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在室内研究了不同环境变量(如食物、温度、光周期和不同光波长)下银胶菊杂草Parthenium hysterophorus L.的食叶昆虫和生物防治因子银胶菊叶甲Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister 的生命表。不同发育阶段的该种叶甲取食银胶菊不同部位时,取食花的甲虫死亡率指标Kappa值最低,其次是取食叶片和茎;而取食花时甲虫世代存活率最高。温度显著影响主要发育阶段该种叶甲的死亡率和存活率。27℃下饲养的未成熟期甲虫的Kappa值最低,其次是30, 25, 20 和35℃。世代存活和存活率表现相同的趋势。不同光周期显著影响死亡率,在14L∶10D (长日照)下世代存活最好,其次是 12L∶12D (昼夜相等), 10L∶14D (短日照), 24L∶0D (连续光照) 和0L∶24D (连续黑暗)。甲虫对不同波长光的反应上,在白光(广谱)下Kappa值最低,世代存活率最高,其次是黄光(λ≈570 nm)、蓝光 (λ≈475 nm) 和红光(λ≈650 nm)。卵的死亡率最高。不同发育阶段的甲虫在27℃长日照白光下用银胶菊花饲养最佳。死亡率趋势具有严格和显著的阶段特异性,表现出内在的存活效应,与研究的因素无关。  相似文献   

Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a biological control agent of Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae), was feeding on leaves of Helianthus annuus in India, raising concerns of its host range. Based on the age grading technique, it was shown that the majority of Z. bicolorata on sunflower plants at any time were reproductively immature. This establishes that Z. bicolorata does not pose any risk to sunflower in India.  相似文献   

Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of Mexican origin, released in Bangalore in 1984, was observed defoliating Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae) in 1988, and had dispersed over 50 000 km2 by 1992. The insect appears to have potential in reducing weed density in those parts of India having moderate weather conditions.  相似文献   

Diapause is a unique strategy of dormancy in insects to avoid unfavourable conditions. The exotic beetle Zygogramma bicolorata, is an effective biological control agent of Parthenium hysterophorus in India, Adults diapause in soil during December to May. As a result, there is delay in its effectiveness on the plant that reaches to flowering and seed production by the time the beetle is able to build up its population after emerging from diapause. Therefore, a study was conducted to explore possibilities of diapause aversion by temperature regulation. Results indicated that exposure of newly emerged adults to heat treatment of 35°C and to low temperature of 10°C could reduce diapause in Z. bicolorata. The low temperature can also be used as a medium for the storage of the mass reared beetles for a long time without having negative effect on their longevity and fecundity.  相似文献   

Abstract Age-specific mating incidence, sexual maturation and effect of age at mating on reproductive performance of the Parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister, was studied. Based on 50% mating incidence the calculated age of sexual maturation of males and females was 10.5 and 11.1 days, respectively, which was not statistically significant. However, on the basis of age at first mating, that is, sexual maturity, females matured 2 days earlier than males. Fecundity, pre-oviposition, oviposition and post-oviposition period and female longevity appear to be influenced by female age at mating with reproductive performance peaking at 30 days. On the other hand, egg viability was influenced by male age and was highest when males mated at the age of 40 days. To summarise, egg production and timing of egg deposition was female age-dependent, whereas egg fertility was male age-dependent. It was also observed that females mated at a later age and laid a higher number of eggs immediately after mating than did earlier mated females. This was ostensibly in a bid to increase fitness by maximizing reproductive output in the reduced life span available. This is the first investigation on the effect of age of females at mating on reproduction in this beetle.  相似文献   

Present study assessed if semiochemical cues left by an aphidophagous beetle, M. sexmaculatus influenced foraging behaviour of a phytophagous beetle, Z. bicolorata on noxious weed, P. hysterophorus. The lower predation attributes of Z. bicolorata in presence of M. sexmaculatus semiochemical footprints confirms they interfere with weed biological control.  相似文献   

P. Pandey 《Journal of Asia》2010,13(2):151-155
The influence of polyandry on the reproductive performance of females and on offspring fitness in Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister was investigated using four experimental treatments, viz. (A) monandrous, limited mating, (B) monandrous, unlimited mating, (C) polyandrous, no-choice limited mating, and (D) polyandrous, mate choice unlimited mating. Polyandrous females had higher reproductive performance than monandrous ones. Monandrous females subjected to unlimited matings had higher egg viability than those subjected to limited matings, but fecundity did not differ significantly. In polyandrous females, the freedom to choose mates did not affect reproductive performance. However, offspring of polyandrous females allowed mate choice developed fastest and had the highest survival at 25, 27, and 30 °C. Thus, polyandry in Z. bicolorata appears to provide both direct (material) and indirect (genetic) benefits resulting in better reproductive performance and increased adaptability of the offspring to counter environmental stresses. The present study not only adds to the knowledge of reproductive biology of Z. bicolorata but it could also be of economic value as it may help in the mass rearing of Z. bicolorata and in the management of Parthenium hysterophorus.  相似文献   

Freshly emerged adults of Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), introduced for biological control trials against the noxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus , were seen to feed and lay eggs on sunflower leaves under confined conditions in the laboratory. The time taken for initiation of feeding was found to be positively correlated with adult age, while survival after feeding on the crop was negatively correlated. However, adults that had fed on sunflower even for 1 day on P. hysterophorus were incapable of ovipositing, and young larvae could not feed on the crop. Under field conditions, newly emerged adults were only attracted to feed on plants that were treated either with a crude aqueous extract of leaves or pollen grains of P. hysterophorus , indicating that the chances of Z. bicolorata becoming a pest of sunflower are negligible. Age-related Feeding by the Parthenium Beetle Zygogramma bicolorata on Sunflower and its EVect on Survival and Reproduction  相似文献   

Biological rhythm is ubiquitous in all living organisms and is known to govern physiology, behavior, and population of insects. Though these rhythms are generated endogenously, they are entrained by environment. This experiment aims to evaluate the diel rhythms of mating, hatching and oviposition, and the influence of parental mating rhythm on their progeny. Peak of mating and oviposition incidences were recorded during later part of the photophase, which might be ascribed to the foraging rhythm during the day. However, maximum hatching was recorded during the scotophase which appears to be a survival strategy. Mating, oviposition, and hatching rhythms did not change on consecutive days and were thus probably endogenous in nature. It was also observed that the rhythm of parental mating had profound effect on their offspring fitness in terms of development and survival.  相似文献   

Uzma Afaq 《Journal of Asia》2011,14(4):393-397
Food consumption, utilization and ecological efficiency of Zygogramma bicolorata were studied in larvae and adults up to 45 days old. The study revealed that sex had a significant influence on dry food consumption in adults but not in larvae. The other parameters of ecological efficiencies, viz. efficiency of conversion of ingested food (E.C.I.), tissue growth and dry biomass, were highest in the fourth instar and in adult females. The Consumption Index (C.I.) was higher in males than females in both larval and adult stages. Developmental and growth rates were relatively higher in the first and second instars. The fourth instar and adult females were the most efficient consumers and converters of food. Food intake by females was an important determinant of the number of eggs laid.  相似文献   

Zygogramma suturalis F. has been introduced to Russia for the biological control of the common ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. The functional response of Z. suturalis to the density of the target plant was studied at two levels: between plants and between 0.1 m2 sampling plots. The number of Z. suturalis eggs per unit of plant weight was almost independent of plant weight, indicating that a functional response between plants is absent. However, tall and intermediate height plants received more eggs per phytomass unit than short plants. Between plots, correlation analysis showed that absolute Z. suturalis egg density is positively dependent on the ragweed density. Experiments showed that the locomotor activity of ovipositing females decreased when on the ragweed, suggesting orthokinesis. The number of leaf beetle eggs per unit of ragweed weight was negatively correlated with host plant density in May‐June, when the majority of eggs are laid, but was positively correlated in July and loosely, or not significantly, correlated in August. Seasonal changes in the functional response of a herbivorous insect to host plant population density have not been reported previously. A negative functional response of a herbivorous insect to target plant density can be a serious obstacle to the biological control of weeds.  相似文献   

Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is an effective biocontrol agent of Parthenium hysterophorus L. which is an alien invasive herbaceous weed with a pan-tropical distribution. The present study aimed to assess the effects of temperature and altitude on feeding attributes (consumption rate, conversion efficiency and growth rate) of adults from the wild populations of Z. bicolorata inhabiting India and Nepal. Results revealed that adults inhabiting areas of low temperature (24°C ‒ 25°C) and high altitude (415 m ‒1400 m) were large and had higher food consumption rates. In contrast, those inhabiting areas of high temperature (34°C ‒ 36°C) and low altitude (81 m ‒ 229 m) were smaller and had higher food utilization efficiencies. In all the eco-climatic regions, females were larger than males and had higher feeding attributes than their counterparts. Temperature between 27°C and 30°C was found optimal for Z. bicolorata adults to convert and utilize the food biomass to body mass. Above the optimal temperature the feeding attributes decreased. Present results suggest that there exists a possibility for decrease in body size, and thereby weed biocontrol efficiency of Z. bicolorata adults with an increase in temperature due to global climate change.  相似文献   

Variation in the effectiveness of biocontrol agents on the weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. was evaluated at two properties (Mount Panorama and Plain Creek) in Queensland, Australia for four years (1996-2000) using a pesticide exclusion experiment. At Mount Panorama, higher levels of defoliation by the leaf-feeding beetle Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister and galling by the moth Epiblema strenuana Walker in 1996-97 coincided with an above average summer rainfall, but in the following three years with below average summer rainfall the defoliation and galling levels were significantly lower. Biocontrol had significant negative impact on the weed only in 1996-97 with no major impact in the following three years. At Plain Creek, galling by E. strenuana was evident in all the four years, but varied significantly between years due to non-synchrony between P. hysterophorus germination and E. strenuana emergence. At Plain Creek biocontrol had limited impact on the weed in 1996-97 and 1997-98, with no significant impact in the following two years. Over the 4-year period, defoliation and galling resulted in 70% reduction in the soil seed bank at Mount Panorama, but the reduction in the soil seed bank at Plain Creek due to galling was not significant. Effectiveness of Z. bicolorata and E. strenuana was dependent on weather conditions and as a result had only limited impact on the weed in three out of four years.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在弄清楚生态气候因子是否影响尼泊尔银胶菊Parthenium hysterophorus盛产区中银胶菊叶甲Zygogramma bicolorata成虫后代的形态学测量参数和基础生物学。【方法】 从尼泊尔Kathmandu (24℃, 海拔1 400 m, 温带气候), Chitwan (25℃, 海拔415 m, 热带或亚热带气候)和Mahendranagar (34℃, 海拔229 m, 湿润 亚热带气候)地区采集银胶菊叶甲成虫,在最适室内条件下评估各生态气候区中其F1代4龄幼虫和雌成虫的取食特征。我们假定在自由取食和最适非生物条件下饲养的后代将不会受到食物和气温的间接影响,不管亲本属于哪一生态气候区,后代利用食物的能力一致。【结果】然而,我们发现,尽管在最适条件下饲养,银胶菊叶甲后代的体型和取食特征与其亲本相似。体型大的亲本(来自Kathmandu地区),其后代体型也大,但是其食物利用效率比体型小的亲本(来自Chitwan 和Mahendranagar地区)所产后代小。这3个生态气候区中,与幼虫相比正在发育的雌成虫均表现出体重增加而食物利用效率降低。【结论】这些发现说明,食物和最适非生物条件的间接影响可能不影响银胶菊叶甲后代的表型可塑性,后代的体型和取食特征与亲本相似。发生的可遗传的变化可能是由于种内的遗传多样性。我们期望这些发现有助于理解气候变化背景下银胶菊叶甲成虫的表型可塑性、分布格局和取食行为。  相似文献   


The ragwort flea beetle, Longitarsus jacobaeae, was tested for host specificity against representative species of native New Zealand Senecio. Adult feeding and oviposition tests were carried out under quarantine with and without a choice of host plants. Larval development was assessed using potted plants. It was concluded that L. jacobaeae is highly specific to Senecio jacobaea and that it is extremely unlikely to be damaging to native New Zealand Senecio species.  相似文献   

Dipha aphidivora (Meyrick), a lepidopteran predator of sugarcane woolly aphid (SWA) Ceratovacuna lanigera Zehntner was successfully reared for three successive generations, for the first time on a freeze-dried beef liver-based larval semi-synthetic diet. We compared biological parameters viz., larval survival, adult weight, pre-and oviposition period, fertility, fecundity and female longevity of D. aphidivora reared on the semi-synthetic diet with the predators reared on SWA. Development time of larvae reared from first instar to pupation was 20.6 days on the semi-synthetic diet and 12 days on SWA, while survival of the larvae to adults was 61.8 and 91.8% on larval semi-synthetic diet and SWA, respectively. Fecundity recorded from semi-synthetic diet (41 eggs/female) was significantly less than those produced on SWA (58 eggs/female). However, fertility and longevity of the predators reared on SWA and semi-synthetic diet did not differ significantly. The study revealed the possibility of rearing D. aphidivora larvae using synthetic diet.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the effect of desiccation on the survival of eggs of Longitarsus flavicornis. Eclosion of L. flavicornis eggs in laboratory trials decreased with increasing desiccation time between 0 days (93% hatching) and 42 days (no egg hatching) at 50±2% relative humidity and 23±2°C. Probit analysis indicated that 25, 50 and 99% mortality of L. flavicornis eggs occurred after 5.7, 9.3 and 50.4 days desiccation, respectively. Egg development varied between a minimum of 8 days at 7 days desiccation to a maximum of 15 days at 28 days desiccation. Hatching span did not differ between treatments with all eggs hatching within 12 days of each other. A relative humidity of 88–100% was measured under ragwort rosettes in non-drought field conditions. This would be expected to facilitate successful egg eclosion. However, the occurrence of summer drought could be detrimental to egg survival.  相似文献   


Parthenium is a Weed of National Significance in Australia. Biological control of parthenium in Australia commenced in 1977 and since then nine insect species and two rust fungi have been introduced and established. Seven of them are widespread, however the time taken for field establishment varied widely between various agents, ranging from one to 15 years. Among them, the stem-galling Epiblema moth, the stem-boring Listronotus weevil, the seed-feeding Smicronyx weevil and the root-feeding Carmenta moth occur in all parthenium-infested areas at high population densities. The leaf-feeding Zygogramma beetle occurs only in central and southern Queensland, and not in northern Queensland. The parthenium summer rust occurs seasonally in central and northern Queensland, while the parthenium winter rust is more widespread in southern Queensland than in central Queensland, but does not occur in north Queensland. The sap-feeding Stobaera planthopper and the leaf-mining Bucculatrix moth established and are widespread, but their damage levels remain very low. The stem-galling Conotrachelus weevil and the stem-boring Platphalonidia moth are believed to be established, but at very low abundance. Biological control has resulted in significant reductions in the abundance and impact of parthenium in Australia. As a result, the area infested with parthenium in central Queensland has declined since the mid-1990s. Due to the absence of many of the effective agents in southern and south-eastern Queensland, agents from central Queensland are being redistributed there. Additionally, based on Australian success, many of these agents have also been introduced into other countries around the world.  相似文献   

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