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Oxidative stress has been implicated in cardiac arrhythmia, although a causal relationship remains undefined. We have recently demonstrated a marked up-regulation of NADPH oxidase isoform 4 (NOX4) in patients with atrial fibrillation, which is accompanied by overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, we investigated the impact on the cardiac phenotype of NOX4 overexpression in zebrafish. One-cell stage embryos were injected with NOX4 RNA prior to video recording of a GFP-labeled (myl7:GFP zebrafish line) beating heart in real time at 24–31 h post-fertilization. Intriguingly, NOX4 embryos developed cardiac arrhythmia that is characterized by irregular heartbeats. When quantitatively analyzed by an established LQ-1 program, the NOX4 embryos displayed much more variable beat-to-beat intervals (mean S.D. of beat-to-beat intervals was 0.027 s/beat in control embryos versus 0.038 s/beat in NOX4 embryos). Both the phenotype and the increased ROS in NOX4 embryos were attenuated by NOX4 morpholino co-injection, treatments of the embryos with polyethylene glycol-conjugated superoxide dismutase, or NOX4 inhibitors fulvene-5, 6-dimethylamino-fulvene, and proton sponge blue. Injection of NOX4-P437H mutant RNA had no effect on the cardiac phenotype or ROS production. In addition, phosphorylation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II was increased in NOX4 embryos but diminished by polyethylene glycol-conjugated superoxide dismutase, whereas its inhibitor KN93 or AIP abolished the arrhythmic phenotype. Taken together, our data for the first time uncover a novel pathway that underlies the development of cardiac arrhythmia, namely NOX4 activation, subsequent NOX4-specific NADPH-driven ROS production, and redox-sensitive CaMKII activation. These findings may ultimately lead to novel therapeutics targeting cardiac arrhythmia.  相似文献   

Nox4-derived ROS is increased in response to hyperglycemia and is required for IGF-I-stimulated Src activation. This study was undertaken to determine the mechanism by which Nox4 mediates sustained Src activation. IGF-I stimulated sustained Src activation, which occurred primarily on the SHPS-1 scaffold protein. In vitro oxidation experiments indicated that Nox4-derived ROS was able to oxidize Src when they are in close proximity, and Src oxidation leads to its activation. Therefore we hypothesized that Nox4 recruitment to the plasma membrane scaffold SHPS-1 allowed localized ROS generation to mediate sustained Src oxidation and activation. To determine the mechanism of Nox4 recruitment, we analyzed the role of Grb2, a component of the SHPS-1 signaling complex. We determined that Nox4 Tyr-491 was phosphorylated after IGF-I stimulation and was responsible for Nox4 binding to the SH2 domain of Grb2. Overexpression of a Nox4 mutant, Y491F, prevented Nox4/Grb2 association. Importantly, it also prevented Nox4 recruitment to SHPS-1. The role of Grb2 was confirmed using a Pyk2 Y881F mutant, which blocked Grb2 recruitment to SHPS-1. Cells expressing this mutant had impaired Nox4 recruitment to SHPS-1. IGF-I-stimulated downstream signaling and biological actions were also significantly impaired in Nox4 Y491F-overexpressing cells. Disruption of Nox4 recruitment to SHPS-1 in aorta from diabetic mice inhibited IGF-I-stimulated Src oxidation and activation as well as cell proliferation. These findings provide insight into the mechanism by which localized Nox4-derived ROS regulates the sustained activity of a tyrosine kinase that is critical for mediating signal transduction and biological actions.  相似文献   

Signal transduction via NFκB and MAP kinase cascades is a universal response initiated upon pathogen recognition by Toll-like receptors (TLRs). How activation of these divergent signaling pathways is integrated to dictate distinct immune responses to diverse pathogens is still incompletely understood. Herein, contrary to current perception, we demonstrate that a signaling pathway defined by the inhibitor of κB kinase β (IKKβ), MAP3 kinase tumor progression locus 2 (Tpl2/MAP3K8), and MAP kinase ERK is differentially activated by TLRs. TLRs 2, 4, and 7 directly activate this inflammatory axis, inducing immediate ERK phosphorylation and early TNFα secretion. In addition to TLR adaptor proteins, IKKβ-Tpl2-ERK activation by TLR4 is regulated by the TLR4 co-receptor CD14 and the tyrosine kinase Syk. Signals from TLRs 3 and 9 do not initiate early activation of IKKβ-Tpl2-ERK pathway but instead induce delayed, NADPH-oxidase-dependent ERK phosphorylation and TNFα secretion via autocrine reactive oxygen species signaling. Unexpectedly, Tpl2 is an essential regulator of ROS production during TLR signaling. Overall, our study reveals distinct mechanisms activating a common inflammatory signaling cascade and delineates differences in MyD88-dependent signaling between endosomal TLRs 7 and 9. These findings further confirm the importance of Tpl2 in innate host defense mechanisms and also enhance our understanding of how the immune system tailors pathogen-specific gene expression patterns.  相似文献   

As the development of synthetic drugs for the prevention of stroke has proven challenging, utilization of natural products capable of preconditioning neuronal cells against ischemia-induced cell death would be a highly useful complementary approach. In this study using an oxygen-glucose deprivation and reoxygenation (OGD/R) model in PC12 cells, we show that 2-day pretreatment with green tea polyphenols (GTPP) and their active ingredient, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), protects cells from subsequent OGD/R-induced cell death. A synergistic interaction was observed between GTPP constituents, with unfractionated GTPP more potently preconditioning cells than EGCG. GTPP-induced preconditioning required the 67-kDa laminin receptor (67LR), to which EGCG binds with high affinity. 67LR also mediated the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) via activation of NADPH oxidase. An exogenous ROS-generating system bypassed 67LR to induce preconditioning, suggesting that sublethal levels of ROS are indeed an important mediator in GTPP-induced preconditioning. This role for ROS was further supported by the fact that antioxidants blocked GTPP-induced preconditioning. Additionally, ROS induced an activation and translocation of protein kinase C (PKC), particularly PKCϵ from the cytosol to the membrane/mitochondria, which was also blocked by antioxidants. The crucial role of PKC in GTPP-induced preconditioning was supported by use of its specific inhibitors. Preconditioning was increased by conditional overexpression of PKCϵ and decreased by its knock-out with siRNA. Collectively, these results suggest that GTPP stimulates 67LR and thereby induces NADPH oxidase-dependent generation of ROS, which in turn induces activation of PKC, particularly prosurvival isoenzyme PKCϵ, resulting in preconditioning against cell death induced by OGD/R.  相似文献   

Pyk2 was identified as a Ca2+-dependent kinase, however, the regulation of Pyk2 by Ca2+ in T cells remains controversial. We found that Ca2+ mobilization preferentially induced Pyk2 phosphorylation in cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Furthermore, Pyk2 phosphorylation in CTL was not absolutely Ca2+ dependent but relied on the strength of T cell receptor stimulation. Ionomycin-stimulated Pyk2 phosphorylation did not require calmodulin activity, because phosphorylation was not inhibited by the calmodulin inhibitor W7, and we detected no Ca2+-regulated association between Pyk2 and calmodulin. Ca2+-stimulated Pyk2 phosphorylation was dependent on Src-family kinase activity, even at the Pyk2 autophosphorylation site. We sought to identify a Ca2+-regulated pathway that could trigger Pyk2 phosphorylation in T cells and found that ionomycin stimulated the production of reactive oxygen species and an H2O2 scavenger inhibited ionomycin-induced Pyk2 phosphorylation. Additionally, H2O2 induced strong Erk activation and ionomycin-stimulated Pyk2 phosphorylation was Erk dependent. These data support the conclusion that Ca2+ mobilization induces the production of reactive oxygen species, which in turn activate the Erk pathway, leading to Src-family kinase-dependent Pyk2 phosphorylation. Our data demonstrate that Pyk2 is not a Ca2+-dependent kinase in T cells but instead, increased intracellular Ca2+ induces Pyk2 phosphorylation through production of reactive oxygen species. These findings are consistent with the possibility that Pyk2 acts as an early sensor of numerous extracellular signals that trigger a Ca2+ flux and/or reactive oxygen species to amplify tyrosine phosphorylation signaling events.  相似文献   

NADPH oxidase comprises both cytosolic and membrane-bound subunits, which, when assembled and activated, initiate the transfer of electrons from NADPH to molecular oxygen to form superoxide. This activity, known as the respiratory burst, is extremely important in the innate immune response as indicated by the disorder chronic granulomatous disease. The regulation of this enzyme complex involves protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions as well as phosphorylation events. Previously, our laboratory demonstrated that the small membrane subunit of the oxidase complex, p22phox, is phosphorylated in neutrophils and that its phosphorylation correlates with NADPH oxidase activity. In this study, we utilized site-directed mutagenesis in a Chinese hamster ovarian cell system to determine the phosphorylation sites within p22phox. We also explored the mechanism by which p22phox phosphorylation affects NADPH oxidase activity. We found that mutation of threonine 147 to alanine inhibited superoxide production in vivo by more than 70%. This mutation also blocked phosphorylation of p22phox in vitro by both protein kinase C-α and -δ. Moreover, this mutation blocked the p22phox-p47phox interaction in intact cells. When phosphorylation was mimicked in vivo through mutation of Thr-147 to an aspartyl residue, NADPH oxidase activity was recovered, and the p22phox-p47phox interaction in the membrane was restored. Maturation of gp91phox was not affected by the alanine mutation, and phosphorylation of the cytosolic component p47phox still occurred. This study directly implicates threonine 147 of p22phox as a critical residue for efficient NADPH oxidase complex formation and resultant enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Excess glucose and free fatty acids delivered to adipose tissue causes local inflammation, which contributes to insulin resistance. Glucose and palmitate generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) in adipocytes, leading to monocyte chemotactic factor gene expression. Docosahexaenoate (DHA) has the opposite effect. In this study, we evaluated the potential sources of ROS in the presence of excess nutrients. Differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes were exposed to palmitate and DHA (250 μM) in either 5 or 25 mM glucose to evaluate the relative roles of mitochondrial electron transport and NADPH oxidases (NOX) as sources of ROS. Excess glucose and palmitate did not increase mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. However, glucose exposure increased glycolysis. Of the NOX family members, only NOX4 was expressed in adipocytes. Moreover, its activity was increased by excess glucose and palmitate and decreased by DHA. Silencing NOX4 inhibited palmitate- and glucose-stimulated ROS generation and monocyte chemotactic factor gene expression. NADPH, a substrate for NOX, and pentose phosphate pathway activity increased with glucose but not palmitate and decreased with DHA exposure. Inhibition of the pentose phosphate pathway by glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase inhibitors and siRNA suppressed ROS generation and monocyte chemotactic factor gene expression induced by both glucose and palmitate. Finally, both high glucose and palmitate induced NOX4 translocation into lipid rafts, effects that were blocked by DHA. Excess glucose and palmitate generate ROS via NOX4 rather than by mitochondrial oxidation in cultured adipocytes. NOX4 is regulated by both NADPH generated in the PPP and translocation of NOX4 into lipid rafts, leading to expression of monocyte chemotactic factors.  相似文献   

Redox regulation of signaling molecules contributes critically to propagation of intracellular signals. The main source providing reactive oxygen species (ROS) for these physiological processes are activated NADPH oxidases (Nox/Duox family). In a pathophysiological context, some NADPH oxidase complexes produce large amounts of ROS either as part of the antimicrobial immune defense or as pathologic oxidative stress in many chronic diseases. Thus, understanding the switch from a dormant, inactive conformation to the active state of these enzymes will aid the development of inhibitors. As exogenously expressed Nox4 represents the only constitutively active enzyme in this family, analysis of structural determinants that permit this active conformation was undertaken. Our focus was directed toward a cell-based analysis of the first intracellular loop, the B-loop, and the C-terminus, two regions of Nox family enzymes that are essential for electron transfer. Mutagenesis of the B-loop identified several unique residues and a polybasic motif that contribute to the catalytic activity of Nox4. By using a multifaceted approach, including Nox4-Nox2 chimeras, mutagenesis, and insertion of Nox2 domains, we show here that the penultimate 22 amino acids of Nox4 are involved in constitutive ROS generation. The appropriate spacing of the C-terminal Nox4 sequence may cooperate with a discrete arginine-based interaction site in the B-loop, providing an intrinsically active interface that could not be disrupted by peptides derived from the Nox4 C-terminus. These results indicate that accessibility for a Nox4-specific peptide inhibitor might be difficult to achieve in vivo.  相似文献   

Testosterone is an endocrine hormone with functions in reproductive organs, anabolic events, and skin homeostasis. We report here that GPRC6A serves as a sensor and mediator of the rapid action of testosterone in epidermal keratinocytes. The silencing of GPRC6A inhibited testosterone-induced intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) mobilization and H2O2 generation. These results indicated that a testosterone-GPRC6A complex is required for activation of Gq protein, IP3 generation, and [Ca2+]i mobilization, leading to Duox1 activation. H2O2 generation by testosterone stimulated the apoptosis of keratinocytes through the activation of caspase-3. The application of testosterone into three-dimensional skin equivalents increased the apoptosis of keratinocytes between the granular and stratified corneum layers. These results support an understanding of the molecular mechanism of testosterone-dependent apoptosis in which testosterone stimulates H2O2 generation through the activation of Duox1.  相似文献   

This investigation was to elucidate the mechanism for microparticle (MP) formation triggered by exposures to high pressure inert gases. Human neutrophils generate MPs at a threshold of ∼186 kilopascals with exposures of 30 min or more. Murine cells are similar, but MP production occurs at a slower rate and continues for ∼4 h, whether or not cells remain under pressure. Neutrophils exposed to elevated gas but not hydrostatic pressure produce MPs according to the potency series: argon ≃ nitrogen > helium. Following a similar pattern, gases activate type-2 nitric-oxide synthase (NOS-2) and NADPH oxidase (NOX). MP production does not occur with neutrophils exposed to a NOX inhibitor (Nox2ds) or a NOS-2 inhibitor (1400W) or with cells from mice lacking NOS-2. Reactive species cause S-nitrosylation of cytosolic actin that enhances actin polymerization. Protein cross-linking and immunoprecipitation studies indicate that increased polymerization occurs because of associations involving vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein, focal adhesion kinase, the H+/K+ ATPase β (flippase), the hematopoietic cell multidrug resistance protein ABC transporter (floppase), and protein-disulfide isomerase in proximity to short actin filaments. Using chemical inhibitors or reducing cell concentrations of any of these proteins with small inhibitory RNA abrogates NOS-2 activation, reactive species generation, actin polymerization, and MP production. These effects were also inhibited in cells exposed to UV light, which photoreverses S-nitrosylated cysteine residues and by co-incubations with the antioxidant ebselen or cytochalasin D. The autocatalytic cycle of protein activation is initiated by inert gas-mediated singlet O2 production.  相似文献   

The inflammatory responses accompanying stroke are recognized to contribute to secondary ischemic injury. TIPE2 is a very recently identified negative regulator of inflammation that maintains immune homeostasis. However, it is unknown whether TIPE2 is expressed in the brain and contributes to the regulation of cerebral diseases. In this study, we explored the potential roles of TIPE2 in cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury. TIPE2−/− mice were used to assess whether TIPE2 provides neuroprotection following cerebral ischemia/reperfusion induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), and in vitro primary cerebral cell cultures were used to investigate the expression and regulation of TIPE2. Our results show that genetic ablation of the Tipe2 gene significantly increased the cerebral volume of infarction and neurological dysfunction in mice subjected to MCAO. Flow cytometric analysis revealed more infiltrating macrophages, neutrophils, and lymphocytes in the ischemic hemisphere of TIPE2−/− mice. The responses to inflammatory cytokines and chemokines were significantly increased in TIPE2−/− mouse brain after MCAO. We further observed that TIPE2 was highly induced in WT mice after cerebral ischemia and was expressed mainly in microglia/macrophages, but not in neurons and astrocytes. Finally, we found that regulation of TIPE2 expression was associated with NADPH oxidase activity. These findings demonstrate, for the first time, that TIPE2 is involved in the pathogenesis of stroke and suggest that TIPE2 plays an essential role in a signal transduction pathway that links the inflammatory immune response to specific conditions after cerebral ischemia. Targeting TIPE2 may be a new therapeutic strategy for stroke treatment.  相似文献   

The JNK signaling cascade is critical for cellular responses to a variety of environmental and cellular stimuli. Although gene expression aspects of JNK signal transduction are well studied, there are minimal data on the physiological impact of JNK signaling. To bridge this gap, we investigated how JNK impacted physiology in HeLa cells. We observed that inhibition of JNK activity and JNK silencing with siRNA reduced the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated during anisomycin-induced stress in HeLa cells. Silencing p38 had no significant impact on ROS generation under anisomycin stress. Moreover, JNK signaling mediated amplification of ROS production during stress. Mitochondrial superoxide production was shown to be the source of JNK-induced ROS amplification, as an NADPH oxidase inhibitor demonstrated little impact on JNK-mediated ROS generation. Using mitochondrial isolation from JNK null fibroblasts and targeting the mitochondrial scaffold of JNK, Sab, we demonstrated that mitochondrial JNK signaling was responsible for mitochondrial superoxide amplification. These results suggest that cellular stress altered mitochondria, causing JNK to translocate to the mitochondria and amplify up to 80% of the ROS generated largely by Complex I. This work demonstrates that a sequence of events exist for JNK mitochondrial signaling whereby ROS activates JNK, thereby affecting mitochondrial physiology, which can have effects on cell survival and death.  相似文献   

NADPH oxidase produces reactive oxygen species (ROS). Drosophila melanogaster has two homologs of NADPH oxidase, dNox and dDuox, with functions that remain unclear in vivo. To clarify these functions, two independent transgenic fly lines expressing dsRNA targeted for different portions of dDuox mRNA were used. In both flies, en-GAL4> UAS-dDuoxIR(976-1145) and en-GAL4> UAS-dDuoxIR(370-518), in which dDuox was knocked down selectively in the posterior area of the wing disc, the posterior compartment of the adult wings became paler and more fragile with wing veins that were indistinct by comparison with the anterior one. Fluorescence staining of the en-GAL4> UAS-dDuoxIR(976-1145) adult wings revealed that the ROS concentration in the posterior compartment was significantly lower than that in the anterior compartment. Moreover, in these flies, the posterior compartment of the wing imaginal disc showed a greater number of apoptotic cells detected by immunostaining with anti-cleaved caspase-3 antibody than those in the anterior compartment. Respective knockdown of tyrosine hydroxylase or dopa-decarboxylase showed paler wing blades in the posterior compartment similar to the phenotype of dDuox-knockdown files. Along with this observation, analysis of the catecholic and dityrosine components in the wings of adult flies proved that dDuox plays important roles in the stabilization of the cuticle structure of the wings via tyrosine cross-linking, the sclerotization and melanization processes possibly through ROS production. These dDuox-knockdown fly lines would be useful tools for further studying dDuox functions during the development of Drosophila.  相似文献   

Siglec-E is a sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin expressed on murine myeloid cells. It has recently been shown to function as a negative regulator of β2-integrin-dependent neutrophil recruitment to the lung following exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Here, we demonstrate that siglec-E promoted neutrophil production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) following CD11b β2-integrin ligation with fibrinogen in a sialic acid-dependent manner, but it had no effect on ROS triggered by a variety of other stimulants. Siglec-E promotion of ROS was likely mediated via Akt activation, because siglec-E-deficient neutrophils plated on fibrinogen exhibited reduced phosphorylation of Akt, and the Akt inhibitor, MK2206, blocked fibrinogen-induced ROS. In vivo imaging showed that siglec-E also promoted ROS in acutely inflamed lungs following exposure of mice to LPS. Importantly, siglec-E-promoted ROS were required for its inhibitory function, as the NADPH oxidase inhibitor, apocynin, reversed the siglec-E-mediated suppression of neutrophil recruitment and blocked neutrophil ROS production in vitro. Taken together, these results demonstrate that siglec-E functions as an inhibitory receptor of neutrophils via positive regulation of NADPH oxidase activation and ROS production. Our findings have implications for the inhibitory role of siglec-9 on human neutrophils in sepsis and acute lung injury.  相似文献   

Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell (VSMC) migration into vessel neointima is a therapeutic target for atherosclerosis and postinjury restenosis. Nox1 NADPH oxidase-derived oxidants synergize with growth factors to support VSMC migration. We previously described the interaction between NADPH oxidases and the endoplasmic reticulum redox chaperone protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) in many cell types. However, physiological implications, as well as mechanisms of such association, are yet unclear. We show here that platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) promoted subcellular redistribution of PDI concomitant to Nox1-dependent reactive oxygen species production and that siRNA-mediated PDI silencing inhibited such reactive oxygen species production, while nearly totally suppressing the increase in Nox1 expression, with no change in Nox4. Furthermore, PDI silencing inhibited PDGF-induced VSMC migration assessed by distinct methods, whereas PDI overexpression increased spontaneous basal VSMC migration. To address possible mechanisms of PDI effects, we searched for PDI interactome by systems biology analysis of physical protein-protein interaction networks, which indicated convergence with small GTPases and their regulator RhoGDI. PDI silencing decreased PDGF-induced Rac1 and RhoA activities, without changing their expression. PDI co-immunoprecipitated with RhoGDI at base line, whereas such association was decreased after PDGF. Also, PDI co-immunoprecipitated with Rac1 and RhoA in a PDGF-independent way and displayed detectable spots of perinuclear co-localization with Rac1 and RhoGDI. Moreover, PDI silencing promoted strong cytoskeletal changes: disorganization of stress fibers, decreased number of focal adhesions, and reduced number of RhoGDI-containing vesicular recycling adhesion structures. Overall, these data suggest that PDI is required to support Nox1/redox and GTPase-dependent VSMC migration.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is the major component of calcium signaling pathways mediating the action of various effectors. Transient increases in the intracellular calcium level triggered by a variety of stimuli lead to the formation of Ca(2+)/CaM complexes, which interact with and activate target proteins. In the present study the role of Ca(2+)/CaM in the regulation of the ligand-dependent activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been examined in living cells. We show that addition of different cell permeable CaM antagonists to cultured cells or loading cells with a Ca(2+) chelator inhibited ligand-dependent EGFR auto(trans)phosphorylation. This occurred also in the presence of inhibitors of protein kinase C, CaM-dependent protein kinase II and calcineurin, which are known Ca(2+)- and/or Ca(2+)/CaM-dependent EGFR regulators, pointing to a direct effect of Ca(2+)/CaM on the receptor. Furthermore, we demonstrate that down-regulation of CaM in conditional CaM knock out cells stably transfected with the human EGFR decreased its ligand-dependent phosphorylation. Substitution of six basic amino acid residues within the CaM-binding domain (CaM-BD) of the EGFR by alanine resulted in a decreased phosphorylation of the receptor and of its downstream substrate phospholipase Cγ1. These results support the hypothesis that Ca(2+)/CaM regulates the EGFR activity by directly interacting with the CaM-BD of the receptor located at its cytosolic juxtamembrane region.  相似文献   

NPM-ALK is a chimeric tyrosine kinase detected in most anaplastic large cell lymphomas that results from the reciprocal translocation t(2,5)(p23;q35) that fuses the N-terminal domain of nucleophosmin (NPM) to the catalytic domain of the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) receptor. The constitutive activity of the kinase is responsible for its oncogenicity through the stimulation of several downstream signaling pathways, leading to cell proliferation, migration, and survival. We demonstrated previously that the high level of phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate measured in NPM-ALK-expressing cells is controlled by the phosphoinositide kinase PIKfyve, a lipid kinase known for its role in vesicular trafficking. Here, we show that PIKfyve associates with NPM-ALK and that the interaction involves the 181-300 region of the oncogene. Moreover, we demonstrate that the tyrosine kinase activity of the oncogene controls PIKfyve lipid kinase activity but is dispensable for the formation of the complex. Silencing or inhibition of PIKfyve using siRNA or the PIKfyve inhibitor YM201636 have no effect on NPM-ALK-mediated proliferation and migration but strongly reduce invasive capacities of NPM-ALK-expressing cells and their capacity to degrade the extracellular matrix. Accordingly, immunofluorescence studies confirm a perturbation of matrix metalloproteinase 9 localization at the cell surface and defect in maturation. Altogether, these results suggest a role for PIKfyve in NPM-ALK-mediated invasion.  相似文献   

The possible roles of Src family kinases in the enhanced malignant properties of melanomas related to GD3 expression were analyzed. Among Src family kinases only Yes, not Fyn or Src, was functionally involved in the increased cell proliferation and invasion of GD3-expressing transfectant cells (GD3+). Yes was located upstream of p130Cas and paxillin and at an equivalent level to focal adhesion kinase. Yes underwent autophosphorylation even before serum treatment and showed stronger kinase activity in GD3+ cells than in GD3- cells following serum treatment. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that Yes bound to focal adhesion kinase or p130Cas more strongly in GD3+ cells than in GD3- cells. As a possible mechanism for the enhancing effects of GD3 on cellular phenotypes, it was shown that majority of Yes was localized in glycolipid-enriched microdomain/rafts in GD3+ cells even before serum treatment, whereas it was scarcely detected in glycolipid-enriched microdomain/rafts in GD3- cells. An in vitro kinase assay of Yes revealed that coexistence of GD3 with Yes in membranous environments enhances the kinase activity of GD3- cell-derived Yes toward enolase, p125, and Yes itself. Knockdown of GD3 synthase resulted in the alleviation of tumor phenotypes and reduced activation levels of Yes. Taken together, these results suggest a role of GD3 in the regulation of Src family kinases.  相似文献   

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