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A simple, rapid, and efficient procedure has been developed for performing analytical or preparative slab gel electrophoresis using only common laboratory materials which can be assembled without special tools or equipment. From one to four gel slabs of variable size can be made between glass plates embedded inside a watertight, supple plastic bag which is then used as the upper electrode buffer chamber. This technique has been applied, with different electrophoretic systems, for both the analysis and isolation of serum proteins and rat liver histones.  相似文献   

A practical and simple method for separation and collection of polypeptides in small volumes after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is described. Identification of the bands is achieved by prestaining a portion of the protein to be electrophoresed, thus making spectrophotometric monitoring unnecessary. Isolation of protein subunits having quite similar molecular weights has been achieved, and the application of the system to obtaining milligram quantities of globulin subunits from French bean seeds is presented.  相似文献   

Preparative free flow isotachophoresis (ITP) was used for the fractionation of apoB-containing lipoproteins (d less than 1.063 g/ml) from fasting and postprandial sera derived from normolipidemic individuals. According to their net electric mobility, four major particle groups (I-IV) have been recognized. The fast-migrating particles in group I, which correspond predominantly to very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), are rich in triglycerides, free cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine, and apoE and C apolipoproteins. This group expresses nonspecific binding to fibroblasts but binds to HepG2 cells with high affinity (KD = 3.6 micrograms/ml, Bmax = 37 ng) to a single class of binding sites. The particles migrating in group II, which are related to intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL), are richer in cholesteryl esters and apoB than those in group I. They interact specifically with a single site on fibroblasts (KD = 7.8 micrograms/ml, Bmax = 54 ng) while on HepG2 cells two binding sites, one with a higher (KD = 3.5 micrograms/ml, Bmax = 22 ng) and one with a lower affinity component (KD = 16.9 micrograms/ml, Bmax = 53 ng), are involved. The particles migrating in groups III and IV correspond to low density lipoproteins (LDL). The protein moiety of both fractions consists almost exclusively of apoB. Group III represents cholesteryl ester-rich LDL particles, while the particles in group IV contain smaller amounts of cholesteryl esters. The lipoproteins of both groups are ligands for apoB,E-receptors. However, the particles in group IV interact with fibroblasts with the highest affinity (KD = 2.3 micrograms/ml, Bmax = 58 ng) and with the biphasic HepG2 cell binding sites with the lowest affinity of all analyzed groups (KD1 = 11.2 micrograms/ml, Bmax1 = 58 ng, KD2 = 68 micrograms/ml, Bmax2 = 170 ng). When apoB-containing lipoproteins were isolated from postprandial sera of the same individuals, significant changes in the lipid composition were observed only in particle groups I and II, where the triglyceride and phospholipid content was enhanced. Group I particles from postprandial serum bind to HepG2 cells with a higher affinity (KD = 2.5 micrograms/ml) than group I particles from fasting serum. Postprandial group II particles bind with the same affinity to the biphasic HepG2 cell receptor as fasting group II particles, while the affinities of postprandial group III (KD1 = 4.1 micrograms/ml, KD1 = 47 micrograms/ml) and group IV particles (KD1 = 3.9 micrograms/ml, KD2 = 38 micrograms/ml) to the high affinity binding site of the biphasic receptor are enhanced.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The resolution of bacterial mixtures by free flow electrophoresis (FFE) was not affected by the position of the microbes on the growth curve and approximately 70% of the individual cells applied were recovered as viable cells. The dependence of bacterial electrophoretic mobility on the pH, salt concentration, and viscosity of the electrolyte was determined. Suspending media and running electrolyte were developed which allowed collection of samples of>99% purity within two minutes of introduction of a mixture of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Most bacterial strains migrated in a single band, although some migrated in more than one band. Escherichia coli was resolved from each of 10 different species. The considerable variation in mobility found in 21 different E. coli strains, however, appears to preclude use of FFE as a method of species identification.  相似文献   

The variety of posttranslational modifications and the relative abundance of transthyretin (TTR) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) make TTR a suitable model molecule when comparing the performance of different combinations of methods for characterization of CSF proteins. We have compared three different electrophoretic methods: conventional two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE), liquid-phase isoelectric focusing (IEF) as a prefractionation step in combination with analytical 2-DE, and preparative 2-DE for isolation and mass spectrometric analysis of TTR in CSF. Using liquid-phase IEF in combination with 2-DE compared with conventional 2-DE improved the sequence coverage of TTR. Only the mass spectrum from the preparative 2-DE fraction contained a tryptic peptide from the first nine amino acids, thereby yielding 100% sequence coverage. Our results show that the use of a prefractionation step before 2-DE or the use of preparative 2-DE increases the sequence coverage and provide low abundant proteins in complex biological systems in sufficient quantities for protein characterization with mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Summary. Proteomics offers unique possibilities to investigate changes in the levels and modifications of proteins involved in the pathomechanisms of diseases and toxic events. However, search for potential drug targets and disease or toxicity markers is limited by the fact that mainly the high-abundance, hydrophilic proteins are visualized in two-dimensional gels. Here we studied the enrichment of rat liver cytosolic proteins by preparative electrophoresis. Preparative electrophoresis was performed with the PrepCell apparatus in the presence of 0.1% lithium dodecyl sulfate. Lithium dodecyl sulfate was exchanged against agents compatible with isoelectric focusing prior to the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Proteins were identified from two-dimensional gels by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass specrometry. Low- and middle-size proteins and low-abundance proteins, which had not been found before, were enriched by preparative electrophoresis. The present study represents a contribution of proteomics in the quantification of differences in the levels of low-abundance liver proteins in toxicity studies.  相似文献   

We have applied free flow electrophoresis to separate the canalicular and basolateral (sinusoidal and lateral) domains of rat hepatocyte plasma membranes. Hepatocyte plasma membranes were prepurified by rat zonal and discontinous sucrose gradient centrifugation. In electrophoretic separation, the canalicular membranes were more deflected toward the anode than the basolateral membranes. Na+-dependent taurocholate uptake could be measured in both membrane fractions, transport activity being highest in fractions containing the highest specific activity in the basolateral marker enzyme Na+-K+-ATPase. Thus, differences in electrophoretic mobility permit the separation of functional intact plasma membrane vesicles derived from basolateral and canalicular plasma membrane domains of rat hepatocyte.  相似文献   

One major problem concerning the electrophoresis of mitochondria is the heterogeneity of mitochondrial appearance especially under pathological conditions. We show here the use of zone electrophoresis in a free flow electrophoresis device (ZE-FFE) as an analytical sensor to discriminate between different yeast mitochondrial populations. Impairment of the structural properties of the organelles by hyperosmotic stress resulted in broad separation profiles. Conversely untreated mitochondria gave rise to homogeneous populations reflected by sharp separation profiles. Yeast mitochondria with altered respiratory activity accompanied by a different outer membrane proteome composition could be discriminated based on electrophoretic deflection. Proteolysis of the mitochondrial surface proteome and the deletion of a single major protein species of the mitochondrial outer membrane altered the ZE-FFE deflection of these organelles. To demonstrate the usefulness of ZE-FFE for the analysis of mitochondria associated with pathological processes, we analyzed mitochondrial fractions from an apoptotic yeast strain. The cdc48(S565G) strain carries a mutation in the CDC48 gene that is an essential participant in the endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation pathway. Mutant cells accumulate polyubiquitinated proteins in microsomal and mitochondrial extracts. Subsequent ZE-FFE characterization could distinguish a mitochondrial subfraction specifically enriched with polyubiquitinated proteins from the majority of non-affected mitochondria. This result demonstrates that ZE-FFE may give important information on the specific properties of subpopulations of a mitochondrial preparation allowing a further detailed functional analysis.  相似文献   

The isolation of enzymically modified tRNA's from enzyme reaction mixtures is usually achieved by one of two general methods. Amino-acyl synthetase reactions are easily assayed by filter paper techniques (1) in which the tRNA is precipitated on filters of materials such as cellulose ester or glass fiber. After drying, the filters can be counted by several techniques. The limitations of this technique include unknown counting efficiency and loss of the sample. In cases in which recovery of the tRNA is desired the usual procedure involves phenol extraction of the tRNA followed by selective precipitation with salts and/or organic solvents.  相似文献   

Certain open-chain polyols were shown to interfere with the determination of phosphorus of the Lowry-Lopez method by forming a complex with Mo7O246?. The ability to interfere with the assay increased with increasing chain length of the polyols: Ethylene glycol and glycerol did not react at all; i-erythritol reacted to a small extent, but hexitols and perseitol formed stronger complexes. Depending on the polyol, interference occurred even at 0.2 mm (hexitols) or 2 mm (xylitol) concentrations. At these concentrations the polyols interfered only to a small extent with the phosphorus assays based on the use of Triton X-100 and molybdate. The complex formation was exploited in the development of a colorimetric polyol assay.  相似文献   

A continuous flow electrophoresis procedure has been developed to study platelet subpopulation heterogeneity with separations based upon surface electrical charge differences. Taxol at low concentrations has been used to transiently stabilize the cells during the separations. At a concentration of 10(-5) M taxol has no effect upon a wide range of physical, analytical and enzymatic properties and does not compromise agonist-induced activation responses (aggregation and secretion). A typical normal platelet subpopulation profile extends over 15-20 fractions with mobilities from -0.97 to -0.78 microns per s per volt per cm. Platelet size (resistive particle counter volumes) differed significantly across the profile, the most electronegative cells being the larger, and the least electronegative the smaller platelets. Total platelet sialic acid content and surface neuraminidase-labile sialic acid correlated positively with electronegativity, but the surface -SH group status had an inverse relationship with the least electronegative smaller platelets, having twice as many surface DTNB-titratable - SH groups as the most electrophoretically mobile and larger cells. Normalisation of analytical and enzymatic data to cell volumes revealed that the smaller less electronegative platelets were substantially richer in all constituents and properties than the larger more electronegative platelets. These smaller cells showed higher activities for lysosomal enzymes, and their functions (capacity to transport 5-hydroxytryptamine and adenosine across the plasma membrane and responsiveness to thrombin expressed by synthesis of thromboxane B2 (TXB2) or release of 5HT) were greater than the larger more electronegative cells. No significant differences were observed, however, in the subpopulations by optical aggregometry using six different agonists each at three different concentrations. This free flow electrophoresis separation of platelets, which can be carried out on a preparative scale, may have some advantages over the conventional density gradient separations of subpopulations for investigating clinical states affecting thrombopoietic regulation or platelet losses from the circulation due to vessel wall disease, prosthetic implants or during extracorporeal circuitry.  相似文献   

Detection of low-copy-number gene products is essential for the development of novel drugs, however, it represents a major drawback of proteomics and simultaneously a scientific challenge. We studied the enrichment of rat brain cytosolic proteins by preparative electrophoresis using the PrepCell apparatus. The electrophoresis was performed in the presence of 0.1% lithium dodecyl sulfate. The proteins eluted from the gel were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass specrometry. Lithium dodecyl sulfate was easily exchanged against agents compatible with isoelectric focusing. Low-abundance proteins, which had not been found before, including neuronal-specific and calcium-binding proteins, were detected. In particular, low-molecular-mass proteins, such as hippocalcin, visinin-like proteins, and 14-3-3 proteins were strongly enriched by preparative electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Ten isohistones from the embryo of the sea urchin Parechinus angulosus have been isolated by preparative gel electrophoresis and characterised by electrophoretic mobility in two detergent systems, amino acid composition and partial sequences. This brings the total number of different histones identified which are synthesized at one or the other time during the life cycle of the sea urchin to a minimum of 24 structurally characterised polypeptides.  相似文献   

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