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Modern achelate lobsters, slipper and spiny lobsters, have a specific post-embryonic developmental pattern with the following phases: phyllosoma, nisto (slipper lobsters) or puerulus (spiny lobsters), juvenile and adult. The phyllosoma is a peculiar larva, which transforms through a metamorphic moult into another larval form, the nisto or puerulus which largely resembles the juvenile. Unlike the nisto and puerulus, the phyllosoma is characterised by numerous morphological differences to the adult, e.g. a thin head shield, elongate appendages, exopods on these appendages and a special claw. Our reinvestigation of the 85 million years old fossil “Eryoneicus sahelalmae” demonstrates that it represents an unusual type of achelatan lobster larva, characterised by a mixture of phyllosoma and post-phyllosoma characters. We ascribe it to its own genus: Polzicaris nov. gen. We study its significance by comparisons with other cases of Mesozoic fossil larvae also characterised by a mixture of characters. Accordingly, all these larvae are interpreted as ontogenetic intermediates between phyllosoma and post-phyllosoma morphology. Remarkably, most of the larvae show a unique mixture of retained larval and already developed post-larval features. Considering the different—and incompatible—mixture of characters of each of these larvae and their wide geographical and temporal distribution, we interpret all these larvae as belonging to distinct species. The particular character combinations in the different larvae make it currently difficult to reconstruct an evolutionary scenario with a stepwise character acquisition. Yet, it can be concluded that a larger diversity of larval forms and developmental patterns occurred in Mesozoic than in modern faunas.  相似文献   

The Western Rocklobster (Panulirus cygnus) is the most valuable single species fishery in Australia and the largest single country spiny lobster fishery in the world. In recent years a well-known relationship between oceanographic conditions and lobster recruitment has become uncoupled, with significantly lower recruitment than expected, generating interest in the factors influencing survival and development of the planktonic larval stages. The nutritional requirements and wild prey of the planktotrophic larval stage (phyllosoma) of P. cygnus were previously unknown, hampering both management and aquaculture efforts for this species. Ship-board feeding trials of wild-caught mid-late stage P. cygnus phyllosoma in the eastern Indian Ocean, off the coast of Western Australia, were conducted in July 2010 and August-September 2011. In a series of experiments, phyllosoma were fed single and mixed species diets of relatively abundant potential prey items (chaetognaths, salps, and krill). Chaetognaths were consumed in 2-8 times higher numbers than the other prey, and the rate of consumption of chaetognaths increased with increasing concentration of prey. The highly variable lipid content of the phyllosoma, and the fatty acid profiles of the phyllosoma and chaetognaths, indicated they were from an oligotrophic oceanic food chain where food resources for macrozooplankton were likely to be constrained. Phyllosoma fed chaetognaths over 6 days showed significant changes in some fatty acids and tended to accumulate lipid, indicating an improvement in overall nutritional condition. The discovery of a preferred prey for P. cygnus will provide a basis for future oceanographic, management and aquaculture research for this economically and ecologically valuable species.  相似文献   

Abstract. The larva of Polynoncus seymourensis Mutchler is described from the Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador. It is the first larva recorded of any species in the genus and has a suite of characters not found in the other trogid genera. Phylogenetic analysis of characters of larvae of all the genera supports the current phylogenetic system which was based on adults.  相似文献   

To clarify the natural diet of phyllosoma larvae of the Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus, the sources of 18S rDNA clones obtained from the hepatopancreas were investigated. Of a total of 1537 clones examined, 160 had different restriction profiles from the host larvae, in which 21 restriction types were observed. Nucleotide sequences of 16 of 21 restriction types were successfully determined and their assignments were investigated by homology search and phylogenetic analysis. From seven late-stage larvae collected in spring to early summer, eukaryote DNA molecules of Teleostei, Oomycetes, Mycetozoa, and Fungi were identified. Exogenous DNA from four younger phyllosoma larvae collected in late autumn could not be recovered. A previous study identified DNAs of cnidarians and urochordates in late-stage phyllosoma larvae of a closely related species collected in winter. This indicates that the phyllosoma larvae are opportunistic carnivores, whose diets correlate with the relative abundance of prey organisms in the ambient water.  相似文献   

K. Tanida  T. Nozaki  M. Itou 《水生昆虫》2013,35(2):153-160
The larva of Chilostigma sieboldi McLachlan is described. This is the first positive association of adults and larvae in the genus Chilostigma, which involves only two species in the boreal region. We recorded and confirmed the Holarctic species C. sieboldi from Kushiro Mire in eastern Hokkaido by close examination of male and female genitalia. In Japan this species has been collected only from Kushiro Mire.  相似文献   

The spiny lobster Panulirus argus has a life cycle consisting of a long-term (~9-12 months) planktonic larval period with 11 larval stages (the phyllosoma), a short (<1 month?) planktonic-to-benthic transitional postlarval stage (the puerulus), and benthic juvenile and adult phases. The mouthparts and foregut during these stages were examined and described by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in an investigation of the species' developmental morphology, diet, and ecology. The phyllosoma mouthparts close to the esophagus are the labrum, mandibles, paragnaths, and first maxillae. The second maxillae and first and second maxillipeds are increasingly distant from the esophagus as the larva develops. The pair of asymmetrical mandibles bear many teeth and spines, and the molar processes form what appears to be an intricate toothed shear. The mandibles remain similar throughout the phyllosoma stages. During the molt into the puerulus, the mouthparts are greatly changed, and the second maxilla and the three maxillipeds join the other mouthparts near the esophagus. However, the transformation appears incomplete, and many of the mouthparts are not fully formed until the molt to juvenile completes their development. The phyllosoma foregut lacks a gastric mill and has but one chamber. In addition, the first two stages lack a gland filter. During the molt to puerulus, the foregut is greatly changed and subsequently is similar to typical decapod foreguts in having an anterior cardiac and posterior pyloric chamber. Only rudimentary internal armature is present. Following the molt to juvenile, the foregut is quite similar to that of the adult, which exhibits a substantial gastric mill. The 11 phyllosoma stages were separated into two groups (group A = stages 1-5, group B = stages 6-11) on the basis of changes in both mouthpart and foregut morphology. The puerulus has never been observed to feed. Nothing was observed in our investigations that would prevent feeding, though both mouthpart and foregut development appeared incomplete. The mouthpart and foregut structures of larval, postlarval and juvenile P. argus differ widely, possibly reflecting the extreme modifications for different habitats found among these life phases.  相似文献   

Kempnyia neotropica is the species with the widest distribution in this genus. In this work, samples collected in the states of Goiás, Minas Gerais and São Paulo were analysed, confirming that all belong to a single species. The larva is described, the adult is redescribed and biological notes are presented.  相似文献   

The key for identification of species of the genus Rhipicephalus (the fauna of the USSR) on the larval phase is based on the material reared under laboratory conditions. The structure of scutum, organs of gnathosoma and coxae, chaetotaxy of idiosoma and gnathosoma were used for differential diagnosis. In addition morphometric characteristics of the above structures and their proportions were used. A special attention has been given to coexistence of species in sympatric zones, which was revealed or confirmed as a result of identification of species of the genus on larva in the ranges of the fauna of the USSR.  相似文献   

A set of genetic markers, based on PCR-RFLPs of three diagnostic restriction enzymes (Hhal, Hinfl and Taql), which proved to be suitable for the identification of the species of the genus Anisakis, was used for the first molecular identification of a larva obtained by endoscopy in a case of gastric anisakidosis, in a 51 year old woman from Southern Italy. The analysis of the restriction profiles obtained allowed the larva to be identified as Anisakis pegreffii, one of the three sibling species of the A. simplex complex. PCR-RFLP proved to be a cost-effective and reliable tool for the exact identification of Anisakis larvae recovered from infected humans.  相似文献   

记述了采自云南昆明的毛果蝇属缘毛果蝇种复合1新种:亚平毛果蝇Hirtodrosophila yapingi sp.nov.。研究标本收藏于中国科学院昆明动物研究所标本馆、北海道大学博物馆及英国国家自然历史博物馆。亚平毛果蝇,新种Hirtodrosophila yapingi sp.nov.(图1~27)新种与报道自尼泊尔和中国云南的缘毛果蝇H.limbicostata(Okada)1966相似。两个种的区别在于腹部的斑纹和产卵瓣的形状。新种雌成虫腹部每节背板基部具浅色宽带,在第3和第4背板上被暗色带遮断;缘毛果蝇雌成虫腹部主要为暗棕色,各节背板基部中央具浅色斑,形成向腹中部下行的、中断的浅色纵带,并在靠近腹背板基部角处具小的较不明显的浅色区域。此外,新种雌成虫具明显较窄的产卵器(尤其是在端半部),产卵瓣端部不向内弯曲,而缘毛果蝇雌成虫产卵器宽得多,产卵瓣端部显著向内弯曲。正模♂,云南昆明筇竹寺,2006-08-22,户田正宪、高建军采。副模:7♂♂,6♀♀,同正模;3♂♂,3♀♀,2006-08-20,其余同正模;1♀,2007-09-16,高建军采,其余同正模。词源:新种以中科院院士、昆明动物研究所张亚平研究员之名命名,以感谢张先生对作者在果蝇分类及系统进化研究方面的支持。  相似文献   

Larvae of 19 of the 21 species of the Argas subgenus Argas are already described. One of the two exceptions is A. (A.) macrostigmatus; we describe the larva of this species from wet nests of the crested cormorant, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, from Corsica, France. As in the adult and nymphal stages, this larva has an uncovered Haller's organ, a character shared in Palearctic members of this large genus only with A. (A.) polonicus, a Central European parasite of rock pigeons. Available larval samples of both species are indistinguishable. However, adult and nymphal A. (A.) macrostigmatus are unique for their exceptionally large spiracular plates. These are the only Argas (Argas) species which differ distinctly as adults and nymphs but hardly or not at all as larvae. Argas (A.) macrostigmatus was previously known only from a nest of the crested cormorant in the Black Sea. Ukrainian SSR.  相似文献   

记述赤螨科开依丽赤螨属一新种。湖南开依丽赤螨新种Caeculisomahunanicasp .nov .,新种与该属已知种幼螨的区别可由文中检索表查得。新种标本用马氏网采自湖南石门壶瓶山自然保护区  相似文献   

Three new species of Eulophidae associated, or presumed to be associated with ants are described: two species of Horismenus Walker and one species of Microdonophagus Schauff. Information on the biology is also included. The two Horismenus species are from Chiapas, Mexico. Horismenus myrmecophagussp. n. is known only from females and is a gregarious endoparasitoid in larvae of the weaver ant Camponotus sp. ca. textor. The parasitoids pupate inside the host larva, and an average of 6.7 individuals develops per host. This is the second time a species of genus Horismenus is found parasitizing the brood of a formicine ant of genus Camponotus. Horismenus microdonophagussp. n. is described from both males and females, and is a gregarious endoparasitoid attacking the larvae of Microdon sp. (Diptera: Syrphidae), a predator on ant brood found in nests of Camponotus sp. ca. textor. The new species of Microdonophagus, Microdonophagus tertius, is from Costa Rica, and known only from the female. Nothing is known about its biology but since another species in same genus, Microdonophagus woodleyi Schauff, is associated with ants through its host, Microdon larva (with same biology as Horismenus microdonophagus), it is possible that also Microdonophagus tertius has this association. A new distributional record for Microdonophagus woodleyi is also reported, extending its distribution from Panama and Colombia to Brazil.  相似文献   

Abstract A larva erythraeid mite, Caecdisoma hununica sp. nov., specimens is described from Hunan Province, China. It is the first record of this genus from China. A key to the known larval species of Caeculisoma is provided. The holotype of the new species is deposited in Laboratory of Entomology, College of Environment and Resources, Central South Forestry University.  相似文献   

The larva of Tinodes braueri McLachlan 1878 is described for the first time and compared with the larvae of other species in the genus. In addition, notes on the zoogeography and ecology of the species are included.  相似文献   

To identify lobster phyllosoma larvae of the genus Panulirus occurring in waters adjacent to Japan, genetic variation within and between 10 Indo-Pacific lobster species was investigated using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis for the 1300-base pair mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. RFLP analysis using two endonucleases (AluI and TaqI) enabled discrimination of all species, including the P. longipes complex. The diagnostic DNA markers, supplemented with nucleotide sequence analysis, were applied to 44 mid- to late-stage phyllosoma larvae (7.4 to 27.7 mm in body length) collected in the northwestern Pacific. These samples were unexpectedly variable in species composition, comprising P. japonicus (n = 16), P. longipes bispinosus (21), P. longipes longipes (1), P.aka” (1), and P. penicillatus (5). Comparison of larval size at similar stages revealed that P. l. bispinosus larvae were significantly larger than P. japonicus.  相似文献   

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