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A new species ofPavonia (P. ecostata) from the Sierra Cacoma is described and illustrated and compared to its closest allies,P. alia andP. pulidoae.  相似文献   

Pavonia friisii , sp. nov., from south-eastern Ethiopia and south-central and southern Somalia, P. nigrescens , sp. nov., from south-central and southern Somalia, P. matteiana , sp. nov., from south-central Somalia, P. longipilosa , sp. nov., from eastern Ethiopia, P. rotundifolia , sp. nov., from eastern Ethiopia and northern and central Somalia, P. marginata , sp. nov., from central Somalia, and P. paucibracteata , sp. nov., from central Somalia, are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Lobelia tripartita , a prostrate species with dissected leaves, is described from the southern slopes of Bale Mts in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Drímia exigua , a small and slender species, is described from the Guder river valley in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Summary   Ceiba rubriflora Carv.-Sobr. & L. P. Queiroz, a new species of Malvaceae subfamily Bombacoideae from the State of Bahia, Brazil, is described and illustrated. It is considered to be endemic to calcareous outcrops in the valley of the Rio S?o Francisco, in the western region of the state. Notes on distribution, ecology and phenology are given. Relationships with related species are discussed and an addition to the key to species of Ceiba Mill. published by Gibbs & Semir (2003) are provided.  相似文献   

Summary  The new species Cibirhiza spiculata Thulin & Goyder, from Acacia-Commiphora bushland on sand in the Somali National Regional State (Ogaden) of Ethiopia, is described and illustrated. Its conservation status has been assessed. A molecular phylogenetic analysis confirms its placement in the tribe Fockeeae and indicates a position of the new species as sister to C. albersiana. The almost obsolete anther appendages, the outer corona with spreading lobes, as well as the pollinia with apparently single pollen grains, also support its placement in Cibirhiza. However, C. spiculata differs markedly from both previously known species of this genus (C. dhofarensis in Oman and Yemen and C. albersiana in Tanzania and Zambia) by its narrowly linear, subsessile leaves and by the inner corona lobes that are curved inwards over the gynostegium and each ending in a spinulose head.  相似文献   

Alcea mozaffarianii is described and illustrated as a new species from a mountain area in north-western Iran. The differences to similar taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

Hibiscus ceratophorus , sp. nov. in H . sect. Furcaria , from coastal and subcoastal dunes in southern Somalia, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

A new species,Akrosida floribunda, is described from the Dominican Republic. This arborescent genus is now known from two species, the other beingAkrosida macrophylla, from Brazil. Both have very limited distributions.
Resumen  Se describe la especie nuevaAkrosida floribunda de la República Dominicana. Este género arborescente actualmente se conoce de dos especies, la otraAkrosida macrophylla de Brasil. Las dos tienen distribuciones que son bien restringidas.

Summary Measurements of foliage quality, physiological, and phenological condition of sample trees were used as independent variables in multiple correlation analyses to determine their effect on female and male spruce budworm larval dry weights. Female budworm from trees high in foliar concentrations of beta-pinene, myrcene and total nitrogen weighed less than those from trees lacking these characteristics. Male budworm from trees high in foliar concentrations of alpha-pinene, myrcene, terpinolene, citronellyl acetate, and bornyl acetate weighted less than those from trees lacking these characteristics. Additionally, relatively vigorous and productive trees tended to be less susceptible (as evidenced by reduced larval weight) to budworm of either sex.  相似文献   

Pelargonium wonchiense is described as new from Ethiopia. It is an annual species with minute flowers, and falls in the section Peristera of which the centre of diversity lies in the south-western Cape Province of South Africa.  相似文献   

A new species of Epidendrum, E. cusiyacoense, is described and illustrated based on Colombian material. The novelty belongs to the ‘Garayi subgroup’ and resembles the Ecuadorian endemic E. ilinizae, but is distinguished by the oblong-lanceolate leaf which is over five times longer than wide, 2-flowered inflorescence and entire, papillate lip margins. Epidendrum cusiyacoense is so far exclusively known from Colombia where it grows as an epiphyte in wet páramo, among scrub and Espeletia patches at the altitude of about 3000–3500 m. A key to the identification of species belonging to informal Garayi subgroup is provided.  相似文献   

This study was based on the analysis of staminal tube and epicalyx morphology of species ofPavonia (Malvaceae) from northeastern and southeastern Brazil. The importance of characters in the infrageneric taxonomy is discussed. In general, the variability in staminal tube and epicalyx characters are useful mainly in separating closely related species and a few sections; these characters, however, cannot be used to separate subgenera.  相似文献   

Eriocaulon crassiusculum sp. nov. is described from the Kefa province in southwestern Ethiopia. Illustrations are provided for habit as well as details of flowers (including pollen) and seeds. The new species is most closely related to E. transvaalicum , a widespread species in southern and eastern Africa.  相似文献   

A new species from southern and Eastern Ethiopia, Plantago annua is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Sida floccosa , sp. nov., from eastern Ethiopia and north-western Somalia, S. ogadensis , sp. nov., from eastern Ethiopia and central Somalia, 5. calliantha , sp. nov., from coastal dunes in southern Somalia, and S. longipedicellata sp. nov., from coastal dunes and sandy plains in central and south-central Somalia, are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Adenia pulchra sp. nov. from Bale Region, southern Ethiopia, is described and its relationships discussed.  相似文献   

The new fine-leaved species Festuca gilbertiana is described from the Semien mountains in Ethiopia. It is most closely related to F. obturbans and F. macrophylla .  相似文献   

Polygala mooneyi from Sidamo Region, southern Ethiopia, is described as new. It is compared to P. transvaalensis var. kagerensis from Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania.  相似文献   

Robert S. Irving 《Brittonia》1967,19(3):245-247
Hesperozygis pusilla Irving, a rare and apparently endemic species from Galeana, Nuevo León, is described. It is closely allied toH. ciliolata Epling. BothH. ciliolata andH. pusilla have chromosome numbers of 2n = 36.  相似文献   

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