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Spiroplasma citri multiplied in all Euscelis plebejus leaf hoppers injected and sometimes reached titres of over 1 × 107 colony forming units per insect. Spiroplasmas could be isolated from the haemolymph at all times although helices were only apparent for a few days after injection. The salivary glands of injected insects contained membrane bound pockets densely packed with mycoplasma-like bodies. These bodies were frequently infected with virus-like particles similar to those found in cultures of S. citri. Spiroplasmas had little effect on the longevity of the leafhoppers.  相似文献   

Inter-plant vibrational communication in a leafhopper insect   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vibrational communication is one of the least understood channels of communication. Most studies have focused on the role of substrate-borne signals in insect mating behavior, where a male and a female establish a stereotyped duet that enables partner recognition and localization. While the effective communication range of substrate-borne signals may be up to several meters, it is generally accepted that insect vibrational communication is limited to a continuous substrate. Until now, interplant communication in absence of physical contact between plants has never been demonstrated in a vibrational communicating insect. With a laser vibrometer we investigated transmission of natural and played back vibrational signals of a grapevine leafhopper, Scaphoideus titanus, when being transmitted between leaves of different cuttings without physical contact. Partners established a vibrational duet up to 6 cm gap width between leaves. Ablation of the antennae showed that antennal mechanoreceptors are not essential in detection of mating signals. Our results demonstrate for the first time that substrate discontinuity does not impose a limitation on communication range of vibrational signals. We also suggest that the behavioral response may depend on the signal intensity.  相似文献   

In 1992, Thomas and Hassan reported an apparent immunity and tolerance to the beet leafhopper transmitted virescence agent (BLTVA) phytoplasma in the PI128655 accession of Solanum peruvianum (Plant Disease 76:139). We revisited this interaction in an effort to better characterize the bases of plant resistance and tolerance to phytoplasmas. After challenge with a BLTVA strain, plants of the PI128655 accession fell into two distinct symptom‐based groups, termed class I and class II. Class II plants displayed symptoms on the vegetative parts and phloem hyperplasia, whereas class I plants showed symptoms only on the inflorescence parts, and no phloem hyperplasia. Plants of both classes hosted similar titres of BLTVA, demonstrating that the lower symptom severity in class I plants was due to tolerance rather than resistance. However, this tolerance was not effective against all phytoplasmas, as both classes of plants were equally susceptible to a stolbur phytoplasma strain. A genetic analysis suggested that the BLTVA tolerance of class I plants was monogenic. Finally, a reciprocal graft experiment showed that the virulence of the BLTVA strain seemed to increase after propagation through class II plants. These results provide valuable insights on the tolerance of plants to phytoplasma diseases, and highlight the usefulness of the S. peruvianum/BLTVA experimental pathosystem.  相似文献   

The negative cross-talk between induced plant defences against pathogens and arthropod herbivores is exploited by vectors of plant pathogens: a plant challenged by pathogens reduces investment in defences that would otherwise be elicited by herbivores. This negative cross-talk may also be exploited by non-vector herbivores which elicit similar anti-herbivore defences in the plant. We studied how damage by the thrips Frankliniella occidentalis and/or infection with Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) affect the performance of a non-vector arthropod: the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae, a parenchym feeder just like F. occidentalis. Juvenile survival of spider mites on plants inoculated with TSWV by thrips was higher than on control and on thrips-damaged plants. However, thrips damage did not reduce spider-mite survival as compared to the control, suggesting that the positive effect of TSWV on spider-mite survival is independent of anti-thrips defence. Developmental and oviposition rates were enhanced on plants inoculated with TSWV by thrips and on plants with thrips damage. Therefore, spider mites benefit from TSWV-infection of pepper plants, but also from the response of plants to thrips damage. We suggest that the positive effects of TSWV on this non-vector species cannot be explained exclusively by cross-talk between anti-herbivore and anti-pathogen plant defences.  相似文献   

闫家河  唐文煜  张辉  王海咏 《昆虫知识》2006,43(2):245-248,F0004
报道了危害白榆的新害虫——旱柳广头叶蝉Macropsis matsudanisCaietWei。首次记述其幼期形态特征、生物学特性、天敌种类,进行了防治试验。该虫在山东商河1年发生1代,以卵在白榆枝条内越冬;天敌主要有螯蜂、瓢虫等;用阿维菌素和吡虫啉5000倍液喷雾防治若虫具有很好的防治效果。  相似文献   

Summary The optimal composition of a medium for tissue culture of cells from the leafhopperAgallia constricta was estimated from experiments in which the rate of growth of the cells was measured at different concentrations of each component. Wound tumor virus and theconstricta variety of potato yellow dwarf virus multiply, inA. constricta when these viruses are transmitted from one plant to another. Differences weredetected in the suitablility of different batches of fetal bovine serum (after heating at 56°C for 30 min), and histidine as components in the tissue culture medium. Without heat treatment even thebest fetal bovine serum was not suitable. Estimated optimal concentrations of fetal bovine serum, histidine, salts, dextrose, lactalbumin hydrolysate and yeast autolysate were determined. Fungizone (amphotericin B) at 50 or 100 mg per 1 caused harmful effects; effective concentrations of penicillin, neomycin and steptomycin did not. Combinations of histidine-HCl and histidine (free-base) made it possible to prepare buffered medium at my pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Optimal growth ofA. constricta cells occurred at pH 6.43, and ofAceratagallia sanguinolenta at pH 6.30. Osmotic pressures of the new medium between 360 and 405 mOSM were better than lower osmotic pressures. The new medium was still suitable for growth of the cells after, storage for 6 months at 4°C. Portion of a thesis submitted for the Ph.D. degree by the senior author to the Graduate College of the University of Illinois. This research was supported in part by Grant GB 20915 from the National Science Foundation and Grant AI 6392 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Previous works have suggested that some gene complexes encoding a restriction (R) enzyme and a cognate modification (M) enzyme may behave as selfish mobile genetic elements. RM gene complexes, which destroy 'non-self' elements marked by the absence of proper methylation, are often associated with mobile genetic elements and are involved in various genome rearrangements. Here, we found amplification of a restriction-modification gene complex. BamHI gene complex inserted into the Bacillus chromosome showed resistance to replacement by a homologous stretch of DNA. Some cells became transformed with the donor without losing BamHI. In most of these transformants, multiple copies of BamHI and the donor allele were arranged as tandem repeats. When a clone carrying one copy of each allele was propagated, extensive amplification of BamHI and the donor unit was observed in a manner dependent on restriction enzyme gene. This suggests that restriction cutting of the genome participates in the amplification. Visualization by fluorescent in situ hybridization revealed that the amplification occurred in single cells in a burst-like fashion that is reminiscent of induction of provirus replication. The multiplication ability in a bacterium with natural capacity for DNA release, uptake and transformation will be discussed in relation to spreading of RM gene -complexes.  相似文献   

An unidentified species of the genus Austroagalloides is shown to have 7II+1IV instead of the normal 11II+XO configuration at metaphase I of meiosis in males. The quadrivalent manifests two types of pairing which ensures regular disjunction; normal chiasma-type pairing and distance pairing. It is suggested that the 7II+1IV form is derived from the 11II+XO form by a series of fusions.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity may be critical for nutrient-limited organisms that allocate ingested nutrients to the competing demands of reproduction and survivorship. Leafhoppers that feed on xylem fluid allow assessment of plasticity in response to the constant selective pressure of nutritional inadequacy. We examined feeding behavior (host selection and consumption rates) and nutrient allocation (fecundity, change in body mass and composition) of the xylem fluid-feeding leafhopper Homalodisca vitripennis (Hemiptera:Cicadellidae) on ten genotypes of related Prunus germplasm when adults first seasonally appear, and later during population peaks, to examine the effects of genotypes and season on plasticity of life history and behavioral traits. Behavior and resource allocation to life history traits were both mediated by xylem nutrients, although nutrients impacting behavior differed from those mediating life history. Host selection and consumption varied with genotype between June and July, yet behavior consistently reflected concentrations of dietary glutamine. Resource allocations also increased linearly with nutrient concentrations, but were best correlated to ingested essential amino acids rather than glutamine. Body mass and composition were highly correlated to dietary essential amino acids in June; 6?weeks later, fecundity was instead proportional to essential amino acids. The discrepancy in nutrients which impact behavior versus those mediating life history may explain the weak preference?Cperformance linkage documented for many insects. The demarcation in allocating resources to biomass in June to fecundity in July suggests increased allocation to reproduction during periods of nutrient stress as predicted by the theory of optimal resource allocation; other contributing biotic and abiotic factors are also discussed.  相似文献   

Dalbulus maidis is the most important leafhopper pest of maize in the Americas. Anagrus virlai is an egg parasitoid commonly associated with the corn leafhopper. We evaluated whether the performance of A. virlai is dependent on different diets provided during 24 hr or throughout adult female lifetime. Additionally, functional response of A. virlai on D. maidis eggs using maize leaves containing honeydew plus honey was described. A. virlai is a mostly pro-ovigenic autogenic species whose females are able to parasitize eggs immediately after emergence. We found that wasps oviposit the majority of their eggs in the first day of their adult life. Realized lifetime fecundity and lifetime potential fecundity did not differ significantly among treatments, but longevity and egg production increased when honey was added to diet. Data were consistent with an intermediate functional response between type II and III, but closer to type II, indicating a high parasitism rate at low host densities and a decrease in the oviposition rate at high host densities, due to a possible egg limitation. Our results suggest that carbohydrate food sources (honeydew and honey) might not be the factor limiting reproductive success during the first 24 hr. Food supply, however, might influence egg maturation and survivorship of wasps, thus potentially enhancing biological pest control when hosts are scarce in the course of the first few days of adulthood.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Males of Amrasca devastans (Distant) (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) emit 'croaking' sounds in phrases of two to six pulses which are transmitted through the plant on which the animal is feeding. Females, if present on the same plant, respond to such croaks by ceasing movements and emitting their own substrate-borne 'cooing' sounds in single-pulsed phrases. These coos stimulate the males to emit their croaks more frequently, and to commence 'dancing' movements, during which they approach the female (whether she is visible or not); the sounds of the two sexes alternate with each other throughout. On reaching the female, the male emits 'snoring' sounds and stands at her side, partly in response to seeing her and partly in response to mechanical contact. Thereafter, the male emits 'pattering' sounds while raising and vibrating his wings and extending the tip of his abdomen towards the female's abdomen. Finally, the genitalia of the two sexes are interlocked for copulation, during which 'drumming' sounds occur.  相似文献   

Two chromosomal forms (E and F) of the Anopheles maculatus Theobald complex were distinguished by gas-liquid chromatographic (GC) analysis of cuticular lipids in association with a multivariate principal component analysis. The GC chromatogram obtained from n-hexane extracts of individual specimens showed no consistent qualitative differences in normalized peak areas between forms. Of the seventeen consistent peaks, five were found to be quantitatively different between forms at a high (99.5-99.95%) level of statistical confidence. Relative ratios of these five quantitatively different GC peaks were used as criteria to distinguish single specimens as either form E or form F. Chemical structures of the five GC peaks were assigned by both electron impact and chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. The first three peaks, which were always doublets, were partially resolved saturated and mono-unsaturated free fatty acids; the other two peaks were n-alkanes. Principal component analysis substantiated that the vector form E has very similar cuticular lipid profiles and is well separated from the non-vector form F.  相似文献   

闫家河  张辉  赵新勇  王光成 《昆虫知识》2006,43(1):104-107,F0004
宽槽胫叶蝉Drabescus ogumaeMatsumura主要危害桑、槐、榆等林木,记述了各虫态形态特征、生物学特性、天敌种类,进行了防治试验。在山东商河1年发生2代,以卵在寄主枝条内越冬;天敌主要有螳螂、蜘蛛等,首次报道双距螯蜂Conatopussp.为其寄生性天敌。  相似文献   

Two strains of Str. antibioticus producing oleandomycin were studied. Strain 326 was obtained from the initial laboratory strain and strain 1607 from strain 326 as a result of multistage selection aimed at increasing the antibiotic production capacity. Extrachromosomal ring DNA could be identified in strain 1607. The identified DNA was designated as eSA1 or extrachromosomal element of Streptomyces antibioticus 1. The molecular weight of this DNA is 21.3 Md. It is represented by 1 copy per chromosome. No eSA1 was isolated from strain 326 at CsCl-EtBr gradient. Hybridization studies according to Southern with the use as a probe of 32-eSA1 DNA showed that strain 326 contained 1 copy of eSA1 per chromosome in the integrated state. The hybridization studies, electron microscopy and analysis of the total DNA in CsC1-EtBr gradient showed that eSA1 in strain 1607 was tandemly multireplicated in the chromosome content. In the autonomous state its number was approximately equal to 1 copy per chromosome. The presence of eSA1 in strain 1607 in the autonomous state probably results from its segregation during homologous recombination due to tandem multireplication. The data are indicative of multiplication in strain 1607 of the chromosome fragment 23.3 Md in size. It is suggested that an increase in the oleandomycin production capacity of strain 1607 is associated with multiplication of the DNA fragment (eSA1) containing the genes determining production of the antibiotic.  相似文献   

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