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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a large class of small regulatory RNA molecules, however no study has been performed to elucidate the role of miRNAs in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) response to the root knot nematode (RKN, Meloidogyne incognita) infection. We selected 28 miRNAs and 8 miRNA target genes to investigate the miRNA-target gene response to M. incognita infection. Our results show that RKN infection significantly affected the expression of several miRNAs and their targeted genes. After 10 days of RKN infection, expression fold changes on miRNA expressions ranged from down-regulated by 33% to upregulated by 406%; meanwhile the expression levels of miRNA target genes were 45.8% to 231%. Three miRNA-target pairs, miR159-MYB, miR319-TCP4 and miR167-ARF8, showed inverse expression patterns between gene targets and their corresponded miRNAs, suggesting miRNA-mediated gene regulation in cotton roots in response to RKN infection.  相似文献   

Investigation of cotton response to nematode infection will allow us to better understand the cotton immune defense mechanism and design a better biotechnological approach for efficiently managing pest nematodes in cotton. In this study, we firstly treated cotton by root knot nematode (RKN, Meloidogyne incognita) infections, then we employed the high throughput deep sequencing technology to sequence and genome-widely identify all miRNAs in cotton; finally, we analyzed the functions of these miRNAs in cotton response to RKN infections. A total of 266 miRNAs, including 193 known and 73 novel miRNAs, were identified by deep sequencing technology, which belong to 67 conserved and 66 novel miRNA families, respectively. A majority of identified miRNA families only contain one miRNA; however, miR482 family contains 14 members and some others contain 2–13 members. Certain miRNAs were specifically expressed in RKN-infected cotton roots and others were completely inhibited by RKN infection. A total of 50 miRNAs were differentially expressed after RKN infection, in which 28 miRNAs were up-regulated and 22 were inhibited by RKN treatment. Based on degradome sequencing, 87 gene targets were identified to be targeted by 57 miRNAs. These miRNA-targeted genes are involved in the interaction of cotton plants and nematode infection. Based on GO (gene ontology) and KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) analysis, 466 genes from all 636 miRNA targets were mapped to 6340 GO terms, 181 genes from 228 targets of differentially expressed miRNAs were mapped to 1588 GO terms. The GO terms were then categorized into the three main GO classes: biological processes, cellular components, and molecular functions. The targets of differentially expressed miRNAs were enriched in 43 GO terms, including 22 biological processes, 10 cellular components, and 11 molecular functions (p < 0.05). Many identified processes were associated with organism responses to the environmental stresses, including regulation of nematode larval development, response to nematode, and response to flooding. Our results will enhance the study and application of developing new cotton cultivars for nematode resistance.  相似文献   

MIC-3 is a recently identified gene family shown to exhibit increased root-specific expression following nematode infection of cotton plants that are resistant to root-knot nematode. Here, we cloned and sequenced MIC-3 genes from selected diploid and tetraploid cotton species to reveal sequence differences at the molecular level and identify chromosomal locations of MIC-3 genes in Gossypium species. Detailed sequence analysis and phylogenetic clustering of MIC-3 genes indicated the presence of multiple MIC-3 gene members in Gossypium species. Haplotypes of a MIC-3 gene family member were discovered by comparative analysis among consensus sequences across genotypes within an individual clade in the phylogram to overcome the problem of duplicated loci in the tetraploid cotton. Deficiency tests of the SNPs delimited six At-genome members of the MIC-3 family clustered to chromosome arm 4sh, and one Dt-genome member to chromosome 19. Clustering was confirmed by long-PCR amplification of the intergenic regions using At-genome-specific MIC-3 primer pairs. The clustered distribution may have been favored by selection for responsiveness to evolving disease and/or pest pressures, because large variants of the MIC-3 gene family may have been recovered from small physical areas by recombination. This could give a buffer against selection pressure from a broad range of pest and pathogens in the future. To our knowledge, these are the first results on the evolution of clustering and genome-specific haplotype members of a unique cotton gene family associated with resistant response against a major pathogen.  相似文献   

Host-plant resistance is the most economic and effective strategy for root-knot nematode (RKN) Meloidogyne incognita control in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Molecular markers linked to resistance are important for incorporating resistance genes into elite cultivars. To screen for microsatellite markers (SSR) closely linked to RKN resistance in G. hirsutum cv. Acala NemX, F1, F2, BC1F1, and F2:7 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from intraspecific crosses and an F2 from an interspecific cross with G. barbadense cv. Pima S-7 were used. Screening of 284 SSR markers, which cover all the known identified chromosomes and most linkage groups of cotton, was performed by bulked segregant analysis, revealing informative SSRs. The informative SSRs were then mapped on the above populations. One co-dominant SSR marker CIR316 was identified tightly linked to a major resistance gene (designated as rkn1), producing amplified DNA fragments of approximately 221 bp (CIR316a) and 210 bp (CIR316c) in Acala NemX and susceptible Acala SJ-2, respectively. The linkage between CIR316a marker and resistance gene rkn1 in Acala NemX had an estimated distance of 2.1–3.3 cM depending on the population used. Additional markers, including BNL1231 with loose linkage to rkn1 (map distance 25.1–27.4 cM), BNL1066, and CIR003 allowed the rkn1 gene to be mapped to cotton linkage group A03. This is the first report in cotton with a closely linked major gene locus determining nematode resistance, and informative SSRs may be used for marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

B-3 fungal isolate was isolated from soil samples of Gwangju in Korea. Based on morphological and phylogenetic analysis, it was designated as Lecanicillium antillanum B-3 (syn. Verticillium antillanum B-3). The fungus was a chitinolytic-nematophagous microorganism. B-3 chitinase activity from 0.5% swollen chitin broth medium reached the highest level on the sixth day and then plateaued until 12 days. B-3 isolate showed the high rate of parasitism on Meloidogyne incognita eggs with more than 90% infection rate on the third day after treatment. B-3 crude chitinase damaged the eggshell structures more than 78% based on lactoglycerol staining data at a final protein concentration of 14.6 µg mL?1 on the fourth day following treatment. Partially purified chitinase with molecular 37 kDa from DEAE-Sephadex chromatography also showed damaging effect on the eggs. These results suggested that chitinase from B-3 isolate was responsible for degradation of M. incognita eggshell structures.  相似文献   

The inheritance of seed coat fuzz was studied in two half diallel sets of crosses of Upland cotton. One with F4 selections from an inter-varietal cross showed a significant level of non-additive variance attributable to dominance and non-allelic interaction. In the other, using inbred varieties of diverse origin, the genetic control of seed fuzz was adequately accounted for by an additive-dominance model with no interaction. Genotypic correlations between seed coat fuzz, yield and lint quality characters, calculated for both diallel sets and for two other groups of breeding material, showed good agreement within each experiment between parents and hybrids or between parents and progenies but no consistent pattern between experiments. The results serve to emphasize the risks in extrapolating correlations from one group of breeding material to another. A useful level of reduced fuzz has been obtained in selections from the AH breeding programme and the genetical investigations indicate that a further reduction may be possible, thereby leading to easier handling of seed, speedier and cheaper ginning, low levels of seed coat nep and better seed germination.  相似文献   

Root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) can cause severe yield loss in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). The objectives of this study were to determine the inheritance and genomic location of genes conferring root-knot nematode resistance in M-120 RNR, a highly resistant G. hirsutum line with the Auburn 623 RNR source of resistance. Utilizing two interspecific F2 populations developed from the same M-120 RNR by Gossypium barbadense (cv. Pima S-6) cross, genome-wide scanning with RFLP markers revealed a marker on Chromosome 7 and two on Chromosome 11 showing significant association with the resistant phenotype. The association was confirmed using SSR markers with the detection of a minor and a major dominant QTL on Chromosome 7 and 11, respectively. Combined across the two populations, the major QTL on Chromosome 11 Mi-C11 had a LOD score of 19.21 (9.69 and 9.61 for Pop1 and Pop2, respectively) and accounted for 63.7% (52.6 and 65.56% for Pop1 and Pop2, respectively) of the total phenotypic variation. The minor QTL locus on Chromosome 7 Mi 1 -C07 had a LOD score of 3.48 and accounted for 7.7% of the total phenotypic variation in the combined dataset but was detected in only one population. The allele from the M-120 RNR parent contributed to increased resistance in the Mi-C11 locus, but surprisingly, the Pima S-6 allele contributed to increased resistance in the Mi-C07 locus. The M-120 RNR allele in the Mi-C11 locus, derived from the Auburn 623 RNR, is likely to have originated from the Clevewilt 6 cultivar. Results from this study indicated that the SSR marker CIR316 may replace the laborious greenhouse screening in breeding programs to identify genotypes resistant to M. incognita.  相似文献   

A beta-1,4-endoglucanase named MI-ENG1, homologous to the family 5 glycoside hydrolases, was previously isolated from the plant parasitic root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita. We describe here the detection of the enzyme in the nematode homogenate and secretion and its complete biochemical characterization. This study is the first comparison of the enzymatic properties of an animal glycoside hydrolase with plant and microbial enzymes. MI-ENG1 shares many enzymatic properties with known endoglucanases from plants, free-living or rumen-associated microorganisms and phytopathogens. In spite of the presence of a cellulose-binding domain at the C-terminus, the ability of MI-ENG1 to bind cellulose could not be demonstrated, whatever the experimental conditions used. The biochemical characterization of the enzyme is a first step towards the understanding of the molecular events taking place during the plant-nematode interaction.  相似文献   

The response of a susceptible tomato cultivar (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Rio Grande) to infection by three populations of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) was compared histologically with that of Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Monita, L. esculentum cv. VFN8 and Solanum lycopersicum cv. Nemador possessing the Mi-1 resistance gene and accession PI126443 of L. peruvianum possessing the Mi-3 gene. The resistant cultivars showed susceptibility to the Tunisian Meloidogyne populations. Feeding sites were characterised by the development of giant cells that contained granular cytoplasm and several hypertrophied nuclei. The cytoplasm of giant cells was aggregated along their thickened cell walls and consequently the vascular tissues within galls appeared disrupted and disorganised. Feeding site formed on resistant L. esculentum lines and susceptible cultivar Rio Grande are similar according to cell and nucleus number, and the nurse superficies. Resistant accession L. peruvianum PI126443, known to possess heat-stable nematode resistance, also showed susceptible reaction to Tunisian Meloidogyne incognita populations; however, nematode development was reduced in comparison with susceptible plants and less developed feeding cells were observed.  相似文献   

An acetone extract of Nodularia harveyana wasshown to be toxic to the free-living nematode Cephaloboides oxycerca. This antagonistic effect wastested in pot culture trials with lyophilized biomasson gall induction by the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, using different methods ofapplication of the cyanobacterial biomass to thetomato plants. The trials revealed a possibleutilization of biomass of this cyanobacterium as aprotection agent against this phytoparasite.  相似文献   

Root-knot nematodes are obligatory sedentary endoparasites that require a plant host to complete their life cycle. To understand the functions of Meloidogyne incognita nematode genes transcribed from eggs and second-stage juveniles (J2), we have constructed a normalized full-length M. incognita cDNA library and analyzed the ESTs using Pendant-Pro Sequence Analysis Suite. The 5,832 M. incognita ESTs formed 3,263 clusters and 2,241 singletons. The sequences ranged from 51 to 1,740 base pairs, and their average size was 699 base pairs. The protein length of M. incognita ESTs ranged from 150 to 299 amino acids. Forty contigs of predicted proteins that were grouped by BLASTP identity values had significant homology to the genes expressed in their organelle structures (cuticle, epidermis, extracellular matrix and muscle). Using the gomerger method of contigs, we could functionally assign GO terms to 2,147 (53.4%) of 4,024 contigs. Following the E.C. numbers method using UniProt database hits, we could functionally classify E.C. numbers to 288 (7.2%) of 4024 contigs. Also, the taxonomy was classified to 2,329 (57.9%) of 4,024 contigs. We could predict transmembrane regions of 4,024 clusters using the TMpred algorithm. Of the 4,024 contigs with transmembrane regions, 1,457 (36.2%) were assigned more than one domain, and 2,567 (63.8%) could not be assigned a transmembrane domain. The M. incognita ESTs will provide a foundation for developing novel target genes for parasite control and contribute to accelerating the research of biologically-related species.  相似文献   

In order to develop biological control methods that are effective against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) chitwood, the activity of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of wild plant species distributed on Okinawa Island on the viability and mobility of second stage M. incognita juveniles (J2s) was evaluated. Eleven of the 29 extracts immobilized at least half of the J2 stage nematodes in an in vitro assay. Aqueous extracts of Bidens pilosa L. var. radiata Scherff, Hydrocotyle dichondroides Makino, Oxalis corymbosa DC., Oxalis corniculata L., and Stenactis annus (L.) Cass gave 90% or better immobilization activity. Among these, B. pilosa var. radiata had the highest activity. Significant immobilization, lethality, repellence and egg hatching inhibition were observed with extracts from each B. pilosa plant part, but especially from leaves. The effects of plant extracts on the mobility of M. incognita were higher than on the free-living nematode Panagrolaimus sp., suggesting that M. incognita could be suppressed using B. pilosa extracts without significantly affecting beneficial nematodes.  相似文献   

Wang C  Ulloa M  Mullens TR  Yu JZ  Roberts PA 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34874
The southern root-knot nematode (RKN, Meloidogyne incognita) is a major soil-inhabiting plant parasite that causes significant yield losses in cotton (Gossypium spp.). Progeny from crosses between cotton genotypes susceptible to RKN produced segregants in subsequent populations which were highly resistant to this parasite. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population of 138 lines developed from a cross between Upland cotton TM-1 (G. hirsutum L.) and Pima 3-79 (G. barbadense L.), both susceptible to RKN, was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) determining responses to RKN in greenhouse infection assays with simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Compared to both parents, 53.6% and 52.1% of RILs showed less (P<0.05) root-galling index (GI) and had lower (P<0.05) nematode egg production (eggs per gram root, EGR). Highly resistant lines (transgressive segregants) were identified in this RIL population for GI and/or EGR in two greenhouse experiments. QTLs were identified using the single-marker analysis nonparametric mapping Kruskal-Wallis test. Four major QTLs located on chromosomes 3, 4, 11, and 17 were identified to account for 8.0 to 12.3% of the phenotypic variance (R(2)) in root-galling. Two major QTLs accounting for 9.7% and 10.6% of EGR variance were identified on chromosomes 14 and 23 (P<0.005), respectively. In addition, 19 putative QTLs (P<0.05) accounted for 4.5-7.7% of phenotypic variance (R(2)) in GI, and 15 QTLs accounted for 4.2-7.3% of phenotypic variance in EGR. In lines with alleles positive for resistance contributed by both parents in combinations of two to four QTLs, dramatic reductions of >50% in both GI and EGR were observed. The transgressive segregants with epistatic effects derived from susceptible parents indicate that high levels of nematode resistance in cotton may be attained by pyramiding positive alleles using a QTL mapping approach.  相似文献   


Key message

A major leaf shape locus (L) was mapped with molecular markers and genomically targeted to a small region in the D-genome of cotton. By using expression analysis and candidate gene mapping, two LMI1 -like genes are identified as possible candidates for leaf shape trait in cotton.


Leaf shape in cotton is an important trait that influences yield, flowering rates, disease resistance, lint trash, and the efficacy of foliar chemical application. The leaves of okra leaf cotton display a significantly enhanced lobing pattern, as well as ectopic outgrowths along the lobe margins when compared with normal leaf cotton. These phenotypes are the hallmark characteristics of mutations in various known modifiers of leaf shape that culminate in the mis/over-expression of Class I KNOX genes. To better understand the molecular and genetic processes underlying leaf shape in cotton, a normal leaf accession (PI607650) was crossed to an okra leaf breeding line (NC05AZ21). An F2 population of 236 individuals confirmed the incompletely dominant single gene nature of the okra leaf shape trait in Gossypium hirsutum L. Molecular mapping with simple sequence repeat markers localized the leaf shape gene to 5.4 cM interval in the distal region of the short arm of chromosome 15. Orthologous mapping of the closely linked markers with the sequenced diploid D-genome (Gossypium raimondii) tentatively resolved the leaf shape locus to a small genomic region. RT-PCR-based expression analysis and candidate gene mapping indicated that the okra leaf shape gene (L o ) in cotton might be an upstream regulator of Class I KNOX genes. The linked molecular markers and delineated genomic region in the sequenced diploid D-genome will assist in the future high-resolution mapping and map-based cloning of the leaf shape gene in cotton.  相似文献   

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