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The stalk is a universal structure of the large ribosomal subunit involved in the function of translation factors. The bacterial stalk is highly stable but its stability is notably reduced in eukaryotes, favouring a translation regulatory activity of this ribosomal domain, which has not been reported in prokaryotes. The RNA-binding protein P0 plays a key role in determining the eukaryotic stalk activities, and characterization of the P0/RNA interaction is essential to understand the evolutionary process. Using a series of Saccharomyces cerevisiae-truncated proteins, a direct involvement of two N-terminal regions, I3-M58 and K81-V121, in the interaction of P0 with the ribosome has been shown. Two other conserved regions, R122-T149 and G162-T182, affect P0 interaction with other stalk components and the sensitivity to sordarin anti-fungals but are not essential for RNA binding. Moreover, P0 and a P0 fragment comprising only the first 121 amino acids show a similar in vitro affinity for the highly conserved 26S rRNA binding site. A protein chimera containing the first 165 amino acids of L10, the P0 bacterial counterpart, is able to complement the absence of P0 and also shows the same P0 RNA binding characteristics. Altogether, the results indicate that the affinity of the stalk RNA-binding protein for its substrate has been highly conserved, and changes in the stability of the interaction of P0 with the ribosome, which are essential for the new eukaryotic functions, result from the evolution of the overall stalk structure.  相似文献   

The yeast ribosomal GTPase associated center is made of parts of the 26S rRNA domains II and VI, and a number of proteins including P0, P1α, P1β, P2α, P2β and L12. Mapping of the rRNA neighborhood of the proteins was performed by footprinting in ribosomes from yeast strains lacking different GTPase components. The absence of protein P0 dramatically increases the sensitivity of the defective ribosome to degradation hampering the RNA footprinting. In ribosomes lacking the P1/P2 complex, protection of a number of nucleotides is detected around positions 840, 880, 1100, 1220–1280 and 1350 in domain II as well as in several positions in the domain VI α-sarcin region. The protection pattern resembles the one reported for the interaction of elongation factors in bacterial systems. The results exclude a direct interaction of these proteins with the rRNA and are compatible with an increase in the ribosome affinity for EF-2 in the absence of the acidic P proteins. Interestingly, a sordarin derivative inhibitor of EF-2 causes an opposite effect, increasing the reactivity in positions protected by the absence of P1/P2. Similarly, a deficiency in protein L12 exposes nucleotides G1235, G1242, A1262, A1269, A1270 and A1272 to chemical modification, thus situating the protein binding site in the most conserved part of the 26S rRNA, equivalent to the bacterial protein L11 binding site.  相似文献   

The yeast ribosomal stalk is formed by a protein pentamer made of the 38 kDa P0 and four 12 kDa acidic P1/P2. The interaction of recombinant acidic proteins P1 alpha and P2 beta with ribosomes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae D4567, lacking all the 12 kDa stalk components, has been used to study the in vitro assembly of this important ribosomal structure. Stimulation of the ribosome activity was obtained by incubating simultaneously the particles with both proteins, which were nonphosphorylated initially and remained unmodified afterward. The N-terminus state, free or blocked, did not affect either the binding or reactivating activity of both proteins. Independent incubation with each protein did not affect the activity of the particles, however, protein P2 beta alone was unable to bind the ribosome whereas P1 alpha could. The binding of P1 alpha alone is a saturable process in acidic-protein-deficient ribosomes and does not take place in complete wild-type particles. Binding of P1 proteins in the absence of P2 proteins takes also place in vivo, when protein P1 beta is overexpressed in S. cerevisiae. In contrast, protein P2 beta is not detected in the ribosome in the P1-deficient D67 strain despite being accumulated in the cytoplasm. The results confirm that neither phosphorylation nor N-terminal blocking of the 12 kDa acidic proteins is required for the assembly and function of the yeast stalk. More importantly, and regardless of the involvement of other elements, they indicate that stalk assembling is a coordinated process, in which P1 proteins would provide a ribosomal anchorage to P2 proteins, and P2 components would confer functionality to the complex.  相似文献   

The ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeats of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contain an autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) that colocalizes with a chromosomal origin of replication. We show that a minimal sequence necessary for full ARS function corresponds to a 107-bp rDNA fragment which contains three 10-of-11-bp matches to the ARS consensus sequence. Point mutations in only one of the 10-of-11-bp matches, GTTTAT GTTTT, inactivate the rDNA ARS, indicating that this consensus sequence is essential. A perfect match to a revised ARS consensus is present but not essential. Sequences up to 9 bp 5' from the essential consensus are dispensable. A broad DNA region directly 3' to the essential consensus is required and is easily unwound as indicated by: (i) hypersensitivity to nicking of an approximately 100-bp region by mung bean nuclease in a negatively supercoiled plasmid and (ii) helical instability determined by thermodynamic analysis of the nucleotide sequence. A correlation between DNA helical instability and replication efficiency of wild-type and mutated ribosomal ARS derivatives suggests that a broad region 3' to the essential ARS consensus functions as a DNA unwinding element. Certain point mutations that do not stabilize the DNA helix in the 3' region but reduce ARS efficiency reveal an element distinct from, but overlapping, the DNA unwinding element. The nucleotide sequence of the functionally important constituents in the ARS appears to be conserved among the rDNA repeats in the chromosome.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae ribosomal stalk is made of five components, the 32-kDa P0 and four 12-kDa acidic proteins, P1alpha, P1beta, P2alpha, and P2beta. The P0 carboxyl-terminal domain is involved in the interaction with the acidic proteins and resembles their structure. Protein chimeras were constructed in which the last 112 amino acids of P0 were replaced by the sequence of each acidic protein, yielding four fusion proteins, P0-1alpha, P0-1beta, P0-2alpha, and P0-2beta. The chimeras were expressed in P0 conditional null mutant strains in which wild-type P0 is not present. In S. cerevisiae D4567, which is totally deprived of acidic proteins, the four fusion proteins can replace the wild-type P0 with little effect on cell growth. In other genetic backgrounds, the chimeras either reduce or increase cell growth because of their effect on the ribosomal stalk composition. An analysis of the stalk proteins showed that each P0 chimera is able to strongly interact with only one acidic protein. The following associations were found: P0-1alpha.P2beta, P0-1beta.P2alpha, P0-2alpha.P1beta, and P0-2beta.P1alpha. These results indicate that the four acidic proteins do not form dimers in the yeast ribosomal stalk but interact with each other forming two specific associations, P1alpha.P2beta and P1beta.P2alpha, which have different structural and functional roles.  相似文献   

With ribosomal P protein as a substrate, five peaks of protein kinase activity are eluted after chromatography of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae cellular extract on DEAE-cellulose. Two of them correspond to CK-II and the other three have been called RAP-1, RAP-II, and RAP-III. RAP-I was previously characterized. RAP-III is present in a very small amount, which hindered its purification. RAP-II was further purified on phosphocellulose, heparin-Sepharose, and P protein-Sepharose, studied in detail, and compared with other acidic protein kinases, including RAP-I, CK-II, and PK60. RAP-II is shown by SDS-PAGE and centrifugation on glycerol linear density gradients to have a molecular mass of around 62 kDa and it is immunologically different from RAP-I and PK60. RAP-II phosphorylates the P proteins in the last serine residue at the highly conserved carboxyl terminal domain as other P-protein kinases. The ribosome-bound stalk P proteins are not equally phosphorylated by the different kinases. Thus, RAP-II and PK60 mainly phosphorylate P1beta and P2alpha whereas RAP-I and CK-II modify all of them. A comparative study of the K(m) and V(max) of the phosphorylation reaction by the different kinases using individual purified acidic proteins suggests changes in the substrate susceptibility upon binding to the ribosome. All the data available reveal clear differences in the characteristics of the various P protein kinases and suggest that the cell may use them to differentially modify the stalk depending, perhaps, on metabolic requirements.  相似文献   

The stalk is an essential domain of the large ribosomal subunit formed by a complex of a set of very acidic proteins bound to a core rRNA binding component. While in prokaryotes there is only one type acidic protein, L7/12, two protein families are found in eukaryotes, phosphoproteins P1 and P2, which presumably have different roles. To search for differences zero-length cross-linking by S-S bridge formation was applied using Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant P1 and P2 proteins carrying single cysteine residues at various positions. The results show a more exposed location of the N-terminal domain of the P2 proteins, which in contrast to P1, can be found as dimers when the Cys is introduced in this domain. Similarly, the Cys containing C-terminal domain of mutant P2 proteins shows a notable capacity to form cross-links with other proteins, which is considerably lower in the P1 type. On the other hand, mutation at the conserved C-domain of protein P0, the eukaryotic stalk rRNA binding component, results in removal of about 14 terminal amino acids. Protein P2, but not P1, protects mutant P0 from this truncation. These results support a eukaryotic stalk structure in which P1 proteins are internally located with their C-terminals having a restricted reactivity while P2 proteins are more external and accessible to interact with other cellular components.  相似文献   

The ribosomal stalk is essential for translation; however, its overall structure is poorly understood. Characterization of the region involved in the interactions between protein P0 and the 12 kDa acidic proteins P1 and P2 is fundamental to understand the assembly and function of this structure in the eukaryotic ribosome. The acidic protein content is important for the ribosome efficiency and affects the translation of specific mRNAs. By usage of a series of progressively truncated fragments of protein P0 in the two-hybrid test, a region between positions 213 and 250 was identified as the minimal protein part able to interact with the acidic proteins. Extensions at either end affect the binding capacity of the fragment either positively or negatively depending on the number of added amino acids. Deletions inside the binding region confirm its in vivo relevance since they drastically reduce the P0 interacting capacity with the 12 kDa acidic proteins, which are severely reduced in the ribosome when the truncated protein is expressed in the cell. Moreover, recombinant His-tagged P0 fragments containing the binding site and bound to Ni(2+)-NTA columns can form a complex with the P1 and P2 proteins, which is able to bind elongation factor EF2. The results indicate the existence of a region in P0 that specifically interacts with the acidic proteins. These interactions are, however, hindered by the presence of neighbor protein domains, suggesting the need for conformational changes in the complete P0 to allow the assembly of the ribosomal stalk.  相似文献   

The large (60S) and small (40S) ribosomal subunits were isolated from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), and preparations stained with uranyl acetate were imaged by transmission electron microscopy. Averages of three different projections of each subunit were obtained by computerized image processing with reproducible spatial resolutions approaching 3.0 and 3.5 nm, respectively. Similarities between the structures of these particles and those of other eukaryotic ribosomal subunits contribute to the development of a concensus model for the eukaryotic ribosome.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic acidic P1 and P2 proteins modulate the activity of the ribosomal stalk but playing distinct roles. The aim of this work was to analyze the structural features that are behind their different function. A structural characterization of Saccharomyces cerevisaie P1 alpha and P2 beta proteins was performed by circular dichroism, nuclear magnetic resonance, fluorescence spectroscopy, thermal denaturation, and protease sensitivity. The results confirm the low structure present in both proteins but reveal clear differences between them. P1 alpha shows a virtually unordered secondary structure with a residual helical content that disappears below 30 degrees C and a clear tendency to acquire secondary structure at low pH and in the presence of trifluoroethanol. In agreement with this higher disorder P1 alpha has a fully solvent-accessible tryptophan residue and, in contrast to P2 beta, is highly sensitive to protease degradation. An interaction between both proteins was observed, which induces an increase in the global secondary structure content of both proteins. Moreover, mixing of both proteins causes a shift of the P1 alpha tryptophan 40 signal, pointing to an involvement of this region in the interaction. This evidence directly proves an interaction between P1 alpha and P2 beta before ribosome binding and suggests a functional complementation between them. On a whole, the results provide structural support for the different functional roles played by the proteins of the two groups showing, at the same time, that relatively small structural differences between the two stalk acidic protein types can result in significant functional changes.  相似文献   

Aspartate kinase (AK) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been characterized to elucidate its quaternary structure and the effect of the allosteric inhibitor threonine on the enzyme conformation. The homogeneously purified enzyme was inhibited by threonine (K(i) 1.4 mM) and was found to bind this compound (K(d) 0.97 mM) in a hyperbolic manner. Gel filtration and native gel electrophoresis indicated that yeast AK is a homohexamer of 346 kDa composed by 58 kDa subunits. Threonine caused a decrease in the apparent molecular mass of AK as evidenced by size-exclusion chromatography (from 345 to 280 kDa) and blue native gel electrophoresis (from 346 to 297 kDa); no other molecular species were detected. This shift in the hydrodynamic size was threonine-specific and was reversed by rechromatography in the absence of threonine. No change in the apparent molecular mass was induced by threonine in an AK mutant insensitive to inhibition by this amino acid, which was observed to be unable to bind threonine. These results indicate that the allosteric transition elicited by binding of threonine to yeast AK involves a large conformational change of the protein that isomerizes from a relaxed active conformation to a more compact inactive one of smaller molecular dimensions.  相似文献   

Ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) like ricin, pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) and Shiga‐like toxins 1 and 2 (Stx1 and Stx2) share the same substrate, the α‐sarcin/ricin loop, but differ in their specificities towards prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes. Ricin depurinates the eukaryotic ribosomes more efficiently than the prokaryotic ribosomes, while PAP can depurinate both types of ribosomes. Accumulating evidence suggests that different docking sites on the ribosome might be used by different RIPs, providing a basis for understanding the mechanism underlying their kingdom specificity. Our previous results demonstrated that PAP binds to the ribosomal protein L3 to depurinate the α‐sarcin/ricin loop and binding of PAP to L3 was critical for its cytotoxicity. Here, we used surface plasmon resonance to demonstrate that ricin toxin A chain (RTA) binds to the P1 and P2 proteins of the ribosomal stalk in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ribosomes from the P protein mutants were depurinated less than the wild‐type ribosomes when treated with RTA in vitro. Ribosome depurination was reduced when RTA was expressed in the ΔP1 and ΔP2 mutants in vivo and these mutants were more resistant to the cytotoxicity of RTA than the wild‐type cells. We further show that while RTA, Stx1 and Stx2 have similar requirements for ribosome depurination, PAP has different requirements, providing evidence that the interaction of RIPs with different ribosomal proteins is responsible for their ribosome specificity.  相似文献   

The chaperonin Cct complex of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is composed of eight different subunits encoded by eight essential genes, CCT1-CCT8. This Cct complex is responsible for the folding of a number of proteins including actin and tubulin. We have isolated and characterized 22 multicopy suppressors of the temperature-sensitive allele, cct4-1, which encodes an altered protein with a G345D replacement that diminishes ATP hydrolysis. Fourteen of the suppressors encode ribosomal proteins, four have roles in ribosome biogenesis, two have phosphatase activities, one is involved in protein synthesis and one of the suppressors corresponded to Cct4p. Some of the suppressors also acted on certain cct1, cct2, cct3 and cct6 mutations. We suggest that certain overexpressed ribosomal and other proteins can act as weak chaperones, phenotypically alleviating the partial defects of mutationally altered Cct subunits.  相似文献   

Characterization of methylglyoxal synthase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methylglyoxal synthase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was purified approximately 300 folds from cell extracts with 20% of activity yield. During purification procedures, polymorphic behaviours of the enzyme were observed. The purified enzyme was homogeneous on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and consisted of a single polypeptide chain of Mr = 26,000. The enzyme was most active at pH 9.5-10.5 and strictly specific to dihydroxyacetone phosphate with Km = 3 mM. Phosphoenolpyruvate, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, orthophosphate and thiol compounds were potent inhibitors of the enzyme.  相似文献   

M J Penninckx  C J Jaspers 《Biochimie》1985,67(9):999-1006
In a foregoing paper we have shown the presence in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae of an enzyme catalyzing the hydrolysis of L-gamma-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide, but apparently distinct from gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase. The cellular level of this enzyme was not regulated by the nature of the nitrogen source supplied to the yeast cell. Purification was attempted, using ion exchange chromatography on DEAE Sephadex A 50, salt precipitations and successive chromatographies on DEAE Sephadex 6B and Sephadex G 100. The apparent molecular weight of the purified enzyme was 14,800 as determined by gel filtration. As shown by kinetic studies and thin layer chromatography, the enzyme preparation exhibited only hydrolytic activity against gamma-glutamylarylamide and L-glutamine with an optimal pH of about seven. Various gamma-glutamylaminoacids, amides, dipeptides and glutathione were inactive as substrates and no transferase activity was detected. The yeast gamma-glutamylarylamidase was activated by SH protective agents, dithiothreitol and reduced glutathione. Oxidized glutathione, ophtalmic acid and various gamma-glutamylaminoacids inhibited competitively the enzyme. The activity was also inhibited by L-gamma-glutamyl-o-(carboxy)phenylhydrazide and the couple serine-borate, both transition-state analogs of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase. Diazooxonorleucine, reactive analog of glutamine, inactivated the enzyme. The physiological role of yeast gamma-glutamylarylamidase-glutaminase is still undefined but is most probably unrelated to the bulk assimilation of glutamine by yeast cells.  相似文献   

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