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Our aim was to elucidate the physiological role of calpains (CAPN) in mammary gland involution. Both CAPN-1 and -2 were induced after weaning and its activity increased in isolated mitochondria and lysosomes. CAPN activation within the mitochondria could trigger the release of cytochrome c and other pro-apoptotic factors, whereas in lysosomes it might be essential for tissue remodeling by releasing cathepsins into the cytosol. Immunohistochemical analysis localized CAPNs mainly at the luminal side of alveoli. During weaning, CAPNs translocate to the lysosomes processing membrane proteins. To identify these substrates, lysosomal fractions were treated with recombinant CAPN and cleaved products were identified by 2D-DIGE. The subunit b(2) of the v-type H(+) ATPase is proteolyzed and so is the lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2a (LAMP2a). Both proteins are also cleaved in vivo. Furthermore, LAMP2a cleavage was confirmed in vitro by addition of CAPNs to isolated lysosomes and several CAPN inhibitors prevented it. Finally, in vivo inhibition of CAPN1 in 72-h-weaned mice decreased LAMP2a cleavage. Indeed, calpeptin-treated mice showed a substantial delay in tissue remodeling and involution of the mammary gland. These results suggest that CAPNs are responsible for mitochondrial and lysosomal membrane permeabilization, supporting the idea that lysosomal-mediated cell death is a new hallmark of mammary gland involution.  相似文献   

Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is a multifunctional glycoprotein that displays multiple biological activities in different cell types, but to date there has been no report on its expression in the normal mammary gland. In this study we found that LIF is expressed at low but detectable levels in postpubertal, adult virgin, and pregnant mouse mammary glands. However, LIF expression drops after parturition to become almost undetectable in lactating glands. Interestingly, LIF expression shows a steep increase shortly after weaning that is maintained for the following 3 days. During this period, known as the first stage of mammary gland involution, the lack of suckling induces local factors that cause extensive epithelial cell death. It has been shown that Stat3 is the main factor in signaling the initiation of apoptosis, but the mechanism of its activation remains unclear. Herein, we show that LIF expression in the gland is induced by milk stasis and not by the decrease of circulating lactogenic hormones after weaning. Implantation of LIF containing pellets in lactating glands results in a significant increase in epithelium apoptosis. In addition, this treatment also induces Stat3 phosphorylation. We conclude that LIF regulated expression in the mouse mammary gland may play a relevant role during the first stage of mammary gland involution. Our results also show that LIF-induced mammary epithelium apoptosis could be mediated, at least partially, by Stat3 activation.  相似文献   

The mammary gland is a developmentally dynamic, hormone-responsive organ that undergoes proliferation and differentiation within the secretory epithelial compartment during pregnancy. The epithelia are maintained by pro-survival signals (e.g., Stat5, Akt1) during lactation, but undergo apoptosis during involution through inactivation of cell survival pathways and upregulation of pro-apoptotic proteins. To assess if the survival signals in the functionally differentiated mammary epithelial cells can override a pro-apoptotic signal, we generated transgenic mice that express Bax under the whey acidic protein (WAP) promoter. WAP-Bax females exhibited a lactation defect and were unable to nourish their offspring. Mammary glands demonstrated: (1) a reduction in epithelial content, (2) hallmark signs of mitochondria-mediated cell death, (3) an increase in apoptotic cells by TUNEL assay, and (4) precocious Stat3 activation. This suggests that upregulation of a single pro-apoptotic factor of the Bcl-2 family is sufficient to initiate apoptosis of functionally differentiated mammary epithelial cells in vivo.  相似文献   

In embryogenesis, p63 is essential to develop mammary glands. In the adult mammary gland, p63 is highly expressed in the basal cell layer that comprises myoepithelial and interspersed stem/progenitor cells, and has limited expression in luminal epithelial cells. In adult skin, p63 has a crucial role in the maintenance of epithelial stem cells. However, it is unclear whether p63 also has an equivalent role as a stem/progenitor cell factor in adult mammary epithelium. We show that p63 is essential in vivo for the survival and maintenance of parity-identified mammary epithelial cells (PI-MECs), a pregnancy-induced heterogeneous population that survives post-lactational involution and contain multipotent progenitors that give rise to alveoli and ducts in subsequent pregnancies. p63+/− glands are normal in virgin, pregnant and lactating states. Importantly, however, during the apoptotic phase of post-lactational involution p63+/− glands show a threefold increase in epithelial cell death, concomitant with increased activation of the oncostatin M/Stat3 and p53 pro-apoptotic pathways, which are responsible for this phase. Thus, p63 is a physiologic antagonist of these pathways specifically in this regressive stage. After the restructuring phase when involution is complete, mammary glands of p63+/− mice again exhibit normal epithelial architecture by conventional histology. However, using RosaLSL-LacZ;WAP-Cre transgenics (LSL-LacZ, lox-stop-lox β-galactosidase), a genetic in vivo labeling system for PI-MECs, we find that p63+/− glands have a 30% reduction in the number of PI-MEC progenitors and their derivatives. Importantly, PI-MECs are also cellular targets of pregnancy-promoted ErbB2 tumorigenesis. Consistent with their PI-MEC pool reduction, one-time pregnant p63+/− ErbB2 mice are partially protected from breast tumorigenesis, exhibiting extended tumor-free and overall survival, and reduced tumor multiplicity compared with their p63+/+ ErbB2 littermates. Conversely, in virgin ErbB2 mice p63 heterozygosity provides no survival advantage. In sum, our data establish that p63 is an important survival factor for pregnancy-identified PI-MEC progenitors in breast tissue in vivo.  相似文献   

Receptor-mediated cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions are critical regulators of cell survival, and perturbing these signaling pathways can disrupt cellular differentiation and function in a variety of tissues, including the mammary gland. One such receptor is the cell surface-associated, long isoform of beta1,4-galactosyltransferase I (GalT I). Deletion of long GalT I leads to increased mammary ductal branching morphogenesis [Dev. Biol., 244 (2002) 114]. Here, we show that this expansion in the mammary epithelial (ME) cell compartment is accomplished through decreased apoptosis during pregnancy and involution. Decreased apoptosis during involution is concomitant with delayed alveolar collapse, persistent expression of the milk protein gene alpha-lactalbumin and delayed expression of genes associated with the tissue-remodeling phase of involution. Using 3-dimensional in vitro cultures, we show that the decrease in apoptosis is dependent on laminin 1, a ligand for surface GalT I, suggesting that surface GalT I negatively influences ECM-dependent cell survival, a novel function for an ECM receptor. In the best-studied examples, ECM promotes survival through integrin receptor-mediated activation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Aggregation of surface GalT I also activates FAK, therefore, we asked if FAK activation was altered in ME from long GalT I null mice. Activated FAK was appropriately localized to focal adhesions in long GalT I null ME. However, FAK activation was constitutively reduced 4.5-fold in long GalT I nulls relative to wild type. Expression of the integrin beta1 subunit was not affected by loss of long GalT I. Collectively, these results suggest that surface GalT I might negatively regulate ME cell survival by linking integrin-independent FAK activation to apoptotic rather than survival signaling events.  相似文献   

Sixty percent of calcium in milk is transported across the mammary cells apical membrane by the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase 2 (PMCA2). The effect of abrupt cessation of milk production on the Ca2+-ATPases and mammary calcium transport is unknown. We found that 24 h after stopping milk production, PMCA2 and secretory pathway Ca2+-ATPases 1 and 2 (SPCA1 and 2) expression decreased 80-95%. PMCA4 and Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2 (SERCA2) expression increased with the loss of PMCA2, SPCA1, and SPCA2 but did not increase until 72-96 h of involution. The rapid loss of these Ca2+-ATPases occurs at a time of high mammary tissue calcium. These results suggest that the abrupt loss of Ca2+-ATPases, required by the mammary gland to regulate the large amount of calcium associated with milk production, could lead to accumulation of cell calcium, mitochondria Ca2+ overload, calcium mediated cell death and thus play a part in early signaling of mammary involution.  相似文献   

Cadherin cell-cell adhesion proteins are critical for the formation of tissues from single cells. E-and P-cadherin play important roles in the architecture and function of the normal mammary gland. In breast cancers, the expression, or lack thereof, of E-cadherin can differentiate tumor types, whereas the misexpression of either P-cadherin or N-cadherin can be a marker of poor prognosis or increased malignancy, respectively. Additional research is needed to more precisely define the roles of both classical and desmosomal cadherins and their downstream signaling events, in the development and malignant behavior of breast cancers.  相似文献   

An understanding of the mechanisms regulating milk yield in sows is crucial for producers to make the best management decisions during lactation. Suckling of mammary glands by piglets is one factor that is essential for development of these glands during lactation and for the maintenance of lactation in sows. The process of mammary development is not static as the majority of it takes place in the last third of gestation, continues during lactation, is followed by involution at weaning and starts over again in the next gestation. During involution, the mammary glands undergo a rapid and drastic regression in parenchymal tissue, and this can also occur during lactation if a gland is not suckled regularly. Indeed, the pattern of regression is similar for glands that involute at weaning or during lactation. Suckling during 12 to 14 h postpartum is insufficient to maintain lactation and the process of involution that occurs in early lactation is reversible within 1 day of farrowing but is irreversible if a gland is not used for 3 days. However, milk yield from a gland which is ‘rescued’ within the first 24 h remains lower throughout lactation. Suckling does not only affect milk yield in the ongoing lactation, but it also seems to affect that of the next lactation. Indeed, non-suckling of a mammary gland in first-parity sows decreased development and milk yield of that gland in second parity. Nursing behaviour of piglets in early lactation was also affected, where changes were indicative of piglets in second parity being hungrier when suckling glands that were not previously used. It is not known, however, if the same effects would be seen between the second and third lactation. Furthermore, the minimum suckling period required to ensure maximal milk yield from a gland in the next lactation is not known. This review provides an update on our current knowledge of the importance of suckling for mammary development and milk yield in swine.  相似文献   

Summary Human mammary tissue from a female at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy was studied in organ culture in a chemically defined medium. Sampling was carried out at 1, 2 and 3 weeks. Without hormones, there was nearly total lobuloalveolar degeneration inall specimens at all times. Addition of insulin, hydrocortisone and ovine prolactin, in combination at a concentration of 5 μg per ml each, did not affect the extent of degeneration. Raising the concentration of prolactin to 50 μg per ml resulted in greatly improved lobulo-alveolar maintenance inall specimens and continued epithelial cell DNA synthesis for up to 3 weeks in vitro. This work was supported by grant no. CA11536 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   



Somatic gene therapy requires safe and efficient techniques for the gene transfer procedure. The ovine mammary gland is described as a model system for the evaluation of somatic gene transfer methods.


Different gene delivery formulations were retrogradely injected into the mammary gland of lactating sheep. The efficiency of the gene transfer was subsequently measured by the detection of the secreted transgene products in the milk. To counteract the milk flow in the lactating gland caused by the permanent milk production, a newly developed pretreatment of the mammary gland with hyperosmotic solutions was applied. In addition, in vivo electroporation of DNA into the mammary gland is described.


Gene transfer using naked DNA or simple complexes of DNA with polycations did not result in traceable amounts of reporter gene products. However, utilizing the complex cationic lipid DOSPER, a peak expression of about 400 ng/ml was observed 6 days after transfection. Maximum expression rates of more than 1 µg/ml were obtained by combining hyperosmotic pretreatment and receptor‐mediated gene transfer. For the in vivo electroporation, the proof of principle for this technique in the mammary gland is reported.


The ovine mammary gland turned out to be a very well suited as a model system for evaluation and optimization of various gene transfer protocols. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Cadherins comprise a family of cell-cell adhesion proteins critical to the architecture and function of tissues. Expression of family members E-, N-, and P-cadherin is regulated in a spatial and temporal fashion in the developing and adult organism. Using in vivo and in vitro experimental systems, perturbation of cadherin expression by genetic deletion, overexpression, mutant dominant-negative constructs, and, to a lesser degree, expression of an inappropriate cadherin have all been shown to alter embryogenesis, tissue architecture, and cell behavior. Here we studied how expression of an inappropriate cadherin affects the adult mouse mammary gland. Human P-cadherin was expressed in mammary epithelial cells under control of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) promoter, and the effect on mammary gland behavior was studied. Typically, E-cadherin is expressed by mammary epithelial cells, whereas P-cadherin is found in myoepithelial cells and cap cells of the ductal terminal end bud. However, breast cancers frequently express P-cadherin, even though they are thought to arise from epithelial cells, and it is a marker of poor prognosis. We developed two independent transgenic mouse lines that exhibited high levels of P-cadherin protein expression in the mammary epithelium. P-cadherin was detected in most, but not all, luminal epithelial cells, and was appropriately localized to cell-cell borders. It was detected in the mammary glands of virgin, pregnant, lactating, post-lactation, and aged parous female mice. Despite the robust and widespread expression of an inappropriate cadherin, no effect was observed on mammary gland morphogenesis, architecture, lactation, or involution in transgenic mice compared to wild-type mice. No mammary tumors formed spontaneously in either wild-type or transgenic mice. Moreover, mammary tumors induced by the neu oncogene, which was introduced by a breeding strategy, showed no differences between mice with or without hP-cadherin. Surprisingly, however, none of the tumors expressed hP-cadherin protein. Together, our studies show no apparent effect on adult mammary gland or tumor behavior by inappropriate expression of P-cadherin in normal mammary epithelial cells.  相似文献   

To investigate the regulation of estrogen, progesterone and prolactin stimulating the development of mammary gland, the Kunming mice were used as experimental animals in this study. Through the experiment in vitro, the effect of mammogenic hormones were systematically investigated on expression of FGF7 and FGF10 and their receptor in different periods. The results are as follows: in mammary glands of mice, 17 beta-estradiol increased the expression of FGF7; progesterone did not affect the expression of FGF7; prolactin up-regulated the expression of FGF7 significantly in pregnancy and lactation. 17 beta-estradiol increased the expression of FGF10; progesterone and prolactin reduced the expression of FGF10 significantly in virgin; prolactin significantly increased the expression of FGF10 in pregnancy. When 17 beta-estradiol in the body was in relatively high proportion, it would lower the expression of KGFR; while 17 beta-estradiol in the body was in relatively low proportion, it would increase the expression of KGFR. Low concentration of progesterone increased the expression of KGFR and high progesterone did not affect the expression of KGFR. Prolactin increased the expression of KGFR significantly in pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

To investigate the regulation of estrogen, progesterone and prolactin stimulating the development of mammary gland, the Kunming mice were used as experimental animals in this study.Through the ex-periment in vitro, the effect of mammogenic hormones were systematically investigated on expression of FGF7 and FGF10 and their receptor in different periods.The results are as follows:in mammary glands of mice, 17 beta-estradiol increased the expression of FGF7;progesterone did not affect the expression of FGF7;prolactin up-regulated the expression of FGF7 significantly in pregnancy and lac-tation.17 beta-estradiol increased the expression of FGF10;progesterone and prolactin reduced the expression of FGF10 significantly in virgin;prolactin significantly increased the expression of FGF10 in pregnancy.When 17 beta-estradiol in the body was in relatively high proportion, it would lower the ex-pression of KGFR;while 17 beta-estradiol in the body was in relatively low proportion, it would increase the expression of KGFR.Low concentration of progesterone increased the expression of KGFR and high progesterone did not affect the expression of KGFR.Prolactin increased the expression of KGFR significantly in pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

Mammary glands undergo functional and metabolic changes during virgin, lactation and dry periods. A total of 122 genes were identified as differentially expressed, including 79 up-regulated and 43 down-regulated genes during lactation compared with virgin and dry periods. Gene ontology analysis showed the functional classification of the up-regulated genes in lactation, including transport, biosynthetic process, signal transduction, catalytic activity, immune system process, cell death, and positive regulation of the developmental process. Microarray data clarified molecular events in bovine mammary gland lactation.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies to mouse - and /-caseins were raised in rabbits. These antibodies display tissue- and species specificity as shown by immunoblotting. Immunohistochemical analyses demonstrate that both - and /-caseins were synthesized and secreted from virtually all lactating mammary epithelial cells, in a pattern very similar to that of the mouse -lactalbumin. Residual amounts of caseins were located also in the apical surface of epithelial cells surrounding the ducal lumen of virgin mammary gland sections. In contrast to the significant level of -casein in the milk, the amount of this protein compared to - or -caseins was extremely low in medium conditioned for 24 h by mammary explants of mid-pregnant mice immediately after explantation or after 4 days.  相似文献   

新生儿生长发育所需的微量元素主要从母乳中获得,微量元素参与了机体的许多生命活动,如酶的活性、细胞增殖及分化等。乳腺上皮细胞含有多种微量元素转运体系,如锌离子转运体系(Zip/ZnT)、铁离子转运体系(DMTl/FPN)和铜离子转运体系(Ctrl/ATP7)。在分泌乳汁的同时,这些转运蛋白对锌、铁、铜等微量元素的吸收、转运和分泌起着重要的作用。同时这些微量元素的转运及代谢受到多种因素的调控,使母乳中微量元素含量达到动态稳定,以满足新生儿生长发育各阶段对微量元素的需求。对近年来锌、铁、铜三种微量元素在乳腺上皮细胞内转运机制的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

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