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A novel DNA helicase has been isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This DNA helicase co-purified with replication factor C (RF-C) during chromatography on S-Sepharose, DEAE-silica gel high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Affi-Gel Blue-agarose, heparin-agarose, single-stranded DNA-cellulose, fast protein liquid chromatography MonoS, and hydroxyapatite HPLC. Surprisingly, the helicase could be separated from RF-C by sedimentation on a glycerol gradient in the presence of 200 mM NaCl. The helicase is probably a homodimer of a 60-kDa polypeptide, which by UV cross-linking has been shown to bind ATP. It has a single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity, with a Km for ATP of 60 microM. The DNA helicase activity depends on the hydrolysis of NTP (dNTP), with ATP and dATP the most efficient cofactors, followed by CTP and dCTP. The DNA helicase has a 5' to 3' directionality and is only marginally stimulated by coating the single-stranded DNA with the yeast single-stranded DNA-binding protein RF-A.  相似文献   

A number of proteins have been isolated from human cells on the basis of their ability to support DNA replication in vitro of the simian virus 40 (SV40) origin of DNA replication. One such protein, replication factor C (RFC), functions with the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), replication protein A (RPA), and DNA polymerase delta to synthesize the leading strand at a replication fork. To determine whether these proteins perform similar roles during replication of DNA from origins in cellular chromosomes, we have begun to characterize functionally homologous proteins from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RFC from S. cerevisiae was purified by its ability to stimulate yeast DNA polymerase delta on a primed single-stranded DNA template in the presence of yeast PCNA and RPA. Like its human-cell counterpart, RFC from S. cerevisiae (scRFC) has an associated DNA-activated ATPase activity as well as a primer-template, structure-specific DNA binding activity. By analogy with the phage T4 and SV40 DNA replication in vitro systems, the yeast RFC, PCNA, RPA, and DNA polymerase delta activities function together as a leading-strand DNA replication complex. Now that RFC from S. cerevisiae has been purified, all seven cellular factors previously shown to be required for SV40 DNA replication in vitro have been identified in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Replication factor C (RFC) is an AAA+ heteropentamer that couples the energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis to the loading of the DNA polymerase processivity clamp, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), onto DNA. RFC consists of five subunits in a spiral arrangement (RFC-A, -B, -C, -D, and -E, corresponding to subunits RFC1, RFC4, RFC3, RFC2, and RFC5, respectively). The RFC subunits are AAA+ family proteins and the complex contains four ATP sites (sites A, B, C, and D) located at subunit interfaces. In each ATP site, an arginine residue from one subunit is located near the gamma-phosphate of ATP bound in the adjacent subunit. These arginines act as "arginine fingers" that can potentially perform two functions: sensing that ATP is bound and catalyzing ATP hydrolysis. In this study, the arginine fingers in RFC were mutated to examine the steps in the PCNA loading mechanism that occur after RFC binds ATP. This report finds that the ATP sites of RFC function in distinct steps during loading of PCNA onto DNA. ATP binding to RFC powers recruitment and opening of PCNA and activates a gamma-phosphate sensor in ATP site C that promotes DNA association. ATP hydrolysis in site D is uniquely stimulated by PCNA, and we propose that this event is coupled to PCNA closure around DNA, which starts an ordered hydrolysis around the ring. PCNA closure severs contact to RFC subunits D and E (RFC2 and RFC5), and the gamma-phosphate sensor of ATP site C is switched off, resulting in low affinity of RFC for DNA and ejection of RFC from the site of PCNA loading.  相似文献   

Yeast replication factor C (RF-C) is a multipolypeptide complex required for chromosomal DNA replication. Previously this complex was known to consist of at least four subunits. We here report the identification of a fifth RF-C subunit from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, encoded by the RFC5 (YBR0810) gene. This subunit exhibits highest homology to the 38 kDa subunit (38%) of human RF-C (activator 1). Like the other four RFC genes, the RFC5 gene is essential for yeast viability, indicating an essential function for each subunit. RFC5 mRNA is expressed at steady-state levels throughout the mitotic cell cycle. Upon overexpression in Escherichia coli Rfc5p has an apparent molecular mass of 41 kDa. Overproduction of RF-C activity in yeast is dependent on overexpression of the RFC5 gene together with overexpression of the RFC1-4 genes, indicating that the RFC5 gene product forms an integral subunit of this replication factor.  相似文献   

Replication factor C (RFC) is a five-subunit DNA polymerase accessory protein that functions as a structure-specific, DNA-dependent ATPase. The ATPase function of RFC is activated by proliferating cell nuclear antigen. RFC was originally purified from human cells on the basis of its requirement for simian virus 40 DNA replication in vitro. A functionally homologous protein complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, called ScRFC, has been identified. Here we report the cloning, by either peptide sequencing or by sequence similarity to the human cDNAs, of the S. cerevisiae genes RFC1, RFC2, RFC3, RFC4, and RFC5. The amino acid sequences are highly similar to the sequences of the homologous human RFC 140-, 37-, 36-, 40-, and 38-kDa subunits, respectively, and also show amino acid sequence similarity to functionally homologous proteins from Escherichia coli and the phage T4 replication apparatus. All five subunits show conserved regions characteristic of ATP/GTP-binding proteins and also have a significant degree of similarity among each other. We have identified eight segments of conserved amino acid sequences that define a family of related proteins. Despite their high degree of sequence similarity, all five RFC genes are essential for cell proliferation in S. cerevisiae. RFC1 is identical to CDC44, a gene identified as a cell division cycle gene encoding a protein involved in DNA metabolism. CDC44/RFC1 is known to interact genetically with the gene encoding proliferating cell nuclear antigen, confirming previous biochemical evidence of their functional interaction in DNA replication.  相似文献   

Sliding clamps are loaded onto DNA by ATP-dependent clamp loader complexes. A recent crystal structure of a clamp loader-clamp complex suggested an unexpected mechanism for DNA recognition, in which the ATPase subunits of the loader spiral around primed DNA. We report the results of fluorescence-based assays that probe the mechanism of the Escherichia coli clamp loader and show that conserved residues clustered within the inner surface of the modeled clamp loader spiral are critical for DNA recognition, DNA-dependent ATPase activity and clamp release. Duplex DNA with a 5'-overhang single-stranded region (corresponding to correctly primed DNA) stimulates clamp release, as does blunt-ended duplex DNA, whereas duplex DNA with a 3' overhang and single-stranded DNA are ineffective. These results provide evidence for the recognition of DNA within an inner chamber formed by the spiral organization of the ATPase domains of the clamp loader.  相似文献   

The cellular pathways involved in maintaining genome stability halt cell cycle progression in the presence of DNA damage or incomplete replication. Proteins required for this pathway include Rad17, Rad9, Hus1, Rad1, and Rfc-2, Rfc-3, Rfc-4, and Rfc-5. The heteropentamer replication factor C (RFC) loads during DNA replication the homotrimer proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) polymerase clamp onto DNA. Sequence similarities suggest the biochemical functions of an RSR (Rad17–Rfc2–Rfc3–Rfc4–Rfc5) complex and an RHR heterotrimer (Rad1–Hus1–Rad9) may be similar to that of RFC and PCNA, respectively. RSR purified from human cells loads RHR onto DNA in an ATP-, replication protein A-, and DNA structure-dependent manner. Interestingly, RSR and RFC differed in their ATPase activities and displayed distinct DNA substrate specificities. RSR preferred DNA substrates possessing 5′ recessed ends whereas RFC preferred 3′ recessed end DNA substrates. Characterization of the biochemical loading reaction executed by the checkpoint clamp loader RSR suggests new insights into the mechanisms underlying recognition of damage-induced DNA structures and signaling to cell cycle controls. The observation that RSR loads its clamp onto a 5′ recessed end supports a potential role for RHR and RSR in diverse DNA metabolism, such as stalled DNA replication forks, recombination-linked DNA repair, and telomere maintenance, among other processes.  相似文献   

DNA ligase I joins Okazaki fragments during DNA replication and completes certain excision repair pathways. The participation of DNA ligase I in these transactions is directed by physical and functional interactions with proliferating cell nuclear antigen, a DNA sliding clamp, and, replication factor C (RFC), the clamp loader. Here we show that DNA ligase I also interacts with the hRad17 subunit of the hRad17-RFC cell cycle checkpoint clamp loader, and with each of the subunits of its DNA sliding clamp, the heterotrimeric hRad9-hRad1-hHus1 complex. In contrast to the inhibitory effect of RFC, hRad17-RFC stimulates joining by DNA ligase I. Similar results were obtained with the homologous Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins indicating that the interaction between the replicative DNA ligase and checkpoint clamp is conserved in eukaryotes. Notably, we show that hRad17 preferentially interacts with and specifically stimulates dephosphorylated DNA ligase I. Moreover, there is an increased association between DNA ligase I and hRad17 in S phase following DNA damage and replication blockage that occurs concomitantly with DNA damage-induced dephosphorylation of chromatin-associated DNA ligase I. Thus, our results suggest that the in vivo interaction between DNA ligase I and the checkpoint clamp loader is regulated by post-translational modification of DNA ligase I.  相似文献   

DNA复制是最基本的生命活动之一。DNA复制本身的错误及其过程控制的异常是细胞内基因组不稳定的主要来源,会导致细胞生长异常、衰老、癌变乃至死亡。为了保证基因组DNA能够精确且完整的复制,DNA复制受到严格的调控。在G1期,DNA复制解旋酶的核心组分Mcm2-7复合体被招募到复制起点,获得复制许可资格。进入S期后,在两个周期性蛋白激酶及多个支架蛋白的作用下,复制解旋酶的激活因子Cdc45和GINS复合体被招募至Mcm2-7,形成解旋酶全酶Cdc45-Mcm2-7-GINS (CMG)复合体。随后,众多复制相关蛋白在精准的时空控制下被招募至CMG平台并组装成复制机器,起始DNA双向复制。当相向而行的两个复制叉相遇,复制机器会从DNA链上解离下来,从而完成DNA复制。关于DNA复制过程的研究在近十年来取得了跨越式的突破。本文以酿酒酵母为例,围绕所有真核生物中都高度保守的DNA复制控制开关——CMG解旋酶,对真核生物DNA复制的最新进展进行综述。  相似文献   

In response to DNA replication stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the DNA replication checkpoint maintains replication fork stability, prevents precocious chromosome segregation, and causes cells to arrest as large-budded cells. The checkpoint kinases Mec1 and Rad53 act in this checkpoint. Treatment of mec1 or rad53Delta mutants with replication inhibitors results in replication fork collapse and inappropriate partitioning of partially replicated chromosomes, leading to cell death. We describe a previously unappreciated function of various replication stress checkpoint proteins, including Rad53, in the control of cell morphology. Checkpoint mutants have aberrant cell morphology and cell walls, and show defective bud site selection. Rad53 shows genetic interactions with septin ring pathway components, and, along with other checkpoint proteins, controls the timely degradation of Swe1 during replication stress, thereby facilitating proper bud growth. Thus, checkpoint proteins play an important role in coordinating morphogenetic events with DNA replication during replication stress.  相似文献   

The beta subunit of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme was fused to the green fluorescent protein GFP. The gene fusion under the control of the heterologous lac promoter was used to replace the wild-type allele in the chromosome. The formation of GFP-beta fluorescent foci in GFP-beta expressing cells required DNA replication and their number per cell was dependent on cell growth. Examination of GFP-beta foci in a synchronous round of replication suggested that DNA replication was accompanied by the recruitment of GFP-beta foci near the midcell, followed by the rapid migration of the foci in opposite directions to the 1/4 and 3/4 positions during DNA replication.  相似文献   

The recruitment of DNA ligase I to replication foci and the efficient joining of Okazaki fragments is dependent on the interaction between DNA ligase I and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Although the PCNA sliding clamp tethers DNA ligase I to nicked duplex DNA circles, the interaction does not enhance DNA joining. This suggests that other factors may be involved in the joining of Okazaki fragments. In this study, we describe an association between replication factor C (RFC), the clamp loader, and DNA ligase I in human cell extracts. Subsequently, we demonstrate that there is a direct physical interaction between these proteins that involves both the N- and C-terminal domains of DNA ligase I, the N terminus of the large RFC subunit p140, and the p36 and p38 subunits of RFC. Although RFC inhibited DNA joining by DNA ligase I, the addition of PCNA alleviated inhibition by RFC. Notably, the effect of PCNA on ligation was dependent on the PCNA-binding site of DNA ligase I. Together, these results provide a molecular explanation for the key in vivo role of the DNA ligase I/PCNA interaction and suggest that the joining of Okazaki fragments is coordinated by pairwise interactions among RFC, PCNA, and DNA ligase I.  相似文献   

Replication Factor C (RF-C) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a complex that consists of several different polypeptides ranging from 120- to 37 kDa (Yoder and Burgers, 1991; Fien and Stillman, 1992), similar to human RF-C. We have isolated a gene, RFC2, that appears to be a component of the yeast RF-C. The RFC2 gene is located on chromosome X of S. cerevisiae and is essential for cell growth. Disruption of the RFC2 gene led to a dumbbell-shaped terminal morphology, common to mutants having a defect in chromosomal DNA replication. The steady-state levels of RFC2 mRNA fluctuated less during the cell cycle than other genes involved in DNA replication. Nucleotide sequence of the gene revealed an open reading frame corresponding to a polypeptide with a calculated Mr of 39,716 and a high degree of amino acid sequence homology to the 37-kDa subunit of human RF-C. Polyclonal antibodies against bacterially expressed Rfc2 protein specifically reduced RF-C activity in the RF-C-dependent reaction catalyzed by yeast DNA polymerase III. Furthermore, the Rfc2 protein was copurified with RF-C activity throughout RF-C purification. These results strongly suggest that the RFC2 gene product is a component of yeast RF-C. The bacterially expressed Rfc2 protein preferentially bound to primed single-strand DNA and weakly to ATP.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae replication factor C (RF-C) was purified 25,000-fold from a protease-deficient strain of yeast. RF-C is a complex of 6 subunits of 130, 86, 41, 40, 37, and 27 kDa. None of the subunits are related through proteolysis or differential phosphorylation. The assay for RF-C used as a substrate single-stranded DNA binding protein-coated singly primed single-stranded mp 18 DNA. This DNA was poorly replicated by yeast DNA polymerase delta with or without its cofactor proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). In the presence of RF-C, however, replication of the template proceeded efficiently when both ATP and PCNA were present as well. Formation of this replication-proficient complex of DNA polymerase delta required an input of one to two molecules of PCNA per replicated DNA molecule. DNA polymerase epsilon also formed an ATP-dependent complex with PCNA and RF-C. RF-C has a DNA-dependent ATPase activity, equally active on single-stranded and primed single-stranded mp18 DNA. Addition of PCNA stimulated the ATPase of RF-C on primed but not on unprimed DNA, indicating that the increase in ATPase was due to PCNA-enhanced binding of RF-C to the primer terminus. Calf thymus PCNA also stimulated the ATPase activity of yeast RF-C and participated in holoenzyme formation with DNA polymerase delta. These results attest to the structural and functional homology between yeast and mammalian cells for these components of the replication machinery.  相似文献   

We studied the replication of random genomic DNA fragments from Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a long-term assay in human cells. Plasmids carrying large yeast DNA fragments were able to replicate autonomously in human cells. Efficiency of replication of yeast DNA fragments was comparable to that of similarly sized human DNA fragments and better than that of bacterial DNA. This result suggests that yeast genomic DNA contains sequence information needed for replication in human cells. To examine whether DNA replication in human cells would initiate specifically at a yeast origin of replication, we monitored initiation on a plasmid containing the yeast 2-micron autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) in yeast and human cells. We found that while replication initiates at the 2-micron ARS in yeast, it does not preferentially initiate at the ARS in human cells. This result suggests that the sequences that direct site specific replication initiation in yeast do not function in the same way in human cells, which initiate replication at a broader range of sequences.by J.A. Huberman  相似文献   

We have examined the roles of eukaryotic DNA topoisomerases I and II in DNA replication by the use of a set of four isogenic strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that are TOP1+ TOP2+, TOP1+ top2 ts, delta top1 TOP2+, and delta top1 top2 ts. Cells synchronized by treatment with the alpha-mating factor, or by cycles of feeding and starvation, were released from cell-cycle arrest, and the size distribution of DNA chains that were synthesized after the cells reentered the S-phase was determined as a function of time. The results indicate that synthesis of short DNA chains several thousand nucleotides in length can initiate in the absence of both topoisomerases, but their further elongation requires at least one of the two topoisomerases. Inactivation of DNA topoisomerase II does not alter significantly the time dependence of the patterns of nascent DNA chain synthesis, which is consistent with the notion that the requirement of this enzyme for viability is due to its essential role during mitosis, when pairs of intertwined newly replicated chromosomes are being segregated. The absence of DNA topoisomerase I leads to a temporary delay in the extension of the short DNA chains; this delay in chain elongation is also reflected in the rate of total DNA synthesis in the delta top1 mutant during the early S-phase. Thus, in wild-type cells, DNA topoisomerase I is probably the major replication swivel. The patterns of DNA synthesis in asynchronously grown delta top1 top2 ts cells at permissive and non-permissive temperatures are also consistent with the above conclusions.  相似文献   

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