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The oligopeptidase neurolysin (EC; Nln) was first identified in rat brain synaptic membranes and shown to ubiquitously participate in the catabolism of bioactive peptides such as neurotensin and bradykinin. Recently, it was suggested that Nln reduction could improve insulin sensitivity. Here, we have shown that Nln KO mice have increased glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and gluconeogenesis. KO mice have increased liver mRNA for several genes related to gluconeogenesis. Isotopic label semiquantitative peptidomic analysis suggests an increase in specific intracellular peptides in gastrocnemius and epididymal adipose tissue, which likely is involved with the increased glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in the KO mice. These results suggest the exciting new possibility that Nln is a key enzyme for energy metabolism and could be a novel therapeutic target to improve glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

胞内抗体是指在细胞内表达并被定位于亚细胞区室的一类新的工程抗体。目前胞内抗体的研究主要集中于ScFv,ScFv基因结构简单,易导入细胞内表达且便于体外重组操作。胞内抗体作为一种新的基因治疗工具,在肿瘤基因治疗、人艾滋病基因治疗的实验研究及潜在的临床治疗方面展示了广泛的应用前景。同时,胞内抗体可以用作分析靶蛋白功能的研究工具,是对传统的“基因剔除”转基因动物的一种有效补充。现从胞内抗体的设计及载体选择、肿瘤基因治疗、人艾滋病基因治疗等方面对胞内抗体的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

For a hundred years or more, oil and natural gas has supplied fuel and other raw chemicals to support economic growth. In the last decades their shrinking reservoirs and the increasing cost of production has become obvious, leading researchers to look for alternative substitutes of all the chemical materials presently derived from oil and gas. This review is focused on xylan, the second most abundant plant polysaccharide on our planet. Some xylan-derived products have already found commercial applications (ethanol, xylitol, xylo-oligosaccharides) while others could have a great future in a wide range of industries. The chemical and structural variations of xylans produced by different plants, and the concentration of xylan in various plant resources are summarized. This review discusses the latest research developments in extraction and purification methodologies, and chemical modification, as well as the analytical methods necessary for xylan related research.  相似文献   

植被指数研究进展:从AVHRR-NDVI到MODIS-EVI   总被引:171,自引:0,他引:171  
目前应用广泛的植被指数AVHRR—NDVI仍有一些缺陷。主要表现在:(1)在植被高覆盖区容易饱和。这除了红光通道就容易饱和外.主要是基于NIR/Red比值的NDVI算式本身存在容易饱和的缺陷;(2)没有考虑树冠背景对植被指数的影响;(3)NDVI的比值算式和最大值合成算法(MVC)确实消涂了某些内部和外部噪音。但最终的合成产品仍然有较多噪音;(4)MVC不能确保选择最小视角内的最佳像元。所有这此AVHRR—NDVI的局限性。在基于“中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)”的“增强型植被指数(EVI)”产品中。都有不同程度改善。MODIS—EVI改善表现在:(1)大气校正包括大气分子、气溶胶、薄云、水汽和臭氧。而AVHRR—NDVI仅对瑞利散射和臭氧吸收做了校正;这样MODIS—EVI可以不采用基于比值的方法。因为比值算式是以植被指数饱和为代价来减少大气影响;(2)根据蓝光和红光对气溶胶散射存在差异的原理。采用“抗大气植被指数(ARVl)对残留气溶胶做进一步的处理;(3)采用“土壤调节植;波指数(SAVl)”减弱了树冠背景土壤变化对植被指数的影响;(4)综合ARVI和SAVI的理论基础。形成“增强型植被指数(EVI)”。它可以同时减少来自大气和土壤噪音的影响;(5)采用“限定视角内最大值合成法(CV—MVC)”。选择最小视角内的最佳像元。此外。目前正在试验的“双向反射分布函数(ERDF)合成法”。首先把不同视角换算为星下点像元反射值。然后采用CV—MVC合成。目的是进一步提高EVI对植被季节性变化的敏感性。总之。MODIS—EVI使植被指数与不同覆盖程度植被的线性关系得到明显改善。尤其在高覆盖区表现良好。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌分类最新进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近10a来,随着分子生物学技术在丛枝菌根(arbuscularmycorrhiza,AM)研究中的应用,AM真菌分类学得到迅速发展。重点介绍AM真菌的最新分类系统,并对其发展简史作一简单回顾。  相似文献   

生物法制备平台化合物乙偶姻的最新研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乙偶姻(3-羟基-2-丁酮)作为一种应用广泛的食用香料和重要的平台化合物,具有广阔的工业应用前景。与传统的化学合成方法不同,高效、环保的乙偶姻生物制备方法,可以减轻资源和环境压力,促进我国低碳经济的发展。近来,生物法制备平台化学品乙偶姻取得了丰硕的研究成果。总结了最近几年国内外在该领域最新的研究热点及方向,简述了发酵法生产乙偶姻的优势菌株概况,重点综述了以糖类物质为底物生产乙偶姻的最新策略及研究成果、将微生物改造为生产手性乙偶姻的高效细胞炼制工厂以及将2,3-丁二醇或双乙酰作为发酵底物的研究趋势,并介绍了乙偶姻的分离纯化工艺。使用非致病性的安全菌株,高效率地利用廉价底物,并采用经济、简单、环保的分离纯化方式,从而生产具有高附加值的食品级或高手性纯度乙偶姻,是生物法制备乙偶姻产业化发展的可靠保障。  相似文献   

穿孔线虫属Radopholus是一类多寄主寄生的危险性植物线虫,其中以世界性危害的相似穿孔线虫R. similis为典型代表。但穿孔线虫属的分类学研究迄今仍不完善,形态描述粗糙,分子序列匮乏。本文列出穿孔线虫属的最新种类名录,归纳了27种穿孔线虫(双卵巢类型)的主要形态分类特征,并综述该属分子亲缘进化关系研究进展,为穿孔线虫属的分类和相似穿孔线虫的准确鉴定提供形态学基础和技术支持,同时也为该属线虫分类学的研究方向提出建议。  相似文献   

解淀粉芽胞杆菌(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens)是与枯草芽胞杆菌相似,可产芽胞、革兰阳性(G+)、具有生防活性的益生细菌。其代谢过程中产生的抗菌物质种类多、抗菌谱广,其抗菌制剂或抗菌提取物具有无毒、无害、无残留、抑菌时效长等优点,可广泛应用于果蔬保鲜、果蔬生长期及采后微生物病害的生物防治,是极具开发价值的生防菌。本文从抗菌机理、抗性基因组成、基因工程菌构建、抗性产品开发及对微生物病害防治等几个方面,对解淀粉芽胞杆菌的研究及应用现状进行了归纳和总结,为其在农业生物工程中的规模化安全应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Turgrfass used on landscapes, parks, sports fields, and golf courses has significant ecological, environmental, and economic impacts. The economic value of seed production of turfgrasses is second to hybrid corn. The land area cultivated with turfgrass is increasing due to rapid urban development. Turfgrass is often subjected to various abiotic stresses, which cause declines in aesthetic quality, functionality and seed yield. Among abiotic stresses, drought, salinity, heat, and low temperature are the most common detrimental factors for turfgrass growth in various regions. Thorough understanding of mechanisms of turfgrass stress responses is vital for the development of superior stress-tolerant germplasm through breeding and biotechnology. Significant progress has been made in turfgrass stress physiology and molecular biology in recent decades, but research for turfgrasses generally lags behind that of the major Poaceae crops, particularly at the molecular and genomic levels. This review focuses on research advances in turfgrass stress physiology and provides an overview of limited information on gene discovery, genetic transformation, and molecular marker development for improving stress tolerance, with emphasis on drought, salinity, heat, and low temperature stress. Major growth and physiological traits associated with these stresses, as well as metabolic and molecular factors regulating various traits for turfgrass tolerance to each stress are discussed. Future research at the systems biology level and through genomic sequencing is paramount for further insights on fundamental mechanisms of turfgrass stress tolerance and for improving turfgrass tolerance to various environmental stresses.  相似文献   

The polymorphic behavior of organic substances is driven by thermodynamic and kinetic factors. Therefore several solid phases may coexist. Since the properties of the solid state may be extremely relevant for the quality of medicines, the International Conference of Harmonization (ICH) requires a polymorphic study for new active ingredients. The different steps of investigations and the analytical methods which are used during the development phase in order to achieve adequately this challenging task, from detection to quantification are emphasized.  相似文献   

The Sleeping Beauty transposon system is a nonviral DNA transfer tool capable of efficiently mediating transposition-based, stable integration of DNA sequences of choice into eukaryotic genomes. Continuous refinements of the system, including the emergence of hyperactive transposase mutants and novel approaches in vectorology, greatly improve upon transposition efficiency rivaling viral-vector-based methods for stable gene insertion. Current developments, such as reversible transgenesis and proof-of-concept RNA-guided transposition, further expand on possible applications in the future. In addition, innate advantages such as lack of preferential integration into genes reduce insertional mutagenesis-related safety concerns while comparably low manufacturing costs enable widespread implementation. Accordingly, the system is recognized as a powerful and versatile tool for genetic engineering and is playing a central role in an ever-expanding number of gene and cell therapy clinical trials with the potential to become a key technology to meet the growing demand for advanced therapy medicinal products.  相似文献   

轮状病毒检测技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
轮状病毒是人和动物急性腹泻的重要病原 ,对轮状病毒进行快速、准确的检测对于疾病监测和疫情控制极为重要。从病原学、免疫学以及基因检测三方面 ,总结了轮状病毒检测技术的发展状况 ,重点介绍了较为成熟的免疫学技术 ,最新发展的实时荧光定量PCR、核酸序列依赖的扩增等分子生物学新技术 ,并对未来轮状病毒检测技术的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   


Recent structures of the potassium channel provide an essential beginning point for explaining how the pore is gated between open and closed conformations by changes in membrane voltage. Yet, the molecular details of this process and the connections to transmembrane gradients are not understood. To begin addressing how changes within a membrane environment lead to the channel’s ability to sense shifts in membrane voltage and to gate, we performed double-bilayer simulations of the Kv1.2 channel. These double-bilayer simulations enable us to simulate realistic voltage drops from resting potential conditions to depolarized conditions by changes in the bath conditions on each side of the bilayer. Our results show how the voltage sensor domain movement responds to differences in transmembrane potential. The initial voltage sensor domain movement, S4 in particular, is modulated by the gating charge response to changes in voltage and is initially stabilized by the lipid headgroups. We show this response is directly coupled to the initial stages of pore domain motion. Results presented here provide a molecular model for how the pre-gating process occurs in sequential steps: Gating charge response, movement and stabilization of the S4 voltage sensor domain, and movement near the base of the S5 region to close the pore domain.  相似文献   

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