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A multiplex-PCR approach, employing 2 primer pairs directed to internal regions of the 16S rRNA and ureC genes, was utilized to analyze a collection of Photobacterium damselae strains, including 25 isolates of subspecies piscicida and 15 isolates of subspecies damselae. With this procedure, all the P. damselae subsp. damselae strains yielded 2 amplification products, one of 267 bp and the other of 448 bp, corresponding to internal fragments of the 16S rRNA and ureC genes, respectively. However, P. damselae subsp. piscicida isolates only showed the PCR product of 267 bp (16S rRNA fragment), indicating the absence of the urease gene in its genome. We have constructed a DNA probe directed to an internal region of the ureC gene, and corroborated by dot blot hybridization that the P. damselae subsp. piscicida lacks this gene, whereas it is present in the subspecies damselae. This constitutes the first successful discrimination between both subspecies using a PCR procedure, which could become a useful tool for diagnosis of pasteurellosis in the field. In addition, since these 2 subspecies have been shown to share nearly the same rrn operon sequence, our results provided evidence that one of the steps in the P. damselae speciation proccess included gain/loss events associated with the ure operon.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of the present study was to characterize subspecifically Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae strains isolated from cultured Sparus aurata and Dicentrarchus labrax by means of phenotypic and molecular typing techniques (amplified fragment length polymorphism, AFLP). METHODS AND RESULTS: Seventy-one strains of P. damselae subsp. damselae were isolated from 38 cultured fishes at different fish farms located on the Mediterranean coast near Valencia, Spain. Most fish studied were asymptomatic and some were recovered during infectious outbreaks. Phenotypic characterization revealed a considerable degree of variability within the subspecies, including some characters, such as production of urease, which are used to differentiate P. damselae subsp. damselae from P. damselae subsp. piscicida. Genetic characterization was conducted on a selection of 33 strains, including two reference strains. Dice coefficient (Sd) and the unweighted pair group method with average linkage (UPGMA) were used for numerical analysis of banding patterns. AFLP type was defined on the basis of 100% similarity in the dendrogram obtained, yielding 24 distinct AFLP profiles. At 70% similarity, 13 clusters were defined, thus confirming the great variability observed for the phenotypic traits. CONCLUSIONS: The AFLP variability shown by the isolates was high enough to discriminate between different strains which colonize the same fish. However, closely related AFLP types were usually derived from strains isolated at the same fish farm, indicating an epidemiological relationship. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study has confirmed that the AFLP technique allows discrimination of individual strains within P. damselae subsp. damselae for epidemiological studies, and that this subspecies exhibits greater variability than that described for subspecies piscicida.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the ferric uptake regulator protein (fur gene) of the fish pathogenic bacterium Photobacterium damselae ssp. piscicida Strain D121 was partially amplified using degenerate oligonucleotides. Complete sequencing of the fur gene and neighbouring DNA was accomplished by primer walking. An open reading frame of 447 bp, coding for a protein of 148 amino acids, and with high homology to previously described Fur proteins, was identified. The fur gene of P. damselae ssp. damselae ATCC 35083 was subsequently amplified by PCR with specific primers and its sequence determined, showing a 99.3% similarity to the P. damselae ssp. piscicida fur gene. The P. damselae fur gene was able to complement the fur mutation of Escherichia coli Strain H1681 in an iron-dependent fashion.  相似文献   

Whole cells of virulent (DI 21 and B 51) and avirulent (ATCC 29690 and EPOY 8803-II) strains of Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida, grown under iron-supplemented or iron-restricted conditions, were able to bind haemin. Iron limitation resulted in an increased binding of haemin by DI 21, B 51 and ATCC 29690 cells but did not affect the haemin-binding ability of the EPOY 8803-II cells. Proteinase K treatment of whole cells markedly reduced the binding of haemin, indicating that protein receptors located at the cell surface are involved in the binding. This was confirmed by the observation that isolated total as well as outer membrane proteins from all the strains, regardless of the iron levels of the media, were able to bind haemin, with the outer membranes showing the strongest binding. Haemin binding by membrane protein extracts was not affected by heat treatment but was almost completely abolished by Proteinase K treatment, suggesting the presence of thermostable protein receptors for haemin. The capsular polysaccharide also appears to play a minor role in binding of haemin. It was concluded that constitutive as well as inducible mechanisms of haemin binding occur in P. damselae subsp. piscicida. These mechanisms would rely mainly upon the direct interaction between the haemin molecules and surface-exposed outer membrane protein receptors.  相似文献   

Addition of NaCl at 2.5% to tryptic soy broth (TSB) significantly increased the growth of Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae. Tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon held in 25 per thousand seawater were injected with P. damsela subsp. damselae grown in TSB containing NaCl at 0.5%, 1.5%, 2.5% and 3.5% at a dose of 8.48 x 10(4)colony-forming units (cfu)shrimp(-1). Over 24-96 h, the cumulative mortality was significantly higher for the shrimp challenged with P. damselae subsp. damselae grown in 2.5% NaCl than those grown in 0.5%, 1.5% and 3.5% NaCl. In another experiment, P. monodon held in 25 per thousand were injected with TSB-grown P. damselae subsp. damselae (8.48 x 10(4)cfushrimp(-1)), and then transferred to 5 per thousand, 15 per thousand, 25 per thousand (control) and 35 per thousand. After 96 h, the mortality was highest for the P. damselae subsp. damselae-injected shrimp held in 5 per thousand, and the lowest for the P. damselae subsp. damselae-injected shrimp held in 25 per thousand. In a separate experiment, P. monodon held in 25 per thousand and then transferred to 5 per thousand, 15 per thousand, 25 per thousand (control) and 35 per thousand were examined for immune parameters, and phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency of P. damselae subsp. damselae after 12-96 h. The THC, hyaline cell, phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency decreased significantly for the shrimp held in 5 per thousand, 15 per thousand and 35 per thousand after 12h. It is concluded that tiger shrimp P. monodon transferred from 25 per thousand to low salinity levels (5 per thousand and 15 per thousand) and high salinity (35 per thousand) had reduced immune ability and decreased resistance against P. damselae subsp. damselae infection.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to purify and characterize a toxic protease secreted by the pathogenic Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida strain CP1 originally isolated from diseased cobia (Rachycentron canadum). The toxin isolated by anion exchange chromatography, was a metalloprotease, inhibited by L-cysteine, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), 1,10-phenanthroline, N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine-chloromethyl ketone (TPCK), and N-alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysine-chloromethyl ketone (TLCK), and showed maximal activity at pH 6.0-8.0 and an apparent molecular mass of about 34.3 kDa. The toxin was also completely inhibited by HgCl2, and partially by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and CuCl2. The extracellular products and the partially purified protease were lethal to cobia with LD50 values of 1.26 and 6.8 microg protein/g body weight, respectively. The addition of EDTA completely inhibited the lethal toxicity of the purified protease, indicating that this metalloprotease was a lethal toxin produced by the bacterium.  相似文献   

Summary The community structure of the Mota-Magra forest block (24°35N L and 75 49E L), 14 km east of Udaipur town is described. The area supports forest of mixed dry deciduous nature in which Boswellia serrata, Lannea coromandelica and various species of Acacia are dominant tree species. The protected stand has been found to be richer in respect of tree density and basal cover. In the protected stand the basal cover of tree species has been found to increase from hill base to hill top. The northern and eastern aspects were found to be richer than the southern and western aspects respectively. The possible causes responsible for these differences have been discussed. Observation on the maturity index of the community at each site, constance class and A/F ratio of the perennial species have been presented.Nomenclature follows that in present use at the Herbarium of the Botanical Survey of India, Dehradun.Our sincere thanks are due to Shri A. L. Sankhla, I.F.S., Divisional Forest Officer, Udaipur for the permission to work in the Mota Magra Forest Block. Thanks are also due to Prof. Y. D. Tiagi, Head, Botany Department S.B.S.H., University of Udaipur, Udaipur, for the laboratory facilities.  相似文献   

HutB, the periplasmic hemin binding protein of Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida, was produced as a recombinant protein. UV-Vis spectrophotometrical analysis showed absorption spectral changes in hemin upon mixing it with the recombinant protein, indicating complex formation. Spectrophotometric titration of HutB with hemin showed saturation at a heme/HutB ratio of 1:1 and a binding affinity (K d) of 10 μM.  相似文献   

Photobacterium damselae ssp. piscicida (Ph.d.p.), the causative agent of photobacteriosis, is among the most important pathogens affecting finfish aquaculture globally. With the emergence of recombinant technology, subunit vaccines have been actively pursued, but mostly for viral diseases. Bacterial subunit vaccines are more difficult to develop since the bacterial genome is more complex, with numerous candidate antigens, leading to a lengthy and laborious screening process. Immunoproteomics, using western blotting on protein analyzed with 2DE and LC-MS/MS to isolate immune-reactive proteins and acquire amino acid sequences, followed by recombinant technology to clone the candidate gene, identified eight candidate antigens from Ph.d.p., which have been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). These proteins were purified and used as antigens in an efficacy trial. Three, rHSP60, rENOLASE, and rGAPDH proteins, elicited higher specific antibody titers and stronger protective immunity than the other five and an inactivated Ph.d.p. whole bacterial vaccine. These three antigens may be candidates for the development of a subunit vaccine against Ph.d.p.  相似文献   

The fish pathogen Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida produces the siderophore piscibactin. A gene cluster that resembles the Yersinia high-pathogenicity island (HPI) encodes piscibactin biosynthesis. Here, we report that this HPI-like cluster is part of a hitherto-uncharacterized 68-kb plasmid dubbed pPHDP70. This plasmid lacks homologs of genes that mediate conjugation, but we found that it could be transferred at low frequencies from P. damselae subsp. piscicida to a mollusk pathogenic Vibrio alginolyticus strain and to other Gram-negative bacteria, likely dependent on the conjugative functions of the coresident plasmid pPHDP60. Following its conjugative transfer, pPHDP70 restored the capacity of a vibrioferrin mutant of V. alginolyticus to grow under low-iron conditions, and piscibactin became detectable in its supernatant. Thus, pPHDP70 appears to harbor all the genes required for piscibactin biosynthesis and transport. P. damselae subsp. piscicida strains cured of pPHDP70 no longer produced piscibactin, had impaired growth under iron-limited conditions, and exhibited markedly decreased virulence in fish. Collectively, our findings highlight the importance of pPHDP70, with its capacity for piscibactin-mediated iron acquisition, in the virulence of P. damselae subsp. piscicida. Horizontal transmission of this plasmid-borne piscibactin synthesis gene cluster in the marine environment may facilitate the emergence of new pathogens.  相似文献   

The 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene has been sequenced in strains of the fish pathogens Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae (ATCC 33539) and subsp. piscicida (ATCC 29690), showing that 3 nucleotide positions are clearly different between subspecies. In addition, the 5S rRNA gene plus the intergenic spacer region between the 23S and 5S rRNA genes (ITS-2) were amplified, cloned and sequenced for the 2 reference strains as well as the field isolates RG91 (subsp. damselae) and DI21 (subsp. piscicida). A 100% similarity was found for the consensus 5S rRNA gene sequence in the 2 subspecies, although some microheterogeneity was detected as inter-cistronic variability within the same chromosome. Sequence analysis of the spacer region between the 23S and 5S rRNA genes revealed 2 conserved and 3 variable nucleotide sequence blocks, and 4 different modular organizations were found. The ITS-2 spacer region exhibited both inter-subspecies and intercistronic polymorphism, with a mosaic-like structure. The EMBL accession numbers for the 23S, 5S and ITS-2 sequences are: P. damselae subsp. piscicida 5S gene (AJ274379), P. damselae subsp. damselae 23S gene (Y18520), subsp. piscicida 23S gene (Y17901), P. damselae subsp. piscicida ITS-2 (AJ250695, AJ250696), P. damselae subsp. damselae ITS-2 (AJ250697, AJ250698).  相似文献   

Adoxa moschatellina subsp. cescae subsp. nova is proposed. Phytogeographical, karyological and morphological evidences are presented. This subspecies appear to be endemic to the Coastal Chain, Calabria (S Italy) and shows a triploid (2n = 54) chromosome complement, different from the diploid (2n = 36) one of A. moschatellina s.s. By a morphological point of view, pollen and stomata size of the latter (from the whole Italy, including the Pollino Massif, N Calabria) appear to be smaller in average than those of the new subspecies, which can be considered as a new apoendemic taxon, because of its distribution and high ploidy level.  相似文献   

Galli P  Stefani F  Zaccara S  Crosa G 《Parassitologia》2002,44(3-4):189-197
Sixteen Monogenean species were found on the skin and gills of 10 different fish species collected from north Italian water bodies. Cleidodiscus pricei from Ictalurus melas; Dactylogyrus alatus from Alburnus alburnus; D. anchoratus, D. formosus and D. vastator from Carassius carassius; D. difformis from Scardinius erythrophthalmus; D. rutili from Rutilus aula; D. tincae and Gyrodactylus gasterostei from Tinca tinca; D. ergensi from Leuciscus cephalus and Telestes muticellus; D. vistulae and Paradiplozoon rutili from Leuciscus cephalus; D. extensus and G. katharineri from Cyprinus carpio; G. lucii and Tetraonchus monenteron from Esox lucius. All species are new records for Italy with the exception of D. difformis, D. ergensi, D. vistulae and T. monenteron.  相似文献   

Inoculation of small gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) (30-75 g body weight) with a sublethal dose of different Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida (Pdp) strains (DI-21 and 94/99) induced an increase in serum concentrations of stable nitric oxide (NO) metabolites lasting from 6 h to six days post-infection, with a peak at 24 h. In contrast, no such response was detected in larger fish (150-600 g). Since the virulence of Pdp correlates with the presence of a polysaccharide capsular layer which can be induced by growing the bacteria in medium supplemented with 1% glucose (C+ forms), the effect of the presence of an enhanced capsular layer on the NO response in small fish was also evaluated. Although, all bacteria induced a similar rapid (6 h) and sustained (up to six days) NO response, serum concentrations of nitrites and citrulline were significantly increased in fish infected with the Pdp strains grown in glucose-supplemented medium. When the NO response of fish infected with the C+ form of Pdp was blocked by prior injection of the inhibitor L-NAME, the LD(50) was reduced by over 10-fold and the mean time to death was also markedly reduced. Considering that (i) pasteurellosis only affects gilthead seabream with body weights below 100 g; (ii) capsulated Pdp are more resistant to the bactericidal action of NO and peroxynitrites than non-capsulated strains; and (iii) blocking the NO response of the fish results in greater susceptibility to Pdp, it seems reasonable to propose that the sustained NO response reported in this study represents a relevant protective mechanism of juvenile gilthead seabream against pasteurellosis.  相似文献   

Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida (P. damselae) was grown on various media and the effect of media salinity on certain immune responses of hybrid bass was studied. In Israel, pasteurellosis outbreaks have not been reported at water salinities below 1.38 per thousand. During vaccination experiments the salinity of the medium on which P. damselae is grown, was shown to affect stimulation of the immune system. No correlation was found between antibody response and protection. Bacterial envelopes separated by electrophoresis and subjected to western blot analysis revealed an antibody response against some protein bands. Band sequencing was performed to identify the protein stimulating the immune response. Sequence identity of 80% was seen in 10-amino-acid overlap of the 36-kDa band with a specific gene of alkalophilic Bacillus firmus. A preparation of P. damselae grown in a 2.5% NaCl medium at 25 degrees C is the most effective vaccine against pasteurellosis, providing hybrid bass with quite good protection.  相似文献   

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