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Based on the evidence that the antinociceptive effects of acetaminophen could be mediated centrally, tissue distribution of the drug after systemic administration was determined in rat anterior and posterior cortex, striatum, hippocampus, hypothalamus, brain stem, ventral and dorsal spinal cord. In a first study, rats were treated with acetaminophen at 100, 200 or 400 mg/kg per os (p.o.), and drug levels were determined at 15, 45, 120, 240 min by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with electrochemical detection (ED). In a second study, 45 min after i.v. administration of [3H]acetaminophen (43 microCi/rat; 0.65 microg/kg), radioactivity was counted in the same structures, plus the septum, the anterior raphe area and the cerebellum. Both methods showed a homogeneous distribution of acetaminophen in all structures studied. Using the HPLC-ED method, maximal distribution appeared at 45 min. Tissue concentrations of acetaminophen then decreased rapidly except at the dose of 400 mg/kg where levels were still high 240 min after administration, probably because of the saturation of clearance mechanisms. Tissue levels increased with the dose up to 200 mg/kg and then leveled off up to 400 mg/kg. Using the radioactive method, it was found that the tissue/blood ratio was remarkably constant throughout the CNS, ranking from 0.39 in the dorsal spinal cord to 0.46 in the cerebellum. These results, indicative of a massive impregnation of all brain regions, are consistent with a central antinociceptive action of acetaminophen.  相似文献   

Using an antiserum directed against synthetic galanin (GAL) a sensitive radioimmunoassay was developed. The antiserum interaction with GAL was characterized by displacement curve characteristics and high performance liquid chromatography. Besides the main GAL-immunoreactive peak several small peaks with GAL-like immunoreactivity were observed. No cross-reactivity of the GAL-antiserum with several other peptides was observed. GAL-like immunoreactivity was measured in 37 microdissected areas of the rat central nervous system. High concentrations (greater than 2000 fmol/mg protein) were observed in the amygdaloid nuclei, the septum, globus pallidus, bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, all hypothalamic nuclei, the superior colliculus, locus coeruleus, the nucleus of the solitary tract and the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary. Moderate concentrations (1000-2000 fmol/mg protein) were observed in the hippocampus, the nucleus accumbens and nucleus of the diagonal tract, the caudate-putamen, the central gray, the nucleus, tract and substantia gelatinosa of the spinal trigeminal nerve. The results generally correlate with those previously published by immunocytochemistry. The widespread distribution of GAL-like immunoreactivity in the rat central nervous system suggests an involvement of GAL in a variety of brain functions.  相似文献   

Gray AC  Coupar IM  White PJ 《Life sciences》2006,79(7):674-685
The opioid receptors, mu, delta and kappa, conduct the major pharmacological effects of opioid drugs, and exhibit intriguing functional relationships and interactions in the CNS. Previously established hypotheses regarding the mechanisms underlying these phenomena specify theoretical patterns of relative cellular localisation for the different receptor types. In this study, we have used double-label immunohistochemistry to compare the cellular distributions of delta and kappa receptors with those of mu receptors in the rat CNS. Regions of established significance in opioid addiction were examined. Extensive mu/delta co-localisation was observed in neuron-like cells in several regions. mu and kappa receptors were also often co-localised in neuron-like cell bodies in several regions. However, intense kappa immunoreactivity (ir) also appeared in a separate, morphologically distinct population of cells that did not express mu receptors. These small, ovoid cells were often closely apposed against the larger, mu-ir cell bodies. Such cellular appositions were seen in several regions, but were particularly common in the medial thalamus, the periaqueductal grey and brainstem regions. These findings support proposals that functional similarities, synergy and cooperativity between mu and delta receptors arise from widespread co-expression by cells and intracellular molecular interactions. Although co-expression of mu and kappa receptors was also detected, the appearance of a separate population of kappa-expressing cells supports proposals that the contrasting and functionally antagonistic properties of mu and kappa receptors are due to expression in physiologically distinct cell types. Greater understanding of opioid receptor interaction mechanisms may provide possibilities for therapeutic intervention in opioid addiction and other conditions.  相似文献   

FMRFamide immunoreactive material (irFMRFamide) was studied in rat brain and gastrointestinal tract. Highest irFMRFamide concentrations were found in tissues of the gastrointestinal tract and, in the brain, highest concentrations were found in the hippocampus, midbrain, brainstem and hypothalamus. High pressure liquid chromatographic characterization of irFMRFamide demonstrated that the immunoreactive material in brain, pancreas and duodenum was different from molluscan FMRFamide but it was also distinct from any known neuropeptide.  相似文献   

Galanin (GAL) binding sites in coronal sections of the rat brain were demonstrated using autoradiographic methods. Scatchard analysis of 125I-GAL binding to slide-mounted tissue sections revealed saturable binding to a single class of receptors with a Kd of approximately 0.2 nM. 125I-GAL binding sites were demonstrated throughout the rat central nervous system. Dense binding was observed in the following areas: prefrontal cortex, the anterior nuclei of the olfactory bulb, several nuclei of the amygdaloid complex, the dorsal septal area, dorsal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the ventral pallidum, the internal medullary laminae of the thalamus, medial pretectal nucleus, nucleus of the medial optic tract, borderline area of the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus adjacent to the spinal trigeminal tract, the substantia gelatinosa and the superficial layers of the dorsal spinal cord. Moderate binding was observed in the piriform, periamygdaloid, entorhinal, insular cortex and the subiculum, the nucleus accumbens, medial forebrain bundle, anterior hypothalamic, ventromedial, dorsal premamillary, lateral and periventricular thalamic nuclei, the subzona incerta, Forel's field H1 and H2, periventricular gray matter, medial and superficial gray strata of the superior colliculus, dorsal parts of the central gray, peripeduncular area, the interpeduncular nucleus, substantia nigra zona compacta, ventral tegmental area, the dorsal and ventral parabrachial and parvocellular reticular nuclei. The preponderance of GAL-binding in somatosensory as well as in limbic areas suggests a possible involvement of GAL in a variety of brain functions.  相似文献   

Using an antiserum directed against human calcitonin gene-related peptide (hCGRP), which fully cross reacts with rat CGRP, a sensitive radioimmunoassay was developed. The antiserum was characterized by displacement curve characteristics and high performance liquid chromatography. The assay was applied to rat brain tissue and the concentration of CGRP for 48 microdissected brain areas is presented. Highest levels (1000–4500 fmol/mg protein) were found in the central amygdaloid, caudate putamen, and spinal trigeminal nerve nucleus and tract, substantia gelatinosa, and the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Moderate levels (200–600 fmol/mg protein) were found in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the subfornical organ, the paraventricular, arcuate, dorsomedial, dorsal parabrachial, ambiguus and tractus solitarii nuclei and in the median eminence. These results coincide with those previously obtained by immunohistochemistry. The widespread distribution in the brain suggests involvement of CGRP in a variety of behavioral functions.  相似文献   

The distribution of cysteine oxidase (CO) and cysteine sulfinate decarboxylase (CSD) was examined in 12 regions of the rat central nervous system (CNS). The distribution of CO activity, expressed as mol of cysteine sulfinate formed per h per g, was the following: hypothalamus, superior and inferior colliculi, 94–99 mol/h/g; olfactory bulbs, cerebral cortex, striatum, and hippocampus, 44–51 mol/h/g; cerebellum, 71 mol/h/g; pons-medula and spinal cord, 94 and 60 mol/h/g, respectively. The distribution of CSD activity expressed as mol of cysteine sulfinate decarboxylated per h per g was the following: hypothalamus and colliculi, 14–21 mol/h/g; olfactory bulbs, cerebral cortex, striatum, hippocampus, and cerebellum, 8–13 mol/h/g; pons-medulla, 7.3; and spinal cord, 3.6 mol/h/g. No CSD activity was detected in sciatic nerve. The subcellular distribution of CO and CSD activities was studied in hypothalamus, colliculi, and cerebral cortex. CO activity was localized in synaptosomes, mitochondria, and microsomes. CSD was primarily confined to the crude mitochondrial fraction and after subfraction, recovered mainly in the synaptosomal fraction.  相似文献   

Functional relationships between epidermal growth factor (EGF) and neural tissues have of late attracted increasing interest. However, in spite of reported EGF effects on neurons, the expression of the EGF receptor (EGF-R) has not yet been unambiguously demonstrated in these cells. This 170-kDa protein bears an intracellular tyrosine kinase domain in which activity is ligand-dependent. We give definitive evidence here for its presence in neonatal and adult rat neurons showing also, for the first time, its binding and functional tyrosine kinase activities in the synaptic region. Immunohistochemistry using a polyclonal antibody prepared against the receptor purified from rat liver showed positive staining localized exclusively to neurons without regionalization to any particular brain zone. Binding studies made in Percoll-obtained synaptosomes revealed specific high affinity 125I-EGF binding sites (Kd, 1.42 x 10(-10) +/- 0.58 M) accounting for 17% of total binding and a great majority of low affinity (Kd, 2.55 x 10(-9) +/- 0.35 M) binding sites. Higher binding capacity was found in synaptosomal fractions obtained from newborn rats. The identity of the synaptosomal EGF binding activity with the 170-kDA EGF-R protein was demonstrated by cross-linking experiments. Furthermore, EGF-Affi-Prep affinity chromatography adsorbs a 170-kDa protein with EGF-R immunoreactivity from whole homogenates of adult rat brain. Phosphorylation assays made in freeze-thawed or intact synaptosomes showed EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation in the range of 170-, 126-150-, 124-, 113-, 98-, and 70-kDa proteins including the EGF-R. Thus, the EGF-R/EGF regulatory system could have a role in synaptic function that remains to be explored.  相似文献   

The distribution of dynorphin in the central nervous system was investigated in rats pretreated with relatively high doses (300–400 μg) of colchicine administered intracerebroventricularly. To circumvent the problems of antibody cross-reactivity, antisera were generated against different portions as well as the full dynorphin molecule (i.e., residues 1–13, 7–17, or 1–17). For comparison, antisera to [Leu]enkephalin (residues 1–5) were also utilized. Dynorphin was found to be widely distributed throughout the neuraxis. Immunoreactive neuronal perikarya exist in hypothalamic magnocellular nuclei, periaqueductal gray, scattered reticular formation sites, and other brain stem nuclei, as well as in spinal cord. Additionally, dynorphin-positive fibers or terminals occur in the cerebral cortex, olfactory bulb, nucleus accumbens, caudate-putamen, globus pallidus, hypothalamus, substantia nigra, periaqueductal gray, many brain stem sties, and the spinal cord. In many areas studied, dynorphin and enkephalin appeared to form parallel but probably separate anatomical systems. The results suggest that dynorphin occurs in neuronal systems that are immunocytochemically distinct from those containing other opioid peptides.  相似文献   

Measurements of several different protein determinants correlated with the time and rate of myelination in five areas of the central nervous system are presented. The deposition of protein in the subcellular fraction corresponding to the density of adult myelin, the appearance of basic protein characteristic myelin, the change in proportions of the individual myelin proteins, the appearance and distribution of the myelin marker 2':3'-cyclic nucleotide3'-phosphohydrolase, and the results of morphological studies of purified myelin are compared. According to these various criteria, and in agreement with the morphological observations of others, myelin appears earliest in the spinal cord, then in the brain stem, and latest in the cerebral hemispheres. Multilamellar myelin was observed in the rat brain stem and spinal cord as early as 5 days of age. The relative proportion of the individual myelin proteins changed with myelin maturation in all areas, with the larger basic protein decreasing reciprocally with increase of the smaller basic protein. The proportion of Wolfgram protein also decreased with maturation. Larger proportions of the enzyme 2':3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase were located in the microsomal fraction at early ages. During development the enzyme activity gradually became associated more with a fraction of a density corresponding to adult myelin, suggesting the presence of precursor membrane fragments in microsomal fractions in the early stages of myelination before compact myelin formation. A significant proportion of the total nucleotide phosphohydrolase activity of the homogenate could not be recovered in subcellular fraction at early ages, but the recovers of the enzyme increased with maturation and the activity was found more in the myelin fraction.  相似文献   

Abstract— In vitro binding experiments with 5-hydroxy[14C]tryptamine (3.3 × 10?6 M) were carried out on subcellular fractions of the cat brain. The highest specific activity was observed in some fractions of nerve-ending membranes isolated from the hypothalamus, basal ganglia, and gray areas of the mesencephalon. The specificity of this high affinity binding was demonstrated by competition with reserpine, butanolamide of lysergic acid, and desmethylimipramine. With butanol-water extraction the [14C]5-HT was found in the butanol while the gangliosides were separated in the water phase. Several experiments with thin layer and column chromatography suggest that in the organic phase the [14C]5-HT is not bound to the lipids but to a special proteolipid. This proteolipid is different from that found in myelin and has similar chromatographic properties to that previously observed in the proteolipid which binds d-[14C]tubocurarine in nerve-ending membranes of the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

The distribution of tau in the mammalian central nervous system   总被引:68,自引:22,他引:68       下载免费PDF全文
We have determined the biochemical and immunocytochemical localization of the heterogeneous microtubule-associated protein tau using a monoclonal antibody that binds to all of the tau polypeptides in both bovine and rat brain. Using immunoblot assays and competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, we have shown tau to be more abundant in bovine white matter extracts and microtubules than in extracts and microtubules from an enriched gray matter region of the brain. On a per mole basis, twice-cycled microtubules from white matter contained three times more tau than did twice-cycled microtubules from gray matter. Immunohistochemical studies that compared the localization of tau with that of MAP2 and tubulin demonstrated that tau was restricted to axons, extending the results of the biochemical studies. Tau localization was not observed in glia, which indicated that, at least in brain, tau is neuron specific. These observations indicate that tau may help define a subpopulation of microtubules that is restricted to axons. Furthermore, the monoclonal antibody described in this report should prove very useful to investigators studying axonal sprouting and growth because it is an exclusive axonal marker.  相似文献   

NMDA受体与中枢神经系统发育   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中枢神经系统兴奋性氨基酸离子型受体-NMDA受体,是由NMDAR1和NMDAR2两个亚单位共同构成的受体通道复合体。NMDA受本激活后可引起神经元细胞对Na^+,K^+和Ca^2+通透性增强,产生兴奋性突触后电位,在中枢神经发育的过程中,NMDA受体通过不同亚型的选择性表达,改变自身的结构和功能,进而影响NMDA受体介导的Ca^2+内流,调节神经元内Ca^2+依赖的第二信使系统,最终实现对中枢神经  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide euthanasia is an established method for the termination of small laboratory animals. It has also been employed by the authors in neurobiological research on the post-mortem glutamate concentration in the structures of rat brains. The following investigations were aimed at optimizing the termination procedure based on the CO2 saturation rate of the inhaled air. Two rates of CO2 flow were applied, and the higher one significantly augmented the glutamate level in the hippocampus and cerebellum. The relationship between this finding and signs of central fear reaction is discussed. The authors conclude that lower rather than higher CO2 flow in euthanasia procedures is gentler and is therefore preferable for use with laboratory animals.  相似文献   

Using autoradiographic method and 125I-Tyro rat CGRP as a ligand, receptor binding sites were demonstrated in the rat central nervous system. Saturation studies and Scatchard analysis of CGRP-binding to slide mounted tissue sections containing primarily cerebellum showed a single class of receptors with a dissociation constant of 0.96 nM and a Bmax of 76.4 fmol/mg protein. 125I-Tyro rat CGRP binding sites were demonstrated throughout the rat central nervous system. Dense binding was observed in the telencephalon (medial prefrontal, insular and outer layers of the temporal cortex, nucleus accumbens, fundus striatum, central and inferior lateral amygdaloid nuclei, most caudal caudate putamen, organum vasculosum laminae terminalis, subfornical organ), the diencephalon (anterior hypothalamic, suprachiasmatic, arcuate, paraventricular, dorsomedial, periventricular, reuniens, rhomboid, lateral thalamic pretectalis and habenula nuclei, zona incerta), in the mesencephalon (superficial layers of the superior colliculus, central nucleus of the geniculate body, inferior colliculus, nucleus of the fifth nerve, locus coeruleus, nucleus of the mesencephalic tract, the dorsal tegmental nucleus, superior olive), in the molecular layer of the cerebellum, in the medulla oblongata (inferior olive, nucleus tractus solitarii, nucleus commissuralis, nuclei of the tenth and twelfth nerves, the prepositus hypoglossal and the gracilis nuclei, dorsomedial part of the spinal trigeminal tract), in the dorsal gray matter of the spinal cord (laminae I-VI) and the confines of the central canal. Moderate receptor densities were found in the septal area, the "head" of the anterior caudate nucleus, medial amygdaloid and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the pyramidal layers of the hippocampus and dentate gyri, medial preoptic area, ventromedial nucleus, lateral hypothalamic and ventrolateral thalamic area, central gray, reticular part of the substantia nigra, parvocellular reticular nucleus. Purkinje cell layer of the cerebellum, nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract and gracile fasciculus of the spinal cord. The discrete distribution of CGRP-like binding sites in a variety of sensory systems of the brain and spinal cord as well as in thalamic and hypothalamic areas suggests a widespread involvement of CGRP in a variety of brain functions.  相似文献   

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