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The telencephalic vesicles form in the mouse embryo by the expansion of precursor regions in the anterior neural tube. Once the vesicles have formed, discrete dorsal and ventral territories can be recognized that later give rise to cortical and subcortical structures, respectively. To investigate the mechanisms that regulate the expansion and regionalization of the telencephalon, we have carried out a screen to identify recessive mutations that disrupt these events. We isolated a mouse mutant in which an early and critical step in development of the telencephalic vesicles is disrupted. Telencephalic primordia are present in flat-top embryos but they fail to progress to form the telencephalic vesicles. An increased rate of proliferation in the forebrain neurectoderm that accompanies telencephalic expansion in wild-type embryos fails to occur in flat-top embryos. Regionalization events that would normally take place during expansion of the primordia also fail to occur. Thus the phenotype of the flat-top mouse reveals that outgrowth of the telencephalic vesicles and their regionalization are coupled processes.  相似文献   

The forebrain is formed by remodeling and growth of the anterior neural plate. This morphogenesis occurs in response to inductive signals during gastrulation and neurulation but is poorly understood at the cellular level. Here, we have used the LaacZ method of single cells labeling to visualize, at E12.5, clones originated at early stages of mouse forebrain development. The largest clones show that single progenitors can give rise to neuroepithelial cells dispersed across the forebrain. A significant fraction of the clones, and even relatively small ones, populated both the diencephalon and the telencephalon, indicating that the clonal separation between diencephalic and telencephalic progenitors is transient and/or partial. However, two groups of large clones, populating either the diencephalon or the telencephalon, dispersed within their respective domains, suggesting an early regionalization between some diencephalic and telencephalic progenitors. Widespread oriented mixing within these territories and then clonal expansion into smaller domains probably follow this initial regionalization. These data are consistent with a model of progressive specification of forebrain domains. We propose that the ordered expansion of early regionalized progenitor pools for the diencephalon and telencephalon could establish a potential link between early inductive signals and forebrain morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Six3 exerts multiple functions in the development of anterior neural tissue of vertebrate embryos. Whereas complete loss of Six3 function in the mouse results in failure of forebrain formation, its hypomorphic mutations in human and mouse can promote holoprosencephaly (HPE), a forebrain malformation that results, at least in part, from abnormal telencephalon development. However, the roles of Six3 in telencephalon patterning and differentiation are not well understood. To address the role of Six3 in telencephalon development, we analyzed zebrafish embryos deficient in two out of three Six3-related genes, six3b and six7, representing a partial loss of Six3 function. We found that telencephalon forms in six3b;six7-deficient embryos; however, ventral telencephalic domains are smaller and dorsal domains are larger. Decreased cell proliferation or excess apoptosis cannot account for the ventral deficiency. Instead, six3b and six7 are required during early segmentation for specification of ventral progenitors, similar to the role of Hedgehog (Hh) signaling in telencephalon development. Unlike in mice, we observe that Hh signaling is not disrupted in embryos with reduced Six3 function. Furthermore, six3b overexpression is sufficient to compensate for loss of Hh signaling in isl1- but not nkx2.1b-positive cells, suggesting a novel Hh-independent role for Six3 in telencephalon patterning. We further find that Six3 promotes ventral telencephalic fates through transient regulation of foxg1a expression and repression of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) form a large family of secreted signalling proteins that have a wide variety of roles during embryonic development. Within the central nervous system (CNS) Fgf8 is implicated in patterning neural tissue adjacent to the midbrain-hindbrain boundary. However, the roles of Fgfs in CNS tissue rostral to the midbrain are less clear. Here we examine the patterning of the forebrain in zebrafish embryos that lack functional Fgf8/Ace. We find that Ace is required for the development of midline structures in the forebrain. In the absence of Ace activity, midline cells fail to adopt their normal morphology and exhibit altered patterns of gene expression. This disruption to midline tissue leads to severe commissural axon pathway defects, including misprojections from the eye to ectopic ipsilateral and contralateral targets. Ace is also required for the differentiation of the basal telencephalon and several populations of putative telencephalic neurons but not for overall regional patterning of forebrain derivatives. Finally, we show that ace expression co-localises with anterior neural plate cells that have previously been shown to have forebrain patterning activity. Removal of these cells leads to a failure in induction of ace expression indicating that loss of Ace activity may contribute to the phenotypes observed when anterior neural plate cells are ablated. However, as ace mutant neural plate cells still retain at least some inductive activity, then other signals must also be produced by the anterior margin of the neural plate.  相似文献   

FGF signaling through FGFR1 is required for olfactory bulb morphogenesis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
During development, the embryonic telencephalon is patterned into different areas that give rise to distinct adult brain structures. Several secreted signaling molecules are expressed at putative signaling centers in the early telencephalon. In particular, Fgf8 is expressed at the anterior end of the telencephalon and is hypothesized to pattern it along the anteroposterior (AP) axis. Using a CRE/loxP genetic approach to disrupt genes in the telencephalon, we address the role of FGF signaling directly in vivo by abolishing expression of the FGF receptor Fgfr1. In the Fgfr1-deficient telencephalon, AP patterning is largely normal. However, morphological defects are observed at the anterior end of the telencephalon. Most notably, the olfactory bulbs do not form normally. Examination of the proliferation state of anterior telencephalic cells supports a model for olfactory bulb formation in which an FGF-dependent decrease in proliferation is required for initial bulb evagination. Together the results demonstrate an essential role for Fgfr1 in patterning and morphogenesis of the telencephalon.  相似文献   

The development of axon tracts in the early vertebrate brain is controlled by combinations of soluble, membrane-bound and extracellular matrix molecules. How these multiple and sometimes conflicting guidance cues are integrated in order to establish stereotypical pathways remains to be determined. We show here that when interactions between the chemoattractive signal Netrin1a and its receptor Dcc are suppressed using a loss-of-function approach, a novel axon trajectory emerges in the dorsal diencephalon. Axons arising from a subpopulation of telencephalic neurons failed to project rostrally into the anterior commissure in the absence of either Netrin1a or Dcc. Instead these axons inappropriately exited the telencephalon and ectopically coursed caudally into virgin neuroepithelium. This response was highly specific since loss-of-function of Netrin1b, a paralogue of Netrin1a, generated a distinct phenotype in the rostral brain. These results show that a subpopulation of telencephalic neurons, when freed from long-range chemoattraction mediated by Netrin1a-Dcc interactions, follow alternative instructive cues that lead to creation of an ectopic axon bundle in the diencephalon. This work provides insight into how integration of multiple guidance signals defines the initial scaffold of axon tracts in the embryonic vertebrate forebrain.  相似文献   

Cells at the anterior boundary of the neural plate (ANB) can induce telencephalic gene expression when transplanted to more posterior regions. Here, we identify a secreted Frizzled-related Wnt antagonist, Tlc, that is expressed in ANB cells and can cell nonautonomously promote telencephalic gene expression in a concentration-dependent manner. Moreover, abrogation of Tlc function compromises telencephalic development. We also identify Wnt8b as a locally acting modulator of regional fate in the anterior neural plate and a likely target for antagonism by Tlc. Finally, we show that tlc expression is regulated by signals that establish early antero-posterior and dorso-ventral ectodermal pattern. From these studies, we propose that local antagonism of Wnt activity within the anterior ectoderm is required to establish the telencephalon.  相似文献   

The zebra finch telencephalon exhibits rapid and substantial development in the first few weeks after hatching. In parallel, the rate of estradiol synthesis is very high in the zebra finch forebrain, and estradiol can have potent neurotrophic effects in specific telencephalic regions, including those that control the learning and production of song. In an attempt to elucidate mechanisms regulating telencephalic development, potentially including a role for the large capacity for estrogen production, (125)I-nerve growth factor (NGF) binding was measured in homogenates of telencephalon from zebra finches age 3, 15, 30, 60, and 120 days. The highest density of low- and high-affinity (125)I-NGF binding sites was observed in 3-day-old finches. Using an aromatase inhibitor, Fadrozole, to reduce estradiol levels in 1 to 4-day-old zebra finches significantly decreased both high- and low-affinity (125)I-NGF binding sites. Conversely, treating adult or 8 to 14-day-old hatchlings with estradiol increased high-affinity (125)I-NGF binding sites. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that estradiol influences the level of NGF receptors, and suggest one mechanism through which the steroid could affect brain development. The data also indicate that estradiol and NGF activity may be important for very early development of the telencephalon.  相似文献   

Complex spatiotemporal expression patterns of fgf3 and fgf8 within the developing zebrafish forebrain suggest their involvement in its regionalisation and early development. These factors have unique and combinatorial roles during development of more posterior brain regions, and here we report similar findings for the developing forebrain. We show that Fgf8 and Fgf3 regulate different aspects of telencephalic development, and that Fgf3 alone is required for the expression of several telencephalic markers. Within the diencephalon, Fgf3 and Fgf8 act synergistically to pattern the ventral thalamus, and are implicated in the regulation of optic stalk formation, whereas loss of Fgf3 alone results in defects in ZLI development. Forebrain commissure formation was abnormal in the absence of either Fgf3 or Fgf8; however, most severe defects were observed in the absence of both. Defects were observed in patterning of both the midline territory, within which the commissures normally form, and neuronal populations, whose axons comprise the commissures. Analysis of embryos treated with an FGFR inhibitor suggests that continuous FGF signalling is required from gastrulation stages for normal forebrain patterning, and identifies additional requirements for FGFR activity.  相似文献   

The forebrain develops into the telencephalon, diencephalon, and optic vesicle (OV). The OV further develops into the optic cup, the inner and outer layers of which develop into the neural retina and retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), respectively. We studied the change in fate of the OV by using embryonic transplantation and explant culture methods. OVs excised from 10-somite stage chick embryos were freed from surrounding tissues (the surface ectoderm and mesenchyme) and were transplanted back to their original position in host embryos. Expression of neural retina-specific genes, such as Rax and Vsx2 (Chx10), was downregulated in the transplants. Instead, expression of the telencephalon-specific gene Emx1 emerged in the proximal region of the transplants, and in the distal part of the transplants close to the epidermis, expression of an RPE-specific gene Mitf was observed. Explant culture studies showed that when OVs were cultured alone, Rax was continuously expressed regardless of surrounding tissues (mesenchyme and epidermis). When OVs without surrounding tissues were cultured in close contact with the anterior forebrain, Rax expression became downregulated in the explants, and Emx1 expression became upregulated. These findings indicate that chick OVs at stage 10 are bi-potential with respect to their developmental fates, either for the neural retina or for the telencephalon, and that the surrounding tissues have a pivotal role in their actual fates. An in vitro tissue culture model suggests that under the influence of the anterior forebrain and/or its surrounding tissues, the OV changes its fate from the retina to the telencephalon.  相似文献   

The expression domains of genes implicated in forebrain patterning often share borders at specific anteroposterior positions. This observation lies at the heart of the prosomeric model, which proposes that such shared borders coincide with proposed compartment boundaries and that specific combinations of genes expressed within each compartment are responsible for its patterning. Thus, genes such as Emx1, Emx2, Pax6, and qin (Bf1) are seen as being responsible for specifying different regions in the forebrain (diencephalon and telencephalon). However, the early expression of these genes, before the appearance of putative compartment boundaries, has not been characterized. In order to determine whether they have stable expression domains before this stage, we have compared mRNA expression of each of the above genes, relative both to one another and to morphological landmarks, in closely staged chick embryos. We find that, between HH stage 8 and HH stage 13, each of the genes has a dynamic spatial and temporal expression pattern. To test for autonomy of gene expression in the prosencephalon, we grafted tissue from this region to more caudal positions in the neural tube and analyzed for expression of Emx1, Emx2, qin, or Pax6. We find that gene expression is autonomous in prosencephalic tissue from as early as HH stage 8. In the case of Emx1, our data suggest that, from as early stage 8, presumptive telencephalic tissue also is committed to express this gene. We propose that early patterning along the anteroposterior axis of the presumptive telencephalon occurs across a field that is subdivided by different combinations of genes, with some overlapping areas, but without either sharp boundaries or stable interfaces between expression domains.  相似文献   

The olfactory bulb, neocortex and archicortex arise from a common pool of progenitors in the dorsal telencephalon. We studied the consequences of supplying excess Notch1 signal in vivo on the cellular and regional destinies of telencephalic precursors using bicistronic replication defective retroviruses. After ventricular injections mid-neurogenesis (E14.5), activated Notch1 retrovirus markedly inhibited the generation of neurons from telencephalic precursors, delayed the emergence of cells from the subventricular zone (SVZ), and produced an augmentation of glial progeny in the neo- and archicortex. However, activated Notch1 had a distinct effect on the progenitors of the olfactory bulb, markedly reducing the numbers of cells of any type that migrated there. To elucidate the mechanism of the cell fate changes elicited by Notch1 signals in the cortical regions, short- and long-term cultures of E14.5 telencephalic progenitors were examined. These studies reveal that activated Notch1 elicits a cessation of proliferation that coincides with an inhibition of the generation of neurons. Later, during gliogenesis, activated Notch1 triggers a rapid cellular proliferation with a significant increase in the generation of cells expressing GFAP. To examine the generation of cells destined for the olfactory bulb, we used stereotaxic injections into the early postnatal anterior subventricular zone (SVZa). We observed that precursors of the olfactory bulb responded to Notch signals by remaining quiescent and failing to give rise to differentiated progeny of any type, unlike cortical precursor cells, which generated glia instead of neurons. These data show that forebrain precursors vary in their response to Notch signals according to spatial and temporal cues, and that Notch signals influence the composition of forebrain regions by modulating the rate of proliferation of neural precursor cells.  相似文献   

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