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The present study examines whether the nomadic social caterpillar Malacosoma disstria Hübner (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) can thermoregulate despite the lack of a tent, and evaluates the role of thermoregulation in directing the colony's behaviour. The presence of a radiant heat and light source (i.e. a lamp in the laboratory experiments and the sun in the field observations) enables caterpillar colonies to increase body temperature by basking (remaining still under a heat source) and this is only effective when caterpillars cluster in groups. Body temperatures achieved when basking in a group coincide with the temperatures at which the development rate is maximal for this species. Indeed, in the laboratory experiments, the presence of a lamp results in higher growth rates, confirming that thermoregulation is an advantage to group living. When a radiant heat/light source is provided at a distance from the food in the laboratory, caterpillars behave to maximize thermal gains: colonies move away from the food to bivouac (i.e. group together and remain still on a silk mat) under the lamp, spend more time on the bivouac and cluster in a more cohesive group. Thermal needs thus influence habitat selection and colony aggregation. Malacosoma disstria relies on developing rapidly, despite low seasonal temperatures, aiming to benefit from springtime high food quality and low predation rates; however, unlike others in its genus, it does not build a tent but instead exhibits collective nomadic foraging (i.e. the whole colony moves together between temporary resting and feeding sites). In this species, collective thermoregulatory behaviour is not only possible and advantageous, but also drives much of the colony's behaviour, in large part dictating the temporal and spatial patterns of movement. These findings suggest that thermoregulation may be an important selection pressure keeping colonies together.  相似文献   

(1) We investigated thermoregulatory behavior of social tent building caterpillars of Eriogaster lanestris.

(2) The silk layers of the tent shield most of the incoming radiation and reduce heat exchange with the surroundings by convective heat loss.

(3) As a consequence its interior provides a wide range of temperatures.

(4) By changing their position inside or on the tent caterpillars are able to stabilize their body temperatures at 30–35°C over a wide range of ambient temperatures as long as solar irradiation is sufficiently strong.

(5) Overall behavioral thermoregulation takes precedence over the tent's physical features.  相似文献   

1. Plants can respond to herbivore damage with phenotypically plastic changes in quality that negatively affect herbivores and prevent subsequent attack – induced defences. 2. The present study tested whether trees respond to herbivory with localised induction, and whether life‐history traits and disease resistance of an insect herbivore are altered on induced branches of the trees. 3. The influences of localised, within‐branch, herbivore‐induced changes in red alder trees (Alnus rubra Bong.) on fitness characteristics of western tent caterpillars (Malacosoma californicum pluviale Dyar) were evaluated. In the field, randomly selected branches of trees were infested with tent caterpillar larvae and the adjacent branches were maintained as non‐infested controls. In the laboratory, larvae were fed leaves from either induced or non‐induced branches through to adult emergence. A second cohort of larvae was challenged with a viral pathogen to compare their disease susceptibility on induced versus non‐induced foliage. 4. Herbivore‐induced, localised responses of damaged branches reduced leaf quality for growth and the fecundity of female western tent caterpillars, but not that of males. Larvae fed induced leaves had a higher survival overall and a reduced mortality due to unidentified non‐viral pathogens than did their counterparts on non‐induced leaves. However, there was no influence of leaf quality on baculovirus‐induced mortality. 5. These findings suggest that localised induced changes in leaf quality could potentially influence populations of tent caterpillars in contradictory ways by reducing their growth rate and fecundity to a modest degree, while improving their survival and resistance to unidentified non‐viral pathogens to a larger extent.  相似文献   

The recruitment trail marking behavior of eastern tent caterpillars (Malacosoma americanum Fabr.) was modified by rearing them on plants which they do not usually attack in nature. Caterpillars reared on one of two nonhosts (Prunus avium (L.) L. or Quercus coccinea Muenchh.) marked pheromone trails to foliage of their rearing plant, whereas caterpillars reared on a natural host plant (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) did not mark trails to nonhost foliage. Caterpillars preferred host to nonhost foliage, regardless of their rearing history. The degree of trail marking was correlated with suitability of foliage for larval growth. The results indicate that trail marking behavior is a response to relative rather than absolute food quality, but that preference behavior is more rigidly programmed to favor the optimal food.
Zusammenfassung Das Rekrutierungs-Spurmarkierungsverhalten von Malacosoma americanum Fabr. wurde durch die Zucht der Raupen auf Nichtwirtspflanzen modifiziert. Die Bevorzugung der Wirtspflanze jedoch wurde nicht verändert. Das Spurmarkierungsverhalten wurde im Laboratorium quantifiziert, indem die Zahl der markierten Abschnitte eines Kartonstreifens gezählt wurde, auf dem die Raupe von einem Ende zum andern kroch. Das Präferenzverhalten wurde geprüft, indem Blattscheiben von Wirts-und Nichtwirtspflanzen an einem Ende des Kartonstreifens befestigt wurden. Die Raupen markierten Spuren zu Nichtwirtspflanzen (Prunus avium oder Quercus coccinea) nur, wenn sie darauf gezüchtet worden waren. Andererseits war die Spurmarkierung auf Wirtspflanzen (Prunus serotina) hin intensiv unabhängigig von der Art der Zucht. Ebenfalls unabhängig von der Aufzucht war die Bevorzugung von P. serotina vor Nichtwirtspflanzen in Wahlversuchen. Präferenz und Spurmarkierung waren korreliert mit der Eignung der Blätter für Raupenwachstum. Die Resultate zeigen, dass das Spurmarkierungsverhalten mehr eine Reaktion auf relative als auf absolute Futterqualität ist, dass jedoch Präferenz strenger auf optimales Futter programmiert ist.

The cyclic population dynamics of western tent caterpillars, Malacosoma californicum pluviale, are associated with epizootics of a nucleopolyhedrovirus, McplNPV. Given the dynamic fluctuations in host abundance and levels of viral infection, host resistance and virus virulence might be expected to change during different phases of the cycle. As a first step in determining if McplNPV virulence and population structure change with host density, we used restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis to examine the genetic diversity of McplNPV infecting western tent caterpillar populations at different spatial scales. Thirteen dominant genetic variants were identified in 39 virus isolates (individual larvae) collected from field populations during one year of low host density, and another distinct variant was discovered among nine additional isolates in two subsequent years of declining host density. The distribution of these genetic variants was not random and indicated that the McplNPV population was structured at several spatial levels. A high proportion of the variation could be explained by family grouping, which suggested that isolates collected within a family were more likely to be the same than isolates compared among populations. Additionally, virus variants from within populations (sites) were more likely to be the same than isolates collected from tent caterpillar populations on different islands. This may indicate that there is limited mixing of virus among tent caterpillar families and populations when host population density is low. Thus there is potential for the virus to become locally adapted to western tent caterpillar populations in different sites. However, no dominant genotype was observed at any site. Whether and how selection acts on the genetically diverse nucleopolyhedrovirus populations as host density changes will be investigated over the next cycle of tent caterpillar populations.  相似文献   

The disruption of the trail-based communication system of eastern tent caterpillars (ETC) ( Malacosoma americanum ) and forest tent caterpillars (FTC) ( M. disstria ) by spraying host trees with a trail pheromone mimic caused the disintegration and collapse of young colonies. A 1-ppm formulation of 5β-cholestan-3-one or a control formulation was sprayed on trees either before or after eclosion of the caterpillars in the spring. For pre-eclosion trials, an average of 92% of the FTC colonies on control trees, but only 17% of colonies on treated trees consisted of viable, cohesive aggregates when survival was assessed 5–23 days post-spray. The remaining colonies had either completely disappeared or were reduced to small, disintegrated fragments. For the ETC, 100% of colonies on control trees and an average of 12% of colonies on treated trees consisted of cohesive aggregates inhabiting tents when survival was assessed 3–41 days post-spray. The remaining colonies were completely destroyed, reduced to scattered individuals, or to small, disintegrated, shelter-less fragments. For post-eclosion trials with the FTC in which colonies were sprayed during their first or second larval stadium, an average of 63% of individuals in control groups but only 7% in treatment groups were still on the sprayed trees 5–18 days post-spray. For the ETC, colonies were largely unaffected when trees were not sprayed until after the caterpillars had eclosed and established tents. For all trials, the loss of individuals on treated trees was largely attributable to the inability of dispersed and isolated first or second instar caterpillars to maintain secure purchase, causing them to fall from trees and perish. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the potential of manipulating populations of pest species by interfering with a trail-based, chemical communication system.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Cyclic population dynamics of forest caterpillars are often associated with epizootics of nucleopolyhedrovirus, but it is not known how these viruses persist between generations or through the fluctuations in host population density. 2. To explore the question of virus persistence at different phases of the population cycle, the nucleopolyhedroviruses of two species of tent caterpillar that co‐occur in British Columbia, Canada, Malacosoma californicum pluviale (western tent caterpillar) and Malacosoma disstria (forest tent caterpillar), were characterised. The cross‐infectivity of the viruses in these two host species was investigated to determine whether there might be a route for virus persistence via the alternative host species. Any virus produced in the cross‐infections was characterised to confirm true cross‐infection or to ascertain whether cross‐inoculation triggered latent virus persisting within the population. 3. The virus associated with forest tent caterpillars (MadiNPV) did not infect western tent caterpillars from low‐density populations, nor did it trigger a latent virus infection; however, inoculation of forest tent caterpillars from high‐density populations with virus from western tent caterpillars (McplNPV) resulted in viral infection, but without a dose–response relationship. 4. Analysis of DNA profiles of virus resulting from cross‐infection of the forest tent caterpillar with McplNPV, revealed that 88% of these infections were caused by MadiNPV rather than McplNPV; however the virus from all 44 infected individuals was identical and differed in DNA profile from the stock MadiNPV used for cross‐infection. This suggests strongly that forest tent caterpillars from high‐density field populations harbour a latent, persistent, or sublethal form of MadiNPV that was triggered by exposure to nucleopolyhedrovirus from the western tent caterpillar. 5. Virus was not activated in western tent caterpillars collected over 2 years of late population decline and the first year of population increase.  相似文献   

Mixed‐genotype infections are common in many natural host–parasite interactions. Classical kin‐selection models predict that single‐genotype infections can exploit host resources prudently to maximize fitness, but that selection favours rapid exploitation when co‐infecting genotypes share limited host resources. However, theory has outpaced evidence: we require empirical studies of pathogen genotypes that naturally co‐infect hosts. Do genotypes actually compete within hosts? Can host ecology affect the outcome of co‐infection? We posed both questions by comparing traits of infections in which two baculovirus genotypes were fed to hosts alongside inocula of the same or a different genotype. The host, Panolis flammea, is a herbivore of Pinus sylvestris and Pi. contorta. The pathogen, PfNPV (a nucleopolyhedrovirus), occurs naturally as mixtures of genotypes that differ, when isolated, in pathogenicity, speed of kill and yield. Single‐genotype infection traits failed to predict the ‘winning’ genotypes in co‐infections. Co‐infections infected and caused lethal disease in more hosts, and produced high yields, relative to single‐genotype infections. The need to share with nonkin did not cause fitness costs to either genotype. In fact, in hosts feeding on Pi. sylvestris, one genotype gained increased yields in mixed‐genotype infections. These results are discussed in relation to theory surrounding adaptive responses to competition with nonkin for limited resources.  相似文献   

1. Eastern tent caterpillars (Malacosoma americanum) are broadly distributed within North America, with populations spanning a wide range of environmental conditions. Their egg masses are consistently attacked by a variety of wasps in the superfamily Chalcidoidea. We performed a reciprocal transplant‐type experiment to assess the performance of three populations spanning 15° of latitude when subjected to temperature regimes resembling southern or northern conditions. 2. Exposure to warm temperatures and short overwintering periods (southern conditions) resulted in the increased survival of both caterpillars and parasitoids from all populations. By contrast, the ability of caterpillars to withstand starvation was maximised when exposed to conditions similar to their native region. 3. Caterpillar and wasp phenology differed among populations even when exposed to the same temperature regime. Individuals exposed to novel conditions hatched 2–6 weeks later than those experiencing native conditions. Under typical conditions, the relative phenology of wasps and their hosts exhibited a latitudinal gradient consistent with growing season length, with southern, central, and northern wasps, emerging 50, 45, and 36 days, respectively, after their hosts. 3. We identified four genera of primary parasitoids, which emerged within a narrow 2‐week span, and one hyperparasitoid, which emerged in distinct pulses over an approximately 5‐week span, possibly indicating the presence of a second generation. 4. Caterpillars and wasps exhibited distinct phenological responses according to population of origin, indicating that not only pre‐hatching winter and spring conditions, but also historical factors, which may include local adaptation, maternal effects, and oviposition time, influence their phenological responses.  相似文献   

Abstract In a restinga habitat of southeastern Brazil, we studied some aspects of the thermal biology of two sympatric skinks (Mabuya macrorhyncha and Mabuya agilis) with distinct microhabitat preferences. The two species did not differ significantly in their mean body temperature. Sex and body size did not explain body temperature variation within either species. The body temperature of both species is significantly affected by air temperature, but only that of M. agilis is significantly influenced by sand surface temperature, presumably due to its more terrestrial habit compared to M. macrorhyncha. We found no significant seasonal variation in body temperature for either species, although environmental temperatures varied seasonally, indicating that both species may be selecting an optimal range of body temperatures, possibly through behavioural thermoregulation.  相似文献   

1. The thermoregulatory capabilities of 18 species of Alaskan bees spanning nearly two orders of magnitude of body mass were measured. Thoracic temperature, measured across the temperature range at which each species forages, was regressed against operative (environmental) temperature to determine bees' abilities to maintain relatively constant thoracic temperatures across a range of operative temperatures (thermoregulatory performance).
2. Previous studies on insect thermoregulation have compared thoracic temperature with ambient air temperature. Operative temperature, which integrates air temperature, solar radiation and effects of wind, was estimated by measuring the temperature of a fresh, dead bee in the field environment. It is suggested that this is a more accurate measure of the thermal environment experienced by the insect and also allows direct comparisons of insects under different microclimate conditions, such as in sun and shade.
3. Simple regression analysis of species and family means, and analysis of phylogenetically based independent contrasts showed thermoregulatory capability, ability to elevate thoracic temperature, and minimum thoracic temperature necessary for initiating flight all increased with body size.
4. Bumble-bees were better thermoregulators than solitary bees primarily as a consequence of their larger body size. However, their thermoregulatory abilities were slightly, but significantly, better than predicted from body size alone, suggesting an added role of pelage and/or physiology. Large solitary bees were better thermoregulators than small solitary bees apparently as a result of body-size differences, with small bees acting as thermal conformers.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of CO2 and O3 affect plant growth and phytochemistry, which in turn can alter physiological performance of associated herbivores. Little is known, however, about how generalist insect herbivores respond behaviorally to CO2‐ and O3‐mediated changes in their host plants. This research examined the effects of elevated CO2 and O3 levels on host plant preferences and consumption of forest tent caterpillar (FTC, Malacosoma disstria Hbn.) larvae. Dual choice feeding assays were performed with foliage from birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx., genotypes 216 and 259). Trees were grown at the Aspen Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) facility near Rhinelander, WI, USA, and had been exposed to ambient or elevated concentrations of CO2 and/or O3. Levels of nutritional and secondary compounds were quantified through phytochemical analyses. The results showed that elevated O3 levels increased FTC larval preferences for birch compared with aspen, whereas elevated CO2 levels had the opposite effect. In assays with the two aspen genotypes, addition of both CO2 and O3 caused a shift in feeding preferences from genotype 259 to genotype 216. Consumption was unaffected by experimental treatments in assays comparing aspen and birch, but were increased for larvae given high O3 foliage in the aspen genotype assays. Elevated levels of CO2 and O3 altered tree phytochemistry, but did not explain shifts in feeding preferences. The results demonstrate that increased levels of CO2 and O3 can alter insect host plant preferences both between and within tree species. Also, consequences of altered host quality (e.g., compensatory consumption) may be buffered by partial host shifts in situations when alternative plant species are available. Environmentally induced changes in host plant preferences may have the potential to alter the distribution of herbivory across plant genotypes and species, as well as competitive interactions among them.  相似文献   

Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) exhibits striking intraspecific variation in concentrations of phenolic glycosides, compounds that play important roles in mediating interactions with herbivorous insects. This research was conducted to assess the contribution of genetic variation to overall phenotypic variation in aspen chemistry and interactions with gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar) and forest tent caterpillars (Malacosoma disstria). Thirteen aspen clones were propagated from field-collected root material. Insect performance assays, measuring survival, development, growth, and food utilization indices, were conducted with second and/or fourth instars. Leaf samples were assayed for water, nitrogen, total nonstructural carbohydrates, condensed tannins, and phenolic glycosides. Results showed substantial among-clone variation in the performance of both insect species. Chemical analyses revealed significant among-clone variation in all foliar constituents and that variation in allelochemical contents differed more than variation in primary metabolites. Regression analyses indicated that phenolic glycosides were the dominant factor responsible for among-clone variation in insect performance. We also found significant genetic trade-offs between growth and defense among aspen clones. Our results suggest that genetic factors are likely responsible for much of the tremendous phenotypic variation in secondary chemistry exhibited by aspen, and that the genetic structure of aspen populations may play important roles in the evolution of interactions with phytophagous insects. Received: 14 May 1996 / Accepted: 29 January 1997  相似文献   

Synopsis The catfish Heteropneustes fossilis tolerates a wide range of temperatures. The minimal (7.9°C) and maximal (39.8°C) lethal temperature values obtained during summer are higher than the minimal (4°C) and maximal (37.7°C) lethal temperature values obtained during winter; gradual heating or cooling versus abrupt exposure to various temperatures did not produce significant differences. Catfish acclimated to temperatures of 28° (summer) or 16°C (winter) finally selected temperatures ranging from 31.3° to 32° C, when placed in a temperature gradient of 15° to 35° C. Catfish avoid temperatures below 25° C regardless of seasonal acclimatization.  相似文献   

Synopsis Temperature is the most important and least well documented environmental entity affecting reproduction and feeding of elasmobranch fishes, but it is unclear to what extent these fish may exploit behavioral thermoregulation to optimize physiological processes. Laboratory thermal preference determinations are important to understanding behavioral processes because they provide the vital quantitative link between environment, physiology, and adaptive behavior. Temperature preference data were collected on Atlantic stingrays, Dasyatis sabina (Lesueur) to assess the fishs’ ability to behaviorally optimize feeding and reproduction. Groups of male and pregnant female Atlantic stingrays exhibited statistically higher preferred median temperatures (26.2 and 26.1°C, respectively) than non-pregnant females (25.3°C; One-Way ANOVA on ranked data, F [2,26] = 3.72, p=0.038). Median preferred temperatures in unfed stingrays of both genders ranged from 24.5 to 31.0°C, whereas, fed fish preferred temperatures between 23.5 and 27.5°C. Unfed stingrays preferred a median temperature of 24.5°C; however, after feeding fish preferred significantly warmer water temperatures of 25.7°C (Wilcoxon one-tail, matched-pairs, signed rank analysis; p<0.088). While overall differences were subtle, small preference adjustments can have important physiological consequences. For example, the 1°C increase seen in pregnant females over non-pregnant fish would reduce gestation time by as much as two weeks. Likewise, by moving to cooler water after feeding, stingrays may increase nutrient uptake efficiency by reducing evacuation rates. Our data indicate that movement and distribution of Atlantic stingrays are dictated, in part, by temperature effects on physiology.  相似文献   

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