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Non-native Spartina spp. have invaded many coastal saltmarshes worldwide. Introduced Spartina may cause problems like displacement of native vegetation and hybridisation with native species, leading to changes to relevant ecosystem services and saltmarsh geomorphology. Here we report the extensive and so far overlooked replacement of the native Spartina maritima by non-native S. anglica and S. townsendii along 400 km of the coast of the north-western Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea). We analysed the distribution of both native and non-native Spartina spp. along the six main saltmarsh areas in the region, and produced maps of their presence by using a combination of genetic tools, morphological analysis and geotagged photographs, complemented with field observations. We also reviewed historical herbaria from the region to explore when the first non-native introductions could have occured. We found that S. anglica and S. townsendii are unexpectedly widespread, having established along the whole study region, in one lagoon totally replacing the local native species. Its introduction happened virtually unnoticed, and misidentified herbarium specimens date back as early as 1987. We discuss the ecological implications of this overlooked extensive replacement, and the need for a comprehensive assessment of the status of the saltmarshes in this region, both to protect the few remaining patches of the native S. maritima and control the spread of the non-native species across the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Wetlands are amongst the richest, yet most threatened types of habitats on Earth. One major threat is the modification of water regime for human activities, which disrupts normal ecosystem equilibrium. In lacustrine wetlands, reduced flooding allows shrubs to take over, ultimately leading to a shift towards woody communities. To counter this, wetland managers have initiated a variety of measures, including mowing, burning, and pasturing. Because of the short time frames of previous studies on the subject, little is known on their potential negative side effects on the ecosystem. Here, we evaluate the long-term effect of mowing on breeding populations of the five most abundant species in our central European study area (the reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus, the common reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus, Savi’s warbler Locustella luscinioides, the water rail Rallus aquaticus, and the bearded reedling Panurus biarmicus). This study, of an unprecedented time scale (30 years), shows that rotational mowing has no long-term detrimental effects on birds. However, optimal mowing regime for the birds might often be less frequent than what is usually applied. We recommend that mowing be spaced every 3 years at least, and ideally every 6 years or more. We discuss additional measures that could be implemented to complement mowing. Because of the widespread distribution of the target habitat and species, our study provides readily applicable information for wetland managers in Europe and worldwide.  相似文献   

An obvious consequence of habitat fragmentation is an increasing role of habitat edges for species survival. Recently it has been suggested that the endangered butterfly Maculinea nausithous prefers forested edges of its meadow habitats. However, the prevalence of forests in the study area used for this analysis makes it impossible to distinguish whether the effect detected is a genuine preference for forest edges or a preference for any natural patch edges as opposed to patch interiors. We investigated habitat selection by Maculinea nausithous and Maculinea teleius occurring sympatrically at five habitat patches surrounded by mosaic landscape. Butterfly capture positions were marked with GPS and subsequently analysed with GIS software. Both species avoided the interiors of their patches and concentrated in the edge zone, but these preferences were visible only at three larger patches exceeding 1 ha in area. Among different types of edges those bordering densely built-up areas were avoided, whereas all natural edges (adjacent to forests, reeds or grasslands) were similarly used. We hypothesise that preferences towards natural patch edges, regardless of their type, can be explained by the spatial interactions between Maculinea butterflies and Myrmica ants they parasitise. Patch surroundings constitute refuge space for the ants, and hence their densities may be expected to be higher near patch edges. Our findings indicate the importance of patch surroundings for the persistence of Maculinea populations. Regretfully, current legal framework makes it difficult to protect patch surroundings, where neither priority species nor their habitats occur.  相似文献   

Many species of the butterfly genus Phengaris are regarded as endangered in many parts of their distribution. Several species are also widely distributed across northern China. Due to land use change and overgrazing, their habitats are declining and many patches have been lost. This paper investigates the distribution and habitats of the Chinese Phengaris species (of the subgenus Maculinea). Shrub-grassland near forests seem the most frequent habitat for Phengaris, while flat open grasslands are mostly over-grazed and thus survival for Phengaris butterflies there seems difficult. Throughout Europe, P. teleius is an endangered species, while there is still no information on its status in China. To improve the knowledge on the population ecology of P. teleius, its population structure, adult behaviour and movement were studied through mark–release–recapture methods in the Qinling Mountains of Taibai County. Eight grassland patches which were potentially suitable were found in the area in 2013. In total, 480 individuals (274 females) were marked, resulting in an overall recapture rate of 16 %. The average daily population size was 44 butterflies (±23 SD) during the adult flight period. Sixty-seven percent of the females and 38 % of the males moved less than 50 m, and 17 % of recaptured females and 38 % of males moved more than 200 m. The mean movement distance was 107 ± 177 m for males and 182 ± 122 m for females. The majority of the recaptures (86 %) were made within the patches, only a few individuals (14 %) moved between patches. Due to human disturbance and destruction, all of the eight potentially suitable patches are becoming smaller and increasingly isolated, thus these populations of P. teleius may face an increasing risk of extinction, which may well be a tip of the iceberg of habitat loss and fragmentation of P. teleius in Taibai County and possibly beyond. Hence we hope our initial study of P. teleius could have positive impacts on the conservation of Phengaris butterflies in China.  相似文献   

Understanding habitat quality and landscape connectivity and exploring corridors connecting habitat patches are crucial for conservation, particularly for species distributed among isolated populations. The Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus roxellana, is an Endangered primate species endemic to mountainous forests in China. Its easternmost distribution lies in the Shennongjia area, which harbors an isolated subspecies, R. roxellana hubeiensis. Unfortunately, it has experienced significant habitat loss, fragmentation, and dramatic population decline in recent decades, primarily due to increased human disturbance. To quantify habitat quality, identify suitable habitat patches, and detect possible linkages among these patches for R. roxellana hubeiensis, we conducted habitat suitability assessments and landscape connectivity analyses in the Shennongjia area based on a set of environmental factors. We created a habitat quality model and a movement cost surface for the Shennongjia area based on a habitat suitability index, graph theory, expert knowledge, field experience, and information from the literature. Our results show that suitable habitat for R. roxellana hubeiensis in Shennongjia is fragmented and limited, and that this is particularly true for highly suitable habitats. We detected six core habitat patches and six least-cost paths and corridors. Our study does not provide accurate distributions of the monkeys and their habitat use. However, it identifies the most feasible and traversable habitats and corridors, which should be conservation priorities for this subspecies, and provides valuable guidance for reevaluating habitat conservation plans.  相似文献   

Disturbance may play a key role in affecting animal invasions; less appreciated is that past and present disturbances might interact to affect invasion. For example, although large portions of forest ecosystems worldwide are jointly affected by a history of past agricultural land use as well as contemporary timber harvest, it is unclear whether these disturbances facilitate biological invasions. We conducted a large-scale experiment that coupled adjacent non-agricultural and post-agricultural sites and a factorial canopy-thinning manipulation to understand how past agricultural land use might interact with contemporary canopy thinning to affect the distribution (i.e., presence/absence of mounds) and abundance of a highly invasive ant species, Solenopsis invicta, and common native ant species, Dorymyrmex bureni. Mounds of S. invicta were more likely to be present in unthinned post-agricultural habitats than unthinned non-agricultural habitats, but this legacy effect disappeared with canopy thinning. In unthinned habitats, the presence of D. bureni mounds did not differ based on past land use. However, presence of D. bureni mounds was greater in thinned non-agricultural habitats than thinned post-agricultural habitats. Once present in an area, mound abundance was largely related to temperature near the ground for both species, and negatively related to soil compaction for D. bureni. Our results provide large-scale evidence that an understanding of anthropogenic events that occur decades before present may be essential for interpreting contemporary invasion dynamics and the distribution of some species, and that local contemporary habitat characteristics play a key role in determining ant abundance once an area is colonized.  相似文献   

The main threats to primates worldwide are the degradation, fragmentation, and loss of their habitats; hunting (especially for bushmeat); and illegal trade. For many species, the most important threat is forest fragmentation, resulting in small populations that are restricted to isolated forest patches. In this situation, primates are particularly vulnerable to disease. The Endangered blonde capuchin (Sapajus flavius) is now restricted to a few forest patches in Northeast Brazil. We investigated the occurrence of parasites and bacterial diseases in one of three free-ranging groups of S. flavius in a small forest patch in Paraíba state, Northeast Brazil. We tested for antibodies against Leishmania spp., Trypanosoma cruzi, Toxoplasma gondii, Leptospira spp. (24 strains), and Brucella spp.. We used molecular analysis to detect Plasmodium spp., and evaluated blood smears for the presence of hemoparasites. All individuals tested negative for Leptospira spp. and B. abortus, but 8 of 48 (16%) presented antibodies for both Leishmania spp. and T. cruzi. We identified antibodies to T. gondii in 12% of the individuals tested. Plasmodium brasilianum infection was present in 4% of the individuals tested, and blood smears showed microfilariae parasites in 46% of the individuals tested. The occurrence of these infectious diseases in S. flavius may pose a significant threat in terms of reduced recruitment and poor survival rates, and an understanding of the influence of pathogens is crucial for the management of small populations of primates.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation result in landscapes where high quality habitat patches are surrounded by matrix habitats of low and variable quality. For mobile species to persist in such landscapes, individual animals often rely on the high quality habitats but also use matrix habitats for supplemental resources or while moving between higher quality patches. Determining what habitat features animals select when in these matrix areas is important, as retaining desirable features in lower quality habitats may enable species persistence. We examine a population of US federally threatened Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) in northcentral Washington, near the southwestern range limit, where lynx habitat is fragmented by topography, wildfires, and human impacts. We used Global Positioning System radio-collar data from 17 lynx in the North Cascade Mountains during 2007–2013 to explore lynx habitat use. We used Random Forest models to analyze core hunting, resting, and denning habitat, and the habitats lynx select while between patches of core habitat. While selecting core habitat, lynx used spruce (Picea engelmannii)-fir (Abies lasiocarpa), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), and mixed sub-boreal-Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forests, and avoided dry forests and forest openings including new burns. When not in core habitat, lynx used a wider range of habitats, including new burns where fire skips and residual trees offered cover. Our results show clearly that Canada lynx tolerate a wider range of habitats where they occupy fragmented landscapes. Consequently, maintaining animals in fragmented landscapes requires that we identify and conserve not only the core habitats a particular species selects, but also the habitat features animals use while in less suitable environments.  相似文献   

Dietary studies of five species of Anatidae (Gadwall Anas strepera, Shoveler Anas clypeata, Pochard Aythya ferina, Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca, and White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala) were carried out at Lake Tonga, northeast Algeria, from December 2011 to March 2012. Diet analysis of all five wintering species indicated a heavy reliance on seeds, which included a wide variety of aquatic plants, such as Myriophyllum spicatum, Ceratophyllum demersum, Sparganium erectum, Scirpus lacustris and Potamogeton pectinatus. Noteworthy is the paucity of ingested macroinvertebrates. Despite dietary overlap, the type, abundance and frequency of food consumed clearly indicated differences in resource use among the ducks. Incidentally, the study also highlighted the high vulnerability of threatened ducks to poaching (harvesting and disturbance) in a protected area. We discuss the implications of these findings for the management and conservation of wintering wildfowl and their North African habitats.  相似文献   

Integration between ecology and biogeography provides insights into how niche specialization affects the geographical distribution of species. Given that rivers are not effective barriers to dispersal in three parapatric species of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri vanzolinii, S. cassiquiarensis and S. macrodon) inhabiting floodplain forests of Central Amazonia, we tested whether forest structure and tree diversity may explain species differences in niche specialization and spatial segregation. We sampled 6617 trees of 326 species in three habitats (high várzea, low várzea and chavascal) used by three Saimiri species, and estimated tree species richness in each of them. For each tree, we measured variables known to influence habitat use in primates, such as crown area and presence of lianas, epiphytes and hemi-epiphytes. We used ANOVA to compare these variables and performed multivariate analyses (NMDS, ANOSIM and SIMPER) to evaluate dissimilarities in forest structure among each habitat inhabited by the three Saimiri species. We identified differences in the tree species richness, crown area and presence of lianas, epiphytes and hemi-epiphytes between the three habitats for all Saimiri species. NMDS demonstrated that areas of high and low várzeas occupied by S. vanzolinii were clearly separated from the other species. We also found that different plant species contributed to dissimilarity among Saimiri ranges. Our findings support the hypothesis that tree community structure may promote niche specialization and spatial segregation among primates. We discuss how these patterns could have been favored by historical changes in forest flood patterns, the evolutionary history of Saimiri spp., and past competition.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between habitat heterogeneity and morphological variation in the Caribbean coral species-complex, Madracis pharensis/decactis. This complex showed strong but incomplete morphospecies habitat-matching on a small spatial scale. We find that only one Madracis morphospecies dominates in environments consisting of either few vertical or few horizontal habitats, whereas in environments consisting of a mixture of horizontal and vertical habitats both morphospecies are common. We demonstrate that the observed patterns of morphospecies habitat-matching cannot be explained by a pure polyphenic model, where morphological variants are induced by a genotype-by-environment interaction at their settling site. Instead, we suggest that habitat-matching results in whole or in part from genetically predetermined factors. We present support for the hypothesis that this pattern of habitat-matching is due to habitat- and morphospecies-specific selective factors. Our study describes how a variable environmental factor, i.e. habitat distribution, has a non-linear effect on the spatial distribution of these morphospecies, thereby influencing the genetic organization of the Madracis coral complex at the ~+1–10 km spatial scale.  相似文献   

Sound is an inherent component of the environment that provides conditions and information necessary for many animal activities. Soniferous species require specific acoustic and physical conditions suitable for their signals to be transmitted, received, and effectively interpreted to successfully identify and utilize resources in their environment and interact with conspecifics and other heterospecific organisms. We propose the Acoustic Habitat Hypothesis to explain how the acoustic environment influences habitat selection of sound-dependent species. We postulate that sound-dependent species select and occupy habitats with unique acoustic characteristics that are essential to their functional needs and conducive to the threshold of sound frequency they produce and detect. These acoustic habitats are based on the composition of biophony, geophony, and technophony in the soundscape and on the biosemiotics mechanisms described in the eco-field hypothesis. The Acoustic Habitat Hypothesis initiates questions of habitat selection that go beyond the physical attributes of the environment by applying ecoacoustics theory. We outline the theoretical basis of the Acoustic Habitat Hypothesis and provide examples from the literature to support its assumptions. The concept of acoustic habitats has been documented in the literature for many years but here, we accurately and extensively define acoustic habitat and we put this concept into a unified theory. We also include perspectives on how the Acoustic Habitat Hypothesis can stimulate a paradigm shift in conservation strategies for threatened and endangered species.  相似文献   

Information on spatial variability and distribution patterns of organisms in coral reef environments is necessary to evaluate the increasing anthropogenic disturbance of marine environments (Richmond 1993; Wilkinson 1993; Dayton 1994). Therefore different types of subtidal, reef-associated hard substrata (reef flats, reef slopes, coral carpets, coral patches, rock grounds), each with different coral associations, were investigated to determine the distribution pattern of molluscs and their life habits (feeding strategies and substrate relations). The molluscs were strongly dominated by taxa with distinct relations to corals, and five assemblages were differentiated. The Dendropoma maxima assemblage on reef flats is a discrete entity, strongly dominated by this encrusting and suspension-feeding gastropod. All other assemblages are arranged along a substrate gradient of changing coral associations and potential molluscan habitats. The Coralliophila neritoideaBarbatia foliata assemblage depends on the presence of Porites and shows a dominance of gastropods feeding on corals and of bivalves associated with living corals. The Chamoidea–Cerithium spp. assemblage on rock grounds is strongly dominated by encrusting bivalves. The Drupella cornus–Pteriidae assemblage occurs on MilleporaAcropora reef slopes and is strongly dominated by bivalves associated with living corals. The Barbatia setigeraCtenoides annulata assemblage includes a broad variety of taxa, molluscan life habits and bottom types, but occurs mainly on faviid carpets and is transitional among the other three assemblages. A predicted degradation of coral coverage to rock bottoms due to increasing eutrophication and physical damage in the study area (Riegl and Piller 2000) will result in a loss of coral-associated molluscs in favor of bivalve crevice dwellers in dead coral heads and of encrusters on dead hard substrata.  相似文献   

Fusarium palustre is an endophyte/pathogen of Spartina alterniflora, a saltmarsh grass native to North America that has been associated in the USA with a saltmarsh decline known as Sudden Vegetation Dieback (SVD). Since the intentional introduction of S. alterniflora to stabilize mud flats on Chongming Island, Shanghai, China, S. alterniflora has become invasive, but shows no symptoms of dieback even though F. palustre can be isolated from the plant. When declining S. alterniflora from SVD sites in the northeastern USA were assayed for Fusarium species, an average of 8 % of tissues sampled gave rise to a species of Fusarium of these, 64 % were F. palustre and 16 % were F. incarnatum, a nonpathogenic species. To determine if low densities of F. palustre could explain the lack of dieback symptoms on S. alterniflora from Chongming Island, we assessed the incidence and distribution of Fusarium spp. on S. alterniflora from 12 sites on Chongming Island. On average, 26 % of the stem and root tissues sampled were colonized by a Fusarium species. Of 196 isolates recovered from S. alterniflora, 44 % were F. incarnatum and 41 % were F. palustre. Species determinations were confirmed for a subset of these isolates using a phylogenetic analysis of partial sequences of the translation elongation factor (tef) gene. The observation that Fusarium incidence on S. alterniflora was much greater on Chongming Island than in the USA survey raises the question as to why S. alterniflora on Chongming Island is showing no dieback. Other factors, such as predator release, enhanced nutritional, edaphic and/or other unidentified environmental constraints on Chongming Island may afford S. alterniflora protection from dieback.  相似文献   

Tallgrass prairie habitats within North America have suffered severe fragmentation and habitat loss as land has been converted for agricultural purposes. Habitat loss and fragmentation can affect gene flow and the genetic structure of insect populations. Neoconocephalus bivocatus is a prairie obligate katydid found only in isolated prairie patches. We compared genetic diversity and population differentiation using AFLP markers in N. bivocatus and N. robustus, a grassland generalist that is not isolated to prairie fragments and occupies a more contiguous range. Similar levels of genetic diversity were present within populations of both species. While population genetic structure was found in both species, there was no relationship between assigned genotypes and sampling localities. This genetic structure may instead be evidence of a past barrier to gene flow that has since been removed. Genetic differentiation within both species was low, with no evidence of a correlation with geographic distance, indicating neither species is dispersal limited at these distances. We see no significant reduction in genetic diversity or genetic differentiation within N. bivocatus when compared to N. robustus. We therefore conclude that while N. bivocatus utilizes a fragmented landscape, long-distance dispersal likely maintains gene flow between isolated prairie patches.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to report habitat occupancy, naturalness status and phenology of Urocoras longispinus (Chyzer and Kulczyński 1897), a little-known spider species. Sampling was conducted in Natura 2000 habitats of the Mátra Mountains, and four disturbed mainroad verges in Hungary between 2012 and 2015. We recorded 356 adult specimens active throughout the year, but abundance was highest in autumn. In the Mátra Mountains shrub removal negatively affected the abundance of U. lonsgspinus: the species preferred shaded habitats. The intensity of mowing maintenance caused changes in the species’ abundance in mainroad verges: the number of individual spiders increased as a result of both without maintenance and enhanced maintenance. We conclude that U. longispinus is a stenochronous spider species which lives in both human-disturbed and undisturbed habitats. However, the nature of the disturbance influenced the abundance of this species to varying degrees.  相似文献   

Although reef corals are dependent of the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium, the large majority of corals spawn gametes that do not contain their vital symbiont. This suggests the existence of a pool of Symbiodinium in the environment, of which surprisingly little is known. Reefs around Curaçao (Caribbean) were sampled for free-living Symbiodinium at three time periods (summer 2009, summer 2010, and winter 2010) to characterize different habitats (water column, coral rubble, sediment, the macroalgae Halimeda spp., Dictyota spp., and Lobophora variegata, and the seagrass Thalassia testudinum) that could serve as environmental sources of symbionts for corals. We detected the common clades of Symbiodinium that engage in symbiosis with Caribbean coral hosts A, B, and C using Symbiodinium-specific primers of the hypervariable region of the chloroplast 23S ribosomal DNA gene. We also discovered clade G and, for the first time in the Caribbean, the presence of free-living Symbiodinium clades F and H. Additionally, this study expands the habitat range of free-living Symbiodinium as environmental Symbiodinium was detected in T. testudinum seagrass beds. The patterns of association between free-living Symbiodinium types and habitats were shown to be complex. An interesting, strong association was seen between some clade A sequence types and sediment, suggesting that sediment could be a niche where clade A radiated from a free-living ancestor. Other interesting relationships were seen between sequence types of Symbiodinium clade C with Halimeda spp. and clades B and F with T. testudinium. These relationships highlight the importance of some macroalgae and seagrasses in hosting free-living Symbiodinium. Finally, studies spanning beyond a 1-yr cycle are needed to further expand on our results in order to better understand the variation of Symbiodinium in the environment through time. All together, results presented here showed that the great diversity of free-living Symbiodinium has a dynamic distribution across habitats and time.  相似文献   

The Sargassum community consists of a unique and diverse assemblage of symbiotic fauna critical to pelagic food chains. Associated symbionts presumably have adaptations to assist in finding Sargassum. In situ scattered Sargassum patches accumulate as they are pushed toward the shoreline (via wind, waves, currents or tides) and are frequently less than 1 m apart and in depths of 10 cm or less as the patches approach the shoreline Crabs, and other symbiotic fauna, must relocate to another patch that is seaward in direction or likely perish as their current patch will likely become beached. This study investigated sensory cues used for host location and selection by the Sargassum crab, Portunus sayi. Chemical detection trials were conducted with a two-chamber choice apparatus with Sargassum spp. and Thalassia testudinum as habitat source odors. Visual detection trials (devoid of chemical cues) and habitat selection trials were conducted in which crabs were given a choice between hosts. Results showed that P. sayi responded to chemicals from Sargassum spp. Crabs visually located host habitats but did not visually distinguish between different hosts. In host selection trials, crabs selected Sargassum spp. over artificial Sargassum and T. testudinum. These results suggest that crabs isolated from Sargassum likely use chemoreception; within visual proximity of a potential patch, crabs likely use both chemical and visual information.  相似文献   

A large number of Crassostrea oysters are found in Asia-Pacific. While analyses of interspecific variation have helped to establish historical relationships among these species, studies on intraspecific variation are necessary to understand their recent evolutionary history and current forces driving population biology. We resequenced 18 and analyzed 31 mitogenomes of five Crassostrea species from China: Crassostrea gigas, Crassostrea angulata, Crassostrea sikamea, Crassostrea ariakensis, and Crassostrea hongkongensis. Our analysis finds abundant insertions, deletions, and single-nucleotide polymorphisms in all species. Intraspecific variation varies greatly among species with polymorphic sites ranging from 54 to 293 and nucleotide diversity ranging from 0.00106 to 0.00683. In all measurements, C. hongkongensis that has the narrowest geographic distribution exhibits the least sequence diversity; C. ariakensis that has the widest distribution shows the highest diversity, and species with intermediate distribution show intermediate levels of diversity. Low sequence diversity in C. hongkongensis may reflect recent bottlenecks that are probably exacerbated by human transplantation. High diversity in C. ariakensis is likely due to divergence of northern and southern China populations that have been separated without gene flow. The significant differences in mitogenome diversity suggest that the five sister species of Crassostrea have experienced different evolutionary forces since their divergence. The recent divergence of two C. ariakensis populations and the C. gigas/angulata species complex provides evidence for continued diversification and speciation of Crassostrea species along China’s coast, which are shaped by unknown mechanisms in a north–south divide.  相似文献   

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