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Dunaliella, a commercially important chlorophyte, is globally distributed in saline habitats. Morphological species have not been definitively reconciled with phylogenetic analyses. Considerable genetic diversity continues to be discovered in new isolates, especially from soil and benthic habitats. Twenty‐nine new isolates from Great Salt Lake, Utah, many from benthic or supralittoral habitats, were phylogenetically analyzed using ITS1+5.8S+ITS2 in comparison to a broad sampling of available sequences. A few new isolates align in one branch of a bifurcated monophyletic Dunaliella salina clade and several cluster within monophyletic D. viridis. Several others align with relatively few unnamed strains from other locations, comprising a diverse clade that may represent two or more new species. The overall Dunaliella clade is relatively robust, but the nearest outgroups are ambiguously placed with extremely long branches. About half of the isolates, all from benthic or supralittoral habitats, have been persistently sarcinoid in liquid media since isolation. This trait is spread across the Dunaliella phylogeny. The morphology of two sarcinoid strains was documented with light microscopy, revealing an extensive glycocalyx. Clumping behavior of unicellular and sarcinoid strains was unaffected by presence or absence of Mg2+ or Ca2+, addition of lectin‐inhibiting monosaccharides, or water‐soluble factors from morphologically opposite strains. Results from this investigation have significantly expanded our current understanding of Dunaliella diversity, but it seems likely that much remains to be discovered with additional sampling.  相似文献   

Impatiens macrantha S. X. Yu&Ying Qin (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. Phylogenetic analysis based on molecular data shows the new species to belong to I. subg. Clavicarpa and to be closely related to I. tubulosa with which it shares succulent stems and racemose inflorescences, but it can be easily distinguished by having a 4 – or 5 – ridged stem, obovate or elliptic leaf blade, and saccate lower sepal. Furthermore, I. macrantha is distinguishable from other Impatiens in China by its obviously larger leaves and flowers. The evidence from morphology and molecular data both support I. macrantha as new to science.  相似文献   

A new species ofEmericella isolated from forest soil in the Oman,E. omanensis, is described and illustrated. It differs from the other known species of the genus in having bivalvate ascospores with a tuberculate or verruculose convex wall. The new species is compared with the closely related speciesE. desertorum andE. echinulata.  相似文献   

首次报道囊大翼甲螨属Sacculogalumna Engelbrecht, 1973在我国分布,并记述了该属采自贵州省绥阳县宽阔水国家级自然保护区的1新种:绥阳囊大翼甲螨 Sacculogalumna suiyangensis sp. nov.。该新种的主要区别特征为:梁间毛短或缺失;感器细长,光滑,感器头微微膨大,呈纺锤状;后背板毛明显;肛后孔区小,圆形。附有该新种与该属其他种类的区别对照表。模式标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

The growth in the sapling stage and participation of reserve materials in the formation of annual new shoots were studied in the evergreen treeQuercus glauca. The growth and some allometric relationship were analyzed for 1-to 4-year-oldQ. glauca plants. Each individual was felled at the foot, or all the leaves were removed at the end of the growth season (December). Sprouts were formed on the remaining stump and new shoots were formed from winter buds under dark or light conditions. The dry weight of each plant part was measured before and afte,, the formation of these new shoots. The amount of reserve materials in each plant part was estimated from the difference in allometric relatationships before and after the formation of new shoots. Although the results showed that a small amount of reserve material existed in roots, the participation of reserve materials in the formation of annual new shoots was negligible inQ. glauca growing under usual conditions, and substrates for the formation of new shoots were derived from the products of photosynthesis in old leaves and developing new leaves. Some of the growth characteristics ofQ. glauca were compared with those of the deciduous speciesQuercus variabilis to explain ecological behavior of the two species in warmtemperate secondary forests.  相似文献   

An intracellular bacterium was discovered in two isolates of Paramecium sexaurelia from an aquarium with tropical fish in Münster (Germany) and from a pond in the Wilhelma zoological–botanical garden, Stuttgart (Germany). The bacteria were regularly observed in the cytoplasm of the host, but on some occasions they were found in the macronucleus of the host cell. In these cases, only a few, if any, bacteria were observed remaining in the cytoplasm. The bacterium was not infectious to P. sexaurelia or other species of Paramecium and appeared to be an obligate intracellular bacterium, while bacteria-free host cells were completely viable. The fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and comparative 16SrDNA sequence analyses showed that the bacterium belonged to a new genus, and was most closely, yet quite distantly, related to Holospora obtusa. In spite of this relationship, the new bacteria differed from Holospora by at least two biological features. Whereas all Holospora species reside exclusively in the nuclei of various species of Paramecium and show a life cycle with a morphologically distinct infectious form, for the new bacterium no infectious form and no life cycle have been observed. For the new bacterium, the name Candidatus Paraholospora nucleivisitans is suggested. The host P. sexaurelia is usually known from tropical and subtropical areas and is not a species typically found in Germany and central Europe. Possibly, it had been taken to Germany with fish or plants from tropical or subtropical waters. Candidatus Paraholospora nucleivisitans may therefore be regarded as an intracellular neobacterium for Germany.  相似文献   

Among the predominantly purple- and red-flowered species of the genusCuphea, only seven yellow floral tube and/or yellow-petaled members in three sections were known. We add here two new species and one new variety.Cuphea congesta from Venezuela andC. splendida var.viridiflava from Bolivia are new to sect.Melvilla.Cuphea xanthopetala from Brazil is described in sect.Euandra and expands the presence of this feature to a fourth section of the genus. A key is provided to allCuphea with yellow floral tubes and/or yellow petals to expedite determinations when these exceptional character states are present.  相似文献   

Pathogens, which have recently colonized a new host species or new populations of the same host, are interesting models for understanding how populations may evolve in response to novel environments. During its colonization of South America from Africa, Plasmodium falciparum, the main agent of malaria, has been exposed to new conditions in distinctive new human populations (Amerindian and populations of mixed origins) that likely exerted new selective pressures on the parasite's genome. Among the genes that might have experienced strong selective pressures in response to these environmental changes, the eba genes (erythrocyte‐binding antigens genes), which are involved in the invasion of the human red blood cells, constitute good candidates. In this study, we analysed, in South America, the polymorphism of three eba genes (eba‐140, eba‐175, eba‐181) and compared it to the polymorphism observed in African populations. The aim was to determine whether these genes faced selective pressures in South America distinct from what they experienced in Africa. Patterns of genetic variability of these genes were compared to the patterns observed at two housekeeping genes (adsl and serca) and 272 SNPs to separate adaptive effects from demographic effects. We show that, conversely to Africa, eba‐140 seemed to be under stronger diversifying selection in South America than eba‐175. In contrast, eba‐181 did not show any sign of departure from neutrality. These changes in the patterns of selection on the eba genes could be the consequence of changes in the host immune response, the host receptor polymorphisms and/or the ability of the parasite to silence or express differentially its invasion proteins.  相似文献   

报春苣苔是一类生长在石灰岩基质上的多年生草本植物,目前已知的种类160余种,主要分布在我国南部和越南北部的石灰岩地区。该属植物许多种类分布极其狭域,往往仅零星分布在某个或少数几个地点。近年来,该属植物许多新种类不断地被发现和报道,预示着该属植物可能有更加丰富的多样性。该研究报道了在广西博白县发现的该属植物一新种。从形态上判断,该新种属于广义报春苣苔属,其具有的一些特别的形态特征,如花冠下唇比上唇长得多,上唇内部具有两个近圆形斑点(其它多数种类具有条形斑点),而易于与本属其它物种区分。而且,基于叶绿体mat K基因序列重建的系统发育关系表明,该新种的确属于报春苣苔属且广义报春苣苔属是单系类群。该新种与钟冠报春(P.swinglei)和疏花报春(P.laxiflora)最为近缘,其mat K基因与后两者分别有5个和11个碱基差异,暗示这些物种间经历了较长时间的独立演化或mat K基因在这些物种中具有较高的碱基替换速率。另外,该新种只生长在丹霞岩石上,而其近缘种以及同属大多数其它种类都生长在石灰岩基质上,暗示该新种获得了特殊的适应能力以及与其它近缘种间存在生态隔离。该新种以及近年来本属许多其它新种类的发现,进一步增加了对该属植物多样性的认识,以及该属植物的演化与多样性分化之谜。这些物种所具有的高度区域或局域特有性和稀有性,以及形态上的特殊性和遗传上的独立性,进一步强化了对该属植物开展保护的重要性。  相似文献   

A taxonomic study of the genus Padina from Japan, Southeast Asia, and Hawaii based on morphology and gene sequence data (rbcL and cox3) resulted in the recognition of four new species, that is, Padina macrophylla and Padina ishigakiensis from Ryukyu Islands, Japan; Padina maroensis from Hawaii; and Padina usoehtunii from Myanmar and Thailand. All species are bistratose and morphologically different from one another as well as from any known taxa by a combination of characters relating to degree of calcification; the structure, position, and arrangement of hairlines (HLs) and reproductive sori; and the presence or absence of rhizoid‐like groups of hairs and an indusium. Molecular phylogenetic analyses demonstrated a close relationship between P. ishigakiensis, P. macrophylla, P. maroensis, and Padina australis Hauck. The position of P. usoehtunii, however, was not fully resolved, being either sister to a clade comprising the other three new species and P. australis in the rbcL tree or more closely related to a clade comprising several other recently described species in the cox3 tree. The finding of the four new species demonstrates high species diversity particularly in southern Japan. The following characters were first recognized here to be useful for species delimitation: the presence or absence of small rhizoid‐like groups of hairs on the thallus surface, structure and arrangement of HLs on both surfaces either alternate or irregular, and arrangement of the alternating HLs between both surfaces in equal or unequal distance. The evolutionary trajectory of these and six other morphological characters used in species delineation was traced on the phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

Starting from N paired differences of a continuous variable, BENNETT 's (1962) bivariate sign test is identified as a test against so called homeopoetic treatment effects (or location shifts in one or both variables X and Y). As a complement, a new sign test is identified to be sensitive to so called heteropoetic treatment effects (shifts in dispersion). Both tests are shown to be important in biomedical and psychosocial research. A numerical example is given from psychopharmacology using the new bivariate sign test.  相似文献   

Six Inocybes are described and illustrated as new taxa or new records from Japan. A new species, Inocybe magnicarpa, is a member of section Marginatae. Two new varieties, I. malenconii var. cylindrata, a member of section Dulcamarae, and I. brunneorufa var. angusta, a representative of section Marginatae. Inocybe reisneri (section Rimosae) and I. fuscidula (section Tardae), are recorded as new to Japan. Inocybe pseudodestricta (section Tardae) is redescribed from a new locality (Chiba Prefecture). They are compared with similar taxa.  相似文献   

该文描述了采自浙江南部的木犀属(Osmanthus Lour.)一新种——浙南木犀(O.austrozhejiangensis Z.H.Chen,W.Y.Xie et X.Liu),并附有线描图和彩色照片。该种在具聚伞花序,叶柄、小枝、苞片、花梗被柔毛等性状上接近于毛柄木犀(O.pubipedicellatus Chia ex H.T.Chang),不同之处在于叶片倒卵形、倒卵状椭圆形或椭圆形,长(5.5~)8~10(~13)cm,宽(2.2~)3~4.5(~5)cm,先端急尖或短渐尖,叶缘具尖锐细锯齿或全缘,侧脉8~10对,花较大,花冠管长2.2~2.3 mm,裂片长2.2~3.0 mm,花丝长1.3~1.5 mm,花药长约1.2 mm。该新种的发现为研究东亚木犀属自西南向东北方向迁移与演化提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

Three species of the genus Inocybe are reported as new species or a new record from Japan. Inocybe ovoidea sp. nov. and Inocybe furcata sp. nov. are described from Hokkaido. The distribution of caulocystidia in the former is noted. Inocybe oblectabilis is redescribed based on specimens collected in Honshu. This is the first record of I. oblectabilis for Japan.  相似文献   

A new species of Moenkhausia is described from Rio Xingu and Rio Tapajós basins, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from its congeners, except from Moenkhausia moisae, by having more scales in the lateral series, 43–47 (v. 23–41 in the remaining congeners). The new species is distinguished from M. moisae by its colour pattern, which consists of a dark midlateral stripe, and an asymmetrical caudal blotch (inconspicuous or faded in specimens from the Rio Arinos) continuous with the midlateral stripe (v. narrow dark midlateral line and conspicuous, regularly rounded and symmetrical blotch not continuous with the midlateral line). The new species is putatively assumed to be mimetic to Jupiaba apenima, in the Rio Xingu and Rio Teles Pires drainages, and to Jupiaba yarina in the Rio Arinos. The two species of Jupiaba are sympatric and remarkably similar in size, general external morphology and colouration to the new species. A small difference occurs in the colouration between the two species of Jupiaba and is also observed in the two respectively sympatric morphotypes of the new species of Moenkhausia. The occurrence of polymorphic Batesian mimicry is therefore discussed for neotropical freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

We describe and illustrate four new species, Peliosanthes choriandra, P. tatianae and Tupistra orlovii from central to northern Laos, and Rohdea filosa from northern Vietnam. These are all very local in distribution and endemic to the respective countries. We also report new localities and their ecological conditions for five other species of Peliosanthes (P. argenteostriata, P. hirsuta, P. irinae, P. micrantha and P. nivea) recently described from Laos and/or Vietnam. Furthermore, Peliosanthes nivea is recorded as new to the flora of Laos.  相似文献   

A unique ichnofossil assemblage from Pennsylvanian-age sandstones near Eaton Rapids, Michigan, USA, comprises straight-to-curved traces preserved in convex hyporelief, with the transverse ridges and median grove associated with the ichnogenus Arthrophycus. The Michigan traces show some branching or pseudo-branching (also known from other Arthrophycus specimens) and are among the smallest structures (millimeters in diameter) attributed to this ichnogenus. The orientation of the Michigan Arthrophycus burrows is distinct from other ichnospecies of this taxon in the pronounced co-planar alignment of the burrows, as opposed to the multiplanar, interweaving, “bundled” nature typical of the ichnogenus. On this basis we assign the Michigan specimens to a new ichnospecies of Arthrophycus. The “paralleling behavior” of the new taxon may reflect a strategy of the tracemaker to avoid previous burrows and reflect differences in resource availability or current energy. This new taxon supports previous records of the occurrence of this ichnogenus in Upper Carboniferous strata.  相似文献   

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