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农田林网条件下大斑啄木鸟夏季和冬季日间行为模式   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
2005年7月至2008年1月,利用目标动物取样法对内蒙古乌拉特前旗地区农田林网中大斑啄木鸟(Picoides major)夏季和冬季的日间行为模式进行了分析.结果发现,大斑啄木鸟不同行为的活动次数差异极为显著,主要活动是觅食啄食;夏季具午间休息习性,日间行为节律明显,而冬季没有午休习性,日问行为节律不明显;不同性别大斑啄木鸟之间的日间行为差异不显著,但大斑啄木鸟在不同季节的日间行为差异极为显著,夏季活动时间明显长于冬季.  相似文献   

2011年6~8月,在北京市野生动物救护中心露天笼舍内,采用瞬时扫描法对笼养条件下的4只大斑啄木鸟(Dendrocopos major)行为时间分配和活动节律进行了研究,利用单因素方差分析来说明不同性别大斑啄木鸟间行为时间分配差异以及研究对象在日间不同时间段行为节律差异.结果显示,笼养条件下大斑啄木鸟的各种行为活动具有一定的时间分配特点和日行为节律.大斑啄木鸟的行为主要表现为休息和飞行走动,占全部行为的36.24%和26.96%,其次为觅食行为,占17.69%.除觅食、理羽和其他行为外,雌雄间行为时间分配差异不显著(P>0.05).大斑啄木鸟昼间活动的高峰期出现在上午,中午有午休现象,日间行为节律明显.飞行走动、休息、理羽、跳跃行为的发生频次在雌雄间无显著差异(P>0.05),而雄性觅食的发生频次显著地大于雌性的(P<0.05).  相似文献   

植食性小型哺乳动物的觅食行为是对特定生境的适应性产物。食物斑块周边植被对动物视野遮挡是否通过作用于其觅食活动中的警觉而影响摄入率。采用新鲜白三叶叶片构建东方田鼠密集均质食物斑块,以牛皮纸模拟食物斑块周边植被遮挡田鼠视野,测定其在食物斑块上的觅食行为序列过程及行为参数,检验食物斑块周边植被高度对东方田鼠摄入率的影响。结果发现,个体在不同程度视野受阻条件下食物摄入率无显著差异。分析觅食行为参数动态发现,在不同视野受阻条件下,个体能通过调整各采食回合内警觉行为动作的发生频次和持续时间,维持觅食回合内总的觅食中断时间的稳定,进而保证进食时间的稳定。东方田鼠在不同程度的视野遮挡条件下均能通过行为变异和优化使摄入率保持稳定。结果亦充分说明,东方田鼠在警觉强度上的变化不能反映觅食中断所带来的食物收益减损的代价,但觅食活动中各警觉动作的持续时间的变异却能够明确指示个体摄入率的动态变化,因此,以觅食活动中警觉引起的觅食中断时间代价为线索,检验其对摄入率的影响,是评价植食性小型哺乳动物在不同生境觅食适应性策略的有效的方法。  相似文献   

陶双伦  张伟华  李俊年  何岚  杨锡福 《生态学报》2010,30(18):4839-4847
能量收益函数描述了植食性哺乳动物在植物斑块的食物摄入量与在斑块停留时间的函数关系,为觅食生态学理论的重要组成部分。在新鲜白三叶叶片构成的各类叶片斑块上,测定东方田鼠的觅食行为,建立其能量收益函数模型,分析植食性哺乳动物能量收益增长减速的机制。研究结果表明,东方田鼠觅食大叶片时,叶片干物质收益与停留时间呈非线性渐进函数关系,能量收益函数为渐进函数;觅食中、小型叶片时,叶片干物质收益与停留时间呈线性函数关系,能量收益函数为线性函数;没有检测到东方田鼠的能量收益动态呈分段线性函数或S型函数增长。东方田鼠在大、中型叶片斑块觅食时,随停留时间的增大,口量呈线性或指数递减,而处理时间则呈线性或指数递增,采食时间、间隔时间及咀嚼频次保持相对稳定,瞬时摄入率呈减小趋势;东方田鼠在小叶片斑块觅食时,觅食行为参数口量、摄入率、采食时间、间隔时间、处理时间及咀嚼频次均保持相对稳定。研究结果充分验证了,植食性哺乳动物在消费植被过程中,大型可利用性植物减少,受植物大小调控的动物口量减小,处理时间增加,引起瞬时摄入率降低,导致其能量收益增长减速的假说。  相似文献   

同域分布3种啄木鸟冬季取食的生态位差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戎可  司雨蕙  潘麒嫣  王欢 《生态学报》2018,38(23):8314-8323
为了掌握黑啄木鸟、三趾啄木鸟和大斑啄木鸟的冬季取食行为特征,特别是三者之间取食生态位的差异,于2016年1月5-13日,在黑龙江省凉水国家级自然保护区以样线法结合样方法对3种啄木鸟的取食生境和取食行为进行了系统调查,收集了15个生境和行为特征变量数据。共布设45条样线,484个对照样方,收集312组啄木鸟取食数据,其中黑啄木鸟73组,三趾啄木鸟97组,大斑啄木鸟142组。多变量回归树和多分类逻辑斯谛分析结果显示,3种啄木鸟在所调查的15项特征上存在显著分异。采用基于利用-可利用方法的Bailey''s方法和双因子方差分析,分别对3种啄木鸟的生境选择和行为特征进行分析,结果显示:黑啄木鸟和三趾啄木鸟偏好在郁闭度较高的原始云、冷杉林中取食,而大斑啄木鸟则随机地在各种林型、生境中取食。黑啄木鸟、三趾啄木鸟多在树干取食,黑啄木鸟更常在倒木上取食,而大斑啄木鸟则多在树冠层取食。黑啄木鸟基本只在主干上凿洞,其他两种特别是大斑啄木鸟则可以在侧枝上取食。与黑啄木鸟和大斑啄木鸟凿洞取食昆虫不同,三趾啄木鸟多通过扒去树皮获得食物。黑啄木鸟的取食树基本为死树,单树取食时间最长,大斑啄木鸟多在活树上取食,单树取食时间最短,经常更换取食树,而三趾啄木鸟的取食树则死活参半,单树取食时间也较长。黑啄木鸟的冬季取食行为节律表现为双峰形,日出后和日落前各有一个活动高峰,其他两种则于白天持续取食。3种啄木鸟取食生境和行为生态位的差异,使它们能够更有效地利用有限的食物资源,共存于同一森林。  相似文献   

黑叶猴在喀斯特石山生境的觅食活动   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
2002 年 8 月至2003 年 7 月,对一群生活在广西扶绥珍稀动物保护区内孤立石山中的黑叶猴进行观察,通过收集有关栖息地利用的数据,从中探讨栖息地的破碎化对其生态习性的影响.研究结果表明:猴群的觅食活动在石山各个部位的分布存在着显著差异,它们更偏好在山腰觅食(66.1%),而较少利用山脚(18.6%)和山顶(15.3%).从横向水平来看,猴群的觅食活动主要集中在6个觅食斑块,总面积为7.94 hm^2,约占栖息地面积的18.9%.觅食斑快中黑叶猴喜食食物的植株密度明显高于非觅食斑块.虽然树叶在黑叶猴食物组成中占绝大部分,但其食物组成具有明显的季节性变化.与之相对应,猴群对觅食斑块的利用也表现出明显的季节性差异.  相似文献   

为探究人工生境与自然生境下白鹤Grus leucogeranus的行为差异及其可能对白鹤造成的影响,2021年1—2月,采用焦点动物取样法对鄱阳湖2个人工生境(藕塘、稻田)和1个自然生境(常湖池)的越冬白鹤行为进行了观察。结果表明,越冬期白鹤在不同生境下均以觅食行为为主,在稻田中比例最高(94.6%),觅食频次显著高于藕塘(P<0.001);稻田中的警戒行为频次显著高于藕塘和常湖池(P<0.001;P=0.002),而藕塘和常湖池中的警戒行为频次无显著差异。白鹤在不同生境下食物的种类、营养成分、觅食方式均会影响白鹤越冬期行为及时间分配。本研究为加强越冬白鹤人工生境的保护与管理提供指导和依据。  相似文献   

李俊年  刘季科  陶双伦 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4478-4484
实验室条件下,测定饥饿和食物单宁酸对东方田鼠食物摄入量和觅食行为的影响。结果表明,饥饿使实验个体的食物总摄入量增加,食物摄入率及口量大小随饥饿强度的增大而增加,而觅食频次则无显著改变,实验个体每取食回合的觅食时间呈缓慢增加的趋势,与对照组比较,觅食时间差异不显著。东方田鼠优先选择0%单宁酸食物,次为3%单宁酸食物,而对6%单宁酸食物的摄入量最少。在饥饿条件下,东方田鼠食物摄入率的增加主要源于其口量大小,觅食频次和觅摄食时间对食物摄入量增加的贡献不显著。在饥饿条件下,植食性小哺乳动物并未通过延长觅食时间,降低用于防卫、繁殖活动时间来增加食物摄入量,而是通过增加口量大小,提高其食物摄入率来满足其营养需要。验证了饥饿与植物次生化合物共同作用引起田鼠类动物生理的改变,能影响其食物摄入量及觅食行为的假设。  相似文献   

李俊年  刘季科  陶双伦 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4478-4484
实验室条件下,测定饥饿和食物单宁酸对东方田鼠食物摄入量和觅食行为的影响。结果表明,饥饿使实验个体的食物总摄入量增加,食物摄入率及口量大小随饥饿强度的增大而增加,而觅食频次则无显著改变,实验个体每取食回合的觅食时间呈缓慢增加的趋势,与对照组比较,觅食时间差异不显著。东方田鼠优先选择0%单宁酸食物,次为3%单宁酸食物,而对6%单宁酸食物的摄入量最少。在饥饿条件下,东方田鼠食物摄入率的增加主要源于其口量大小,觅食频次和觅摄食时间对食物摄入量增加的贡献不显著。在饥饿条件下,植食性小哺乳动物并未通过延长觅食时间,降低用于防卫、繁殖活动时间来增加食物摄入量,而是通过增加口量大小,提高其食物摄入率来满足其营养需要。验证了饥饿与植物次生化合物共同作用引起田鼠类动物生理的改变,能影响其食物摄入量及觅食行为的假设。  相似文献   

植食性哺乳动物在分享社群觅食带来好处的同时,是否因个体间的相互干扰而影响其摄入率。在新鲜马唐叶片构建的均质密集食物斑块上,测定东方田鼠家族群成员个体在食物斑块上的觅食行为序列过程及行为参数,检验家族群存在对成员个体觅食行为的影响。结果发现,东方田鼠家族群雌、雄成员个体的觅食行为参数均无显著差异。然而,与单只个体相比,家族群觅食尽管能显著地缩短成员个体的觅食决定时间,但却显著地降低了成员个体的摄入率。分析觅食行为参数觅食中断时间发现,相较于单只个体,家族群成员个体间因相互干扰而引起的觅食中断时间的增加,不但增大了收获每口食物的时间,而且导致其摄入率下降。检测家族群成员个体各警觉行为动作参数,发现,成员个体间的相互干扰能引致个体的一般扫视、盯视及嗅闻动作时间比例显著增大,尽管直立扫视和静听动作时间比例减少显著,但并未使个体的觅食中断时间减小。结果充分说明,东方田鼠家族群成员个体间的相互干扰能使个体觅食行为参数发生变异,导致觅食中断时间增加,摄入率降低。  相似文献   

Animals have been assumed to employ an optimal foraging strategy (e.g., rate-maximizing strategy). In patchy food environments, intake rate within patches is positively correlated with patch quality, and declines as patches are depleted through consumption. This causes patch-leaving and determines patch residence time. In group-foraging situations, patch residence times are also affected by patch sharing. Optimal patch models for groups predict that patch residence times decrease as the number of co-feeding animals increases because of accelerated patch depletion. However, group members often depart patches without patch depletion, and their patch residence time deviates from patch models. It has been pointed out that patch residence time is also influenced by maintaining social proximity with others among group-living animals. In this study, the effects of maintaining social cohesion and that of rate-maximizing strategy on patch residence time were examined in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). I hypothesized that foragers give up patches to remain in the proximity of their troop members. On the other hand, foragers may stay for a relatively long period when they do not have to abandon patches to follow the troop. In this study, intake rate and foraging effort (i.e., movement) did not change during patch residency. Macaques maintained their intake rate with only a little foraging effort. Therefore, the patches were assumed to be undepleted during patch residency. Further, patch residence time was affected by patch-leaving to maintain social proximity, but not by the intake rate. Macaques tended to stay in patches for short periods when they needed to give up patches for social proximity, and remained for long periods when they did not need to leave to keep social proximity. Patch-leaving and patch residence time that prioritize the maintenance of social cohesion may be a behavioral pattern in group-living primates.  相似文献   

Blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata) were presented with a foragingsituation in which half of the patches they encountered containedno prey and half contained a single prey item. Experimentallydetermined probability distributions controlled prey arrivaltimes in those patches that contained prey. Patch residencein empty patches was studied during four experiments. In thefirst, prey arrival was exponentially distributed. Residencetimes increased with travel time as predicted by a rate-maximizationmodel, but the bird stayed in empty patches much longer thanpredicted. During the second experiment, prey arrival was uniformlydistributed. The jays again stayed longer than optimal, andpatch residence times increased as travel time increased, althoughthe residence time that maximized rate of intake was independentof travel time under these conditions. In the third experiment,exponential and uniform patches were randomly intermixed. Thejays showed larger travel-time effects in the exponential thanin the uniform patch. However, the travel-time effect in theuniform patch was contrary to rate-maximization predictions,and the birds again overstayed in both patch types. In the fourthexperiment, prefeeding at the start of each foraging bout slightlyincreased overstaying rather than decreasing overstaying, aswould be expected if overstaying were due to underestimatingenvironmental quality. Consistent and dramatic overstaying anda travel-time effect under conditions where travel time hasno effect on optimal residence times suggest that the rate-maximizationapproach does not apply to foraging problems involving patchuncertainty.  相似文献   

Summary We tested two general models of flocking behaviour, namely the antipredation model and foraging efficiency model on mixed-species tit flocks (Parus spp.). After food addition the size of mixed-species flocks was significantly less than in the control samples. In the presence of extra food significantly more birds were observed either in monospecific flocks or solitary, than during the control observations. In the presence of a living predator the birds foraged in larger mixed-specifies flocks than during the control observations. In addition, the social behaviour of Great Spotted Woodpecker, Middle Spotted Woodpecker and Nuthatch shifted to mixed-specific flocking. The size of monospecific flocks was independent of both treatments. The density of birds increased significantly after food addition, while in the predator presence the birds tended to leave the forest. These results support the view that both the antipredation model and foraging efficiency model seem to be valid for mixed-species flocking. However, in the case of monospecific flocks, the territory maintenance could be the most important factor.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(4):1041-1050
We present a dynamic optimal control model to show how territorial male great tits (Parus major L.) should combine territorial vigilance with foraging. In the model, territory owners allocate time either to feeding in patches or travelling between them. Travelling is compatible with territorial vigilance, while feeding is not. Owners are assumed to adjust their patch residence and travel times in order to minimize the costs accruing from intruders on their territories, while at the same time reducing their hunger. The relation between patch residence and travel time matches that of Charnov's (1976) marginal value theorem while hunger is high, but as hunger is reduced the dynamic model predicts shorter patch residence times for any observed travel time. We present supporting evidence from an experimental test with captive male great tits.  相似文献   

Hans Winkler 《Oecologia》1973,12(2):193-208
Summary The Syrian Woodpecker, Picoides syriacus, acquires its food by excavating, probing, gleaning and fly-catching (Fig. 1). The food-acquisition is carried out from ground level to the crown layer of trees and beyond (Fig. 2).In an ecological sense the Syrian Woodpecker occupies an intermediate position between the Great Spotted and the Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Picoides major and medius). That is true for food-acquisition since it excavates more than medius and less than major whilst probing more than major and less than medius. The species is also intermediate in the choise of base from which foraging is done. Great Spotted Woodpeckers are found frequently on thin twigs and Middle Spotted Woodpeckers on thick stems.Between Great Spotted and Syrian Woodpecker there exist interspecific territoriality. Both are neutral with respect to the Middle Spotted Woodpecker. In spite of strong competition for nesting holes and frequent aggression the territories of Syrian Woodpecker and Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) overlap. These findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Sex differences in giraffe foraging behavior at two spatial scales   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We test predictions about differences in the foraging behaviors of male and female giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi Matchie) that derive from a hypothesis linking sexual size dimorphism to foraging behavior. This body-size hypothesis predicts that males will exhibit specific behaviors that increase their dry-matter intake rate relative to females. Foraging behavior was examined at two hierarchical levels corresponding to two spatial and temporal scales, within patches and within habitats. Patches are defined as individual trees or shrubs and habitats are defined as collections of patches within plant communities. Males were predicted to increase dry-matter intake rate within patches by taking larger bites, cropping bites more quickly, chewing less, and chewing faster. Within habitats, males were expected to increase intake rate by increasing the proportion of foraging time devoted to food ingestion as opposed to inter-patch travel time and vigilance. The predictions were tested in a free-ranging population of giraffes in Mikumi National Park, Tanzania. Males spent less total time foraging than females but allocated a greater proportion of their foraging time to forage ingestion as opposed to travel between patches. There was no sex difference in rumination time but males spent more time in activities other than foraging and rumination, such as walking. Within patches, males took larger bites than females, but females cropped bites more quickly and chewed faster. Males had longer per-bite handling times than females but had shorter handling times per gram of intake. Within habitats, males had longer average patch residence times but there was no significant sex difference in inter-patch travel times. There was no overall difference between sexes in vigilance while foraging, although there were significant sex by habitat and sex by season interactions. Although not all the predictions were confirmed, overall the results agree qualitatively with the body-size hypothesis. Sex-related differences in foraging behavior led to greater estimated intake rates for males at the within-patch and within-habitat scales. Received: 20 November 1995 / Accepted: 5 November 1996  相似文献   


Capsule Different methods of comparing bill morphology between woodpecker species show different, but not contradictory results.

Aims Differences among similar, closely related species which co-occur are still highly debated. In such a scenario, species should diverge morphologically to reduce competition. We studied this phenomenon, in three closely related woodpecker species that co-occur in eastern Slovakia: Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major, Syrian Woodpecker Dendrocopos syriacus and White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos. The Great Spotted Woodpecker has the widest niche and lives sympatrically with both Syrian and White-backed Woodpeckers, while the distributions of the latter two species do not overlap because of their use of different habitats. We predicted that Great Spotted Woodpeckers should differ morphologically from both sympatric species: Syrian and White-backed Woodpeckers.

Methods Comparisons were made between species, based on dorsal and lateral views of maxilla using both geometric morphometric techniques and traditional measurements.

Results We confirmed our hypothesis, and found significant differences in bill shape between Great Spotted Woodpecker and both congeners. This is in contrast to the observed higher similarity of Great Spotted Woodpecker and Syrian Woodpecker in traditional body measurements. However, surprisingly, Syrian Woodpecker and White-backed Woodpecker do not differ significantly in bill shape.

Conclusions This work indicates that geometric morphometry appears to be a promising tool for the investigation of how interspecific competition influences the shape of the bill between co-occurring species.  相似文献   

The utilization of dead wood resources by woodpeckers in Britain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
KEN W. SMITH 《Ibis》2007,149(S2):183-192
Dead wood is important for woodpeckers, providing foraging, roost and nest-sites. In this paper, data from long-term studies of woodpeckers and dead wood in oakwoods in southern England are used to examine the dead wood requirements of the three British resident woodpecker species. Both Great Dendrocopos major and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers Dendrocopos minor select dead trees for nest-sites although the former is able to nest in living trees too. On the other hand a smaller fraction of Lesser Spotted Woodpecker nests are in living trees. Green Woodpecker Picus viridis shows no selection for dead nesting trees. Hence the smallest woodpecker species appears to be most dependent on dead and decaying trees for nest-sites. Great and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers show no preference for foraging on dead trees although they both make use of dead branches on living trees. Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers forage on smaller branches higher in the tree than Great Spotted Woodpeckers. There has been a trend for increasing dead wood resources in the study woods with both dead wood on the ground and standing dead trees (snags) increasing in the last 20 years. The levels of dead wood are shown to be the result of continual processes of creation and decay. Around 0.5% of oak Quercus spp., Ash Fraxinus excelsior and Hornbeam Carpinus betulus and 3.4% of the birch Betula spp. trees die each year in the woods resulting in a continuity of new dead snags and fallen trees. There is a high turnover of standing dead snags of oak and birch with 95% and 80% annual survival, respectively. Snags are only suitable for nesting Great Spotted Woodpeckers for a few years after their creation. It is suggested that these stand and dead wood dynamics are likely to provide habitats more favourable for the Great Spotted than the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker.  相似文献   

1. The predictions of the marginal value theorem, that foragers should spend more time in both better quality patches and more distant patches, were tested with three European ant species, Lasius fuliginosus , L. niger and Myrmica ruginodis.
2. As the quality of patches of sucrose solution increased, the feeding time of foraging workers of L. niger also increased.
3. At constant patch quality, feeding times of L. niger and M. ruginodis increased with increasing distance of the patch from the nest entrance.
4. Foraging workers of L. fuliginosus showed a similar response to patch distance in the field, but feeding times were also significantly influenced by air temperature, decreasing as temperature increased.
5. These results show qualitative agreement with the predictions of the marginal value theorem.  相似文献   

Effect of Group Size on Feeding Rate when Patches are Exhaustible   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
One benefit of group foraging is that individual foragers can join the food discoveries of companions and thus increase encounter rate with food patches. When food patches are exhaustible, however, individual shares of each patch will decrease with group size negating the effect of increased encounter rate. Mean feeding rate may actually decrease with group size as a result of aggression or time wasted joining already depleted patches, or when searching to join the food discoveries of others, which is referred to as scrounging, precludes finding food. I examined the relationship between mean feeding rate and group size in captive flocks of zebra finches (Taenopygia guttata) foraging for small clumps of seeds. Finches in groups of two or four fared better than solitary birds in terms of mean feeding rate despite the fact that birds in groups scrounged a large proportion of their food. Solitary birds initiated feeding activity after a longer delay, which led to their lower success. Early departures by food finders from food patches joined by others may have lessened the impact of scrounging on mean feeding rate. As a result of benefits from the presence of companions, group foraging in zebra finches appears a viable alternative to foraging alone despite the cost of sharing resources.  相似文献   

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