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During studies of the phlebotomine sand fly fauna of Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, a new species was captured with CDC light trap and is described here. The new species resembles Lutzomyia lutziana (Costa Lima) and is named Lutzomyia campograndensis sp. n. after the type locality.  相似文献   

The outspread and urbanization of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Campo Grande, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, lead us to undertake the present study over diversity and abundance of sand flies in the urban area to compare with previous search carried out during 1999/2000, before the identification of the disease in the human population.The captures were carried out with automatic light traps, weekly, from February 2004 to February 2005 on three sites including a forested area (Zé Pereira), two peridomicilies (shelters of domestic animals and cultivation areas), and intradomicilie. In the present study 110 collections were obtained during 13 months for 1320 h of collections, resulting in 5004 specimens, 3649 males and 1355 females belonging to the 20 following species: Brumptomyia avellari, Brumptomyia sp., Bichromomyia flaviscutellata, Evandromyia lenti, E. termitophila, E. cortelezzii, E. borrouli, Lutzomyia sp., L. longipalpis, Micropygomyia quinquefer, N. antunesi, N. whitmani, Pintomyia christenseni, Pi. damascenoi, Psathyromyia aragaoi, Ps. campograndensis, Ps. hermanlenti, Ps. shannoni, Pychodopygus claustrei, and Sciopemyia sordellii. L. longipalpis was the most abundant species in the anthropic environment with 92.22% of the captures. This shows an increase of sixty times in the density of L. longipalpis compared to the last sand fly evaluation in 1999/2000. The high density of L. longipalpis in Campo Grande is the main factor of risk in transmission of the disease to human in the urban area. The capture of N. antunesi, typical specie from Amazonian region, in Mato Grosso do Sul is reported for the first time.  相似文献   

The present paper describes a new phlebotomine species, Evandromyia gaucha sp. nov., based on seven females found in the municipality of Ca?apava do Sul, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The new species belong to rupicola series and differs from other sand flies of the genus Evandromyia due to the presence of a rounded spermatheca head with its size very close to that of the spermatheca body.  相似文献   

Investigation was undertaken on the behaviour of the phlebotomine fauna in caves, forests, and anthropic environments of the Serra da Bodoquena, between January 1998 and January 2000. This paper reports on the phlebotomines captured in forested areas with automatic light traps (ALT), Shannon traps (ST), aspiration (AN), at natural resting sites and by human attractiveness (HA) during 24 h. The diversity and abundance of the species were investigated with ALT installed at 16 points (ground level) and 6 in the canopy. Natural infection by flagellates was investigated in females captured with ST AN, and HA. The sandfly fauna was represented by 23 species. Twenty-two of these were captured with ALT 15 of them on the western side, and 20 on the eastern. Lutzomyia longipalpis and Nyssomyia whitmani were the most abundant on the former and this species together with Lutzomyia almerioi on the latter side. On the eastern side the ecotopes located close to caves rendered a significantly greater number (P < or = 0.01) of specimens than did more distant sites. On this side Lu. almerioi contributed with 56% of the total number of specimens. Lu. almerioi females were predominantly attracted by humans (96.4%) and by ST (93.2%) and three of the 2173 dissected (0.138%) presented natural infection by flagellates. The attraction of Lu. almerioi to humans occurred during all seasons, predominantly in the summer, and in nocturnal and diurnal periods. Thus it is bothersome to inhabitants of and visitors to the Bodoquena ridge and a potential vector of flagellates.  相似文献   

Snake envenomation is considered a public health problem in tropical countries, where they occur in a high incidence. The present study reports the snake envenomation that occurred in Mato Grosso do Sul state (Brazil) between 2007 and 2017. Epidemiological data were obtained from the online platform of the Notification Disease Information System and were analyzed according to biome. A total of 5568 cases of snake envenomations were recorded during the study period, where the highest frequency was registered between October and April. The majority of envenomations occurred in working-age males (20 to 39 years), caused mainly by Bothrops snakes, and the duration of care after the envenomation in most cases took three hours. The municipalities that showed the highest snake envenomations case per 100,000 inhabitants presents low population density, and have their economy based on agricultural activity, which is a risk factor to snake envenomations. To the Mato Grosso do Sul state, the total number of snake envenomations had a positive relationship with the size of the municipality. Since this, larger areas usually have a mosaic of environments, which may harbor higher richness and abundance of snakes, and can cause more snake encounters with the population, resulting in more snake envenomations.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Tachinidae (Diptera), Paxiximyia sulmatogrossensisn. gen. and n. sp., and its puparium are described. It was reared from the walking stick, Urucumania borellii (Giglio-Tos, 1897), collected in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.  相似文献   

The relationships between environmental exposure to risk agents and health conditions have been studied with the aid of remote sensing imagery, a tool particularly useful in the study of vegetation cover. This study aims to evaluate the influence of environmental variables on the spatial distribution of the abundance of Lutzomyia longipalpis and the reported canine and human visceral leishmaniasis (VL) cases at an urban area of Campo Grande, state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The sandfly captures were performed in 13 residences that were selected by raffle considering four residences or collection station for buffer. These buffers were generated from the central house with about 50, 100 and 200 m from it in an endemic area of VL. The abundance of sandflies and human and canine cases were georreferenced using the GIS software PCI Geomatica. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and percentage of land covered by vegetation were the environmental variables extracted from a remote sensing IKONOS-2 image. The average NDVI was considered as the complexity of habitat and the standard deviation as the heterogeneity of habitat. One thousand three hundred sixty-seven specimens were collected during the catch. We found a significant positive linear correlation between the abundance of sandflies and the percentage of vegetation cover and average NDVI. However, there was no significant association between habitat heterogeneity and the abundance of these flies.  相似文献   

To understand the geographic distribution of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brazil, both the climatic niches of Lutzomyia longipalpis and VL cases were analysed. Distributional data were obtained from 55 of the 79 counties of MS between 2003-2012. Ecological niche models (ENM) of Lu. longipalpis and VL cases were produced using the maximum entropy algorithm based on eight climatic variables. Lu. longipalpis showed a wide distribution in MS. The highest climatic suitability for Lu. longipalpis was observed in southern MS. Temperature seasonality and annual mean precipitation were the variables that most influenced these models. Two areas of high climatic suitability for the occurrence of VL cases were predicted: one near Aquidauana and another encompassing several municipalities in the southeast region of MS. As expected, a large overlap between the models for Lu. longipalpis and VL cases was detected. Northern and northwestern areas of MS were suitable for the occurrence of cases, but did not show high climatic suitability for Lu. longipalpis . ENM of vectors and human cases provided a greater understanding of the geographic distribution of VL in MS, which can be applied to the development of future surveillance strategies.  相似文献   

The first occurrence of Panstrongylus guentheri Berg in Brazil is presented. This species had been reported only in the territories of Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Uruguay. We have extended the geographic distribution of this Triatominae, with two specimens captured in Bodoquena and Itapor? cities, both in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. These specimens were found in the intradomestic environment.  相似文献   

A new entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema brazilense n. sp., was isolated from a single soil sample collected from a natural forest in Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. S. brazilense n. sp. is characterized morphologically by features of infective juveniles (IJ), males and females. For the IJ, body length averaging 1157 (1023-1284) μm, distance from anterior end to excretory pore 95 (87-102) μm, from anterior end to end of esophagus 148 (139-153) μm, tail length 85 (80-104) μm, D% and E% values 63 (58-70) and 106 (95-118.0), respectively. Lateral field pattern variable; the formula for the arrangement of ridges from head to tail is: 2, 4, 6, 8, 6, 2. For the male, the diagnostic characters include spicule averaging 83 (75-89) μm; D% about 65; the ratio SW% about 192. The length of spicule head is greater than width. Lateral field with one narrow ridge. First generation females are characterized by the presence of a ventral postanal swelling. S. brazilense n. sp. is morphologically close to Steinernema diaprepesi. It can be differentiated from S.diaprepesi by its longer IJ body length (1157 vs 1002 μm), longer distance from anterior end to excretory pore (110 vs 75 μm), a longer tail length (103 vs 83 μm); males of the new species with longer spicule (83 vs 79 μm). The new species can be distinguished further from other members of Steinernema glaseri group by characteristics of rDNA of ITS and D2D3 regions.  相似文献   

Using nine microsatellite loci, we investigated genetic structure and diversity in 83 Brazilian cassava accessions, including several landraces, in the Cerrado biome in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. All nine loci were polymorphic, averaging 6.00 alleles per locus. Treating each of seven municipalities as a cassava group or population, they averaged 3.5 alleles per locus, with 97% polymorphic loci, high values for observed heterozygosity (0.32) and gene diversity (0.56). Total genetic variability was high (0.668), and most of this genetic variability was concentrated within municipalities (0.577). Cluster and structure analyses divided accessions into two major clusters or populations (K = 2). Also, a significant genetic versus geographic correlation was found (r = 0.4567; P < 0.0260). Migratory routes in the Cerrado are considered main contributors to the region’s high cassava diversity and spatial genetic structure, amplifying interactions between traditional farmers and the evolutionary dynamics of this crop.  相似文献   

A new species of parthenogenetic, autogenic and apparently extremely endemic phlebotomine is described from a sandstone cave located in primary terra firme forest to the North of the city of Manaus. Specimens were collected in the aphotic zone of the Refúgio do Maruaga cave by light trap and reared from bat guano. The adult morphology suggests a closer relationship to some Old World Phlebotominae than to species of Lutzomyia Fran?a encountered in the surrounding rainforest, but it shares characteristics with the recently proposed Neotropical genera Edentomyia Galati, Deanemyia Galati and Oligodontomyia Galati.  相似文献   

The bionomics of sand flies (Diptera: Phlebotominae) was studied monthly for two consecutive years in alluvial gallery forests in the department of Casanare, Northeastern Colombia. A total of 2,365 specimens and 10 species were captured using CDC light traps and Shannon traps, and from diurnal resting places, and human landing collections. Lutzomyia fairtigi Martins (55%), Lutzomyia micropyga (Mangabeira) (20.9%), and Lutzomyia antunesi (Coutinho) (13.5%) were the predominant species in the region. Lutzomyia flaviscutellata and Lutzomyia panamensis, potential vectors of Leishmania in Colombia and neighboring countries, were also collected, but in low numbers. Lu. fairtigi is an endemic species to Colombia, and minimal data are available on its biology and distribution. The present study provides additional information about Lu. fairtigi, such as the diurnal activity displayed by females on cloudy days, the greater density during the rainy season (April to October), marked anthropophilia, and the presence of flagellates in the midgut of one female.  相似文献   

Studies were performed on five Brazilian populations of Lutzomyia longipalpis: Salvaterra (PA), S?o José do Ribamar (MA), Canindé (CE), Natal (RN) and Gruta da Lapinha, Lagoa Santa (MG). No morphological differences were observed that could distinguish between these populations. Homogeneity tests showed that the allopatric populations display a certain heterogeneity and that the sympatric populations, with different patterns of spots, are homogeneous. The Student-Newman-Keuls test, represented by Euler-Venn diagrams, showed a disjunction between the populations from the north/northeast and the one from Gruta da Lapinha. Genetic distances between the four populations (excluding the Canindé population) were within the range of intrapopulational differences. The Gruta da Lapinha population displayed a heterozygotic deficiency that could be a consequence of high levels of inbreeding due to cryptic habits of living in a small cave. These results do not favor the hypothesis of a L. longipalpis species complex in Brazil, and the species should be considered high polymorphic.  相似文献   

We made a cytogenetic study of the fish Rhamdia quelen collected from the Bodoquena Plateau, an isolated national park region in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The diploid number was 2n = 58, with 36 metacentric + 16 submetacentric + 6 subtelocentric chromosomes. We found one to three B chromosomes, which were metacentric and submetacentric and of medium size, showing both intra- and interindividual variation. The nucleolus organizer region (NOR) was located in the terminal region of the short arm of submetacentric pair 20. Staining with CMA3 fluorochrome revealed the NOR location, while there was no evidence of fluorescent staining with DAPI. C banding revealed heterochromatin mainly in the terminal regions of the chromosome arms, including the NOR pair. In addition, metacentric pair 2 showed three heterochromatic blocks in the terminal portions and in the pericentromeric region. The B chromosomes appeared euchromatic. The CB + CMA3 staining combination demonstrated only one chromosome pair with fluorescence, probably the NOR-bearing one, while CB + DAPI gave various fluorescent signals, including metacentric pair 2, indicating that these heterochromatic regions are AT-rich in this population of R. quelen. The R. quelen population in this isolated region of Brazil is chromosomally distinct from that of other populations that have been studied.  相似文献   

A sand fly fossil was found in amber; a vegetal resin, which allows all the external phlebotomine structures to be seen. The piece that contains the new species is 14 mm long x 8 mm wide x 3 mm high. All the structures from the head, thorax, and abdomen were examined under the microscope and measured with a calibrated micrometric eyepiece. The morphological aspects of the new species suggest its inclusion in the Pintomyia genus, Pifanomyia subgenus though it is not possible to include it in any of the series known for this subgenus. The presence of two atrophied spines on the gonostyles and gonocoxites without tufts of setae permit the exclusion of the new species from the other species of the subgenus Pifanomyia. The new species is named Pintomyia (Pifanomyia) brazilorum sp. nov.  相似文献   

Ascogregarina saraviae n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Lecudinidae) is described from wild-caught Lutzomyia lichyi (Diptera: Psychodidae) females. Gametocysts adhered to the hemocoel side of the genital accessory gland walls and oocysts were injected into their lumina. Sporulated oocysts were ellipsoidal, 12.4 x 5.8 (11.6-13.1 x 5.6-5.9) micrometers, contained eight sporozoites and a refractile residuum. The elongate form of A. saraviae n. sp. oocysts, and their more delicate walls, clearly distinguish them from oocysts of A. chagasi (Adler & Mayrink, 1961).  相似文献   

Lutzomyia naftalekatzi, a new phlebotomine sand fly belonging to the L. aragaoi species group, is described from specimens collected in Zona da Mata region of Pernambuco, Brazil.  相似文献   

Studies on natural infection by Leishmania spp of sandflies collected in endemic and nonendemic areas can provide important information on the distribution and intensity of the transmission of these parasites. This study sought to investigate the natural infection by Leishmaniain wild female sandflies. The specimens were caught in the city of Corumbá, state of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil) between October 2012-March 2014, and dissected to investigate flagellates and/or submitted to molecular analysis to detect Leishmania DNA. A total of 1,164 females (77.56% of which were Lutzomyia cruzi) representing 11 species were investigated using molecular analysis; 126 specimens of Lu. cruziwere dissected and also submitted to molecular analysis. The infection rate based on the presence of Leishmania DNA considering all the sandfly species analysed was 0.69%; only Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis was identified in Lu. cruzi by the molecular analysis. The dissections were negative for flagellates. This is the first record of the presence of L. (L.) amazonensis DNA in Lu. cruzi, and the first record of this parasite in this area. These findings point to the need for further investigation into the possible role of this sandfly as vector of this parasite.  相似文献   

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