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We examined how well single neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC) of an FM bat (Myotis lucifugus) processed simple tone bursts of different duration and sinusoidal amplitude-modulated (SAM) signals that approximated passively heard natural sounds. Units' responses to SAM tones, measured in terms of average spike count and firing synchrony to the modulation envelope, were plotted as a function of the modulation frequency to construct their modulation transfer functions. These functions were classified according to their shape (e.g., band-, low-, high-, and all-pass). IC neurons having different temporal firing patterns to simple tone bursts (tonic, chopper, onset-late, and onset-immediate) exhibited different selectivities for SAM signals. All tonic and 83% of chopper neurons responded robustly to SAM signals and displayed a variety of spike count-based response functions. These neurons showed a decreased level of time-locking as the modulation frequency was increased, and thereby gave low-pass synchronization-based response functions. In contrast, 64% of onset-immediate, 37% of onset-late and 17% of chopper units failed to respond to SAM signals at any modulation frequency tested (5–800 Hz). Those onset neurons that did respond to SAM showed poor time-locking (i.e., non-significant levels of synchronization). We obtained evidence that the poor SAM response of some onset and chopper neurons was due to a preference for short-duration signals. These data suggest that tonic and most chopper neurons are better-suited for the processing of long-duration SAM signals related to passive hearing, whereas onset neurons are better-suited for the processing of short, pulsatile signals such as those used in echolocation.Abbreviations C chopper - FM frequency-modulated - IC inferior colliculus - MTF modulation transfer function - O1 onset-immediate - OL onset-late - PAM pulsatile amplitude-modulation - PSTH peri-stimulus time histogram - SAM sinusoidal amplitude-modulation - SC synchronization coefficient - T tonic  相似文献   

Summary Single neuron responses to sinusoidally amplitude modulated (SAM) signals were studied in the inferior colliculus of the horseshoe bat,Rhinolophus rouxi.57% of the neurons responded to SAM stimuli with periodical discharges synchronized to the modulation cycle. The proportion of cells driven by amplitude modulated signals was independent of the best frequency of the neurons. Best modulation frequencies were at or below 100 Hz in about 70% of the neurons. Synchronized activity could be elicited by modulation frequencies up to 400 Hz.Best SAM responses were observed at stimulus intensities 10 dB above threshold. Generally the BMF of a neuron did not change with intensity. The BMF decreased with decreasing modulation depth of the amplitude modulation.A trend for a topographical organization of neurons according to best modulation frequencies was detected. The results did not reveal any significant specialization of the bat's auditory system for coding of amplitude modulations as compared to other mammals.Abbreviations BF best frequency - BMF best modulation frequency - CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulation - IC inferior colliculus - SAM sinusoidal amplitude modulation - SFM sinusoidal frequency modulation  相似文献   

Summary This report describes the ontogenesis of tonotopy in the inferior colliculus (IC) of the rufous horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus rouxi). Horseshoe bats are deaf at birth, but consistent tonotopy with a low-to-high frequency gradient from dorsolateral to ventromedial develops from the 2nd up to the 5th week. The representation of the auditory fovea is established in ventro-mediocaudal parts of the IC during the 3rd postnatal week (Fig. 3). Then, a narrow frequency band 5 kHz in width, comprising 16% of the bat's auditory range, captures 50–60 vol% of the IC (Fig. 3c). However, foveal tuning is 10–12 kHz (1/3 octave) lower than in adults; foveal tuning in females (65–68 kHz) is 2–3 kHz higher than in males (62–65 kHz). Thereafter, foveal tuning increases by 1–1.5 kHz per day up to the 5th postnatal week, when the adult hearing range is established (Figs. 4, 5). The increase of sensitivity and of tuning sharpness of single units also follows a low-to-high frequency gradient (Fig. 6).Throughout this development the foveal tuning matches the second harmonic of the echolocation pulses vocalised by these young bats. The results confirm the hypothesis of developmental shifts in the frequency-place code for the foveal high frequency representation in the IC.Abbreviations BF best frequency - CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulation - IC inferior colliculus - IHC inner hair cell; - OHC outer hair cell - RR Rhinolophus rouxi  相似文献   

In the rufous horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi, responses to pure tones and sinusoidally frequency modulated (SFM) signals were recorded from 289 single units and 241 multiunit clusters located in the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus (NLL). The distribution of best frequencies (BFs) of units in all three nuclei of the lateral lemniscus showed an overrepresentation in the range corresponding to the constant-frequency (CF) part of the echolocation signal ('filter frequency' range): in the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (VNLL) 'filter neurons' represented 43% of all units encountered, in the intermediate nucleus (INLL) 33%, and in dorsal nucleus (DNLL) 29% (Fig. 2a). Neurons with best frequencies in the filter frequency range had highest Q10dB-values (maxima up to 400, Fig. 2c) and only in low-frequency units were values comparable to those found in other mammals. On the average, filter neurons in ventral nucleus had higher Q10dB-values (about 220) than did those in intermediate and dorsal nucleus (both about 160, Fig 2d). Response patterns and tuning properties showed higher complexity in the dorsal and intermediate nucleus than in the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (Figs. 4 and 6). Multiple best frequencies were found in 12 neurons, nine of them with harmonically related excitation maxima (Fig. 5c, d). Best frequencies of six of these harmonically tuned units could not be correlated with any harmonic components of the echolocation signal. Half of all multiple tuned neurons were located in the caudal dorsal nucleus the other half in the caudal intermediate nucleus. Synchronization of responses to sinusoidally frequency modulated (SFM) signals occurred in VNLL-units in the average up to modulation frequencies of 515 Hz (maximum about 800 Hz) whereas in the intermediate and dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus responses were synchronized in the average only up to modulation frequencies of about 300 Hz (maximum about 600 Hz) (Figs. 7 and 8). A tonotopic arrangement of units was found in the intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus with units having high best frequencies located medially and those with low best frequencies laterally. In the dorsal nucleus the tonotopic distribution was found to be fairly similar to that in the intermediate nucleus but much less pronounced. In more rostral parts of the dorsal nucleus additionally higher best frequencies predominated whereas in caudal areas of that nucleus and also of the intermediate nucleus low BFs were found more regularly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The flying horseshoe bat Rhinolophus rouxi compensates for Doppler shifts in echoes of their orientation pulses. By lowering the frequency of subsequent calls the echo's constant frequency is stabilized at the so-called reference frequency centered in a narrow and sensitive cochlear filter. This audio-vocal behaviour is known as Doppler shift compensation. To investigate whether the bats depend on binaural cues when compensating, three animals were tested for compensation on a swing before and after unilateral deafening. In each case compensation was severely impaired by unilateral deafening. Individual animals' compensation amplitude was reduced to 28–48% of the preoperational compensation of a +1.8 kHz shift. Doppler shift compensation performance did not recover to control levels during the observed period of 24 h after surgery. In contrast, unilateral middle ear removal which induces a unilateral auditory threshold increase of 9–14 dB does not impair compensation performance on the swing. To mimick Doppler shifts in a fixed setup, the frequencies of recorded echolocation calls were experimentally shifted between 0 and +2 kHz and played back via earphones to six animals. The bats completely compensated the experimental shifts only as long as the interaural intensity difference of the playback did not exceed 20 dB. No animal compensated with monaural playback. Accepted: 27 August 1999  相似文献   

Neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC) of the awake big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus, were examined for joint frequency and latency response properties which could register the timing of the bat's frequency-modulated (FM) biosonar echoes. Best frequencies (BFs) range from 10 kHz to 100 kHz with 50% tuning widths mostly from 1 kHz to 8 kHz. Neurons respond with one discharge per 2-ms tone burst or FM stimulus at a characteristic latency in the range of 3–45 ms, with latency variability (SD) of 50 μs to 4–6 ms or more. BF distribution is related to biosonar signal structure. As observed previously, on a linear frequency scale BFs appear biased to lower frequencies, with 20–40 kHz overrepresented. However, on a hyperbolic frequency (linear period) scale BFs appear more uniformly distributed, with little overrepresentation. The cumulative proportion of BFs in FM1 and FM2 bands reconstructs a scaled version of the spectrogram of FM broadcasts. Correcting FM latencies for absolute BF latencies and BF time-in-sweep reveals a subset of IC cells which respond dynamically to the timing of their BFs in FM sweeps. Behaviorally, Eptesicus perceives echo delay and phase with microsecond or even submicrosecond accuracy and resolution, but even with use of phase-locked FM and tone-burst stimuli the cell-by-cell precision of IC time-frequency registration seems inadequate by itself to account for the temporal acuity exhibited by the bat. Accepted: 21 June 1997  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase was applied by inotophoretic injections to physiologically identified regions of the laryngeal motor nucleus, the nucleus ambiguus in the CF/FM bat Rhinolophus rouxi. The connections of the nucleus ambiguus were analysed with regards to their possible functional significance in the vocal control system, in the respiration control system, and in mediating information from the central auditory system. The nucleus ambiguus is reciprocally interconnected with nuclei involved in the generation of the vocal motor pattern, i.e., the homonomous contralateral nucleus and the area of the lateral reticular formation. Similarly, reciprocal connections are found with the nuclei controlling the rhythm of respiration, i.e., medial parts of the medulla oblongata and the parabrachial nuclei. Afferents to the nucleus ambiguus derive from nuclei of the 'descending vocalization system' (periaqueductal gray and cuneiform nuclei) and from motor control centers (red nucleus and frontal cortex). Afferents to the nucleus ambiguus, possibly mediating auditory influence to the motor control of vocalization, come from the superior colliculus and from the pontine nuclei. The efferents from the pontine nuclei are restricted to rostral parts of the nucleus ambiguus, which hosts the motoneurons of the cricothyroid muscle controlling the call frequency.  相似文献   

Summary The pallid bat (Antrozous p. pallidus) uses passive sound localization to capture terrestrial prey. This study of captive pallid bats examined the roles of echolocation and passive sound localization in prey capture, and focused on their spectral requirements for accurate passive sound localization.Crickets were used as prey throughout these studies. All tests were conducted in dim, red light in an effort to preclude the use of vision. Hunting performance did not differ significantly in red light and total darkness, nor did it differ when visual contrast between the terrestrial prey and the substrate was varied, demonstrating that the bats did not use vision to locate prey.Our bats apparently used echolocation for general orientation, but not to locate prey. They did not increase their pulse emission rate prior to prey capture, suggesting that they were not actively scanning prey. Instead, they required prey-generated sounds for localization. The bats attended to the sound of walking crickets for localization, and also attacked small, inanimate objects dragged across the floor. Stationary and/or anesthetized crickets were ignored, as were crickets walking on substrates that greatly attenuated walking sounds. Cricket communication sounds were not used in prey localization; the bats never captured stationary, calling crickets.The accuracy of their passive sound localization was tested with an open-loop passive sound localization task that required them to land upon an anesthetized cricket tossed on the floor. The impact of a cricket produced a single 10–20 ms duration sound, yet with this information, the bats were able to land within 7.6 cm of the cricket from a maximum distance of 4.9 m. This performance suggests a sound localization accuracy of approximately ±1° in the horizontal and vertical dimensions of auditory space. The lower frequency limit for accurate sound localization was between 3–8 kHz. A physiological survey of frequency representation in the pallid bat inferior colliculus suggests that this lower frequency limit is around 5 kHz.  相似文献   

Under free-field stimulation conditions, corticofugal regulation of auditory sensitivity of neurons in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus, was studied by blocking activities of auditory cortical neurons with Lidocaine or by electrical stimulation in auditory cortical neuron recording sites. The corticocollicular pathway regulated the number of impulses, the auditory spatial response areas and the frequency-tuning curves of inferior colliculus neurons through facilitation or inhibition. Corticofugal regulation was most effective at low sound intensity and was dependent upon the time interval between acoustic and electrical stimuli. At optimal interstimulus intervals, inferior colliculus neurons had the smallest number of impulses and the longest response latency during corticofugal inhibition. The opposite effects were observed during corticofugal facilitation. Corticofugal inhibitory latency was longer than corticofugal facilitatory latency. Iontophoretic application of γ-aminobutyric acid and bicuculline to inferior colliculus recording sites produced effects similar to what were observed during corticofugal inhibition and facilitation. We suggest that corticofugal regulation of central auditory sensitivity can provide an animal with a mechanism to regulate acoustic signal processing in the ascending auditory pathway. Accepted: 15 July 1998  相似文献   

The vocal motor control of the larynx was studied with single unit recordings from the efferent motor nucleus (nucleus ambiguus) in the CF-FM-bat Rhinolophus rouxi, spontaneously emitting echolocation sounds. The experiments were performed in a stereotaxic apparatus that allowed differentiation of activities in the recorded nucleus depending on the electrode position (Fig. 1). Echolocation calls and respiration activity were monitored simultaneously, thus it was possible to compare the time course of the motor control activity during respiration with and without concurrent vocalization. Unit discharges were classified as laryngeal motoneuron activity according to their correlation with the time course (onset and end) of echolocation calls and their discharge rate as: Pre-off-tonic, pre-off-phasic, off-pauser, off-tonic, on-chopper, on-tonic, prior-tonic and inhibitory (Fig. 4). The on-chopper and on-tonic discharge patterns were assigned to the motor activity of the lateral cricoarytenoid muscle and the off-pauser and off-tonic discharge patterns to the motor activity of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle controlling the time course of vocal pulses. Motoneuron activities recorded under the condition of systematically shifted frequencies in the emitted echolocation calls were investigated in Doppler-shift compensating bats responding to electronically simulated echoes. Of all neurons classified as motor control, only units of the pre-off-tonic discharge type (cricothyroid muscle) changed their activity with frequency shifts in the vocalized pulses; they showed a positive linear correlation with the emitted sound frequency (Fig. 6). In addition, single unit activities in strict synchronization to vocalization were recorded, that by their low discharge rate were not valid as motor control, and were considered to represent activities of interneurons or internuclear neurons connecting the nucleus ambiguus with other vocalization- and respiration-centers (Fig. 3c). Electric lesions in the brain stem and iontophoretically applied horseradish peroxidase (HRP) served as references for localization and morphological identification of the recording sites in cell stained brain slices.  相似文献   

Numerous brain regions encode variables using spatial distribution of activity in neuronal maps. Their specific geometry is usually explained by sensory considerations only. We provide here, for the first time, a theory involving the motor function of the superior colliculus to explain the geometry of its maps. We use six hypotheses in accordance with neurobiology to show that linear and logarithmic mappings are the only ones compatible with the generation of saccadic motor command. This mathematical proof gives a global coherence to the neurobiological studies on which it is based. Moreover, a new solution to the problem of saccades involving both colliculi is proposed. Comparative simulations show that it is more precise than the classical one.  相似文献   

Whereas echolocation in horseshoe bats is well studied, virtually nothing is known about characteristics and function of their communication calls. Therefore, the communication calls produced by a group of captive adult greater horseshoe bats were recorded during various social interactions in a free-flight facility. Analysis revealed that this species exhibited an amazingly rich repertoire of vocalizations varying in numerous spectro-temporal aspects. Calls were classified into 17 syllable types (ten simple syllables and seven composites). Syllables were combined into six types of simple phrases and four combination phrases. The majority of syllables had durations of more than 100 ms with multiple harmonics and fundamental frequencies usually above 20 kHz, although some of them were also audible to humans. Preliminary behavioral observations indicated that many calls were emitted during direct interaction with and in response to social calls from conspecifics without requiring physical contact. Some echolocation-like vocalizations also appeared to clearly serve a communication role. These results not only shed light upon a so far widely neglected aspect of horseshoe bat vocalizations, but also provide the basis for future studies on the neural control of the production of communicative vocalizations in contrast to the production of echolocation pulse sequences.  相似文献   

An ultransensitive triple-column ion-exchange/fluorometric method was utilized to measure the levels of over 30 amino acids and related primary amino compounds in Long-Evans rat superior colliculus (SC), visual cortex (VC) and inferior colliculus (IC). Comparison of levels of amino compounds revealed distinctly different profiles for each region. Major constituents were the neurotransmitters and related compounds glutamate, glutamine, GABA, taurine, aspartate and glycine. Glutathione levels were also relatively high in all three regions. SC exhibited a significantly higher level of GABA and -alanine compared to both VC and IC. VC had significantly higher levels of glutamate and taurine. VC exhibited the lowest level of glycine and IC the highest. A time-course experiment using SC documented that levels of eleven of thirty-four compounds, including GABA, were subject to significant postmortem alteration in vitro. SC GABA stability experiments indicated that significant in vitro increases of free GABA levels between 1 and 4 min postmortem were associated with equimolar decreases of conjugated GABA levels.  相似文献   

Summary Systemic administration of monosodium-1-gluta-mate by single injections of 4 mg/g body weight in infant rats (2–10 days of age) results in acute swelling of cytoplasm and nuclear pyknosis of neurons in the stratum zonale and stratum griseum superficiale of the superior colliculus. Multiple daily doses of 4 mg/g body weight monosodium-1-glutamate result in an almost complete loss of neurons in these two superficial layers. The deeper layers appear not to be affected. No pathological effects were observed in the lateral geniculate body or pretectal complex.Light-and electron-microscopic studies reveal that the optic nerves are remarkably shrunken and many myelinated as well as unmyelinated axons are lost. Injection of 3Hproline into the vitreous body of one eye results in limited transport to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, lateral geniculate body and to lateral portions of the superior colliculus.The small percentage of intact axons in the optic nerve, as well as the limited proline transport from the eye, suggest that administration of monosodium-1-glutamate leaves intact some optic fibers, a portion of which belongs to the retinohypothalamic tract.  相似文献   

1. The development of vocalization and hearing was studied in Sri Lankan horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus rouxi) during the first postnatal month. The young bats were caught in a nursing colony of rhinolophids in which birth took place within a two week period. 2. The new-born bats emitted isolation calls through the mouth. At the beginning these calls consisted of pure tones with frequencies below 10 kHz (Fig. 1). During the first postnatal week the call frequency increased to about 15 kHz, and the fundamental was augmented by two to four harmonics. No evoked potentials to pure tone stimuli could be elicited in the inferior colliculus of this age group, i.e., auditory processing at the midbrain level was not demonstrable. 3. Evoked potentials were first recorded in the second week, broadly tuned to 15-45 kHz, with a maximum sensitivity between 15-25 kHz. In the course of the second week, however, higher frequencies up to 60 kHz became progressively incorporated into the audiogram (Fig. 3). The fundamental frequency of the multiharmonic isolation calls, emitted strictly through the mouth, increased to about 20 kHz. 4. In the bats' third postnatal week an increased hearing sensitivity (auditory filter) emerged, sharply tuned at frequencies between 57 and 60 kHz (Fig. 4e). The same individuals were also the first to emit long constant frequency echolocation calls through the nostrils (Fig. 4c). The energy of the calls was arranged in harmonic frequency bands with the second harmonic exactly tuned to the auditory filter. These young bats continued to emit isolation calls through the mouth, which were, however, not harmonically related to the echolocation calls (Fig. 4b, d). 5. During the fourth week, both the auditory filter and the matched echolocation pulses (the second harmonic) shifted towards higher frequencies (Fig. 5). During the fifth week the fundamental frequency of the calls was progressively attenuated, and both the second harmonic of the pulses and the auditory filter reached the frequency range typical for adult bats of 73-78 kHz (Fig. 6). 6. The development of audition and vocalization is discussed with regard to possible interactions of both subsystems, and their incorporation into the active orientation system of echolocation.  相似文献   

Summary The directionality of sound emission by a horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) has been determined for the constant frequency component of its orientation sounds. The bat was fixed in the center of an acoustic perimeter and the SPL of the orientation sounds measured with a scanning microphone at different angles compared with the SPL measured by another microphone located in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the horseshoe-like structure of the nose-leaf. The maximum SPL was always found in this direction which also corresponds to the flight direction of a bat in horizontal flight. Above and lateral to this direction the SPL decreases steadily with -6 dB-points at 24 above and 23 lateral. Below the flight direction we found a prominent side lobe with a -6 dB-point at 64 .When the present data are combined with measurements of the behavioral directionality of hearing at the same frequency (Grinnell and Schnitzler, 1977), the directionality diagram of the entire echolocation system is very narrow and points in the flight direction. The prominent downward side lobe of emission does not conspicuously increase echolocation effectiveness in the direction of the ground, since hearing sensitivity is falling off so steeply in that direction. However, without this downward beam of emission, signals from below the bat would be that much less effective.Interference with the structure of the nose-leaf by covering the upper part with vaseline or plugging the left nostril destroyed the smoothness of the normal sound field and demonstrated that this complex organ is a highly functional structure optimized in the course of evolution.With differences in mood or attention, the emitted pulses varied by as much as 20 dB (80–100 dB). The emission directionality pattern also varied. In most cases, as orientation sounds increased in SPL, the acoustic beam became smaller.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, grant No. Schn 138/1-6, Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, grant No. 111 858, and the Alexander von Humboldt StiftungWe thank W. Hollerbach and C. Nitsche for technical assistance.  相似文献   

幼小蝙蝠下丘神经元的听反应特性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
孙心德 《兽类学报》1993,13(2):98-103
实验在出生6—8天的8只幼龄鲁氏菊头蝠(Rhinolophus rouxi)上进行。使用玻璃微电极记录中脑下丘听神经元对超声信号的反应。共观察了162个听单位,它们对超声反应的最佳频率分布范围为25.8—60.9千赫,多数集中在43.0—47.0千赫。反应的潜伏期在6.0—38.0毫秒,平均为15.4±5.2毫秒。反应的最低阈值在25—84dB,平均为69.8±10.3dB.这些神经元对超声刺激的调谐曲线都较宽阔,故Q10-dB值都较小。当微电极由下丘表面垂直下插时,所记录到的神经元的最佳频率与记录深度之间不存在相关关系,即没有音调筑构现象。听神经元的这些特性与同种成年动物构成显著差异。  相似文献   

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