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1. Monoamines (which all demand oxygen for their synthesis) and monoamine metabolites were quantified in 6 brain regions of the extremely anoxia tolerant crucian carp (Carassius carassius L.).2. The norepinephrine levels were generally twice as high as the dopamine levels. No epinephrine was found.3. The major dopamine metabolite seemed to be homovanillic acid. No 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid was found.4. Serotonin occurred at about the same levels as dopamine. The levels of the main serotonin metabolite, 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid, were about 10% of that of serotonin.5. All three monoamines had a similar distribution, with the highest concentrations in hypothalamus and the lowest in cerebellum and vagal lobes.6. The distribution and levels of monoamines agreed with that of anamniote vertebrates in general, suggesting that the crucian carp has not adapted to anoxia by abandoning or minimizing the use of monoaminergic systems.  相似文献   

The tissue distribution of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in summer-acclimatized crucian carp showed almost the same exceptional pattern as previously found in winter-acclimatized specimens. There was a nearly complete spatial separation of ALDH and ADH; in other vertebrates these enzymes occur together. This exceptional enzyme distribution is probably an adaptation to the extraordinary ability of Carassius to produce ethanol as the major metabolic end product during anoxia. Since the crucian carp is less likely to encounter anoxia during the summer, the present results suggest that the crucian carp is unable to switch over to a 'normal' ALDH and ADH distribution in the summer. However, it is also possible that there is an advantage for the summer-acclimatized crucian carp in keeping ALDH and ADH separate, because of occasional anoxic periods.  相似文献   

Prolonged anoxia tolerance of facultative anaerobes is based on metabolic depression and thus on controlled reduction of energy-utilizing processes. One proposed survival mechanism is the closing of ion channels to decrease energetic cost of ion pumping (Hochachka PW. Science 231: 234-241, 1986). To test this hypothesis, the involvement of L-type Ca2+ channels in seasonal anoxia tolerance of the vertebrate heart was examined by determining the number of [methyl-3H]PN200-110 (a ligand of L-type Ca2+ channel alpha-subunit) binding sites of the cardiac tissue and the density of Ca2+ current in ventricular myocytes of an anoxia-resistant fish species, the crucian carp. In their natural environment, the fish were exposed for > 3 mo of hypoxia (O2 < 2.5 mg/l) followed by almost 8 wk of anoxia that resulted in abrupt depletion of cardiac glycogen stores in late spring. Unexpectedly, however, the number of [methyl-3H]PN200-110 binding sites did not decline in hypoxia/anoxia as predicted by the channel arrest hypothesis but remained constant for most of the year. However, in early summer, the number of [methyl-3H]PN200-110 binding sites doubled for a period of approximately 2 mo, which functionally appeared as a 74% larger Ca2+ current density. Thus the anoxia tolerance of the carp heart cannot be based on downregulation of Ca2+ channel units in myocytes but is likely to depend on suppressed heart rate, i.e., regulation of the heart at the systemic level, and direct depressive effects of low temperature on Ca2+ current to achieve savings in cardiac work load and ion pumping. The summer peak in the number of functional Ca2+ channels indicates a short period of high cardiac activity possibly associated with reproduction and active perfusion of tissues after the winter stresses.  相似文献   

Morphometric and genetic variation were examined in parental Carassius auratus gibelio and Carassius carassius individuals, and their natural hybrids. Of meristic traits, only the number of gill rakers clearly distinguished hybrids (39·4 ± 1·4) from parental C. a. gibelio (48·3 ± 0·7) and C. carassius (28·6 ± 1·1). MtDNA sequences showed that the hybrids were descendants of female C. a. gibelio . Microsatellite analysis confirmed the presence in hybrids of variants typical of C. a. gibelio and C. carassius .  相似文献   

Crucian carp from populations that lack piscivores are extremely vulnerable to predation. However, in the presence of piscivores these fish develop an inducible morphological defence, a deep body. This switch from a vulnerable, shallow-bodied morph to a morphologically defended morph makes this species very suitable for investigations of anti-predator strategies, and trade-offs between morphological and behavioural defences. To address these questions, we performed eight different experiments. We found that crucian carp exhibited fright responses to chemical cues from unfamiliar predators (northern pike, perch) when these were fed prey that contained alarm substance (for northern pike: crucian carp, roach; for perch: crucian carp). Cues from small pike that were fed prey that lacked alarm substance (swordtails) caused no significant fright response whereas cues from larger pike with the same diet did. Perch on a chironomid diet elicited weaker but significant fright responses. Starved predators caused as strong fright reactions as recently fed ones did, whereas no response was exhibited towards nonpredatory fish (roach, crucian carp). Crucian carp were able to detect the presence of pike after cues had been diluted to an equivalent of 21 000 l, and larger predators elicited stronger fright responses. Prior experience of predators decreased fright responses. In particular, individuals from populations that coexisted with northern pike responded less to chemical cues from northern pike than individuals without prior experience did. Thus, crucian carp may use both alarm-substance related and predator-related cues to identify predators. Further, they were able to discriminate between large and small predators. Finally, individuals from populations that coexist with predators exhibit less pronounced fright responses. These fish have an induced morphological defence, a deep body, which most likely decreases the need for strong antipredator behaviour.  相似文献   

Carp show a partial compensation in metabolic rate and activity following temperature acclimation. In the present study crucian carp, Carassius carassius , were acclimated for eight weeks to either 2deg; C or 28deg; C. The effects of temperature acclimation on muscle fibre ultrastructure has been investigated. The fractional volume (%) of each fibre type occupied by mitochondria and myofibrils was determined using a point counting morphometric method. Mitochondrial density was found to be higher in the muscles of cold (red fibres 25%; pink fibres 20% and white fibres 4%) than in those of warm acclimated fish (red fibres 14%, pink fibres 11%, white fibres 1%). The proportion of subsarcolemmal to intra-myofibrillar mitochondria was significantly lower in the red fibres of cold acclimated fish. Metabolic compensation to low temperatures are therefore associated with an increase in the number of mitochondria per cell. In contrast, the fractional volume occupied by myofibrils actually decreased following cold acclimation. Evidence is reviewed that temperature compensation of contractile activity results from qualitative rather than quantitative changes in myofibrillar proteins.  相似文献   

Pathological changes associated with the parasitic nematode Philometroides sanguineus (Rudolphi, 1819) are described for the first time from observations of infections in wild crucian carp Carassius carassius (L.) in England. The damage caused by P. sanguineus was influenced strongly by host size, parasite development and the seasonal migrations of female nematodes within host tissues. Male and unfertilized female nematodes located on the swim-bladder wall caused only minor, localized changes. In contrast, the migration of gravid female nematodes into the fins during autumn provoked an acute inflammatory response comprising neutrophils, eosinophils and lymphocytes. This was accompanied by fin distortion, swelling of the dorsal and caudal tissues, degenerative changes and localized oedema. The encapsulation of female nematodes in connective tissue throughout winter limited additional tissue damage. The emergence of gravid nematodes from the fins in spring to facilitate larval dispersal caused necrosis, hyperplasia and loss of skin integrity. This activity was again accompanied by acute inflammatory reactions. Pathological changes were more severe in crucian carp measuring less than 60 mm in length, with no signs of debilitation in larger fish. These observations suggest that any impact of P. sanguineus is strictly seasonal and may be limited to fry. Lesions caused by this parasite, only recently recorded in Britain, may represent an additional pressure upon wild crucian carp populations already threatened by hybridization, competition and habitat loss.  相似文献   

1. Releases of non‐native fish into the wild is an increasing problem posing considerable ecological and genetic threats through direct competition and hybridisation. 2. We employed six microsatellite markers to identify first generation hybrids and backcrosses between native crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and introduced goldfish (C. auratus) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the U.K. We also investigated the genetic characteristics of the taxonomically controversial gibel carp (Carassius spp.) from sites across Europe. 3. Natural hybridisation between goldfish and crucian carp occurs frequently, although hybrids between all other species pairs were observed. Only 62% of British crucian carp populations (n = 21) consisted exclusively of pure crucian carp. In some populations hybrids were so frequent, that no pure crucian carp were caught, indicating a high competitive ability of hybrids. 4. Most hybrids belonged to the F1 generation but backcrossing was evident at a low frequency in goldfish × crucian carp hybrids and goldfish × common carp hybrids. Furthermore, some local populations had high frequencies of backcrosses, raising the opportunity for introgression. 5. Gibel carp from Germany and Italy belonged to two triploid clonal lineages that were genetically closely related to goldfish, whereas all individuals identified from British populations proved to be crucian carp × goldfish hybrids. 6. Our study suggests that the release of closely related exotic cyprinids not only poses a threat to the genetic integrity and associated local adaptations of native species, but may also contribute to shifts in community structure through competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Synopsis A pronounced seasonal cycle in the activity of the intestinal alkaline phosphatase indicated a 6 month pause in feeding by crucian carp in an anoxic pond during winter. Zero enzyme activity was not reached until ice cover of the pond was complete, although even in the preceding two months no food was found in the guts of the fish. The summer diets of four size classes of fish consisted of varying proportions of planktonic and benthic arthropods, including Odonata which were consumed exclusively by the largest size class of crucian carp. Chironomid larvae were consumed even by the smallest fish investigated, although planktonic Cladocera were preferred by this size class. Benthic Cladocera were almost totally absent in the diet of fish> 10 cm. Habitat segregation between size classes developed synchronously with the shift to benthic food. The stunting of crucian carp populations in small ponds is interpreted as resulting from limited resources.  相似文献   

Both mitochondrial DNA sequence and two nuclear microsatellite markers were used to confirm the identity of the first record of Carassius auratus gibelio in the western (Swedish) Baltic Sea region. A total of 49 fishes were analysed, where 22 were from three Swedish sites connected to the Baltic Sea. The D-loop mitochondrial DNA sequences showed that 16 of 22 Swedish fishes were related to C. a. gibelio. The phylogenetic analysis of these sequences showed that these fish are probably not native, but represent different lineages of C. a. gibelio from China, Japan and Russia. All except three of these 16 fishes had microsatellite alleles suggesting hybridization with Carassius carassius. These findings suggest that a cryptic invasion of C. a. gibelio might be in progress.  相似文献   

Summary The pancreatic islets ofCarassius carassius have been studied by electron microscopy. 1. Besides A-, B- and D-cells, two new cell types, the fourth and the fifth, have been identified. The fourth cell type is numerous; it occurs interposed among the other types of islet cells or in small clusters. The secretory granules (90–280 mg in diameter) are round or oval and usually with much lower electron density than α- and δ-granules. The secretory granules of the fifth type of cell (approximately 140–240 mμ in diameter) contain finely granular material and an electron dense core that is round or often tetra- or hexagonal. 2. The islet cells with clear cytoplasmic matrix generally contain large numbers of fine, agranular and cored vesicles 400–680 ? in diameter. They appear, in bead-like chains, or randomly scattered throughout the cytoplasm, or often clustered in aggregates close to the secretory granules and show evidence of incorporation into the secretory granules. The two types of vesicles may be formed by constriction or pinching-off of the tubular smooth endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Crucian carp Carassius carassius was sampled during 1993 and 1994 in 21 lakes and ponds in east Norway In 10 of these lakes and ponds no piscivorous fish species was present, and in the remaining 11 lakes and ponds predators such as perch Perca fluvtalilis. pike Esox lucius, and trout Salmo trutta were common In general, crucian carp was larger in the lakes with predators than in those without predators The relative body depth (body height/body length) of crucian carp was significantly deeper in populations sympatric with predators (mean 0 358), compared to allopatric populations (mean 0 286) The variation in relative body depth was larger among the sympatric populations than among the allopatric populations The observed difference in relative body depth may be due to 1) predator induced changes m body morphology, 2) increased growth rates in lakes containing predator due to reduced intraspecific competition, and 3) size-selective predation  相似文献   

The crucian carp (Carassius carassius) seems unique among vertebrates in its ability to maintain cardiac performance during prolonged anoxia. We investigated whether this phenomenon arises in part from a myocardium tolerant to severe acidosis or because the anoxic crucian carp heart may not experience a severe extracellular acidosis due to the fish's ability to convert lactate to ethanol. Spontaneously contracting heart preparations from cold-acclimated (6-8°C) carp were exposed (at 6.5°C) to graded or ungraded levels of acidosis under normoxic or anoxic conditions and intrinsic contractile performance was assessed. Our results clearly show that the carp heart is tolerant of acidosis as long as oxygen is available. However, heart rate and contraction kinetics of anoxic hearts were severely impaired when extracellular pH was decreased below 7.4. Nevertheless, the crucian carp heart was capable of recovering intrinsic contractile performance upon reoxygenation regardless of the severity of the anoxic + acidotic insult. Finally, we show that increased adrenergic stimulation can ameliorate, to a degree, the negative effects of severe acidosis on the intrinsic contractile properties of the anoxic crucian carp heart. Combined, these findings indicate an avoidance of severe extracellular acidosis and adrenergic stimulation are two important factors protecting the intrinsic contractile properties of the crucian carp heart during prolonged anoxia, and thus likely facilitate the ability of the anoxic crucian carp to maintain cardiac pumping.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - The crucian carp (Carassius carassius) is a cyprinid fish with its natural distribution in Europe and the western part of Asia. Due to its hardiness and unique ability to...  相似文献   

Synopsis In dense, single-species assemblages of crucian carp, competition is intense and results in populations of stunted fish. To explore mechanisms underlying this competition, we measured handling times, return rates, and prey choice for five sizes of crucian carp feeding on six sizes of a standardized food. Handling times increased with prey size and decreased with fish size. Return rates (dry mass ingested per unit handling time) increased dramatically with fish size, and generally decreased with increasing prey size, especially for small fish. Patterns of return rates among size-classes suggested that one or more size-related shifts in feeding efficiency exist for crucian carp; combined with physiological stresses related to winter anoxia, the inability of fish to make these shifts may contribute to size structures observed in high-density populations. Comparisons of relations among fish size, prey size, and return rates for crucian carp and bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, suggest that similar intraspecific competitive relations exist between generalist species with size-structured populations. Despite differences in return rates among prey sizes, the extent of food selectivity based on prey size exhibited by crucian carp in two types of choice trials was less than predicted. Crucian carp commonly take in several items before mechanically processing food with their pharyngeal apparatus; this multiple prey processing may contribute to disparities between observed choice patterns and those predicted based on return rates for single prey.  相似文献   

PCR-RFLP analysis of the ND3/ND4L/ND4 and 12S/16S rRNA regions and nucleotide sequence variation of the cytochrome b gene were used to study the mtDNA divergence in species of the family Cyprinidae, to examine the phylogenetic relationships of the species, and to identify their taxonomic status. The results indicated that an ancestral form diverged into silver crucian carp and crucian carp after its separation from the common carp lineage. The divergence of continental Carassius auratus gibelio and Japanese C. auratus cuvieri occurred more recently. Two well distinguishable mtDNA phylogroups, suggesting divergent evolution, were observed in continental C. auratus gibelio populations. The divergence was possibly related to the formation of two silver crucian carp groups with different types of reproduction, triploid gynogenetic and diploid gonochoric. At the same time, the results supported the high probability of current genetic exchange between the forms. In view of these findings and high morphological similarity of the two forms, they were not considered to be separate species.  相似文献   

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