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In order to study the acrosome reaction in boar, spermatozoa were incubated in a calcium-containing medium in the presence of the calcium ionophore A23187. The time course of the acrosome reaction was assessed by phase-contrast microscopy and correlated with the movement characteristics of the spermatozoa determined by means of multiple-exposure photography (MEP). Different stages of the acrosome reaction could be observed by indirect immunofluorescence using an antibody fraction raised in rabbits against the isolated outer acrosomal membrane (OAM). At the start of the acrosome reaction, a bright fluorescence located exclusively at the acrosomal cap of the sperm head could be observed, whereas after 60-120 min, the fluorescence vanished, indicating the complete loss of the OAM. However, to gain more insight into the stages of the plasma membrane and OAM during the acrosome reaction, immunoelectron-microscopical studies were performed using anti-OAM antibodies detected by the protein-A gold method. Ultrathin sections and total preparations in combination with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirmed, that boar spermatozoa start their acrosome reaction by a vesiculation of the plasma membrane, thus exposing the heavily labelled OAM, which is then lost as sheets or large vesicles. The newly exposed inner acrosomal membrane did not show any labelling with gold, thereby indicating clear differences in the antigenicity of both acrosomal membranes.  相似文献   

A variety of treatment procedures was utilized to identify the origin and composition of the vesicles formed during the acrosome reaction of boar spermatozoa. Whether the acrosome reaction occurred spontaneously or was induced chemically the vesicles were hybrid vesicles composed of roughly equal proportions of plasma and outer acrosomal membranes.  相似文献   

Antiserum to purified boar spermatozoan outer acrosomal membrane (OAM) was raised in rabbits and adsorbed with boar liver and serum glutaraldehyde cross-linked immunoadsorbents. The IgG fraction of the antiserum was purified by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation followed by ion-exchange chromatography. Indirect immunofluorescence showed bright fluorescent staining of the acrosomal cap of boar spermatozoa and to a lesser extent of the acrosomes of bull and goat spermatozoa after incubation with anti-OAM-IgG. Immuno-electron microscopy further confirmed the specificity of the antibody for the OAM. Preincubation of the anti-OAM-IgG with isolated OAM, completely abolished its reactivity. When tested by ELISA, anti-OAM-IgG reacted with boar, bull, goat, and human spermatozoa; however, its binding activity to boar spermatozoa was significantly greater as compared to spermatozoa from the other species tested. In an effort to identify OAM antigens recognized by this antiserum, the isolated boar OAM was labeled either with 3H or with 125I and solubilized by mild detergent treatment. The extracted components were immunoprecipitated with anti-OAM-IgG and protein A-bearing S. aureus and the thus isolated antigens were analysed on SDS-PAGE. The results suggest that anti-OAM-IgG recognized one high molecular 3H-labeled glycoprotein (270 kd), and four 125I-labeled polypeptides of lower molecular weight of the boar OAM.  相似文献   

Zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction in boar sperm   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Induction of the acrosome reaction in boar sperm by the zona pellucida (ZP) was investigated. A modified cytochemical staining method for measuring the acrosome reaction in boar sperm gave equivalent results to those obtained with transmission electron microscopy. Isolated heat-solubilized ZP effectively induced the acrosome reaction in boar sperm at a concentration of 25 micrograms/ml. Electrophoretically purified ZP components were also tested for acrosome reaction-inducing activity; both the 55,000 and 90,000 components of the ZP were effective. The carbohydrate moiety of the 55,000 component was necessary for activity because the polypeptides derived by chemical deglycosylation of the two glycoproteins did not induce the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

The authors investigated acrosomal changes occurring in boar sperm that interact with the expanded cumulus matrix surrounding ovulated pig oocytes. Samples of washed boar sperm obtained from six donors were incubated for 4 hr under capacitating conditions and exposed either to solubilized zonae pellucidae (ZP) or solubilized expanded pig cumuli (SEC) obtained from IVM oocytes. Alternatively, hyaluronic acid, laminin, or fibronectin, components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) were added to capacitated sperm. Acrosomal integrity was evaluated 1hr later by using FITC-PSA staining. Solubilized cumuli induced acrosome reaction (AR) in a dose-dependent manner with a saturating effect exerted at 2.5 SEC/50 μl. Both 500 nM fibronectin and 500 nM laminin stimulated acrosomal exocytosis, the latter being more effective and inducing saturating levels of AR. By contrast, hyaluronic acid did not affect acrosomal status. Preincubation with anti-laminin antibodies completely prevented the inducing activity of SEC without affecting the activity of solubilized ZP. Consistent with these data, the integrin VLA-6, a receptor with high affinity for laminin, was detected by immunoblotting on the plasma membrane of capacitated boar spermatozoa. In addition, its immunoneutralization, obtained with the preincubation of capacitated sperm with the antibody raised against the α chain of VLA-6 integrin, prevented AR upon exposure to laminin or SEC (10.7 ± 3.2 and 10.2 ± 1.0% respectively), while the samples retained their responsiveness to ZP (29.6 ± 1.2%). The results demonstrate that the interaction between laminin, entrapped in the expanded cumuli, and specific integrins present on the sperm membrane can initiate AR, thus taking part in the process of sperm-egg recognition. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 51:445–453, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sperm glycocalyx modifications are known to occur during capacitation and the acrosome reaction (AR). These changes are very important for gamete recognition and fertilization in mammals but are not fully understood. The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of surface carbohydrates in boar spermatozoa during capacitation and the AR. These processes may be associated with specific changes in the content and distribution of surface carbohydrates. Thirty-nine ejaculates from fertile boars of various breeds were analyzed. N-Acetylglucosamine and sialic acid, mannose and fucose residues were detected by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry using FITC-conjugated lectins. Triticum vulgaris agglutinin (WGA) bound on the head and tail of fresh sperm, and fluorescence intensity (FI) decreased in capacitated sperm (6751 to 5621 fluorescence units (FU), P<0.05), and decreased further in acrosome-reacted sperm (5240 FU, P<0.05). Concanavalia ensiformis agglutinin (Con-A) bound homogeneously on the head and the midpiece of fresh sperm with a FI of 5335 FU, and increased in capacitated sperm (5957 FU, P<0.05) mainly on the acrosomal region. In acrosome-reacted sperm, fluorescence was concentrated on the border of the acrosomal region (5608 FU, P<0.05). It was not possible to detect Ulex europaeus agglutinin (UEA) by fluorescence microscopy. However, flow cytometry revealed UEA receptors (187 FU), with a nonsignificant decreased number in capacitated (142 FU) and AR sperm (142 FU). Labeling patterns were similar in all breeds. Sperm glycocalyx modifications observed in this study provide insights to the molecular modifications accompanying capacitation and the AR. This kind of study could improve the diagnosis of reproductive problems of subfertile boars and males of other species.  相似文献   

Control of membrane fusion during spermiogenesis and the acrosome reaction   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Membrane fusion is important to reproduction because it occurs in several steps during the process of fertilization. Many events of intracellular trafficking occur during both spermiogenesis and oogenesis. The acrosome reaction, a key feature during mammalian fertilization, is a secretory event involving the specific fusion of the outer acrosomal membrane and the sperm plasma membrane overlaying the principal piece of the acrosome. Once the sperm has crossed the zona pellucida, the gametes fuse, but in the case of the sperm this process takes place through a specific membrane domain in the head, the equatorial segment. The cortical reaction, a process that prevents polyspermy, involves the exocytosis of the cortical granules to the extracellular milieu. In lower vertebrates, the formation of the zygotic nucleus involves the fusion (syngamia) of the male pronucleus with the female pronucleus. Other undiscovered membrane trafficking processes may also be relevant for the formation of the zygotic centrosome or other zygotic structures. In this review, we focus on the recent discovery of molecular machinery components involved in intracellular trafficking during mammalian spermiogenesis, notably related to acrosome biogenesis. We also extend our discussion to the molecular mechanism of membrane fusion during the acrosome reaction. The data available so far suggest that proteins participating in the intracellular trafficking events leading to the formation of the acrosome during mammalian spermiogenesis are also involved in controlling the acrosome reaction during fertilization.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for subcellular fractionation of bull sperm which allows the isolation of outer acrosomal membrane without the use of detergent. After washing to remove seminal plasma contaminants, the acrosomal membrane is removed by homogenization and separated on a two-step sucrose gradient. The isolated membranes have been characterized by light and electron microscopy and enzyme analysis. While the acrosomal enzymes hyaluronidase and acrosin are bound to the isolated membranes, they represent only a small percentage of the total activity and therefore do not provide reliable marker enzymes for this fraction.Subcellular fractionation of sperm also yields information on the solubility of acrosomal enzymes. Two types of acrosomal enzymes have been identified on the basis of their distribution in gradient fractions. Both α-fucosidase and β-N-acetyl glucosaminidase are concentrated in the soluble fraction of the gradient. In contrast, over 70% of the acrosin and hyaluronidase activity remains associated with the sperm pellet. These differences in solubility of these enzymes may reflect differences in their function in fertilization.  相似文献   

The effects of progesterone on the acrosome reaction, as well as the effects of RU486 on the progesterone-induced acrosome reaction in capacitated boar spermatozoa, were investigated. Progesterone, a major steroid that is secreted by the cumulus cells of oocyte, clearly induced the acrosome reaction in a dose-dependent manner in capacitated boar spermatozoa, even though it failed to show similar effects in non-capacitated spermatozoa. RU486, a potent antiprogestin, significantly reduced the effects of progesterone on the progesterone-induced acrosome reaction; however, when treated alone, it showed no inhibitory effects on the acrosome reaction. The inhibitory effects of RU486 were also shown to be dose dependent. These results imply that in addition to the wellknown inducer of the acrosome reaction, zona pellucida, progesterone can also induce the acrosome reaction through its specific receptors on spermatozoa after the spermatozoa undergo capacitation.  相似文献   

The acrosome is a large secretory vesicle of the sperm head that carries enzymes responsible for the digestion of the oocyte's investments. The event leads to sperm penetration and allows fertilization to occur. Release of the acrosomal enzymes is mediated by the interaction between sperm acrosomal and plasma membranes (acrosome reaction). Biochemical characterization of the acrosomal membrane has been restrained by a lack of methods to isolate uncontaminated fractions of the membrane. Here, we use new methods to expose the membrane to in situ cytochemical labeling by lectin-gold complexes. We study the topology and relative density of glycoconjugates both across and along the plane of the acrosomal membrane of boar sperm. Detachment of the plasma membrane from glutaraldehyde-fixed cells exposed the cytoplasmic surface of the acrosome to the lectin markers; freeze-fractured halves of the acrosomal membrane were marked by "fracture-label" (Aguas, A. P., and P. Pinto da Silva, 1983, J. Cell Biol. 97:1356-1364). We show that the cytoplasmic surface of the intact acrosome is devoid of binding sites for both concanavalin A (Con A) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). By contrast, it contains a high density of neuraminidase-resistant anionic sites detected by cationic ferritin. On freeze-fractured sperm, the receptors for Con A partitioned with the exoplasmic membrane half of the acrosomal membrane. The Con A-binding glycoconjugates were accumulated on the equatorial segment of the membrane. A low density of WGA receptors, as well as of intramembrane particles, was found on the freeze-fracture halves of the acrosomal membrane. The plasma membrane displayed, in the same preparations, a high density of receptors for both Con A and WGA. We conclude that the acrosome is limited by a membrane poor in glycoconjugates, which are exclusively exposed on the exoplasmic side of the bilayer. Regionalization of Con A receptors on the acrosome shows that sperm intracellular membranes, like the sperm surface, express domain distribution of glycocomponents.  相似文献   

An in vitro acrosome-like reaction was induced in spermatozoa from the boar cauda epididymis by incubation in Tyrode's solution containing 1 mg/ml fatty acid-free bovine serum albumin. Plasma membranes were isolated from the spermatozoa at different times during the incubation and analyzed for their lipid composition. The total lipid, phospholipid, and glycolipid content of the membranes did not change during the acrosome-like reaction, whereas the amount of diacylglycerols and free fatty acids increased. Within the phospholipid class, a decrease of the inositol phospholipid and and sphingomyelin content was observed, whereas the other phospholipids of the plasma membranes did not decrease significantly after 2 h of incubation. Changes in the sterol composition of the membranes were also observed. The onset of the lipid changes was correlated with the uptake of extracellular calcium by the spermatozoa. These results for the lipid changes in isolated sperm plasma membranes during an in vitro acrosome reaction provide the first direct evidence that a modulation of the plasma membrane lipid composition is involved in an acrosome-like reaction of mammalian spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that bovine spermatozoa with the knobbed acrosome defect have a reduced ability to bind to and penetrate the bovine zona pellucida. Cryopreserved spermatozoa from a normal control bull (N) and two bulls with the knobbed acrosome defect (K1 and K2) were subjected to a hypoosmotic swelling test (HOST) to evaluate the functional integrity of the plasma membrane. A capacitation assay and a calcium ionophore challenge test was used to determine the ability of spermatozoa to undergo capacitation and acrosome reaction (AR), respectively. The mean percentage of spermatozoa responding to the HOST was significantly higher for Bull N (68.8 +/- 2.4) than for Bulls K1 (36.1 +/- 4.6) and K2 (40.2 +/- 4.7). The mean percentage of capacitated spermatozoa (54.0 +/- 1.8) was significantly higher for the treatment group (incubation in capacitating medium) for Bull N than that of the negative control group (29.5 +/- 1.8). However, there was no difference between the treatment and the negative control groups of the bulls with the knobbed spermatozoa (36.5 +/- 1.4 and 27.1 +/- 3.0 for Bull K1 and 47.5 +/- 3.8 and 35.2 +/- 6.6 for Bull K2, respectively). Although the mean percentage of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa (60.7 +/- 1.3) was higher for the treatment group (receiving calcium ionophore) for Bull N than that of the negative control (29.5 +/- 1.3), there was no difference between the treatment and the negative control groups for the bulls with the knobbed spermatozoa (47.8 +/- 3.3 and 49.3 +/- 5.0 for Bull K1 and 58.8 +/- 10 and 59.5 +/- 9.7 for Bull K2, respectively). A positive correlation existed between the proportion of spermatozoa that did not respond to the HOST and that undergoing a spontaneous AR. Results suggest that spermatozoa with the knobbed acrosome defect have impaired plasma membrane function which predisposes them to premature capacitation and spontaneous AR on incubation after thawing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how trypsin inhibitors affect the guinea pig sperm acrosome reaction in vitro. Using spermatozoa pretreated with lysophosphatidyl choline, we found that both naturally occurring high molecular weight and the smaller synthetic trypsin inhibitor p-aminobenzamidine (PAB) delayed the onset of the acrosome reaction as monitored by light microscopy. Examination with electron microscopy revealed that acrosomal matrix dispersal rather than membrane fusion was affected. Despite the morphologic delay in acrosomal content release, PAB unexpectedly permitted 96% of soluble acrosomal antigen to be released into the supernatant. In addition, total acrosin release in the presence of PAB was 74% of control, with the vast majority as latent rather than active enzyme. A morphologically intact but membrane-free target of acrosomal matrix (AM), which is sensitive to trypsin inhibitor, was partially purified using Triton-x-100 at pH 5.2. AM remained morphologically stable at pH 5.2; however, shift up to pH 7 resulted in rapid dissolution within several minutes as monitored by light and electron microscopy and light scattering. Trypsin inhibitor prevented dispersion of AM at pH 7. The results suggest that, during the acrosome reaction, one distinct region of the acrosomal contents disperses after membrane vesiculation in a pH and trypsin inhibitor-insensitive fashion while a pH sensitive trypsin-like activity (acrosin?) disperses another discrete region of acrosomal matrix.  相似文献   

After capacitation of guinea pig spermatozoa in vitro, the plasma membrane was mechanically separated from the spermatozoa in the presence or absence of HgCl2 and subsequently isolated by density gradient centrifugation. Examination of the spermatozoa by electron microscopy after homogenization in the presence of HgCl2 revealed that plasma membrane was removed only from the acrosomal region and remained predominately intact posterior to the equatorial segment of the sperm head, as well as the midpiece and tail. In comparison, spermatozoa homogenized under similar buffer conditions but in the absence of HgCl2 lose the large apical segment of the acrosome and the plasma membrane is removed essentially from the entire cell. If spermatozoa were homogenized in the absence of Hg2+, analysis of plasma membrane phospholipid composition revealed a complete loss of lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) from the plasma membrane after incubation of spermatozoa in minimal capacitating medium (MCM-PL) for 2 hours. Under these culture conditions the addition of Ca2+ (5 mM) to the capacitated spermatozoa induced approximately 78 ± 5% (n = 3) of the motile spermatozoa to undergo acrosome reactions while still maintaining sperm motility (80 ± 5%) (n = 3). If the spermatozoa were homogenized in the presence of Hg2+, a time course study revealed that plasma membrane LPC loss occurred between 60 and 90 minutes of incubation. This complete loss of LPC was evident when approximately half of the capacitated spermatozoa had undergone acrosome reactions. Incubation of the spermatozoa with the metabolic and acrosome reaction inhibitor, 2-deoxyglucose (10 mM) for 2 hours, maintained the plasma membrane phospholipid composition similar to that in the noncapacitated state. These data provide evidence that changes in the plasma membrane phospholipid composition may be associated with guinea pig sperm capacitation.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for subcellular fractionation of bull sperm which allows the isolation of outer acrosomal membrane without the use of detergent. After washing to remove seminal plasma contaminants, the acrosomal membrane is removed by homogenization and separated on a two-step sucrose gradient. The isolated membranes have been characterized by light and electron microscopy and enzyme analysis. While the acrosomal enzymes hyaluronidase and acrosin are bound to the isolated membranes, they represent only a small percentage of the total activity and therefore do not provide reliable marker enzymes for this fraction. Subcellular fractionation of sperm also yields information on the solubility of acrosomal enzymes. Two types of acrosomal enzymes have been identified on the basis of their distribution in gradient fractions. Both alpha-fucosidase and beta-N-acetyl glucosaminidase are concentrated in the soluble fraction of the gradient. In contrast, over 70% of the acrosin and hyaluronidase activity remains associated with the sperm pellet. These differences in solubility of these enzymes may reflect differences in their function in fertilization.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane (PM), primarily from the anterior sperm head, and outer acrosomal membrane (OAM), were isolated from ejaculated bovine spermatozoa, and the major lipid classes were characterized. Whole sperm (WS) lipids were analyzed for comparison. PM was removed by nitrogen cavitation and purified by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation. The OAM was removed by centrifugation through hyperosmotic sucrose and recovered by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation. The PM contained primarily spherical vesicles from the region overlying the OAM and was enriched 9- and 13-fold in 5'-nucleotidase and alkaline phosphatase activity, respectively, compared to the original cavitate. The OAM was recovered as caplike structures with associated ground substance. Protein, phospholipid, and cholesterol (PR, PL, and CH as micrograms/5 x 10(9) sperm) were 300, 467, and 93 for PM and 276, 111, and 25 for OAM, respectively. Corresponding values for WS (mg/5 x 10(9) sperm) were 31.4, 6.63, and 0.72. The PR/PL (w/w) and CH/PL (mol/mol) ratios were 0.66 and 0.38 for PM; 2.48 and 0.26 for OAM; and 4.39 and 0.22 for WS. Cholesterol was the only free sterol detected by gas/liquid chromatography in WS, PM, and OAM, with traces of CH sulfate present in all three preparations. Glycolipid tentatively identified as sulfogalactolipid was detected by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) in PM but not OAM. Phospholipid composition of WS and membranes was determined by TLC. Cardiolipin (3% of total PL) was present in WS only. Choline, ethanolamine, and inositol phosphoglycerides (CP, EP, PI, PIP, PIPP); sphingomyelin (SP); phosphatidylserine (PS); and lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) were present in WS, PM, and OAM. Approximately 50% of total PL was CP in all preparations; SP was 13% of PL in PM and 17% in OAM (p less than 0.05); EP was 7% of PL in PM and 10% in OAM (p less than 0.05). The differences in composition between PM and OAM is discussed with respect to capacitation and ability of sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Sperm acrosome reaction (AR) is a prerequisite step for in vivo fertilization. In the vicinity of the oocyte, zona protein(s) (ZP) and progesterone (P4), a component of follicular fluid, are proven to be responsible for physiological AR induction. In the present study, a thorough analysis of the role of the progesterone receptor (PR) in this processing including in vitro physiological studies and biochemical isolation and characterization of the receptor protein was conducted. Following capacitation for 0, 2, 4 and 6h, pooled fertile boar semen samples (n=6) with >70% sperm motility were labeled with P4-BSA-FITC (100 microg/ml) to detect the activation of PR. Parallel sperm samples were treated with P4 (10 microg/ml) for 20 min to test AR inducing efficiency at different time points. To compare the ability of ZP and P4 to induce AR, spermatozoa capacitated in a modified medium supplemented with 1mg/ml heparin for 4h, were then treated with heat solubilized ZP (150 microg/ml), P4 (10 microg/ml) or ZP+P4 for 20 min. FITC-peanut agglutinin staining was applied to observe the disrupt acrosomal morphology. A purification protocol for crude boar sperm membrane proteins was developed based on ligand-receptor affinity chromatography procedures. The PR proteins were then identified by using mAb C262 raised against intracellular PR, combined with second antibody (SDS-PAGE, Western blotting). Their N-terminal amino acid sequence was determined. The amount of PR-activated spermatozoa was enhanced with time (onset: 27+/-5%, 2h: 41+/-4%, 4h: 49+/-3% and 6h: 52+/-4%, mean+/-S.E., n=6) as evidenced by increasing percentage of spermatozoa with completed cap fluorescent staining. In parallel sperm samples, percentages of AR induced by P4 were 9+/-2, 14+/-2, 18+/-2, and 24+/-2%, respectively. In solvent control at all time points, less than 10% spermatozoa had undergone AR. Capacitation for 4h or greater time periods resulted in optimal percentage of PR-activated and acrosome-reacted spermatozoa. After sperm incubation in heparin-medium, ZP+P4 treatment induced greater amounts of AR than either P4 or ZP alone (13+/-1% compared with 8+/-1 and 10+/-1%, P<0.01). Inducing capacity of P4 was comparable to that of ZP. The molecule weights of two apparent PR molecular masses were detected to be at Mr 74 kDa and Mr 63 kDa. N-terminal amino acid sequence of 74 kDa protein was XPXNIVLIFADXLXY, which had 78% homology to arylsulfatase A and 88% homology to 72 kDa protein from boar spermatozoa. The activation of PR is associated with the capacitating process and that appears to be required for P4-induced AR. P4 and ZP appear to be equally capable of independently inducing the AR but lack synergetic or additive effects in this induction process. Both might represent alternative pathways thus resulting in alternative systems for induction of the prerequisite acrosomal exocytosis (supported by NSC 90-2313-B-005-114; 91-2313-B-005-131).  相似文献   

Experiments to bind fluorescein-conjugated Arachis hypogea (peanut) agglutinin (FITC-PNA) to washed human spermatozoa demonstrated that this lectin binds to the acrosome region in air-dried preparations. Since there was no binding when labelling was performed in suspension, and comparable labelling to that seen in air-dried preparations was seen when spermatozoa treated with saponin (to lyse the plasma membrane) were labelled in suspension, the lectin must bind to an intracellular structure, probably the outer acrosomal membrane. This was confirmed by ultrastructural localization of colloidal gold-conjugated lectin in saponin-treated spermatozoa. Treatment of spermatozoa with the detergent Nonidet P-40 caused a marked change in the binding pattern: more spermatozoa showed binding in the equatorial segment of the acrosome with no binding in the anterior cap region. A comparable, less marked, change was seen when spermatozoa were incubated overnight under conditions known to support the capacitation and spontaneous acrosome reactions. Treatment with the calcium ionophore A23187 for 1 h to induce acrosome reactions artificially in uncapacitated spermatozoa resulted in the appearance of patchy acrosome fluorescence. From these experiments it is concluded that PNA binds specifically to the outer acrosomal membrane, and that FITC-PNA-labelling may be used to monitor the human sperm acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

The capacity to undergo the acrosome reaction and subsequent fusion with egg plasma membrane was examined in rete testicular and cauda epididymal spermatozoa from boars. Sperm penetration assay using zona-free hamster eggs demonstrated that the penetration rates for rete testicular spermatozoa preincubated for induction of the acrosome reaction for 2 and 3 h were 55% and 97%, respectively. However, most of the eggs (93%) were penetrated with polyspermy by cauda epididymal cells preincubated for 2 h. Results obtained by the triple-stain technique revealed the percentages of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa in the rete testicular and cauda epididymal samples preincubated for 3 h to be 61% and 74%, respectively. These results indicate that many rete testicular spermatozoa possess the capacity to undergo the acrosome reaction and subsequent fusion with egg plasma membrane in vitro, which appears to be completely established only after sperm transit through at least the proximal part of the epididymis. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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