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This article asks what role local models of agency and subjectivity play in the structure and interpretation of informal economic practices, and how this influences the ways in which people narrate their behaviour to others. Exploring the use of a common Polish idiom for informal activities – kombinowanie – amongst villagers in the Carpathian Highlands, it argues that the term acts as a ‘master‐trope’ for local identity, providing villagers with a narrative model for asserting and broadcasting their social agency to peers. Furthermore, it shows how in this particular ethnographic context, the retelling of instances of informal or illegal activity as kombinowanie can be seen as part of a Highlander ‘poetics of self’, in that each manifestation of the term carries with it a series of implicit sociohistorical and normative meanings that relate to notions of ‘typical’ Górale (Highland) behaviour. By characterizing kombinowanie as a type of tactics, I open up the term for comparative analysis with other local conceptions of agency which value insubordination.  相似文献   

This article concerns the use of narrative and genealogical frameworks among sertanejos, the inhabitants of the hinterlands (sertão) of Pernambuco in the Northeast of Brazil, in the process of grouping and differentiating families. It explores how accounts produced by different people are linked by shared memories of past conflicts – such as cangaço and questões de família (lit. ‘family issues’). Through conceived and lived relationships among relatives and the correlated concepts of ‘blood’ and ‘race’ current in this social formation, I look to identify the different meanings attributed to time and space, inscribed in the collective memory, and implicated in the moving configurations of ‘family’ in a cognatic universe.  相似文献   

In culture‐contact situations, it is commonplace for words to be borrowed from other unrelated vernaculars, for their pronunciations to be changed, and their meanings modified to fit new contexts. The Arandic word altyerre is a rather extreme example of this, and at the end of the nineteenth century, the ‘translation’ of the related word Alcheringa as ‘dream‐times’ sparked a debate that, in some forms, continues to this day. In this article, I discuss some of the reasons why this particular word struck such a controversial chord. I give an updated semantic perspective on the word altyerre , drawing on evidence from Arandic languages and from other languages in Central Australia. Then I examine some of the consequences of both religious and secular interpretations of altyerre and show how the popularisation of this word and its translations has impacted on its meanings in current usage.  相似文献   

Signals are shaped through selective pressures impacting their information content (i.e. ‘what’ is conveyed) and their efficacy (i.e. ‘how’ is it conveyed). In the case of long‐range communication, a signal's structure should both convey information and allow for detection and discrimination despite the effects of environmental variability during propagation. Canid howls are an ideal example of a long‐range communication signal, although research has mostly focused on the relationships between howls’ acoustic characteristics and their potential information content in wolves, Canis lupus spp., and coyotes, Canis latrans. In this study, we quantified these relationships in another canid, the dingo, Canis familiaris dingo, to determine how their howls compare to that of other wild canids. We found that dingoes’ howls are individually distinctive and may convey gender cues. Playback experiments indicate that dingoes can perform class‐level recognition of familiar and unfamiliar individuals on the basis of vocalizations alone. These results mirror findings for other wild canids such as wolves and coyotes. Lastly, propagation experiments demonstrate that this signal's structure can permit long‐distance detectability and discriminability. We discuss our results in relation to the putative functions of canid howls and propose avenues for future research.  相似文献   

This article describes two of the principal roots allowing the expression of emotions and feelings in Dalabon, an endangered language of South‐Western Arnhem Land. The first root, kangu, ‘belly’, is depicted linguistically as the location of emotions induced by interpersonal relationships. The belly is thus presented as the locus of good and bad moods generally and of conflict more specifically. Furthermore, the material properties of the belly—its fluidity in particular—impact on one’s temper and ability to deal with others in an ideologically prescribed manner. Speakers describe ritual manipulations undertaken on the belly of young infants in order to shape their temper. Kangu‐no may thus be described as a malleable interface between the person and the outside world, principally other people. The second root, yolh, may at first sight translate as ‘feelings’, either good or bad, but also means ‘appetite’, ‘drive’, ‘pep’. Yolh‐no is associated with the most intimate part of the person, one’s own aspirations that are independent of interactions with others. Although yolh‐no connotes the core self and kangu‐no, the belly, connotes relatedness to others, they are conceived as physiologically connected, so that material properties of the belly impact on the self. Thus, the semantic analysis of Dalabon, along with related anthropological observations, unveils an explicit conceptual and cultural attention to the distinction between emotions and feelings (as respectively defined in the article) and to the autonomy of the person within a constraining social framework. The article shows how this concern echoes and challenges both anthropological and philosophical considerations.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that male flesh flies (Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart) exhibit an ontogeny of behaviour from eclosion through sexual maturity that includes extensive changes in the expression of aggressive, non‐aggressive interactive and non‐interactive behaviours. To determine how the presence of a female flesh fly influences the manifestation of these behaviours, male flesh flies of different ages post‐eclosion are paired with same‐age females and their behaviours are monitored in a simple arena during a 50‐min observation period. All flies are socially isolated until pairing. Although the levels of expression of aggressive and non‐aggressive interactive behaviours are depressed relative to previous findings in male‐opponent pairs, the ontogeny of aggression still occurs as indicated by a significant increase, with age, in the agonistic behaviour ‘hold’. Similar to male‐opponent pairs and individual males, the performance by males of the non‐interactive behaviours ‘walking’ and ‘standing’ diminishes, whereas ‘upside‐down’ increases with age. By contrast, ‘grooming’ shows a significant age‐related decline. No courtship behaviours are observed in the males, although the aggressive behaviour ‘hold’ is a significant transition to mating. Females show no obvious courtship or rejection behaviours, although the significant increase in ‘upside‐down’ with age could possibly be a behavioural gateway to mating. The results of this study indicate that extensive age‐related changes encompassing the entire behavioural repertoire are intrinsic to male flesh flies and persist under a variety of different social contexts.  相似文献   

Developmental plasticity is often correlated with diversity and has been proposed as a facilitator of phenotypic novelty. Yet how a dimorphism arises or how additional morphs are added is not understood, and few systems provide experimental insight into the evolution of polyphenisms. Because plasticity correlates with structural diversity in Pristionchus nematodes, studies in this group can test the role of plasticity in facilitating novelty. Here, we describe three new species, Pristionchus fukushimae sp. nov. , Pristionchus hoplostomus sp. nov. , and the hermaphroditic Pristionchus triformis sp. nov. , which are characterized by a novel polymorphism in their mouthparts. In addition to showing the canonical mouth dimorphism of diplogastrid nematodes, comprising a stenostomatous (‘narrow‐mouthed’) and a eurystomatous (‘wide‐mouthed’) form, the new species exhibit forms with six, 12, or intermediate numbers of cheilostomatal plates. Correlated with this polymorphism is another trait that varies among species: whereas divisions between plates are complete in P. triformis sp. nov. , which is biased towards a novel ‘megastomatous’ form comprising 12 complete plates, the homologous divisions in the other new species are partial and of variable length. In a reconstruction of character evolution, a phylogeny inferred from 26 ribosomal protein genes and a partial small subunit rRNA gene supported the megastomatous form of P. triformis sp. nov. as the derived end of a series of split‐plate forms. Although split‐plate forms were normally only observed in eurystomatous nematodes, a single 12‐plated stenostomatous individual of P. hoplostomus sp. nov. was also observed, suggesting independence of the two types of mouth plasticity. By introducing these new species to the Pristionchus model system, this study provides further insight into the evolution of polymorphisms and their evolutionary intermediates. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   


Taxonomic concepts (sensu Berendsohn) embody the underlying meanings of scientific names as stated in a particular publication, thus offering a new way to resolve semantic ambiguities that result from multiple revisions of a taxonomic name. This paper presents a comprehensive and powerful language for representing the relationships among taxonomic concepts. The language features terms and symbols for concept relationships within a single taxonomic hierarchy, or between two related but independently published hierarchies. Taxonomic concepts pertaining to a single hierarchy are characterised by parent/child relationships, whereas those pertaining to two independent hierarchies may have the following basic relationships: congruence, inclusion (non‐symmetrical, relative to the side of comparison), overlap, and exclusion. The relationships are asserted by specialists who have the option to add or subtract concepts on one or both sides of a relationship equation in order to reconcile differences between non‐congruent taxonomic perspectives. The terms ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘not’ are available, respectively, to connect multiple simultaneously or alternatively valid relationship assessments, or to explicitly negate the validity of a relationship. The language also permits the decomposition of a relationship according to the intensional (property referencing) and ostensive (member pointing) aspects of the compared taxonomic concepts. Adopting the concept relationship language will facilitate a more precise documentation of similarities and differences in multiple succeeding taxonomic perspectives, thereby preparing the stage for an ontology‐based integration of taxonomic and related biological information.  相似文献   

Theoretical debates on ethnicity suffer from a general confusion about the divergent meanings which academics ascribe to key terms. ‘Primordialist’ approaches include biological, psychological and cultural explanations, whose conflation tends to confuse proponents and critics alike. ‘Instrumentalist’ approaches conflate all ethnic movements within a profile of political opportunism, failing to recognize the varying degrees to which underlying social‐institutional incompatibilities may contribute to ethnic conflict. ‘Constructivist’ approaches vacillate between a focus on the influence of intellectual ethnic discourse and an understanding of ethnic identity as developing out of wider bodies of social experience. Greater attention to the varying contribution of ‘deep’ culture to ethnic conflict can clarify why these subschools find such differences among ethnic movements, which can indeed be understood to vary along a spectrum of political functions: at one pole, ethnic movements seek to inflate ethnic sentiment for political purposes; at the other, they seek rather to reconstruct the existing political position of a distinct cultural formation. This distinction can permit more appropriate policy‐making towards the resolution of ethnic conflict, yet raises new challenges to the biases of the researcher.  相似文献   

The effects of four rice varieties highly susceptible ( Xiang-Zao-Xian31 and Jia-Yu 164 ), moderately susceptible ( Wei-You402 ), and resistant ( Zhu-Liang-You02 ) to the whitebacked planthopper Sogatellafurcifera on the nymphal development, reproduc- tion and survival of Microvelia horoathi were investigated through a food chain using SogateUafurcifera as herbivore prey. Significant longer nymphal developmental time were observed in the 1 st, 4th, 5th instar and whole nymphal stage of M. horvathi raised on S. furcifera fed ZLY02 and WY402 than those of the other two varieties. M. horvathi raised on S. furcifera fed resistant ZLY02 showed a significant lower survival of whole nymphal stage than those fed other three susceptible varieties. Moreover, M. horvathi raised on S. furcifera fed resistant ZLY02 had shorter female longevity and lower lifetime fecundity than those of on susceptible XZX3l. Our results suggest that the S. furcifera- resistant rice variety ZLY02 had a negative effect on the growth and development of the predator M. horvathi through a food chain.  相似文献   

  • Naturalists Fritz and Hermann Müller hypothesised that heteranthery often leads to a division of labour into ‘feeding’ and ‘pollinating’ stamens; the latter often being as long as the pistil so as to promote successful pollination on the bees’ back. In many buzz‐pollinated species of Senna, however, the so‐called pollinating stamens are short and not level with the stigma, raising the question of how pollen is shed on the bees’ back. Here we explore a mechanism called ‘ricochet pollination’. We test whether division of labour is achieved through the interaction between short lower stamens and strongly concave ‘deflector petals’.
  • We studied the arrangement and morphology of the floral organs involved in the ricochet pollination, functioning of the flowers through artificial sonication and observed the interactions between bees and flowers in the field.
  • The middle stamens are adapted to eject pollen downwards, which can be readily collected on the bee mid legs. Most of the pollen is ejected towards the deflector petal(s). Pollen from this set of stamens is more likely to contribute to pollination. The pollen grains seem to ricochet multiple times against the deflector petals to eventually reach the bee's back.
  • The pollen ricochet mechanism promotes a division of labour by involving additional floral organs, such as petals, reinforcing the Müllers’ division‐of‐labour hypothesis. However, alternative, non‐multiexclusive hypotheses could be explored in genus Senna and other angiosperm species.

In north central Timor‐Leste, multi‐sensory ecological engagement is deeply entangled with conceptualisations of and approaches to people’s wellbeing. How people understand human health and wellbeing is closely related to how they understand nature or more particularly human/nature relations and distinctions across multiple timescales. Working through complex cosmopolitics and activated through cross‐temporal more‐than‐human ‘mutualities of being’, kinship networks are attuned to relational flows between ‘bodies’ and things. Rather than concentrating on the disjunctions created by the differences in the natures of beings or their ritual separation, this paper examines how relational flows between such ‘bodies’ and things open up cosmopolitical spaces for the creation and negotiation of intergenerational wellbeing.  相似文献   

This article focuses on human‐plant relations, drawing on ethnographic research from northern Australia's Gulf Country to address the concept of indigeneity. Just as the identities of ‘Indigenous’ and ‘non‐Indigenous’ people in this region are contextual and at times contested according to the vernacular categories of ‘Blackfellas’, ‘Whitefellas’, and ‘Yellafellas’, so too the issue of what ‘belongs’ in the natural world is negotiated through ambiguities about whether species are useful, productive, and aesthetically pleasing to humans, as well as local understandings about how plants and animals came to be located in the Gulf region. At the same time, plants’ distinctive characteristics as plants shape their relations with humans in ways which affect their categorization as ‘native’ and ‘alien’ or ‘introduced’. Focusing our analysis on three specific trees, we argue that attention to the ‘plantiness’ of flora contributes significantly to debates about indigeneity in society and nature. At the same time, our focus on human‐plant relations contributes important context and nuance to current debates about human and other‐than‐human relations in a more‐than‐human world.  相似文献   

1. Species‐discharge relationships (SDR) are aquatic analogues of species‐area relationships, and are increasingly used in both basic research and conservation planning. SDR studies are often limited, however, by two shortcomings. First, they do not determine whether reported SDRs, which normally use complete drainage basins as sampling units, are scale dependent. Second, they do not account for the effects of habitat diversity within or among samples. 2. We addressed both problems by using discrete fish zones as sampling units in a SDR analysis. To do so, we first tested for longitudinal zonation in three rivers in the southeastern U.S.A. In each river, we detected successive ‘lower’, ‘middle’, and ‘upper’ fish zones, which were characterized by distinct fish assemblages with predictable habitat requirements. Because our analyses combined fish data from multiple sources, we also used rarefaction and Monte Carlo simulation to ensure that our zonation results were robust to spurious sampling effects. 3. Next, we estimated the average discharge within each zone, and plotted these estimates against the respective species richness within each zone (log10 data). This revealed a significant, linear SDR (r2 = 0.83; P < 0.01). Notably, this zonal SDR fit the empirical data better than a comparable SDR that did not discriminate among longitudinal zones. We therefore conclude that the southeastern fish SDR is scale dependent, and that accounting for within‐basin habitat diversity is an important step in explaining the high diversity of southeastern fishes. 4. We then discuss how our zonal SDR can be used to improve conservation planning. Specifically, we show how the slope of the SDR can be used to forecast potential extinction rates, and how the zonal data can be used to identify species of greatest concern.  相似文献   

Wilson, N. G. & Rouse, G. W. (2010). Convergent camouflage and the non‐monophyly of ‘seadragons’ (Syngnathidae: Teleostei): suggestions for a revised taxonomy of syngnathids. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 551–558. The phylogeny and classification of the charismatic Syngnathidae (e.g. pipefish, seahorses) has not been comprehensively examined to date. In particular, we assessed morphological hypotheses that previously suggested the three ‘seadragon’ genera (Phycodurus, Phyllopteryx, Haliichthys) do not form a monophyletic group. We used three mitochondrial markers to investigate evolutionary relationships within Syngnathidae, and demonstrated that Phycodurus + Phyllopteryx formed a clade that excluded Haliichthys, indicating the elaborate appendages used for camouflage have evolved independently. A time‐calibrated tree revealed the divergence of true seadragons as coincident with other kelp‐associated fauna. We found evidence for the resurrection of neglected subfamily names, and recovered Doryrhampinae, Nerophinae, Soleganthinae, Phyllopteryginae, Sygnathoidinae and Haliichthyinae as clades. Even after removing these groups from what is currently recognized as Syngnathinae, we showed that the remaining members of Syngnathinae are not monophyletic. In the light of this information, some conclusions about the diversity of reproductive strategies found within ‘Syngnathinae’ need to be re‐examined and further revision of syngnathid classification is needed.  相似文献   

Abstract. A broad molecular systematic survey of Noctuidae was undertaken to test recent hypotheses on the problematic definitions and relationships of the subfamilies, with special emphasis on the ‘trifines.’ An initial hypothesis of noctuid classification to the subtribal level was synthesized from recent reviews, and then sampled as broadly as possible. Concatenated sequences for the nuclear genes elongation factor‐1α (EF‐1α; 1200 bp) and dopa decarboxylase (DDC; 700–1100 bp) were analysed for a total of 146 exemplar species, twice that of a previous study. Trees were estimated using likelihood, distance, and both equally weighted and ‘six‐parameter’ parsimony. Of the 144 possible nodes, bootstrap support (BP) was ≥ 50% for ~80, and ≥ 80% for ~60. There was very strong support (BP ≥ 90%) for an ‘L.A.Q.’ clade encompassing nearly all quadrifine noctuids plus Arctiidae and Lymantriidae, decisively rendering Noctuidae paraphyletic. We present a new classification for Noctuoidea in which Noctuidae sensu stricto is restricted to trifines; most quadrifine subfamilies are raised to full families. Within the ‘L.A.Q.’ clade, Aganainae and Herminiinae were strongly grouped, but other relationships were weakly supported, probably due to limited taxon sampling. Nolidae and Euteliinae + Stictopterinae are generally grouped with the ‘L.A.Q.’ clade, but with weak support. All analyses favour the broadest definitions proposed for the trifine clade (our Noctuidae sensu stricto) although support is not strong, except that the exemplar of Eustrotiinae: Eublemmini is placed securely in the ‘L.A.Q.’ clade. Numerous recent proposals for dismantling and recombining the ‘Hampsonian’ traditional trifine subfamilies are strongly supported, most notably a broadly defined ‘true cutworm’ clade (Noctuinae s.l.), encompassing the greater part of the traditional subfamilies Amphipyrinae, Cuculliinae, Hadeninae and Noctuinae s.s. (BP ≥ 95%). Within this clade there is strong support for Apameini s.s.+ Xylenini s.l. and for Noctuinae s.s. and divisions thereof, but little support for monophyly or subdivision of Hadeninae. Noctuinae s.l. invariably are allied with Heliothinae, scattered remnants of the traditional Amphipyrinae, and several smaller groups in a broader ‘pest clade’, albeit with weak support. Relationships among the remaining ‘lower’ trifines are not strongly resolved. Mapping of a preliminary synopsis of species diversities, host use patterns and latitudinal distributions on the phylogeny suggests that the diversification of trifines may have been promoted, to a degree unique among Macrolepidoptera, by the Tertiary expansion of seasonal, open habitats and their associated herbaceous floras.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of higher-level relationships of Odonata   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Abstract. This is the most comprehensive analysis of higher‐level relationships in Odonata conducted thus far. The analysis was based on a detailed study of the skeletal morphology and wing venation of adults, complemented with a few larval characters, resulting in 122 phylogenetically informative characters. Eighty‐five genera from forty‐five currently recognized families and subfamilies were examined. In most cases, several species were chosen to serve as exemplars for a given genus. The seven fossil outgroup taxa included were exemplar genera from five successively more distant odonatoid orders and suborders: Tarsophlebiidae (the closest sister group of Odonata, previously placed as a family within ‘Anisozygoptera’), Archizygoptera, Protanisoptera, Protodonata and Geroptera. Parsimony analysis of the data, in which characters were treated both under equal weights and implied weighting, produced cladograms that were highly congruent, and in spite of considerable homoplasy in the odonate data, many groupings in the most parsimonious cladograms were well supported in all analyses, as indicated by Bremer support. The analyses supported the monophyly of both Anisoptera and Zygoptera, contrary to the well known hypothesis of zygopteran paraphyly. Within Zygoptera, two large sister clades were indicated, one comprised of the classical (Selysian) Calopterygoidea, except that Amphipterygidae, which have traditionally been placed as a calopterygoid family, nested within the other large zygopteran clade comprised of Fraser's ‘Lestinoidea’ plus ‘Coenagrionoidea’ (both of which were shown to be paraphyletic as currently defined). Philoganga alone appeared as the sister group to the rest of the Zygoptera in unweighted cladograms, whereas Philoganga + Diphlebia comprised the sister group to the remaining Zygoptera in all weighted cladograms. ‘Anisozygoptera’ was confirmed as a paraphyletic assemblage that forms a ‘grade’ towards the true Anisoptera, with Epiophlebia as the most basal taxon. Within Anisoptera, Petaluridae appeared as the sister group to other dragonflies.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity allows organisms to cope with environmental variation and may aid in the evolution of novel traits. However, whether phenotypic plasticity is beneficial, or if acclimation responses might be constrained to particular ecotypes is generally poorly explored. Here we test the beneficial acclimation hypothesis (BAH) and its alternatives for desiccation resistance to atmospheric moisture in mesic‐ and xeric‐adapted Glossina species. Highly significant interactions among acclimation and test humidity were detected for water loss rates indicative of significant phenotypic plasticity. Ordered‐factor anova was unable to reject predictions of the ‘drier is better’ acclimation hypothesis in xeric Glossina morsitans and mesic G. austeni. Evidence for the ‘deleterious acclimation hypothesis’ was found for mesic G. palpalis as expected from the moist habitats it typically occupies. By contrast, support for the ‘optimal acclimation hypothesis’ was found in xeric G. pallidipes. Little support for BAH was obtained in the present study, although other hypotheses, which might enhance fitness within the environments these species are typically exposed to, were supported. However, acclimation responses were not necessarily constrained to xeric/mesic ecotypes which might be expected if adaptation to a particular environment arose as a trade‐off between plastic responses and living in a particular habitat. These results highlight the complexity of acclimation responses and suggest an important role for phenotypic plasticity in moderating environmental effects on evolutionary fitness in Glossina.  相似文献   

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