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The mouse cytotoxic T cell clone (CTLL-2) was able to grow in the presence of culture medium supplemented only with transferrin, 2-mercaptoethanol, and recombinant interleukin 2 (IL-2). This lymphokine stimulated the synthesis of DNA in these cells. Similarly, phorbol esters, which activate protein kinase C, induced DNA synthesis in this clone. Furthermore, this later proliferation was not blocked by anti-IL-2 receptor antibodies, which inhibited IL-2-induced proliferation, suggesting that it was not indirectly due to the secretion of IL-2 by the cells. CTLL-2 cells pretreated with high doses of phorbol esters for 48 h down regulated protein kinase C and were depleted of this enzyme. This was shown by: 1) purification and in vitro assay of protein kinase C; 2) the lack of effect of phorbol esters in the stimulation of the Na+/H+ anti-porter which has been directly linked to the activation of protein kinase C. As expected, those protein kinase C-depleted cells no longer synthesized DNA and proliferated in response to phorbol esters. However, they proliferated identically to control cells in response to IL-2. Therefore, our results suggest two different pathways for T cell proliferation, one which involves protein kinase C and the other which does not.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) is a family of phospholipid-dependent kinases that is involved, along with calcium mobilization, in the activation of human platelets. Since interleukin-3 (IL-3) has been shown to act, in part, by activating PKC, we investigated the effect of IL-3 on PKC activity and content in human platelets. Exposure of platelets to 10 ng/ml of IL-3 was associated with a rapid (i.e., within 3 minutes) translocation of PKC activity and content from the cytosol to the membrane fraction. In addition, treatment with IL-3 effected a time-dependent down-regulation of PKC activity and content. We speculate that IL-3 may act as a modulator of PKC-dependent pathways in the human platelet.  相似文献   

Human T lymphocyte activation by tumor promoters: role of protein kinase C   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Protein kinase C (PKC) has a major role in a ligand-receptor-mediated signal transduction system in a variety of cell types including T lymphocytes. One of the early phenotypic changes associated with T cell activation is the expression of cell surface receptors for interleukin 2 (IL 2). To test the role of PKC in regulation of IL 2 receptor (IL 2-R) expression and T cell activation in general, we used tumor promoters (TP) as modulators of PKC and compared their effects on intact human T cells and on the enzymatic activity of T cell-derived PKC in a cellfree system. In T cells, the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate (TPA) induced IL 2-R expression and proliferation associated with cytosol-to-membrane PKC translocation. A dose of TPA (1 to 4 ng/ml) that induced about 50% of the maximal activation of PKC in the enzymatic assay also induced half-maximal effects on cell proliferation, IL 2-R expression, and PKC redistribution in intact T cells. Structure-function studies with several phorbol ester analogs and non-phorbol ester TP directly correlated tumor promotion activity with the ability to activate PKC and induce IL 2-R. An inhibitor of PKC, chlorpromazine, was found to suppress TPA-mediated proliferation and IL 2-R expression, and inhibited T cell-derived PKC by competing with the phospholipid. Ca2+ ionophore, which synergizes with TPA in induction of T cell proliferation, facilitated the TPA-induced PKC translocation to the membrane. The results thus demonstrate a direct correlation between the effects of various chemicals on: subcellular redistribution of PKC in T cells; induction of T cell proliferation and IL 2-R expression; and activation of T cell-derived PKC in vitro. These data provide further support for the role of PKC in transduction of activation signals in T cells and in regulation of IL 2-R expression.  相似文献   

The regulation of the activation of T lymphocyte proliferation is not well understood. It is known that the tumor promoter, PMA, which activates protein kinase C (PKC), can induce the proliferation of several murine CTL clones; in combination with calcium ionophores, which raise the level of intracellular Ca2+, PMA can also stimulate the proliferation of several HTL clones. Activation of the TCR is believed to result in the liberation of diacylglycerol, which is an activator of PKC, and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, which stimulates an increase in intracellular levels of calcium. We now report that pretreatment with cholera toxin (CT) inhibits the proliferation of murine T cell clones stimulated through the TCR/CD3 complex. In addition, CT-pretreatment blocks the proliferation of CTL clones activated with PMA or of HTL clones activated with PMA + calcium ionophore. In contrast, CT-pre-treatment inhibits much less effectively (100- to 1000-fold) the proliferation of these T cell clones stimulated with IL-2. Furthermore, activators of PKC, but not IL-2, potentiate the CT-induced cAMP elevation in T cell clones. The ability of CT to inhibit much more effectively the proliferation triggered by putative activators of PKC than that induced by IL-2 may be mediated by cAMP-dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effects of the isoquinoline sulfonamides, a class of synthetic protein kinase inhibitors, namely 1-(5-isoquinoline sulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine dihydrochloride (H7), N-[2-(methylamino)ethyl]-5-isoquinoline sulfonamide dihydrochloride (H8), N-(2-aminoethyl)-5-isoquinoline sulfonamide dihydrochloride (H9), and N-(2-guanidinoethyl)-5-isoquinoline sulfonamide hydrochloride (HA1004), on the lytic activity of in vivo-produced (H-2b anti-H-2d alloimmune) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were investigated. The hierarchy of inhibition of lysis shown by these compounds resembled that of their inhibition of Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent enzyme (protein kinase C). H7 has the highest affinity for protein kinase C (Hidaka, H., Inagaki, M., Kawamoto, S., and Sasaki, Y. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 5036-5041) and gave the greatest inhibition of lysis by CTL. HA1004 has the weakest affinity for protein kinase C and gave very little inhibition of lysis, whereas H8 and H9 showed intermediate inhibition of lysis. In addition, the effect of the isoquinoline sulfonamides on cellular proliferation was examined. Interestingly, the pattern of inhibition observed for both lymphocytes and tumor cells closely mimicked the effects of these compounds on protein kinase C activity. These results demonstrate that modulation of an early biochemical signal affects both short-term (e.g. CTL-mediated lysis) and long-term (e.g. cellular proliferation) events. These data provide further evidence for the integral role of protein kinase C in the activation of the lytic signal in CTL. In addition, suggestive evidence is provided that protein kinase C, or some other enzyme with similar sensitivity to the isoquinoline sulfonamides, plays an important role in cellular proliferation.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1996,58(18):1509-1517
In order to clarify the role played by interleukin-2 (IL-2) in the regulation of fibroblast function, we investigated the effect of rat IL-2 and human recombinant IL-2 on 3T3 fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis. Fibroblasts were incubated with various concentrations of IL-2 for different periods of time. IL-2 was found to decrease in time- and dose-dependent manner the proliferation of 3T3 fibroblasts. This effect correlated with ability of IL-2 to enhance PGE2 production by 3T3 fibroblasts. When 3T3 fibroblasts were cocultured with rat peritoneal mast cells (MC), the growth-inhibiting effect of IL-2 was significantly less pronounced. Treatment of the cultures with IL-2 had no effect on collagen production by both 3T3 fibroblasts and fibroblasts cocultured with MC. In conclusion, in this study we provide evidence that IL-2, the key cytokine in T-cell growth and differentiation, can affect fibroblast functions.  相似文献   

PMA can induce the proliferation of several CTL clones but not of several Th clones derived and tested in our laboratory. The PMA-stimulated proliferation of our CTL clones (which do not make IL-2 mRNA or protein) occurs independently of IL-2 and is not accompanied by lymphokine release. We now report, however, that protein kinase C (PKC) translocation is induced by PMA in CTL clones as well as in Th clones, which lack a proliferative response to PMA. These results suggest that PKC translocation itself is not a sufficient regulatory mechanism to account for cloned T cell proliferation. Moreover, IL-2 did not induce PKC translocation in a CTL clone, which proliferates when stimulated with IL-2. Thus, PKC translocation may not be necessary for activation of CTL proliferation. Nonetheless, cellular PKC activity appears to be required for the proliferative response of T cell clones after stimulation by PMA/PMA + calcium ionophore (A23187) or by triggering through the TCR: chronic PMA treatment, which depletes intracellular PKC activity, abrogates the proliferative response of T cell clones stimulated by PMA/PMA + A23187 or triggered through the TCR. T cell clones depleted of PKC activity, however, retain the ability to proliferate when challenged with IL-2. Murine T cell clones, therefore, possess PKC-dependent and PKC-independent pathways of proliferation that are not regulated by PKC translocation alone.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C required for cytotoxic T lymphocyte triggering   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The role of protein kinase C (PK-C) in triggering the lytic response of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) has been examined. Both target cell lysis and the release of CTL-associated serine esterase (SE), a marker for cytotoxic granules, were used as indicators of the CTL lytic response. We found triggering of the CTL lytic response occurred when both a PK-C activator, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), and a calcium ionophore, ionomycin, were added to CTL. The previously described inactivation of the CTL lytic response by long term treatment (24 hr) with PMA was also investigated. CTL cultured with PMA for 24 hr were unable to mediate target cell lysis or release SE; this inability to respond correlated with an absence of PK-C activity. Incubation of the PMA-treated CTL in the absence of PMA for an additional 24 hr resulted in recovery of PK-C activity, SE release, and the lytic response. These experiments strongly suggest that PK-C is involved with the transmembrane signaling required for SE release which is a necessary event in CTL-mediated target cell lysis.  相似文献   

Endotoxin-induced T lymphocyte proliferation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The lymphocyte response to endotoxin (LPS) has been attributed largely to the action of this agent as a polyclonal activator of B lymphocytes. In this study we found that a cloned murine interleukin 2-dependent cytotoxic T cell line, CT 6, proliferates in response to LPS, thus providing the first evidence that T cells can be stimulated directly by LPS. The response was dose and time dependent and was blocked by polymyxin B, an inhibitor of LPS-induced mitogenesis. The fact that this is a cloned T cell line, free of other potentially contaminating lymphoid cell types, precludes the possibility that this proliferation is due to contaminating B lymphocytes or is mediated by macrophage-derived products such as interleukin 1. Moreover, highly purified splenic T lymphocyte populations (purified by negative/positive selection or by a rigorous column purification procedure) contain a small subpopulation (approximately 3%) of T cells that proliferate in response to LPS. This population is missing in the endotoxin-hyporesponsive C3H/HeJ mouse. As was observed in the CT 6 line, proliferation of splenic T cells in response to LPS was inhibited by polymyxin B. Furthermore, treatment of LPS-stimulated T cells with anti-T cell antibodies plus complement blocks the uptake of 3H-thymidine by these cultures. Exogenous interleukin 1 failed to stimulate the T cell cultures comparably to LPS and therefore cannot account for the degree of stimulation observed. These findings support and extend previous findings that suggested a role for an endotoxin-sensitive T cell population in the induction of certain responses, such as LPS-induced adjuvanticity of the lymphocyte-dependent LPS induction of macrophage procoagulant activity.  相似文献   

A group of three mutants of Chinese hamster ovary cells (10260, 10265, and 10223) which are resistant to cyclic AMP (Gottesman, M. M., LeCam, A., Bukowski, M., and Pastan I. (1980) Somatic Cell Genet. 6, 45-61) have been characterized in this work. By genetic analysis, these mutants are all recessive and fall into two complementation groups. Cycl AMP-stimulated protein kinase activity in crude extracts of these mutants using histone as a substrate is decreased to 10 and 7% (complementation group I), and 31% (complementation group II), respectively, of the activity found in wild type extracts. The binding of cyclic [3H]AMP by extracts of all of these mutants is decreased to 30 to 50% of the binding found in wild type extracts. We have used the photoaffinity label 8-azidoadenosine 3':5'-[32P]monophosphate to label the regulatory subunits of type I and type II protein kinase in wild type and mutant extracts analyzed by DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex chromatography. We find that all three mutants lack type I cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and have reduced amounts of type II kinase activity. The regulatory subunits of type I and type II kinase are present in both complementation groups. We conclude that type I protein kinase is not needed for normal growth of Chinese hamster ovary cells. The defect in both classes of mutants appears to be in the failure of the catalytic subunit to associate normally with its regulatory subunits.  相似文献   

The tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) can enhance or inhibit lymphocyte proliferation. Enhancement correlated with increased interleukin 2 (IL-2) production and activation of protein kinase C while inhibition correlated with decreased IL-2 and downregulation of protein kinase C activity (D.S. Grove and A.M. Mastro, Cancer Res. 51, 82-88). In this study, various activators and inhibitors of protein kinase C were used in order to try to separate the effects of TPA on this enzyme from its effects on IL-2 production and determine if protein kinase C activity was directly or indirectly related to IL-2 production. 1,2-Dioctanoylglycerol, 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-glycerol, phospholipase C, and two "rationally designed" activators, 6-(N-decylamino)-4-hydroxy-methylindole and 3-(N-acetylamino)-5-(N-decyl-N-methylamino)-benzyl alcohol, were tested. Some activators enhanced proliferation in the presence of a Ca2+ ionophore, ionomycin, but not concanavalin A. Some activators suppressed proliferation and downregulated protein kinase C. Others neither downregulated protein kinase C nor inhibited IL-2 production and proliferation. However, inhibition or downregulation of protein kinase C activity always correlated with decreased IL-2 and depressed proliferation. Thus, the evidence in this and the previous study suggests that activation of protein kinase C is directly related to IL-2 production in activated T cells.  相似文献   

The protein kinase C (PKC) family of serine-threonine kinases has been implicated in behavioral responses to opiates, but little is known about the individual PKC isozymes involved. Here, we show that mice lacking PKCepsilon have increased sensitivity to the rewarding effects of morphine, revealed as the expression of place preference and intravenous self-administration at very low doses of morphine that do not evoke place preference or self-administration in wild-type mice. The PKCepsilon null mice also show prolonged maintenance of morphine place preference in response to repeated testing when compared with wild-type mice. The supraspinal analgesic effects of morphine are enhanced in PKCepsilon null mice, and the development of tolerance to the spinal analgesic effects of morphine is delayed. The density of mu-opioid receptors and their coupling to G-proteins are normal. These studies identify PKCepsilon as a key regulator of opiate sensitivity in mice.  相似文献   

In this study we have established culture conditions that allow the preferential and rapid expansion of either T cell receptor (TCR)+/CD3+16? T lymphocytes or TCR?/CD3?16? natural killer (NK) cells, or the non-selective outgrowth of both subsets. Optimal proliferation of lymphocytes was obtained using a combination of irradiated allogeneic peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and irradiated Epstein Barr virus (EBV) transformed lymphoblastoid B cell lines (B-LCL). Addition of 1μg/ml leucoagglutinin to the culture medium induced a preferential outgrowth of TCR?/CD3?16? T lymphocytes. The proportion of TCR?/CD3?16? NK cells was decreased to 5% or less, although still a 2000-fold multiplication of TCR?/CD3?16? NK cells was obtained at day 13. Without leucoagglutinin a 1000-fold increase of about 70% pure TCR?/CD3?16? NK cells was obtained at day 13. Intermediate concentrations of leucoagglutinin (0.1–0.3μg/ml) resulted in a non-selective expansion of both NK cells and T cells. Irrespective whether leucoagglutinin was added or not, the number of TCR+/CD3+8+ lymphocytes increased more rapidly relative to the TCR+/CD3+4+ lymphocytes resulting in an increased TCR+/CD3+8+ population size. Also under limiting dilution conditions leucoagglutinin increased the frequency of proliferating cells. In contrast to the preferential outgrowth of TCR+/CD3+8+ lymphocytes in bulk cultures, approximately 80% of the clones generated was TCR+/CD3+4+, demonstrating a growth promoting effect of TCR+/CD3+4+ lymphocytes on TCR+/CD3+8+ lymphocytes in PBL bulk cultures.  相似文献   

The T cell protein tyrosine phosphatase is involved in the immune system regulation, as evidenced by defective function and development of several hemopoietic cell populations in T cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TC-PTP)-deficient mice. In particular, B and T cell proliferation is greatly inhibited when total splenocytes are stimulated by LPS or anti-CD3 mAb. To define the functional defect of TC-PTP(-/-) lymphocytes, we isolated T and B cells from the spleen of TC-PTP(-/-) mice. We show that the proliferative response of lymphocytes was greatly increased when cultured as a purified population, indicating that an inhibitory population is present in TC-PTP(-/-) spleen. However, TC-PTP(-/-) lymphocytes have a 2- to 3-fold lower proliferation rate compared with TC-PTP(+/+) lymphocytes, suggesting that, as shown previously in embryonic fibroblasts, TC-PTP is involved in the control of cell cycle in lymphocytes. We have characterized phenotypically and functionally the inhibitory population present in the spleen of TC-PTP(-/-) mice. We show that a Gr-1(+)-enriched cell population isolated from TC-PTP(-/-) mice suppresses the CD3-induced proliferation of T cells in coculture in vitro. The specific inhibition of NO synthesis with N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine.monoacetate restored splenocyte responses, and there is a strict correlation between NO levels and the degree of suppression. Neutralization of IFN-gamma with specific mAb almost completely abolished the inhibitory activity of Gr-1(+) cells and concomitantly high levels of NO secretion. Moreover, inhibition of lymphocyte proliferative responses required cell-cell contact to achieve sufficient levels of NO. These findings demonstrate an important function of TC-PTP in the induction of the NO pathway that mediates inhibition of T cell proliferation.  相似文献   

In this study we have established culture conditions that allow the preferential and rapid expansion of either T cell receptor (TCR)+/CD3+16- T lymphocytes or TCR-/CD3-16+ natural killer (NK) cells, or the non-selective outgrowth of both subsets. Optimal proliferation of lymphocytes was obtained using a combination of irradiated allogeneic peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and irradiated Epstein Barr virus (EBV) transformed lymphoblastoid B cell lines (B-LCL). Addition of 1 microgram/ml leucoagglutinin to the culture medium induced a preferential outgrowth of TCR+/CD3+16- T lymphocytes. The proportion of TCR-/CD3-16+ NK cells was decreased to 5% or less, although still a 2000-fold multiplication of TCR-/CD3-16+ NK cells was obtained at day 13. Without leucoagglutinin a 1000-fold increase of about 70% pure TCR-/CD3-16+ NK cells was obtained at day 13. Intermediate concentrations of leucoagglutinin (0.1-0.3 micrograms/ml) resulted in a non-selective expansion of both NK cells and T cells. Irrespective whether leucoagglutinin was added or not, the number of TCR+/CD3+8+ lymphocytes increased more rapidly relative to the TCR+/CD3+4+ lymphocytes resulting in an increased TCR+/CD3+8+ population size. Also under limiting dilution conditions leucoagglutinin increased the frequency of proliferating cells. In contrast to the preferential outgrowth of TCR+/CD3+8+ lymphocytes in bulk cultures, approximately 80% of the clones generated was TCR+/CD3+4+, demonstrating a growth promoting effect of TCR+/CD3+4+ lymphocytes on TCR+/CD3+8+ lymphocytes in PBL bulk cultures.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are the stem cell precursors of the germ line. Several growth factors contribute to enlarging the PGC population by acting as mitogens, survival factors or both. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) has a growth-promoting activity for T and B-lymphocytes, but its role in PGCs had not yet been studied. Here, we show that PGCs isolated from 10.5, 11.5 and 12.5 day postcoitum (dpc) mouse embryos constitutively express the three subunits (alpha, beta and gamma) of the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R). In contrast, IL-2 mRNA was not detected in these cells. However, the addition of recombinant IL-2 to the culture medium increased the number of PGCs in vitro via a mitogenic effect, as indicated by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation assays. Neutralization of the IL-2 receptor using anti-IL-2R subunit antibodies inhibited this IL-2-mediated proliferative effect on PGCs from 11.5 dpc embryos. Together, these data are indicative of a paracrine effect of IL-2 on PGC proliferation. In this regard, we also compared the effect of IL-2 with other compounds such as basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), steel factor, leukemia inhibitory factor and forskolin, and found that the degree of proliferation induced by IL-2 was similar to that induced by bFGF and forskolin. These observations support the notion that similar patterns of molecular signaling may underlie the developmental pathways of hematopoietic and germ stem cell precursors.  相似文献   

The phorbol ester receptor protein kinase C (PKC) gene family encodes essential mediators of eukaryotic cellular signals. Molecular dissection of their mechanisms of action has been limited in part by the lack of random mutagenesis approaches and by the complexity of signaling pathways in mammalian cells which involve multiple PKC isoforms. Here we present a rapid screen which permits the quantification of mammalian PKC activity phenotypically in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bovine PKC alpha cDNA is functionally expressed in S. cerevisiae. This results in a phorbol ester response: a fourfold increase in the cell doubling time and a substantial decrease in yeast colony size on agar plates. We have expressed pools of bovine PKC alpha cDNAs mutagenized by Bal 31 deletion of internal, amino-terminal, or carboxyl-terminal sequences and have identified three classes of mutants on the basis of their distinct yeast phenotypes. Representatives of each class were analyzed. An internal deletion of amino acids (aa) 172 to 225 displayed ligand-dependent but reduced catalytic activity, an amino-terminal truncation of aa 1 to 153 displayed elevated and ligand-independent activity, and a carboxyl-terminal 26-aa truncation (aa 647 to 672) lacked activity under any conditions. Additional mutations confirmed the distinct functional characteristics of these classes. Our data show that deletion of the V1 and C1 regions results in elevated basal catalytic activity which is still Ca2+ responsive. Internal deletions in the V2 and C2 regions do not abolish phorbol ester or Ca2+ regulation of PKC activity, suggesting that most of the C2 domain is not essential for phorbol ester stimulation and most of the regulatory domain is dispensable for Ca2+ regulation of PKC activity. These distinct activities od the PKC mutants correlate with a specific and proportional yeast phenotype and are quantified on agar plates by yeast colony size. This provides a phenotypic screen which is suitable to identity rare, randomly altered but active mammalian PKC mutants. It quantifies their catalytic and biological activities in response to PKC activators or inhibitors for a systematic mapping of PKC structure and function or PKC-drug interaction.  相似文献   

It is shown that 1-(5-isoquinolinylsulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H7), a specific inhibitor of protein kinase C, induces neuritogenesis in neuro 2a cells. The percentage of differentiated cells was 9%, 20%, 59% and 85% at 0, 17, 85 and 500 microM H7, respectively. The number of neurites cell increased 2-, 8- and 14-fold over the controls for 17, 85 and 500 microM H7, respectively. These results indicate that protein kinase C plays a key role in the control of differentiation of neural cells and that its specific inhibition may be of basic as well as of practical importance.  相似文献   

CKS-17, an immunosuppressive peptide homologous to certain retroviral transmembrane envelope protein, has been shown to inhibit lymphocyte proliferation in response to mitogens or alloantigens when covalently attached to bovine serum albumin (CKS-17-BSA). To define its site of action, we determined if CKS-17 conjugated to human serum albumin (CKS-17-HSA) could block the direct activation of lymphocytes by phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) or by a synthetic diacylglycerol, dioctanoylglycerol (DiC8). CKS-17-HSA inhibited lymphocyte proliferation in response to PMA and ionomycin in a dose-dependent manner with up to 88% inhibition occurring with 15 microM CKS-17-HSA. The conjugated peptide also inhibited the proliferation of lymphocytes in response to DiC8 and ionomycin by up to 57% at 15 microM CKS-17-HSA. Based on these findings we investigated the effect of CKS-17-HSA on the activity of protein kinase C (PKC), an enzyme directly activated by PMA and DiC8. PKC was isolated chromatographically from the cytosol of human neutrophils or the human lymphoblastoid cell line Jurkat. CKS-17-HSA caused a dose-dependent enzyme inhibition with a concentration giving half-maximal inhibition (IC50) of ca.3 microM and greater than 95% inhibition at 15 microM CKS-17-HSA. Inhibition of PKC by the conjugated peptide was not reversed by increasing concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, phosphatidylserine, diolein, or adenosine triphosphate (ATP), indicating that the conjugated peptide did not function as a chelator or competitive inhibitor. In contrast to its effects on PKC, CKS-17-HSA did not inhibit the activity of adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP)-dependent protein kinase (PK-A) nor the calcium and phospholipid-independent form of PKC (PK-M). Moreover the peptide inhibited in vivo PKC activity in cytosol of intact cells and in membrane of PMA-stimulated cells. These results suggest that the inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation by CKS-17-HSA may be due to the direct inactivation of PKC.  相似文献   

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