicating decondensation of the Y chromosome were found for the first time in the structurally differentiated Sertoli cells of 35 to 40 day old animals. Since this coincides with the appearance of mature sperm nuclei, a correlation between decondensation of the Y chromosome and its activity in sperm maturation and/or sperm motility can be presumed.  相似文献   

Fetal rat brain aggregating cell cultures were exposed to varying concentrations of [3H]monomethylethanolamine (MME) and [3H] dimethylethanolamine (DME). The rate of labeling of water-soluble compounds was more rapid and the amount of radioactivity present was greater than in the lipids. After a 72 hour incubation in the presence of millimolar concentrations of these nitrogenous bases, the major water-soluble products were the phosphorylated form of the bases. Little label was associated with the free bases or their cytidyl derivate. In the phospholipids, 97% of the radioactivity was recovered in phosphatidylmonomethylethanolamine (PMME) and 3% in phosphatidyldimethylethanolamine (PDME) or 95% in PDME and 5% in phosphatidylcholine (PC) after growth in presence of [3H]MME and [3H]DME respectively. The rate of formation of the radioactive products increased as function of the concentration of the nitrogenous base added up to 4 mM, the highest concentration employed. There was no significant difference in the pattern of labeling with cells grown in media devoid of methionine or choline. The turnover of the water-soluble metabolites was more rapid than in the phospholipids where an apparent half-life of 24 hours was calculated.Abbreviations PMT phospholipid-N-methyltransferase - AdoMet S-adenosyl-L-methionine - EA ethanolamine - MME N-monomethylethanolamine - DME N,N-dimethylethanolamine - CH choline - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PMME phosphatidylmonomethylethanolamine - PDME phosphatidyldimethylethanolamine - PC phosphatidylcholine - PS phosphatidylserine - CAPS cyclohexylaminopropane sulfonic acid  相似文献   

In the present paper, we report that injection of testosterone propionate (500 microg) during the critical window of rat development (postnatal day 5) induces temporary appearance of aged interstitial cells in developing ovaries (days 7 and 10). Aged interstitial cells showed large size (> or = 12 microm), enhanced androgen receptor (AR) and low estrogen (ER) and luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) expression. Although normal mature interstitial cells (large size and strong ER and LHR expression) appeared later (day 14), and ovaries of androgenized rats were similar to normal ovaries between days 14 and 35, ovaries of adult androgenized females showed only aged and no mature interstitial cells. Androgenization on day 10 caused the development of aged interstitial cells on day 14, but adult ovaries were normal. Long lasting postnatal estrogenization (estradiol dipropionate for four postnatal weeks) caused in developing and adult ovaries a lack of interstitial cell development beyond the immature state. Immature interstitial cells were characterized by a small size (< or = 7 microm) and a lack of AR, ER and LHR expression. Because the critical window for steroid-induced sterility coincides with the termination of immune adaptation, we also investigated distribution of mesenchymal cells (Thy-1 mast cells and pericytes, ED1 monocyte-derived cells, CD8 T cells, and cells expressing OX-62 of dendritic cells) in developing and adult ovaries. Developing ovaries of normal, androgenized and estrogenized females were populated by similar mesenchymal cells, regardless of differences in the state of differentiation of interstitial cells. However, mesenchymal cells in adult ovaries showed distinct behavior. In normal adult ovaries, differentiation of mature interstitial cells was accompanied by differentiation of mesenchymal cells. Aged interstitial cells in ovaries of androgenized rats showed precipitous degeneration of resident mesenchymal cells. Immature interstitial cells in ovaries of estrogenized rats showed a lack of differentiation of resident mesenchymal cells. These observations indicate that an alteration of interstitial cell differentiation during immune adaptation toward the aged phenotype results in precipitous degeneration of resident mesenchymal cells and premature aging of ovaries in adult rats, and alteration toward immature phenotype results in a lack of differentiation of mesenchymal cells and permanent immaturity of ovaries in adult females.  相似文献   

Cell culture is an invaluable tool for investigation of basic biological processes. However, technical hurdles including low cell yield, poor cell differentiation and poor attachment to the growth substrate have limited the use of this tool for studies of the genetic model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. This protocol describes a method for the large-scale culture of C. elegans embryo cells. We also describe methods for in vitro RNA interference, fluorescence-activated cell sorting of embryo cells and imaging of cultured cells for patch-clamp electrophysiology studies. Developing embryos are isolated from gravid adult worms. After eggshell removal by enzymatic digestion, embryo cells are dissociated and plated onto glass substrates. Isolated cells terminally differentiate within 24 h. Analysis of gene expression patterns and cell-type frequency suggests that in vitro embryo cell cultures recapitulate the developmental characteristics of L1 larvae. Cultured embryo cells are well suited for physiological analysis as well as molecular and cell biological studies. The embryo cell isolation protocol can be completed in 5-6 h.  相似文献   

Many lines of evidence have shown that Chinese medicine contains many chemical compounds with anticancer effects. Therefore, we tested whether the active ingredients of blister beetles have a therapeutic effect on hepatoma. The aim of this study was to investigate the inhibitive effects of norcantharidin which is extracted from blister beetles on human hepatoma cells HepG2 in vitro and its anticancer mechanism.MTT assay, agarose gel electrophoresis and flow cytometry were used to evaluate HepG2 cells proliferation and apoptosis. The role of caspase activities were assayed using caspase apoptosis detection kit. Western blot analysis was used to evaluate the level of Bcl-2/Bax expression. Our results indicate that norcantharidin inhibited HepG2 cell growth in a time- and dose-dependent manner by MTT assay. HepG2 cells treated with norcantharidin showed typical characteristics of apoptosis including the DNA fragmentation. The activities of caspase-3, -9 were up-regulated after norcantharidin treatment. By western blot analysis, we found the level of Bcl-2 were down-regulated, whereas, the level of Bcl-2 Up-regulated.so we suggest that up-regulation of mitochondrial Bax expression and down-regulation of Bcl-2 expression participated in the apoptosis induced by NCTD. These results suggest that norcantharidin triggers apoptosis in hepato cancer cell lines via the activation of the caspses, mitochondrial pathways, and that this agent may be useful for developing new therapeutic regimens for the treatment of colorectal carcinoma.  相似文献   

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