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The mechanisms by which low [K(+)](o) induces spontaneous activity was studied in sheep Purkinje fibers. Purkinje strands were superfused in vitro and membrane potentials were recorded by means of a microelectrode technique. The results show that low [K(+)](o) increases the slope and amplitude of early diastolic depolarization, sharpens the transition between early and late diastolic depolarizations, induces an after-potential and large pre-potentials through a negative shift of an oscillatory zone. Pre-potentials occur progressively sooner during diastole and merge with the after-potential to induce uninterrupted spontaneous discharge. During recovery, when the rate slows, after- and pre-potentials separate once more, the slower discharge decreasing the after-potentials but not the pre-potentials. Low [K(+)](o) has little effect on the plateau, but markedly slows phase 3 repolarization and may altogether prevent it. At depolarized levels, voltage oscillations, slow responses, sinusoidal fluctuations or quiescence may be present depending on voltage. During the recovery, a train of either sub-threshold oscillations or spontaneous action potentials appear towards the end of phase 3 repolarization. The cessation of the action potentials unmasks large sub-threshold oscillations, that occur in the oscillatory zone. Drive, high [Ca(2+)](o) and norepinephrine increase slope and amplitude of early diastolic depolarization as low [K(+)](o) does. In low [K(+)](o), Cs(+) prevents spontaneous discharge at polarized levels, but not the decrease in resting potential nor the onset of slow responses at depolarized levels. Cs(+) blocks the train of oscillations and of action potentials occurring during recovery. We conclude that low [K(+)](o) steepens early diastolic depolarization and increases its amplitude through an after-potential that results from an increased Ca(2+) load; allows the attainment of the threshold through Cs(+)-sensitive voltage oscillations which develop when the oscillatory zone is entered either by diastolic depolarization or by phase 3 repolarization; and causes voltage oscillations also at depolarized levels, but through a Cs(+)-insensitive different mechanism.  相似文献   

The spinal cord constitutes a volume conductor. Potential changes are recorded therefrom only as current flows. During the period of the after-potentials current flows in significant density only if the after-polarization differs at different points of the active neurons. Thus one does not record after-potentials in volume; one may record after-currents which are defined as the resultants of differences in after-potentials. Measurable excitability change during the period of the after-potentials, in the event no current flows, might be regarded as approximating the change of intrinsic polarization status at the region tested. In the presence of after-current flow excitability change would approximate the sum of intrinsic change and extrinsic change due to current flow. In giving rise by differences to current flow after-potentials come to act as agents, and events in one part of a neuron help to determine excitability in other parts. Since the intramedullary after-current flow is not the after-potential of the soma, it follows that ventral root electrotonus which results from axonal after-current flow cannot be considered the counterpart of somatic after-potential. Following conduction of an antidromic volley after-current flows between somata and axons. According to the signs of the recorded potential changes, after-current flow initially, and for approximately 45 msec., is in the direction from somata to axons. Thereafter, and for approximately another 75 msec., the direction of flow is reversed. During the period of after-current flow following antidromic conduction the excitability of neighboring motoneurons is altered in a manner that reproduces the phases of after-current flow. The initial phase, depression, was first described by Renshaw. The after-potentials of ventral root fibers have been studied. In a single action and in usual form, they consist of a negative after-potential of considerable magnitude and of some 35 msec. duration, and a positive after-potential detectable for approximately 120 msec. Variants and the influence of temperature change are described. The recovery cycle of ventral root axons in general compares with the after-potential cycle. Recovery of intramedullary motor axons differs from that of their extramedullary projections as ventral root fibers in a manner that is accountable to intramedullary flow of after-current. Since the intrinsic recovery process of the motoneuron somata cannot be measured in the presence of current flow it must be estimated by correcting the observed recovery for the influence of known current flows. When this is done the resultant in simplest form provides for intrinsic somatic recovery from refractoriness through a single phase of subnormality lasting some 60 msec. Conditions for the relatively undistorted recording of antidromic ventral root electrotonus are described. They include provisions that the proximal ventral root electrode must be within 12 mm. of the root-cord junction and that the distal electrode must be located in excess of 30 mm. from the distal severed end of the ventral root. Antidromic ventral root electrotonus is a counterpart of the current flows in the intramedullary stretch of the axons. Initially, during the phase of metadromal postivity of the intramedullary axons, electrotonus is negative. During the period of deflections Sp-An, that signify after-current flow into the axons, electrotonus is positive. Finally during the period of deflections Sn-Ap, that signify after-current flow outwards through the intramedullary axon membranes, electrotonus is negative. Electrotonic showing is not of sufficient magnitude to make the time course of ventral root electrotonus palpably different from that of the generating intramedullary currents.  相似文献   

Summary Action potentials have been recorded from the neurosecretory cells which lie on the link nerve inCarausius morosus. The neurosecretory cells are spontaneously active in completely isolated preparations, firing with a regular but low frequency (<1 imp/s) or in small bursts (12 imp/s). The action potentials recorded extracellularly from the neurosecretory fibres are characteristically of long duration (2 to 10 ms), whereas those of motor or sensory fibres are of shorter duration (0.6 to 0.8 ms). The neurosecretory action potentials are also characterised by their slow conduction velocity (0.15 to 0.25 m/s) compared to those from motor and sensory fibres (0.54 to 0.7 m/s). The action potentials are propagated from the region of the cell body towards the terminals and have been recorded passing along all the major nerves in the periphery.Recordings from three of the non-neurosecretory cells which lie on peripheral nerves show that they respond to stretching of the nerves upon which they lie or of nerves which branch in the immediate vicinity. The action potentials are propagated away from the cell body towards the central nervous system. The neurons are termed peripheral nerve stretch receptors.We are grateful to the Science Research Council for financial support.  相似文献   

Electrical phenomena in nerve; squid giant axon   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
The action of a number of agents, which may be classified as "stabilizers" and "unstabilizers" on the electrical oscillations and after-potentials in the squid giant axon has been examined. The effects on the spike, "positive overshoot," and "potassium potential" were also observed, but where possible concentrations were employed which left these phenomena unaltered. Veratrine augmented the oscillations and the negative after-potential, particularly with repetitive stimulation. Yohimbine caused a small long lasting positive after-potential and depressed the oscillations, effects also enhanced with repetitive activity. Cocaine and procaine suppressed the oscillations and the negative after-potential but DDT was completely inert. An elevation in the medium calcium depressed the oscillations and the naturally occurring negative after-potential; negative after-potentials induced with veratrine were increased by calcium. A decrease in the potassium augmented the oscillations and the negative after-potential. A hypothesis is presented in which these effects are interpreted in terms of potassium concentration at the fiber surface as regulated by a labile permeability and metabolism. This is discussed in relation to the available evidence for these factors. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the author's indebtedness to Dr. D. E. S. Brown, Director, and to his staff at the Bermuda Biological Station for Research for the cooperation and special facilities provided during the initiation of this work. Dr. T. Baylor of Princeton University very kindly provided the camera and film used in Bermuda.  相似文献   

Electrical phenomena in nerve; crab nerve   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
The resting and action potentials of the leg nerves of the spider crab are reduced by procaine, cocaine, iodoacetate, KCl, and veratrine. The first three agents depress the sensitivity of the resting potential to anoxia, while the last can be shown to augment it. Glucose sustains activity and the polarized state in the absence of oxygen, an effect blocked by iodoacetate; corresponding concentrations of lactate and pyruvate are inert under most experimental conditions. DDT and veratrine both induce repetitive activity following an impulse, but only the latter does so with a marked increase in negative after-potential. The negative after-potential induced by veratrine is decreased by KCl relatively more than the spike or the resting potential. Elevation of the calcium content of the medium increases this after-potential. Neither ion appreciably alters the time constant of repolarization. The recovery is more rapid than that obtained following prolonged activity of both veratrinized and unveratrinized nerves. Repolarization following a tetanus is accelerated by an increase in the volume of solution in contact with the fibers; associated with this is an augmentation of the positive after-potential which normally follows a bout of activity. Yohimbine induces a positive after-potential following individual spikes which is depressed by an elevation of the potassium or calcium content of the medium. These observations are discussed from the standpoint of the available evidence for the involvement of potassium at the surface of the fibers as regulated by a labile permeability and metabolism. The potassium liberated by the action potential, calculated from the polarization changes, agrees closely with an available analytical figure; less direct observations are also found to be consistent with this view.  相似文献   

Antidromic excitation of neurons of the lateral vestibular nucleus of Deiters in cats in response to stimulation of the vestibulo-spinal tract in the cervical segments of the spinal cord was studied by intracellular microelectrode recording. Individual components of the antidromic action potential and accompanying after-potentials were analyzed and fast and slow neurons distinguished. The vestibulo-spinal neurons were differentiated on the basis of after-potentials accompanying the antidromic action potential. The ratio between fast and slow neurons differed in individual groups. The parameters of the depolarization after-potentials were directly proportional to the duration of the refractory period of the neurons studied. An attempt was made to correlate differences in the responsiveness of neurons with an identical conduction velocity along their axons with the characteristics of the depolarization after-potential.  相似文献   

Summary Electrophysiological and pharmacological properties distinguished subtypes of adult mammalian dorsal root ganglion neurons (DRGn) in monolayer dissociated cell culture. By analogy of action potential waveform and duration, neurons with short duration (SDn) and long duration (LDn) action potentials resembled functionally distinct subtypes of DRGn in intact ganglia. Patch clamp and conventional intracellular recording techniques were combined here to elucidate differences in the ionic basis of excitability of subtypes of DRGn in vitro. Both SDn and LDn were quiescent at the resting potential. Action potentials of SDn were brief (< 2 msec), sensitive to tetrodotoxin (TTX, 5–10 nM), exhibited damped firing during long depolarizations, and did not respond to algesic agents applied by pressure ejection. Action potentials of LDn were 2–6 msec in duration, persisted in 30 µM TTX, and fired repetitively during depolarizing current pulses or exposure to algesic agents (e.g., capsaicin, histamine and bradykinin). Whole-cell recordings from freshly dissociated neurons revealed two inward sodium currents (INa; variable with changes in sodium but not calcium concentration in the superfusate) in various proportions: a rapidly activating and inactivating, TTX-sensitive current; and, a slower, TTX (30 M)-resistant INa. Large neurons, presumable SDn, had predominantly TTX-sensitive current and little TTX-resistant current. The predominent inward current of small neurons, presumably LDn, was TTX-resistant with a smaller TTX-sensitive component. By analogy to findings from intact ganglia, these results suggest that fundamentally different ionic currents controlling excitability of subtypes of DRGn in vitro may contribute to functional differences between subtyes of neurons in situ.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological and pharmacological properties distinguished subtypes of adult mammalian dorsal root ganglion neurons (DRGn) in monolayer dissociated cell culture. By analogy of action potential waveform and duration, neurons with short duration (SDn) and long duration (LDn) action potentials resembled functionally distinct subtypes of DRGn in intact ganglia. Patch clamp and conventional intracellular recording techniques were combined here to elucidate differences in the ionic basis of excitability of subtypes of DRGn in vitro. Both SDn and LDn were quiescent at the resting potential. Action potentials of SDn were brief (less than 2 msec), sensitive to tetrodotoxin (TTX, 5-10 nM), exhibited damped firing during long depolarizations, and did not respond to algesic agents applied by pressure ejection. Action potentials of LDn were 2-6 msec in duration, persisted in 30 microM TTX, and fired repetitively during depolarizing current pulses or exposure to algesic agents (e.g., capsaicin, histamine and bradykinin). Whole-cell recordings from freshly dissociated neurons revealed two inward sodium currents (INa; variable with changes in sodium but not calcium concentration in the superfusate) in various proportions: a rapidly activating and inactivating, TTX-sensitive current; and, a slower, TTX (30 microM)-resistant INa. Large neurons, presumable SDn, had predominantly TTX-sensitive current and little TTX-resistant current. The predominant inward current of small neurons, presumably LDn, was TTX-resistant with a smaller TTX-sensitive component. By analogy to findings from intact ganglia, these results suggest that fundamentally different ionic currents controlling excitability of subtypes of DRGn in vitro may contribute to functional differences between subtypes of neurons in situ.  相似文献   

The duration of action potentials from single nodes of Ranvier can be increased by several methods. Extraction of water from the node (e.g. by 2 to 3 M glycerin) causes increased durations up to 1000 msec. 1 to 5 min. after application of the glycerin the duration of the action potential again decreases to the normal value. Another type of prolonged action potential can be observed in solutions which contain K or Rb ions at concentrations between 50 mM and 2 M. The nodes respond only if the resting potential is restored by anodal current. The kinetics of these action potentials is slightly different. Their maximal durations are longer (up to 10 sec.). Like the normal action potential, they are initiated by cathodal make or anodal break. They also occur in external solutions which contain no sodium. The same type of action potentials as in KCl is found when the node is depolarized for some time (15 to 90 sec., 100 to 200 mv.) and is then stimulated by cathodal current. These action potentials require no K or Na ions in the external medium. Their maximal duration increases with the strength and duration of the preceding depolarization. The possible origin of the action potentials in KCl and after depolarization, and their relation to the normal action potentials and the negative after-potential are discussed.  相似文献   

Unmedullated fibers originating in dorsal root ganglia   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  

Electrical activity evoked in the major cords of the ventral submuscular nerve plexus were measured. Recordings and stimulation utilized suction electrodes attached directly to exposed nerve cords. Four categories have been recorded: (a) short latency spikes which have relatively high thresholds and appear to be single units; (b) short duration fast compound spikes that are made up of a large units; (c) long duration compound potentials that are made up from a large number of smaller units, and (d) small amplitude potentials with long latencies and a characteristic shape. These can be conducted diffesely through the nerve plexus. The first two categories of spikes are called “fast” potentials because of their characteristic rise and fall times and the last categories are known as “diffuse” potentials. The spikelike fast potentials were only recorded from the main trunks (nerves VI), while diffuse potentials could also be recorded from side branches of these nerves. The diffuse potential appears to be concluded throughout the plexus but preferential conducting pathways occur lesions. Both diffuse and fast potentials show facilitation of response to repeated stimulation. Facilitation can be demonstrated in the presence of high Mg2+ concentrations. Conductance of the diffuse potential also occurs in the presence of high ambient Mg2+. In Ca2+ free medium containing 1-mM EGTA one can also observe facilitatory events. The possibility of Mg2+-insensitive synapses is discussed.  相似文献   

Potential differences between normal nodes of Ranvier (single fiber from the sciatic nerve of the frog, air-gap method) and a node exposed to 1 to 2.5 x 10-6 gm veratridine per ml were measured. Negative after-potentials occurred immediately after application of the alkaloid when spike configuration and resting potential were virtually unchanged. The after-potentials decreased in magnitude and their time constant increased as the resting membrane was depolarized either by outward currents or by a train of impulses. Increase of (Na)o markedly increased the amplitude of the after-potential. After prolonged application of veratridine or with higher concentrations, a large slow depolarization (rate of potential change about 7 mv per second) could be triggered by a train of impulses or even a single spike. This depolarization could promptly be terminated by withdrawing Na. It is concluded that, once the nodal membrane has become permeable to Na (as during a spike), veratridine prevents the normal return of PNa to its resting value.  相似文献   

(1) Fluctuations of the membrane potential states are essential for the brain functions from the response of individual neurons to the cognitive function of the brain. It has been reported in slice preparations that the action potential duration is dependent on the membrane potential states. (2) In order to examine whether dependence of action potential duration on the membrane potential could happen in isolated individual neurons that have no network connections, we studied the membrane potential dependence of the action potential duration by artificially setting the membrane potentials to different states in individual cultured rat hippocampal neurons using patch-clamp technique. (3) We showed that the action potential of individual neurons generated from depolarized membrane potentials had broader durations than those generated from hyperpolarized membrane potentials. (4) Furthermore, the membrane potential dependence of the action potential duration was significantly reduced in the presence of voltage-gated K+ channel blockers, TEA, and 4-AP, suggesting involvement of both delayed rectifier I K and transient I A current in the membrane potential dependence of the action potential duration. (5) These results indicated that the dependence of action potential duration on the membrane potential states could be an intrinsic property of individual neurons. Bo Gong and Mingna Liu contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Despite the trauma of dissection and special metabolic requirements, the physiological properties of funiculi of the mammalian spinal cord can be studied in vitro. They are adequately oxygenated by diffusion at 0.88 atm. pO(2) and remain in a functionally normal state for over 12 hours. The internal consistency of several kinds of data presented in this and the foregoing papers (5, 38) serves to characterize certain properties of central myelinated axons whether excised or in situ. (1) Spinal tracts support a large spike potential in vitro whose form, duration, and velocity are comparable to those of alpha fibers in vitro and spinal tracts in vivo. (2) Properties consistent with a large L fraction are found in central axons whether excised or in situ. (3) Following conduction there has been identified post-spike supernormality with exponential time course (7.5 msecs. half-time) which is the result of activity intrinsic to parent fibers of dorsal columns. The supernormality is similar in form and magnitude both in excised and intact funiculi. (4) In excised funiculi the action potential of parent axons includes a large negative after-potential whose form and duration correspond satisfactorily with this supernormality. This potential appears not to result from activity arising in broken collaterals. (5) Central axons, excised or intact, fire spontaneously in the presence of citrate ion, and when synchronized by stimulation develop periodic oscillations at about 400 C.P.S. but show no such behavior in the presence of excess potassium ion. Certain characteristics peculiar to central axons indicate that they occupy an extreme position in the spectrum of properties encountered in conducting tissues. Dorsal column myelinated axons differ from their peripheral counterparts, even though they are parts of the same cell, in the following ways. The maintenance of the column spike potential is more critically dependent on CO(2) and the entire tissue mass has a higher oxygen consumption. The negative after-potential is much larger and the positive after-potential, non-existent following a single volley, is more difficult to develop by repetitive stimulation. Unlike peripheral nerve, central axons are not incited to spontaneous activity by manipulation of certain constituents normally present in their environment. However, when induced by the application of citrate the resulting rhythmic behavior has twice the frequency of that in peripheral nerve. In general, the recovery process in central axons is more invariant than that in peripheral axons when they are subjected to similar changes in their artificial environments.  相似文献   

Antidromic activation of facial motoneurons in cats during stimulation of different branches of the facial nerve was studied by intracellular recording. Time and amplitude characteristics of individual components of the antidromic action potentials were analyzed and fast and slow after-potentials distinguished. Correlation was found between the duration of the descending phase of the SD spike, duration of its after-hyperpolarization, and the spike conduction time along the axon. Data were obtained to show absence of a recurrent collateral pathway in motoneurons of the facial nucleus. The functional significance of the after-potentials is discussed.L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Erevan. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 261–270, May–June, 1978.  相似文献   

The intrinsic membrane and firing properties of medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) neurons were investigated in slices of the chick brainstem using intracellular recording and current injection. Avian MVN neurons fired spontaneous action potentials with very regular interspike intervals. The rapid repolarization of all action potentials was followed by an after-hyperpolarization. Intracellular injection of steps of hyperpolarizing current revealed both an inward rectification of the membrane potential during the step and a rebound depolarization following the offset of the step. In some neurons, the rebound depolarization resulted in bursts of action potentials. Steps of depolarizing current applied to spontaneously active neurons evoked increases in firing rate that were higher at the onset of the step than during the steady-state response. The relationship between current and firing rate was linear. The membrane and firing properties of avian MVN neurons were distributed continuously across the population of recorded neurons. These properties appear identical to those of rodent MVN neurons, suggesting that the composition and distribution of ion channels in the MVN neuronal membrane has been highly conserved across vertebrate species.Abbreviations MVN medial vestibular nucleus - VOR vestibulo-ocular reflex - AHP after-hyperpolarization  相似文献   

Summary Injection of depolarizing current into vegetative cells of the water moldBlastocladiella emersonii elicits a regenerative response that has the electrical characteristics of an action potential. Once they have been taken past a threshold of about –40 mV, cells abruptly depolarize to +20 mV or above; after an interval ranging from several hundred milliseconds to a few seconds, the cells spontaneously return to their resting potential near –100 mV. When the action potential was analyzed with voltage-clamp recording, it proved to be biphasic. The initial phase reflects an influx of calcium ions through voltage-sensitive channels that also carry Sr2+ ions. The delayed, and more extended, phase of inward current results from the efflux of chloride and other anions. The anion channels are broadly selective, passing chloride, nitrate, phosphate, acetate, succinate and even PIPES. The anion channels open in response to the entry of calcium ions, but do not recognize Sr2+. Calcium channels, anion channels and calcium-specific receptors that link the two channels appear to form an ensemble whose physiological function is not known. Action potentials rarely occur spontaneously but can be elicited by osmotic downshock, suggesting that the ion channels may be involved in the regulation of turgor.  相似文献   

We investigated the actions of dantrolene Ca(2+)-induced on Ca(2+)-release (CICR) evoked by action potentials in cultured rat sensory neurons. The effect of dantrolene on action potential after-depolarization and voltage-activated calcium currents was studied in cultured neonatal rat dorsal root ganglion cells (DRG) using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Depolarizing current injection evoked action potentials and depolarizing after-potentials, which are activated as a result of CICR following a single action potential in some cells. The type of after-potentials was determined by inducing action potentials from the resting membrane potential. Extracellular application of dantrolene (10 microM) abolished after-depolarizations without affecting action potential properties. Furthermore, dantrolene significantly reduced repetitive action potentials after depolarizing current injection into these neurons, but had no significant effect on the steady-state current voltage relationship of calcium currents in these neurons. We conclude that dantrolene inhibits the induction of action potential after depolarizations by inhibiting CICR in cultured rat sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Veratridine influences membrane-potential changes arising both from the action potential and from the application of external cholinergic agonists in the isolated monocellular electroplax preparation. The action potential shows a long depolarizing after-potential in the presence of veratridine. The effects of various pharmacological agents and of external ion changes on this after-potential are similar to those reported for other nerve and muscle fibers and are consistent with the view that veratridine acts chiefly to increase the Na+ conductance.Membrane depolarizations by cholinergic agonists are inhibited by veratridine at pH 7 but strikingly amplified at pH 9. The former effect appears to involve interaction with the cholinergic receptor at the surface of the membrane, while the latter potentiation parallels the increase in the spike after-potential at pH 9 and presumably arises from a Na+ conductance increase.Veratridine appears to interact with the component involved in the Na+ conductance in the interior membrane phase. The possible localization of this component in both the conducting and synaptic membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Prepotentials and action potentials were recorded from amphibian striated muscle fibers. Intracellular electrodes were used for stimulating and recording. The resting potential was varied from 55 to 120 mv. by alterations of the KCl concentration of the Ringer's fluid. The magnitude of the prepotential at the initiation of the spike potential was measured and compared to the resting potential and the latent period (time between stimulus "make" and excitation). The magnitude of this prepotential varied with the resting potential. 2. A large prepotential or cathodal depolarization was required to excite a fiber with a high resting potential. If a fiber with a high resting potential fired late (long latency), the adequate prepotential was larger than if the fiber fired early. Fibers with low resting potentials had smaller adequate prepotentials. Also, the adequate prepotential was independent of the latent period, in these depolarized fibers. 3. If the concentration of Ca++ was increased tenfold, the adequate prepotential of depolarized fibers became strongly dependent upon the latency. 4. Fibers with large or normal resting potentials were prone to respond repetitively during the passage of long duration shock, whereas depolarized and Ca++-treated fibers were not. 5. The so-called critical membrane potential (which is defined as the transmembrane potential at the point of excitation) was not independent of the resting potential.  相似文献   

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