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The cytoarchitecture of the corpuscles of Stannius (CS) of the catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis has been investigated. Based on the arrangement of septa and cells, at least 4 principal architectural patterns can be distinguished. In the first type, the cells appear either as cords or as follicles due to complete formation of thin septa. In the second category also, the penetrating septa are thin but divide the CS into incompletely delimited lobes. In the third type, the septa are thick and their branches unite, sometimes resulting in the formation of complete lobes. In the fourth type, each CS is formed of aggregates of lobes, each of which consists of a number of complete or incomplete lobules. The limitations involved in the classification of the CS into 4 types, on the basis of the septal arrangement, have been discussed in the light of the fact that H. fossilis possesses all the 4 types of CS.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of the catfish, H. fossilis (Bloch) is divided into the preparatory period (February-April), the prespawning period (May-June), the spawning period (July-August) and the postspawning period (September-January). During the early postspawning period (September-November), the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-ovarian system shows a gradual regression. In January, the hypothalamic nuclei, the pars magnocellularis (PMC), the pars parvocellularis (PPC) of the nucleus preopticus (NPO), and the nucleus lateralis tuberis (NLT) show renewed activity, as shown by a significant increase in their nuclear diameters and an accumulation of neurosecretory material (NSM) in their cell bodies. The hypophysis and the ovary remain quiescent. During the preparatory period, all the hypothalamic neurons studied indicate decreased activity but simultaneously show an accumulation of NSM in their cell bodies. The number of granulated basophils in the proximal pars distalis (PPD) of the hypophysis remains low but ovarian weights increase, presumably due to the multiplication of oogonia. In the prespawning period, there is a marked accumulation of NSM in the cell bodies of the hypothalamic neurons and at the same time the number of granulated basophils in the PPD of the hypophysis dramatically increases with concomitant increase in vitellogenic activity in the ovary. During the spawning period, the hypothalamic neurons continue to store NSM in their cell bodies and simultaneously there is a tremendous increase in the number of granulated basophils in the PPD of the hypophysis and the ovary has a large proportion of yolky primary oocytes. Spawning is associated with a significant degranulation of the granulated basophils in the PPD of the hypophysis. The significance of the results is discussed in relation to the environmental and hormonal regulation of seasonal ovarian activity.  相似文献   

The administration of acid extract of corpuscles of Stannius has no effect on the plasma calcium level, in the normal fish, whereas the same dose shows typical hypocalcemic response in hypercalcemic fish, H. fossilis. It is concluded that acid extract of corpuscles of Stannius is effective only in hypercalcemic condition.  相似文献   

Circannual variation in plasma levels of testosterone (T), oestradiol-17β(E2) and 17α-hydroxy-progesterone (17α-OHPg) were measured in female, Heteropneustes fossilis . T and E2 levels increased during the preparatory phase, reached their peak in the early prespawning phase and fell during the late prespawning phase to reach their lowest levels post-spawning. 17a-OHPg was detected from the late preparatory to the late spawning phase showing its peak during the early spawning phase. The levels of free fatty acids (FFA), monoglycerides (MG), diglycerides (DG), triglycerides (TG), phospholipids (PL), free cholesterol (CF)and esterified cholesterol (CE) were estimated in liver, plasma and ovaries. The preparatory phase showed hepatic lipogenic activity while during the prespawning phase TG lipolysis was increased by FFA. Ovarian CF was depleted by enhancing plasma E, levels during the prespawning phase. The gonadosomatic index reached its peak during spawning.  相似文献   

A single injection of salicylate or salicylate plus ACTH was able to lower the hepatic cholesterol content within one hour after the treatment. However, their daily injection for eight days caused significant rise in the hepatic cholesterol. ACTH alone could not significantly alter the liver cholesterol content after similar treatment. A single injection of salicylate produced hypocholesterolemia within one and three hours after the treatment. ACTH or salicylate plus ACTH also brought about 50 per cent reduction in serum cholesterol level from its initial control value within one hour. Similar treatments, however, raised the serum cholesterol after three hours. The rise in the serum cholesterol level was about twofold in animals five hours after salicylate plus ACTH treatment. Daily administration of salicylate, ACTH or salicylate plus ACTH for eight days caused, however, hypocholesterolemia.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the corpuscles of Stannius (CS) ofHeteropneustes fossilis reveals a homogenous cellular composition characterized by only one cell type, with large secretory granules and abundant ribosomal endoplasmic reticulum. These cells are comparable to the type 1 cell described in the CS of other teleosts; type 2 cells, whose presence is ubiquitous in the CS of freshwater species are absent inH. fossilis. Our data on the CS ofH. fossilis demonstrate that not all freshwater species possess type 2 cells in their CS and these are not essential for life in freshwater.  相似文献   

No significant changes in plasma cortisol and plasma osmolarity (the indicators of primary and secondary response respectively) were observed when the blood samples were obtained from unanaesthetized, anaesthetized and stressed catfish, H. fossilis. The results suggest that the catfish is fairly hardy and not easily susceptible to stress by routine laboratory handling. The sustained plasma glucose levels and decreased liver and muscle glycogen concentrations during cessation of feeding of the catfish suggest that during period of food deprivation, it draws its energy through glycogenolysis. Hence, in any study dealing with carbohydrate metabolism, the catfish needs to be fed during acclimation and experimental periods.  相似文献   

The surface architecture of the olfactory rosette ofHeteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) has been studied by scanning electron microscopy. The olfactory rosette is an oval structure composed of a number of lamellae arranged pinnately on a median raphe. The raphe is invested with epithelial cells and pits which represent goblet cell openings. On the basis of cellular characteristics and their distribution the lateral surface of each olfactory lamella is identified as sensory, ciliated non-sensory and non-ciliated non-sensory epithelium. The sensory epithelium is provided with receptor and supporting cells. The ciliated non-sensory epithelium is covered with dense cilia obscuring the presence of other cell types. The non-ciliated non-sensory epithelium is with many polygonal areas containing cells.  相似文献   

The catfish, H. fossilis, survives for long periods after hypophysectomy, although with impaired osmoregulatory mechanisms. Plasma osmolarity and cortisol levels decline significantly within 2 hr after hypophysectomy and attain the lowest values by about 27 hr. Hypophysectomy also results in a marked decrease in urine flow rate principally due to reduced glomerular filtration. The reduction in the ability of the kidney of hypophysectomized catfish to eliminate water results in hyperhydration of blood and muscle. Urine osmolarity and sodium concentration increase due to reduced tubular reabsorption of sodium. There is, however, no net change in the total urinary sodium loss. The catfish survives in fresh water after hypophysectomy presumably because its tissues can tolerate significant dilution of the body fluids.  相似文献   

The effects of pinealectomy on testicular activity and secretory activity of seminal vesicles were examined in the catfish Heteropneustes fossilis under various combinations of photoperiod and temperature during different periods of the annual reproductive cycle. Pinealectomy had no effect on gonadal activity during the preparatory, prespawning and spawning periods of the reproductive cycle. However, during the postspawning period, under long (LD 14:10) or short (LD 9:15) photoperiod at 25° C or at gradually increasing ambient temperature, pinealectomy accelerated testicular recrudescence and secretory activity of the seminal vesicles. Nevertheless. during this period the presence of the pineal facilitated the recrudescence of testes and seminal vesicles in catfish exposed to continuous light (LL), continuous darkness (DD) and 12 hL:l2 hD (LD) at 25° C. These findings suggest that the role of the pineal in catfish reproduction is variable and depends upon the photoperiod and temperature regimes to which the fish are exposed, as well as on the time of the year and the state of the reproductive cycle. The results also suggest that the effects of pinealectomy in catfish are mediated through an influence on the hypothalamo-hypophyseal gonadal axis.  相似文献   

Hypophyseal response to bilateral ovariectomy was studied in the catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis, during the prespawning (May) and the spawning (July) periods. During the prespawning period, a significant increase in the number of granulated PAS-positive basophils in the proximal pars distalis of the castrates was recorded on day 45 post-ovariectomy; thereafter a gradual degranulation of basophils was observed. However, in the spawning period a dramatic increase in the number of granulated basophils of the castrates was seen on day 8 post-ovariectomy and the number decreased thereafter. This differential response of the hypophysis to ovariectomy is discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of starvation has been studied on tissue and serum G-6Pase F-D-Pase and alkaline phosphatase activities and on the muscle and liver glycogen content of the freshwater catfish H. fossilis (Bloch). A marked increase in G-6Pase and F-D-Pase activities and a fall in the muscle and liver glycogen content recorded during 40 day starvation. The rise in gluconeogenic enzymes during starvation may be due to glucocorticoid stimulation. Alkaline phosphatase activity was found to decline markedly during starvation. The decline in enzyme activity is attributed to some factors like a fall in the rate of synthesis caused by lowered metabolic demands and to electrolyte imbalance caused by tissue overhydration. The fall in glycogen content may be related to the starved condition of the fish. Elevation in glycogen content and alkaline phosphatase activity and a fall in gluconeogenic enzymes were noted when feeding had been resumed.  相似文献   

Transfer of the catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis , to 10% sea water (101 mosmol l−1) or to 0·4% NaCl (140 mosmol l−1) does not evoke any change in plasma osmolarity from the normal freshwater values. There is, however, a reduction in urine flow rate (UFR) and increase in urine osmolarity without any change in the rate of osmolar clearance. In isosmotic (25% sea water or 0·7% NaCl) and in hyperosmotic (30% sea water or 1·1% NaCl) media there is a significant increase in plasma osmolarity accompanied by marked reduction in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), UFR and free water clearance. The results suggest that the catfish cannot effectively osmoregulate in isosmotic or hyperosmotic media and that the inability of the renal tubules to increase reabsorption of water and to reduce free water clearance may account for the restricted range of salinity tolerance of this catfish. Also, in the hyperosmotic media, plasma levels of cortisol are lowered while in the proximal pars distalis the corticotrophs appear active, suggesting increased utilization and clearance of cortisol. Prolactin-secreting cells, however, are degranulated and chromophobic in catfish maintained in hyperosmotic environment.  相似文献   

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