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This study used karyological techniques to determine the chromosome numbers and morphology of eight species of Onobrychis L. (O. caput-galli (L.) Lam, O. aequidentata (Sibth. & Sm.) d’ Urv, O. fallax Freyn & Sint. var. fallax, O. lasiostachya Boiss, O. viciifolia Scop., O. oxyodonta Boiss. subsp. armena (Bois. & Huet) Aktoklu, O. hypargyrea Boiss. and O. cappadocica Boiss.). The results of this study determined the chromosome numbers of O. cappadocica as 2n = 16; O. viciifolia as 2n = 28 and the other species as 2n = 14 The karyotypes of species consisted of median-centromeric (m) or submedian-centromeric (sm) chromosomes. However, O. oxyodonta Boiss. subsp. armena (Bois. & Huet) Aktoklu was found to have only the median-centromeric (m) chromosomes. According to the results of the present study, of the eight Onobrychis taxa, only O. hypargyrea has a pair of satellite chromosomes (sat-chromosome). Furthermore, this study detected karyotype asymmetry.  相似文献   

Ditrichum austrogeorgicum (Card.) Seppelt, a species originally described in 1906 from South Georgia as Pseudodistichium austrogeorgicum Card., is considered to be conspecific with Ditrichum hyalinum (Mitt.) O. Kuntze. The latter had been first described in 1859 as Leptotrichum hyalinum Mitt. from material collected on the Falkland Islands and Hermite Island near Cape Horn, but it had been first recognized as a separate taxon, Didymodon longifolius (Brid.) Hook. f. & Wils. var. tenuifolius Hook. f. & Wils., in 1847. Pseudodistichium austrogeorgicum f. brevifolium Card. and P. austrogeorgicum var. longifolium Broth. in Card. & Broth. are reduced to synonymy with Ditrichum hyalinum. Some details of the type material of the last are illustrated.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):453-464

The generic name Sciaromium (Mitt.) Mitt. that was originally used as a sectional epithet in Leskea is synonymous with Echinodium Jul E. madeirense Jur. [= E. spinosum (Mitt.) Jur.] is selected as the lectotype of the genus Echinodium. A historical review of taxonomic and nomenclatural problems in Sciaromium is provided and taxa that had previously been excluded from this genus are briefly discussed. Sciaromium flavidulum Dusén is a Eurhynchium and the combination E. flavidulum (Dusén) Ochyra is made. Sciaromium sect. Aloma Dusén is synonymous with Eurhynchium since E. flavidulum serves as the type species of this section. The taxonomic position of S. gracile Dusén is discussed and this species is considered synonymous with Amblystegium chilense Lor., which is transferred to Pseudoleskea and the appropriate new combination P. chilensis (Lor.) Ochyra made. Type specimens of S. bellii Broth., S. elimbatum Broth. & Watts and S. forsythii Broth. in Broth. & Watts are briefly described and illustrated; these species are reduced to synonymy with the polymorphic Cratoneuropsis relaxa (Hook. f. & Wils.) Fleisch. in Broth.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):106-116

Note VII: Fissidens ah-pengae and F. aristifer spp. nov. are described and figured. The first is known from La Réunion, the second from Madagascar and La Réunion. Both belong to subgenus Aloma.

Note VIII: Fifteen new synonyms are proposed: Fissidens bryoides Hedw. var. glaucus Brid. is subsumed under F. crassipes Wilson ex Bruch & Schimp., F. comorensis Müll.Hal. under F. crispulus Brid., F. sigmocarpoides P.de la Varde under Fissidens erosulus (Müll.Hal.) Paris, F. atroviridis Besch., and F. luridus Renauld & Cardot under F. flaccidus Mitt., Moenkemeyera rarotongae Dixon and Fissidens jonesii Bizot ex Pócs under F. lagenarius Mitt. var. lagenarius, F. onraedtii Bizot nom. nud. under F. madecassus Schimp. ex Müll.Hal., F. bryum var. terrestris P.de la Varde under F. metzgeria (Müll.Hal.) Broth., F. edamensis M. Fleisch. under F. pallidinervis Mitt., F. brunnthaleri var. filipes Dixon & P.de la Varde under F. ramulosus Mitt., F. desertorum (Müll.Hal.) Paris and F. bambariensis Broth. & P.de la Varde under F. reflexus Hampe, F. usambaricus var. acutifolius P.de la Varde under F. usambaricus Broth. and F. glauculus var. circinicaulis (Cardot) P.de la Varde under F. weirii Mitt. Fissidens gedehensis M. Fleisch. is re-instated as a good species.

Note IX: Fifty-five new country and state records including F. anguste-limbatus Mitt. new to Africa. Fissidens pocsii Bizot & Dury ex Pócs is the first record of an epiphyllous species of this genus. The African distributions of F. flaccidus and F. pallidinervis are amended.  相似文献   

As a result of the study of both recent collections and a review of herbarium specimens, the following taxa are reported for the first time from various Italian regions: Hedwigia stellata Hedenäs, Hedwigia ciliata var. leucophaea Bruch & Schimp., Pleurozium schreberi (Willd. ex Brid.) Mitt. and Ptychostomum compactum Hornsch. var. compactum. The last taxon is new for southern Italy, while the report of Pleurozium schreberi confirms the occurrence of this species in southern Italy after more than half a century. Moreover, Crossidium laxefilamentosum Frey & Kürschner represents the second report of this species from Italy.  相似文献   

陈法军 《菌物学报》1992,11(Z1):23-64
被孢霉属(Mortierella Coemans)是接合菌纲(Zygomycetes)、毛霉目(Mucorales)、被孢霉科(Mortierellaceae)中的一个大属,目前已知约有90种;主要存在于土壤、植物残体、动物粪便等基物中。我国过去对被孢霉的研究不多,在《中国真菌总汇》(1979)中记录了8个种。本研究从全国22个省、市、自治区采集的2000多号样品中,分离到约220个被孢霉菌株。本研究主要采用Gams (1970, 1977)的分类系统进行分类鉴定,并对该系统进行了修改。在属下分3个亚属(Micromucor, MortierellaGamsiella), 8个组(Actinomortierella, Alpina,Hygrophila, Mortierella, Schmuckii, Simplex, SpinosaStylospora),单囊霉(Haplosporangium)被承认为独立的一个属。本研究鉴定出22个种和3个变种,包括一个新种(武夷山被孢霉Mortierella wuyishanensis sp. nov.)和一个新变种(极细无色被孢霉Mortierella hyalina(Harz) W. Gams var. subtilissima var. nov.), 14个中国新纪录。这14个新纪录为:产芽胞被孢霉(Mortierella. gemmifera M. Ellis)、园圃被孢霉(M. horticola Linnem.)、矮小被孢霉(M. humilis Linnem.)、无色被孢霉(M. hyalina(Harz) W. Gams)、印度被孢霉(M. indica B.S. Mehrotra)、英杜被孢霉(M. indohii C.Y. Chien),詹金氏被孢霉(M. jenkinii (A.L. Sm.) Naumov)、可疑极小被孢霉(M. minutissima Tiegh. var. dubia Linnem.)、易变被孢霉(M. mutabilis Linnem.)、微孢被孢霉(M. parvispora Linnem.)、角胞拉曼被孢霉(M. ramanniana(Moller) Linnem. var. angulispora (Naumov) Linnem.)、网孢被孢霉(M. reticulata Tiegh.& G. Le Monn.)、多疣被孢霉(M. verrucosa Linnem.)、轮枝被孢霉(M. verticillata Linnem.)。文中讨论和评价了一些分类性状,还列出分亚属、分组、分种和变种的检索表.每个分类单元都有描述和讨论以及线条图、并列出分布地区。  相似文献   

none 《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):163-165

A survey of the species of Campylopus Brid. reported from Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is presented. Of the 34 species that have been reported from this Island 16 are accepted at present. Campylopus nilghiriensis (Mitt.) Jaeg. is identical partly with C. goughii (Mitt.) Jaeg., partly with C. zollingerianus (C. Müll.) Bosch &; Lac., C. pseudogracilis Card. &; Dix. with C. goughii (Mitt.) Jaeg., C. caudatus (C. Müll.) Mont., C. reduncus (Reinw. &; Hornsch.) Bosch &; Lac. and C. trachythecius (C. Müll.) Jaeg. with C. comosus (Reinw. &; Hornsch.) Bosch &; Lac., C. herzogii Broth., C. subtricolor Lor. and probably also C. nodijlorus (C. Müll.) Jaeg. with C. aureus Bosch &; Lac., C nietneri (C. Müll.) Jaeg. with C. involutusz (C. Müll.) Jaeg., C. subgracilis Ren. &; Card. ex Gangulee and C. latinervis (Mitt.) Jaeg. with C. gracilis (Mitt.) Jaeg., and C. laetus (Mitt.) Jaeg. with C. savannarum (C. Müll.) Mitt. C. pterotoneuron (C. Müll.) Jaeg. is reduced to a variety of C. umbellatus (Arn.) Par. The occurrence of C. exasperatus Brid. on Sri Lanka could not be confirmed. Campylopus flagelliferus (C. Müll.) Jaeg. is reported as new to Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):559-566

Trichostomum bombayense C.M. is typified and T. cylindrotheca Mitt. reduced to synonymy under it. The records of Trichostomum species from Ceylon are critically examined and T. tenuirostre (Hook. & Tayl.) Lindb. removed from the Ceylon moss flora. Records of T. orthodontum (C.M.) Broth. and T. cuspidatum (D. & M.) D. & M. hitherto published are based on misidentifications, but new records are given of both. Differences between T. cuspidatum and T. stenophyllum (Mitt.) Broth., which latter binomial is not a homonym as Index Muscorum states, are dealt with and illustrated by S.E.M. photographs. T. stenophyllum is a good species which has been relegated to extraordinary synonymy in the past.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):203-220

The check-list includes a list of genera, species, subspecies and varieties of Turkish mosses. It is composed of 726 species, subspecies and varieties representing 164 genera and 42 families. Accompanying the lists are a systematic arrangement of the genera, species and varieties and lists of synonyms, excluded species and of annotations. Three mosses, Pseudoleskeella rupestris (Berggr.) Hedenäs & L. Söderstr., Isothecium myosuroides Brid. var. brachythecioides (Dixon) C.E.O. Jensen, Eurhynchium hians (Hedw.) Sande. Lac. var. rigidum (Boulay) J.-P. Frahm are recorded as new for the moss flora of Turkey.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):241-244

Fissidens subpulchellus Norkett in Gangulee is critically revised, and reduced to the synonymy of F. pulchellus Mitt. A new species, Fissidens longtonianus Z.Iwats. &; Tad.Suzuki, is described from India. This moss was collected on a branch in Jdukki District, South India, and is separated from F. pulchellus Mitt. by its smooth laminal cells, shorter setae and larger, smooth spores.  相似文献   

Diatom species lists were generated for 51 lakes in northeastern Wisconsin, and then classified by two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN). The lakes were initially divided into two main groupings: Group I lakes which were alkaline lakes of moderate to high productivity, and Group II lakes which were acid lakes of low productivity. Group I lakes were further divided into two subgroupings, and four levels. In total, twelve indicator diatom species were recognized during the TWINSPAN lake classification, these were: Achnanthes exigua Grun., A. lanceolata var. dubia Grun., Amphora ovalis var. Affinis (Kütz.) V.H. ex Det., A. perpusilla (Grun.) Grun., Cymbella cistula (Ehrenb.) Kirch., Diploneis elliptica (Kütz.) Cl., Eunotia pectinalis (O.F. Mull.) Rabh., Fragilaria vaucheriae (Kütz.) Peters., Frustulia rhomboides var. crassinervia (Bréb. ex W. Sm.) Ross, Navicula capitata Ehrenb., N. decussis Østr., and N. scutelloides W.Sm. ex Gregory.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):251-256

The taxonomic status and phylogenetic position of the monotypic liverwort genus Physotheca J.J.Engel & Gradst., including P. autoica J.J.Engel & Gradst. endemic to Ecuador, are inferred from phylogenetic analyses of two cpDNA loci. The results indicate that the genus is nested within Leptoscyphus and the new combination, L. autoicus (J.J.Engel & Gradst.) Vanderp. & Gradst., is made. This indicates, along with an increasing body of evidence, that extreme morphological transformations can obscure the phylogenetic signal present in morphological data.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):160-172

Phylogenetic analyses have largely resolved generic and higher level relationships within the Polytrichopsida, enabling polarisation of characters and the identification of macro-evolutionary trends. Topologies show strong geographic patterning, with major groups having predominantly Northern or Southern Hemisphere distributions and some general morphologies having arisen independently on either side of the equator. While most cases of apparent convergence have been taxonomically visible due to sufficient higher-level characters being present to distinguish unrelated genera, convergent reduction may have resulted in conflation of similar gametophytic morphologies in classification. We present further evidence for the polyphyly of Oligotrichum DC. as currently circumscribed, showing how this morphology has probably arisen through reduction on multiple occasions to produce distinct lineages that have lacked taxonomic identity. We present a preliminary arrangement of the species currently recognised in Oligotrichum, accommodating selected Southern Hemisphere taxa in Itatiella G.L.Sm., and combining Atrichopsis compressa (Hook.f. & Wilson) G.L.Sm. and Oligotrichum tenuirostre (Hook.) A.Jaeger under Notoligotrichum G.L.Sm. For several species that clearly do not belong in Oligotrichum but remain of ambiguous affinity to other genera we avoid making new combinations, as ongoing combined molecular and morphological studies have considerable potential to elucidate their relationships in the near future.  相似文献   

Summary  Seven new names at species rank are proposed in Memecylon sect. Afzeliana Jacq.-Fél., a group of forest shrubs and small trees confined to Guineo-Congolian Africa. The group is centred in Cameroon, where 17 of the 20 species occur. A new flower type, the “star-flower” in Memecylon is revealed, and its taxonomic and ecological importance discussed. Three new, locally endemic species from the South West Province of Cameroon are described, mapped and illustrated: M. kupeanum R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek, M. bakossiense R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek, and M. rheophyticum R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek. Two new names, M. accedens R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek and M. hyleastrum R. D. Stone & Ghogue and one new combination, M. mamfeanum (Jacq.-Fél.) R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek are provided at species level for three taxa originally proposed as varieties of M. afzelii G. Don. The taxon M. arcuatomarginatum var. simulans Jacq.-Fél. is also elevated to species status, as M. simulans (Jacq.-Fél.) R. D. Stone & Ghogue. Conservation assessments are provided for all the newly named taxa. A key is provided to the species of Memecylon sect. Afzeliana.  相似文献   

Introduction. The present study investigates the taxonomy of European members of Weissia Hedw. subgenus Astomum Hampe., a group considered taxonomically difficult and including species of high conservation concern.

Methods. A broad set of samples were subject to DNA sequencing and morphological analysis, plus a review of type material was undertaken.

Key Results and Conclusions. Three taxonomic additions and changes are supported. (1) Weissia longifolia var. angustifolia (Baumgartner) Crundw. & Nyholm is raised to species rank, W. angustifolia (Baumgartner) D.A.Callaghan, comb. et. stat. nov. (2) The type of W. multicapsularis (Sm.) Mitt. comprises an intermix of Phascum cuspidatum Hedw. and W. longifolia Mitt., and the protologue refers to unique features of P. cuspidatum but no such features of W. longifolia. Weissia multicapsularis is therefore described as a new synonym of P. cuspidatum. (3) Plants that have been named as W. multicapsularis by modern authors comprise an undescribed species, here named W. wilsonii D.A.Callaghan, sp. nov. An illustrated key to European species of Weissia subgenus Astomum is provided.  相似文献   

Except for a robust habit, two specimens ofAloina collected in northern Argentina are morphologically similar and are tentatively attributed toA. rigida (Hedw.) Limpr. This represents an addition to the moss flora of Argentina. In addition, two specimens ofAloinella represent significant findings: one shows features that agree with those given in the protologue forA. galeata (Müll. Hal.) Broth. and is treated here asA. galeata var.galeata to show the relationship toA. galeta var.andina (Delgad.) Delgadillo & Schiavone stat. nov.; the other belongs inA. cucullifera (Mitt.) Steere, a new record for Argentina. A key to the known species ofAloinella with updated ranges is included.  相似文献   


Original material of the 12 taxa described as new by Bertoloni has been examined, and typification of their names is discussed. Lectotypes are designated for 11 of Bertoloni's names, one (O. densiflora Bertol.) had been lectotypified before. Orobanche bicolor Bertol. (non C. A. Mey.) belongs to O. cernua L., O. cruenta Bertol. to O. gracilis Sm., O. stricta Moris ex Bertol. to O. schultzii Mutel, O. thyrsoidea Moris ex Bertol to O. rigens Loisel., O. crithmi Bertol. to O. minor Sm., O. vitalbae Bertol. to O. artemisiae-campestris Gaudin, O. fragrantissima Bertol. to O. lutea Baumg., O. laurina Bertol. to O. hederae Duby, O. yuccae Savi f. ex Bertol. to O. hederae Duby (not to O. minor Sm.), O. centaurina Bertol. to O. litorea Guss. (not to O. artemisiae-campestris Gaudin). O. australis Moris ex Bertol., included by Beck in O. canescens C. Presl, is a good species restricted to Sardinia. O. densiflora Bertol. must not, as is customary, be ascribed to Reuter who republished it later.  相似文献   

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