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In 1999, the edited volume Primate Communities presented several studies that examined broad‐scale patterns of primate diversity.1 Similar studies were being conducted on nonprimate taxa; advances in data availability and statistical approaches were allowing scientists to investigate a variety of new questions and to reexamine classical questions in novel ways. While such studies on nonprimate taxa have continued at a steady pace, they have only crept forward for primate species (Fig. 1 ). In the intervening time, the field of macroecology (Box 1) rapidly developed and has resulted in several books 2 - 4 and the establishment of new research institutes. We suggest that examining primate communities, especially in a macroecological context, is an important line of research for our field to embrace and an area where biological anthropologists can provide major contributions. We review the current state of research, describe new datasets and research tools, and suggest future research directions.  相似文献   


This paper introduces this special issue and analyses Papua New Guinea and Australian initiation and death rituals as moments of relational transformations. Although the general argument is not completely new, it has often remained an undemonstrated statement. The paper hence focuses on the specific ways people make these changes effective and express them in their rituals. It is suggested that an invariant modus operandi is in play in which, for a relation to be transformed, its previous state must first be ritually enacted. Towards the end of the ritual, the new state of the relationship is itself publicly enacted through a manifestation of the form the relation takes after the ritual. The paper suggests that a relationship cannot be transformed in the absence of the persons concerned. The relational components need to be either directly present, such as in initiations, or mediated through objects, such as in death rituals.  相似文献   

1. Social insect castes and sexes differ in many ways, including morphology, behavior, and sometimes ploidy level. Recent studies have found that consuming sunflower pollen reduces the gut pathogen Crithidia bombi in workers of the common eastern bumble bee (Bombus impatiens). Here, this work is extended to the reproductive individuals that represent colony fitness – males and queens – to assess if the medicinal effects of sunflower pollen vary with bee caste and sex. 2. This study examined the effect of sunflower pollen compared to a diverse wildflower pollen mix on infection in worker, male, and daughter queen commercial B. impatiens. Bees were infected, fed either sunflower pollen or wildflower pollen for 7 days, and then infection levels were assessed. 3. Compared to wildflower pollen, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced Crithidia infection in workers and daughter queens, but not males. Infection levels were very low for both diets in males; this could be due to low pollen consumption or other mechanisms. 4. Reducing Crithidia infection in young queens before they undergo hibernation is important for population dynamics since infected queens are less likely to survive hibernation, and those that do are less likely to successfully establish a nest the following spring. Because sunflowers bloom in late summer when new queens are emerging, sunflowers could provide an important dietary component for queens during this critical life stage. Deepening our understanding of how diet impacts pathogens in reproductive bees, as well as workers, is crucial to maintain healthy pollinator populations.  相似文献   


Over the past few decades, many records of the parasitoids parasitizing Coccinellidae have been reported from Iran. Some of them, presented in hard to access conference proceedings, theses, older books and journal articles, were then inaccurately quoted in other papers. Furthermore, some other records were subsequently considered misidentifications and the corrected identity of the parasitoids was proposed in later published papers. Due to the accumulation of that misleading information, we decided to gather and critically evaluate all available Iranian data on the parasitoids of Coccinellidae. To the review presented here we also added new data on the parasitism of Coccinella septempunctata L. by a braconid Dinocampus coccinellae (Schrank) in the Lorestan province and on the parasitism of Hyperaspis pseudopustulata Mulsant by an encyrtid Homalotylus flaminius (Dalman) in the Kermanshah province. Hyperaspis pseudopustulata is a new host for H. flaminius, and is also a species new to the fauna of Iran. Altogether, our review revealed one species of dipteran and 16 species of hymenopteran parasitoids associated with Coccinellidae in Iran. The identity of some of those species, however, seems uncertain and should be re-examined.  相似文献   

Continuous-time birth-death Markov processes serve as useful models in population biology. When the birth-death rates are nonlinear, the time evolution of the first n order moments of the population is not closed, in the sense that it depends on moments of order higher than n. For analysis purposes, the time evolution of the first n order moments is often made to be closed by approximating these higher order moments as a nonlinear function of moments up to order n, which we refer to as the moment closure function. In this paper, a systematic procedure for constructing moment closure functions of arbitrary order is presented for the stochastic logistic model. We obtain the moment closure function by first assuming a certain separable form for it, and then matching time derivatives of the exact (not closed) moment equations with that of the approximate (closed) equations for some initial time and set of initial conditions. The separable structure ensures that the steady-state solutions for the approximate equations are unique, real and positive, while the derivative matching guarantees a good approximation, at least locally in time. Explicit formulas to construct these moment closure functions for arbitrary order of truncation n are provided with higher values of n leading to better approximations of the actual moment dynamics. A host of other moment closure functions previously proposed in the literature are also investigated. Among these we show that only the ones that achieve derivative matching provide a close approximation to the exact solution. Moreover, we improve the accuracy of several previously proposed moment closure functions by forcing derivative matching.  相似文献   

Fire blight, a devastating disease of pome fruit trees continues to pose threat to agricultural production. Detection of its causative agent, bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is usually straightforward in symptomatic samples. Methods with increased sensitivity however, are sometimes needed for detection of E. amylovora and real-time PCR assays have been shown to have required sensitivity and reliability. Here we summarize our previous results on real-time PCR detection of fire blight and present new, fast and sensitive real-time PCR assay based on amsC gene performed on SmartCycler? instrument. The setting is optimal for analysis of small number of samples in the laboratory or for on-site detection. Many advantages of real-time PCR assays warrant their use in detection and diagnosis of E. amylovora, particularly in detection of low concentrations of target bacteria e.g. in testing for latent infections. It is to be expected that the use of real-time PCR will increase in both diagnostics and in research, as a tool for target detection and quantification as well as for gene expression analysis.  相似文献   

Protagonists for 'the public understanding of science' still sometimes fail to recognize that there is also a need for 'the scientists' understanding of the public' and that for most of science most of the time we are all public. 'Science' is communicated to 'the public' through popular books, museums, TV, the Internet, but far too often the present state of scientific belief is presented uncritically as the onward march of truth as discovered by Euro-American males. This has contributed to a widespread public concern, if not mistrust, in many areas of science, not least genetics and neuroscience. Although researchers often criticize the media for misrepresenting their work, the hype and simplifications often begin with the press releases put out by the researchers, their institutions and the scientific journals themselves. I conclude by looking more optimistically at the ways in which, by bringing natural science into theatre, novels and other art forms, the fragmentation of our culture may be diminished.  相似文献   

We draw on David Pocock's fieldwork of the 1950s in central Gujarat, India, as a comparative resource to think about social change and anthropological knowledge. Revisiting where Pocock had been through new fieldwork, we were encouraged to think about the ways in which places are accessed and subsequently understood. Against our conscious will, the pathways we were able to take through the field strongly resembled those Pocock took sixty years earlier. The coincidence is such that the material casts shadows of doubt over the potency of terms such as ‘serendipity’ and ‘chance’ to characterize key moments of ethnographic fieldwork. Against the primacy given to the self in much reflexive anthropology, we demonstrate that the personal attributes of the anthropologist might influence the production of ethnographic research less than is generally assumed. The double bind of our ‘reflexive return’ comes from revisiting an anthropological field and experiencing the agency of that field in making what we can know.  相似文献   

Compared with populations near the core of aspecies' range, edge populations tend to becharacterized by low density and high temporalvariation. Based on empirical studiesquantifying this pattern, we show thateffective population size (N e)could be 2 to 30 times greater near the coreof the species' range than near the edge ofthe range. Hence, the rate of genetic driftmay be 2 to 30 times greater near the edge ofthe range. Despite these strong spatialpatterns in N e, empirical findingsindicate that peripheral populations sometimeshave less but sometimes have more geneticdiversity than core populations. Our analysisindicates that this variation can be explainedby uncertainty in spatial patterns ofmigration rates. Nevertheless, our analysis:(1) provides a framework or null hypothesis forempirically assessing how spatial patterns ofmigration or selection influence large-scalespatial patterns of genetic diversity, (2)highlights the potential importance ofcontemporary processes, such as spatialpatterns in N e (cf. historicalphenomena, such as range expansion) in thedevelopment and maintenance of large-scalespatial patterns in genetic diversity, and (3) provides new context for understanding the conservation value and vulnerability of peripheralpopulations. The conservation ofecological/evolutionary processes requiresunderstanding large scale spatial patterns ofdemographic and genetic processes such as thatdescribed here.  相似文献   

Range shifts can rapidly create new areas of geographic overlap between formerly allopatric taxa and evidence is accumulating that this can affect species persistence. We review the emerging literature on the short‐ and long‐term consequences of these geographic range shifts. Specifically, we focus on the evolutionary consequences of novel species interactions in newly created sympatric areas by describing the potential (i) short‐term processes acting on reproductive barriers between species and (ii) long‐term consequences of range shifts on the stability of hybrid zones, introgression and ultimately speciation and extinction rates. Subsequently, we (iii) review the empirical literature on insects to evaluate which processes have been studied, and (iv) outline some areas that deserve increased attention in the future, namely the genomics of hybridisation and introgression, our ability to forecast range shifts and the impending threat from insect vectors and pests on biodiversity, human health and crop production. Our review shows that species interactions in de novo sympatric areas can be manifold, sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing species diversity. A key issue that emerges is that climate‐induced hybridisations in insects are much more widespread than anticipated and that rising temperatures and increased anthropogenic disturbances are accelerating the process of species mixing. The existing evidence only shows the tip of the iceberg and we are likely to see many more cases of species mixing following range shifts in the near future.  相似文献   

A new species of Cochliopodium isolated from freshwater at Arabia Lake in Lithonia, GA, USA is described based on light microscopic morphology, fine structure, and molecular genetic evidence. Cochliopodium arabianum n. sp., previously labeled as “isolate Con1” in prior publications, has been shown to group within the genus Cochliopodium in our molecular phylogenetic analysis. Light microscopy and fine structure evidence indicates the new isolate not only shares characters of the genus but also unique distinctive features. Cochliopodium arabianum n. sp. is typically round when stationary; or oval to sometimes broadly flabellate or triangular in shape during locomotion, with average length of 35 μm and breadth of 51 μm. Fine structure evidence indicates C. arabianum n. sp. has tower‐like scales, lacking a terminal spine, sharing high similarity with its closest relative C. actinophorum. However, the scales of C. arabianum n. sp. are unique in height and the breadth of the base plate. Both morphological and molecular data, including SSU‐rDNA and COI, indicate that this new species falls in a clade sufficiently different from other species to suggest that it is a valid new species.  相似文献   

The linear cable equation with uniform Poisson or white noise input current is employed as a model for the voltage across the membrane of a onedimensional nerve cylinder, which may sometimes represent the dendritic tree of a nerve cell. From the Green's function representation of the solutions, the mean, variance and covariance of the voltage are found. At large times, the voltage becomes asymptotically wide-sense stationary and we find the spectral density functions for various cable lengths and boundary conditions. For large frequencies the voltage exhibits “1/f 3/2 noise”. Using the Fourier series representation of the voltage we study the moments of the firing times for the diffusion model with numerical techniques, employing a simplified threshold criterion. We also simulate the solution of the stochastic cable equation by two different methods in order to estimate the moments and density of the firing time.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that proteins have substructures, called foldons, which can cooperatively fold into the native structure. However, several prior investigations define foldons in various ways, citing different foldon characteristics, thereby making the concept of a foldon ambiguous. In this study, we perform a Gō model simulation and analyze the characteristics of substructures that cooperatively fold into the native‐like structure. Although some results do not agree well with the experimental evidence due to the simplicity of our coarse‐grained model, our results strongly suggest that cooperatively folding units sometimes organize a partially overlapped and hierarchical structure. This view makes us easy to interpret some different proposal about the foldon as a difference of the hierarchical structure. On the basis of this finding, we present a new method to assign foldons and their hierarchy, using structural and sequence information. The results show that the foldons assigned by our method correspond to the intermediate structures identified by some experimental techniques. The new method makes it easy to predict whether a protein folds sequentially into the native structure or whether some foldons fold into the native structure in parallel. Proteins 2015; 83:1900–1913. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Miller RA 《Aging cell》2004,3(2):47-51
Organism envy afflicts most researchers who work on aging in mice; how frustrating it is to see the worm and fly biologists nail down milestone after milestone, citation after citation! Surely genetic trickery can produce mice that age in a comparable jiffy? Alas, our near‐total ignorance of what times the aging process makes it hard to guess what genes to tweak, if indeed aging can be mimicked a presto. Building a case that a given short‐lived mutant ages quickly is a steep and thorny path, requiring more than just plucking a symptom here and there from a list of things that sometimes go wrong in old people or old mice. The hallmark of aging is that a lot goes wrong more or less at the same time, in 2‐year‐old mice, 10‐year‐old dogs and 70‐year‐old people. Finding ways to damage one or two systems in a 6‐week or 6‐month‐old mouse is not too hard to do, but the implications of such studies for improved understanding of aging per se are at best indirect and at worst imaginary and distracting.  相似文献   


The principle of competitive exclusion is well established for multiple populations competing for the same resource, and simple models for multistrain infection exhibit it as well when cross-immunity precludes coinfections. However, multiple hosts provide niches for different pathogens to occupy simultaneously. This is the case for the vector-borne parasite Trypanosoma cruzi in overlapping sylvatic transmission cycles in the Americas, where it is enzootic. This study uses cycles in the USA involving two different hosts but the same vector species as a context for the study of the mechanisms behind the communication between the two cycles. Vectors dispersing in search of new hosts may be considered to move between the two cycles (host switching) or, more simply, to divide their time between the two host types (host sharing). Analysis considers host switching as an intermediate case between isolated cycles and intermingled cycles (host sharing) in order to examine the role played by the host-switching rate in permitting coexistence of multiple strains in a single-host population. Results show that although the population dynamics (demographic equilibria) in host-switching models align well with those in the limiting models (host sharing or isolated cycles), infection dynamics differ significantly, in ways that sometimes illuminate the underlying epidemiology (such as differing host susceptibilities to infection) and sometimes reveal model limitations (such as host switching dominating the infection dynamics). Numerical work suggests that the model explains the trace presence of TcI in raccoons but not the more significant co-persistence observed in woodrats.  相似文献   

Videogame players commonly report reaching deeply “immersive” states of consciousness, in some cases growing to feel like they actually are their characters and really in the game, with such fantastic characters and places potentially only loosely connected to offline selves and realities. In the current investigation, we use interview and survey data to examine the effects of such “dissociative” experiences on players of the popular online videogame, World of Warcraft (WoW). Of particular interest are ways in which WoW players’ emotional identification with in-game second selves can lead either to better mental well-being, through relaxation and satisfying positive stress, or, alternatively, to risky addiction-like experiences. Combining universalizing and context-dependent perspectives, we suggest that WoW and similar games can be thought of as new “technologies of absorption”—contemporary practices that can induce dissociative states in which players attribute dimensions of self and experience to in-game characters, with potential psychological benefit or harm. We present our research as an empirically grounded exploration of the mental health benefits and risks associated with dissociation in common everyday contexts. We believe that studies such as ours may enrich existing theories of the health dynamics of dissociation, relying, as they often do, on data drawn either from Western clinical contexts involving pathological disintegrated personality disorders or from non-Western ethnographic contexts involving spiritual trance.  相似文献   

Perspectives on setting success criteria for wetland restoration   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The task of determining the success of wetland restoration has long been challenging and sometimes contentious because success is an imprecise term that means different things in different situations and to different people. Compliance success is determined by evaluating compliance with the terms of an agreement, e.g. a contract or permit, whereas functional success is determined by evaluating whether the ecological functions of the system have been restored. Compliance and functional success have historically focused on the individual project (the site being restored); we are only beginning to consider another important factor, the success of restoration at the landscape scale. Landscape success is a measure of how restoration (or management, in general) has contributed to the ecological integrity of the region or landscape and to achievement of goals such as the maintenance of biodiversity. The utility of all definitions of success is ultimately constrained by the current status of the science of restoration ecology and by our ability to use that information to make sound management decisions and to establish measurable success criteria. Measurements of vegetation are most commonly used in evaluations of restoration projects, with less frequent analysis of soils, fauna, and hydrologic characteristics. Although particular characteristics of projects, such as vegetative cover and production, can resemble those in similar naturally occurring wetlands, overall functional equivalency has not been demonstrated. However, ongoing research is providing information on what can and cannot be accomplished, valuable insights on how to correct mistakes, and new approaches to defining success. The challenge is how to recognize and deal with the uncertainty, given that projects are ecologically young and that our knowledge of the process of restoration is evolving. One way to deal with the uncertainty is to use scientific principles of hypothesis testing and model building in an adaptive management framework. In this way, options can be systematically evaluated and needs for corrective actions identified when a project is not progressing toward goals. By taking such an approach we can improve our ability to reliably restore wetlands while contributing to our understanding of the basic structure and function of ecosystems.  相似文献   

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