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The genus Saitobryum R.H.Zander comprises two species: S. lorentzii (Müll.Hal.) Ochyra distributed in Mexico and the Central Andes and Saitobryum pascoense M.J.Cano & J.A.Jiménez from the Central Andes of Peru, described here as new. The new species is distinguished from S. lorentzii by its upper and middle laminal cells papillose throughout, border of 2–3 rows of thick-walled and smooth cells, lamina usually with bistratose patches, and occasionally bistratose margins. The diagnostic characters of Saitobryum are re-evaluated and a key to the species of this genus is provided. Both species are described and illustrated. New localities for S. lorentzii and a map showing the complete distribution of this genus are given.  相似文献   

A new species, Chenia zanderi C.Feng & J.Kou, from Xishan Forest Park in Yunnan Province, China is described and illustrated. Particularly distinctive features of the new species are the fragile stems and leaves fragile along their insertions, narrow leaves usually constricted near the middle, broadly rounded leaf apices with a long apiculus, large distal laminal cells with numerous solid and bifurcate papillae, a narrow groove on the distal ventral surface of the costa, and absence of a costal stereid band. A key for the species recognised in Chenia R.H.Zander is also provided.  相似文献   

Didymodon mesopapillosus J. Kou, X.‐M. Shao & C. Feng is described and illustrated as a new species from Tibet, China. It is characterized mainly by its ovate to ovate‐lanceolate leaves appressed to weakly erect when dry, margins recurved from leaf base to apex, laminal cell superficial walls markedly thicker than the internal walls, laminal papillae present only on both sides of costa, short‐excurrent costa, undifferentiated basal cells and differentiated perichaetial leaves. This species is compared with similar species and its ecology is discussed.  相似文献   

A new species belonging to Didymodon sensu lato, Vinealobryum guangdongensis, is described and illustrated from Nanling National Forest Park of Guangdong, China. It is characterized by noteworthily thick‐walled cells of the cauline central cylinder, ovate‐lanceolate leaves that are appressed when dry, acuminate to acute leaf apices, leaf base abruptly broadened and quickly narrowed to the insertion, leaf margins recurved in proximal 2/3 to 3/4, short‐excurrent costa with 0–1 layer of ventral stereids, laminal cells with conical or elliptical papillae either over the lumina or over transverse walls, presence of gemmae in the leaf axils, and KOH laminal color reaction red to reddish orange. This new species is compared with the most similar species and its ecology is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):292-296
Atrichum laoshanense Y.-J.Yi &; S.He, a new species of Polytrichaceae from Laoshan mountain in Shandong Province, eastern China, is described and illustrated. The new species resembles, and is related to A. angustatum (Brid.) Bruch &; Schimp., but differs in the presence of stellately papillose median leaf cells, multicellular laminal teeth with well-defined outgrowths of pedestal cells on the distal dorsal lamina, and papillose stem epidermal cells. An updated key to species of Atrichum in China is presented.  相似文献   

Two new species of Scrophularia L. sect. Tomiophyllum Benth., S. attariae Ranjbar & Rahchamani and S. maharluica Ranjbar & Rahchamani, are described and illustrated from Fars Province, south Iran. The diagnostic morphological characters of these species and closely related taxa are discussed. The distribution, ecology and conservation status of the new species are also described. The value and utility of stem indumentum and leaf stomata is evaluated as an additional source of information for their taxonomy. Finally, an identification key and distribution map for the new taxa and related species are presented.  相似文献   

Macromitrium ousiense is a neglected Chinese moss species, differing from other taxa of the genus in its leaves with smooth laminal cells and gymnostomus capsules with hairy calyptrae. We found that M. heterodictyon Dixon is a new synonym of M. ousiense, and Japan is a new distribution record for the species.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):241-244

Fissidens subpulchellus Norkett in Gangulee is critically revised, and reduced to the synonymy of F. pulchellus Mitt. A new species, Fissidens longtonianus Z.Iwats. &; Tad.Suzuki, is described from India. This moss was collected on a branch in Jdukki District, South India, and is separated from F. pulchellus Mitt. by its smooth laminal cells, shorter setae and larger, smooth spores.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):56-68

A new species of Pseudocrossidium R.S.Williams, P. exiguum M.J.Cano &; J.A.Jiménez, is described from South America (Argentina, Brazil and Peru). The species is distinguished morphologically by its lingulate to oblong-ovate leaves, leaf marginal cells not or scarcely differentiated from inner, costa ending below apex or percurrent, and semicircular to elliptical in cross-section with two guide cells, scarcely differentiated perichaetial leaves and peristome of short and straight teeth. Drawings and light microscope photographs of the new species are provided. The principal distinctive characters that separate it from the nearest species of Pseudocrossidium and related genera are discussed.  相似文献   

描述了新疆天山山脉紫萼藓科(Grimmiaceae)紫萼藓属(Grimmia)一新种——曹氏紫萼藓(Grimmia caotongiana D.P.Zhao,S.Mamtimin&S.He)。该新种与无齿紫萼藓(Grimmia anodon Bruch&Schimp.)最为相似,不同之处在于新种茎叶和雌苞叶均无白色毛尖,叶中部边缘背卷;近中肋细胞通常无色透明,且细胞壁比边缘细胞明显加厚。该研究对新种——曹氏紫萼藓进行了详细的特征描述,并提供了植物体形态显微解剖彩色照片以及相近种的分类学讨论。  相似文献   

报道了采自中国广西乐业县大石围天坑群洞穴藓类植物中国新记录种——莫氏疣壶藓Gymnostomiella monodii P.de la Varde(丛藓科Pottiaceae)。该种的主要识别特征是:植物体细小;叶中上部边缘多具齿突,先端具短锐尖;叶中上部细胞一般具0~1(~2)个乳突状疣;芽胞棒槌状。中国目前分布的疣壶藓属植物共3种和2变种,并提供分种检索表。  相似文献   

The Old World Hymenostylium xanthocarpum, the generitype of Hymenostylium, was found to be unrelated to the widespread H. recurvirostrum and other species currently placed in the genus. Major distinguishing traits of H. xanthocarpum are the presence of a stem central strand, leaves broadest about midleaf and constricted just above the base, distal laminal cells usually ventrally bulging and massively unipapillose, and basal cells differentiated only in the lower 1/5–1/7 of the leaf. A new genus name, Ardeuma, is proposed for the remaining species of Hymenostylium, and combinations are made for those that are commonly recognized. A key to Tuerckheimia species in the New World that may be confused with H. xanthocarpum is provided.  相似文献   


A new Inner Mongolian endemic species, Bryoerythrophyllum neimonggolicum X.-L.Bai & C.Feng is described and illustrated from China. It is characterized by lingulate to broad-lanceolate leaves with obtuse or rounded apex, leaf margins broadly recurved to revolute to near the apex, bulging laminal cells, basal cells with thickened walls and the absence of lax and enlarged basal cells. This species is compared with closely related species and its ecology is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):29-35

Barbula convoluta Hedw. var. commutata (Jur.) Husn. differs from var. convoluta not only by characters such as larger size, darker colour and undulate leaf margins, as mentioned in the literature, but, in addition, by a different transverse section of the stem, different basal laminal cells, different papillae on the leaf surface, a different spore ornamentation and different isozyme systems. It should therefore be regarded as a separate species. In this case, the legitimate name would be Barbula sardoa (Schimp.) J.-P. Frahm, since Barbula convoluta var. sardoa Schimp. is revealed to be an earlier synonym of var. commutata.  相似文献   

Chamaesium jiulongense X. L. Guo & X. J. He, a new species of Apiaceae from Mt Haite in Jiulong County, Sichuan Province, China, is described. The new species differs from other Chamaesium species by its ultimate segments of the leaves which are 1–3‐lobed, rarely entire, with a narrow, minutely incised, pale brown margin, as well as by the presence of leaf‐like bracts, bracteoles longer than flowers, pubescent styles and oblong fruit with obsolete calyx. Morphological and micromorphological characters of the new species are provided and illustrated.  相似文献   

Didymodon liae J. Kou, X.‐M. Shao & C. Feng sp. nov., is described and illustrated from Dagzê County in south central Tibet, China. The new species is most similar to Didymodon australasiae (Hook. & Grev.) R. H. Zander, but differs in plants growing loosely in a thin turf, stems without hyalodermis and sclerodermis, margins recurved from just above the base nearly to the apex, laminal cells strongly bulging, mammillose, covered with simple or forked papillae, and costa with a layer of ventral substereids. The new species is contrasted with other similar species of the genus. Information on its distribution and ecology is also provided.  相似文献   

A new species of Plagiomnium (Mniaceae), P. guizhouense Y.-J.Yi & S.He from Guizhou, China is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to P. affine in having spinosely serrate leaf margins with teeth consisting of up to 4 or more cells, a broadly elliptic leaf shape, and a decurrent leaf base, but is distinguished from the latter species by having a cuspidate leaf apex, broader marginal differentiation with borders consisting of 4–5 rows of linear, thick-walled cells, strongly ciliate marginal teeth that are sometimes branched and up to 7 cells long in upper fertile stem leaves and perichaetial leaves, and a much shorter leaf costa that ends just above mid-leaf in the lower leaves.  相似文献   

Impatiens pterocaulis S. X. Yu et L. R. Zhang, a new species of the Balsaminaceae from Yancha, Longlin, Guangxi Region, is described and illustrated. This species is similar to I. wilsonii in having nearly white flowers, 4 lateral sepals and a racememos inflorescence, but differs by having winged stems, very short‐spurred lower sepal, yellowish flowers and an acuminate dorsal petal apex. Pollen characters and leaf epidermal micro‐characters of these two species were studied, and the results support that the two species should be kept separate.  相似文献   

Didymodon vulcanicus J.A.Jiménez, Hedd. & Frank Müll. is described and illustrated as a new species from volcanic regions of tropical Africa. The species is distinguished morphologically by its lanceolate or more rarely ovate-lanceolate leaves that are strongly incurved distally when dry, acute apices, upper and middle laminal cells arranged in longitudinal rows with a low dorsal papilla over the transverse walls which reaches the two immediate cells, basal cells not or hardly differentiated from the medial cells, and the presence of gemmae in the leaf axils. Drawings and light microscope photographs of the main characters are given, and possible confusion with other closely related taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

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