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针对超声心动图噪音大,灰阶少等弱点,采用多阈值的门限法对图象进行正确分割,在通过跟踪特征点进行匹配的基础上,采用匹配后插值的方法,提高了匹配的精度。并利用前一帧的速度解决了粘连在一起的二尖瓣轮廓线的分割问题。实验取得了较满意的结果。  相似文献   

提出一种对心脏序列超声图像中的心内壁进行运动跟踪的方法,采用活动轮廓模型将前一帧图像中snake的停留位置作为当前帧snake的初始位置,选择适当的能量函数,使能量函数最小snake变形得到当前时刻的心内壁轮廓,实验结果论证了该算法的可行性。  相似文献   

提出一种基于局部调整动态轮廓模型提取超声图像乳腺肿瘤边缘的算法。该算法在Chan—Vese(CV)模型基础上,定义了一个局部调整项,采用基于水平集的动态轮廓模型提取超声图像乳腺肿瘤边缘。将该算法应用于89例临床超声图像乳腺肿瘤的边缘提取实验,结果表明:该算法比CV模型更适用于具有区域非同质性的超声图像的分割,可有效实现超声图像乳腺肿瘤边缘的提取。  相似文献   

超声图像处理中Snake模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Snake模型是一种基于高层信息的有效目标轮廓提取算法,其优点是作用过程及最后结果的目标轮廓是一条完整的曲线,从而引起广泛的关注。鉴于医学超声图像的信噪比较低,用经典的边缘提取算法无法得到较好的结果,因此人们将Snake模型进行了各种各样的改进,并且越来越多地将它运用到医学超声图像处理中来。本文对乳腺超声图像进行阈值分割、形态滤波等一系列预处理后,将改进的Snake模型对乳腺超声图像进行肿瘤的边缘提取,得到了比较好的结果。  相似文献   

基于Snake模型的图像分割技术是近年来图像处理领域的研究热点之一。Snake模型承载上层先验知识并融合了图像的底层特征,针对医学图像的特殊性,能有效地应用于医学图像的分割中。本文对各种基于Snake模型的改进算法和进化模型进行了研究,并重点梳理了最新的研究成果,以利于把握基于Snake模型的医学图像分割方法的脉络和发展方向。  相似文献   

提出了一种自动提取冠状动脉内超声图像管腔轮廓的方法。首先根据冠状动脉内B型超声图像灰度呈Rayleigh分布的特点计算得到轮廓的初始曲线,然后通过B-snake方法检测管壁的最优轮廓。结果表明:与传统GVFsnake方法相比,采用该方法得到的轮廓在平滑性和准确性方面有提高。  相似文献   

采用各向异性滤波方法以及Gabor滤波方法对乳腺肿瘤超声图像进行处理,再使用snake方法以及levelset方法在设置相同参数的条件下,对过滤的图像分别进行分割。试验结果表明,不同的滤波方法在分害4目标图像的收敛度,边缘圆滑度及整体轮廓提取效果都有较大影响,为分割图像选取适当的滤波器提供了参考。  相似文献   

基于启发式A^*算法的超声图像颈动脉内膜提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从超声图像准确提取颈动脉内膜,为基于颈动脉超声图像判断动脉粥样硬化服务。方法提出一种基于启发式A*算法从超声图像中提取颈动脉内膜边缘的方法。先使用图像分割法区分血管腔和血管壁,再采用结合图像灰度值特点的A*算法准确地提取颈动脉内膜边缘。结果通过对临床采集的32幅颈动脉超声图像的分析研究,表明本方法自动提取的结果与医生手工描绘的结果基本吻合。结论本方法有望应用于超声图像颈动脉内膜的自动提取。  相似文献   

为分割出眼底图像中的视盘,构建基于眼底图像的计算机辅助诊断系统,提出了一种基于视网膜主血管方向的视盘定位及提取方法。首先,利用Otsu阈值分割眼底图像R通道获取视盘候选区域;然后利用彩色眼底图像的HSV空间的H通道提取视网膜主血管并确定主血管方向;在此基础上,通过在方向图内寻找出对加权匹配滤波器响应值最高的点确定视盘中心位置;最后,利用该位置信息从视盘候选区域中"挑选"出真正的视盘。利用该方法对100幅不同颜色、不同亮度的眼底图像进行视盘分割,得到准确率98%,平均每幅图像处理时间1.3 s。结果表明:该方法稳定可靠,能快速、有效分割出眼底图像中的视盘。  相似文献   

本文以蒙特卡罗模拟方法为基础,结合组织光学的光子传输模型,提出了一种新的图像分割算法,该算法将复杂的图像分割问题简化为大量简单的光子传输随机实验,通过分析传输规律来获取目标区域.在随后的实验中,结合细胞核提取这一问题建立了一个简单的光学传输模型,并依据此模型分别对人造图和实际图进行了分割.人造图的分割结果表明了该算法的可行性,说明了该算法的一些优点;而实际图的分割结果则反映了该算法的不足之处,文章针对其中存在的问题和算法待改进之处进行了分析.  相似文献   

BackgroundAccurate delineation of organs at risk (OARs) is critical in radiotherapy. Manual delineation is tedious and suffers from both interobserver and intraobserver variability. Automatic segmentation of brain MR images has a wide range of applications in brain tumor radiotherapy. In this paper, we propose a multi-atlas based adaptive active contour model for OAR automatic segmentation in brain MR images.MethodsThe proposed method consists of two parts: multi-atlas based OAR contour initiation and an adaptive edge and local region based active contour evolution. In the adaptive active contour model, we define an energy functional with an adaptive edge intensity fitting force which is responsible for evaluating contour inwards or outwards, and a local region intensity fitting force which guides the evolution of the contour.ResultsExperimental results show that the proposed method achieved more accurate segmentation results in brainstem, eyes and lens automatic segmentation with the Dice Similar Coefficient (DSC) value of 87.19%, 91.96%, 77.11% respectively. Besides, the dosimetric parameters also demonstrate the high consistency of the manual OAR delineations and the auto segmentation results of the proposed method in brain tumor radiotherapy.ConclusionsThe geometric and dosimetric evaluations show the desirable performance of the proposed method on the application of OARs segmentations in brain tumor radiotherapy.  相似文献   

D. Koundal  S. Gupta  S. Singh 《IRBM》2018,39(1):43-53


Neutrosophic based methods are becoming very popular in denoising of images due to the capability of handling indeterminacy. The main goal of denoising is to maintain balance between edge preservation and speckle reduction.


To achieve this, neutrosophic based total variation method using Nakagami statistics have been explored to develop an efficient speckle reduction method. The proposed Neutrosophic based Nakagami Total Variation (NNTV) method initially transforms the image into the neutrosophic domain and then employs the neutrosophic filtering process for speckle reduction. The NNTV quantifies the indeterminacy of image by determining the entropy of indeterminate set.


The performance of the proposed method has been evaluated quantitatively by quality metrics on synthetic images, qualitatively using real thyroid ultrasound images through visual examination by medical experts and by Mean Opinion Score.


From results, it has been observed that NNTV method performed better than other speckle reduction methods in terms of both speckle suppression and edge preservation.  相似文献   

基于乳腺超声图像的多参数纹理分类实验,改进了Gjenna Sfippel等的自适应纹理滤波器,通过引入模糊函数、增加重叠区域和迭代次数的措施,在减少图像噪声的同时,增强肿瘤与周围正常组织的视觉差别。量化比较乳腺超声图像经该滤波算法和几种常用滤波算法处理前后的的统计特征参量和肿瘤边缘检测的精确率,验证了该算法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

ObjectivesAlthough the segmentation of retinal vessels in the fundus is of great significance for screening and diagnosing retinal vascular diseases, it remains difficult to detect the low contrast and the information around the lesions provided by retinal vessels in the fundus and to locate and segment micro-vessels in the fine-grained area. To overcome this problem, we propose herein an improved U-Net segmentation method NoL-UNet.Material and methodsThis work introduces NoL-UNet. First of all, the ordinary convolution block of the U-Net network is changed to random dropout convolution blocks, which can better extract the relevant features of the image and effectively alleviate the network overfitting. Next, a NoL-Block attention mechanism added to the bottom of the encoding-decoding structure expands the receptive field and enhances the correlation of pixel information without increasing the number of parameters.ResultsThe proposed method is verified by applying it to the fundus image datasets DRIVE, CHASE_DB1, and HRF. The AUC for DRIVE, CHASE_DB1 and HRF is 0.9861, 0.9891 and 0.9893, Se for DRIVE, CHASE_DB1 and HRF is 0.8489, 0.8809 and 0.8476, and the Acc for DRIVE, CHASE_DB1 and HRF is 0.9697, 0.9826 and 0.9732, respectively. The total number of parameters is 1.70M, and for DRIVE, it takes 0.050s to segment an image.ConclusionOur method is statistically significantly different from the U-Net method, and the improved method shows superior performance with better accuracy and robustness of the model, which has good practical application in auxiliary diagnosis.  相似文献   

基于图像几何变换映射的色盲矫正方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高色盲患者分辨色彩的能力,提出了基于图像几何变换映射的色盲矫正方法。首先根据图像中颜色面两侧的颜色比例对颜色空间各个平面进行相应的几何变换,进而划分不同的颜色映射区域,通过颜色变换,生成色盲患者较易分辨颜色的图像。实验表明,该方法可以改善色盲患者对原本难以区分的颜色的分辨能力,同时计算速度快,有望满足实时处理的需要,性能上优于已有的方法。  相似文献   

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