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Juvenile, but not adult, Belding’s ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) exhibit markedly different responses to alarm calls as a function of their environment. Compared with same-aged, free-living juveniles, captive juveniles (housed in large outdoor enclosures) are more likely to respond to playbacks, to exhibit more exaggerated initial responses (e.g. enter a burrow vs. freeze) and to remain alert longer following playbacks of alarm and non-alarm calls. Two studies were conducted to identify the factors contributing to these response differences. Postemergent rearing environments (such as the opaque enclosure walls that limited visual and auditory stimulation in captivity, or the increased number of conspecifics and natural alarm calls that free-living juveniles experienced) could not account for the majority of response differences between captive and free-living juveniles (Study 1). To determine if the attenuated responses of free-living juveniles were due to foraging pressures, we compared the behaviours of food-provisioned captive juveniles with those of non-provisioned captive juveniles. Although sample sizes were small, no differences were evident in the development or expression of responses as a function of foraging pressure. Next, the development of captive juveniles was compared with that of juveniles reared in the field but housed in captivity after emergence (Study 2). Differences in the response patterns of field-reared and captive-reared animals matched the differences reported previously, as the responses of field-reared animals observed in captivity mirrored those of free-living juveniles that remained in the field. Thus, the differences in alarm-call responses originally observed between captive and free-living juveniles are attributed to their pre-emergent, but not post-emergent, rearing histories. Captive pups experienced levels of auditory, visual, tactile, and olfactory stimulation that were greater than those typically experienced by free-living pups. The increased exposure to conspecific alarm calls may have primed captive pups to respond more often and more intensely to the auditory stimuli they heard as juveniles. Sensitivity to early rearing environments may be adaptive for young ground squirrels if it facilitates the development of antipredator behaviour patterns that are appropriate for the local predator environment (e.g. openness of habitat, frequency of predators, availability of refuges).  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids regulate glucose concentrations and responses to unpredictable events, while also modulating cognition. Juvenile Belding''s ground squirrels (Urocitellus beldingi) learn to respond to whistle and trill alarm calls, warning of aerial and terrestrial predators, respectively, shortly after emerging from natal burrows at one month of age. Alarm calls can cause physiological reactions and arousal, and this arousal, coupled with watching adult responses, might help juveniles learn associations between calls and behavioural responses. I studied whether young show differential cortisol responses to alarm and non-alarm calls, using playbacks of U. beldingi whistles, trills, squeals (a conspecific control vocalization) and silent controls. Trills elicited very high cortisol responses, and, using an individual''s response to the silent control as baseline, only their response to a trill was significantly higher than baseline. This cortisol increase would provide glucose for extended vigilance and escape efforts, which is appropriate for evading terrestrial predators which hunt for long periods. Although whistles do not elicit a cortisol response, previous research has shown that they do result in bradycardia, which enhances attention and information processing. This is a novel demonstration of two physiological responses to two alarm calls, each appropriate to the threats represented by the calls.  相似文献   

Although about one-third of all primate species are nocturnal, their antipredator behavior has rarely been studied directly. Crypsis and a solitary lifestyle have traditionally been considered to be the main adaptive antipredator strategies of nocturnal primates. However, a number of recent studies have revealed that nocturnal primates are not as cryptic and solitary as previously suggested. Thus, the antipredator strategies available for diurnal primates that rely on early detection and warning of approaching predators may also be available to nocturnal species. In order to shed additional light on the antipredator strategies of nocturnal primates, I studied pair-living red-tailed sportive lemurs (Lepilemur ruficaudatus) in Western Madagascar. In an experimental field study I exposed adult sportive lemurs that lived in pairs and had offspring to playbacks of vocalizations of their main aerial and terrestrial predators, as well as to their own mobbing calls (barks) given in response to disturbances at their tree holes. I documented the subjects' immediate behavioral responses, including alarm calls, during the first minute following a playback. The sportive lemurs did not give alarm calls in response to predator call playbacks or to playbacks with barks. Other behavioral responses, such as gaze and escape directions, corresponded to the hunting strategies of the two classes of predators, suggesting that the corresponding vocalizations were correctly categorized. In response to barks, they scanned the ground and fled. Because barks do not indicate any specific threats, they are presumably general alarm calls. Thus, sportive lemurs do not rely on early warning of acoustically simulated predators; rather, they show adaptive escape strategies and use general alarm calls that are primarily directed toward the predator but may also serve to warn kin and pair-partners.  相似文献   

This study examined the differential responses to alarm calls from juvenile and adult wild bonnet macaques ( Macaca radiata ) in two parks in southern India. Field studies of several mammalian species have reported that the alarm vocalizations of immature individuals are often treated by perceivers as less provocative than those of adults. This study documents such differences in response using field-recorded playbacks of juvenile and adult alarm vocalizations. To validate the use of playback vocalizations as proxies of natural calls, we compared the responses of bonnet macaques to playbacks of alarm vocalizations with responses engendered by natural alarm vocalizations. We found that the frequency of flight, latency to flee, and the frequency of scanning to vocalization playbacks and natural vocalizations were comparable, thus supporting the use of playbacks to compare the effects of adult and juvenile calls. Our results showed that adult alarm calls were more provocative than juvenile alarm calls, inducing greater frequencies of flight with faster reaction times. Conversely, juvenile alarm calls were more likely to engender scanning by adults, a result interpreted as reflecting the lack of reliability of juvenile calls. Finally, we found age differences in flight behavior to juvenile alarm calls and to playbacks of motorcycle engine sounds, with juveniles and subadults more likely to flee than adults after hearing such sounds. These findings might reflect an increased vulnerability to predators or a lack of experience in young bonnet macaques.  相似文献   

Communication about the presence of predators is an important benefit of group living. Critical information about the nature of danger can be conveyed through referential alarm calls. Raptors pose a significant predatory threat to callitrichid species. Unlike a raptor in flight, a perched raptor cannot attack suddenly at great speed, and it can be monitored from a safe distance. In this sense a perched bird may pose a threat more similar to that of a terrestrial predator such as a snake. Here we compare predatory contexts by addressing these two questions: 1) Do marmosets produce acoustically distinct alarm calls to snake models and perched raptor models? 2) Do the visual responses of the marmosets to the playbacks of perched raptor–elicited calls differ from those given to the playbacks of calls given in response to snakes? We recorded alarm calls from two groups of outdoor-housed Geoffroy’s marmosets (Callithrix geoffroyi) in response to predator models. Later, we played back stimuli created from these recordings to the marmosets and scored their gaze direction. Results show that calls given to models of perched raptors are acoustically distinct from those given to models of snakes. Further, the relative number of upward to downward looks while listening to the playbacks of perched raptor–elicited calls was significantly greater than it was for snake-elicited calls. Reactions to airborne raptors are known to elicit freezing or rapid flight, neither of which occurred in response to our playbacks. Our data suggest a greater complexity in the alarm call repertoire of marmosets than previously demonstrated.  相似文献   

Although experimentally simulating predator presence helps improve sample sizes in studies of free-ranging animals, few studies have examined whether auditory playbacks and visual models produce similar results. Additionally, it is unclear if anti-predator strategies are specific to predator hunting styles in understudied Neotropical pitheciid primates, limiting what we can generalize about this phenomenon across this taxonomic order. We conducted predator simulation experiments to assess whether wild Rylands' bald-faced saki monkeys (Pithecia rylandsi) recognize predators based solely on acoustic cues, exhibit predator-specific responses to different predator types, and vary responses to presentations in different sensory modes. In our playback experiments, sakis had weak responses to non-predator control vocalizations compared to jaguar growls and harpy eagle shrieks. In most predator playbacks, subjects' first glance corresponded to the direction from which simulated predators would typically attack (above vs. below). However, although sakis exhibited appropriate movement responses to harpy playbacks (i.e., descending canopy), they exhibited no clear movement patterns when presented with jaguar playbacks. In contrast, jaguar model experiments consistently elicited fast approaches, mobbing-style responses, and long alarm calling bouts. Thus, if we had relied on playbacks alone, we might have concluded that sakis have only generalized responses to terrestrial ambush predators. In fact, in all variables measured (e.g., latency, number of calls, and response duration), models of both predator species elicited stronger reactions than playbacks. Results indicate that bald-faced sakis can identify predators based solely on vocalizations, but do not exhibit predator-specific escape responses to terrestrial predators based on acoustic cues alone. The differential response to playbacks and models calls into question the reliability of using acoustic-only stimuli to assess the specificity of anti-predator behavior to predator hunting styles in some primate species.  相似文献   

Behaviour trials determining antipredator response were conducted on first and second generation juveniles from a captive breeding and rearing programme for endangered Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Second generation captive fry displayed significantly higher levels of risk‐taking behaviour before and after exposure to a simulated avian predator. Because the first and second generation fry were reared under the same environmental conditions and differed only in the number of generations spent in captivity, these results suggest that rapid genetic changes, possibly due to domestication selection, may have occurred. Antipredator response was also assessed in fully wild and highly domesticated experimental groups: wild fry displayed the greatest antipredator response and domesticated fry displayed the highest levels of risk‐taking behaviour. These results add to the growing evidence documenting rapid genetic change in response to rearing in a captive environment.  相似文献   

Predation is an important mortality factor in wintering birds. To counter this, birds produce alarm calls in the presence of predators which serve to warn conspecifics. In social hierarchical bird flocks, adults survive the winter better than juveniles and therefore survival strategies probably vary with social status. This study examined the differential responses to alarm calls by free-living willow tits, Parus montanus, in dominance-structured winter flocks in Finland. To explore the age-dependent differences in response to conspecific alarm calls, a series with three alarm calls was played to focal adults and juveniles while they sat in the middle section of a spruce branch. Immediately after the playback, juvenile willow tits moved more often, flew longer distances and changed branches more often than did adults. Previous mammal studies have shown that juveniles are more likely to flee than adults after hearing conspecific alarm calls. The current study demonstrates that similar age-dependent responses to conspecific alarm calls occur in birds also. These findings reflect an increased vulnerability to predators or lack of experience of young birds.  相似文献   

Ben Walton 《Bioacoustics.》2013,22(6):592-603

Alarm vocalizations are a common feature of the mammalian antipredator response. The meaning and function of these calls vary between species, with some species using calls to reference-specific categories of predators. Species can also use more than just the calls of conspecifics to detect threat, ‘eavesdropping’ on other species’ signalling to avoid predation. However, the evidence to date for both referential signalling and eavesdropping within primates is limited. We investigated two sympatric populations of wild lemur, the Coquerel’s sifaka Propithecus coquereli and the common brown lemur Eulemur fulvus, presenting them with playbacks of predator calls, conspecific alarm calls and heterospecific lemur alarm calls, and recorded their behavioural responses following the playbacks. Results suggest that the Coquerel’s sifaka may have functionally referential alarm calls with high specificity for aerial predators, but there was no evidence for any referential nature of the other call investigated. Brown lemurs appear to have a mixed alarm system, with one call being specific with respect to aerial predators. The other call investigated appeared to reference terrestrial predators. However, it was also used in other contexts, so does not meet the criteria for functional reference. Both species showed evidence for heterospecific alarm call recognition, with both the Coquerel’s sifaka and the brown lemurs responding appropriately to heterospecific aerial alarm calls.  相似文献   

Juvenile California ground squirrel responses to adult alarm calls and juvenile alarm calling may be modified during development to achieve adult form. Adult conspecific chatter and whistle alarm calls were played back to juvenile and adult ground squirrels at an agricultural field site. In response to chatter playbacks, adults spent more time visually orienting to the environment and less time out of view and in covered habitats than juveniles; the converse was true in response to whistle playbacks. To test the evocativeness of juvenile calling, a subset of adult subjects received juvenile chatter and whistle playbacks. Adults spent less time out of view to juvenile call types than to adult calls, and showed more similar responses to juvenile chatters and whistles than to adult chatters and whistles. Age differences in the ground squirrel's alarm call system may reflect adjustments to changing risks during development.  相似文献   

Studies on primate vocalisation have revealed different types of alarm call systems ranging from graded signals based on response urgency to functionally referential alarm calls that elicit predator‐specific reactions. In addition, alarm call systems that include both highly specific and other more unspecific calls have been reported. There has been consistent discussion on the possible factors leading to the evolution of different alarm call systems, among which is the need of qualitatively different escape strategies. We studied the alarm calls of free‐ranging saddleback and moustached tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis and Saguinus mystax) in northeast Peru. Both species have predator‐specific alarm calls and show specific non‐vocal reactions. In response to aerial predators, they look upwards and quickly move downwards, while in response to terrestrial predators, they look downwards and sometimes approach the predator. We conducted playback experiments to test if the predator‐specific reactions could be elicited in the absence of the predator by the tamarins’ alarm calls alone. We found that in response to aerial alarm call playbacks the subjects looked significantly longer upwards, and in response to terrestrial alarm call playbacks they looked significantly longer downwards. Thus, the tamarins reacted as if external referents, i.e. information about the predator type or the appropriate reaction, were encoded in the acoustic features of the calls. In addition, we found no differences in the responses of S. fuscicollis and S. mystax whether the alarm call stimulus was produced by a conspecific or a heterospecific caller. Furthermore, it seems that S. fuscicollis terrestrial alarm calls were less specific than either S. mystax terrestrial predator alarms or either species’ aerial predator alarms, but because of the small sample size it is difficult to draw a final conclusion.  相似文献   

The comprehension and usage of primate alarm calls appear to be influenced by social learning. Thus, alarm calls provide flexible behavioral mechanisms that may allow animals to develop appropriate responses to locally present predators. To study this potential flexibility, we compared the usage and function of 3 alarm calls common to 2 closely related sifaka species (Propithecus verreauxi and P. coquereli), in each of 2 different populations with different sets of predators. Playback studies revealed that both species in both of their respective populations emitted roaring barks in response to raptors, and playbacks of this call elicited a specific anti-raptor response (look up and climb down). However, in Verreaux’s sifakas, tchi-faks elicited anti-terrestrial predator responses (look down, climb up) in the population with a higher potential predation threat by terrestrial predators, whereas tchi-faks in the other population were associated with nonspecific flight responses. In both populations of Coquerel’s sifakas, tchi-fak playbacks elicited anti-terrestrial predator responses. More strikingly, Verreaux’s sifakas exhibited anti-terrestrial predator responses after playbacks of growls in the population with a higher threat of predation by terrestrial predators, whereas Coquerel’s sifakas in the raptor-dominated habitat seemed to associate growls with a threat by raptors; the 2 other populations of each species associated a mild disturbance with growls. We interpret this differential comprehension and usage of alarm calls as the result of social learning processes that caused changes in signal content in response to changes in the set of predators to which these populations have been exposed since they last shared a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Field observations and acoustic analyses have shown that suricate (Suricata suricatta) alarm calls vary in their acoustic structure depending on predator type. In this study, we tested whether receivers respond appropriately when hearing a call in the absence of a predator. Although the only way for suricates to escape from predators is to retreat to boltholes, responses to playbacks could be divided into distinct categories. The subjects responded differently to alarm calls given in response to aerial or terrestrial predators and to recruitment calls emitted in response to snakes and deposits on the ground. Suricates also showed rather distinct responses to low, medium and high urgency aerial calls. Differences in the responses were less obvious for different levels of urgency in the terrestrial and recruitment calls. Suricate receivers thus gain information about both the predator type and level of urgency from the acoustic structures of their calls.  相似文献   

Gunnison's prairie dogs have a complex alarm communication system. We show that the escape responses of prairie dogs to naturally occurring live predators differed depending upon the species of predator. We also show that playbacks of alarm calls that were elicited originally by the live predators produced the same escape responses as the live predators themselves. The escape responses fell into two qualitatively different categories: running to the burrow and diving inside for hawks and humans, and standing upright outside the burrow for coyotes and dogs. Within these two categories there were differences in response. For hawks, only the prairie dogs that were in the direct flight path of a stooping red-tailed hawk ran to their burrows and dove inside, while for humans and human alarm call playbacks there was a colony-wide running to the burrows and diving inside. For coyotes and coyote alarm call playbacks there was a colony-wide running to the burrows and standing alert at the burrow rims, while for domestic dogs and playbacks of alarm calls for domestic dogs the prairie dogs assumed an alert posture wherever they were feeding, but did not run to their burrows. These responses to both the live predators and to predator-elicited alarm calls suggest that the alarm calls of Gunnison's prairie dogs contain meaningful referential information about the categories of predators that approach a colony of prairie dogs.  相似文献   

The production of vocalizations in nonhuman primates is predominantly innate, whereas learning influences the usage and comprehension of vocalizations. In this study, I examined the development of alarm call recognition in free-ranging infant Verreaux's sifakas. Specifically, I investigated their ability to recognize conspecific alarm calls as well as those of sympatric redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus) in Kirindy forest, western Madagascar. Both species have functionally referential alarm calls for aerial predators and give general alarm calls for both aerial and general predators and also other kinds of threats, such as intergroup encounters with conspecifics. I conducted playback experiments with members of two birth cohorts (nine and ten individuals) to determine the age at which infant Verreaux's sifakas discriminate between conspecific alarm calls, heterospecific alarm calls, and non-alarm vocalizations (parrot song). Most 3-4 months old infants fled toward adults after hearing any playback stimuli, whereas 4-5-month-old infants did so only after presentation of alarm calls. Moreover, all infants of these age classes showed a longer latency to flee after the parrot song indicating their emerging ability to discriminate between alarm calls and non-alarm stimuli. At an age of about 6 months, infants switched from fleeing toward adults to performing adult-like escape responses after presentation of conspecific and heterospecific alarm calls. Thus, the ability to discriminate between alarm from non-alarm stimuli precedes the appearance of adult-like responses. The transition to adult-like escape behavior was coincident with the physical independence of infants from their mothers.  相似文献   

Alarm calls are vocalisations animals give in response to predators which mainly function to alert conspecifics of danger. Studies show that numerous species eavesdrop on heterospecific calls to gain information about predator presence. Responding to heterospecific calls may be a learned or innate response, determined by whether the response occurs with or without prior exposure to the call. In this study, we investigated the presence of eavesdropping behaviour in zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata. This species is not known to possess a distinct alarm call to warn adult conspecifics of a threat, and could be relying on alarm calls of nearby heterospecifics for predator information. We used a playback experiment to expose captive zebra finches to three heterospecific sounds: an unfamiliar alarm call (from the chestnut‐rumped thornbill Acanthiza uropygialis), a familiar alarm call, and a familiar control (both from the noisy miner Manorina melanocephala). These calls were chosen to test if the birds had learnt to distinguish between the function of the two familiar calls, and if the acoustic properties of the unfamiliar alarm indicated presence of a threat to the finches. Our results showed that in response to the thornbill alarm, the birds reduced the rate of production of short calls. However, this decrease was also seen when considering both short and distance calls in response to the control sound. An increase in latency to call was also seen after the control stimulus when compared to the miner alarm. The time spent scanning increased in response to all three stimuli, but this did not differ between stimuli. There were no significant differences when considering the stimulus by time interaction for any of the three vigilance measures. Overall, no strong evidence was found to indicate that the captive zebra finches were responding to the heterospecific alarm stimuli with anti‐predator behaviour.  相似文献   

The great gerbil (Rhombomys opimus), a social rodent that lives in family groups, emits three different alarm vocalizations in the presence of predators: a rhythmic call; a faster more intense call; and a single whistle. We tested the hypothesis that the alarm calls communicate risk of predation. We quantified the relationship between predator distance and type of alarm call via human approaches to gerbils. We also tested responses of focal adults in family groups to playback broadcasts of the different calls and controls of bird song and tape noise. Results showed that alarm calls were related to distance from a predator. Gerbils gave the rhythmic call when the predator was farthest away, the more intense call as the predator moved closer; and a short whistle when startled by a close approach of the predator. Gerbils stopped feeding and stood vigilant in a frozen alert posture in response to playbacks of all three alarm calls. They decreased non‐vigilant behavior to the alarm vocalizations more than to the controls and decreased non‐vigilant behavior significantly more in response to the intense alarm and whistle compared with the rhythmic alarm. We conclude that one function of gerbil alarm calls is to communicate response urgency to family members. The rhythmic alarm communicates danger at a distance, whereas the intense alarm and whistle signal the close approach of a predator.  相似文献   

Traits that were adaptive under previous conditions may no longer have fitness benefits. However, some species still retain appropriate antipredator behaviors even though they do not coexist with the predators that their ancestors once faced. Studies have examined the responses of a variety of naïve species to these predators, but none have specifically investigated whether naïve primates retain antipredator behaviors against felid predators. We studied the pig‐tailed langur (Simias concolor) to determine whether it still recognizes felids as predators even though dangerous felids do not exist on the islands on which it inhabits. The responses of the langurs to the playbacks of the vocalizations of felids (an ancestral predator), elephants (an unknown animal but not a predator), humans (a known predator) and, pigs and birds (known animals but not predators) were compared. Langurs fled more slowly and looked at the speaker less in response to the felid and elephant calls than they did in response to the human voices. Similar numbers of langurs fled in response to all playback treatments except the pig and bird. The results suggest that langurs are afraid of novel vocalizations but have not retained specific acoustic knowledge of felid predator vocalizations. For long‐lived species that have extended periods of learning, being able to modify general behavioral responses, such as antipredator behaviors, based on individual experiences may be more adaptive than having fixed behavioral strategies.  相似文献   

I investigated whether free-living adult golden-mantled ground squirrels ( Spermophilus lateralis ) could learn to associate a novel sound with the appearance of a predator. Using a classical conditioning protocol, I presented adult squirrels with a novel tone followed by the appearance of a model hawk. After repeated trials, I again measured the squirrels' behavioral responses to the tone and compared them with their pretraining responses. Individuals that experienced the tone paired with the hawk responded with antipredator behavior of longer duration after pairing than before and these responses were indistinguishable from responses to natural, conspecific alarm calls. By examining the process, rather than simply the pattern, of call recognition ontogeny, this study provides new evidence for a mechanism by which animals can develop the ability to respond to both conspecific and heterospecific calls.  相似文献   

The maintenance of species-specific behavioural repertoires and traditions is an important but often implicit goal of conservation efforts. When captive rearing is used as a conservation practice, it becomes critical to address its possible implications for the social and behavioural traits of developing individuals. In particular, animals must retain or acquire many of their behavioural abilities to increase the likelihood of survival upon release into the wild. This study investigated the behavioural development of critically endangered kaki (black stilt: Himantopus novaezelandiae ) chicks reared without live adult conspecifics. The captive rearing programme included playbacks of adult kaki alarm calls during cleaning and handling of precocial chicks housed as groups. We used videotaped observations and playback experiments to address the following questions: do kaki chicks respond differentially to (1) familiar versus unfamiliar adult kaki alarm calls and (2) conspecific alarm versus heterospecific control vocalizations. Adult-naïve kaki chicks exhibited a varied behavioural repertoire over their early development. In multivariate analyses, when age was statistically controlled, chicks showed responses to familiar and unfamiliar alarm calls that were similar in magnitude. In contrast, following conspecific alarm calls chicks had longer average latencies to resume pre-playback activities than following heterospecific vocalizations. Although the generality of these conclusions is limited by experimental constraints stemming from working with an endangered species, the findings suggest that current management techniques produce captive-reared kaki for release into the wild that possess many of the behavioural and auditory recognition skills that are required for survival.  相似文献   

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