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人为干扰对浑善达克沙地榆树疏林的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
 榆树(Ulmus pumila)疏林灌丛草原是浑善达克沙地植被演替的顶极群落。但近年来,榆树数量减少、树龄老化严重。2001~2002年,在浑善达克沙地榆树疏林集中分布地区,选取了轻度(LD)、中度(MD)和过度(HD)3个不同干扰强度的地点进行实地调查。分析了浑善达克沙地榆树数量  相似文献   

姚雪玲  李龙  王锋  刘书润  吴波  郭秀江 《生态学报》2020,40(5):1663-1671
浑善达克沙地榆树疏林是分布于草原地带的隐域植被类型,相较周边的典型草原区,其植被更加茂密,乔灌丛生,水草丰美,千百年来一直是牧民的优质冬季牧场。近半个世纪以来,因人类的过度开垦以及不合理的放牧管理,浑善达克沙地植被遭到空前的破坏,沙丘活化,载畜能力降低,生态价值和经济价值严重受损。近年来,随着国家草畜平衡以及禁牧政策的推广落实,放牧的牲畜总量得到一定程度的遏制,然而大面积草场还在继续退化。在牧民对生产生活的基本需求下,牲畜总量不可能无限制的压制。另外,适度的放牧对草原生态系统健康是有益的。因此,如何改良放牧方式,合理利用草场,在保持生态良好的基础上合理发挥草场的畜牧价值,是我们亟待探索的问题。以浑善达克沙地的典型天然植被榆树疏林为例,对不同放牧方式下的植被进行调查,基于沙地特殊的基质和植被特征,探讨适合沙地的放牧利用方式。研究表明,在相似的放牧强度下,把沙地作为冬营地,其榆树种群更新正常,植被覆盖度以及植物种类等均能保持良好,而把沙地作为夏季营地,榆树疏林植被退化严重,具体表现为:(1)榆树种群自然更新受阻;(2)灌木群落大量死亡或消失;(3)草本覆盖度显著降低,植物种类减少,多年生草...  相似文献   

人类活动对榆树疏林土壤环境和植物多样性的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
人类活动已成为地球上生物多样性的主要影响因素,而生物多样性的变化是目前主要的全球变化问题之一。榆树疏林是分布于温带草原地带的沙地生境顶级群落,其生态环境脆弱,极易遭到人类活动的破坏。研究结果表明,各种人类活动(包括人工林的建造)对原生榆树疏林土壤环境和植物多样性有很大的影响,其中人工樟子松林和重牧干扰影响最大,其次是人工杨树林。在沙地环境治理中应充分地考虑自然规律和系统的短期与长期生态过程的统一。  相似文献   

土壤微生物群落结构变化及其与土壤养分和酶活性相互作用的研究能够客观认识短期封育对沙地退化榆树疏林生态系统功能恢复的影响。本研究以短期封育和自由放牧的榆树疏林为对象,采用16S rRNA基因和ITS基因高通量测序技术研究了短期封育和自由放牧对科尔沁沙地榆树疏林土壤微生物群落组成变化特征及其与土壤养分和酶活性的相互关系。结果表明,沙地榆树疏林土壤中最优势细菌和真菌类群分别为放线菌门和子囊菌门,其在封育区和放牧区占有比例分别为40.63%和43.02%,76.19%和66.42%;封育后的沙地榆树疏林土壤细菌由缓慢生长型细菌主导转变为快速生长型细菌主导;封育不仅明显增加了土壤细菌和真菌的特有OTU数量,而且降低了土壤细菌/真菌比值,同时封育使土壤真菌的α-多样性和丰度分别比放牧区提高77.89%和70.78%,说明封育改善了土壤真菌栖息环境,有利于真菌的生长;土壤养分和酶活性与土壤细菌和真菌的相互作用在封育区更显著,表明短期封育能够显著影响沙地榆树疏林土壤微生物的群落组成。  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地榆树疏林幼苗更新空间格局   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
刘振  董智  李红丽  李钢铁 《生态学报》2013,33(1):294-301
榆树疏林广泛分布于浑善达克沙地,是适应半干旱、半湿润气候的沙地植被类型.采用Ripley的K函数统计方法,分析了浑善达克沙地固定沙丘与丘间低地封育状态下的榆树幼苗空间分布及更新格局.结果表明:两种生境下榆树幼苗密度分别为88株/hm2和77株/hm2,丘间低地更适合幼苗的生长.固定沙丘和丘间低地榆树幼苗均呈聚集分布,但丘间低地的幼苗聚集强度更高.固定沙丘上榆树幼苗与成熟树种群在小尺度上呈负关联,而丘间低地幼苗与成熟树种群呈现较显著的正关联,但二者在大尺度上均无关联性.研究对揭示浑善达克沙地榆树幼苗分布、更新空间格局及其恢复保护具有重要意义.  相似文献   

疏林草原榆树种子-幼苗更新过程研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
榆树疏林草原曾广泛分布于我国北方农牧交错区,是科尔沁沙地、浑善达克沙地和呼伦贝尔沙地特有的原始景观,景观特征类似于热带稀树草原——萨瓦纳,乔木种类单一,草灌木植被发达,是遏制沙漠扩张的重要屏障。但目前榆树疏林的生长状况大都不良,树龄老化,自然消亡长期得不到更新,特别是种子-幼苗时期更新过程受到人为因素和自然环境的影响,使得榆树疏林生态系统处于崩溃边缘。本文基于国内主要的榆树疏林草原分布区榆树种子-幼苗更新过程研究,列举了榆树疏林种子-幼苗的分布特征以及影响其生长发育的主要因素,并且提出进行榆树种源保护、长期定位观测,开展多学科交叉研究和榆树固沙效果分析的展望,对于榆树疏林植被恢复和重建具有重要的理论价值。  相似文献   

放牧和刈割干扰对松嫩草原羊草草地影响的研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
王仁忠 《生态学报》1998,18(2):210-213
放牧和刈割干扰对松嫩草原羊草草地影响的研究*王仁忠(东北师范大学国家草地生态工程实验室长春130024)*国家自然科学基金资助项目。收稿日期:1995-09-14,修改稿收到日期:1997-02-05。ASTUDYONTHEEFFECTSOFGRAZ...  相似文献   

刘子成  李乐  万冬梅  赵匠 《四川动物》2012,31(5):720-724
在自然生态系统中,鸟类常能迅速感受到环境条件的变化,对生态平衡及自然环境质量起着指示剂的作用.2001年4~6月间在松辽平原西北部的图牧吉-北大岗贝加尔针茅Stipa bacailensis草原地区,选取3块不同退化程度的草地进行繁殖鸟类多样性的调查.调查中共记录到19种繁殖鸟类,隶属于8目14科,其中以雀形目百灵科鸟类的数量为最多;在3块样地中,未退化草原植被生长状况较好,轻度退化草原植物种类较多,中度退化草原为三者中最差;随着草原退化程度的加剧,鸟类物种多样性逐渐降低,均匀性指数在0.81 ~0.86之间,单一的草原生境类型使鸟类的群落结构十分相似,群落间的相似性指数达到80%以上.  相似文献   

本研究以赛罕乌拉保护区2种不同土壤母质(黄土和沙母质)与3种利用方式(围栏打草、季节性放牧和自由放牧)草地为对象,基于群落组成调查数据,计算人为干扰指数与物种多样性指数,研究草地植物群落物种多样性与草地退化程度间的关系。结果表明: 土壤母质与人为利用方式的差异使草地处于不同的退化状态,黄土与沙母质类型草地退化程度均随人为利用强度的增加而上升,且当人为利用方式相同时,黄土母质草地人为干扰指数(均值1.21)比沙母质草地(均值1.48)低。各样地物种多样性指数总体随土壤母质的砂质化和人为利用强度的增加而下降,其中Margalef丰富度指数为1.57~4.27,Shannon多样性指数为1.16~2.39,Simpson优势度指数为0.76~0.87,Pielou均匀度指数为0.71~0.80。随着人为干扰指数增加,丰富度指数、多样性指数和优势度指数均下降,而均匀度指数有上升趋势。过度放牧对2种土壤母质草地均会造成严重威胁,黄土与沙母质草地最适宜的利用方式分别为围封打草和季节性放牧。在今后生物多样性保护的实施过程中,需兼顾草地不同土壤母质与人为利用方式的影响,针对不同土壤母质条件规划不同的草地利用方式,实现因地制宜的草地恢复与管理。  相似文献   

榆树(Ulmus pumila)疏林是浑善达克沙地的地带性隐域植被, 小叶杨(Populus simonii)是该区域主要的防风固沙造林树种。该文通过测定两种森林生态系统乔木层(叶、枝、干、根)、草本层(地上植被和地下根系)和土壤层(0-100 cm)的碳含量, 比较了两种森林生态系统的碳密度及其分配特征, 并运用空间代替时间的方法, 阐明了乔木层、土壤层和总碳密度随林龄增加的变化特征, 估算了两种森林生态系统的固碳速率。结果表明, 榆树疏林乔木层和土壤层平均碳含量都低于小叶杨人工林, 榆树疏林生态系统总碳密度是小叶杨人工林的1/2。两种森林生态系统的总碳密度中, 乔木层碳密度和土壤层碳密度总占比98%以上; 土壤层与植被层碳密度的比值随林龄的增加而降低, 过熟林时该比值分别为1.66 (榆树疏林)和1.87 (小叶杨人工林); 榆树疏林和小叶杨人工林的乔木层、土壤层和生态系统的总碳密度随林龄的增加而增加, 其中乔木层碳密度及榆树疏林总碳密度与林龄均呈现出显著的线性正相关关系。小叶杨人工林乔木层的固碳速率约为榆树疏林的5倍, 榆树疏林生态系统和小叶杨人工林生态系统的总固碳速率分别为0.81 Mg C·hm-2·a-1和5.35 Mg C·hm-2·a-1。这一研究结果有利于估算沙地森林生态系统的碳储量, 为区域生态环境恢复和增加碳汇的政策制定提供依据。  相似文献   

Li HY  Yang YF 《应用生态学报》2011,22(8):1982-1986
对松嫩平原杂类草草甸和榆树疏林草原上大油芒种群的年龄结构及各龄级构件的物质生产力和营养繁殖力进行了研究.结果表明:在2003和2006年中,2个生境的大油芒种群分蘖株均由2~3个龄级组成,根茎由4个龄级组成,分蘖株和根茎均以1a和2a所占比例最大,年龄结构呈增长型或稳定型;分蘖节芽以1a或2a者占优势,根茎顶端芽在芽库中所占比例为29.4%~45.0%,对翌年种群的更新具有重要作用;分蘖株、根茎的物质生产力和营养繁殖力均以1a或2a构件最大,根茎比分蘖节具有更旺盛的营养繁殖力.  相似文献   

不同类型的林地为人类提供着十分重要的生态系统服务,维持着社会的稳定发展,其对传粉昆虫的保护也有着积极的效应。在巩义市选取24个采样点,3种林地类型(栓皮栎林、泡桐林、杨树林)进行取样,结合当地的植物群落特征,分析不同人为干扰梯度下生态系统对传粉昆虫的影响;共捕获传粉昆虫8386头,分属6个目,83个科,分属于膜翅目类、双翅目类、鞘翅目类、鳞翅目类、半翅目类与缨翅目类共六个传粉功能群。选取膜翅目、双翅目、鞘翅目和鳞翅目4类主要传粉昆虫作为研究对象进行分析。结果表明:(1)栓皮栎林中传粉昆虫的个体数量和优势度要大于泡桐林和杨树林,但泡桐林中传粉昆虫多样性大于栓皮栎林和杨树林;就传粉昆虫的多度而言,栓皮栎林与泡桐林(P0.05)和杨树林(P0.01)间有显著差异,而泡桐林和杨树林间的差异不明显;(2)非度量多维度法(NMDS)和非参数二因子相似性分析(ANOSIM)显示,泡桐林中传粉昆虫群落组成分别与栓皮栎林和杨树林之间存在显著差异(P0.05),而栓皮栎林与杨树林间无显著差异;(3)在所研究的7个环境因子中,根据冗余分析(RDA)显示,海拔高度和乔木盖度2个环境因素对传粉昆虫群落组成有显著影响(P0.05)。不同林地类型中传粉昆虫群落的组成差异明显,生境和植被的多样为物种带来更多的食源及栖息环境,因此,加强不同林地类型的保护、保障传粉昆虫生境的多样性对本区传粉昆虫的发展和生态系统服务的提高具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Wu G L  Huang M Y  Duan R Y  Zhao K 《农业工程》2006,26(12):3924-3930
The effects of different traveling disturbances on the different layers of the Pinus taiwanensis community in Tianzhu Mountain National Forest Park were studied using the diversity indices of species richness index (S), Simpson index (D), Shannon-Wiener index (H) and Pielou evenness index (J). The results showed that the diversity indices of the arbor layer in low disturbance were the highest. Whereas, the diversity indices of the other layers in intermediate disturbance were the highest. The values of S, D, H, and J in low disturbance were 38, 3.0976, 0.9326, and 0.7515. The values of the indices in intermediate disturbance were 44, 3.2519, 0.9421, and 0.8594, higher than those in low disturbed forest, especially in the shrub and herb layers. In the highly disturbed forest, the diversity indices were 34, 3.0095, 0.9289, and 0.7834, lower than those in the intermediately disturbed forest. By comparing the stability of differently disturbed forests with the community dominance index (C), it was clear that the C of the intermediately disturbed forests was the lowest among the three differently disturbed forests. It is proposed that the intermediately disturbed forests can improve the species diversity, but maybe decrease the community stability.  相似文献   

In 1997, we conducted a vegetation survey in three semi-arid natural grasslands (steppes) withdifferent livestock grazing intensities in Southwest Heilongjiang Province, China. The dominant grasslandspecies was the grass Stipa baicalensis Roshev. Grasslands with light, intermediate, and heavy grazingintensities were located 10, 5, and 2 km from a village, respectively. Villagers use the steppe to raise cattle,horses, sheep, and goats. Each of the three grasslands was surveyed by placing 100 quadrats (50 cm×50 cm)along a 50 m line transect. Each quadrat was divided into four equal areas (25 cm×25 cm; S-quadrats) and allplant species occurring in each of these smaller areas were identified and recorded. These data were summa-rized into frequency distributions and the percentage of S-quadrats containing a given species and thevariance of each species were estimated. The power law was applied to these estimates. The power law wasused to evaluate the spatial heterogeneity and frequency of occurrence for each species in the grasslandcommunity. The lightly grazed grassland exhibited high spatial heterogeneity (caused by large plant size),the highest species diversity, and a high occurrence of S. baicalensis. In contrast, the heavily grazedgrassland exhibited high spatial heterogeneity (caused by patchy populations of small plant size), lowspecies diversity, and a low occurrence of S. baicalensis. We judged that the heavily grazed grassland wasovergrazed and exclusion of livestock from the degraded areas is necessary for recovery.  相似文献   

The potential natural distribution of deciduous forests in Central Asia is the subject of ongoing discussions. Ulmus pumila (Siberian elm) is the only tree species occurring in southern and south-eastern Mongolia. In the semi-arid Mongolian Gobi, the species is restricted to ravines and beds of semi-temporary rivers. Compared to zonal occurrences in moister northern Mongolia, elm trees in the Gobi were found to be larger, in spite of their slower growth. Recruitment was very rare in the field although germination studies revealed that seeds were viable, survived osmotic stress, and were tolerant of repeated cycles of moistening and drying. Thus, they should be capable of germination in episodically flooded river beds. Fingerprinting revealed that clonal growth is of negligible importance in the Gobi as almost all U. pumila individuals studied constituted separate genets. Given that many trees were <100 years old and must have become established under current climatic conditions, we infer that the current lack of recruitment is likely to be caused by grazing impact. Our data imply that Ulmus pumila could potentially be much more common in the drylands of southern Mongolia and northern China.  相似文献   

In 1997, we conducted a vegetation survey in three semi-arid natural grasslands (steppes) with different livestock grazing intensities in Southwest Heilongjiang Province, China, The dominant grassland species was the grass Stipa baicalensis Roshev. Grasslands with light, intermediate, and heavy grazing intensities were located 10, 5, and 2 km from a village, respectively. Villagers use the steppe to raise cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. Each of the three grasslands was surveyed by placing 100 quadrats (50 cm×50 cm) along a 50 m line transect. Each quadrat was divided into four equal areas (25 cm×25 cm; S-quadrats) and all plant species occurring in each of these smaller areas were identified and recorded. These data were summarized into frequency distributions and the percentage of S-quadrats containing a given species and the variance of each species were estimated. The power law was applied to these estimates. The power law was used to evaluate the spatial heterogeneity and frequency of occurrence for each species in the grassland community. The lightly grazed grassland exhibited high spatial heterogeneity (caused by large plant size), the highest species diversity, and a high occurrence of S. baicalensis. In contrast, the heavily grazed grassland exhibited high spatial heterogeneity (caused by patchy populations of small plant size), low species diversity, and a low occurrence of S. baicalensis. We judged that the heavily grazed grassland was overgrazed and exclusion of livestock from the degraded areas is necessary for recovery.  相似文献   

山坡退化林地林木生长对微地形人工干预的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究水土保持微地形人工干预措施(等高反坡阶)对坡面退化林地林木生长的影响,在昆明市松华坝水源区内选取典型山坡退化林地,通过动态观测和对比分析不同样地林木胸径、树高、新枝生长量及样地叶面积指数(LAI)的变化差异,再结合土壤水分有效性分析以探讨差异原因.结果表明:等高反坡阶样地云南松胸径和树高的最大值和均值均大于对照样地(CK),退化林群落中小径阶和低矮的植株占更大比例,表明等高反坡阶样地中优势木新生植株和退化严重植株的生长潜力得到激发,不同样地云南松植株新枝平均枝长和枝径的年变化差异率达到了72.4%和39.1%.等高反坡阶样地云南松植株新枝生长量和样地LAI的变化及新枝生长的速度大于CK.土壤含水率和新枝生长量与LAI均呈显著相关,对水分有效性分析后得到等高反坡阶样地易效水比例(64.2%)整体高于CK(54.7%),5月至9月雨季中,等高反坡阶样地易效水存在时间更长,这有利于林木的生长,进而改变退化林地植物群落结构.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus gomphocephala (tuart) is a tree native to the southwest coast of Western Australia, where, in some areas, there is a significant decline in the health of tuart. Botryosphaeriaceous taxa have been isolated as endophytes and canker pathogens from numerous hosts in many parts of the world and have been implicated in the decline of E. gomphocephala. In the present study, endophytic fungi were isolated from a wide variety of native woody plant species (Acacia cochlearis, A. rostellifera, Allocasuarina fraseriana, Agonis flexuosa, Banksia grandis, E. gomphocephala, E. marginata and Santalum acuminatum), at two locations in native E. gomphocephala woodland; a site in decline at Yalgorup National Park and a healthy site at Woodman Point Regional Park. Of the 226 isolates obtained, 154 were botryosphaeriaceous taxa, 80 % of which were found to be Neofusicoccum australe, isolated from all hosts at both collection sites. Four new species are described, Dothiorella moneti, Dothiorella santali, Neofusicoccum pennatisporum, and a species belonging to a genus only recently included in the Botryosphaeriaceae, Aplosporella yalgorensis. The other species isolated were Botryosphaeria dothidea on the new hosts A. rostellifera, A. cochlearis and E. marginata and Dichomera eucalypti, on the new host E. marginata. None of the new species formed lesions on excised stems of their host species, E. gomphocephala, or a common plantation species, E. globulus. However, Neofusicoccum australe formed lesions on excised stems of E. globulus and E. gomphocephala.  相似文献   

Understanding the responses of vegetation characteristics and soil properties to grazing in different precipitation regimes is useful for the management of rangelands, especially in the arid regions. In northeastern Iran, we studied the responses of vegetation to livestock grazing in three regions with different climates: arid, semiarid, and subhumid. In each region, we selected 6–7 pairwise sampling areas of high versus low grazing intensity and six traits of the present species were recorded on 1 m2 plots—five grazed and five ungrazed in each area. The overall fertility was compared using the dissimilarity analysis, and linear mixed‐effect models were used to compare the individual fertility parameters, functional diversity indices, and species traits between the plots with high and low grazing intensity and between the climatic regions. Both climate and grazing, as well as their interaction, affected fertility parameters, functional diversity indices, and the representation of species traits. Grazing reduced functional evenness, height of the community, the representation of annuals, but increased the community leaf area. In the subhumid region, grazing also reduced functional richness. Further, grazing decreased the share of annual species in the semiarid region and seed mass in the arid region. Larger leaf area and seed mass, smaller height and lower share of annuals were associated with intensive grazing. Species with large LA and seed mass, lower height and perennials can be therefore presumed to tolerate trampling and benefit from high nutrient levels, associated with intensive grazing. By providing a detailed view on the impacts of overgrazing, this study highlights the importance of protection from grazing as an effective management tool for maintaining the pastoral ecosystems. In general, the composition of plant traits across the pastures of northeastern Iran was more affected by intensive grazing than by the differences in climate.  相似文献   

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