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A tethered flight system was used to characterize and compare the flight behavior of western, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (WCR), and northern, Diabrotica barberi (Smith and Lawrence) (NCR), corn rootworms in the laboratory. Distributions of flight durations were skewed towards short flights for both species regardless of sex or age and there was high variability in flight durations and frequency in individual beetles. Flight distributions for WCR were distinctly bimodal, reflecting a dichotomy between short trivial flights and much longer sustained flights. Trivial flight performance did not vary with age but did differ between species. In comparison to WCR, NCR took shorter flights but had a higher frequency of flights over a 23-h period. Overall, WCR beetles logged substantially more flight time in the same period of time. The proportion of individual WCR undertaking sustained flight was relatively low (<24%) and, for females, declined along with sustained flight durations as a function of age. Periodicity of trivial flight did not differ betweer the species. In general, flight activity was greatest during early morning and early evening hours. No correlations were found between any feature of flight performance and body size or wing loading ratios.
Résumé Un système de vol captif a été utilisé pour caractériser et comparer au laboratoire les comportements de vol de D. virgifera virgifera et D. barberi. La distribution des durées de vol est nettement biaisée avec la grande majorité des vols durant moins d'une minute quels que soient le sexe et l'âge. Il y a une grande variabilité interindividuelle tant en durée qu'en fréquence de vol. Les distributions des durées de vol en fonction du sexe sont bimodales chez D. virgifera virgifera, mais pas chez D. barberi, ce qui reflète la séparation entre vols brefs ordinaires et long vols prolongés. Les vols brefs ordinaires ne dépendent pas beaucoup de l'âge ou du sexe mais diffèrent suivant l'espèce. D. barberi a eu des vols plus brefs, mais en a effectué plus pendant une période de 23 heures. Au total, D. virgifera virgifera a consacré nettement plus de temps au vol pendant la même période; mais, chez cette espèce la proportion d'individus effectuant des vols soutenus était relativement faible (<24%), avec une diminution de leur nombre avec l'âge chez les femelles; le nombre le plus élevé étant chez les jeunes femelles. La périodicité des vols ordinaires n'a dépendu ni du sexe, ni de l'espèce; l'activité de vol a été en général plus importante tôt le matin et en début de soirée. Aucune corrélation n'a été trouvée entre une quelconque performance de vol et la taille du corps ou la charge alaire.

Food utilization by adults of the invasive maize (Zea mays L.) (Poaceae) pest western corn rootworm (WCR; Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was investigated in the south‐eastern part of its new European distribution range. At weekly intervals over a 10‐week period, 10 beetles per field were collected from six fields that had a high abundance of flowering weeds and six fields with a low abundance of flowering weeds, with the aim of understanding adult feeding behaviour in Europe and comparing this behaviour with North American WCR. Gut content analysis was performed to determine the use of maize tissue and weed pollen with regard to maize phenology. Furthermore, all pollen found within the gut was quantified and identified to plant species level. The use of maize tissue by adult WCR changed over time according to maize phenology. Pollen originating from plants other than maize was used more frequently as the maize matured. Adults fed on pollen from 19 of 25 different plant species found in maize fields and showed a preference for the pollen of specific weeds. Pollen from weed species was found more often in beetles from fields with a high abundance of weeds compared to beetles from fields with a low abundance of weeds. Females consumed greater amounts of pollen than males, the latter feeding on a wider diversity of host plants. The pollen resources used by adult WCR in Hungary were more diverse compared to WCR in the USA, which may contribute to the invasion success of WCR in Europe.  相似文献   

The diel and seasonal activity of epigeal predators associated with pre-imaginal Diabrotica virgifera was described. Due to its duration, the egg stage was exposed to more predators than the larval stage. Most predators were easily categorized into day- and night-active guilds. Seasonal and diel niche partitioning may contribute to the maintenance of this diverse and abundant predator community.  相似文献   

The soil‐living larvae of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Agriotes ustulatus Schaller (Coleoptera: Elateridae) can cause economic damage to maize roots, Zea mays L. (Poaceae). This study investigated the spatial clustering of both pests in four small‐scale maize fields in southern Hungary, where clustering had been observed but not expected due to the lack of topographic relief drifts and soil structuring. Between 2000 and 2002, numbers of D. v. virgifera larvae and adults and of A. ustulatus larvae were determined at four randomly chosen georeferenced maize plants in each of 24 plots per field. Soil moisture, soil bulk density, and vegetational characteristics were assessed. Moran's I test for spatial autocorrelations, semivariogram analyses, and interpolated mapping revealed that D. v. virgifera larvae and adults were spatially clustered in 67 and 50% of cases, respectively. Larvae of A. ustulatus were clustered in 75% of cases. Diabrotica virgifera virgifera larval distributions were mainly determined by increasing weed density (negative correlation), in particular with high densities of Cirsium arvense (L.) (Asteraceae), as well as by increasing soil moisture (negative correlation). Adult distributions of D. v. virgifera were mainly determined by the density distribution of flowering maize. They were moreover correlated with larval distribution and with the adult distribution of the previous year. The density distributions of male adults differed from those of females. Female density was additionally correlated with higher soil moisture and Poaceae density, e.g., with Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. No relation was found between the larvae of A. ustulatus and D. v. virgifera. Agriotes ustulatus larval distributions were mainly determined by vegetational cover (correlation with less cover). Conclusively, male and female D. v. virgifera adults, larvae of D. v. virgifera, and larvae of A. ustulatus will display different spatial clustering even within ostensibly homogeneous habitats of flat small‐scale maize fields.  相似文献   

Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is one of the most important and best-studied maize pests, yet little information is available regarding the basic relationships among its phenotypic traits, particularly those that reflect the overall fitness of this successful invader in Europe and North America. Such information is critical for studies on the invasiveness, behavioural ecology, and management of this pest. Phenotypic traits that change over the lifetime of the beetle were investigated (e.g., fresh body weight) as they can indicate changes in adult physiology or fitness of D. v. virgifera . Phenotypic traits that remain stable over the beetle's lifetime were also investigated (e.g., pronotum width, head capsule width, hind tibia length), as they most likely allow detection of genetic differences between populations. Furthermore, phenotypic traits were investigated that may best predict fecundity (e.g., fresh body weight, elytra width) and life span (e.g., elytra length), as these two factors influence the population growth of this highly invasive species. Finally, regression equations are provided for the age-specific oviposition and survival of the long-living D. v. virgifera adults, which may allow researchers to reduce the duration of their bioassays without losing information.  相似文献   

1 The western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte is a major insect pest of field maize, Zea mays L. Larvae can cause substantial injury by feeding on maize roots. Larval feeding may destroy individual roots or root nodes, and reduce plant growth, stability, and yield. Costs associated with managing corn rootworms in continuous maize are annually one of the largest expenditures for insect management in the United States Corn Belt.
2 Even though D. virgifera virgifera has been studied intensively for over 50 years, there is renewed interest in the biology, ecology, and genetics of this species because of its ability to rapidly adapt to management tactics, and its aggressive invasive nature.
3 This article provides a comprehensive review of D. virgifera virgifera population dynamics, specifically: diapause, larval and adult development, seasonality, spatial and temporal dynamics at local and landscape scales, invasiveness in North America and Europe, and non-trophic interactions with other arthropods.
4 Gaps in current knowledge are identified and discussed especially within the context of challenges that scientists in North America and Europe are currently facing regarding pest dynamics and the need to develop appropriate management strategies for each geographic area.  相似文献   

1 The western corn rootworm (WCR) is a historic pest with a legacy of resistance and behavioural plasticity. Its behaviour and nutritional ecology are important to rootworm management. The success of the most effective and environmentally benign rootworm management method, annual crop rotation, was based on an understanding of rootworm behaviour and host–plant relationships. Enthusiastic adoption of crop rotation, provided excellent rootworm management, but also selected for behavioural resistance to this cultural control.
2 Though well-studied, significant gaps in WCR biology remain. Understanding the topics reviewed here (mating behaviour, nutritional ecology, larval and adult movement, oviposition, alternate host use, and chemical ecology) is a starting point for adapting integrated pest management and insect resistance management (IRM) to an expanding WCR threat. A presentation of significant questions and areas in need of further study follow each topic.
3 The expansion of WCR populations into Europe exposes this pest to new environmental and regulatory conditions that may influence its behaviour and ecology. Reviewing the state of current knowledge provides a starting point of reference for researchers and pest management decision-makers in North America and Europe.
4 The trend toward increasing adoption of transgenic maize will place an increasing premium on understanding WCR behaviour. IRM plans designed to promote sustainable deployment of transgenic hybrids are grounded on assumptions about WCR movement, mating and ovipositional behaviour. Preserving the utility of new and old management options will continue to depend on a thorough understanding of WCR biology, even as the ecological circumstances and geography of WCR problems become more complex.  相似文献   

Many herbivorous arthropods use defensive chemistry to discourage predators from attacking. This chemistry relies on the ability of predators to rapidly learn to recognize and avoid offensive stimuli. Western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), employs multifaceted chemical defences in its haemolymph, which may contribute significantly to its success as a major economic pest. Here, we test the hypothesis that agrobiont predators can rapidly learn to recognize and avoid WCR larvae, and will thereby reduce their contribution to WCR suppression. In controlled feeding assays, the effectiveness of WCR haemolymph defences varied across three predator taxa (crickets, centipedes, and ants). Centipedes (Chilopoda: Lithobiidae) were minimally affected by WCR defences, but crickets [Gryllus pennsylvanicus Burmeister (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)] spent less time feeding on WCR than on an undefended control prey, house fly maggots. However, we uncovered no evidence indicating that experienced crickets rapidly learn to avoid WCR larvae, indicating that haemolymph defences offer few, if any, survival benefits for WCR. Colonies of ants [Lasius neoniger Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)] switched from low worker participation in initial attacks on WCR to higher worker participation in subsequent attacks, indicating an attempt to overcome, rather than avoid, WCR haemolymph defences. These results suggest that a diverse assemblage of natural enemies will show a diverse array of behavioural responses to toxic pest prey, and highlight the importance of behavioural diversity in driving the function of natural enemy assemblages.  相似文献   

Western corn rootworm (WCR, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) is highly sensitive to orally delivered double‐stranded RNA (dsRNA). RNAi in WCR is systemic and spreads throughout the insect body. This raises the question whether transitive RNAi is a mechanism that functions in WCR to amplify the RNAi response via production of secondary siRNA. Secondary siRNA production is achieved through RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) activity in other eukaryotic organisms, but RdRP has not been identified in WCR and any other insects. This study visualized the spread of the RNAi‐mediated knockdown of Dv v‐ATPase C mRNA throughout the WCR gut and other tissues using high‐sensitivity branched DNA in situ hybridization. Furthermore, we did not detect either secondary siRNA production or transitive RNAi in WCR through siRNA sequence profile analysis. Nucleotide mismatched sequences introduced into either the sense or antisense strand of v‐ATPase C dsRNAs were maintained in siRNAs derived from WCR fed with the mismatched dsRNAs in a strand specific manner. The distribution of all siRNAs was restricted to within the original target sequence regions, which may indicate the lack of new dsRNA synthesis leading to production of secondary siRNA. Thus, the systemic spread of RNAi in WCR may be derived from the original dsRNA molecules taken up from the gut lumen. These results indicate that the initial dsRNA dose is important for a lethal systemic RNAi response in WCR and have implications in developing effective dsRNA traits to control WCR and in resistance management to prolong the durability of RNAi trait technology.  相似文献   

Abstract: The western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, Col.; Chrysomelidae) is an alien invasive species in Europe. It is a univoltine species with eggs that overwinter in the soil and larvae that hatch in spring. Three larval instars feed on maize roots, which can cause plant lodging and yield loss of economic importance. Adults emerge between mid‐June and early August and can reduce yields through intensive silk feeding. In order to provide a thorough understanding of the population dynamics of this invasive pest species in the invaded European region, complete age specific life‐tables were constructed in two maize fields in southern Hungary assessing the significance of natural mortality factors acting on D. v. virgifera populations. This information provides a rational basis for devising sustainable integrated pest management programmes, in particular, by enabling the identification of vulnerable pest age intervals for the timely application of various management tools. The life‐table for D. v. virgifera in Europe resulted in a total mortality of about 99% from the egg stage in the autumn to the emergence of adult females in the following year (KTotal = 2.48), which is comparable with North America. The highest reduction of D. v. virgifera numbers resulted from the mortality in first instar larvae (94% marginal death rate) and from the unrealized fecundity (80%). However, only the variation in mortality between years can change the generational mortality and thus influence population growth. High variation in the marginal death rate between fields and years was found in the second and third instar larval stages, and in the overwintering egg stage. These mortality factors therefore have the potential to cause changes in the total generational mortality. Furthermore, the life‐table suggested that a high fecundity could compensate for a high generational mortality and would lead to population increase.  相似文献   

Laboratory tests with eggs of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte showed that during a 10-day hatching period, hatch of male eggs predominated on the first and second days, eggs of mixed sex, with ca. 1:1 ratio, hatched on the third and fourth days, and eggs hatching from the fifth to the tenth days were nearly all female. Overall, female eggs hatched a mean of 2.9 days later than male eggs. Not only did female eggs hatch later, but the time for posthatch development to the adult stage was 1.8 days longer for females. The later egg hatch and longer posthatch development for females resulted in female adults emerging a mean of 4.7 days later than male adults. Total adult emergence lasted 14 days; of this, males predominated during the first 5 days, and females predominated during the last 9 days. Males of D. v. virgifera appear to have evolved protandry (the tendency for males to emerge before females) by developing both a postdiapause embryonic stage and a combined larval and pupal stage of shorter duration.
Résumé L'observation, au laboratoire, pendant une période d'éclosion de dix jours, des oeufs de D. v. virgifera LeConte, a montré que les oeufs mâles prédominent les deux premiers jours d'éclosion, que les oeufs des deux sexes, avec des fréquences 0,5/0,5, ont éclos les troisième et quatrième jours, et que les oeufs éclos du cinquième au dixième jour étaient presque tous femelles. Globalement, les oeufs femelles ont éclos en moyenne 2,9 jours plus tard que les oeufs mâles. De plus, la durée du développement post-embryonnaire des femelles a demandé 1,8 jour en plus. Une éclosion plus tardive et un développement post-embryonnaire plus long ont entrainé une émergence des femelles en moyenne 4,7 jours après les mâles. La période d'émergence des adultes s'est étalée sur 14 jours; les mâles ayant dominé pendant les 5 premiers jours et les femelles pendant les 9 derniers. Les mâles de D. v. virgifera semblent avoir évolué vers la protandrie en acquerant, tant une diapause post-embryonnaire que des stades de développements larvaire et nymphal plus brefs.

1 This review presents the latest research regarding maize resistance breeding against western corn rootworm (WCR) in the U.S.A. and Europe.
2 Investigations in Europe on the development of maize cultivars possessing resistant mechanisms against WCR are just beginning. In 2003, the European Commission implemented measures aimed at slowing down the spread of the WCR in Europe. Nevertheless, this pest has already been found in 20 countries of the European region. To establish a sustainable production system, the evaluation of native (nontransgenic) resistance in maize cultivars is essential.
3 This review emphasizes the future challenges involved in the research of native resistance breeding in maize against the insect.  相似文献   

The western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte is a pest of maize in the USA and Europe and especially a problem in particular regions of Croatia. In the present study, patterns of variation in hind wing shape were examined. The first objective was to examine the influence of soil type on 10 populations of D. v. virgifera sampled from three regions in Croatia that differed according to edaphic factors and climate. The second objective was to investigate the potential evolutionary presence of directional asymmetry on hind wings. Geometric morphometrics was used to examine these objectives by quantifying the morphological variation within and among individuals and populations. Overall, D. v. virgifera hind wing shape changed according to major soil type classifications in Croatia. The three hind wing morphotypes found varied because of basal radial vein differences, related to landmarks 1, 3, 7, and 14. The findings of the present study show that hind wing shape in D. v. virgifera can be used to differentiate populations based on edaphic factors and may have application as a monitoring tool in the integrated management of D. v. virgifera. In an evolutionary context, the presence of directional asymmetry in the hind wings of D. v. virgifera adds to the ever growing data on the evolution of insect wings. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 110–118.  相似文献   

A 5‐year field survey examined western corn rootworm (WCR) (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) beetle density in Serbia from 2002 to 2006. First‐, second‐, third‐, fourth‐ and fifth‐year maize fields were sampled; they represented 64.61%, 21.66%, 9.45%, 3.53% and 0.75% of all sampled fields respectively. Results showed that the mean WCR beetle population density from 794 maize fields differed depending on cropping history. Minimum mean WCR/trap/day was 0.0 in the first‐year maize fields in 2002 and 2006. Maximum mean WCR/trap/day was registered in the fourth‐year and the fifth‐year maize fields (27.8 and 21.2 respectively). Mean population density of WCR adults increased with the number of years of continuous maize from 1.17, 4.61, 6.41, 10.30 up to 13.53 WCR/trap/day for first‐fifth‐year maize fields respectively. Mean WCR/trap/day ± SE exceeded the economic population threshold of >6 WCR/trap/day in third‐year continuous maize fields. Out of 794 maize fields, 697 (87.78%) registered a mean population density below the <6 beetles/trap/day threshold. In only 97 fields was WCR population density >6 beetles/trap/day, a finding that predicts a risk of economic damage to a subsequent maize planting. These data are representative of the Serbian situation from 2002 to 2006; they indicate that WCR are well dispersed across commercial maize fields in Serbia. These results provide new insight into the current low WCR population densities in maize fields managed by crop rotation, a finding that can help in creating long‐term management strategy.  相似文献   

Flight activity of corn rootworm beetles, the northern (NCR), Diabrotica barberi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and western (WCR), D. virgifera virgifera, was monitored using malaise traps placed at the edges of two small cornfields. Populations of beetles in the fields peaked while corn was flowering, but capture in malaise traps remained low until silks had dried. Capture of NCR and (to a lesser extent) WCR then increased and remained high through the season. Malaise traps were constructed to permit separate collections of beetles that entered on each of two opposite sides. Female NCR that were captured in sides that faced toward corn tended to contain fewer mature eggs than those in sides facing away from corn. These findings support the hypothesis that female NCR emigrate from cornfields to feed when fresh silk and corn pollen (favored foods) become unavailable, but that egg-laden NCR actively seek corn when searching for oviposition sites.
Résumé Les activités de vol de D. barberi (NCR) et D. virgifera virgifera (WCR) ont été contrôlées par l'utilisation de pièges malais placés en lisière de deux petits champs de maïs. Les populations de ces coléoptères sont maximales quand le maïs fleurit, mais leurs captures sont restées faibles jusqu'à ce que les barbes du maïs aient été sèches. Les captures de NCR et, dans une plus faible mesure, celles de WCR ont alors augmenté et sont restées importantes pendant toute la saison. Les pièges malais ont été conçus pour que les adultes pénétrant par les côtés opposés soient récoltés séparément. Les femelles de NCR capturées face au champ de maïs avaient tendance à contenir moins d'ovocytes mûrs que celles capturées du côté opposé. Ces observations appuient l'hypothèse que les femelles NCR émigrent des champs de maïs pour s'alimenter, quand les barbes et le pollen de maïs, aliments préférés, deviennent indisponibles, mais que les femelles NCR pleines d'ovocytes mûrs recherchent le maïs quand elles sont en quête de lieux de ponte.

Summary Chrysomela confluens produces a salicylaldehyde-based defensive secretion which is very effective against generalist predators and apparently produced at no cost. If no cost defenses are common, then one of the basic assumptions in the plant-herbivore literature, i.e. tradeoffs among defense, reproduction, and growth, must be reconsidered. We examined the effectiveness of this defense by exposing defended larvae and larvae whose secretion had been removed to a generalist predator. Larvae which had their secretions intact were attacked by only 7% of the ants which encountered them, and none of these larvae suffered serious damage. In contrast, those which had been milked of their secretions immediately prior to exposure were attacked in 48% of such encounters, and two-thirds of the larvae were killed. Larvae which had been milked 24 or 72 h before exposure, then allowed to regenerate their defenses, were attacked at rates indistinguishable from larvae that had not been milked. Thus regenerated defenses are just as effective as original defenses. We also tested the hypothesis that the cost of defense production and maintainence would be reflected in reductions in developmental rates and final adult mass and increases in leaf consumption rate. We found that larvae which were milked daily of their secretions manifested no measurable cost of recharging reservoirs. Milked larvae grew and fed at the same rates as their control sibs, and became adults of equal or slightly larger size. The liberation of glucose from salicin, a precursor present in leaves of salicaceous hosts, during the production of salicylaldehyde apparently provides enough of an energetic benefit to offset the cost of maintaining an effective defense. Consistent with this hypothesis, we did not find that milked larvae compensated for increased nutritional or salicin demands by increasing their feeding rates. Although this patterns is familiar to chemical ecologists it is generally unappreciated in the plant-herbivore literature. It is likely that many arthropod herbivore defensive systems come at little or no cost, given the intimacy of association between herbivores and their food plants. Sequestration of host plant defensive chemicals which eliminates the cost of synthesis is common in arthropods. The de novo synthesis of chemical defenses may be less costly than expected if it is integrated into other parts of an insects metabolism. Calculations based on the bond energies or molecular constitution of the compounds will not yield a complete perception of cost. Tests over the life of the herbivore, coupled with an understanding of the herbivore's metabolism, are necessary.  相似文献   

S. Toepfer  U. Kuhlmann 《BioControl》2004,49(4):385-395
The western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is the mostdestructive pest of maize (Zea mays L.)in North America, and began to successfullyinvade Central Europe in the early 1990's. Thispaper reports a three-year field surveyconducted in Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Croatia,which are currently the focal points ofinvasion, with the aim to determine theoccurrence of indigenous natural enemies ofD. v. virgifera in Europe. A total of9,900 eggs, 550 larvae, 70 pupae and 33,000adults were examined for the occurrence ofparasitoids, nematodes, and fungal pathogens. It can be concluded from the survey resultsthat effective indigenous natural enemies arenot attacking any of the life stages of D.v. virgifera in Europe. The exception is theoccurrence of the fungi Beauveriabassiana (Bals.) Vuill. (Mitosporic fungi;formerly Deuteromyces) and Metarhiziumanisopliae (Metsch.) Sorok (Mitosporic fungi)attacking adults of D. v. virgifera at anextremely low level (< 1%). However no otherentomopathogenic fungal pathogens,entomopathogenic nematodes, or parasitoids werefound on eggs, larvae, pupae or adults. Whileseveral natural enemies in North and CentralAmerica are known to attack D. v.virgifera, it is apparent that indigenousnatural enemies in Europe have not adapted tothe high population density of the alieninvasive species D. v. virgifera. Classical biological control may provide anopportunity to reconstruct the natural enemycomplex of an invading alien pest, and itsapplication to manage D. v. virgiferapopulations in Europe should be considered.  相似文献   

The corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a serious pest of many crops in North America, particularly sweet corn. The larvae of Coleomegilla maculata (DeGeer) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) are the most frequently observed predators of H. zea eggs in sweet corn. Companion cropping strategies have been developed to augment densities of C. maculata in sweet corn plantings. In this study, the importance of predation by C. maculata larvae was evaluated in experiments when larval abundance was manipulated using hand removal and physical exclusion. In 2003 and 2004, sentinel H. zea eggs were exposed on corn for 48 h. Egg mortality was 13.8% greater in the treatment where C. maculata larvae were present. In 2004 and 2005 eggs were exposed on corn under the same hand removal and physical exclusion techniques and monitored at 3-h intervals for 24 h to directly observe predation on sentinel eggs. Coleomegilla maculata larvae were the most frequently observed predators of the eggs, accounting for 45.9% of 85 total observed predation events in the control. Whereas in the treatment where C. maculata larvae were reduced, egg survival was 26.13% greater and only 37 total predation events were observed. All pest eggs were eliminated from individual ears 22.1% more often when C. maculata larvae were present at natural densities indicating that predation by this predator stage lessens crop damage by H. zea. The results of this study suggest that C. maculata larvae are an irreplaceable source of natural mortality for H. zea eggs on sweet corn.  相似文献   

昆虫群落中的集团内捕食作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与捕食、竞争等种间关系相比 ,集团内捕食作用是一种更为复杂的种间关系 ,广泛存在于各种生态系中。该文从它的概念、类型、作用特点、与其它种间关系的区别、存在的广泛性、发生强度的影响因素、化学信息调控及其对生物防治效果的影响等几个方面介绍了天敌群落中的这一典型的种间相互关系。根据参与者在集团内捕食作用关系中的利益地位的不同 ,可将集团内捕食作用分为单向性和双向性的 ,也可分成对称性的和不对称性的。参与者的生物学特性和各种环境条件对集团内捕食作用的发生程度和结果起着重要的调控作用。在多种天敌存在的系统中 ,集团内捕食作用影响着目标生物种群动态及其生物防治的效果。深入地研究这一种间关系对增强生物控害的功能有十分重要的意义  相似文献   

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