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Coscinodon monchiquensis is described as a new species from the Serra de Monchique in the western part of the Algarve region in southern Portugal. It differs from the widespread C. cribrosus in having only slightly plicate leaves (in the latter species the leaves are usually strongly plicate to the base), a weakly recurved leaf margin in the proximal ? and very fragile and markedly fenestrate peristome teeth which fall away after dehiscence giving the mature capsules a gymnostomous appearance. In cases where C. cribrosus has only weak plications to mid-leaf, the plane leaf margin at once separates it from C. monchiquensis. The affinities of C. monchiquensis are discussed, and molecular phylogenetic analysis of the nrITS region indicates its sister position to all other congeners. A key to the determination of European members of Coscinodon and similar taxa is given.  相似文献   

Pseudostellaria tianmushanensis G. H. Xia & G. Y. Li, collected from the Tianmu Mountains Nature Reserve in northwestern Zhejiang, China, is described and illustrated. This new species is similar to P. rupestris Pax., but differs by having a string of fusiform or ovoid‐globose tubers, leaves that are narrow elliptic‐lanceolate, glabrous, with cuneate base with scattered multi‐nodulate hairs, papillate margins and basipetalous variation in floral morphology. Moreover, the seed tubercle ornamentation also supports the recognition of the new species. A key to the species of Pseudostellaria in Zhejiang province is provided.  相似文献   

A new species, Sargassum boreale Yoshida et Horiguchi is described. It belongs to the subgenus Bactrophycus section Teretia, with cylindrical receptacles and is distinct from Sargassum confusum C. Agardh, S. pallidum (Turner) C. Agardh and Sargassum microceratium (Turner) C. Agardh in having a rather elongated stem with smooth surface and distantly issuing main branches, with narrow leaves. The distinction between S. boreale and these species is also revealed by a difference in internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS‐2) sequences. In addition to the base substitutions, the existence of a large gap in S. boreale distinguishes this species from others. Sargassum boreale is distributed around Hokkaido and Saghalien to 50°N latitude. A key to the species of section Teretia is provided.  相似文献   

Aspidistra albopurpurea, A. khangii, A. lubae and A. stellata discovered recently are described and illustrated as species new to science. All novelties are local endemics of northern Vietnam and southeastern Laos. Aspidistra albopurpurea is unique in the genus with a white/red stigma in striking contrast to the large milk‐white tube base. Aspidistra stellata belongs to a group of species with extraordinary long and narrow lineate perigone lobes. Aspidistra khangii and A. lubae belong to a small group of species having erect, vertical shoots. The first species is easily distinguished by its stout stem, down‐curved peduncle and obpyramidal, container‐shaped perianth. Aspidistra lubae has characteristic horizontal, peduncles and urceolate flowers. Besides the type variety, A. lubae includes var. lancifolia, which differs in its erect, lanceolate, immaculate, shortly petiolate leaves. Both varieties of A. lubae were found growing, often intermixed, in the same locality in very similar ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Chamaesium jiulongense X. L. Guo & X. J. He, a new species of Apiaceae from Mt Haite in Jiulong County, Sichuan Province, China, is described. The new species differs from other Chamaesium species by its ultimate segments of the leaves which are 1–3‐lobed, rarely entire, with a narrow, minutely incised, pale brown margin, as well as by the presence of leaf‐like bracts, bracteoles longer than flowers, pubescent styles and oblong fruit with obsolete calyx. Morphological and micromorphological characters of the new species are provided and illustrated.  相似文献   

A new species, Didymodon imbricatus C. Feng & J. Kou, is described and illustrated from Nianzishan District, Heilongjiang Province, China. It is characterized mainly by short‐lanceolate to ovate‐lanceolate leaves with broadly acute to obtuse and strongly cucullate apex, leaf margins recurved throughout and bistratose in distal part, lamina red with KOH, costa ending below apex and usually spurred above midleaf, with guide cells in 2 layers below midleaf and without ventral stereids, and the presence of gemmae in the leaf axils. The new species is contrasted with similar species in the genus.  相似文献   

A few years after the publication of the revision of Encholirium by the first author, two new species have been found in neighbouring municipalities on the west side of the Serra do Cipó, Cadeia do Espinha?o, in Minas Gerais. Both have a quite restricted habitat, growing on quartzitic/arenitic rocks above 1000 m alt., within 10 – 12 km of each other. Encholirium agavoides Forzza & Zappi has striking silvery leaves and a small, agave-like habit while Encholirium ctenophyllum Forzza & Zappi also has small rosettes that can be distinguished by their narrow, strongly pectinate and reflexed leaves. A key for the species in the region is presented.  相似文献   

Alstroemeria hygrophila andA. orchidioides are both described as new from the state of Goiás (including Distrito Federal) in Brazil.Alstroemeria hygrophila is a cerrado bog-dwelling species that grows semi-epiphytically on the culms of a sedge. The vegetative stems of this species characteristically zig-zag between the pseudonodes. Like other wetlandAlstroemeria in Brazil (e.g.,A. apertiflora, A. isabellana, andA. sellowiana),A. hygrophila has wiry stems bearing narrow, lanceolate, nonresupinate leaves, and does not form root tubers.Alstroemeria orchidioides is a hysteranthus forest understory species with large vegetative leaves aggregated at the apex of the stems. The leaves on flowering stems are reduced to scarious bract-like scales. Its flowers are a pale, nearly white, greenish yellow, a color not reported in any other Brazilian species. Both species have 2n=16 chromosomes.  相似文献   

本文描述了发现于福建省漳浦地区佛昙群的三宝木属(Trigonostemon)一新种:漳浦三宝木(Trigonostemon zhangpuensis sp. nov. J.L. Dong et B.N. Sun)。该化石叶片呈倒披针形,基部窄,顶端渐尖;中上部的叶缘具细齿,近叶基1/3的部位全缘;叶脉为羽状环曲脉,中脉粗壮,向上逐渐变细;气孔器为无规则型,气孔呈长椭圆形,分布稀疏,无规则排列;平周壁不光滑,具褶皱。化石种与现生种剑叶三宝木(Trigonostemon xyphophyllorides(Croiz.) L.K. Dai et T.L. Wu)在叶片形态特征方面最为相似。剑叶三宝木分布在我国的海南省,基于化石种与最近亲缘现生种的生态幅基本一致的假设,漳浦地区在中新世中期的气候特征可能类似于现今海南省。化石种叶片上共划分13种损伤类型,属于6类功能性取食组,包括孔洞取食(hole feeding)、边缘取食(margin feeding)、留脉式取食(skeletonization)、表面取食(surface feeding)、造瘿(galling)和刺吸式取食(pierci...  相似文献   

Cremanthodium weixiense (Asteraceae, Senecioneae), a new species from northwestern Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is referred to C. ser. Calcicola based on its palmately veined leaves, discoid capitula and leaflike, herbaceous phyllaries. However, it is unique in this series in having dissected leaves. It is somewhat similar to C. pinnatisectum in C. ser. Campanulata in the dissected leaves and the discoid capitula, but differs by the suborbicular (versus subreniform) basal leaves with deeply cordate (versus subtruncate) bases and very narrow (versus obviously divergent) sinuses, the presence (versus absence) of a conspicuously sheathed petiolar base of stem leaves, the broadly cylindrical (versus campanulate) involucres and the leaflike, herbaceous (versus petaloid, membranous) phyllaries.  相似文献   

Primulina tsoongii sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) is described and illustrated here. This new species resembles P. hochiensis and P. hochiensis var. rosulata, but is easily distinguished by its sparsely hirsute mature leaves, narrow bracts (only 0.4–0.5 in diameter) and undivided yellowish ligulate stigma with dense elongate papillae.  相似文献   

Saussurea balangshanensis, based on populations from Balang Mountain in the Hengduan Mountains region, SW China, is described and illustrated as a new species of Asteraceae. It can be distinguished from other species in Saussurea by its concolorous leaves, swollen and hollow upper stems, articulate hairs and stipitate glandular hairs, laciniate margins of uppermost stem leaves, numerous and sessile capitula, and narrow involucre. Based on nucleotide sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), phylogenetic analyses also support the recognition of these populations as representing a new species. The new species is known only from a single location in Balang Mountain, at elevations of 4500–4700 m. Its habitat can be easily disturbed or destroyed by a tourist arterial highway and the over grazing. We propose that the species should be listed as Critically Endangered based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List Categories and Criteria B2a.  相似文献   

The Old World Hymenostylium xanthocarpum, the generitype of Hymenostylium, was found to be unrelated to the widespread H. recurvirostrum and other species currently placed in the genus. Major distinguishing traits of H. xanthocarpum are the presence of a stem central strand, leaves broadest about midleaf and constricted just above the base, distal laminal cells usually ventrally bulging and massively unipapillose, and basal cells differentiated only in the lower 1/5–1/7 of the leaf. A new genus name, Ardeuma, is proposed for the remaining species of Hymenostylium, and combinations are made for those that are commonly recognized. A key to Tuerckheimia species in the New World that may be confused with H. xanthocarpum is provided.  相似文献   

Aulonemia cochabambensis (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae: Arthrostylidiinae), a new species from the Department of Cochabamba, Bolivia, is described and illustrated. It has foliage leaves with delicate fimbriae, no sheath auricles, narrow blades, an abaxial dark marginal stripe, and intercostal sclerenchyma; few-flowered paniculate synflorescences; and robust, awned spikelets. The new species is compared with its putative relatives Aulonemia laxa and Arthrostylidium schomburgkii. A key to the species of Aulonemia in Bolivia is also included.  相似文献   

Aster saxicola W. P. Li & Z. Li, a new species of Asteraceae from southeastern Guizhou province, China, is described and illustrated based on morphological, molecular and cytological data. Morphological comparisons showed that A. saxicola is similar to A. oliganthus, but can be distinguished from the latter by its purple abaxial surface of the lower and middle cauline leaves, cordate‐ovate basal leaves with strigose hairs, outer three‐seriate phyllaries with purple or purplish apex, 9–14 ray florets and 10–18 disk florets. Phylogenetic analyses based on nrDNA ITS, ETS and plastid trnL–F DNA sequence data support that A. saxicola is a distinct species and belongs to Aster subgen. Aster sect. Ageratoides. Cytological observation shows that the new species is diploid with a karyotype formula 2n = 2x = 18 = 16m + 2sm. The new species should be considered endangered (EN) based on the IUCN red list criteria because of its restricted geographic range.  相似文献   

David J. Hearn 《Brittonia》2007,59(4):308-327
Four new species and one new combination ofAdenia are presented, along with a vegetative key and diagnostic characters of the Madagascan species. Additional notes are provided about unusual specimens and field observations.Adenia kigogoensis from Tanzania is shown to be distinct fromA. stenodactyla (its putative closest relative) andA. digitata based on anther connation and other floral traits. The remaining new taxa are from Madagascar.Adenia litoralis has been observed from one coastal locality in northern Madagascar. It is distinctive in fruit size and leaf form.Adenia metamorpha is the only Madagascan taxon with a narrow cylindrical trunk and large napiform tuber; it is also known from only one locality in Madagascar in the Ankarana Reserve.Adenia mcdadiana is a robust liana with highly reduced glands and leaves that appear to be neotenic compared to its closest putative relative,A. sphaerocarpa. Finally, the position ofA. stylosa has been clarified. This species was once treated asA. firingalavensis var.stylosa, and prior to that asA. epigea var.stylosa, but molecular and morphological data suggest it is separate from these species.  相似文献   

Daphne thanguensis sp. nov. from north Sikkim of eastern Himalaya is described and illustrated. It is a narrow endemic related to D. tangutica Maxim. Daphne thanguensis grows in open alpine pastures and differs from D. tangutica by having leaves with revolute margin and a tuft of hairs at apex, ebracteate inflorescence and flowers, calyx lobes with a tuft of hairs at apex and annular, slightly undulate hypogynal disk. The new taxon is also close to D. retusa Hemsl. But can easily be differentiated by its sessile inflorescence, ebracteate flowers and tuft of hairs at leaf apices and calyx lobe apices. A conservation status of the new species in accordance with the IUCN red list categories and criteria is provided and discussed.  相似文献   

While preparing a taxonomic survey of the species of Solanum in the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil, a new species, here described as Solanum knappiae Agra & Sampaio, was recognized based on its distinctive morphology. It is a member of Solanum sect. Geminata and is most similar to S. bahianum, from which it differs by its geographic distribution and by having glabrous young stems and leaves, smaller corollas and stamens, cuspidate calyx lobes, and pedicels with a constriction at the distal end that becomes swollen in the fruit. The new species is described and illustrated here, and comments on its distribution and conservation status are included.  相似文献   


A parasitological survey searching diplectanids (Monogenea: Diplecatnidae) infesting the gills of marine fishes from South America was carried out during the 2019–2020 period. The gills of four sciaenid species, 2 Cheilotrema fasciatum Tschudi, 1 smalleye croaker Nebris microps Cuvier, 2 royal highhat Pareques lanfeari (Barton), and 1 minor stardrum Stellifer minor (Tschudi), were sampled. Six new species of Rhamnocercus Monaco, Wood & Mizelle, 1954 were described: Rhamnocercus chacllae n. sp. and Rhamnocercus chaskae n. sp. from P. lanfeari, Rhamnocercus fasciatus n. sp. from C. fasciatum, Rhamnocercus microps n. sp. from N. microps, and Rhamnocercus rimaci n. sp. and Rhamnocercus tantaleani n. sp. from S. minor. Rhamnocercus chacllae n. sp. can be differentiated from its congeners by its L-shaped male copulatory organ (MCO) and by having an anteromedial slight notch at ventral bar. Rhamnocercus chaskae n. sp. differs from the other species of the genus by its long and straight MCO with bifid distal end and by having haptoral accessory spines at level of ventral bar with quadrifid distal portion. Rhamnocercus fasciatus n. sp. is characterized by possessing a straight and long MCO with truncated distal end, haptoral accessory spines at level of ventral bar with bifid distal portion, dorsal bars with a knob at lateral extremity, and a large vagina with bell-shaped. Rhamnocercus microps n. sp. differs from all congeners mainly by having a short and straight MCO with the distal end of internal tube spatulate and uncovered by external tube. Rhamnocercus rimaci n. sp. is can be distinguished from all other species of Rhamnocercus by having an almost J-shaped MCO with the distal end of external tube slight expanded and the distal end of internal tube narrow and uncovered by external tube. Rhamnocercus tantaleani n. sp. is mainly characterized by its MCO, which is tubular and straight, having the distal end of external tube bifurcated (right branch well-expanded and left branch narrow) and the distal end of internal tube enveloped by left branch of the external tube. This is the first data on the parasites of P. lanfeari, a little known, but popular fish in local markets from Peru. Rhamnocercus microps n. sp. is the first described species of Rhamnocercus in Brazil. The present finding brings to 12, the number of known species of Rhamnocercus. A key to Rhamnocercus species is provided.


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