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A detailed analysis of the EPR signatures at X-band and Q-band of an enzyme (SoxB) involved in sulfur oxidation from Paracoccus pantotrophus is presented. EPR spectra are attributed to an exchange-coupled dimanganese Mn2(II,II) complex. An antiferromagnetic exchange interaction of J=?7.0 (±1) cm?1 (H=?2JS 1 S 2 ) is evidenced by a careful examination of the temperature dependence of the EPR spectra. The spin Hamiltonian parameters for a total spin of S T =1, 2 and 3 are obtained and an inter-manganese distance of 3.4 (±0.1) Å is estimated. The comparison with exchange coupling and inter-manganese distance data of other dimanganese proteins and model compounds leads to a tentative assignment of the Mn bridging ligands to bis(μ-hydroxo) (μ-carboxylato).  相似文献   

The sulfur-oxidizing enzyme system (Sox) of the chemotroph Paracoccus pantotrophus is composed of several proteins, which together oxidize hydrogen sulfide, sulfur, thiosulfate or sulfite and transfers the gained electrons to the respiratory chain. The hetero-dimeric cytochrome c complex SoxXA functions as heme enzyme and links covalently the sulfur substrate to the thiol of the cysteine-138 residue of the SoxY protein of the SoxYZ complex. Here, we report the crystal structure of the c-type cytochrome complex SoxXA. The structure could be solved by molecular replacement and refined to a resolution of 1.9A identifying the axial heme-iron coordination involving an unusual Cys-251 thiolate of heme2. Distance measurements between the three heme groups provide deeper insight into the electron transport inside SoxXA and merge in a better understanding of the initial step of the aerobic sulfur oxidation process in chemotrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that treatment of Neospora caninum tachyzoites with the aspartyl protease inhibitor pepstatin A reduces host cell invasion [Naguleswaran, A., Muller, N., Hemphill, A., 2003. Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii: a novel adhesion/invasion assay reveals distinct differences in tachyzoite-host cell interactions. Exp. Parasitol. 104, 149-158]. Pepstatin A-affinity-chromatography led to the isolation of a major band of approximately 52 kDa which was identified as a homologue of a previously described Toxoplasma gondii putative protein disulfide isomerase (TgPDI) through tandem mass spectrometry. A BLAST search against N. caninum expressed sequence tags (ESTs) on the ApiDots server using TgPDI cDNA as query sequence revealed a 2251 bp PDI-like consensus (NcPDI), which shows 94% identity to the T. gondii homologue. In N. caninum tachyzoites, NcPDI was found mainly in the soluble hydrophilic fraction. Immunofluorescence showed that expression of NcPDI was dramatically down-regulated in the bradyzoite stage, and immunogold-EM on tachyzoites localised the protein to the cytoplasm, mostly in close vicinity to the nuclear membrane, to the micronemes, and to the parasite cell surface. However, NcPDI was absent in rhoptries and dense granules. Preincubation of tachyzoites with the sulfhydryl blocker 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), p-chloromercuribenzoic acid (pCMBA), and with the PDI inhibitor bacitracin reduced adhesion of parasites to host cells. In addition, incubation of N. caninum tachyzoites with affinity-purified anti-NcPDI antibodies reduced host cell adhesion. PDIs catalyse the formation, reduction or isomerisation of disulfide bonds. Many major components of the adhesion and invasion machinery of apicomplexan parasites are cysteine-rich and dependent on correct folding via disulfide bond formation. Thus, our data points towards an important role for surface-associated NcPDI in Neospora-host cell interaction.  相似文献   

A mutant devoid of cytochrome c-554 (CT0075) in Chlorobium tepidum (syn. Chlorobaculum tepidum) exhibited a decreased growth rate but normal growth yield when compared to the wild type. From quantitative determinations of sulfur compounds in media, the mutant was found to oxidize thiosulfate more slowly than the wild type but completely to sulfate as the wild type. This indicates that cytochrome c-554 would increase the rate of thiosulfate oxidation by serving as an efficient electron carrier but is not indispensable for thiosulfate oxidation itself. On the other hand, mutants in which a portion of the soxB gene (CT1021) was replaced with the aacC1 cassette did not grow at all in a medium containing only thiosulfate as an electron source. They exhibited partial growth yields in media containing only sulfide when compared to the wild type. This indicates that SoxB is not only essential for thiosulfate oxidation but also responsible for sulfide oxidation. An alternative electron carrier or electron transfer path would thus be operating between the Sox system and the reaction center in the mutant devoid of cytochrome c-554. Cytochrome c-554 might function in any other pathway(s) as well as the thiosulfate oxidation one, since even green sulfur bacteria that cannot oxidize thiosulfate contain a cycA gene encoding this electron carrier.  相似文献   

Paracoccus versutus-like isolates from the rhizosphere of Clitoria ternatea, a slender leguminous herb (family--Papilionaceae), found ubiquitously in waste places and village forests of the Lower Gangetic plains of India, presented a case of graduated infraspecific variation that was capped by the identification of a new species Paracoccus bengalensis (type strain JJJ(T) = LMG 22700(T) = MTCC 7003(T)). The diverged phenetic and genetic structure of these sulfur-oxidizing chemolithoautotrophs presented a case of apparent nonconformity of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities with results of DNA-DNA hybridization. Despite high 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with P. versutus one of the newly isolated strains, viz., JJJ(T) was identified as a new species of Paracoccus by virtue of its explicitly low DNA-DNA hybridization (42-45%) with the type strain of the closest species P. versutus (), distinct G + C content (65.3 mol%), physiological and biochemical differences amounting to <60% phenetic similarity with strains of P. versutus as well as new isolates akin to the species. The newly described species also had a unique fatty acid profile that was distinguished by the absence of 18:1 omega9c, unique possession of Summed feature 3 (16:1omega7c & 15:0 iso 2-OH), 19:0 10 methyl, and a much higher concentration of 19:0 cycloomega8c.  相似文献   

The EPR spectral parameters of aa(3) oxidase and cyt c(552) from Paracoccus denitrificans were studied in purified oxidase and enriched cyt c(552). The orientation of the g-tensors of hemes a and c(552) were determined on partially ordered membranes, enriched cyt c(552) and a c(552):aa(3) subcomplex. The known correlation of g-tensor to molecular axes in histidine/methionine ligated hemes permits us to position cyt c(552) with respect to the parent membrane. Taken together with previous data on the interaction surface between aa(3) oxidase and cyt c(552), these results allow us to arrive at a single conformation for the c(552):aa(3) electron transfer complex.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, the formation of protein disulfide bonds among cysteine residues is mediated by protein disulfide isomerases and occurs in the highly oxidised environment of the endoplasmic reticulum. This process is poorly understood in malaria parasites. In this paper, we report the gene isolation, sequence and phylogenetic comparisons, protein structure and thioredoxin-domain analyses of nine protein disulfide isomerases-like molecules from five species of malaria parasites including Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax (human), Plasmodium knowlesi (simian) and Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium yoelii (murine). Four of the studied protein disulfide isomerases belong to P. falciparum malaria and have been named PfPDI-8, PfPDI-9, PfPDI-11 and PfPDI-14, based on their chromosomal location. Among these, PfPDI-8 bears the closest similarity to a prototype PDI molecule with two thioredoxin domains (containing CGHC active sites) and a C-terminal Endoplasmic reticulum retrieval signal, SEEL. PfPDI-8 is expressed during all stages of parasite life cycle and is highly conserved (82-96% identity at amino acid level) in the other four Plasmodium species studied. Detailed biochemical analysis of PfPDI-8 revealed that this molecule is a potent oxido-reductase enzyme that facilitated the disulfide-dependent conformational folding of EBA-175, a leading malaria vaccine candidate. These studies open the avenues to understand the process of protein folding and secretory pathway in malaria parasites that in turn might aid in the production of superior recombinant vaccines and provide novel drug targets.  相似文献   

Nitazoxanide (NTZ) and several NTZ-derivatives (thiazolides) have been shown to exhibit considerable anti-Neospora caninum tachyzoite activity in vitro. We coupled tizoxanide (TIZ), the deacetylated metabolite, to epoxy-agarose-resin and performed affinity chromatography with N. caninum tachyzoite extracts. Two main protein bands of 52 and 43kDa were isolated. The 52kDa protein was readily recognized by antibodies directed against NcPDI, and mass spectrometry confirmed its identity. Poly-histidine-tagged NcPDI-cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli and recombinant NcPDI (recNcPDI) was purified by Co2+-affinity chromatography. By applying an enzyme assay based on the measurement of insulin crosslinking activity, recNcPDI exhibited properties reminiscent for PDIs, and its activity was impaired upon the addition of classical PDI inhibitors such as bacitracin (1-2mM), para-chloromercuribenzoic acid (0.1-1mM) and tocinoic acid (0.1-1mM). RecNcPDI-mediated insulin crosslinking was inhibited by NTZ (5-100 microM) in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, the enzymatic activity of recNcPDI was inhibited by those thiazolides that also affected parasite proliferation. Thus, thiazolides readily interfere with NcPDI, and possibly also with PDIs from other microorganisms susceptible to thiazolides.  相似文献   

Besnoitia besnoiti is an apicomplexan parasite responsible for bovine besnoitiosis, a disease with a high prevalence in tropical and subtropical regions and re-emerging in Europe. Despite the great economical losses associated with besnoitiosis, this disease has been underestimated and poorly studied, and neither an effective therapy nor an efficacious vaccine is available. Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is an essential enzyme for the acquisition of the correct three-dimensional structure of proteins. Current evidence suggests that in Neosporacaninum and Toxoplasmagondii, which are closely related to B. besnoiti, PDI play an important role in host cell invasion, is a relevant target for the host immune response, and represents a promising drug target and/or vaccine candidate. In this work, we present the nucleotide sequence of the B. besnoiti PDI gene. BbPDI belongs to the thioredoxin-like superfamily (cluster 00388) and is included in the PDI_a family (cluster defined cd02961) and the PDI_a_PDI_a′_c subfamily (cd02995). A 3D theoretical model was built by comparative homology using Swiss-Model server, using as a template the crystallographic deduced model of Tapasin-ERp57 (PDB code 3F8U chain C). Analysis of the phylogenetic tree for PDI within the phylum apicomplexa reinforces the close relationship among B. besnoiti, N. caninum and T. gondii. When subjected to a PDI-assay based on the polymerisation of reduced insulin, recombinant BbPDI expressed in E. coli exhibited enzymatic activity, which was inhibited by bacitracin. Antiserum directed against recombinant BbPDI reacted with PDI in Western blots and by immunofluorescence with B. besnoiti tachyzoites and bradyzoites.  相似文献   

Saccharomices cerevisiae (yeast iso-1) cytochrome c has been investigated in the presence of 100 mM SDS in order to simulate the interaction of cytochrome c with membrane. Under these circumstances, a high spin species with detached methionine axial ligand is observed through NMR, in analogy to findings on the horse heart protein. However, at variance with the latter system, for the yeast protein also a low spin species is detected, which appears to be present with a concentration of about 40% with respect to that of the high spin species. The R(1), R(2), [1H]-15N NOE of backbone amides which are not affected by paramagnetism are homogeneous and allow a simultaneous analysis of the data for the two species. The result is that the rotational correlation time is larger than in water and larger than expected on the basis of viscosity of the SDS-containing solution. This finding suggests interactions of cytochrome c with SDS. Furthermore, it appears that there is subnanosecond backbone mobility, which also accounts for the decreased intensity of NOE cross-peaks and may be associated with equilibria between helical and random coil structure. The dynamic behavior appears to be a common feature of the high spin and low spin species and is consistent with the presence of a molten globule state. The molten globule nature of the protein could account for the presence of the different axial coordination of the heme iron. Such findings are meaningful with respect to the physiology of cytochrome c as electron transfer protein and as promoter of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is by far the most widely used bacterial host for the production of membrane proteins. Usually, different strains, culture conditions and production regimes are screened for to design the optimal production process. However, these E. coli-based screening approaches often do not result in satisfactory membrane protein production yields. Recently, it has been shown that (i) E. coli strains with strongly improved membrane protein production characteristics can be engineered or selected for, (ii) many membrane proteins can be efficiently produced in E. coli-based cell-free systems, (iii) bacteria other than E. coli can be used for the efficient production of membrane proteins, and, (iv) membrane protein variants that retain functionality but are produced at higher yields than the wild-type protein can be engineered or selected for. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein trafficking and secretion in bacteria. Guest Editors: Anastassios Economou and Ross Dalbey.  相似文献   

Malaria remains one of the major human parasitic diseases, particularly in subtropical regions. Most of the fatal cases are caused by Plasmodium falciparum. The rodent parasite Plasmodium chabaudi has been the model of choice in research due to its similarities to human malaria, including developmental cycle, preferential invasion of mature erythrocytes, synchrony of asexual development, antigenic variation, gene sinteny as well as similar resistance mechanisms. Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is an essential catalyst of the endoplasmic reticulum in different biological systems with folding and chaperone activities. Most of the proteins exported by parasites have to pass through the endoplasmic reticulum before reaching their final destination and their correct folding is critical for parasite survival. PDI constitutes a potential target for the development of alternative therapy strategies based on the inhibition of folding and chaperoning of exported proteins. We here describe the sequencing of the gene coding for the PDI from P. chabaudi and analyse the relationship to its counterpart enzymes, particularly with the PDI from other Plasmodium species. The model constructed, based on the recent model deduced from the crystallographic structure 2B5E, was compared with the previous theoretical model for the whole PDI molecule constructed by threading. A recombinant PDI from P. chabaudi was also produced and used as an antigen for monoclonal antibody production for application in PDI immunolocalization.  相似文献   

Reaction of radicals in the presence of O2, or singlet oxygen, with some amino acids, peptides, and proteins yields hydroperoxides. These species are key intermediates in chain reactions and protein damage. They can be detected in cells and are poorly removed by enzymatic defenses. Previously we have shown that peptide and protein hydroperoxides react rapidly with thiols, with this resulting in inactivation of some thiol-dependent enzymes. In light of these data, we hypothesized that inactivation of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), by hydroperoxides present on oxidized proteins, may contribute to cellular and tissue dysfunction by modulation of phosphorylation-dependent cell signaling. We show here that PTPs in cell lysates, and purified PTP-1B, are inactivated by amino acid, peptide, and protein hydroperoxides in a concentration- and structure-dependent manner. Protein hydroperoxides are particularly effective, with inhibition occurring with greater efficacy than with H2O2. Inactivation involves reaction of the hydroperoxide with the conserved active-site Cys residue of the PTPs, as evidenced by hydroperoxide consumption measurements and a diminution of this effect on blocking the Cys residue. This inhibition of PTPs, by oxidized proteins containing hydroperoxide groups, may contribute to cellular dysfunction and altered redox signaling in systems subject to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

cAMP-dependent protein kinases (PKAs) are central mediators of cAMP signaling in eukaryotic cells. Previously we identified a cDNA which encodes for a PKA catalytic subunit (PKA-C) in Schistosoma mansoni (SmPKA-C) that is required for adult schistosome viability in vitro. As such, SmPKA-C could potentially represent a novel schistosome chemotherapeutic target. Here we sought to identify PKA-C subunit orthologues in the other medically important schistosome species, Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma japonicum, to determine the degree to which this potential target is conserved and could therefore be exploited for the treatment of all forms of schistosomiasis. We report the identification of PKA-C subunit orthologues in S. haematobium and S. japonicum (ShPKA-C and SjPKA-C, respectively) and show that PKA-C orthologues are highly conserved in the Schistosoma, with over 99% amino acid sequence identity shared among the three human pathogens we examined. Furthermore, we show that the recently published Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum genomes contain sequences encoding for several putative PKA substrates with homology to those found in Homo sapiens, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The arginine repressor (ArgR) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is a gene product encoded by the open reading frame Rv1657. It regulates the l-arginine concentration in cells by interacting with ARG boxes in the promoter regions of the arginine biosynthesis and catabolism operons. Here we present a 2.5-Å structure of MtbArgR in complex with a 16-bp DNA operator in the absence of arginine. A biological trimer of the protein-DNA complex is formed via the crystallographic 3-fold symmetry axis. The N-terminal domain of MtbArgR has a winged helix-turn-helix motif that binds to the major groove of the DNA. This structure shows that, in the absence of arginine, the ArgR trimer can bind three ARG box half-sites. It also reveals the structure of the whole MtbArgR molecule itself containing both N-terminal and C-terminal domains.  相似文献   

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