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ABSTRACT. A new heterotrophic flagellate has been discovered from sites in Maryland, Michigan and Wyoming. The flagellate resides within a lorica constructed of a meshwork of intertwined fibrils with the outer surface invested with nail-shaped spines. The organism "reclines" within the lorica with its ventral aspect directed upward, and has two heterodynamic flagella, neither of which bears mastigonemes. One flagellum is directed upward and the other is arched over the ventral aspect of the body. Ingestion of bacteria takes place at the left posterior half of the cell. The organism is anchored to the lorica on the right posterior side by a series of regularly spaced cytoplasmic bridges and at the left anterior of the cell by a cytoplasmic appendage similar to the "languette cytoplasmique" found in some bicosoecids. The right side of the cell is raised into a flattened lip with the outer margin reinforced by a ribbon of microtubules. The new flagellate has mitochondria with tubular cristae and lacks a Golgi. A new genus is created to accommodate both the new flagellate described herein and Histiona campanula Penard. A new family is proposed to include the new genus and Histiona.  相似文献   

Silicified achenes and some perigynia of four new sedges are described from the late middle or late Miocene Ash Hollow (Clarendonian or Hemphillian) and early middle Miocene Sheep Creek (Late Hemingfordian) Formations of Nebraska. Carex graceii, sp. n., Cyperocarpus terrestris, sp. n., and Cyperocarpus pulcherrima, sp. n., were collected from strata in Garden and Antelope Counties and Cyperocarpus eliasii, sp. n., was collected from strata in Sioux County. Certain of the newly discovered taxa exhibit considerable anatomical detail of the pericarp wall of the achene. In two taxa, Carex graceii and Cyperocarpus pulcherrima, the achene pericarp exhibits four topographic regions: a cuticle, an outer layer of pentagonally to hexagonally shaped epidermal cells containing silica bodies, a middle layer of sclerenchyma cells, and an inner layer of sclerenchyma cells whose long axes are perpendicular to the long axes of the cells of the middle layer. Similar pericarp anatomy was found in Cyperocarpus terrestris except that the inner layer was not observed. In the fourth taxon, Cyperocarpus eliasii, only an outer epidermal layer of elongate cells with small protuberances is preserved. The ultrastructure of the pericarp of the fossil taxa is similar to that of living forms. Associated flora and fauna indicate widespread savanna environments with significant riparian elements. This is the first systematic treatment of sedges from the Miocene of North America.  相似文献   

Three ciliate species from Australia and Norway were examined by silver impregnation, biometry, and scanning electron microscopy. Trochiliopsis australis n. sp. (order Nassulida, family Microthoracidae) differs from the single other known species of the genus, T. opaca, by its prominent ridges on the left side, the distinctly longer anterior segment of somatic kinety 2, and by the doubled total number of kinetosomes. Pelagohalteria n. g. (order Oligotrichida, family Halteriidae) differs from Halteria by the structure of the bristle complexes, which are composed of a vertically and a horizontally oriented row of kinetosomes. Two Halteria species belong to the new genus: P. viridis (Fromentel, 1876) n. comb., which is redescribed here, and P. cirrifera (Kahl, 1935) n. comb. Strobilidium lacustris n. sp. (order Oligotrichida, family Strobilidiidae) differs from its nearest relative, S. velox, by the smooth pellicle, the absence of symbiotic green algae, and by its larger size.  相似文献   

Brachiola vesicularum, n. g., n. sp., is a new microsporidium associated with AIDS and myositis. Biopsied muscle tissue, examined by light and electron microscopy, revealed the presence of organisms developing in direct contact with muscle cell cytoplasm and fibers. No other tissue types were infected. All parasite stages contain diplokaryotic nuclei and all cell division is by binary fission. Sporogony is disporoblastic, producing 2.9 times 2 μm diplokaryotic spores containing 8-10 coils of the polar filament arranged in one to three rows, usually two. Additionally, this microsporidium produces electron-dense extracellular secretions and vesiculotubular appendages similar to Nosema algerae. However, the production of protoplasmic extensions which may branch and terminate in extensive vesiculotubular structures is unique to this parasite. Additionally, unlike Nosema algerae , its development occurred at warm blooded host temperature (37-38° C) and unlike Nosema connori , which disseminates to all tissue types, B. vesicularum infected only muscle cells. Thus, a new genus and species is proposed. Because of the similarities with the genus Nosema , this new genus is placed in the family Nosematidae. Successful clearing of this infection (both clinically and histologically) resulted from treatment with albendazole and itraconozole.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We recently reported the isolation of a leptomyxid ameba from the brain of a mandrill baboon that died of meningo-encephalitis. Based on light and electron microscopic studies, animal pathogenicity tests, and immunofluorescence patterns, we conclude that our isolate differs fundamentally from the other two amebas ( Leptomyxa and Gephyramoeba ) included in the Order Leptomyxida. We therefore created a new genus, Balamuthia , to accommodate our isolate and described it as Balamuthia mandrillaris to reflect the origin of the type species. Briefly, B. mandrillaris is a pathogenic ameba that causes amebic encephalitis in humans and animals. It has trophic and cyst stages in its life cycle, and is uninucleate with a large vesicular nucleus and a central nucleolus. Mature cysts have a tripartite wall consisting of an outer loose ectocyst, an inner endocyst and a middle mesocyst. Unlike Acanthamoeba and Naegleria , the other two amebas that cause amebic encephalitis in humans, Balamuthia will not grow on agar plates seeded with enteric bacteria. However, Balamuthia grows on a variety of mammalian cell cultures and kills mice following intranasal or intraperitoneal inoculation. Based on immunofluorescence testing, 35 cases of amebic encephalitis in humans and three in other animals have been identified worldwide as being caused by Balamuthia .  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Three new limax amoebae, isolated from marine, surface sediment samples are described using light microscopic and fine structural features. One species, characterized by eruptive locomotion typical of the family Vahlkampfiidae, is assigned the name Vahlkampfia caledonica (47.4 ± 16.0 μm × 12.1 ± 3.2 μm). The other two monopodial species move with steady locomotion characteristic of the family Hartmannellidae. One is a Saccamoeba with a distinct posterior bulbous uriod, vaculoes containing prominent crystals, glycocalyx with cup-like components, and spherical nucleus with central nucleolus. It is assigned the name Saccamoeba marina (72.5 ± 14.9 ±μm × 20. 7 ± 4. 5 μM). The other hartmannellid limax amoeba moves by steady locomotion and has a rather constant monopodial from, lacks a uroid, but has occasional trailing masses of cytoplasm, contains cup-like structures in the glycocalyx, and is characterized μm). Few limax amoebae have been described from marine environment and these data provide additional evidence that limax amoebae may be more abundant in marine sediments that realized previously.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The microsporidium Nadelspora canceri n. g., n. sp., is described from the striated musculature of the Dungeness crab ( Cancer magister ) in Oregon, USA. The needle-shaped spores were rounded anteriorly, tapered to a posterior point and measured 7.1–11.8 × 0.2–0.3 μm in fixed preparations. The extremely narrow spore diameter prevented observation of morphological details at the light microscopic level and ultrastructural details of mature spores were difficult to resolve. Meronts were not observed and the monokaryotic merozoites and sporonts were not contained within either parasitophorous or sporophorous vesicles. Sporonts were disporoblastic and gave rise to monokaryotic sporoblasts that became narrow and elongate as they developed into immature spores with a developing polar filament. The nucleus was not clearly resolved in mature spores and may have been surrounded by the lamellar polaroplast. The polar filament was of nearly uniform diameter throughout most of its length and ended abruptly about three-fourths of the distance from the anterior end of the spore. Unusual spherical non-membrane bound granules surrounded the polar filament in a spiral arrangement. The new microsporidium resembles members of the family Mrazekiidiae, but differs in lacking a diplokaryon at any stage. It is probably most closely related to Baculea daphniae from which it differs primarily by spore shape and size. The familial relationships of the genus Baculea have not been determined and it is proposed to include it with Nadelspora in the new family Nadelsporidae.  相似文献   


The vegetation of the Monach Islands is described by means of a grid of 336 1 m quadrats. Using the error sum of squares statistic these quadrats are grouped into seven communities and a residue: a brief outline and a frequency table of each is presented. These communities are seen to result in a zonation away from the sea which is related to soil differences, particularly an increase in organic matter; biotic differences, including rabbit and sheep grazing; and man's past cultivation practises.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Intestinal microsporidiosis in patients diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and having chronic diarrhea was first reported in 1985 and the associated microsporidian was named Enterocytozoon bieneusi. the intracellular developmental cycle of E. bieneusi in enterocytes has been demonstrated and many cases have been reported worldwide. This report presents the life cycle of a second intestinal microsporidian, associated with the same symptoms, in five AIDS patients. This new microsporidian also infects enterocytes but its pathology and morphology differ from that of E. bieneusi. It involves lamina propria macrophages, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells and can disseminate to infect other parts of the body, e.g. the kidney and gall bladder. the parasite cycle includes development of rounded uninucleate and elongated bi- or tetranucleate cells without the formation of plasmodial stages. Sporogony is similar to the more typical development of microsporidia with sporoblast morphogenesis occurring after the last cell division. the development of cells within chambers of a septate, honeycomb-like, parasite-secreted fibrillar network and surrounded by a parasitophorous vacuole, however, is unique to this microsporidian, justifying the establishment of a new genus and species, Septata intestinalis n. g., n. sp.  相似文献   


On 23 February 1979 Sir Robert Falla collapsed and died at his home in Eastbourne. He was 77. His sudden death came as a great shock to his multitude of friends and colleagues, many of whom were still sharing with Sir Robert a deep sense of loss at the death on 31 May 1978, shortly after the couple's golden wedding anniversary, of his charming wife Molly.  相似文献   

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