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The green unicellular alga Botryococcus braunii shows unusually high concentrations of non-isoprenoid very long chain hydrocarbons. The structure of such hydrocarbons, the relative efficiency of various long chain fatty acids as precursors, the relationship between fatty acid and hydrocarbon concentrations (over the different physiological stages of the alga achieved during batch cultures) and the preferential localization of fatty acids lead to the conclusion that all the major non-isoprenoid hydrocarbons of B. braunii derive from the same direct precursor, oleic acid. Feeding experiments, using doubly labelled oleic acid, show that the whole carbon chain of the latter is incorporated into final hydrocarbons; accordingly such compounds do not originate from a head-to-head condensation mechanism with oleic acid acting as donor. Various features (regarding chiefly the systematic occurrence of a terminal double bond in B. braunii hydrocarbon, their close specific activities after feeding and the large inhibition in their production achieved using dithioerythritol) show that the biosynthesis of B. braunii hydrocarbons probably takes place via an elongation-decarboxylation mechanism related to that operating in some higher plants.  相似文献   

为给微藻大规模培养生产生物燃料提供稳定可靠的种质资源,本研究以葡萄藻为研究对象,建立了一套葡萄藻快速高效冷冻保藏的方法.通过对不同冷冻保护剂二甲基亚砜(DMSO)、甲醇(MeOH)、乙二醇(EG)、丙二醇(PG)和甘油(Gly)的毒性测试和冷冻保藏效果的比较,结果表明在以6% MeOH作为冷冻保护剂的条件下葡萄藻的存活...  相似文献   

Some of the key reasons for why the production of biofuels from microalgae have not yet succeeded as a source of sustainable transport fuel are the costs involved and the amount of energy needed to obtain the oils compared to the energy contained in the final fuel. The key energy costs are in the dewatering of biomass followed by extraction of the oil, disposal of biomass, and the energy content of the nutrient fertiliser needed for regrowing the algae. In this study, we bypass all of these barriers by using a different approach towards cutting energy and fertiliser costs in the production of biofuels from microalgae—rather than growing the algae in the presence of fertilisers such as N and P, followed by harvesting the whole algae cells, and the energetically costly drying of cells and extraction of the fuel from the cells, this process makes use of the natural tendency of the green alga, Botryococcus braunii to release oils from the cell into the extracellular matrix during and after growth. Here, we non-destructively and repeatedly harvest the external oil (hydrocarbons) from B. braunii CCAP 807/2. Extraction with several solvents showed that hexane was not compatible with B. braunii, but that heptane in contact with B. braunii for less than 20 min did not negatively affect this alga. As an alternative, solvent-free method, we tested physical methods of extracting the extracellular oil. Light and temperature did not affect the extraction of the external oil from Botryococcus, but gentle pressure (i.e. ‘blotting’) was an effective method for external oil recovery. Less than 1 h of blotting also did not affect the physiology of Botryococcus. Both the heptane extraction and the non-destructive ‘blotting’ methods had no significant effect on growth and photosynthesis (F v/F m, ETRmax) of B. braunii. Our results indicate that over a period of 6 days, we can repeatedly extract over 35 % (using heptane) and 1 % (using ‘blotting’) of the total oil, mainly in the form of external hydrocarbon in stationary phase cells without damage to the cells.  相似文献   

Echinenone production of a dark red-coloured strain of Botryococcus braunii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Echinenone has been used as an edible orange pigment, antioxidant and provitamin A. An echinenone-accumulating strain, BOT-20, of Botryococcus braunii was isolated from freshwater environments in Japan. The B. braunii BOT-20 strain is different from other strains of B. braunii, as it appeared dark red during its growth in the laboratory culture as opposed to green. The biomass of the strain was 1.9?g?L?1 at 1?month after cultivation. The n-hexane/acetone (3:1, v/v) extract of the strain was 45.5% of the dry biomass weight and consisted of carotenoids (92%, of which 73% was echinenone) and hydrocarbons (8%). The echinenone content was 30.5% of the dry biomass weight, and production was 630?mg?L?1. Hydrocarbons comprised only 3.7% of the total dry biomass weight. The main component of hydrocarbon was an analogue of botryococene by 1H and 13C NMR. With high values of echinenone content and production, the B. braunii strain BOT-20 is expected to be a new bioresource for the commercial production of echinenone.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was conducted on the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from piggery wastewater during growth of Botryococcus braunii UTEX 572, together with measurements of hydrocarbon formation by the alga. The influence was tested of the initial nitrogen and phosphorus concentration on the optimum concentration range for a culture in secondarily treated piggery wastewater. A high cell density (> 7 g L–1 d. wt) was obtained with 510 mg L–1 NO3-N. Growth increased with nitrogen concentration at the basal phosphorus concentration (14 mg P L–1). The growth rate was nearly independent ( = 0.027 0.030 h–1) of the initial phosphate concentration, except under conditions of phosphate deficiency ( = 0.019 h–1). B. braunii grew well in piggery wastewater pretreated by a membrane bioreactor (MBR) with acidogenic fermentation. A dry cell weight of 8.5 mgL–1 and hydrocarbon level of 0.95 gL–1 were obtained, and nitrate was removed at a rate of 620 mg NL–1. These results indicate that pretreated piggery wastewater provides a good culture medium for the growth and hydrocarbon production by B. braunii.  相似文献   

Unicellular microalgae generally grow in the presence of bacteria, particularly when they are farmed massively. This study analyzes the bacteria associated with mass culture of Botryococcus braunii: both the planktonic bacteria in the water column and those forming biofilms adhered to the surface of the microalgal cells (∼107–108 culturable cells per gram microalgae). Furthermore, we identified the culturable bacteria forming a biofilm in the microalgal cells by 16S rDNA sequencing. At least eight different culturable species of bacteria were detected in the biofilm and were evaluated for the presence of quorum-sensing signals in these bacteria. Few studies have considered the implications of this phenomenon as regards the interaction between bacteria and microalgae. Production of C4-AHL and C6-AHL were detected in two species, Pseudomonas sp. and Rhizobium sp., which are present in the bacterial biofilm associated with B. braunii. This type of signal was not detected in the planktonic bacteria isolated from the water. We also noted that the bacterium, Rhizobium sp., acted as a probiotic bacterium and significantly encouraged the growth of B. braunii. A direct application of these beneficial bacteria associated with B. braunii could be, to use them like inoculants for large-scale microalgal cultures. They could optimize biomass production by enhancing growth, particularly in this microalga that has a low growth rate.  相似文献   

We tested for chemical reagents that would be useful in preparing a large number of vital single cells from colonial Botryococcus braunii B-race, variety Showa. Among the 18 reagents assayed, glycerol and erythritol showed the highest potency for releasing single cells. Incubation in medium containing these reagents released 40–50 % single cells in 15 min. Fluorescent staining with Nile red revealed that except for the cap-like structures the released single cells were free of hydrocarbon oils that accumulated in the extracellular matrix where the single cells were embedded. However, to maintain the prepared single cells in vital condition, they must be maintained at a high concentration (>2?×?107 cells/ml); at low concentrations, they rapidly lost chlorophyll and get disrupted. In contrast to the above results obtained using B-race, Showa, single cells prepared from A-race varieties survived even at low cell concentrations.  相似文献   

Three new triterpenes, synthesized by a Bolivian strain of the green microalga Botryococcus braunii, were isolated and their chemical structures determined by 1D and 2D NMR, and mass spectrometry. These compounds are tri-, di-, and mono-methylsqualenes, co-occurring with the previously identified tetramethylsqualene and some C(30)-C(32) botryococcenes. In this strain, methylated squalenes constitute up to 24% of the total hydrocarbons and 4.5% of the dry biomass. The results of a pulse-chase experiment with L-[Me-(13)C] methionine provide evidence for the origin of these compounds via methylation of squalene at positions 3, 7, 18 and 22.  相似文献   

Algal lipid of Botryococcus braunii could be produced continuously and in situ extracted in an aqueous-organic bioreactor. In this study, the cell ultra-structure and cell membrane permeability of B. braunii FACHB 357 were investigated to understand the mechanism of lipid extraction within the biphasic system. The results showed that biocompatible solvent of tetradecane could induce algal lipid accumulation, enable the cell membrane more active and the cell wall much looser. The exocytosis process was observed to be one of the mechanisms for lipid cross-membrane extraction in the presence of organic solvent.  相似文献   

Botryococcus braunii, a green colonial microalga, is an unusually rich renewable source of hydrocarbons and other chemicals. Hydrocarbons can constitute up to 75% of the dry mass of B. braunii. This review details the various facets of biotechnology of B. braunii, including its microbiology and physiology; production of hydrocarbons and other compounds by the alga; methods of culture; downstream recovery and processing of algal hydrocarbons; and cloning of the algal genes into other microorganisms. B. braunii converts simple inorganic compounds and sunlight to potential hydrocarbon fuels and feedstocks for the chemical industry. Microorganisms such as B. braunii can, in the long run, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and because of this B. braunii continues to attract much attention.  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - Microalgae, Botryococcus braunii in particular, have received increasing interest owing to their potential as biofuel sources. Although the fertilizer components...  相似文献   

There is worldwide interest in developing algal biofuel. One main reason for the lack of success so far in producing a sustainable transport fuel from microalgae is the high cost of biomass processing, especially dewatering and oil extraction. There is also a significant cost involved in the energy content of the nutrient fertilisers required for biomass production. Non-destructive oil extraction or “milking” from algae biomass has the potential to bypass all of these hurdles. Using a “milking” strategy means that there would be no need for (a) biomass dewatering, (b) breaking cells for oil extraction and (c) addition of nutrients to the culture, resulting in a significant reduction in energy and fertiliser cost involved in production of biofuel from algae. We make use of the natural tendency of Botryococcus to produce external hydrocarbon in the extracellular matrix. In current study, we showed that external hydrocarbon from Botryococcus braunii BOT-22 can be non-destructively extracted using n-heptane (optimum contact time with n-heptane?=?20 min). We were able to recover almost the entire de novo-produced external hydrocarbons at 5- and 11-day intervals when the culture was maintained with or without 1 % CO2 addition, respectively. This repeated non-destructive extraction of external hydrocarbon of B. braunii was possible for up to 70 days when 1 % CO2 was supplied to the culture. When CO2 was limited, a 70 % lower external hydrocarbon productivity was achieved using the same process. Although the productivity of external hydrocarbon of 9.33 mg L?1 day?1 of the “milked” culture is low in these un-optimised cultures, it was 1.3?±?0.2-fold higher compared with that of a conventional semicontinuous culture, showing the potential of this method.  相似文献   

Carbon metabolism in photosynthesizing and respiring cells of Botryococcus braunii was radically changed by the presence of 1 mM NH4Cl in the medium, when the so-called resting state previously had been subjected to a nitrogen-deficient medium. Ammonia addition to the algae photosynthesizing with 14C-labelled HCO 3 - almost completely inhibited the synthesis of 14C-labelled botryococcenes and other hexane-extractable compounds, and also inhibited the formation of insoluble compounds; however, it resulted in a large increase in the synthesis of alanine, glutamine, other amino acids, and especially of 5-aminolevulinic acid. Total CO2 fixation decreased about 60% and O2 evolution decreased more than 50%.CO2 fixation in the dark with ammonia present led to labelled products derived from phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylation, such as glutamine, glutamate, and malate. Respiratory uptake of O2 increased by about 70%.The inhibition of terpenoid synthesis and increased synthesis of C5 amino acids by Botryococcus upon ammonia addition indicates 1) a diversion of acetyl coenzyme A from synthetic pathways leading to terpenoids and 2) increased operation of pathways leading to the synthesis of amino acids, especially 5-aminolevulinic acid, a precursor to chlorophyll biosynthesis.This work was supported in part by the Office of Energy Research, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Biological Energy Research Division of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098, in part by a grant from SOHIO, and, in part, by a grant from the Japan-U.S. Cooperative Science Program (The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, National Science Foundation, Division of International Programs)  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - Agricultural fertilisers (NPKs) have been recognised as an alternative to make microalgae cultivation cheaper as well as simpler in terms of the preparation of the...  相似文献   

Botryococcus braunii, B race is a unique green microalga that produces large amounts of liquid hydrocarbons known as botryococcenes that can be used as a fuel for internal combustion engines. The simplest botryococcene (C30) is metabolized by methylation to give intermediates of C31, C32, C33, and C34, with C34 being the predominant botryococcene in some strains. In the present work we have used Raman spectroscopy to characterize the structure of botryococcenes in an attempt to identify and localize botryococcenes within B. braunii cells. The spectral region from 1600–1700 cm−1 showed ν(C=C) stretching bands specific for botryococcenes. Distinct botryococcene Raman bands at 1640 and 1647 cm−1 were assigned to the stretching of the C=C bond in the botryococcene branch and the exomethylene C=C bonds produced by the methylations, respectively. A Raman band at 1670 cm−1 was assigned to the backbone C=C bond stretching. Density function theory calculations were used to determine the Raman spectra of all botryococcenes to compare computed theoretical values with those observed. The analysis showed that the ν(C=C) stretching bands at 1647 and 1670 cm−1 are actually composed of several closely spaced bands arising from the six individual C=C bonds in the molecule. We also used confocal Raman microspectroscopy to map the presence and location of methylated botryococcenes within a colony of B. braunii cells based on the methylation-specific 1647 cm−1 botryococcene Raman shift.  相似文献   

In this paper, the outdoor production of Botryococcus braunii in pilot-scale panel reactors (0.4?m3) is studied under uncontrolled conditions at a location close to the Atacama Desert (Chile). Discontinuous experiments were performed on different dates to determine the feasibility of the culture and the influence of environmental conditions on the system yield. Data showed that solar radiation is a major parameter in determining system yield, the average irradiance inside the culture determining both the growth rate and biomass productivity. A maximum specific growth rate of 0.09?day?1 and biomass productivity of 0.02?g?L?1?day?1 (dry weight) were measured in discontinuous mode, at an average irradiance of 60?μE?m?2?s?1. With respect to lipids, a productivity of 2.5?mg?L?1?day?1 was obtained under favourable growth conditions; no accumulation of lipids at the stationary phase was observed. To confirm this behaviour, a semicontinuous culture was performed at 0.04?day?1 in a larger reactor (1?m3). In this experiment, the biomass concentration and productivity was 0.3?g?L?1 and 0.015?g?L?1?day?1, respectively. The lipid content and productivity was 15.6% and 2.4?mg?L?1?day?1, respectively, the mean average irradiance inside the reactor being 60?μmol photons?m?2?s?1. The light path of the reactor determines the light availability, thus determining also the biomass concentration and productivity of the reactor once the dilution rate is fixed. Experimentally, biomass productivity of 0.015?g?L?1?day?1 was determined for a light path of 0.15?m, but this can be increased by more than three times for a light path of 0.1?m. These data confirm that this alga can be produced outdoors in a secure form, the culture yield improving when optimal conditions are applied, the data reported here establishing the starting point for the development of the process.  相似文献   

To improve biomass and microalgal oil production of Botryococcus braunii, fed‐batch culture was investigated in an airlift photobioreactor. The optimal feeding time of the fed‐batch culture was after 15 days of cultivation, where 1.82 g/L of the microalgal biomass was obtained in the batch culture. Nitrate nutrient was the restrictive factor for the fed‐batch cultivation while phosphate nutrient with high concentration did not affect the microalgal growth. The optimal mole ratio of nitrate to phosphate was 34.7:1, where nitrate concentration reached the initial level and phosphate concentration was one quarter of its initial level. With one feeding, the biomass of B. braunii reached 2.56 g/L after 18 days. Two feedings in 2‐day interval enhanced the biomass production up to 2.87 g/L after 19 days of cultivation. The hydrocarbon content in dry biomass of B. braunii kept at high level of 64.3% w/w. Compared with the batch culture, biomass production and hydrocarbon productivity of B. braunii were greatly improved by the strategic fed‐batch cultivation.  相似文献   

Botryococcus braunii, a green microalga, is known to produce plentiful liquid hydrocarbons as promising biodiesel resources. However, the hydrocarbon extraction methods that have so far achieved have several problems such as low efficiency and high cost. In our study, a solvent-spouted extraction process integrated with photo-bioculture was designed for simultaneous realization of hydrocarbon extraction and cell culture in two phases. The n-octane was selected as the best solvent among several solvents because its biocompatibility was highest for B. braunii. As a result, high level of biomass and hydrocarbon, 4.17 and 893.79 mg/L, respectively, was attained at 100 mL/min of solvent recycling rate through three times of processes for 66 days. Moreover, formation of cell clump was suppressed in solvent extraction, cells were regenerated after it, and thus cell viability was maintained even after repeated cycles of it. Finally, this solvent-spouted culture process required the smaller cost due to reuse of the less solvent and regenerated cells, compared with the other conventional methods. Accordingly, this technique would be applicable to exploit the continuous extraction of hydrocarbon from the algal biomass, especially for application on a large scale.  相似文献   

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