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The new spider genus and species Trogloraptor marchingtoni Griswold, Audisio & Ledford is described as the type of the new family Trogloraptoridae. The oblique membranous division of the basal segment of the anterior lateral spinnerets of Trogloraptor suggests that this haplogyne family is the sister group of the other Dysderoidea (Dysderidae, Oonopidae, Orsolobidae and Segestriidae). Trogloraptor is known only from caves and old growth forest understory in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of Oregon and California.  相似文献   

The behavior of the basic nutrients (NO3, PO4, SiO2) was studied in the estuary of the Razdolnaya River in low and high water, the flow was 4.3 × 106 m3/day and 10.8 × 106 m3/day, respectively. It was shown that within the limits of the euphotic zone the nutrients were characterized by a pronounced nonconservative behavior caused by their removal by phytoplankton in primary production. It was determined that phytoplankton removal of nutrients occurred with ratios C : NO3 : P : Si = 105 : 18 : 1 : 37 and C : NO3 : P : Si = 93 : 11 : 1 : 29 at a respective ratio P : NO3 : Si = 1 : 22 : 140 in low water and P : NO3 : Si = 1 : 17 : 120 in high water. It was also determined that the maximum rate of nutrient removal was 4 times higher in the high water than in the low water. The maximum value of primary production of phytoplankton was 2.5–4.0 gC/m2 day. The estuary area of the Razdolnaya River was specified by rather high production. Such a rate of estuarine primary production, caused by nutrients carried out by the river, being no less than 250 t of dry weight of phytoplankton a day, can provide daily production up to 800 t of biomass in the secondary chain of the ecosystem.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Zvalinsky, Nedashkovsky, Sagalayev, Tishchenko, Shvetsova.  相似文献   

Soil-borne seed pathogens are omnipresent but are often overlooked components of a community’s biotic resistance to plant naturalization and invasion. Using multi-year greenhouse experiments, we compared the seed mortality of single invasive, naturalized, and native grass species in sterilized and unsterilized soils collected from Pacific Northwest (USA) steppe and forest communities. Native Pseudoroegneria spicata displayed the greatest seed mortality, naturalized Secale cereale displayed intermediate seed mortality, and invasive Bromus tectorum was least affected by soil pathogens. Seed mortality across all three species was consistently greater in soils collected from steppe than soils collected from forest; seeds sown into sterilized steppe soil experienced half the overall seed mortality compared to seeds sown into unsterilized steppe soil. Soil sterilization did not affect grass seed mortality in forest soils. We conclude that (1) removing soil-borne pathogens with sterilization does increase native and non-native grass seed survival, and (2) soil-borne pathogens may influence whether an introduced species becomes invasive or naturalized within these Pacific Northwest communities as a result of differential seed survival. Soil-borne pathogens in these communities, however, have the greatest negative effect on the survival of native grass seeds, suggesting that the native microbial soil flora more effectively attack seeds of native plants than seeds of non-native species.  相似文献   

Gao J  Zhang Y  Zhang W  Wu S  Qin S  Zhang W  Yu X 《Biotechnology letters》2005,27(18):1417-1419
Fluctuating light intensity had a more significant impact on growth of gametophytes of transgenic Laminaria japonica in a 2500 ml bubble-column bioreactor than constant light intensity. A fluctuating light intensity between 10 and 110 μE m−2 s−1, with a photoperiod of 14 h:10 h light:dark, was the best regime for growth giving 1430 mg biomass l−1.  相似文献   

The transformation of chlorophyll a by two benthic bivalves – Dreissena polymorpha and Mytilus edulis and, for comparison, by the chironomid Chironomus plumosus – was examined. D. polymorpha is a suspension-feeding, freshwater but very salinity-tolerant species, M. edulis a suspension-feeding marine species, and C.␣plumosus a typical detritivorous freshwater species. All three are common in the Odra Estuary. Specimens of the three species were collected from this area in the period 1999–2003. The bivalves were transferred to a compartment on land and kept in tanks filled with water (filtered and unfiltered) collected simultaneously with the organisms, under light and temperature conditions similar to those obtaining in their natural environment. Pigments in the water samples, faeces and pseudofaeces from the tanks, and in the gut content from C. plumosus, were determined with HPLC. The digestion products of the three species were mainly phaeophorbides a, generally thought to originate mainly from zooplankton grazing, and pyrophaeophytin a in minor quantities. The results indicate that the main chlorophyll a derivatives in faeces and pseudofaeces and gut content of the three species were the same as those in the sediments of the Baltic Sea, including the Odra Estuary. Our previous studies have shown that the sediments in this area are richer in phaeophorbides a than sediments from other parts of the southern Baltic Sea. All this suggests that the benthos may play an important role in the transformation of chlorophyll a in the Odra Estuary area.  相似文献   

Guadalupe fur seals (GFS), Arctocephalus philippii townsendi, an U.S. Endangered Species Act threatened pinniped, have recently reappeared in their historic range along the western seaboard of the continental United States. Starting 2005 through 2016, 169 GFSs stranded in Washington and Oregon, involving two designated unusual mortality events. The circumstances surrounding GFS strandings, mortality, and their increased presence in Oregon and Washington were analyzed during this study. Detailed necropsies, histopathology (n = 93), and epidemiological analysis found three main causes of death (COD): emaciation (44%), trauma (29%), and infectious disease (19%) and the factors associated with overall strandings and emaciation. Trauma included many cases found associated with fisheries interactions and clustered near the mouth of the Columbia River, where high levels of commercial fishing occur. The most common pathogens found associated with disease were Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis neurona, and gastrointestinal helminths. Seasonality and upwelling were associated with higher stranding numbers regardless of COD. Seasonal migration into the region, coinciding with postweaning, suggests young GFSs are in search of prey and habitat resources. Reemergence of GFSs is likely due to conservation efforts, which have been critical for species recovery in the region. Continued monitoring is needed as this vulnerable species continues to rebound.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - Based on materials for 2016–2020, it has been revealed that yellowfin sole Limanda aspera and Sakhalin sole L. sakhalinensis form the main aggregations in the Avacha...  相似文献   

We examine patterns of vegetative change in blown-down and scorched forests in the blast zone of Mount St. Helens (USA), 10–26 years after the eruption. We compare trends in community attributes in four post-eruption environments, or site types, defined by severity of disturbance, presence/absence of a protective snowpack at the time of eruption, and seral state (previously clearcut vs. mature/old forests). Permanent plots established in 1980 at 16 sites were sampled at 5- to 6-year intervals between 1989 and 2005. Data on species presence and abundance were used to characterize changes in total plant cover, life-form spectra, species diversity, species turnover, and community composition. Due to the magnitude and heterogeneity of disturbance, vegetation re-establishment was gradual and highly variable among sites. Total plant cover averaged 36–70% after 26 years. Early-seral forbs were dominant except in snow-protected sites, where surviving shrubs were most common. Tree regeneration remained sparse after 26 years (<?6% cover in all but two sites). Species richness increased in all site types, reflecting greater species gain than loss, although rates of gain declined with time. Species heterogeneity, integrating the number and abundance of taxa, did not increase. Successional trajectories were distinct, but parallel among sites, reflecting legacies of pre-eruption composition, variation in disturbance severity, and differences in composition of early-seral colonists. Slow re-colonization by forest herbs and trees likely reflects seed limitations and abiotic stress rather than competition from early-seral species. Succession following this major eruption is both slow and contingent on pre-conditions, nuances of the disturbance, and species’ life histories.  相似文献   

Austromesocypris bluffensissp. n. is described and we report another species, Austromesocypris sp., both collected from subterranean aquatic habitats in Tasmania. This discovery adds a major taxonomic group to the already diverse invertebrate cave fauna of Tasmania, and is of interest because, globally, obligate subterranean aquatic species (stygobites) are poorly represented within the family Cyprididae. The genus Austromesocypris Martens, De Deckker & Rossetti, 2004 is otherwise known to comprise entirely "terrestrial or semi-terrestrial" species. The second species is not described because only juvenile specimens were collected. Both species stand apart from their congeners by the carapace shape, which is rectangular in Austromesocypris bluffensis and triangular and asymmetrical in the unnamed species. Another unique feature of the new species is the almost symmetrical uropodal rami. We also identify some broader systematic issues within the Scottiinae including the position of two New Zealand species, Scottia audax (Chapman, 1961) and Scottia insularis Chapman, 1963 in the genus, and point out their closer relationship to the Gondwana genera of Scottiinae, Austromesocypris and Mesocypris Daday, 1910, than to the Palearctic genus Scottia Brady & Norman, 1889, based on the morphology of the maxillula and mandibula. The identity of the Australian records of Scottia audax (Chapman, 1961), Austromesocypris australiensis (De Deckker, 1983) and the Boreal records of Scottia pseudobrowniana Kempf, 1971 are all considered doubtful. A key to the world species of Scottiinae is provided.  相似文献   

Estimates of age and growth of flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus (Jenyns,1842) were made by analysing fish from commercial catches in Bahía Blanca estuary (39° LS). A total of 823 fish caught by fishing fleets operating in the estuary were collected between February 1997 and January 1998. Age was determined via scale reading and growth estimation parameters using von Bertalanffys equation. Annulus formation occurred in August. The age for the total population, which ranged from 7.7 to 87.5 cm TL was 0–7. Age ranged from 0 to 6 years (21.5–71.9 cm TL) in males and from 0 to 7 years (24.9–87.5 cm TL) in females. Length–weight relationships were W(g)=0.0093 L(cm) exp. 3.03 for the total population, W(g)=0.0147 L(cm) exp. 2.91 for females, and W(g)=0.0168 L(cm) exp. 2.87 for males, respectively. As from age three, females were longer and heavier than males. The growth parameters estimated for the total population, for females and for males were L=83.29, 79.66, and 46.11 cm, respectively; k values were 0.18, 0.23, and 0.92, respectively, and t0 values were –1.87; –1.54, and –0.62, respectively. Similarly to other flounders,P. orbignyanus is a typical inhabitant of estuaries and coastal regions. Adults stay in the study area mainly during spring and summer, they go outside or offshore during the spawning period and then they return to the estuary for feeding and recovering.  相似文献   

The Australasian and southwest Pacific species of Oxyscelio (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae s.l.) are revised. A total of 80 species are recognized as valid, 13 of which are redescribed: O. atricoxa (Dodd), O. concoloripes (Dodd), O. flavipes (Kieffer), O. grandis (Dodd), O. hyalinipennis (Dodd), O. magniclava (Dodd), O. mirellus (Dodd), O. montanus (Dodd), O. nigriclava (Dodd), O. nigricoxa (Dodd), O. rugulosus (Dodd), O. shakespearei (Girault), and O. solitarius (Dodd). Oxyscelio glabriscutellum (Dodd) syn. n. is placed as a subjective junior synonym of O. rugulosus. Sixty-seven new species are described, many representing new distributional records for the genus - O. aciculae Burks, sp. n., O. anfractus Burks, sp. n., O. bellariorum Burks, sp. n., O. bicoloripedis Burks, sp. n., O. brevitas Burks, sp. n., O. catenae Burks, sp. n., O. caudarum Burks, sp. n., O. circulorum Burks, sp. n., O. clivi Burks, sp. n., O. clupei Burks, sp. n., O. conjuncti Burks, sp. n., O. contusionis Burks, sp. n., O. corrugationis Burks, sp. n., O. croci Burks, sp. n., O. cuspidis Burks, sp. n., O. densitatis Burks, sp. n., O. dissimulationis Burks, sp. n., O. divisionis Burks, sp. n., O. exiguitatis Burks, sp. n., O. fluctuum Burks, sp. n., O. foliorum Burks, sp. n., O. funis Burks, sp. n., O. gressus Burks, sp. n., O. hamorum Burks, sp. n., O. incisurae Burks, sp. n., O. lenitatis Burks, sp. n., O. leviventris Burks, sp. n., O. limbi Burks, sp. n., O. liminis Burks, sp. n., O. linguae Burks, sp. n., O. lintris Burks, sp. n., O. livens Burks, sp. n., O. mystacis Burks, sp. n., O. nasi Burks, sp. n., O. nitoris Burks, sp. n., O. obliquiatis Burks, sp. n., O. oblongiclypei Burks, sp. n., O. obturationis Burks, sp. n., O. oculi Burks, sp. n., O. palati Burks, sp. n., O. pectinis Burks, sp. n., O. pollicis Burks, sp. n., O. proceritatis Burks, sp. n., O. productionis Burks, sp. n., O. radii Burks, sp. n., O. rami Burks, sp. n., O. rupturae Burks, sp. n., O. sarcinae Burks, sp. n., O. scismatis Burks, sp. n., O. sciuri Burks, sp. n., O. scutorum Burks, sp. n., O. sepisessor Burks, sp. n., O. sinuationis Burks, sp. n., O. sordes Burks, sp. n., O. spatula Burks, sp. n., O. stipulae Burks, sp. n., O. stringerae Burks, sp. n., O. tenuitatis Burks, sp. n., O. truncationis Burks, sp. n., O. tubi Burks, sp. n., O. umbonis Burks, sp. n., O. uncinorum Burks, sp. n., O. valdecatenae Burks, sp. n., O. velamenti Burks, sp. n., O. verrucae Burks, sp. n., O. viator Burks, sp. n., and O. wa Burks, sp. n. The fauna is divided into nine diagnostic species groups, with five species unplaced to group.  相似文献   

The remains of cladocerans were examined from the surface sediments of 51 freshwater sites along a north–south transect spanning Alaska. We identified 27 cladoceran taxa from the sediments, consisting primarily of littoral chydorid species. Variations in cladoceran assemblages were related to measured physical and chemical variables using multivariate techniques. Redundancy analysis (RDA) indicated that lake depth, total phosphorus (TP), and altitude all had a significant influence in determining the composition of cladoceran assemblages. Cladoceran communities in tundra and forest-tundra lakes, which were relatively shallow and nutrient-poor, had relatively low abundances of pelagic Cladocera, and were primarily composed of several littoral chydorid species. Among pelagic cladoceran species, there was a distinct shift in dominance from the Bosminidae in lakes in the southern boreal forest region to Daphniidae in lakes in the northern boreal forest. Daphnia dominated lakes had significantly higher total phosphorus, specific conductivity, and calcium concentrations than lakes dominated by Eubosmina. Overall, the relative importance of physical and chemical factors in structuring cladocerans is similar to other previously studied regions, and suggests the Cladocera may be useful as ecological and paleoenvironmental indicators in this region.  相似文献   

A mediterranean-type climate exists in five widely separated regions; the Mediterranean basin, parts of western North America, parts of western and southern Australia, southwestern South Africa and parts of central Chile. Streams in these regions feature seasonal disturbances of contrasting hydrology with high predictability of the timing of flooding and drying but low constancy. We would expect fish living in these streams to avoid scouring flow and breed after cessation of the flood period. The aim of the present study was to examine the adaptation of the Yarqon bleak, Acanthobrama telavivensis, an endemic cyprinid in the coastal streams of Israel, to mediterranean-type stream (mediterranean—written with a small m, is used in connection with climate or ecological region and is distinguished from Mediterranean that is used in a geographical context, referring to the Mediterranean basin.) conditions. For that we studied its reproductive strategy (age at maturity and life span, gonad activity, oocyte maturation, spawning activity and habitats, appearance of juveniles), in a major costal stream (Yarqon). Our findings show that the Yarqon bleak exhibits life history traits attuned with a mediterranean-climate hydrologic regime. It breeds in late winter and early spring, a window of opportunity between flash floods and habitat desiccation. Being a multiple spawner allows the fish to compensate for the potential loss of part of its reproductive output due to scouring flows of late floods. The ability of the Yarqon bleak to spawn on different substrate-types enables it to take advantage of different stream conditions that pertain in different years. The fish attains pre-adult size (ca. 33–42 mm) within the first year, prior to drying out of most stream reaches, and matures by the beginning of the second year (males >41; females >42 mm). The cost of these tactics is a short life span (4–5 age groups). The reproductive strategy of the Yarqon bleak falls into the category of in-channel breeding but, unlike the case suggested by a low flow recruitment model, the fish breed during the period of flood cessation, a transitional time between high and low flows, rather than at the time of low flow. Breeding at this time of the year in mediterranean-type streams puts early stages somewhat at risk of being washed away by late floods, but gains them a longer period of growth under favorable conditions. We suggest an additional positive tradeoff that should be investigated: the reduced competition with age 0 of other fish that breed later in the season. This suggested model of recruitment during the period of flood cessation seems appropriate for fish in streams with seasonal contrasting flows of high predictability but low constancy.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the biomass, primary production, and P/B ratio of floating and attached forms of green filamentous alga Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kütz. was studied for the shallow water littoral area of the Neva Estuary in 2003–2006. The biomass of the floating algae constituted up to 70% of the total biomass, and the primary production reached up to 90% of the total for the depths of 0–1 m from the middle of July to the end of August.  相似文献   

The estuarine portion of the Swan–Canning riversystem runs through the centre of Perth,Western Australia's capital city, with apopulation of approximately 1.4 million people. Little is known about impact of chemicalsentering the estuary via road runoff andstormwater drains on biota inhabiting thesystem. Black bream (Acanthopagrusbutcheri) were collected from seven sites inthe Swan–Canning estuary during August andSeptember 2000, at the end of the winter (wet)season. Serum sorbitol dehydrogenase (s-SDH)was unaffected by the sex of the fish and nosignificant differences were observed betweenthe sites indicating that the measuredethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD)activity was not hindered by hepatic tissuedamage. The black bream were in an advancedstage of gonad maturation, which affected ERODhepatic activity with lower EROD activity infemale compared to male fish. EROD activityand bile metabolite levels were significantlyhigher at the site closest to the Perth CentralBusiness District, while most downstream sitewas the least impacted, which may be due totidal flushing of the lower estuary by marinewaters. The ratio of naphthalene-type tobenzo(a) pyrene (B(a)P)-typemetabolites suggests that the source ofpetroleum hydrocarbons within the river systemis a mixture polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) from pyrolytic origin and from unburntfuels. Biomarker levels in the black breamindicate that major roads and drains aresignificant contributors of mixed functionoxygenase (MFO) inducing chemicals includingpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) into theSwan–Canning estuary and that there is noupstream or downstream gradient in biomarkerresponse.  相似文献   

Morphogenetic events during the division of the marine spirotrichous ciliate, Apokeronopsis crassa (Claparède & Lachmann 1858) n. comb. were investigated. Compared with members of the well-known genera Thigmokeronopsis, Uroleptopsis, and Pseudokeronopsis, A. crassa has one row of buccal cirri, high number of transverse cirri, clearly separated midventral rows, lacks thigmotactic cirri and a gap in adoral zone, its undulating membranes (UMs) anlage forms one cirrus and marginal rows and dorsal kineties form apokinetally during division. All these characteristics indicate that this organism represents a new taxon at the generic level, and hence a new genus is suggested, Apokeronopsis n. g. It is defined as thus: Pseudokeronopsidae with Pseudokeronopsis-like bicorona of frontal cirri and one marginal row on each side; one row of two or more buccal cirri in ordinary position; two midventral rows distinctly separated, hence of cirri that are not in a typical zig-zag pattern; high number of transverse cirri, caudal cirri absent, and frontoterminal cirri present; thigmotactic cirri absent, many macronuclear nodules fuse into many masses as well as marginal and dorsal kineties form apokinetally during morphogenesis. At the same time, the genus ThigmokeronopsisWicklow, 1981 is redefined, and one new combination, Apokeronopsis antarctica (Petz, 1995) n. comb. is proposed. The morphogenetic events of A. crassa are characterized as follows: (1) In the proter, the adoral zone of membranelles and UMs are completely renewed by the oral primordium. The UM anlage is formed apokinetally on the dorsal wall of the buccal cavity and is hence clearly separated from the frontoventral-transverse (FVT) cirral anlagen in the proter. (2) Frontoventral-transverse cirral anlagen are generated de novo in the outermost region of the cortex to the right of the old UMs. (3) A row of buccal cirri arises from FVT cirral streak I. (4) The marginal rows and dorsal kineties originate de novo in both dividers; no caudal cirri are formed. (5) The last FVT-streak contributes two frontoterminal cirri. (6) The many macronuclear nodules fuse into many masses (about 50 segments) during division, unlike a singular or branched mass as described in other urostylids.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of beach morning glory (Calystegia soldanella) and wild rye (Elymus mollis), two of the major plant species inhabiting the coastal sane dune in Tae-An, Korea, was studied by the analysis of community 16S rRNA gene clones. The amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) of the clones using HaeIII exhibited significant differences in the community composition between the two plant species as well as regional differences, but also identified a specific ARDRA pattern that was most common among the clones regardless of plant species. Subsequent sequence analysis indicated that the pattern was that of Lysobacter spp., which is a member of the family Xanthomonadaceae, class Gamma proteobacteria. The Lysobacter clones comprised 50.6% of the clones derived from C. soldanella and 62.5% of those from E. mollis. Other minor patterns included those of Pseudomonas spp., species of Rhizobium, Chryseobacterium spp. and Pantoea spp. among C. soldanella clones, and Pseudomonas sp. and Aeromonas hydrophila among E. mollis clones. It is not yet clear what kind of roles Lysobacter plays in association with sand dune plants, but its universal presence in the rhizosphere, together with the potential of this taxon for antagonistic activity against plant pathogens, suggests that Lysobacter might form a symbiotic relationship with its host plants.  相似文献   

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